Automatic Selection of Linked Open Data features in Graph-based Recommender Systems Cataldo Musto, Pierpaolo Basile, Marco de Gemmis, Pasquale Lops, Giovanni Semeraro, Simone Rutigliano Università degli Studi di Bari "Aldo Moro" - Italy ABSTRACT calculations based on DBpedia properties. The use of DB- In this paper we compare several techniques to automati- pedia for similarity calculation is also the core of the work cally feed a graph-based recommender system with features presented by Musto et al. in [4]: in this paper user prefer- extracted from the Linked Open Data (LOD) cloud. Specifi- ences in music extracted from Facebook are used as input cally, we investigated whether the integration of LOD-based to find other relevant artists and to build a personalized features can improve the e↵ectiveness of a graph-based rec- music playlist. Recently, the use of LOD-based data sources ommender system and to what extent the choice of the fea- has been the core of the ESWC 2014 Recommender Systems tures selection technique can influence the behavior of the Challenge1 : in that setting, the best-performing approaches algorithm by endogenously inducing a higher accuracy or a [2] were based on ensembles of several widespread algorithms higher diversity. The experimental evaluation showed a clear running on diverse sets of features gathered from the LOD correlation between the choice of the feature selection tech- cloud. However, none of the above described work tackles nique and the ability of the algorithm to maximize a specific nor the issue of automatically selecting the best subset of evaluation metric. Moreover, our algorithm fed with LOD- LOD-based features, neither analyzes the impact of such se- based features was able to overcome several state-of-the-art lection techniques on di↵erent metrics as the diversity of the baselines: this confirmed the e↵ectiveness of our approach recommendations. and suggested to further investigate this research line. To this end, in this paper we propose a methodology to au- tomatically feed a graph-based recommendation algorithm with features extracted from the LOD cloud. We focused Keywords our attention on graph-based approaches since they use a Recommender Systems, PageRank, Graphs, Linked Open uniform formalism to represent both collaborative features Data, Feature Selection, Diversity (connections between users and items, expressed through ratings) and LOD-based ones (connections between di↵erent items, expressed through RDF statements). As graph-based 1. BACKGROUND algorithm we adopted PageRank with Priors [3]. Moreover, The Linked Open Data (LOD) cloud is a huge set of inter- in this work we compared several techniques to automati- connected RDF statements covering many topical domains, cally select the best subset of LOD-based features, with the ranging from government and geographical data to struc- aim to investigate to what extent the choice of the feature tured information about media (movies, books, etc.) and selection technique can influence the behavior of the algo- life sciences. The typical entry point to all this plethora of rithm and can endogenously lead to a higher accuracy or a data is DBpedia [1], the RDF mapping of Wikipedia, which higher diversity of the recommendations. is commonly considered as the nucleus of the emerging Web The rest of the paper is organized as follows: the descrip- of Data. Thanks to the wide-spread availability of this free tion of our recommendation methodology is the core of Sec- machine-readable knowledge, a big e↵ort is now spent to in- tion 2, while the details of the experimental evaluation we vestigate whether and how the data gathered from the LOD carried out along with the discussion of the results are pro- cloud can be exploited to improve intelligent and adaptive vided in Section 3. Finally, Section 4 sketches conclusions applications, such a Recommender System (RS). and future work. Recent attempts towards the exploitation of Linked Open Data to build RSs are due to Passant [6], who proposed 2. METHODOLOGY a music recommender system based on semantic similarity The main idea behind our graph-based model is to repre- sent users and items as nodes in a graph. Formally, given a set of users U = {u1 . . . un } and a set of items I = {i1 . . . um }, a graph G = hV, Ei is instantiated. Given that for each user and for each item a node is created, |V | = |U | + |I|. Next, an edge connecting a user ui with an item ij is created for each positive feedback expressed by that user, so E = {(ui , ij )|likes(ui , ij ) = true}. 1 CBRecSys 2015, September 20, 2015, Vienna, Austria. Copyright remains with the authors and/or original copyright holders. RecSys Given this basic formulation, built on the ground of sim- ever, as the number of extra nodes and extra edges grows, ple collaborative 2 data points, each item i 2 I can be pro- the computational load of the PageRank with Priors grows vided with a relevance score. To calculate the relevance of as well, so it necessary to identify the subset of the most each item, we used a well-known variant of the PageRank useful properties gathered from the LOD cloud and to in- called PageRank with Priors [3]. Di↵erently from PageR- vestigate to what extent (if any) each of them improves the ank, which assigns an evenly distributed prior probability accuracy of our recommendation strategy. to each node ( N1 , where N is the number of nodes), PageR- A very naive approach may be to manually select the most ank with Priors adopts a non-uniform personalization vector relevant LOD-based features, according to simple heuristics assigning di↵erent weights to di↵erent nodes to get a bias or to domain knowledge (e.g. properties as director, starring, towards some nodes (specifically, the preferences of a specific composer may be considered as relevant for the Movie do- user). In our algorithm the probability was distributed by main, whereas properties as runtime or country may be not). defining a simple heuristics, set after a rough tuning: 80% This basic approach has several drawbacks, since it requires of the total weight is evenly distributed among items liked a manual e↵ort, but it is also strictly domain-dependent. by the users (0% assigned to items disliked by the users), To avoid this, we employed features selection techniques while 20% is evenly distributed among the remaining nodes. to automatically select the most promising LOD-based fea- Damping factor was set equal to 0.85, as in [5]. tures. Formally, our idea is to take as input ELOD , the over- Given this setting, the PageRank with Priors is executed all set of LOD-based properties, and to produce as output for each user (this is mandatory, since the prior probabilities ELOD F S T ✓ ELOD , the set of properties a specific feature change according to user’s feedbacks), and nodes are ranked selection technique T returned as relevant. Clearly, the ex- according to their PageRank score which is in turn calcu- ploitation of a feature selection technique T also produces lated on the ground of the connectivity in the graph. The a set VLOD F S T ✓ VLOD , containing all the LOD-based output of the PageRank is a list of nodes ranked according to nodes connected to the properties in ELOD F S T . PageRank scores, labeled as L. Given L, recommendations In this setting, given a FS technique T , PageRank will be are built by extracting from L only those nodes i1 . . . in 2 I. executed against the graph GLOD T = hVLOD T , ELOD T i, where VLOD T = V [ VLOD F S T and ELOD T = E [ 2.1 Introducing LOD-based features ELOD F S T . In the experimental session the e↵ectiveness of As stated above, our basic formulation does not take into seven di↵erent techniques for automatic selection of LOD- account any data point di↵erent from users’ ratings. The in- based features: PageRank, Principal Component Analysis sight behind this work is to enrich the above described graph (PCA), Support Vector Machines (SVM), Chi-Squared Test by introducing some extra nodes and some extra edges, de- (CHI), Information Gain (IG), Information Gain Ratio (GR) fined on the ground of the information available in the LOD and Mininum Redundancy Maximum Relevance (MRMR) cloud. Formally, we want to define an extended graph GLOD = [7]. Clearly, a complete description of these techniques is hVLOD ALL , ELOD ALL i, where VLOD ALL = V [ VLOD out of the scope of this paper. We will just limit to evaluate and ELOD ALL = E [ ELOD . VLOD and ELOD represent their impact on the overall accuracy and the overall diversity the extra nodes and the extra edges instantiated by analyz- obtained by our algorithm. ing the data gathered from the LOD cloud, respectively. As an example, if we consider the movie The Matrix, the 3. EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION property encod- Our experiments were designed on the ground of four dif- ing the information about the director of the movie is avail- ferent research questions: able in the LOD cloud. Consequently, an extra node The Wachowski Brothers is added in VLOD and an extra edge, la- 1. Do graph-based recommender systems benefit of the beled with the name of the property, is instantiated in ELOD introduction of LOD-based features? to connect the movie with its director. Similarly, if we con- sider the property, 2. Do graph-based recommender systems exploiting LOD new nodes and new edges are defined, in order to model features benefit of the adoption of FS techniques? the relationship between The Matrix and the main actors, 3. Is there any correlation between the choice of the FS as Keanu Reeves, for example. In turn, given that Keanu technique and the behavior of the algorithm? Reeves acted in several movies, many new edges are added in the graph and many new paths now connect di↵erent 4. How does our methodology perform with respect to movies: these paths would not have been available if the state-of-the-art techniques? only collaborative data points were instantiated. It immediately emerges that, due to this novel enriched Experimental design: experiments were performed by representation, the structure of the graph tremendously changes exploiting MovieLens3 dataset, consisting of 100,000 ratings since many new nodes and many new edges are added to the provided by 943 users on 1,682 movies. The dataset is pos- model: the first goal of our experimental session will be to itively balanced (55.17% of positive ratings) and shows an investigate whether graph-based RSs can benefit of the in- high sparsity (93.69%). Each user voted 84.83 items on av- troduction of novel LOD-based features. erage and each item was voted by 48.48 users, on average. Experiments were performed by carrying out a 5-folds 2.2 Selecting LOD-based features cross validation. Given that MovieLens preferences are ex- Thanks to the data points available in the LOD cloud, pressed on a 5-point discrete scale, we decided to consider as many new information can be encoded in our graph. How- positive ratings only those equal to 4 and 5. As recommenda- 2 tion algorithms we used the previously described PageRank We just modeled user-items couples, as in collaborative fil- 3 tering algorithms with Priors, set as explained in Section 2. We compared the metrics. Another interesting outcome which follows the use e↵ectiveness of our graph-based recommendation methodol- of FS techniques is the saving of computational resources to ogy by considering three di↵erent graph topologies: G, mod- run PageRank with Priors on graph GLOD P CA . As shown eling the basics collaborative information about user ratings; in Table 1, the adoption of FS caused a huge decrease of the GLOD , which enrichs G by introducing LOD-based features run time of the algorithms equal to 33.9% for MovieLens gathered from DBpedia, and GLOD T which lighten the load (from 880 to 581 minutes). This is due to the smaller num- of PageRank with Priors by relying on the features selected ber of information which are modeled in the graphs (-8.6% by a FS technique T . In order to enrich the graph G, each nodes and -4.8% edges). item in the dataset was mapped to a DBpedia entry. In our experiments 1,600 MovieLens entries (95.06% of the movies) MovieLens were successfully mapped to a DBpedia node. The items for G GLOD GLOD+P CA which a DBpedia entry was not found were only represented F1@5 0.5406 0.5424 0.5424(*) by using collaborative data points. Overall, MovieLens en- F1@10 0.6068 0.6083 0.6088(*) tries were described through 60 di↵erent DBpedia proper- F1@15 0.5956 0.5963 0.5970(*) ties. As feature selection techniques all the approaches pre- F1@20 0.5678 0.5686 0.5689(*) viously mentioned were employed, while for the parameter Run (min.) 72 880 581 K (the number of LOD-based features) three di↵erent val- ues were compared: 10, 30 and 50. The performance of K (LOD prop.) 0 60 50 each graph topology was evaluated in terms of F1-measure. Nodes 2,625 53,794 49,158 Moreover, we also calculated the overall running time4 of Edges 100,000 178,020 169,405 each experiment. To answer the third research questions we also evaluated the diversity of the recommendations, calcu- Table 1: Overall comparison among the baseline, the com- lated by exploiting the classical Intra-List Diversity (ILD). plete LOD-based graph and the LOD-based graph boosted Statistical significance was assessed by exploiting Wilcoxon by PCA. The configurations overcoming the baseline were and Friedman tests. highlighted in bold. The best-performing configuration is Discussion of the Results: in the first experiment we further highlighted with (*) evaluated the introduction of LOD-based features in graph- . based recommender systems. Results are depicted in the first two columns of Table 1. As regards MovieLens, a sta- In Experiment 3 we shifted the attention from F1-measure tistically significant improvement (p << 0.0001, assessed to di↵erent evaluation metrics, and we investigate whether through a Wilcoxon test) was obtained for all the metrics. the adoption of a specific FS technique can endogenously As expected, the expansion of the graph caused an expo- induce a higher diversity at the expense of a little F1. Re- nential growth of the run time of the algorithm. This is due sults of the experiments are provided in Figure 1a. Due to to the fact that the expansion stage introduced many new space reasons, only the results for F1@10 are provided. In nodes and many new edges in the graph (see Table 1). The both charts we used four di↵erent symbols to identify the growth is particularly significant since 50,000 new nodes and di↵erent behaviors of each technique. It emerged that CHI 78,000 new edges were added to the graph. was the less useful technique, since it did not provide any Next, we evaluated the impact of all the previously pre- significant benefit to neither F1 nor diversity. Next, PageR- sented feature selection techniques in such recommendation ank provided a (small) improvement on F1 and it did not setting. By analyzing the results provided in Table 2, it significantly change the diversity of the recommendations. emerged that our graph-based recommendation strategy does It is noteworth that the larger increase in accuracy of PCA not often benefit of the application of FS techniques. Indeed, is balanced by a decrease in terms of diversity. On the other when a very small number of properties is chosen (K=10 ), side, Gain Ratio obtained the overall best diversity of the none of the configurations is able to overcome the baseline. recommendation but it decreases the F1 of the algorithm. By slightly increasing the value of parameter K (K=30 ), To sum up, these results show that the choice of a particular only three out of seven techniques (PageRank, PCA and FS technique has a significant impact on the overall behavior mRMR) improve the F1-measure. Next, when more data of the recommendation algorithm. As shown in the experi- points are introduced (with K=50 ) better results are ob- ment, some techniques have the ability of inducing a higher tained and the F1-measure of the baseline is always over- diversity (or F1) at the expense of a little of F1 (or diversity, came. Given that the overall number of LOD-based proper- respectively), wheres other can provide a good compromise ties was equal to 60, it is possible to state that most of the between both metrics. Clearly, more investigation is needed properties encoded in the extended graph GLOD can be con- to deeply analyze the behavior of each technique, but these sidered as relevant. Clearly, this is a very domain-specific results already give some general guidelines which can drive outcome, which needs to be confirmed by more thorough the choice of the FS technique which best fits the require- analysis on di↵erent datasets. However, it is possible to ments of a specific recommendation scenario. state that the adoption of FS techniques requires a complete Finally, we compared the e↵ectiveness of our methodol- analysis of the usefulness of each of the properties encoded ogy to the current state of the art. As baselines User-to- in the LOD. Overall, the best performing configuration was User CF (U2U-KNN), Item-to-Item CF (I2I-KNN), a sim- PCA, which was the only technique always overcoming the ple popularity-based approach, a random baseline and the baseline with K = 50. A Friedman test also showed that Bayesian Personalized Ranking Matrix Factorization (BPRMF) PCA statistically overcomes the other techniques for all the were used. We adopted the implementations available in 4 MyMediaLite Recommender System library5 . As regards Experiments were run on an Intel-i7-3770 CPU3.40 gHZ, 5 with 32GB RAM. MovieLens #feat. PR PCA SVM CHI IG GR mRMR F1@5 10 0.5418 0.5406 0.5382 0.5414 0.5397 0.5372 0.5397 GLOD = 0.5424 30 0.5429(⇤) 0.5413 0.5413 0.5419 0.5396 0.5398 0.5429(⇤) 50 0.5412 0.5431(⇤)(") 0.5421(⇤) 0.5420(⇤) 0.5412(⇤) 0.5406(⇤) 0.5421 F1@10 10 0.6069 0.6045 0.6043 0.6056 0.6039 0.6033 0.6039 GLOD = 0.6083 30 0.6084(⇤) 0.6081 0.6074 0.6070 0.6055 0.6059 0.6072(⇤) 50 0.6070 0.6088(⇤)(") 0.6081(⇤) 0.6079(⇤) 0.6072(⇤) 0.6078(⇤) 0.6077 F1@15 10 0.5964 0.5948 0.5943 0.5955 0.5950 0.5938 0.5950 GLOD = 0.5963 30 0.5967(⇤) 0.5967 0.5964 0.5967 0.5955 0.5960 0.5961 50 0.5955 0.5970(⇤)(") 0.5966(⇤) 0.5972(⇤) 0.5962(⇤) 0.5968(⇤) 0.5962(⇤) F1@20 10 0.5684(⇤) 0.5667 0.5666 0.5672 0.5668 0.5666 0.5668 GLOD = 0.5686 30 0.5684 0.5688 0.5679 0.5679 0.5675 0.5675 0.5679 50 0.5682 0.5689(⇤)(") 0.5683(⇤) 0.5686(⇤) 0.5685(⇤) 0.5687(⇤) 0.5685(⇤) Table 2: Experiment 2. The configurations overcoming the baseline GLOD are emphasized in bold. Next, for each technique, the number of features which led to the highest F1 is indicated with (⇤). The overall highest F1 score for each metric is highlighted with (⇤)("). The column of the feature selection technique which performed the best on a specific dataset is coloured in grey. U2U and I2I, neighborhood size was set to 80, while BPRMF was run by setting the factor parameter equal to 100. Re- sults are depicted in Figure 1b. As shown in the plots, our graph-based RS outperforms all the baselines for all the met- rics taken into account. It is worth to note that our ap- proach obtained a higher F1 also when compared to a well- perfoming matrix factorization algorithm as BPRMF, thus this definitely confirmed the e↵ectiveness of our approach. 4. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK In this work we proposed a graph-based recommendation methodology based on PageRank with Priors, and we evalu- (a) Trade-o↵ between F1 and Diversity ated di↵erent techniques to automatically feed such a repre- sentation with features extracted from the LOD cloud. Re- sults showed that graph-based RSs can benefit of the in- fusion of novel knowledge coming from the LOD cloud and that a clear correlation between the adoption of a specific FS technique with the overall results of the recommender exitss, since some techniques endogenously showed the ability of in- creasing also the diversity of the recommendations generated by the algorithm. We also showed that our methodology was able to overcome several state-of-the-art baselines on both datasets. As future work, we will validate the approach by evaluating it on di↵erent dataset, and we will investigate the impact of LOD-based features with di↵erent learning approaches as Random Forest or SVM. 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