=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1452/paper13 |storemode=property |title=An Approach to Multi-Domain Data Model Development Based on the Model-Driven Architecture and Ontologies |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1452/paper13.pdf |volume=Vol-1452 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/aist/NikiforovLS15 }} ==An Approach to Multi-Domain Data Model Development Based on the Model-Driven Architecture and Ontologies== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1452/paper13.pdf
An Approach to Multi-Domain Data Model Development
Based on the Model-Driven Architecture and Ontologies

                 Denis A. Nikiforov, Igor G. Lisikh, Ruslan L. Sivakov

                   Centre of Information Technology, Ekaterinburg, Russia


       Abstract. To date, there are many diverse data representation technologies
       (EDIFACT, XML, JSON, CSV, relational model, NoSQL). Transition to new
       technologies or the integration of information systems based on different techno-
       logical stacks is a complex and expensive process. Platform-independent models
       take an important role in this process. The structure of such a model is described
       in this article. However, given the data model has been created at the junction of
       different domains, it may be not enough. In such case, a one more step of abstrac-
       tion and a movement to the computation-independent model is required. The au-
       thors propose to create it in an ontological form.

       Keywords: ontology, model-driven architecture, platform-independent model,
       computation-independent model, data model

1      Introduction

   When developers create complex, heterogeneous, distributed information systems,
they face a number of questions: which technologies for data storage and transfer to
choose, how to ensure data-model consistency across different participants of infor-
mation exchange, and how to simplify future maintenance of the system under devel-
opment. In order to assist the developers of such information systems, the OMG con-
sortium has developed the model-driven architecture [1]. This architecture considers an
information system as a set of models and the development process is transformation
of some models into others.
   The architecture is not a technical specification. It describes only basic principles.
Specifically, it describes platform-dependent, platform-independent, computation-in-
dependent models without governing the structures thereof. In other words, developers
choose existing or create new modeling languages (metamodels) for each specific in-
formation system. The NIEM specification [2] is an example of such a metamodel. It
describes a platform-independent metamodel and a platform-dependent metamodel as
well as the rules for transforming instances of the former into instances of the latter.
We have also developed a similar platform-independent metamodel as well as the rules
for transforming its instances into platform-dependent models (an XML schema and an
ER model).

   As a rule, the platform-independent model solves a considerable number of problems
related to the development and maintenance of an information system without the need
to provide the third level of abstraction (in the computation-independent model). How-
ever, if information exchange is sufficiently complex and covers multiple domains, then
the computation-independent model is required.
   The purpose hereof is to describe the problems occurring in the data-modeling pro-
cess that could indicate the need for the computation-independent model. We also show
that such a model is actually an ontology. We hope that our experience will help the
developers of complex, heterogeneous, distributed information systems to take correct
architectural decisions. We will try to answer the question whether and why ontologies
are needed for data modeling.

2      The Platform-Dependent Data Model

   Let us consider the following example. Some organization produces shrimps at its
aquafarm and sells these to another organization. If the organizations reside in different
countries, then this process additionally involves customs, sanitary and veterinary,
transport and other control authorities. All the stages of this process are carried out
together with the storage, transfer, and processing of data on the consignor, consignee,
forwarder, transport vehicle, cargo, and other objects (Fig. 1).

         Fig. 1. The process of delivering the commodity and its accompanying data

   The participants process data on the same objects. However, they can use different
technologies for data storage (RDBMS, NoSQL, Excel) and transfer (XML, JSON,
CSV). It means that, in the general case, every participant can have its own platform-
dependent data models.
   For example, an applicant can file a customs declaration in electronic form in the
XML format, whereas a customs authority can store the same data in a relational DB
(Fig. 2). In this case, they need two platform-dependent data models: an XML schema
and an ER model, respectively.
   In order to enable the customs authority to extract the data from the XML message
and save the data in its DB, another model mapping XML elements to DB fields is
required, and such a model always exists. Even if operators manually input details into
the DB, this model exists in their minds or as text instructions. In the general case, the

number of mapping models is proportional to the square of the number of exchanging
information systems. Obviously, the integration of such heterogeneous information sys-
tems with different data storage, transfer and mapping models is rather labor-consum-
ing and error-prone. All these models will have to be changed in case a data structure

            Fig. 2. The example of platform-dependent models and metamodels

3      The Platform-Independent Data Model

   Platform-dependent models described above have rather different forms but, on the
whole, consider more or less the same data. The development and maintenance of all
these models can be significantly simplified if we abstract away from data-representa-
tion differences between different platforms and create a single platform-independent
model. If one needs to modify a data structure, corrections will have to be made only
in this model and then platform-dependent models and mapping models will be auto-
matically generated on its basis. Such an approach is described in the model-driven
architecture [1]. An example of the platform-independent model is shown in Fig. 3.

                Fig. 3. The example of the platform-independent data model

   In our approach, a UML [3] profile is used to develop platform-independent models
(Fig. 4). The profile is based on ISO/IEC 11179 [4] and contains the following stereo-
   Classifier is any object of a data model.
   Namespace is the container for logically-related objects with unique names.
   Namespace Subset is the subset of related objects of the Namespace.
   Platform is the set of the Primitive Types of a certain platform.
   Primitive Type is the primitive data type of a certain platform.
   Base Type is the data type used to abstract away from the platform. It is to be imple-
mented by exactly one primitive data type for every platform.

               Fig. 4. The profile of the platform-independent data metamodel

   Element is the data unit with the designated definition, identifier, representation, and
permitted values.
   Simple Element is the data element without properties.

   Complex Element is the data element with properties.
   Simple Type is the set of permitted values of the Simple Element.
   Complex Type is the set of the Element’s properties that are also Elements, in their
   Component is the Element’s property.
   Attribute is the context characteristic of the data type.
   There are two types of inheritance: extension and restriction.
   Every data element and type is described as a separate independent entity. This al-
lows generating maximally-normalized platform-dependent models: XML schemas of
the “Garden of Eden” pattern and relational models with the relations in the 6th normal
form. If necessary, one can generate less normalized models. In other words, such a
platform-independent model contains enough information to generate platform-de-
pendent models on its basis with any required characteristics. Further, the metamodel
allows describing, using the OCL language [5], business rules that can be converted
into SQL or XPath expressions. Model transformation is implemented in [6] using the
QVTo language [7], which detailed description falls beyond the scope hereof.
   On the one hand, data elements in the described platform-independent model are
abstracted away from specific data-modeling languages. They are not XML elements,
not entities, not relations but some syntax-neutral data units. On the other hand, the data
elements can be re-used in different data structures. This means that the same properties
of real-world objects are described using the same data element in all particular data
sets (documents, messages). One can conclude that, in fact, delinking of data elements
from specific data-representation languages and from their contexts makes the de-
scribed model conceptual (Fig. 5). The next section shows why this is not the case, and
what difficulties it can cause.

                                Fig. 5. A conceptual model

4      The Computation-Independent Data Model

   The platform-independent data metamodel described above can considerably sim-
plify the development and maintenance of information systems. However, if we attempt
to create a single model for different participants (Fig. 1), then the following problems
will be encountered.
   Firstly, the participants can use different dictionaries and code lists for semantically
identical data elements. For instance, a customs authority can code commodities based
on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System, whereas a sanitary

and veterinary authority can use different classification codes of the products under
control. Kinds of submitted documents for which every participant has its own code list
is another example. Such semantically identical data elements can be combined in two
ways: either to unify code lists or to accompany codes with references to the used code
    Secondly, the participants can structure details of the same objects in different ways.
For example, customs authority needs to know a commodity code, price, intended use
of goods, packaging kind, and mass. Transport control authority is not interested in
price and intended use of goods. Sanitary and veterinary control authority checks date
of production, best before date, and age and taxon information of shrimps (Fig. 6). All
these appropriate authorities keep under control transportation of one and the same ob-
ject, i.e. shrimps, but we had to create separate data types for each kind of authority. It
increases the size of the model and complicates its maintenance. We can try to harmo-
nize these types by one of the three methods: extension (general characteristics are put
in a base data type), restriction (all possible characteristics are put to a base data type,
and usage of these characteristics in derived data types is restricted), or composition
(each characteristic is described as independent object wherein composite data types
refer to these global characteristics only).

                Fig. 6. Different details of one and the same object (shrimps)

    Thirdly, the participants use different terminologies. For example, a customs author-
ity mainly uses the term “commodity”, a transport authority uses the term “cargo”, and
a sanitary and veterinary authority uses the term “product” to designate the shrimps
(Fig. 1). In spite of this, the same object is controlled by all the authorities, which means
that only one term should correspond to this object in a single data model. The question
is: which of the above terms? Some sources use these terms as synonyms. Other sources
state that “a commodity is a product of labor made for sale.” On the other hand, for
example, a land lot can be a commodity without being a product of labor. In its turn, a
cargo can or cannot be a commodity or a product, and so on.
    Although the first and the second problems can be solved within the mentioned plat-
form-independent model, they imply that this model is not as universal as was described
above. It can contain several different types and elements in order to represent details
of the same object. This fact complicates the integration of information systems and the
maintenance of the model.

   The third problem explicitly indicates a fundamental shortcoming of the described
model. Despite abstracting away from particular data-representation forms (relational
model, XML schema, et al.), our model still depends on the usage context, on the do-
   This is connected with the fact that the model describes particular sets of details of
real-world objects (particular documents, messages), which can be different for differ-
ent participants, rather than the objects themselves. A single model can be developed
only if the context, documents, messages are disregarded and real-world objects are
modeled. The goal of the process described in Fig. 1 is not to transfer the documents
but to change the statuses, properties, and relations of the real-world objects. Docu-
ments are only a tool to reach the process’s goal. If we abstract away from the docu-
ments, a single computation-independent model for all the participants can be obtained.

    Fig. 7. The example of harmonization of different object’ details by means of ontology

   Upon reaching the ontological level of modeling, we can conclude that a commodity,
a cargo, and a product are not the entity of the object (which data we transfer in the
process) but the temporal roles that this object can play. A commodity is the role of the
object that has a seller and a buyer. A cargo is the role of the object that has a consignor,

a consignee, and a forwarder. A product is the role of the object that has a producer and
a consumer. If the difficulties described in this section occur in the data-modeling pro-
cess, this means that the capacity of the used modeling language is insufficient and an
ontology is required.
   An example of such ontology is presented in Fig. 7.With our approach; the ontology
can include concepts of three types: classes, roles and events. Class describes an intrin-
sic essence of the object. Role describes temporary characteristics or relations of the
object which appear only in a particular context [8, 9]. Context can be presented by a
class (for example, an employee is a role of a man appearing in the context of organi-
zation) or by an event. Some authors extract one more kind of a context, i.e. process.
[10]. However, we view processes as compound events [11]. The computation-inde-
pendent model, firstly, does not have duplicate elements and types, and, secondly, does
not change significantly with appearance of new messages or by change of existing
documents or messages.

5      Similar Studies

   As early as in the 1970-ies, the need for conceptual data modeling was understood,
which resulted in the development of ER models and IDEF1X. It is interesting that the
conceptual level of the ER model contains minimum information on which basis a more
particular and detailed logical model is further created. In other words, the conceptual
model is considered as the first approximation to a logical and then physical model.
However, in IDEF1X, a conceptual model is needed to integrate several external and
internal data models. Moreover, the conceptual model contains a single, integral, suffi-
ciently detailed representation of data rather than the minimum information or the first
approximation to other models.
   Our approach based on the model-driven architecture is very similar to ER and
IDEF1X: it also has 3 levels but slightly different ones. The first level is a computation-
independent model describing real-world objects, the relations and properties thereof.
In fact, this is a conceptual model but more detailed than the one of the ER model (in
addition to entities and relations, it also contains properties) and less detailed than the
one of IDEF1X (it does not indicate data types). The second level is a platform-inde-
pendent model describing particular structures of documents, messages that contain
data of real-world objects. This model is something between external and conceptual
models as approached by IDEF1X. The third level is a platform-dependent model that
is similar to the logical ER model but can also be non-relational. Another difference
between our approach and the ER model and IDEF1X is that transformations of plat-
form-independent models into platform-dependent ones are completely formalized and
automated. Finally, our platform-independent model describes not only a data schema
but also business rules in the OCL language.
   NIEM is another analog of our approach [2]. Similarly, it is based on the model-
driven architecture, its specification considers platform-independent and platform-de-
pendent models, transformation of one model into the other is described using the
QVTo language, and the metamodel is implemented as a UML profile. There are no

other similarities, however. Firstly, our approach does not have a profile for platform-
dependent models. There is no need for it as such a model is fully automatically gener-
ated from the platform-independent model. If a platform-dependent model with other
characteristics needs to be generated, then the transformation itself should be changed.
Secondly, the platform-independent model of NIEM contains several kinds of complex
types (objects, roles, associations, et al.). In our approach, such a division is done on
the level of the computation-independent model that NIEM lacks. In contrast to our
approach, NIEM does not allow describing business rules using the OCL language and
transforming these into XPath expressions.
    CCTS is another analog of our approach [12]. Similarly, this one is based on
ISO/IEC 11179 [4]. Data is modeled on two levels: core components and business-
information entities that, for the purposes of this discussion, correspond to the compu-
tation-independent and the platform-independent models used in our approach. The dif-
ference is that, in CCTS, basic core components, association core components (and the
corresponding business-information entities) cannot be reused. For this reason, only
partially-normalized platform-dependent models can be generated from such a plat-
form-independent model (the “Garden of Eden” and the 6th normal form are impossi-
ble). The second distinction is that new aggregate core components (and aggregate busi-
ness information entities) cannot be defined in CCTS by extension or restriction; only
qualification can be used that is not supported by any platform that the authors hereof
are aware of. The third distinction is that, despite the fact that CCTS allows describing
business rules in a data model, business rules are described using the XPath language
and supported only in XML schemas but, for example, cannot be transformed into SQL
expressions. In our platform-independent model, business rules are described using the
OCL language and can potentially be transformed into expressions in the language of
any platform.
    Finally, Semantic Web gains rather significant popularity recently [13]. RDF and
OWL allow to describe real-world objects conceptually and computation-inde-
pendently. Moreover, several working groups developed data integration standards
(ISO 15926, ISO 21127), intended on active usage of these technologies. Some authors
propose to use RDF as a universal language for data exchange. [14], [15]. Other authors
allow usage of XML or relational models for data exchange, but they propose to trans-
form XML schemas and ER models to ontology [16], [17]. The latter, in turn, can be
used for data integration.
    Our approach goes in the opposite direction. Firstly, we consider that it is not always
possible to be limited to usage of RDF and triplestore in data transfer and storage,
sometimes XML schemas or relational models are required. Secondly, computation-
independent model describing real-world objects must be primal. A data modeler has
to develop platform-independent model describing documents and messages on basis
of it. This platform-independent model can be transformed into platform-dependent
models (XML schemas, ER models). We found no one article with description of trans-
formation of OWL model to ER model or XML schema. Only backward transfor-
mations are available. However, for us, this direct transformation is of the most interest.

6      Conclusion and Follow-up Studies

    Data modelers (including authors of this article) often face an issue of motivation
for the use of one or another data modeling approach: ontologies, model-driven archi-
tecture, IDEF1X, ER. In this article, we tried to correlate these approaches. We also
tried to specify problems which can testify a necessity of use of model-driven architec-
ture and ontologies.
    Multi-level data models including the conceptual model were developed as early as
in the 1970-ies. At large, neither ontologies nor the model-driven architecture intro-
duces anything fundamentally new into this field. These are only steps on the way to
generalize, unify existing ideas. Ontologies play exactly the same role as the classical
conceptual ER models or IDEF1X in the data-modeling process. In the first case, the
ontology is the first approximation to a more particular, detailed, contextual data model
that describes the sets of details of real-world objects represented by documents, mes-
sages rather than the objects themselves. In the second case, the ontology is a suffi-
ciently detailed data model common for several participants.
    If only data-exchange schemas (documents, messages) or particular data-storage
schemas need to be designed, then XML schemas, relational models, or other logical
models are sufficient, there is no need to use ontologies. If there is a need to unify all
these particular data schemas, then we should abstract away from the sets of objects’
details and start modeling the real-world objects themselves, and for this purpose, on-
tologies can be used. The possibilities of the languages intended for data modeling on
a logical (rather than conceptual) level are rather limited when there is a need to unify
data structures using different code lists, slightly different sets of details, and different
terminologies. Such languages allow modeling only particular sets of details of objects
rather than the real-world objects themselves.
    It should also be noted that the developers of data models based on the model-driven
architecture, as a rule, restrict themselves to platform-independent and platform-de-
pendent models thus omitting computation-independent models. The present paper at-
tempts to show that platform-dependent models can be well dispensed with as these can
be automatically generated from platform-independent models. However, if the devel-
oped model is rather complex, covers multiple domains, the computation-independent
model (describing real-world objects rather than particular sets of details thereof) can
considerably simplify the development and maintenance of information systems. Fur-
thermore, the computation-independent data model is an ontology.
    The metamodel presented in this article has no essential novelty. As already stated,
similar metamodels were discussed in [2], [12]. As a rule, these metamodels have only
one target architecture. Our approach has a benefit: from one platform-independent
model we form not only XML schemas but ER models as well. Secondly, we describe
not only data schema but also business rules, and we do it in platform-independent
OCL, not in a language of target architecture. Thirdly, we predicate that in some situa-
tions one platform-independent model is not enough, and a computation-independent
model is required.
    Currently, a metamodel is used for data modeling in several domains: customs con-
trol, transport control, technical regulation, sanitary and veterinary control, and others.

Our approach to data modeling can be used with other types of B2G or G2G interaction.
Developed platform-independent model has around 2,000 elements and types. Around
100 exchange structures were developed on the basis of this model. XML schemas and
ER models are formed automatically from this model. Unfortunately, transformation
rules [6] are too voluminous to present them in this article. It will be described in details
in next articles.
   At this date, development of the computation-independent data model is in the initial
stage. In next articles, we shall describe in details the model formation rules and rules
for creation of platform-independent model on its basis. We shall also try to evaluate at
what extent the computation-independent model will help to improve the quality of the
platform-independent model.

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