=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1453/01_KrebsRanze_Market-OrientedVariantManagement_Confws-15_p1 |storemode=property |title=Market-oriented variant management |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1453/01_KrebsRanze_Market-OrientedVariantManagement_Confws-15_p1.pdf |volume=Vol-1453 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/confws/KrebsR15 }} ==Market-oriented variant management== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1453/01_KrebsRanze_Market-OrientedVariantManagement_Confws-15_p1.pdf
                          Market-oriented Variant Management
                                    (position paper)
                                             Dr. Thorsten Krebs and Christoph Ranze1

Abstract.1 The mega trend individualization drives product                      Variant management is a holistic approach to control and
manufacturers towards offering more and more variants of their               optimize product diversification with respect to production costs
products. As seen in mass customization scenarios, product                   and market strategy (see e.g. [1]). The term variant management
configuration based on a modular strategy is an enabler for this             has been around for quite some time. The key idea of variant
                                                                             management is to optimize the number of product variants that can
    The key idea of variant management is to optimize the number
                                                                             be manufactured, i.e. outer variety, while reducing the complexity
of product variants that can be offered to a specific market
                                                                             of product development and manufacturing. Production costs are
segment, i.e. outer variety, while reducing the complexity of
                                                                             typically kept low by manufacturing only a small amount of
product development and manufacturing. Production costs are
                                                                             different modules that are common and recurring for multiple
typically kept low by producing a small amount of modules that are
                                                                             products, i.e. inner variety. These modules can then be
generic and common for multiple products within the modular
                                                                             manufactured in large scales.
strategy, i.e. inner variety.
                                                                                Within mass customization, product configuration is seen as the
    Classic variant management is driven by the idea of reducing
                                                                             key enabler for being able to communicate product variety into the
costs between the fields of product design / engineering and
                                                                             market (see e.g. [2]). Product configuration describes the task of
manufacturing / logistics. Hence, we see this as efficiency. We
                                                                             composing a product from a set of pre-defined modules; the
apply the same method of optimizing the interplay between outer
                                                                             modular system. In this sense a product configurator is a tool for
variety and inner variety to the sales-level; i.e. between the fields
                                                                             managing the interaction between the inner variety, i.e. the
of logistics processing and sales / marketing. The product variants
                                                                             modules, and the outer variety, i.e. the products.
that are offered to a specific market segment should be aligned
                                                                                The first occurrences of the term variant management stem from
with the market needs. Hence, we see this as effectiveness. We
                                                                             the area of product design, engineering and production. The base
show how the two views on variant management complement one
                                                                             idea is to separate the development and manufacturing of recurring
another and how they relate to business economics, namely the
                                                                             modules from the manufacturing of products that are based on
economies of scale and the economies of scope.
                                                                             these modules. In this sense the product manufacturing process is
    We suggest using a combination of both efficiency and
                                                                             separated into two parts. The first part is an order-neutral process:
effectiveness to assess the capability of change of product
                                                                             pre-manufacturing the modules. The second part is an order-
manufacturers that are based on modular systems. Market-oriented
                                                                             specific process: combining modules.
variant management involves a number of business processes. A
                                                                                Defining the scope of outer variety, i.e. defining the right
management-ready presentation of the potential that changing these
                                                                             amount of product variants, is one of the major activities for
processes has, can significantly influence a company’s willingness
                                                                             effective sales. Optimal product diversification therefore must be
to invest in such a change.
                                                                             based on the market’s demand.
                                                                                This is why market-oriented variant management goes one step
1           INTRODUCTION                                                     further and uses the idea of modular strategy on another level:
                                                                             between manufacturing, or: logistics in general, and sales /
The mega trend individualization is the main reason why the                  marketing. In this sense, optimizing product diversification for a
interest in mass customization strategies is continuously growing.           given market segment is managing the outer variety (from the sales
This mega trend is supported by the fact that nowadays it is easier          view). At the same time, optimizing product development and
than ever before to get information about products and to compare            manufacturing is managing the inner variety (from the logistics
them. The digital product representation enables lots of services            view).
like product selection, configuration or comparison. Using this                 The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Chapter 2
digital product representation it is possible to get all the relevant        describes our understanding of market-oriented variant
information for deciding which products best fit the customers’              management in general as well as the distinction between the
needs; without going from one shop to another. It is this                    logistics view and the sales view. Chapter 3 describes work-in-
information that can also be used for market-oriented variant                progress on how the capability of change of business processes
management.                                                                  related to variant management can be measured and assessed in
                                                                             general and applies these ideas to market-oriented variant
                                                                             management. Chapter 4 discusses related work and finally, Chapter
                                                                             5 gives a conclusion and discusses future work.
    encoway GmbH, Bremen, Germany, email: { krebs | ranze }@encoway.de

                                                                         1               Juha Tiihonen, Andreas Falkner and Tomas Axling, Editors
                                                                                      Proceedings of the 17th International Configuration Workshop
                                                                                                           September 10-11, 2015, Vienna, Austria
                                                                                means that we want to benefit from both, the economies of scale
                                                                                (by producing modules in large scales) and the economies of scope
                                                                                (by sharing production costs and other related resources over a
  2         MARKET-ORIENTED VARIANT                                             variety of products).
            MANAGEMENT                                                             This view is the “classic” variant management approach that is
  We have already explained that market-orient variant management               around in literature for quite some time already. Therefore we refer
  distinguishes two levels of optimizing product diversification: the           the interested reader to [1] and in the following focus on the sales
  logistics view and the sales view. In principle, this distinction can         view.
  be made on an arbitrary number of levels, e.g. between product
  design and engineering, between engineering and manufacturing,                2.3       Sales view on variant management
  between manufacturing and logistics, between logistics and sales.
  As we will see later in Chapter 3, distinguishing between the                 The key aspect of the sales view on variant management is to offer
  logistics view and the sales view has an important impact on                  exactly those product variants that a specific market segment
  companies’ business strategy. This impact also affects the most               desires. Not less but also not more than those. The simple case of
  crucial business processes of companies that are based on modular             designing the range of product variants can be described as
  systems: new product development, quote generation and order                  portfolio management. In this sense a company aligns its product
  processing. Therefore, we will focus on these two views in the                portfolio according to the markets needs and has market-driven
  following.                                                                    product development and manufacturing processes.
     Before we detail the two views on variant management, we give                 However, offering optimal product variety can be more complex
  a short insight into relevant aspects of business economics; namely           than this. European product manufacturers are currently under
  the economies of scale and economies of scope.                                pressure in order to compete with the low-price mass production in
                                                                                countries from Asia. This is why a lot of component manufacturers
                                                                                that have been component vendors turn into system vendors. With
  2.1       Economies of scale and economies of scope                           the term component we describe products that are used in larger
     The economies of scale describe reducing engineering and                   contexts: the component itself has no direct benefit for the
  production costs per unit as fixed costs are spread out over more             customer’s application but a combination of components that
  units of output [3]. This is the base principle of mass production:           complement one another builds up functionality with extra benefit.
  the price per unit decreases with larger lot sizes. The economies of          Both terms product combination and system can be encountered
  scope, on the other hand, are based on the common and recurrent               within the business strategy of companies that manufacture
  use of modules. Thus, they describe lowering average costs by                 components. For the purpose of this paper we treat both terms as
  sharing production costs or recurring resources, for example sales            synonyms and in the following stick to the term system.
  or marketing activities, over a variety of products [4], [5]. When               A system may consist of discrete products, configurable
  economies of scope are based upon the common and recurring use                products or a combination of both, possibly together with
  of proprietary knowhow or specialized and indivisible physical                components that are not sold independently. Discrete products are
  assets, the product diversification is an efficient way of organizing         non-configurable products that are described by and selected from
  economic activity [6].                                                        a set of characteristics and that do not offer customization options.
     With a large outer variety of products that is based on a small            Configurable products on the other hand are customizable products
  inner variety of modules, the recurring modules can be pre-                   that are available in a large variety. Typically, configurable
  produced order-neutrally in large scales. In a second step these              products are based on a modular strategy and need to be configured
  modules are assembled specifically for one customer order. Thus,              in order to obtain a sellable product.
  mass customization strategy benefits from both, the economies of                 The challenge of advertising, configuring and selling systems is
  scale and the economies of scope.                                             not to be underestimated. The most important part of selling
     While the economies of scale do plateau in an efficient state              systems is to support the customer in the buying decision process.
  which delivers high-margin revenues, economies of scope may                   Identifying the right combination of components is even more
  never reach such a state. But still, it is worth trying (see e.g. [7]).       complex than configuring a single product.
  Managing the ongoing scope-learning process is one of the most                   Additionally, customers often do not know which products they
  essential activities in business strategy, in particular for companies        need. However, what a customer does know is the application
  manufacturing products that are based on modular systems.                     problem for which he needs a solution. This is why we see a
     While optimizing the scope of modularization belongs to the                solution configuration as one of the major improvements in sales-
  logistics view on variant management, finding the right scope for             oriented variant management. The term solution configuration
  product diversification is an activity within the sales view on               describes a configuration process that is started with a problem
  variant management.                                                           definition for which a solution is sought. The main difference
                                                                                compared to usual product configuration is that the customer does
                                                                                not decide on the product’s characteristics but enters characteristics
  2.2       Logistics view on variant management                                of the application. Selecting the best-fitting product and inferring
                                                                                the products characteristics from the application characteristics is
  The logistics view on variant management focuses on an optimal                hidden from the user.
  interplay between outer variety and inner variety from product                   In order to achieve this encapsulation, the configuration model
  design and engineering via manufacturing towards logistics; i.e.              is separated into layers: on top of the technical layer containing
  supply chain management, shipping and so on. The major activity               configuration knowledge about buildability or the sales layer
  within this view is optimizing the scope of modularization. This

Juha Tiihonen, Andreas Falkner and Tomas Axling, Editors                    2
Proceedings of the 17th International Configuration Workshop
September 10-11, 2015, Vienna, Austria
containing configuration knowledge about sales-oriented                       manufacturers can be assessed and improved. The first step
customization options, an application layer containing                        towards this goal is being able to measure business processes. We
configuration knowledge about the product’s application domain is             present first ideas on how to do that in general (Section 3.1) and
added. This application layer guides the customer during product              apply these ideas to market-oriented variant management (Section
configuration. Thus, the customer can focus on describing his                 3.2). The second step towards this goal is being able to define a
problem situation and is not distracted with technical details he             metric which compares the current state of a business process with
does not know about.                                                          its target state (Section 3.3). Such a metric can be used to describe
                                                                              the potential impact of a change in the business process and
                                                                              significantly influence the willingness to invest.
2.4       Interplay between the logistics view and the
                  sales view
                                                                              3.1       Measuring business processes in general
In the previous sections we distinguished the logistics view and the
sales view on variant management. Furthermore, we have                        The efficiency of a process describes how good the things are done
described their influence on optimizing the scope of                          right. A processes efficiency can be measured using several criteria
modularization and finding the right scope of product                         including but not limited to total processing time, resource
diversification, respectively.                                                utilization per unit of output, non-value added cost, non-value
   Obviously, both activities of scoping influence one another.               added time, cost of quality, and so on [8]. Furthermore, any
Reducing the set of modules which are manufactured order-                     deficiency in training or skills of the workers or any delay from the
neutrally in order to increase the gain of the economies of scale, i.e.       related processes that provide inputs for the measured process will
reducing the modular system, has impacts on the possible product              also show up.
variety. Vice versa, broadening the variety of products that are                  The effectiveness of a process describes how the right things
offered to a specific market segment in order to increase the gain of         are done. Measuring processes effectiveness begins with outlining
the economies of scope, i.e. enlarging product diversification, has           the customers’ expectations and needs in detail. These expectations
impacts on the modular system.                                                would then be converted into measurable targets. Customer
   Nevertheless, it is important that both scoping activities are             expectations are not readily available or clearly specified. This is
addressed individually:                                                       what makes it hard to set up a quantifiable measurement [8].
        The activity of scoping modularization affects the                   Typical customer expectations are, among others, product quality,
         efficiency of related business processes. The efficiency of          frequency of new products or updates, quality of service and the
         modularization and of product manufacturing in general               overall customer experience.
         lies in being able to provide the expected outcome, i.e. the             To the current state of our work-in-progress we do not have a
         products, with the least possible use of resources. Note that        process to generate quantified numbers or formulae, but here are
         besides low production costs this also includes fast time-to-        some first thoughts:
         market and delivery times.                                                   If we do exactly one thing in a perfect way, then we
        The activity of scoping product diversification affects the                   assume to have an efficiency of 100%. If we do the same
         effectiveness of related business processes. The                              thing with half the efficiency, then we expect to have an
         effectiveness of product diversification for product                          efficiency of 50%.
         manufacturers that are based on modular systems lies in                      If we do one perfectly right thing, then we assume to have
         being able to provide exactly those products that the                         an effectiveness of 100%. If we do one thing that is half as
         addressed market segment desires; at the right time and at                    effective, then we assume to have an effectiveness of 50%.
         the right place and most importantly at the right price.                     If we do one perfectly right thing with half the efficiency,
   Both scoping activities are carried out by different business                       then we assume to have an overall process performance of
units and can be initially set up, maintained, assessed or optimized                   50%. Vice versa, the same holds for doing a thing with half
individually. But companies manufacturing products that are based                      the effectiveness, but doing it perfectly efficient.
on modular systems will only be successful when addressing both                   Hence, in order to measure the performance of a business
of the scoping activities. Only then it will be possible to deliver the       process we need to measure both its efficiency and its effectiveness
right products at reasonable prices but also to generate high-margin          and then we need to generate a reasonable overall measurement
revenues.                                                                     including the input of both values.

3         CAPABILITY OF CHANGE                                                3.2       Measuring market-oriented variant
Variant management is an approach to control and optimize
product diversification. In this sense, variant management                    Classic variant management focuses on efficiency: optimizing the
significantly influences business processes like the new product              scope of modularization. The main reason for variant management
development, quote generation and order processing. Business                  on the logistics level is cost reduction. Managing the sales view
processes are crucial for companies and are typically not changed             focuses on effectiveness: finding the right scope for product
unless really necessary. The decision to change a business process            diversification. The main reason for variant management on the
therefore needs management-ready analysis and presentation of the             sales level is selling more products. While effectiveness is most
change’s potential.                                                           important from the point of view of external customers, efficiency
   In the following we present work-in-progress on how the                    is most important internally.
capability of change for business processes of product

                                                                          3               Juha Tiihonen, Andreas Falkner and Tomas Axling, Editors
                                                                                       Proceedings of the 17th International Configuration Workshop
                                                                                                            September 10-11, 2015, Vienna, Austria
     Efficiency and effectiveness of market-oriented variant                  complement one another and how they relate to business
  management relate to different business processes. Efficiency is            economics, namely the economies of scale and the economies of
  related to new product development and setting up the required              scope.
  tools for logistics processing, quote generation and order                     Furthermore we introduced an approach that supports
  processing. Effectiveness, on the other hand is related to marketing        calculating the potential of changes to business processes that are
  and sales strategies and their influence on a customer’s buying             related to market-oriented variant management. Such a potential in
  decision.                                                                   a management-ready form can significantly influence the decision
                                                                              of changing the company’s most crucial business processes.
                                                                                 It is up to future work to fully understand the relation and
  3.3       The potential of a change in the business                         interplay between the well-established research areas product
                   process                                                    configuration, mass customization, variant management and
  The ideal performance of a process is assumed to be 100% – we do            business economics.
  the right things and we do them right. But nevertheless, a desired             Also, we need to research how the potential of a business
  target state for a business process may be less than 100%, e.g.             process can be presented in meaningful numbers. Obviously, a
  when reaching the ideal status is expansive and a company wants             calculated number in terms of percentage would significantly
  to invest in smaller amounts. In such a case it may be viable to set        improve the statement of potential. But in order to get there, we
  a target state of, for example, pareto-optimal 80%.                         have to go some steps: defining how to measure both the efficiency
      The potential, that the process optimization can raise, is the          and the effectiveness of a business process, doing this for both, the
  distance between the current state and the target state. A                  current state and a target state of the relevant processes and then
  management-ready presentation of this potential can significantly           defining a metric for presenting the potential of the actual change.
  influence the decision whether to change the company’s business             Another open topic is the influence of different products on the
  process or not. Low potential will lead to low willingness to invest        measurement. Perhaps it is necessary to define a weighting for the
  whereas high potential may also lead to investments although there          different products, for example based on sales numbers or revenue.
  are risks along that way.
  4         RELATED WORK                                                        [1]  B. Avak, Variant Management of Modular Product Families in the
                                                                                     Market Phase VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, ISBN 3-18-318016-2
  In this paper we make use of business economics. Namely, these                     (2006).
  are the economies of scale [7] and the economies of scope [6], [8],           [2] F. Piller, Mass Customization: Reflections on the State of the
  [9]. The interplay between these two economies also has been                       Concept, International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems
  researched earlier (see e.g. [10]).                                                (16.4), 313-334, (2004).
     There is also earlier research in the area of managing product             [3] A. O'Sullivan and S. M. Sheffrin, Economics: Principles in Action.
  variety and manufacturing complexity [9], [10], [11]. Also the                     The Wall Street Journal: Classroom Edition (2nd ed.), Prentice
  research fields of variant management (see e.g. [1]) and mass                      Hall, New Jersey, ISBN 0-13-063085-3 (2003).
  customization (see e.g. [2]) give a lot of input on managing variety          [4] J. D. Goldhar and M. Jelinek, Plan for Economies of Scope,
  and scoping product diversification.                                               Harvard Business Review (November 1983).
                                                                                [5] T. Hindle, Guido to Management Ideas and Gurus (Economist),
     However, there are only few articles on using the economies of
                                                                                     Profile Books, ISBN 978-1846681080 (2008).
  scale and economies of scope to explain or analyze economics for
                                                                                [6] D.J. Teece, Economies of Scope and the Scope of the Enterprise,
  product manufacturers that are based on modular systems. One                       Journal of Economic Behaviour & Organization, Volume 1, Issue
  notable article is [12] in which a performance measurement system                  3, Pages 223-247 (1980).
  for modular product platforms is proposed. However, this article              [7] V. Rao, Economies of Scale, Economies of Scope. Ribbonfarm:
  focuses on measuring the setting up and the maintenance of                         http://www.ribbonfarm.com/2012/10/15/economies-of-scale-
  modular product platforms based on a set of criteria that is defined               economies-of-scope/, (October 15, 2012; last visited: June 2015).
  during the measurement process.                                               [8] Management Study Guide: Articles on Business Process
     This paper presents a novel approach with the term market-                      Improvement, http://www.managementstudyguide.com/business-
  oriented variant management, i.e. adding a sales view as another                   process-improvement-articles.htm (last visited: June 2015).
                                                                                [9] H. El’Maraghy.,G. Schuh., W. ElMaraghy, F. Piller, P.
  level on top of the logistics view that classic variant management
                                                                                     Schonsleben, M. Tseng, Product Variety Management, CIRP
  deals with. Another novelty in this paper is relating the scoping                  Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 629-652 (2013).
  activities of modularization and product diversification to the terms         [10] S.J. Hu, X. Zhu, H. Wang, Y. Koren, Product Variety and
  efficiency and effectiveness, respectively, and using them to                      Manufacturing Complexity in Assembly Systems and Supply
  measure the performance of business processes and to calculate the                 Chains, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 57, 45-48
  potential of changing business processes.                                          (2008).
                                                                                [11] J.P. MacDuffie, K. Sethuraman K., M.L. Fisher, Product Variety
                                                                                     and Manufacturing Performance – Evidence From the
  5         CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK                                               International Automotive Assembly Plant Study, Management
                                                                                     Science Vol. 42, No. 3, 350-369 (1996).
  We introduced the term market-oriented variant management as a                [12] G. Schuh, S. Rudolf and T. Vogels, Performance Measurement of
  combination of classic variant management, which we see as the                     Modular Product Platforms, Variety Management in
  logistics view and an additional sales view that both use the same                 Manufacturing — Proceedings of the 47th CIRP Conference on
  method of optimizing the relation between inner variety and outer                  Manufacturing Systems, Volume 17, Pages 266–271 (2014).
  variety. We have shown how the two views on variant management

Juha Tiihonen, Andreas Falkner and Tomas Axling, Editors                  4
Proceedings of the 17th International Configuration Workshop
September 10-11, 2015, Vienna, Austria