=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1453/02_ZhangHelo_AnEmpiricalStudyOnProduct_Confws-15_p5 |storemode=property |title=An empirical study on product configurators’ application: Implications, challenges, and opportunities |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1453/02_ZhangHelo_AnEmpiricalStudyOnProduct_Confws-15_p5.pdf |volume=Vol-1453 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/confws/ZhangH15 }} ==An empirical study on product configurators’ application: Implications, challenges, and opportunities== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1453/02_ZhangHelo_AnEmpiricalStudyOnProduct_Confws-15_p5.pdf
 An empirical study on product configurators’ application:
       Implications, challenges and opportunities
                                                Linda L. ZHANG+ and Petri T. HELO

Abstract.1 As computer systems, product configurators have been                 from effectively using configurators in the future. However, it is
widely applied in practice for configuring a right amount of product            important to have a clear understanding of all these issues. This is
variety. While studies have been reported to shed light on how                  because such an understanding can help companies better plan
product configurators’ application achieves time reduction and                  actions for optimally applying product configurators, thus realizing
quality improvement in fulfilling customer orders, empirical
                                                                                the benefits of product configurators’ application to the largest
investigations addressing the implications of product configurators’
application for companies’ business activities are very limited.                extent.
However, understanding the implications is very important for                      This study tries to fill this gap by investigating the implications
companies because with such an understanding, they can better plan              of product configurators’ application. It is done using a quantitative
actions and make changes to embrace the implementation of product               research method, as described in the next section. Based on the data
configurators. Thus, based on a survey, this study investigates the             collected, we present, in Section 3, the results and analysis. The
implications of product configurators’ application. The results                 results are discussed with respect to (i) how product configurators’
indicate (i) how product configurators’ application affects                     application affects companies’ business activities, (ii) the difficulties
companies’ business activities, (ii) the difficulties in designing,             in designing, developing/maintaining, and using product
developing, and using product configurators, and (iii) the potential            configurators, and (iii) the potential barriers influencing the effective
barriers preventing companies from effectively applying product
                                                                                application of product configurators in the future. Built upon the
configurators in the future. With the results, we further highlight
several improvement areas for companies to investigate in order to              insights in Section 3, we further discuss the possible changes and
reap, to the largest extend, the benefits of implementing product               improvements that companies may undertake.
                                                                                2         METHODS
1         INTRODUCTION                                                          As the aim of this study is to identify the implications of product
Since the early 90’s, product configurators have been receiving                 configurators’ application for companies’ business activities, an
continuous interests and investigations from both the academia and              empirical study was performed. In doing so, a questionnaire was
industrial alike. Resulting from these efforts, countless articles have         developed for collecting data. The collected data was computed and
been published to present solutions to diverse configurator related             analyzed for revealing the application implications and for
issues. Many of these articles address configuration knowledge                  identifying the related opportunities as well.
representation and modeling, methods and approaches for product                    In designing the questionnaire, we included such questions like
configurator design from a theoretical point of view (e.g., Haug,               the functions that product configurators perform, the business
2010; Pitiot et al., 2013; 2013; Zhang et al., 2013). In comparison, a          process and IT system changes caused by product configurators’
relatively small number of articles deal with the practical issues              application, the difficulties in implementing product configurator
related to product configurators’ application. Among them, some                 projects, the potential barriers preventing the effective application of
articles empirically investigate how product configurators achieve              product configurators in the future, and the performance
lead-time reduction and quality improvement (Trentin et al., 2011 &             improvements resulting from product configurators’ application.
2012; Haug et al., 2011); some articles use single cases to show (i)            Besides these questions, there are also general questions such as
how product configurators’ development can be facilitated (Haug et              position titles, the application time of configurators. By considering
al., 2010; Hvam et al., 2003; Hvam & Ladeby, 2007), (ii) how                    the explorative nature of this study, we used nominal scales by
product configurators contribute to variety management (Forza &                 presenting alternative choices for each question. The alternatives
Salvador, 2002), and (iii) the suitable product configurator                    were determined based on the literature and our experiences of
development strategies (Haug et al., 2012). Due to the relatively less          working with companies, where product configurators are applied.
investigation, several important issues related to configurators’               Besides alternatives, we included the opportunity for respondents to
application are unclear. They include (i) how product configurators’            choose “Other” and give details. In this way, we avoid the possibility
applications affect companies’ business activities, (ii) the difficulties       of missing potential alternatives. To verify the initial questionnaire
in designing, developing/maintaining, and using product                         with respect to the sufficiency and appropriateness of questions, we
configurators, and (iii) the barriers potentially preventing companies          pretested it in 5 companies, with which we have collaborations. In

+: Department of Management, IESEG School of Management (LEM-
   CNRS), France, email: l.zhang@ieseg.fr

                                                                            5                Juha Tiihonen, Andreas Falkner and Tomas Axling, Editors
                                                                                          Proceedings of the 17th International Configuration Workshop
                                                                                                               September 10-11, 2015, Vienna, Austria
  the pretest, 5 company representatives filled up the questionnaire            total number of tasks, instead of that of companies. In this regard,
  and provided comments. In addition, we made phone contacts for                they are not mutually exclusive with respect to companies. This is
  clarifications of the comments and additional remarks. Based on the           the same with the calculation of all the rest figures.) Consistent with
  feedback, some questions were revised, leading to the finalized               the tasks that configurators perform, the major users include sales
  questionnaire. (Appendix A summarizes the questionnaire.)                     staff (in 46% of the respondents), designers (in 25% of the
     With the finalized questionnaire, survey was conducted in a                respondents), customers (in 15% of the respondents), and production
  research panel involving managers responsible for IT investments in           planners (in 14% of the respondents), as shown in Fig. 1(b). While
  US companies in October and November 2013. These companies                    published articles provide anecdotal evidences, there is no study
  were mainly from the computer, telecommunication system, and                  presenting such a complete distribution of configurators’ functions
  industrial machinery industries. Panel members were invited by a              and users.
  commercial research data collection company: EMPanel Online.
  Data was collected by sending invitation by email and using an on-
  line survey tool. To ensure that the respondents know about                           documentation
  configurators and were responsible for configurator projects, a                           29%
                                                                                                          Sales order          Planners 14%           Sales staff
  qualifying question was asked. In addition, another two questions                                       processing                                    46%
  regarding industry type and company size were asked. By                                   11%            60%
                                                                                 Production                                           Designers
  considering these questions, we obtained and analyzed 64 completed             documentation                                          25%
  questionnaires, which had balanced distributions with respect to the
  company size, industry, and time duration (in year) of product
  configurators’ application.                                                       (a) Major tasks and percentages             (b) Main users and percentages
     In analyzing the data, we computed the total occurrence of each
                                                                                             No process
  alternative, which was selected by the respondents, and the                                changes
                                                                                                           Quotation                 No functional
  corresponding percentage. In this regard, we analyzed the                                        11%     preparation               unit changes          Sales
  distribution of the selected alternatives.                                         Production doc.          24%                               19%        32%
                                                                                     generation 16%
                                                                                                          Prod. function              17%
                                                                                         Prod. document
  3         RESULTS                                                                      generation
                                                                                                                                                Product design
                                                                                                 22%                                                32%
  In accordance with the questionnaire, the collected data is analyzed
  with respect to (i) how the application of product configurators
                                                                                (c) Major process changes and percentages (d) Main unit reorganization and percentages
  affects companies’ business activities, (ii) the difficulties in
  designing, developing/maintaining, and using product configurators,                                           Figure 1: Some results
  and (iii) the issues potentially influencing the effective application
  of product configurators in the future.                                       3.1.2                                      Functional units reorganized
                                                                                While product configurators take over tasks, which are performed
  3.1                 How product configurators’                                previously in different functional units, their application does not
                      application affects companies’                            bring many changes to the functional units. As shown in Fig. 1(c),
                      business activities                                       both the sales and product design/development units in only 32% of
                                                                                the respondents are affected, thus reorganized; the production unit
  In studying how companies’ business activities are affected by the
                                                                                in 17% of the respondents is reorganized. It is interesting to see that
  application of product configurators, it is essential to understand the
                                                                                product configurator application does not bring any changes to the
  major tasks that product configurators perform. This is because these
                                                                                functional units in 19% of the respondents. Our experiences of
  tasks contribute to many of companies’ activities for designing,
                                                                                working with companies show that this might happen in the
  producing, and delivering products. It is equally important to
                                                                                situations, where customers are the major users of product
  understand the major users of product configurators. In accordance
                                                                                configurators. However, this needs to be further confirmed in the
  with the configurators’ tasks and users, there might be changes to
                                                                                future investigations.
  companies’ business processes, functional units, IT systems, the
  number of employees, and performances.
                                                                                3.1.3                                      Business process changes
  3.1.1                          Major tasks and users of product               As product configurators automatically perform many activities,
                                 configurators                                  which are carried out manually in the past, their application might
                                                                                incur business process changes as well. In the survey, many
  Being consistent with the literature, the survey results suggest that a
                                                                                respondents indicate that their business processes have been
  configurator performs multiple tasks and has multiple users. As
                                                                                changed. These changes include (i) the original manual quotation
  shown in Fig. 1(a), configurators in 60% of the respondents (i.e., the
                                                                                preparation is done automatically (in 24% of the respondents), (ii)
  responding companies) perform sales order processing, such as
                                                                                the sales unit is responsible for the task of specifying product
  quotation preparation, sales order specification, and product
                                                                                functions (in 27% of the respondents), (iii) product technical details,
  specification; configurators in 29% and 11% of the respondents
                                                                                e.g., BOMs, drawings, are dealt with automatically (in 22% of the
  carry out product documentation: BOM and drawing generation and
                                                                                respondents), (iv) manufacturing documents are generated
  manufacturing documentation: routing and process plan generation,
                                                                                automatically (in 16% of the respondents), as shown in Fig. 1(d). It
  respectively. (Note that these figures were calculated based on the

Juha Tiihonen, Andreas Falkner and Tomas Axling, Editors                    6
Proceedings of the 17th International Configuration Workshop
September 10-11, 2015, Vienna, Austria
is worth mentioning: as pointed out by 11% of respondents, that            achieve 0-30% and 30%-50% delivery lead time reduction,
product configurators’ application does not bring changes to their         respectively.) This might be caused by the fact that there are more
business processes. This seems consistent with what we have found          interactions among different functional units in the entire cycle of
above: 19% of respondents indicate that product configurators’             delivering sales orders. These interactions may result in lower
application does not cause changes to the functional units. When           improvements in sales delivery lead time.
there are no changes to companies’ functional units, there may not
be the changes to the business processes. However, this needs to be        3.2                 Difficulties in designing,
further tested in the future.                                                                  developing/maintaining, and using
                                                                                               product configurators
3.1.4                        Changes to companies’ legacy                  As shown in the results, most companies experience difficulties in
                             systems                                       designing, developing/maintaining, and using product configurators.
In performing tasks, product configurators interact with companies’        50% of the respondents indicate that it is rather difficult for them to
other IT systems for receiving inputs and/or sending outputs.              design product configurators. The two major reasons are (i) the lack
Consequently, product configurators’ application may cause                 of IT system designers (in 50% of the respondents) and (ii) IT system
changes to companies’ legacy systems. The results confirm this. As         designers and product designers cannot communicate well (in 45%
shown in the results, (i) design systems are modified to be linked         of the respondents). With our experiences of working with
with configurators (in 33% of the respondents), (ii) production            companies and based on the literature, these results are
systems, such as product planning and control systems and material         understandable. Manufacturing companies normally hire IT
resources planning systems, are modified to be linked with product         engineers for maintaining systems in support of their core business
configurators (in 48% of the respondents), and (iii) accounting            activities: design and production. In this regard, the IT engineers
systems are modified to be linked with product configurators (in 9%        may not possess sufficient skills and capabilities for designing
of the respondents). At last, 10% of the respondents indicate that         product configurators. The early literature points out that due to the
there are no changes to their legacy systems. When product                 differences in communication languages, configurator designers and
configurators are built-in modules of ERP systems, it might be             product experts have difficulties in making effective
possible that companies do not need to modify their legacy systems.        communications (Haug et al., 2010). The results found in this study
                                                                           are consistent with the literature.
                                                                               Similarly,     most      respondents    have      difficulties   in
3.1.5                        Changes to        the   number      of        developing/maintaining product configurators. The biggest
                             employees                                     challenge for companies to develop/maintain product configurators
                                                                           is the high complexity of product configurators, as supported by 52%
As product configurators perform automatically many activities,
                                                                           of the respondents. The other two main difficulties include (i) the
which are performed manually in the past, intuitively, product
                                                                           lack of good IT system developers (in 24% of the respondents) and
configurators’ application should reduce the number of full time
                                                                           (ii) the continuous evolution of products and the resulting high
employees. However, it is surprising to see that 63% of the
                                                                           product complexity (in 24% of the respondents). While product
respondents hire full time employees, whereas only 6% indicate that
                                                                           complexities do not appear as a main difficulty in designing
they lay off employees. 31% point out that there are no changes to
                                                                           configurators, they do cause difficulties in developing and
the number of their employees. As indicated in the following results
                                                                           maintaining product configurators. This is because in accordance
(Subsections 3.2 and 3.3), companies do not have sufficient good IT
                                                                           with product complexities, the product configurator design is
system designers and developers. In this regard, the application of
                                                                           complex too. It is understandable that complex product
product configurators may lead to the recruitment of new employees.
                                                                           configurators are difficult to develop.
                                                                               In using product configurators, companies also have difficulties.
3.1.6                        Performance improvements                      These are caused by (i) un-user friendly interfaces (in 44% of the
                                                                           respondents), (ii) the inefficient communications for getting
The available literature reports diverse performance improvements          required inputs (in 31% of the respondents), (iii) the high complexity
resulting from the application of product configurators. This study        of product configurators (in 12.5% of the respondents), and (iv) the
finds similar results, thus supporting the literature. For all the         lack of sufficient training (in 12.5% of the respondents). In
respondents, the improvements include (i) increased sales volume,          processing customer orders, configuring products, and generating
(ii) increased correct sales orders, (iii) reduced production rework,      product/manufacturing documents, configurators require diverse
(iv) increased customer orders, (v) reduced order processing time,         inputs. These inputs are from customers, sales staff, designers, etc.
and (vi) reduced sales delivery time. As indicated by the results,         In many cases, the input providers are from different offices or even
47%/44%/ 44%/31% of respondents achieve 30%-50% increase of                different companies. This location dispersion may hinder the
sales volume/increased correct sales orders/reduced production             effective communications for required inputs. In addition, even in
rework/increased customer orders accepted, respectively. Seen from         the situation where the input providers are in the same location, due
the results, it is difficult for companies to achieve higher               to, e.g., other tasks that they need to deal with, the input providers
improvements in these performance measures. For example, only 3%           may not be able to supply required inputs on-time. In our view, the
of the respondents achieve 80% increase of sales volume. It is             other three difficulties are interconnected with one another. First,
interesting to see that companies reduce much order processing time,       complex product configurators may have many interrelated modules
whereas they do not achieve equivalent improvement in the sales            and procedures. More training is required to understand and use
delivery lead time. (50% of the respondents indicate higher than 50%       these modules and procedures. However, companies are busy with
reduced order processing time; 30% and 22% of the respondents              dealing with daily operations activities and may not give enough

                                                                       7               Juha Tiihonen, Andreas Falkner and Tomas Axling, Editors
                                                                                    Proceedings of the 17th International Configuration Workshop
                                                                                                         September 10-11, 2015, Vienna, Austria
  training time to users. As shown in practice, e.g., the fail of SAP           time, the reduction of configuration errors, the easy application, the
  project in Avon (http://blogs.wsj.com/cio/2013/12/11/avons-failed-            reduction of training time, etc (Haug et al., 2012). Such design and
  sap-implementation-reflects-rise-of-usability/), caused by design             development demands sufficient system designers and developers
  difficulties, complex IT systems tend to have un-user friendly                with high skills and experiences. However, the results indicate that
  interfaces. In this regard, the un-user friendly interfaces may be, at        many companies do not have sufficient good designers and
  least, partially related to product configurator complexities.                developers. In this regard, it will be beneficial to companies,
                                                                                especially these that design and develop configurators in house, for
                                                                                having sufficient well-trained system designers and developers.
  3.3                 Issues potentially influencing the                        These designers and developers bring companies additional IT
                      effective application of product                          capacities and capabilities. Developing such IT capacities and
                      configurators                                             capabilities can be also justified by other issues. The fact that
                                                                                products keep evolving necessitates continuous maintenance and
  One question in the questionnaire asked respondents for the barriers,
                                                                                upgrading to be performed (Section 3.2). Caused by its complexity,
  which may potentially prevent them from effectively applying
                                                                                configurator maintenance and upgrading are not easy tasks and
  product configurators in the future. The results here are consistent
                                                                                difficult to perform. In addition, if they are not well performed on-
  with these discussed earlier. The earlier results show that companies
                                                                                time, companies may delay product configuration, production, and
  have difficulties in designing and developing product configurators
                                                                                delivery. This may, in turn, cause companies to lose customers. In
  because of the lack of technical IT staff. Similarly, the lack of IT
                                                                                this regard, sufficient, well-trained system designers and developers
  staff also appears to be a major barrier for companies to effectively
                                                                                can also contribute to configurators’ continuous maintenance and
  use product configurators in the future. The fact that products keep
  evolving is one of the three difficulties in using product
                                                                                    Organizational redesign. Product configurators’ application
  configurators is also acknowledged as one barrier for future use.
                                                                                brings many changes to companies existing activities, processes, and
  Two additional barriers, including (i) the unclear customer
                                                                                functional units (Sections 3.1.2 & 3.1.3). While simply reorganizing
  requirements and (ii) the unsafe feeling of employees, are brought
                                                                                the affected units, as what the practice does (Section 3.1.2), may to
  up. Due to the linguistic origins, customer requirements are normally
                                                                                certain degree facilitate product configurators’ application, it is
  imprecise and ambiguous (Jiao & Zhang, 2005), In addition, they
                                                                                insufficient for companies to realize the full benefits of product
  often conflict with one another. As product configurators need
                                                                                configurators (Salvador & Forza, 2004). In fact, the communication
  articulated customer requirements, the ambiguous and conflicting
                                                                                difficulties (Section 3.2) lend themselves to this point. In accordance
  requirements will negatively affect the effective application of
                                                                                with the tasks and functions that product configurators perform,
  product configurators. As a matter of fact, during the initial
                                                                                companies should reorganize their business processes and structures
  questionnaire pretest, some of the 5 company representatives
                                                                                by reallocating the responsibilities of each individual employee and
  indicated this. As product configurators execute activities, which are
                                                                                functional unit. The reorganization should be performed such that
  carried out earlier by the employees, the affected employees
                                                                                each employee has a clear vision for his activities, tasks, and
  perceive product configurators as a menace to their positions inside
                                                                                responsibilities. This is the same for functional units. Besides,
  the companies (Forza & Salvador, 2002). In this regard, the unsafe
                                                                                information exchange protocol and procedures need to be
  feeling of employees may become an obstacle for the effective
                                                                                (re)designed such that communication difficulties in applying
  application of product configurators in the future.
                                                                                product configurators can be eliminated. At last, as one of the
      In summary, the largest barrier is the continuous evolution of
                                                                                potential barriers for effective configurator application in the future
  products, as pointed out by 75% of the respondents. The other
                                                                                lies in unclear customer requirements, some efforts in organization
  barriers include (i) the lack of technical IT staff for maintaining the
                                                                                redesign may be directed to the suitable tools, techniques, systems,
  configurators (seen by 47% of the respondents), (ii) the unclear
                                                                                etc and the related issues for obtaining clear customer requirements.
  customer requirements (perceived by 47% of the respondents), and
                                                                                    Top-down support and company-wide engagement. As with the
  (iii) the unsafe feeling from the employees because of the
                                                                                implementation of any new technologies, the implementation of
  possibilities of losing jobs (agreed by 34% of the respondents).
                                                                                product configurators needs continuous support and commitment
                                                                                from all levels, especially the top management level, in a company.
  4         DICUSSIONS                                                          The support and commitment is very important for completing the
                                                                                necessary organization changes (see above) and for successfully
  Along with the benefits achieved, product configurators’ application          implementing product configurator projects. The literature shows
  brings many additional requirements and changes to companies’                 that the lack of long-term commitment is one of the main reasons for
  existing way of doing business, as shown in this study. While the             the failure of many technology implementation projects (Bergey et
  changes and requirements may not be perceived beneficial, they                al., 1999). As the employees including the middle management level
  open up opportunities for companies to improve the new way of                 have a tendency to resist changes (Paper & Chang, 2005), regular
  doing business, which involves product configurators. Based on data           encouragement and incentives from the top management level are
  analysis and results, this study highlights three areas for                   required to remove employees’ hostile attitude towards the
  investigation: (i) IT capacity and capability enhancement, (ii)               application of product configurators. Once the employees positively
  organization redesign, and (iii) top down support and company-wide            look at product configurators’ application, they are willing to accept
  engagement.                                                                   and implement organization changes. Perceived by companies, the
     IT capacity and capability enhancement. Product configurators              employees’ unsafe feeling for losing jobs is one of the important
  are basically IT systems. The optimal design and development of               barriers potentially preventing companies from effectively applying
  these systems will bring many advantages to companies, such as the            configurators in the future (Section 3.3). To encourage the
  configuration of optimal products, the cut-down of configuration              employees and remove their unsafe feelings, the top management

Juha Tiihonen, Andreas Falkner and Tomas Axling, Editors                    8
Proceedings of the 17th International Configuration Workshop
September 10-11, 2015, Vienna, Austria
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etc. All these supports may help employees regain their confidence
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performance improvements. The changes together with the                      [12] P. Pitiot, M. Aldanondo, E. Vareilles, P. Gaborit, M. Djefel and
difficulties highlight a number of areas to be investigated if                    S. Carbonnel, concurrent product configuration and process
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                                                                             [13] F. Salvador and C. Forza, configuring products to address the
the explorative nature of this study. While the nominal scale permits
                                                                                  customization-responsiveness squeeze: A survey of
an easy understandable questionnaire, it makes analysis less exact                management issues and opportunities, International Journal of
than a Likert scale. In another words, it may not be able to identify             Production Economics, 91, 273-291, (2004).
the causal relationships among the interesting elements involved in          [14] A. Trentin, E. Perin and C. Forza, Overcoming the
the implications of configurators’ application. In this regard, this              customization-responsiveness squeeze by using product
study highlights an interesting future research topic. An extended                configurators: beyond anecdotal evidence, Computers in
quantitative method involving data analysis based on Likert scales                Industry, 62, 260-268, (2011).
might be conducted to reveal these causal relationships. In addition,        [15] A. Trentin, E. Perin and C. Forza, Product configurator impact
as an initial study, the survey treated configurator development and              on product quality, International Journal of Production
maintenance as one issue, instead of two. As computer system                      Economics, 135, 850-859, (2012).
                                                                             [16] L. Zhang, E. Vareilles and M. Aldanondo, Generic bill of
development and maintenance are two different projects, the
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extended future study might take this into consideration. Moreover,               International Journal of Production Research, 51, 465-478,
the survey results reveal that many interesting questions need to be              (2013).
investigated in the future, such as in accordance with the major
configurator tasks, who should be responsible for a configurator             Appendix: A summary of the questionnaire
project and how they can better lead such a project, what are the            General issues:
configurator maintenance tasks and how can these tasks be better             1: How long have the configurator been in use.
performed. At last, while the initial results in this study show some        2. How many types of products are the configurator used for.
trends, further work is needed to investigate differences between
                                                                             Product configurator applications:
small and large companies and between business-to-business                   1. Which tasks are performed by the configurator.
companies and business-to-consumer companies.                                2. Who are the users.
                                                                             3. Which functional units were reorganized.
                                                                             4. Which business process were changed.
REFERENCES                                                                   5. Which changes were made to other computer systems.
[1]   J. Bergey, D. Smith, S. Tiley, N. Weiderman and S. Woods,              6. Did you layoff/hire full time employees.
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                                                                             1. The percentage of increased sales volume.
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      configuration systems, International Journal of Production             4. The percentage of increased customer orders accepted.
      Economics, 76, 87-98, (2002).                                          5. The percentage of reduced order processing time.
[3]   A. Haug, A software system to support the development and              6. The percentage of reduced sales delivery time.
      maintenance of complex product configurators, International            Difficulties in implementing product configurator project:
      Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 49, 393-406,             1. The difficulties in designing the product configurator.
      (2010).                                                                2. The difficulties in developing/maintaining the configurator.
[4]   A. Haug, L. Hvam and N.H. Mortensen, A layout technique for
                                                                             3. The difficulties in using the product configurator.
      class diagrams to be used in product configuration projects,
      Computers in Industry, 61, 409-418, (2010).                            Barriers preventing companies from continuously applying product
[5]   A. Haug, L. Hvam and N.H. Mortensen, The impact of product             configurator:
      configurators on lead times in engineering-oriented companies,

                                                                         9               Juha Tiihonen, Andreas Falkner and Tomas Axling, Editors
                                                                                      Proceedings of the 17th International Configuration Workshop
                                                                                                           September 10-11, 2015, Vienna, Austria
  1. The continuous evolution of products.
  2. The lack of technical staff for maintaining the configurator.
  3. Customer requirements are rather unclear.
  4. The unsafe feeling from the employees because of the possibility
  of losing jobs.

Juha Tiihonen, Andreas Falkner and Tomas Axling, Editors                10
Proceedings of the 17th International Configuration Workshop
September 10-11, 2015, Vienna, Austria