=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1453/03_MyrodiaKristjansdottirHvam_ImpactOnCostAccuracyAndProfitability_Confws-15_p11 |storemode=property |title=Impact on cost accuracy and profitability from implementing product configuration system – A case-study |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1453/03_MyrodiaKristjansdottirHvam_ImpactOnCostAccuracyAndProfitability_Confws-15_p11.pdf |volume=Vol-1453 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/confws/MyrodiaKH15 }} ==Impact on cost accuracy and profitability from implementing product configuration system – A case-study== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1453/03_MyrodiaKristjansdottirHvam_ImpactOnCostAccuracyAndProfitability_Confws-15_p11.pdf
      Impact on cost accuracy and profitability from
implementing product configuration system – A case-study
                                   Anna Myrodia and Katrin Kristjansdottir and Lars Hvam

   Abstract. 1 This article aims at analyzing the impacts from                function PCS enables improved decision making in the early
implementing a product configuration system (PCS) on company’s                phases of engineering and sales processes [6]. Furthermore, the
profitability and improved cost estimations in the sales phase.               system can be used as a tool that allows the salesperson to offer
Companies that have implemented PCSs have achieved substantial                custom-tailored products within the boundaries of standard product
benefits in terms of being more in control of their product                   architectures, thereby giving companies the opportunity to be more
assortment, making the right decisions in the sales phase and                 in control of their product assortment [7]. As the various benefits
increasing sales of optimal products. Those benefits should have a            are described from implementing a PCS, it can be concluded that
direct impact on improved profitability in terms of increased                 those benefits will have direct impact on the company’s
contribution ratios and more accurate cost estimations used to                profitability in terms of increased contribution ratios and more
determine the price in the budgetary quotations. As the literature            accurate cost estimations in the sales phase. However the link
describes, there are various benefits from implementing a PCS,                between implementing a PCS and its effects on the company’s
however the effects on the company’s profitability have not been              profitability has not received much attention from researchers, even
discussed in detail. This study analyzes the impact from                      though it is one of the most critical factors during the planning
implementing a PCS on the accuracy of calculations in the
                                                                              phase of such a system. Ergo this article focuses on assessing the
quotations and the impact on the relative contribution ratios of
                                                                              impact of the implementation of a PCS on companies’ profitability
products. For that reason, a configure-to-order (CTO)
                                                                              by analysing the accuracy of the cost calculations in the sales phase
manufacturing company has been investigated. A longitudinal
study is performed where both the accuracy of the cost calculations           and the profitability of the products in terms of their contribution
and the profitability is analyzed before and after the                        ratios. Based on this, the following propositions are developed:
implementation of a PCS. The comparison reveals that increased
profitability and accuracy of the cost estimation in the sales phase          Proposition 1 The accuracy of the cost calculations in the
can be achieved from implementing a PCS.                                      quotations is increased by the implementation of a PCS.

                                                                              Proposition 2 The contribution ratio of products is increased when
1         INTRODUCTION                                                        they are included in a PCS.
    In today’s business environment companies are forced to offer
customized solutions without compromising delivery time, quality                  Aiming to investigate these effects, a longitudinal case study
and cost [1]. In order to respond to those challenges mass                    was performed. In 2009, an analysis of the product’s profitability
customization strategies have received increasing attention over the          and accuracy of the cost calculations in the quotations generated in
years, both from practitioners and researchers. Mass customization            the sales phase was conducted. The results from that analysis
refers to the ability to make customized products and services that           indicated that the performance of the sales processes could be
fit every customer through flexibility and integration at cost similar        improved by the implementation of a PCS. That recommendation
to mass-produced products [2]. Utilizing product configuration                was adopted by the company; hence a PCS was developed and
systems (PCSs) is one of the key success factors in order to achieve          implemented in 2011. Three years later, the same analysis was
the benefits from the mass customization approach [2][3].                     performed in order to determine the impacts on the company’s
    PCSs are used to support design activities throughout the                 profitability that could be related to the implementation of the PCS.
customization process, where a set of components along with their             The comparison of the results before and after the implementation
connections are pre-defined and where constrains are used to
                                                                              of the configurator is assessed and discussed in relevance to the
prevent infeasible configurations [4]. This is one of the reasons
why configurations systems are considereded to be among the most
successful applications of artificial intelligence [5].                           This paper is structured in 5 sections. In section 2 the relevant
    Once implemented, the PCS usually supports the sales and                  literature will be analyzed in terms of PCSs and the benefits that
engineering processes in various dimensions, which can lead to                can be achieved from implementing such a system. In section 3 a
numerous benefits such as; shorter lead-times, more on-time                   case study will be presented where the influence on company’s
deliveries, improved quality of the product specifications, less              profitability and the accuracy of the cost calculations from
rework and increased customer satisfaction. Besides, its supportive           implementing a PCS will be analyzed. Then, in section 4 the
                                                                              conclusions from the case study are discussed. Finally, in section 5
                                                                              discussion about the findings of this research work and future
    Engineering Management Department, Technical University of
                                                                              research are presented.
Denmark, Denmark
  Email: annamyr@dtu.dk, katkr@dtu.dk, lahv@dtu.dk

                                                                         11              Juha Tiihonen, Andreas Falkner, and Tomas Axling, Editors
                                                                                       Proceedings of the 17th International Configuration Workshop
                                                                                                            September 10-11, 2015, Vienna, Austria
  2         LITERATURE REVIEW                                                   improvement for the companies, as it has been measured 75% to
                                                                                99.9% reduction of quotation lead time.
  In this section the theoretical background of the present research is            Another case study performed by Hvam [13] discusses and
  reported. In order to find the relevant publications a literature             quantifies the impact from the implementation of a PCS in the
  review has been performed in the research area of PCSs.                       electronics’ industry. The main benefits from the use of
      Forza and Salvador have performed extensive research in this              configuration tools are considerably lower costs for specification
  field. The authors present a case-study of an CTO manufacturing               processes and production. The reason for that is that when
  company, that identifies the benefits of the implementation of a              specifications are generated in the PCSs, the actual working time
  product configuration tool [8]. The benefits discussed are reduction          for preparing offers and production instructions tends to be near
  of delivery time, improved customers’ relationships and                       zero. The benefits in that case-study are quantified and show that
  elimination of errors in Bill-Of-Material (BOM). They quantified              the fixed production costs have been reduced by 50%.
  the impact that the use of a configuration tool has on lead time, as          Additionally, the variable production costs have been reduced by
  reduction of manned activities in the tendering process (tendering            30%. On top of that quality has been improved, and is realized as a
  lead-time from 5–6 days to one day). In addition to that, the errors          reduction from 30% to less than 2% in the number of assembly
  in the products' BOM, misunderstandings between salespersons                  errors, as well as delivery time has been reduced from 11 – 41 days
  and customers are eliminated, while at the same time the level of             to one day. After-sales services and installation are also positively
  correctness of product information has been increased, reaching               affected by the configurator. For instance, the time for replacing a
  almost 100%. In a related study [7], the authors present a case-              battery has been reduced from 5–6 hours to 20–30 minutes.
  study of a manufacturer, who's production strategy is based on                   Hvam et al. [14] performed another case measuring the impact
  customers' orders. After the implementation of a product                      of implementing a PCS in the ordering process of a CTO
  configurator, one of the benefits identified is reduction to almost           manufacturer. It is noted that only a 0.45% of the specification
  zero of the errors in the configurations released by the sales office,        process time is value adding. As a result the non-value adding time
  in addition to savings in man-hours. There have also been noted               spent on making the specifications can be reduced by the use of a
  significant benefits in production, including manufacturing and               configurator. By automating the process fewer errors occur, the
  assembly processes, due to the fact that by using the configuration           productivity of employees is improved and the quality of
  tool correct information are received in the production.                      information and documents is increased. That is due to both
  Furthermore, there has been an increase in technical productivity,            reducing the standard deviation of the duration of the processes and
  both regarding product documentation release and design activities.           avoiding errors in quotations.
      To this end, the benefits of using a PCS in the sales process are            Similarly to the previous, another case-study is performed by
  further investigated [9]. One of the main advantages discussed is             Hvam et al. [15] in an ETO provider of cement plants. The benefits
  that the configuration tool describes the possible configurations of          of the implementation of an IT-supported product configuration in
  the product in a way that they are simple and understandable by the           the quotation process of complex products are aligned to those
  customer. In that way, it can be ensured that there are no                    discussed above. In detail, a reduction in lead time from 15-25 days
  contradicting requirements, no missing specifications and that                to one-two days for the generation of quotations is noted. An
  product configurations produced are valid. Moreover, since the                increase in the quality of quotes as it is made possible to optimize
  configurator deals with real time information, it helps reducing              the cement plants satisfying better the customer’s needs, and
  dialogue time between salespersons and customers. Finally, it is              making less errors in the specifications made in the PCS.
  highlighted that any kind of miscommunication between the                     Resources consumption for making quotations is reduced in the
  salespersons and the customers is eliminated and possible errors              engineering department from five man-weeks to one to two man-
  are reduced. The reason for that is a possible source of errors in the        days.
  quotations due to the sales personnel lack of technical knowledge.               Aldanondo et al. [16] identify the main benefits as the reduction
      The use of a product configurator and its effect on product               of cost and cycle time for highly customizable products. That is
  quality is discussed by Trentin et al. [10]. The authors performed a          due to the fact that without the support of PCSs iterative
  survey in order to verify the relationship between the use of a               procedures occur in sales and design processes. These activities
  configurator and the quality of products. The results show a                  result in generating longer cycle time and increasing costs.
  positive effect on product quality by using a product configurator.              Slater [17] analyses the benefits of a web-based configurator in
      Haug et al. [11] discuss possible development strategies for              CTO environments. By using a PCS the company is able to offer
  product configurator and evaluate the concluding benefits.                    the right product from the very beginning to each customer. The
  Advantages identified are, firstly, the convenience of evaluating             PCS assists the sales personnel to have an overview of the valid
  information included in the configurator software before                      configurations and, therefore, avoid mistakes in the communication
  implementation and ease of altering implemented product                       with the customers. This results in eliminating re-works on the
  information. Facilitating the communication between product                   customers’ order. The same knowledge embedded in the
  experts and configurator software experts is essential in order to            configurator is used to provide unique manufacturing instructions
  build a configuration tool. This results in minimizing use of                 and to make the rules for the correct configuration accessible to the
  resources on documentation work and handovers of information,                 engineers.
  and rapid implementation of gathered information. The benefits                   Gronalt et al. [18] outline the benefits of the implementation of
  realized are both fewer chances of misunderstandings and errors,              a PCS, such as personalized customer support, representation of
  and faster processes. Haug et al. [12] performed another study in             knowledge and distributed reusability of consolidated product
  14 ETO companies, where the impact of implementing a PCS on                   configurations. To this end, Hong et al. [19] discusses the use of a
  lead times is quantified. The results indicate significant                    configurator so as to reduce the information and attributes used to
                                                                                configure a product variant in One-of-a-kind production (OKP).

Juha Tiihonen, Andreas Falkner, and Tomas Axling, Editors                  12
Proceedings of the 17th International Configuration Workshop
September 10-11, 2015, Vienna, Austria
   Fleischanderl et al. [20] provide empirical evidence showing              was not using a PCS, and in 2014, 4 years after the implementation
that a configurator supporting the product development and                   of the configurator. The reason for selecting that specific period is
production process can reduce the cost of the product’s life cycle up        to ensure that the PCS has been fully integrated into the business
to 60%.                                                                      processes of the company, therefore increasing the validity of the
   The implementation of a PCS in the sales and marketing process            comparison. The data for this research was gathered from
has direct effects, such as number of errors, pricing, accuracy, time        company’s internal databases and was verified with experts from
and cost to reworks, time to validate, reduce order cycle time,              the company.
improve salespersons' morale, improve customers' satisfaction [21].
   Empirical evidence from a built-to-order manufacturer claim
benefits such as increase on customer satisfaction, lower costs and          3.1       Background
higher productivity. In addition to these, an increase in the                The company analysed in this case study is a Nordic company in
technical accuracy of orders entering manufacturing processes is             the building industry that operates worldwide. In the year 2014 the
noted, which also leads to cost and errors’ reduction [22].                  company had around 100 employees and yearly turnover of
   Tenhiala and Ketokivi [23] performed a survey in make-to-                 approximately 15 million Euro. On average the company has
order (MTO) manufacturing companies and found support to the                 around 50 projects per year where the average turnover per project
hypothesis that the use of product configurator software in MTO              is approximately 300.000 Euro. The company manufactures pre-
production processes is positively associated with product                   made structural elements for buildings. The product portfolio
conformance. Additional findings indicate that in general the use of         consists mainly of six products; A, B, C, D, E and F. The first four
configuration management practices in MTO production processes               products have standard product architecture that can be adjusted to
is positively associated with product conformance and delivery               the customers’ needs. Products of type E denote to all the non-
performance, among custom assemblers and producers.                          standardized solutions and products of type F relate to additional
   Another problem that product configurators should focus on,               features or to the parts that can be added to the standard solutions.
according to Blecker et al. [5], is the customer perspective. They              In 2009 the process of making budgetary quotation and the
claim that designers of configurators mainly concentrate on the              accuracy of the cost estimation were analysed, which revealed the
back-end technical aspects. By process simplification and                    company’s performance of accurate cost estimations could be
personalization the wrong interpretation of the customer                     improved. The analysis also revealed that the company’s procedure
requirements by the supplier can be avoided. PCSs can therefore be           of using Excel sheets to make the calculations of estimating the
beneficial both for the sales and engineering processes.                     prices resulted in many errors that could be traced to human
   Tiihonen et al. [24] conduct a survey in Finish manufacturers             mistakes. Based on this analysis the company decided to invest
with modular-based products. Their findings indicate that in                 150.000 Euro to develop a PCS to improve the processes of
extreme cases 80% of the sales specifications are either incomplete          generating budgetary quotations. The PCS used at the company is a
or inconsistent. At the same time, less than 20% of the total                commercial PCS, which builds on constrains propagation. In
working time in the order processing is used for value-adding                addition to that, the company also made process improvements and
work. By implementing PCSs there is a reduction to the number of             changes in the product assortment that aimed to increase
errors related to quality and to quality costs. Moreover, the sales'         standardisation. The implementation of the PCS also ensured that
specification produced by the configurator can be directly used as           the salespersons are going to provide the customers with valid
an input for production, as it will not contain errors. Finally, the         configurations from the standard product architecture.
configuration can assist the representation of products and product             The development of the PCS took place in the period 2009 –
families that are often differentiated in different market areas, and        2010, and in beginning of 2011 the company had developed a PCS
also the transfer of up-to-date product configuration knowledge to           able to handle most of the budgetary quotations. Only products of
the sales units and to enforce its proper use.                               type E, which are categorized as non-standard solutions, have not
   Summarizing the findings from the literature review, it can be            been included in the system. However, due to insufficient change
seen that the implementation of a PCS provides various benefits to           management, not all employees were willing to change their work
the manufacturers, in terms of resources’ reduction, reduction of            procedures and therefore they still used Excel sheets to make the
lead time, better communication with customers and product                   cost calculations for making the budgetary offers.
quality. However, there is a lack of empirical evidence on                      In this case study the impact from implementing the PCS on the
quantifying the impact of the use of a product configuration tool on         company’s ability to make accurate price estimations for the
improved profitability and more accurate cost estimation. This               budgetary offers and the company’s profitability will be assessed.
work contributes to that fact, by providing a longitudinal case              The analyses were done both before implementing the system and
study, comparing the economic performance of the products and                for the period of its utilization over, the past 4 years (2011-2014).
the accuracy of quotations before and 4 years after the                      Thereafter the accuracy of the calculations made by using the
implementation of a PCS in a CTO manufacturer.                               Excel sheets and the PCS will be compared.

3         CASE STUDY                                                         3.2       Analysis of the Company’s Performance
In order to examine the propositions a case study is performed. The                    Before and After Implementation of
purpose of this case study is to illustrate the difference between                     Product Configuration System
cost estimation accuracy and product profitability, when using a             In order to compare the performance before implementing the PCS
PCS and without one. Therefore, a longitudinal case study is                 (2009) and after the implementation (2011-2014), contribution
performed, by making similar analysis in 2009, when the company              margins (CM) and contribution ratio (CR) were calculated for each

                                                                        13              Juha Tiihonen, Andreas Falkner, and Tomas Axling, Editors
                                                                                      Proceedings of the 17th International Configuration Workshop
                                                                                                           September 10-11, 2015, Vienna, Austria
  project that had been carried out at the company within the                        3.2.1      Analysis of Cost Structure and Deviations
  timeframe of this research. Those calculations where both based on
  the estimations of the budgetary quotations and both the real cost                 In this section the company’s cost structure and the deviations in
  and sales prices calculated after each project had been closed. CM                 the estimated and actual values with regards to the main cost
  and CR are calculated as follows [25]:                                             elements is analysed. The purpose of that analysis is to identify
                                                                                     whether cost estimations have been improved after the
                  CM = Sales Price – Cost Price                          (1)         implementation of the PCS by analysing the main cost elements.
                     CR=CM / Sales Price                                 (2)         The cost elements that are included in the analysis represent the
                                                                                     direct cost of making the product, which covers the expenses
  Finally, the deviation in the CR is then calculated as actual CR                   related to materials, salaries, subcontractors and for the
  minus the estimated CR.                                                            construction site, e.g. renting machines.
                                                                                        In 2009 a cost analysis was performed in order to assess the
                     DEV = CRactual - CRestimated                        (3)         economic benefit by implementing a PCS. This benefit is highly
                                                                                     associated to the reduction of deviations in the cost estimation, as
  If the real cost of the project is higher than the estimated cost, it              the application of a PCS would thereby improve the budgetary
  will result in negative deviation of the CR. Respectively, if the real             quotations. In Figure 1 the results from the analysis are shown for
  cost of the project is less than the estimated it will result in positive          the deviation in the CM for the cost calculations of the main cost
  deviation in the CR. The data for the analysis was extracted from                  elements.
  the company’s internal database and verified with specialist at the
  company. The cost prices of the projects were calculated as the
  sum of the costs for expenses on construction site, subcontractors,
  materials and salaries. The projects included in the comparison are
  from 2009, when only the Excel sheets were used to calculate the
  cost, until 2014. For the period 2011-2014 the cost calculations are
  either done in the PCS or by using Excel sheets. In Table 1 the
  main results from the analysis are listed.

      Table 1. Overall analysis of the PCS contribution in terms of CR before
          implementation (2009) and after implementation (2011-2014)
                          Performance indicators
          Year             ◊             □            ○           ◊◊
          2009           -1.5%         5.4%        14.6%        25.0%
                                                                                              Figure 1. Deviations in cost estimations for the projects 2009
          2011           -3.6%         7.7%        28.5%        25.5%                                distributed between the main cost elements
          2012           -0.7%         4.9%         8.9%        27.6%
          2013           -2.4%         4.9%         9.5%        28.8%
                                                                                     The figure above shows great deviations and irregularities in the
          2014           -1.1%         3.9%         2.2%        28.6%
                                                                                     pattern, which indicate that only a few projects were realized at the
       ◊ Average difference in CR □ Average absolute deviation in CR ○
                                                                                     same cost as calculated. This means that the salespersons have
  Percentages of projects with greater deviation than 10% ◊◊ Average CR per
                                                                                     estimated significantly lower costs for the projects than the actual
                                                                                     ones, as the deviations are mainly negative. That means that the
  The analysis shows that the average CR has steadily increased                      sales persons underestimated the cost of the project. That refers to
  from 25.0% in 2009 to 28.6% in 2014. However, the overall                          all different cost categories, as they all deviate towards the same
  company’s goal is to have projects with CR of 30%.                                 direction (positive or negative). Based on this it can be concluded
     The deviations in the CR also show positive improvements as                     that the accuracy of the calculations for the budgetary proposals
  the average deviations have been reduced from -1.5% in 2009 to -                   were inadequate in 2009.
  1.1% in 2014. Regarding the absolute value of the CR, when                             In order to see whether the situation has been improved at the
  analyzed, the deviations showed reduction from 5.4% to 3.9%. It                    company since implementing the PCS, a similar analysis was
  should also be noted that the percentages of projects with greater                 repeated in 2014, three years after implementing the PCS. The
  deviation than 10% have been significantly reduced from 14.6% in                   results from the analysis are shown in Figure 2.
  2009 to 2.2% in 2014, as the calculations of the absolute values in
  the CR indicate. However in 2011, which was the first year when
  the PCS was utilized, the deviations in the CR increased
  considerably. This increased in deviations can be traced to the fact
  that the system had not been fully tested before implementation
  and the users of the system were lacking training. But as the users
  became more experienced in using the system and errors had been
  fixed, the PCS started providing valuable results.
     This analysis indicates that the calculations are now more
  precise than before the implementation of the PCS and the
  company is moving closer to the targeted CR, which is 30%.

                                                                                             Figure 2. Deviations in cost estimations for the projects in 2014
                                                                                                     distributed between the main cost elements

Juha Tiihonen, Andreas Falkner, and Tomas Axling, Editors                       14
Proceedings of the 17th International Configuration Workshop
September 10-11, 2015, Vienna, Austria
                                                                              subcontractors. Under certain circumstances, time can be limited
As illustrated in the above figure, when comparing the deviations             and the company’s employees might get closer to a deadline for a
in CMs of the projects from 2014, it can be clearly noted that there          project and the construction team cannot finish on time. Then it
are far less fluctuations in the cost calculations than in 2009.              might be necessary to outsource the work to subcontractors to
Beside a few projects, the majority of them have rather low                   finish on time and not delay the project, as that will also cause
deviations from the calculated budget. By comparing the results               higher additional cost.
from Figures 1 and 2, it can be realised that the accuracy of cost               It can be concluded from the above analysis that the main
estimations has been improved since implementing the PCS. This                reasons for the deviations in the cost calculations were not due to
is also supported by the fact that the deviations from 2009 for all           inconsistences of the PCS. Late changes from the customers,
the cost elements are not towards the same direction, meaning that            unforeseen circumstances and outsourcing are some of the main
in 2009 the deviations were negative in their overwhelming                    factors reported by the project managers of the company, which
majority.                                                                     when occur, cause deviations in the cost calculations.
   The costs in 2014 are closer to the baseline; nevertheless, three
large negative spikes for the subcontractor category can clearly be
seen, on the same projects with the positive spikes for the salaries.         3.3       Comparison of Budgetary Proposals Made
From an interview with a specialist at the company the reason for                       in Excel and PCS
the large deviations in these three projects was due to the fact that         In 2011 the PCS was first launched in the company. However, it
the construction work was outsourced to subcontractors. This                  has not been accepted by all sales representatives therefore some of
explains why the subcontractor category reveals large deviation               them were still using Excel sheets for the calculations. The main
and at the same time there is a positive deviation in the salary              reason for that is the lack of change management initiatives, which
category, as the work was outsourced and therefore salaries to own            resulted in some employees resisting to use the PCS and therefore
employees could be reduced for the projects.                                  sticking to their old work habits. In this chapter the yearly turnover,
   In the project where there is a large positive deviation in the            CR of the projects and the deviations of the CR will be analysed in
material category. The explanation given was that from the time               terms of whether they were generated by the Excel sheets or the by
the proposal was given out and until it was finished it took several          the PCS.
years and in the meantime a new steel structure was developed and                 The turnover generated by projects sold through the PCS has
implemented, which was much cheaper than the old structure. The               been steadily increasing since 2011. In the year 2013 the point was
large positive deviations in the cost estimations that were noticed           reached, where slightly more proposals were generated by the use
in the 2014 analysis have therefore been reasonably explained. In             of the PCS. Figure 3 shows the yearly turnover for the proposals
the next section a more general explanation for the deviation is              made in Excel and by use of the PCS.

3.2.2     Reasons for the deviations
In order to gain a better understanding of the deviations in the cost
estimations, a deeper analysis is performed, with the aim of
clarifying why these deviations are still occurring at the company.
The most significant deviations in the projects 2014 have been
explained above, however in this section additional factors that
influence the deviations will be further analysed.
    The company aims to provide the customers with high quality
service therefore if a customer wants to make changes to the
specifications later in the process, the company will strive to adjust
the solution to satisfy the customer’s wishes. When such changes
occur, the additional cost is added manually to the total price. This
makes the actual cost of the project deviate from the initially                     Figure 3. Comparison of turnover generated for proposals made in
calculated cost, but does not affect the profitability of the project.                             Excel and by use of the PCS
    Furthermore, the cost at the construction site is difficult to
estimate since there are frequently unforeseen factors which have             As can be seen from the above figure, in 2011 and 2012, the
to be dealt with, such as difficulties to get the machines at the             projects handled by the salespersons through the Excel sheets
building side. That can result in increasing the time that the                contributed more to the turnover of the company; even though the
machines have to be rented and creating additional expenses due to            PCS has already been implemented in that period. This can be
salaries of subcontractors, which were not taken into account in the          explained, firstly, by the reluctance that some of the salespersons
original calculation of the estimated cost. However, this threat              showed towards including the new PCS in their working processes,
could be reduced if technicians would examine the construction                as they still used Excel for the cost calculation and quotation
site in order to make more realistic estimations of the cost.                 generation. Additional, the period 2011-2012 was the initial
    However, it worth mentioning that the highest peaks in the                introduction of the PCS at the company. However, the PCS did not
deviations of the cost calculations in 2014 are not caused by errors          include all products at that point of time; therefore its utilization
in the quotations, or additional costs due to unforeseen factors at           was by definition limited. As a consequence, during the trial period
the construction site but mainly because of the outsourcing work to           the turnover contributed by the projects handled in Excel is higher
                                                                              than the one from the PCS, but this fact was significantly changed

                                                                         15               Juha Tiihonen, Andreas Falkner, and Tomas Axling, Editors
                                                                                        Proceedings of the 17th International Configuration Workshop
                                                                                                             September 10-11, 2015, Vienna, Austria
  in the following 2 years. So, in the period 2013-2014, when the
  company managed to take greater advantage of the PCS, and its
  utilization was strongly established, the turnover of the projects
  worked out by using the PCS outnumbered the ones worked out in

  3.3.1     Sales Representatives and CR
  The company’s goal is that all projects should have a CR of 30%.
  An analysis of the overall performance of the company, (section
  3.2) showed how the CR has been increasing since 2009. However,
  in order to confirm that this can be traced to the implementation of
  the PCS, a comparison of the CR for the budgetary proposal made
  by using the PCS and Excel is performed. In Figure 4, the actual
  CR is illustrated for the proposals made by use of the PCS and
  Excel.                                                                          Figure 5. Comparison of deviations in CR for sale persons using Excel
                                                                                                               and PCS

                                                                              As it can be seen from the above figure, the salespersons using the
                                                                              PCS have less deviation in their CR than the ones using Excel, with
                                                                              the exception of the year 2011 which was the first year the system
                                                                              was used in the company. Moreover, in 2012 and 2014 the
                                                                              deviations of the quotations made by the PCS are positive and
                                                                              close to 0.
                                                                                 The analysis of the performance of the salespersons using Excel
                                                                              and PCS therefore indicates that the PCS affects positively the
                                                                              accuracy of the cost estimation as well as the CR. Summarizing the
                                                                              results from this section, it can be seen that both the CR and the
                                                                              accuracy of estimations are improved by the utilization of the PCS.
                                                                              To this end, it can be concluded that the both propositions are
                                                                              supported by the results of the case study.
      Figure 4. Comparison of CR for salespersons using Excel and PCS

      From this it can be concluded that salespersons using the PCS           3.4       Future Initiatives
  contribute a higher CR, with an exception in the year 2012 where it         In order to improve the company’s performance several factors
  was slightly lower. Furthermore, it can be seen that the gap                have been identified that could reduce even further the deviations
  between the CR is increasing between the salespersons using Excel           in the CR and increase the profitability of the company. The
  and the PCS. In 2014 the average CR was 28.6%, where sale                   company intends to implement a check list in the end of each
  persons using the PCS had average CR 30.1% while sale persons               configuration in order to ensure that all the required information is
  using Excel had 23.8%. In other words, the salespersons using the           both gathered in the sales phase and up-to-date. By implementing
  PCS have managed to achieve the goal of 30%.                                the check list, it is expected that errors made in the sales process
      However as previously mentioned the products of type E, which           will be reduced even further. Furthermore, the company is planning
  are the non-standard products, are not included in the PCS                  to enhance a higher degree of standardization in their product
  therefore in order to make the price estimation Excel sheets are            range, as well as move towards modular based product
  always used. Even though those products are not included in the             architecture. Finally, the company has decided to invest 140.000
  calculations for the proposals made in Excel, when they were taken          Euro in further development of the PCS, in order to include more
  into account they only affected the CR for the proposals made in            products and have greater benefits from its utilization.
  Excel by 0.2%. Therefore it can be concluded that the reason for
  lower CR cannot be traced to the special orders.
      Another important factor is to compare the deviations in the CR         4         CONCLUSIONS
  between the proposals made in Excel and PCS. The results are
                                                                              The scope of this case study is to quantify the impact of
  illustrated in Figure 5.
                                                                              implementing a PCS on product profitability and accuracy of cost
                                                                              estimation. The research results in significant improvements in
                                                                              both the CR of products sold through the PCS and the accuracy of
                                                                              quotations. These results confirm the propositions made in this
                                                                              paper. In detail, an improved performance of the margins of the
                                                                              products is recorded, as well as a reduction in the deviation of
                                                                              quotations. The comparison in the quotations’ deviation is made
                                                                              between the same products, sold in 2009, before the company
                                                                              implemented the configurator, and in 2014, when the sales process

Juha Tiihonen, Andreas Falkner, and Tomas Axling, Editors                16
Proceedings of the 17th International Configuration Workshop
September 10-11, 2015, Vienna, Austria
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