=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1453/09_GebserRyabokonSchenner_SolvingCombinedConfiguration_Confws-15_p55 |storemode=property |title=Solving combined configuration problems: a heuristic approach |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1453/09_GebserRyabokonSchenner_SolvingCombinedConfiguration_Confws-15_p55.pdf |volume=Vol-1453 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/confws/GebserRS15 }} ==Solving combined configuration problems: a heuristic approach== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1453/09_GebserRyabokonSchenner_SolvingCombinedConfiguration_Confws-15_p55.pdf
                  Solving Combined Configuration Problems:
                            A Heuristic Approach1
                               Martin Gebser2 and Anna Ryabokon3 and Gottfried Schenner4

Abstract. This paper describes an abstract problem derived from                    classical computer science problems for which there already exist
a combination of Siemens product configuration problems encoun-                    some well-known heuristics and algorithms that can be applied to
tered in practice. Often isolated parts of configuration problems can              speed up computations and/or improve the quality of solutions.
be solved by mapping them to well-studied problems for which ef-                      As the main contribution, we present a novel approach on how
ficient heuristics exist (graph coloring, bin-packing, etc.). Unfortu-             heuristics generated by a greedy solver can be incorporated in an
nately, these heuristics may fail to work when applied to a problem                ASP program to improve computation time (and obtain better so-
that combines two or more subproblems. In the paper we show how                    lutions). The application of domain-specific knowledge formulated
to formulate a combined configuration problem in Answer Set Pro-                   succinctly in an ASP heuristic language [8] allows for better solu-
gramming (ASP) and to solve it using heuristics à la hclasp. The                  tions within a shorter solving time, but it strongly deteriorates the
latter stands for heuristic clasp that is nowadays integrated in clasp             search process when some additional requirements (conflicting with
and enables the declaration of domain-specific heuristics in ASP. In               the formulated heuristics) are included. On the other hand, the for-
addition, we present a novel method for heuristic generation based                 mulation of complex heuristics might be cumbersome using greedy
on a combination of greedy search with ASP that allows to improve                  methods. Therefore, we exploit a combination of greedy methods
the performance of clasp.                                                          with ASP for the generation of heuristics and integrate them to ac-
                                                                                   celerate an ASP solver. We evaluate the method on a set of instances
                                                                                   derived from configuration scenarios encountered by us in practice
1    Introduction                                                                  and in general. Our evaluation shows that for three different sets of
Researchers in academia and industry have tried different approaches               instances solutions can be computed an order of magnitude faster
to configuration knowledge representation and reasoning, including                 than compared to a plain ASP encoding.
production rules, constraints languages, heuristic search, description                The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 in-
logics, etc.; see [16, 14, 9] for surveys. Although constraint-based               troduces a combined configuration problem (CCP) which is exempli-
methods remain de facto standard, Answer Set Programming (ASP)                     fied in Section 3. Section 4 discusses heuristics for solving the CCP.
has gained much attention over the last years because of its expres-               We present our evaluation results in Section 5. Finally, in Section 6
sive high-level representation abilities.                                          we conclude and discuss future work.
   As evaluation shows ASP is a compact and expressive method to
capture configuration problems [15, 18, 9], i.e. it can represent con-             2   Combined Configuration Problem
figuration knowledge consisting of component types, associations,
attributes, and additional constraints. The declarative semantics of               The Combined Configuration Problem (CCP) is an abstract prob-
ASP programs allows a knowledge engineer to choose the order in                    lem derived from a combination of several problems encountered in
which rules are written in a program, i.e. the knowledge about types,              Siemens practice (railway interlocking systems, automation systems,
attributes, etc. can be easily grouped in one place and modularized.               etc.). A CCP instance is defined by a directed acyclic graph, called
Sound and complete solving algorithms allow to check a configu-                    just graph later on in this paper for simplicity. Each vertex of the
ration model and support evolution tasks such as reconfiguration.                  graph has a type and each type of the vertices has a particular size.
Generally, the results prove that ASP has limitations when applied                 In addition, each instance comprises two sets of vertices specifying
to large-scale product (re)configuration instances [1, 5]. The best re-            two vertex-disjoint paths in the graph. Furthermore, an instance con-
sults in terms of runtime and solution quality were achieved when                  tains a set of areas, sets of vertices defining possible border elements
domain-specific heuristics were applied [17, 12].                                  of each area and a maximal number of border elements per area. Fi-
   In this paper we introduce a combined configuration problem                     nally, a number of available colors as well as a number of available
that reflects typical requirements frequently occurring in practice at             bins and their capacity are given.
Siemens. The parts of this problem correspond (to some extent) to                     Given a CCP instance, the goal is to find a solution that satisfies
                                                                                   a set of requirements. All system requirements are separated into
1 This work was funded by COIN and AoF under grant 251170 as well as
                                                                                   the corresponding subproblems which must be solved together or in
  by FFG under grant 840242. An extended version of this paper is to appear        combinations:
  in the proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Logic Program-
  ming and Non-monotonic Reasoning.
2 Aalto University, HIIT, Finland and University of Potsdam, Germany,              • P1 Coloring Every vertex must have exactly one color.
  email: martin.gebser@aalto.fi                                                    • P2 Bin-Packing For every color a Bin-Packing problem must be
3 Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Austria, email: anna.ryabokon@aau.at          solved. For every color the same number of bins are available.
4 Siemens AG Österreich, Austria, email: gottfried.schenner@siemens.com
                                                                                     Every vertex must be assigned to exactly one bin of its color and

                                                                              55                Juha Tiihonen, Andreas Falkner and Tomas Axling, Editors
                                                                                             Proceedings of the 17th International Configuration Workshop
                                                                                                                  September 10-11, 2015, Vienna, Austria
   for every bin it holds that the sum of sizes must be smaller or equal          Paths constraint (P3) is active. Consequently, in this case the
   to the bin capacity.                                                           solution shown in Figure 2 violates this constraint and must be
 • P3 Disjoint Paths Vertices of different paths cannot be colored in             modified as given in Figure 4 where the vertices of different paths
   the same color.                                                                are colored with different colors (path1 with dark grey and grey, and
 • P4 Matching Each border element must be assigned to exactly                    path2 with white and light grey).
   one area such that the number of selected border elements of an
   area does not exceed the maximal number of border elements and                                               b5         e1    b6
   all selected border elements of an area have the same color.
 • P5 Connectedness Two vertices with the same color must be con-                          b1        s1   p1    b2         p2    b3     p3         s2    b4
   nected via a path that contains only vertices of that color.
                                                                                           b7        s3   p4    b8         p5    b9     p6         s4    b10
 Origin In the railway domain the given graph represents a track lay-
 out of a railway line. A coloring P1 can then be thought as an assign-                                         b11        e2    b12
 ment of resources (e.g. computers) to the elements of the railway line.
 In real-world scenarios different infrastructure elements may require            Figure 2: Used colors in a solution of the Coloring and Bin-Packing
 different amounts of a resource that is summarized in P2. This may               problems (P1-P2)
 be hardware requirements (e.g. a signal requiring a certain number
 of hardware parts) or software requirements (e.g. an infrastructural
 element requiring a specific processing time). The requirements of                                 b9
 P1 and P2 are frequently used in configuration problems during an                                                                                       e2
                                                                                                s4  b8                                       s2
 assignment of entities of one type to entities of another type [11, 5].                            b3
                                                                                                          p2   p6     p3
                                                                                                                                       p4           p1   e1
    The constraint of P3 increases availability, i.e. in case one resource                      b5 b11                      s1               b7
                                                                                          b4    b10 b1                           b2          b12         b6
 fails it should still be possible to get from a source vertex (no in-
 coming edges) of the graph to a target vertex (no outgoing edges) of             Figure 3: Used bins in a solution of the Coloring and Bin-Packing
 the graph. In the general version of this problem one has to find n              problems (P1-P2)
 paths that maximize availability. The CCP uses the simplified prob-
 lem where 2 vertex-disjoint paths are given.
    P4 stems from detecting which elements of the graph are occu-
 pied. The border elements function as detectors for an object leaving                                          b5         e1    b6

 or entering an area. The Partner Units Problem [2, 1] is a more elab-
                                                                                          b1         s1   p1    b2         p2    b3     p3         s2     b4
 orate version of this problem. P5 arises in different scenarios, e.g. if
 communication between elements controlled by different resources
 is more costly, then neighboring elements should be assigned to the                      b7         s3   p4    b8         p5    b9     p6         s4    b10

 same resource whenever possible.
                                                                                                               b11         e2    b12

 3     Example                                                                    Figure 4: Solution of the Coloring, Bin-Packing and Disjoint Paths
                                                                                  problems (P1-P3)
 Figure 1 shows a sample input CCP graph. In this section we illus-
 trate how particular requirements can influence a solution. Namely,
                                                                                     Figure 5 shows an example of Matching (P4). In this example
 we add the constraints of each subproblem one by one. If only P1
                                                                                  there are seven areas in the matching input graph, each correspond-
 is active, any graph corresponds to a trivial solution of P1 where all
                                                                                  ing to a subgraph surrounded with border elements (Figure 1). For in-
 vertices are colored white.
                                                                                  stance, area a1 represents the subgraph {b1, s1, p1, b2, b5} and area
                                                                                  a2 the subgraph {b5, e1, b6}. The corresponding border elements,
                              b5    e1     b6
                                                                                  {b1, b2, b5} and {b5, b6}, are displayed in Figure 5.
                                                                                     Assume that an area can have at most 2 border elements assigned
            b1    s1    p1    b2    p2     b3    p3     s2    b4
                                                                                  to it. In the resulting matching (Figure 5) b1, b2 are assigned to a1,
                                                                                  whereas b5, b6 are assigned to a2. Note that the sample selected
            b7    s3    p4    b8    p5     b9    p6     s4    b10
                                                                                  matching shown in Figure 5 is not valid with the coloring presented
                              b11    e2    b12
                                                                                  previously, because, for example, b5 and b6 are assigned to the same
                                                                                  area a2 although they are colored differently.
     Figure 1: Input CCP graph and a trivial solution of Coloring (P1)               In addition, the coloring solution shown in Figure 4 violates the
                                                                                  Connectedness constraint (P5). Therefore, the previous solutions
                                                                                  must be updated to take the new requirements into account. Figure 6
    Let us consider the input graph as a Bin-Packing problem instance             shows a valid coloring of the given graph that satisfies all problem
 with four colors and three bins per color of a capacity equal to five.           requirements (P1-P5).
 The vertices of type b, e, s and p have the sizes 1, 2, 3 and 4, respec-
 tively. A solution of Coloring and Bin-Packing (P1-P2) is presented
                                                                                  4   Combining Heuristics for Configuration
 in Figures 2 and 3.
    Moreover, two vertex-disjoint paths are declared by
 path1       =      {b1, s1, p1, b2, p2, b3, p3, s2, b4} as well as               We formulated the CCP using ASP and the corresponding encod-
 path2 = {b7, s3, p4, b8, p5, b9, p6, s4, b10}, and the Disjoint                  ing can be found at http://isbi.aau.at/hint/problems.

Juha Tiihonen, Andreas Falkner and Tomas Axling, Editors                     56
Proceedings of the 17th International Configuration Workshop
September 10-11, 2015, Vienna, Austria
                                                                                                             tion algorithms (construction heuristics) that allow efficient computa-
                             a1        a2         a3         a4        a5        a6          a7
                                                                                                             tion of good approximations of a solution [6], e.g. Best/First/Next-Fit
                                                                                                             heuristics. They can, of course, be used as heuristics for the CCP.
                                                                                                                Let the Bin-Packing problem instance be encoded using a set of
             b1    b2        b5   b6        b4     b3        b8   b9        b7    b11    b10      b12        predicates among which nrofbins/1 and order /2 denote a number
                                                                                                             of bins in the instance and an ordered set of input vertices, respec-
    Figure 5: A sample input and solution graphs for P4. The selected                                        tively. The predicate vertex bin/2 is used to encode a solution and
    edges of the input graph are highlighted with solid lines.                                               denotes an assignment of a vertex to a bin. As shown in Listing 2,
                                                                                                             given a (decreasing) order of vertices, we can force the solver to
                                             b5         e1        b6
                                                                                                             place vertex Vi into the lowest-indexed bin for which the size of al-
                                                                                                             ready placed vertices does not exceed the capacity, i.e. in a first-fit
              b1        s1        p1         b2         p2        b3         p3         s2        b4         bin. The heuristic never uses a new bin until all the non-empty bins
                                                                                                             are full and it can be expressed by rules that generate always a higher
              b7        s3        p4         b8         p5        b9         p6         s4        b10        level for the bins with smaller number:

                                            b11         e2        b12                                    1 binDomain(1..NB) :- nrofbins(NB).
                                                                                                         2 offset(NB+1) :- nrofbins(NB).
                        Figure 6: A valid solution for P1-P5                                             3 _heuristic(vertex_bin(V,B),true,M+O*NB-B) :-
                                                                                                               binDomain(B), nrofbins(NB), order(V,O),
    To formulate a heuristic within ASP we use the declarative heuris-
    tic framework developed by Gebser et al. [8]. In this formalism the
    heuristics are expressed using atoms heuristic(a, m, v, p), where                                          Listing 2: First-Fit heuristic for an assignment of vertices to bins
    a denotes an atom for which a heuristic value is defined, m is one of
    four modifiers (init, factor, level and sign), and v, p are integers de-                                 It is also possible (with an intense effort) to express other heuristics
    noting a value and a priority, respectively, of the definition. A num-                                   for P1-P5 that guide the search appropriately and allow to speed up
    ber of shortcuts are available, e.g. heuristic(a, v, l), where a is an                                   the computation of solutions if we solve these problems separately.
    atom, v is its truth value and l is a level. The heuristic atoms modify                                  However, as our experiments show, the inclusion of heuristics for
    the behavior of the VSIDS heuristic [10]. Thus, if a heuristic atom                                      different problems at the same time might drastically deteriorate the
    is true in some interpretation, then the corresponding atom a might                                      performance for real-world CCP instances.
    be preferred by the ASP solver at the next decision point.
       There are different ways to incorporate heuristic atoms in a pro-
                                                                                                             4.2    Greedy Search
    gram. The standard approach [8] requires an implementation of a
    heuristic at hand using a pure ASP encoding, whereas the idea of our                                     From our observations in the context of product configuration, it is
    method is to delegate the (expensive) generation of a heuristic to an                                    relatively easy to devise a greedy algorithm to solve a part of a config-
    external tool and then to extend the program with generated heuristic                                    uration problem. This is often the case in practice, because products
    atoms to accelerate the ASP search. Below we will exemplify how                                          are typically designed to be easily configurable. The hard configu-
    both approaches can be applied.                                                                          ration instances usually occur when new constraints arise due to the
                                                                                                             combination of existing products and technologies.
                                                                                                                The same can be said for the CCP. Whereas it is easy to develop
    4.1    Standard generation of heuristics in ASP                                                          greedy search algorithms for the individual subproblems, it becomes
    Several heuristics can be used for the problems that compose the                                         increasingly difficult to come up with an algorithm that solves the
    CCP. For instance, for the coloring of vertices (P1) we seek to use as                                   combined problem. For instance, a greedy algorithm for the Match-
    few colors as possible by the following rule:                                                            ing problem of the CCP (P4) can be formulated as follows: For every
                                                                                                             vertex v find a related area a with the fewest assigned vertices so
1   _heuristic(vertex_color(V,C),true,MC-C) :-                                                               far and match v with a. The algorithm assumes that all border ele-
        vertex(V), color(C), nrofcolors(MC).                                                                 ments are colored with one color, as it trivially satisfies the coloring
                                                                                                             requirement of the matching problem. A greedy algorithm for solv-
                                                                                                             ing the CCP wrt. Coloring, Bin-Packing and Connectedness (P1, P2
          Listing 1: Heuristic for an assignment of colors to vertices                                       and P5) can be described as follows:
    Roughly speaking, this rule means that the assignment of                                                 1. Select the first available color c and add the first vertex not as-
    colors to vertices must be done in an ascending order of                                                    signed to any bin to a queue Q;
    colors. Given a vertex (b1) and two colors nrofcolors(2)                                                 2. Get and remove from Q the first element v, label it with c and try
    encoded as color (1) and color (2), the solver can derive                                                   to assign it to a bin using some Bin-Packing heuristic, e.g. First-Fit
    two heuristic atoms heuristic(vertex color (b1, 1), true, 1) and                                            or Best-Fit [6];
     heuristic(vertex color (b1, 2), true, 0). These atoms indicate the                                      3. If v is assigned to some bin, add neighbors of v to Q;
    solver that the atom vertex color (b1, 1) must be assigned the truth                                     4. If Q 6= ∅, then goto 2;
    value true first since the atom with the higher level is preferred.                                      5. Otherwise, if there are unassigned vertices, then make the color c
       Additionally, we can apply the well-known Bin-Packing heuris-                                            unavailable and goto 1.
    tics for the placement of colored vertices into the bins of specified
    capacity (P2). The Bin-Packing problem is known to be an NP-hard                                           Suppose one wants to combine these two algorithms. One strategy
    combinatorial problem. However, there are a number of approxima-                                         would be to run greedy Matching and then solve the Bin-Packing

                                                                                                        57                Juha Tiihonen, Andreas Falkner and Tomas Axling, Editors
                                                                                                                       Proceedings of the 17th International Configuration Workshop
                                                                                                                                            September 10-11, 2015, Vienna, Austria
                                                                                idea of combining local search with a complete solver is also found
   Algorithm 1: Greedy & ASP
                                                                                in large neighborhood search [4].
    Input: A problem P , an ASP program Π solving the problem P
    Output: A solution S
  1 GreedySolution ← solveGreedy(P );                                           5    Experimental results
  2 H ← generateHeuristic(GreedySolution);
                                                                                 Experiment1 In our evaluation we compared a plain ASP en-
  3 return solveWithASP(Π, H);
                                                                                coding of the CCP with an ASP encoding extended with domain-
                                                                                specific knowledge. The Bin-Packing problem (P2) of the CCP cor-
 problem taking matchings into account. Namely, the combined algo-              responds to the classic Bin-Packing problem and the same heuristics
 rithm preforms the following steps:                                            can be applied. We implemented several Bin-Packing heuristics such
                                                                                as First/Best/Next-Fit (Decreasing) heuristics using ASP as shown in
 1. Call the matching greedy algorithm and get a set of matchings               Section 4.1. For the evaluation we took 37 publicly available Bin-
    M = {(v1 , a1 ), . . . , (vn , am )};                                       Packing problem instances5 , for which the optimal number of bins
 2. For each vertex vi of the input graph G do:                                 optnrofbins is known, and translated them to CCP instances. The
   (a) Assign a new color to vi , if vi has no assigned color;                  biggest instance of the set includes 500 vertices and 736 bins of the
                                                                                capacity 100. In the experiment, the maximal number of colors was
  (b) Put vi into a bin, as in the greedy Bin-Packing (steps 2-3);              set to 1 and the maximal number of bins was set to 2 · optnrofbins.
   (c) If vi is a border element, then retrieve an area aj that matches         All instances were solved by both approaches6 . For a plain ASP
       vi in M and color all vertices of this area in the same color as         encoding the solver required at most 27 seconds to find a solution
       vi .                                                                     whereas for the heuristic ASP program solving took at most 6 sec-
                                                                                onds, which is 4.5 times faster. The best results for the heuristic ap-
    The combined algorithm might violate Connectedness, because it              proach were obtained using the First-Fit heuristic with the decreasing
 colors all border vertices assigned to an area with the same color.            order of vertices. Corresponding solutions utilized less bins then the
 However, these vertices are not necessarily connected. That is, there          ones obtained with the plain ASP program. Moreover, using First-Fit
 might be a solution with a different matching, but the greedy algo-            heuristic, for 23 from 37 instances a solution with optimal number of
 rithm tests only one of all possible matchings. Moreover, there is no          bins was found and for 13 other instances at most 4 bins more were
 obvious way how to create an algorithm solving all three problems              required. The plain ASP encoding resulted in solutions that used on
 efficiently. This is a clear disadvantage of using ad-hoc algorithms in        average 4 bins more than corresponding solutions of the heuristic
 contrast to the usage of a logic-based formalism like ASP, where the           approach.
 addition of constraints is just a matter of adding some rules to an en-
 coding. On the other hand, domain-specific algorithms are typically              Experiment2 In the next experiment we tested the same Bin-
 faster and scale better than ASP-based or SAT-based approaches that            Packing heuristics implemented in ASP for the combined CCP, i.e.
 cannot be used for large instances. For instance, the memory demand            when all subproblems P1-P5 are active, on 100 real-world test in-
 of the greedy Bin-Packing algorithm is polynomial in graph size.               stances of moderate size (maximally 500 vertices in an input). The
                                                                                instances in this experiment were derived from a number of indus-
 4.3    Combining Greedy Search and ASP                                         trial configuration tasks. Neither the plain program nor the heuristic
                                                                                program were able to improve runtime/quality of solutions. More-
 One way to let a complete ASP solver and a greedy search algo-                 over, our greedy method described in Section 4.2 also failed to find a
 rithm benefit from each other is to use the greedy algorithm to com-           connected solution, i.e. when P5 is active. For this reason, we inves-
 pute upper bounds for the problem to solve. The tighter upper bound            tigated the combined approach (Greedy & ASP) described in Sec-
 usually means smaller grounding size and shorter solving time, be-             tion 4.3. This approach uses the greedy method to generate a partial
 cause the greedy solver being domain-specific usually outperforms              solution ignoring the Connectedness constraint and provides this so-
 ASP for the relaxed version of the problem. For instance, running the          lution as heuristic atoms to the ASP solver. Our experiments show
 greedy algorithm for the Bin-Packing problem and Matching prob-                (see Figure 7a) that the combined approach can solve all 100 bench-
 lem gives upper bounds for the maximal number of colors, i.e. num-             marks from the mentioned set, whereas the plain encoding solves
 ber of different Bin-Packing problems to solve. The same applies to            only 54 instances (the time frame was set to 900 seconds in this
 the Matching problem. This kind of application of greedy algorithms            and the next experiment). Moreover, for those instances which were
 has a long tradition in branch and bound search algorithms, where              solved using both approaches, the quality of solutions measured in
 greedy algorithms are used to compute the upper bound of a problem.            terms of used bins and colors was the same. However, the runtime of
 For an example see [19], where a greedy coloring algorithm is used             the combined approach was 18 times faster on average and required
 to find an upper bound for the clique size in a graph for the computa-         at most 24 seconds instead of 848 seconds needed for the plain ASP
 tion of maximum cliques. In this paper we investigate a novel way to           encoding.
 combine greedy algorithms and ASP (Algortihm 1). Consequently,
 in our approach we, first, use a greedy algorithm to find a solution of         Experiment3 In addition, we tested more complex real-world in-
 a relaxed version of the problem. Next, this solution is converted into        stances (maximally 1004 vertices in an input)7 which we have also
 a heuristic for an ASP solver which assigns the atoms of the greedy            submitted to the ASP competition 2015. Similarly to Experiment2
 solution a higher heuristic value.
                                                                                5 http://www.wiwi.uni-jena.de/Entscheidung/binpp/index.htm
    As an example for solving the complete CCP problem, we can,                 6 The evaluation was performed using clingo version 4.3.0 from the Potassco
 first, find an unconnected solution for the combination of Coloring,             ASP collection [7] on a system with Intel i7-3030K CPU (3.20 GHz) and
 Bin-Packing, Disjoint paths and Matching problems (P1-P4), and                   64 GB of RAM, running Ubuntu 11.10.
                                                                                7 The instances are available at: http://isbi.aau.at/hint/problems
 then, use the ASP solver to fix the Connectedness property (P5). The

Juha Tiihonen, Andreas Falkner and Tomas Axling, Editors                   58
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September 10-11, 2015, Vienna, Austria
            1000                                                                                               1000

             100                                                                                                100

              10                                                                                                 10

                                                                                                   TIME, SEC

                                       Plain ASP          Greedy & ASP                                                               Plain ASP      Greedy & ASP

                                        (a) Experiment2                                                                                (b) Experiment3

                                                               Figure 7: Evaluation results using Plain ASP and Greedy & ASP

we compared the plain ASP encoding to the combined approach                                                            REFERENCES
from Section 4.3. Again, regarding the quality of solutions, both ap-
                                                                                                                        [1] M. Aschinger, C. Drescher, G. Friedrich, G. Gottlob, P. Jeavons,
proaches are comparable, i.e. they use on average the same number                                                           A. Ryabokon, and E. Thorstensen, ‘Optimization Methods for the Part-
of colors and bins, with the combined approach having a slight edge.                                                        ner Units Problem’, in Proceedings of CPAIOR, pp. 4–19, (2011).
Generally, from 48 instances considered in this experiment, 36/38 in-                                                   [2] M. Aschinger, C. Drescher, G. Gottlob, P. Jeavons, and E. Thorstensen,
stances were solved using the plain/combined encoding, respectively.                                                        ‘Tackling the Partner Units Configuration Problem’, in Proceedings of
                                                                                                                            IJCAI, pp. 497–503, (2011).
On average/maximally the plain encoding needed 69/887 seconds to                                                        [3] M. Balduccini, ‘Learning and using domain-specific heuristics in ASP
find a solution whereas the combined method took 14/196 seconds,                                                            solvers’, AI Communications, 24(2), 147–164, (2011).
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fluence of heuristics on the performance for the instances from Ex-                                                         solver for large neighborhood search: Mixing gecode and easylocal++’,
                                                                                                                            in Hybrid metaheuristics, 141–155, Springer, (2009).
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                                                                                                                        [5] G. Friedrich, A. Ryabokon, A. A. Falkner, A. Haselböck, G. Schenner,
Although the grounding time is not presented for both experiments,                                                          and H. Schreiner, ‘(Re) configuration based on model generation’, in
we note that it requires about 10 seconds using both approaches for                                                         Proceedings of LoCoCo, pp. 26–35, (2011).
the biggest instance when all subproblems P1-P5 are active.                                                             [6] M. R. Garey and D. S. Johnson, Computers and Intractability: A Guide
                                                                                                                            to the Theory of NP-Completeness, W. H. Freeman, 1979.
                                                                                                                        [7] M. Gebser, R. Kaminski, B. Kaufmann, and T. Schaub, Answer Set
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                                                                                                                        [8] M. Gebser, B. Kaufmann, J. Romero, R. Otero, T. Schaub, and
Choosing the right domain-specific heuristics for simple backtrack-                                                         P. Wanko, ‘Domain-Specific Heuristics in Answer Set Programming’,
based solvers is essential for finding a solution at all, especially for                                                    in Proceedings of AAAI, (2013).
large and/or complex problems. The role of domain-specific heuris-                                                      [9] L. Hotz, A. Felfernig, M. Stumptner, A. Ryabokon, C. Bagley, and
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tics in a conflict-driven nogood learning ASP solver seems to be less                                                       Knowledge-Based Configuration: From Research to Business Cases,
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setting. However, the possible applications go beyond this. The same                                                        gram Rewriting for Solving Configuration Problems’, in Proceedings
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approach could be used to repair an infeasible assignment using an                                                     [13] T. Schrijvers, G. Tack, P. Wuille, H. Samulowitz, and P. J. Stuckey,
ASP solver. This is currently a field of active research for us and has                                                     ‘Search combinators’, Constraints, 18(2), 269–305, (2013).
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tion occurs when a configuration problem is not solved from scratch,                                                        78–90, (2007).
but some parts of an existing configuration have to be taken into ac-                                                  [15] T. Soininen, I. Niemelä, J. Tiihonen, and R. Sulonen, ‘Representing
                                                                                                                            configuration knowledge with weight constraint rules’, in Proceedings
count.                                                                                                                      of the Workshop on ASP, pp. 195–201, (2001).
   An open question is how to combine heuristics for different sub-                                                    [16] M. Stumptner, ‘An overview of knowledge-based configuration’, AI
problems in a modular manner without the adaptation of every                                                                Communications, 10(2), 111–125, (1997).
domain-specific heuristic. Here approaches like search combinators                                                     [17] E. C. Teppan, G. Friedrich, and A. A. Falkner, ‘QuickPup: A Heuristic
                                                                                                                            Backtracking Algorithm for the Partner Units Configuration Problem’,
[13] from the constraint programming community might be useful.                                                             in Proceedings of IAAI, pp. 2329–2334, (2012).
Another interesting topic for future research would be how to learn                                                    [18] J. Tiihonen, M. Heiskala, A. Anderson, and T. Soininen, ‘WeCoTin -
heuristics from an ASP solver, i.e. to investigate the variable/value                                                       A practical logic-based sales configurator’, AI Communications, 26(1),
order chosen by an ASP solver for medium size problem instances                                                             99–131, (2013).
and use heuristics in a backtrack solver for larger instances that are                                                 [19] Etsuji Tomita and Toshikatsu Kameda, ‘An efficient branch-and-bound
                                                                                                                            algorithm for finding a maximum clique with computational experi-
out of scope of an ASP solver due to the grounding size. Some as-                                                           ments’, Journal of Global Optimization, 37(1), 95–111, (2007).
pects of this topic were discussed in [3].

                                                                                                                 59                 Juha Tiihonen, Andreas Falkner and Tomas Axling, Editors
                                                                                                                                 Proceedings of the 17th International Configuration Workshop
                                                                                                                                                      September 10-11, 2015, Vienna, Austria