=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1453/10_MongePitiotAldanondoVareilles_TowardsABenchmarkForConfiguration_Confws-15_p61 |storemode=property |title=Towards a benchmark for configuration and planning optimization problems |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1453/10_MongePitiotAldanondoVareilles_TowardsABenchmarkForConfiguration_Confws-15_p61.pdf |volume=Vol-1453 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/confws/GarcesPAV15 }} ==Towards a benchmark for configuration and planning optimization problems== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1453/10_MongePitiotAldanondoVareilles_TowardsABenchmarkForConfiguration_Confws-15_p61.pdf
     Towards a benchmark for configuration and planning optimization problems 
                 Luis Garcés Monge1, Paul Pitiot1,2, Michel Aldanondo1, Elise Vareilles1
                                University Toulouse – Mines Albi, France
                                         3IL-CCI Rodez, France

Abstract. Computer science community is always interested            various industrial cases: automotive [Amilhastre et al.,
in « benchmarks », e.g. standard problems, by which per-             2002], [Kaiser et al., 2003], [Sinz et al., 2003], power sup-
formance of optimization approaches can be measured and              ply [Jensen, 2005], train design [Han and Lee, 2011], etc. A
characterized. This article aims at present our research per-        data-base of industrials cases was started on [Subbarayan,
spectives to achieve a benchmark for concurrent configura-           2006] but it is not any more maintained.
tion and planning optimization problems. A benchmark is a
set of reference models that represents a particular kind of
problem. Product configuration and project planning are              Our previous research projects [Pitiot et al., 2013] aim at
classic problems abundantly handled in the literature. Their         producing decision aiding tools for a specific problem sub-
coupling in an integrated model is a more and more handled           ject to a growing interest in mass customization communi-
complex problem; but there is a lack of benchmark in spite           ty: the coupling between product and project environments.
of the need expressed by the community during last configu-          Numerous authors [Baxter, D. et al., 2007] [Zhang et al.
ration workshops [config, 2013/2014]]. Two approaches                2013] [Hong et al., 2010] or [Li et al., 2006], [Huang and
may be combined to obtain a benchmark: (i) generalization
of existing real applications (for example, automotive, tele-        Gu, 2006] showed the interest to take into account simulta-
communication or computer industry), (ii) or using a struc-          neously the product and project dimensions in a decision
tural analysis of theoretical model of the problem. In this          aiding tool. This concurrent process has two main interests:
article, we propose a meta-model of concurrent configura-            i) Allowing to model, and thus to take into account, interac-
tion and planning problem using these two approaches. It             tions between product and project (for example, a specific
shall allow us to supply a representative and complete               product configuration forbids using certain resources for
benchmark, in order to accurately estimate the contribution          project tasks), ii) Avoid the traditional sequence: configure
of existing optimization methods.
                                                                     product then plan its production which is the source of
                                                                     multiple iterations when selected product can’t be obtained
1      Introduction                                                  in satisfying conditions (mainly in terms of cost and cycle
Benchmarking of optimization approaches is crucial to                In spite of the growing interest of the community and in-
assess performance quantitatively and to understand their            dustrialists, there is no standard (benchmark) for this con-
weaknesses and strengths. There are numerous academic                current problem.
benchmarks associate with various classes of optimization
problem (linear / nonlinear problems, constrained problems,          In this article, we propose a meta-model of the whole prob-
integer or mixed integer programming, etc.). Studies, reports        lem (configuration, planning and coupling) which will be
and websites of [Shcherbina, 2009] [Domes et al., 2014]              used for a theoretical investigation. We also propose to
[Mittelmann , 2009] [Gilbert and Jonsson, 2009] are particu-         generate representative instances of the problem. By repre-
larly accomplished examples of existing optimization                 sentative, we mean both:
benchmark with a multitude of articles and algorithms                   - Representative of the diversity that could be obtained by
benchmarked on great variety of test functions (see for ex-          theoretical investigation of the meta-model
ample [Shcherbina et al., 2003], [Pál et al., 2012] or [Auger           - Representative of the diversity of industrial existing
and Ros, 2009]).                                                     cases (models and decision aiding process); especially for
                                                                     the configuration part due to its diversity.
More than an academic tool, a benchmark should also be
representative of real-world problems. For a specific do-               Therefore, the paper is organized as follow. The next sec-
main, a benchmark represents a reference which should be             tion details the problem and its combinatorial aspect. The
used by company’s decision-makers to select an approach or
                                                                     third section proposes first elements relevant to a meta-
an algorithm. But it is not always easy for them to know of
                                                                     model of the benchmark tool. Some elements associated
which theoretical cases cover their practical cases. Bench-
mark on configuration field could illustrate this aspect with        with cases diversity are discussed.

                                                                61                Juha Tiihonen, Andreas Falkner and Tomas Axling, Editors
                                                                               Proceedings of the 17th International Configuration Workshop
                                                                                                    September 10-11, 2015, Vienna, Austria
    2         Addressed problem                                           uct or project environment). We assume that those decision
                                                                          variables are all discrete variables, so that an instantiation of
    For our benchmark, the addressed problem is limited to the            all these decisions variables corresponds to a particular
    coupling between product configuration and project plan-              product / project. Indeed in reality and regardless of the
    ning. We will describe both environments and the coupling             environment, decisions correspond to choices between vari-
    of them in next sub-sections.                                         ous combinations. In product environment, decisions corre-
                                                                          spond to architectural choices between various combina-
        2.1    Concurrent configuration and planning                      tions of sub-systems, or to a choice among various variants
                                                                          for every sub-system. In project environment, decisions
    Product configuration problem is a multi-domain, multidis-
                                                                          correspond to resources choices between various variants.
    ciplinary, multiobjective problem [Viswanathan and Linsey,
                                                                          Combinatorial constrained optimization problems consist in
    2014], [Tumer and Lewis, 2014]. That generates a wide
                                                                          a search of a combination of all decision variables that re-
    diversity of possible models to represent. We will try to
                                                                          spects constraints of the problem [Mezura-Montes and
    define a classification of existing product models and mod-
                                                                          Coello Coello, 2011]. Instantiation of every decision varia-
    elize it in the proposed meta-model. Planning problems are
                                                                          ble in CSP model corresponds to a specific product/project
    generally more framed (e.g. temporal precedence, resources
                                                                          which could be analyzed and scored according user’s multi-
    consumption, cycle time or delay, etc.). To generate various
                                                                          ple preferences or objectives (cost, delay, etc.). As those
    problem instances we can act on the shape of the project
                                                                          objectives could be antagonist, algorithm has to find in a
    graph and on the dispersal of the values assigned for the
                                                                          short time a set of approximately efficient solutions that will
    resources of tasks (cost, cycle time, etc.). Thus, we need to
                                                                          allow the decision maker to choose a good compromise
    define in our meta-model of the product / project a kind of
                                                                          solution. Using Pareto dominance concept, the optimal set
    generic model for each part and for the coupling. The aim of
                                                                          of solutions searched is called the optimal Pareto front.
    the next step of our study will be to analyze industrial cases
                                                                          This allows us to define a multiobjective combinatorial
    and to define this generic model.
                                                                          constrained optimization problem: a search between various
                                                                          combinations to find a selection of solutions which are the
    Many authors, since [Mittal and Frayman, 1989], [Soininen
                                                                          closest possible of the optimal Pareto front.
    et al., 1998], [Aldanondo et al., 2008] or [Hofstedt and
    Schneeweiss, 2011] have defined configuration as the task
    of deriving the definition of a specific or customized prod-          3         Meta-model description
    uct (through a set of properties, sub-assemblies or bill of
    materials, etc…) from a generic product or a product family,          This part aims at present the first elements relevant to a
    while taking into account specific customer requirements.             meta-model of a concurrent configuration and planning
    Some authors, like [Schierholt 2001], [Bartak et al., 2010]           problem which will be used to generate data on benchmark.
    or [Zhang et al. 2013] have shown that the same kind of
    reasoning process can be considered for production process                3.1    Constrained optimization problem
    planning. They therefore consider that deriving a specific
    production plan (operations, resources to be used, etc...)            The constrained optimization problem (O-CSP) is defined
                                                                          by the quadruplet  where V is the set of deci-
    from some kind of generic process plan while respecting
                                                                          sion variables, D the set of domains linked to the variables
    product characteristics and customer requirements, can
                                                                          of V, C the set of constraints on variables of V and f the
    define production planning. More and more studies tackle              multi-valued fitness function. The set V gathers: the product
    the coupling of both environment [Baxter, D. et al., 2007]            variables and the process variables (we assume that duration
    [Zhang et al. 2013] [Hong et al., 2010] or [Li et al.,                process variables are deduced from product and resource).
    2006], [Huang and Gu, 2006]. Many configuration and                   In our meta-model, we define two kind of variable: descrip-
    planning studies (see for example [Junker, 2006] or [La-              tion variables and decision variables. The first ones could be
    borie, 2003]) have shown that each problem could be suc-              discrete or continuous and allow description of the problem
    cessfully considered as a constraint satisfaction problem             in each environment. On other hand, the decision variables
    (CSP). CSP’s are also widely used by industrials [Kaiser et           are all discrete, that thus define the combinatorial optimiza-
    al., 2000]. Considering that using a CSP representation, we           tion problem to solve. Those variables, linked by various
    could both represent constrained and unconstrained prob-              constraints, describe product and project. In product side,
    lems, we will use it to represent each environment and the            we consider that a generic product can be described by a set
                                                                          of properties or a set of components or a mix of both as
                                                                          proposed in [Aldanondo et al., 2008]. Product description
                                                                          variables can be associated with product properties or com-
        2.2    Combinatorial optimization problem                         ponent type. The definition domains of these variables are
                                                                          either symbols (for example: type of finish…) or discrete
    In previous concurrent model, some variables represent                numbers (for example: flight range…). The configuration
    decisions of the user (customer or decision-maker on prod-            constraints that link these variables show the allowed com-

Juha Tiihonen, Andreas Falkner and Tomas Axling, Editors             62
Proceedings of the 17th International Configuration Workshop
September 10-11, 2015, Vienna, Austria
binations of variable values. On figure 1, we represent vari-          a subset of continuous or discrete variables connected by
ous groups of variables. It illustrates both the fact that a           constraints. To generate various models, we can act on the
system is composed of multiple sub-systems, and also that              number of variables, on theirs domains or on their relations
the system and its components are analyzed according to                (constraints). Every variable possesses a domain gathering
several points of view from various disciplines. Finally,              the set of the values or the possible intervals for this varia-
each description variable can have an influence on the prod-           ble. Combinatorial problems stem from cartesian product of
uct cost and can be therefore associated with a cost variable          every domain of decision variables. A first variation would
defined on a real domain.                                              be obviously the number of variables and the average num-
                                                                       ber of states by variable. For a given complexity, we could
                                                                       also evaluate impact of a few number of variables with large
                                                                       domains or the opposite.

                                                                       We can also generate diversity by acting on constraints:
                                                                       constraints density, number and kind of constraints. These
                                                                       variations will allow generating models more or less diffi-
                                                                       cult to solve, especially because they define the ratio be-
                                                                       tween feasible and unfeasible solutions and thus the difficul-
                                                                       ty of the search.

                                                                       Finally, we can act on distribution of the values affected to
                                                                       each state for each variable involved in evaluation of objec-
                                                                       tives. For example, it concerns acting on the costs and the
                                                                       performances of components or on the costs and durations
                                                                       of project tasks. This will allow us to act on the density of
 Figure 1 – Meta-model of the Constrained optimization problem         solutions in the search space.
On project side, we consider that a generic production pro-            3.3     Problem specific analysis
cess can be described with a set of planning operations
(supplying, manufacturing, assembling…) linked with ante-              3.3.1      Product environment
riority constraints. Each operation is defined with:
                                                                       Product environment is a multi-domain, multidisciplinary
   • Three operation temporal variables: possible starting
                                                                       and thus multiobjective context. In meta-model, product
time, possible finish time, possible duration, defined on a
                                                                       configuration model corresponds to a description of relation
real domain,                                                           between architectural or components choices represented by
   • Two operation resource variables: required resource,              decision variables. Each domain or discipline describes its
defined on a symbolic domain, quantity of resource, defined            own point of view of the product and its decomposition
on integer domain.                                                     using constraints. Their analysis could take into account
Planning constraints link temporal variables in order to               some context description variables. The result is a frag-
represent temporal precedence. Resources description varia-            mented model stemming from the aggregation of these
bles can influence the production process cost and thus are            analyses all connected with the decision variables.
linked to cost variable.
                                                                       For the objective aspect, every configuration model takes
The coupling materializes by some coupling constraints that            into account cost dimension. Other objective could also
link at least one variable of the configuration model with at          appear like technical performance, environmental impact,
least one variable of the planning model. In terms of objec-           etc. For cost aspect, we expect that at least a cost variable is
tive variable, the global cost can be defined as the sum of all        linked (directly or not) to each component choice.
product cost and operation cost variables. The global cycle
time corresponds with the earliest possible finishing time of          Concerning the distribution of values that allows to calcu-
the last operation of the production process. The definition           late objective satisfaction, we assume that the model has to
of these coupling constraints completes the model and al-              be balanced in order: (i) to be an interesting optimization
lows the representation in figure 1 of the global constraint           problem to solve and (ii) to be representative of real prob-
model associating configuration and planning.                          lems. For the optimization aspect, if an option is systemati-
3.2    Structural analysis                                             cally better than others, the optimization problem will not be
                                                                       very hard to solve. Furthermore, it corresponds to a better
To be able to generate various problems, we analyze the                description of the reality where that kind of option will not
meta-model structure, e.g. relations between variables. It is          be conserved in the catalog.
necessary to describe the types of relations ("pattern") exist-
ing between variables in every environment (product / pro-             Relations between variables and distribution of values are
ject / coupling). Each of these environments corresponds to            generally consistent at elemental level, e.g. considering and

                                                                  63                Juha Tiihonen, Andreas Falkner and Tomas Axling, Editors
                                                                                 Proceedings of the 17th International Configuration Workshop
                                                                                                      September 10-11, 2015, Vienna, Austria
    analyzing only few variables using a specific point of view.
    Indeed in realty, option choices are generally coherent; in             On this side, decision variable are the resource choices
    the sense that existence of each option is justified by differ-         (make, buy or make by subcontract decision). In this same
    ences with other options and those differences generally                way as in product side, the different options for each re-
    correspond to an application of some basic relations or be-             source choice are going to differ with regard to the objec-
    haviors. We identify four kind of basic behavior between                tives. For example considering cost and duration objective,
    two variables:                                                          a cost and duration could be assigned to each resource
         - Positively correlated: the increase of the one leads             choice, then total cost is obtained by a summation and pro-
             to the increase of other one. For example, perform-            ject cycle time by a constraint propagation on temporal
             ing components will be more expansive.                         constraints.
         - Negatively correlated: the increase of the one leads             As in product side, values distribution between various
             to the decrease of other one. For example, compo-              resource choices has to be balanced and consistent in order
             nents with low environmental impact will be more               to represent real problems. We must unsure there is no use-
             expansive.                                                     less or dominant option and value distributions must repre-
         - Aggregation: values of a variable are summation of               sent accumulation of some basic behavior. Here for exam-
             values of some others variable. For example, global            ple, we expect that there is a positive correlation between
             product cost is summation of every component                   cost and quantity/quality of resources or a negative correla-
             costs.                                                         tion between duration and quantity/quality of resources.
         - Compatibility/incompatibility of some combina-                   Except these particular aspects, project environment can
             tions of values: some values of different variables            contain other description variables and other objectives
             will be incompatible.                                          connected with decision variables.

    Effects of a positive or a negative correlation aren’t neces-
    sarily linear but this study will be limited to linear interac-         4      Conclusion
    tions. Figure 2 shows possible linear correlations between
    two variables. Of course, extension dealing with three, four            The goal of this paper was to present our research perspec-
    or five variables will be considerate as for example flight             tives for a benchmark on concurrent configuration and plan-
    range, flying speed, seat capacity and cost.                            ning. This problem is more and more studied. Although
                                                                            there are a lot of cases of Knowledge-based configuration
                                                                            systems applied on the industrial practice and project plan-
                                                                            ning, there is a real lack of real-word inspired benchmark. In
                                                                            this study, we propose the first elements of a meta-model
                                                                            that can represent this diversity and that will allow to gener-
                                                                            ate various test models for our benchmark goal.

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                                                                 65                Juha Tiihonen, Andreas Falkner and Tomas Axling, Editors
                                                                                Proceedings of the 17th International Configuration Workshop
                                                                                                     September 10-11, 2015, Vienna, Austria