=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1453/11_KuebartWalterKuechlin_DifferentSolvingStrategiesOn_Confws-15_p67 |storemode=property |title=Different solving strategies on PBO Problems from automotive industry |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1453/11_KuebartWalterKuechlin_DifferentSolvingStrategiesOn_Confws-15_p67.pdf |volume=Vol-1453 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/confws/KubartWK15 }} ==Different solving strategies on PBO Problems from automotive industry== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1453/11_KuebartWalterKuechlin_DifferentSolvingStrategiesOn_Confws-15_p67.pdf
         Different Solving Strategies on PBO Problems from
                         Automotive Industry
                                Thore Kübart 1 and Rouven Walter 2 and Wolfgang Küchlin2

Abstract. SAT solvers have proved to be very efficient in verifying                of Propositional Logic, Maximum Satisfiability (MaxSAT), Pseudo-
the correctness of automotive product documentations. However, in                  Boolean Optimization (PBO) and Integer Linear Programming (ILP)
many applications a car configuration has to be optimized with re-                 and their respective algorithmic solving techniques. Section 3 points
spect to a given objective function prioritizing the selectable product            out related work. Section 4 describes different optimization problems
components. Typical applications include the generation of predic-                 in automotive configuration. Section 5 presents a detailed evaluation
tive configurations for production planning and the reconfiguration of             of the different introduced optimization approaches for these prob-
non-constructible customer orders. So far, the successful application              lems including a discussion of the results. Finally, Section 6 con-
of core guided MaxSAT solvers and ILP-based solvers like CPLEX                     cludes this work.
have been described in literature. In this paper, we consider the linear
search performed by DPLL-based PBO solvers as a third solution ap-
                                                                                   2     Preliminaries
proach. The aim is to understand the capabilities of each of the three
approaches and to identify the most suitable approach for different                In this work, we focus on propositional logic with the standard logi-
application cases. Therefore we investigate real-world benchmarks                  cal operators ¬, ∧, ∨, →, ↔ over the set of Boolean variables X and
which we derived from the product description of a major German                    with the constants ⊥ and >, representing false and true, respectively.
premium car manufacturer. Results show that under certain circum-                  The set of variables of a formula ϕ is denoted by var(ϕ). A formula
stances DPLL-based PBO solvers are clearly the better alternative to               ϕ is called satisfiable, if and only if there is an assignment τ , a map-
the two other approaches.                                                          ping from the set of Boolean variables var(ϕ) to {0, 1}, under which
                                                                                   the formula ϕ evaluates to 1. The evaluation of a formula under an
                                                                                   assignment τ is the standard evaluation procedure for propositional
1     Introduction                                                                 logic, denoted by τ (ϕ). The values 0 and 1 are also referred to as
An already well-established approach in the automotive industry is                 false and true. The well-known NP-complete SAT problem asks the
to describe the set M of technically feasible vehicle configurations               question whether a formula is satisfiable or not [6].
by a propositional formula ϕ such that M = {τ | τ (ϕ) = 1} holds,                     The established input format of a SAT solver nowadays is a con-
where τ is a satisfying assignment of formula ϕ [11, 19], i.e. every               junctive normal form (CNF) of a formula ϕ, where ϕ is transformed
model of ϕ is a feasible configuration. SAT solvers are the method                 into a conjunction of clauses and each clause is a disjunction of lit-
of choice for calculating configurations that comprise certain options                                                               W i of a literal l is de-
                                                                                   erals (variables or negated variables).VThe variable
o1 , . V
       . . , om : A model has to be determined that satisfies the formula          noted by var(l). For a formula ϕ = ki=1 m            j=1 li,j in CNF we also

ϕ∧ m                                                                               make use of the notation of ϕ as a set of clauses where each clause
           i=1 oi . If there is no such model of the desired configuration,
the user is often interested in an alternative model of optimal config-            is a set of literals: ϕ = {{l1,1 , . . . , l1,m1 }, . . . , {lk,1 , . . . , lk,mk }}.
ured options oi with respect to given priorities wi . To reach a best              The transformation of an arbitrary formula ϕ into a CNF is done by a
possible configuration, a model ofP      the formula ϕ has to be calculated        Tseitin- or Plaisted-Greenbaum-Transformation [16, 20] (denoted as
that optimizes the target function m                                               Tseitin(ϕ)). The resulting formula is not semantically equivalent,
                                           i=1 wi oi .
   In the literature of the last few years different applications of this          but equisatisfiable. Also, the models of ϕ and Tseitin(ϕ) are the
optimization problem are described as well as several approaches to                same when restricted to the original variables var(ϕ).
solve it. Similar optimization problems arise for example from the
task to minimize or maximize product properties such as price or                   2.1     MaxSAT
weight [21]. Another example is the task of optimal reconfiguration,
                                                                                   For a given clause set ϕ = {c1 , . . . , cm }, m ∈ N, the MaxSAT
e.g., the selected options for a car are not feasible with the constraint
                                                                                   problem [13] asks for the maximum number of clauses which can be
set [21]. Furthermore valid configurations that optimize linear objec-
                                                                                   simultaneously satisfied:
tive functions play an important role in demand forecasts [18]. We
compare the underlying solving approaches by analyzing real-world
instances of a major German premium car manufacturer.
                                                                                                                      (m                                        )
                                                                                                                       X                             |var(ϕ)|
   This work is organized as follows: Section 2 introduces the basics                     MaxSAT(ϕ) = max                      τ (ci ) τ ∈ {0, 1}                   (1)
1 Steinbeis-Transferzentrum Objekt- und Internet-Technologien, Sand 13,
    72076 Tübingen, Germany                                                         The corresponding problem of finding the minimum num-
2 Symbolic Computation Group, WSI Informatics, Universität Tübingen,             ber of clauses which can be simultaneously unsatisfied is called
    Germany, www-sr.informatik.uni-tuebingen.de                                    MinUNSAT.

                                                                              67                Juha Tiihonen, Andreas Falkner, and Tomas Axling, Editors
                                                                                              Proceedings of the 17th International Configuration Workshop
                                                                                                                   September 10-11, 2015, Vienna, Austria
    The partial weighted MaxSAT problem is an extended version                         Pseudo-Boolean solving (PBS) is the decision problem whether a
 where: (i) An additional clause set ϕhard of hard clauses is taken                 set of LPB constraints can be satisfied by an assignment τ . Hence,
 into account, which has to be satisfied, and (ii) weights wi ∈ N are               PBS is a generalization of SAT. Like SAT solvers, most PBS solvers
 assigned to the soft clauses of ϕ = {c1 , . . . , cm }. The resulting prob-        which prove satisfiability are able to provide a satisfying assignment
 lem, PWMaxSAT(ϕhard , ϕ), consists of finding the maximal sum                      τ to the user.
 of weights of satisfied clauses of ϕ while satisfying ϕhard . To sim-                 Given a satisfiable set of LPB constraints another problem is to
 plify reading we refer to partial weighted MaxSAT just as MaxSAT                   identify a best possible assignment τ with respect to a linear objec-
 in the rest of this work.                                                          tive function:
    MaxSAT can be solved by using a SAT solver as a black box,                                                           P
 e.g. by linear search or binary search. Firstly, a fresh variable bi ,                                   min               i ci li
 called blocking variable, is added to each soft clause, which serves                               s.t.          V P                                (4)
 to enable or disable the clause. Linear search iteratively checks the                                              j     i aj,i l j,i . b j

 SAT instance ϕhard and ϕ with an additional constraint
                                                                                    This problem is called pseudo-Boolean optimization (PBO) [17].
                               X                                                       In order to solve the satisifiability problem PBS, DPLL-style al-
                       CNF         wi · ¬bi > k ,                        (2)        gorithms can be used to benefit from recent progress of modern SAT
                                  i=1                                               solvers. One approach is to transform the LPB-constraints into CNF
 where initially k = 0. With this check we search                                   and to apply SAT solvers to the resulting formula. Another approach
                                                 P for a model with a               is based on generalized constraint propagation and conflict-based
 sum of weights of at least 1. The constraint m     i=1 wi · ¬bi > k is
 a Pseudo-Boolean constraint (see Subsection 2.2 for details), which                learning, i. e. DPLL-based SAT solvers are enabled to handle LPB
 can be transformed to a CNF, see for example [4, 8]. The degree k is               constraints directly. Generally learning methods analyze the conflict
 increased to the sum of weights of the last model plus one in order                and learn a new constraint which is falsified on the conflict level and
 to check if we can find a better model. Binary search, in contrast,                which propagates a new assignment on a higher decision level.
 follows the same scheme but restricts the search space with a lower                   Given a PBS solver, the PBO problem of Formula (4) itself can be
 and an upper bound simultaneously. Linear search requires m SAT                    solved by iteratively applying the solver to perform a linear search or
 calls in the worst case, whereas binary search requires only log2 (m)              a binary search. Both approaches proceed analogously to the linear
 SAT calls in the worst case.                                                       and binary search approaches for MaxSAT using a SAT solver.
    Another approach is the usage of unsatisfiable cores delivered by a                In the linear search approach, models of the formula ϕ are cal-
 SAT solver for the unsatisfiable case, which was introduced in [3, 9].             culated in order to gradually approach the optimal objective value.
 The idea is to iteratively call the SAT solver and relax the soft clauses          Through an extra LPB constraint, a model providing a better objec-
 contained in the unsatisfiable core by introducing blocking variables              tive value is enforced. If the extra LPB constraint leads to an unsat-
 until the formula becomes satisfiable. Solvers using an unsatisfi-                 isfiable PBS instance, the model last calculated is the optimal one.
 able core approach performed well on industrial instances in recent                   In the binary search approach the search space is bisected by every
 MaxSAT competitions3 .                                                             single PBS-instance. If the optimal objective value lies inside the
    The OPEN - WBO framework [15] is based on using MiniSat-like                    interval [L, U ], a model with the objective value ≤ M = (L + U )/2
 solvers [7] and was one of the best performing MaxSAT algorithms                   is searched for. If such a model exists, the minimal objective value
 on industrial instances in the recent MaxSAT competition. Both                     lies inside [L, M ]. If no such model exists, the minimal objective
 linear search and unsatisfiable-core guided solvers are included in                value lies inside [M, U ].
 different variations within the OPEN - WBO framework. The default                     For the calculations in Section 5 we used the Sat4j library. The li-
 solver, called WBO, is an unsatisfiable-core guided modification                   brary is based on a Java version of MiniSat, which was expanded by
 of [3] which partitions the soft clauses [2, 14]. Therefore, only a sub-           generalized constraint propagation and conflict-based learning. The
 set of the soft clauses are given to the SAT solver to make the SAT                PBO solver contained therein realizes a simple linear search. The
 solver focus on relevant clauses. On the other hand, this can lead to              PBS solver called for this linear search is able to perform the follow-
 additional SAT calls in the case where a model is found but not all                ing two learning methods.
 soft clauses were considered. We used this solver for our evaluations,                The clause-based learning method calculates so-called UIPs
 see Section 5.                                                                     (unique implications points) by means of propositional resolution
                                                                                    just like in modern SAT solvers. SAT solvers such as MiniSat de-
                                                                                    rive a UIP on the basis of the conflict clause and the reason clauses
 2.2    DPLL-based PBO                                                              which were propagating the assignments of the conflict clause. If a
 In addition to clauses we consider linear pseudo-Boolean (LPB) con-                conflict constraint occurs in the form of a LPB constraint, Sat4j first
 straints, which are linear inequalities of the form                                reduces this constraint to a conflict clause
               X                                                                                             K=                 l,                      (5)
                     ai li . b,     .∈       <, ≤, >, ≥, = ,            (3)                                        l∈ωC , β(l)=0

 where ai ∈ Z and li are literals of Boolean variables. Under some                  where β is the partial assignment, that leads to the conflict in the LPB
 assignment τ , the left side is the sum over the coefficients of the               constraint ωC . Analogously, reasons given by LPB constraints are
 satisfied literals and the LPB constraintWis satisfied iff the respective          reduced to reason clauses: If ω is a LPB constraint, that propagates ˜  l
                     For example, clauses m                                         under the partial assignment β, the clause
 inequality holds.P                         i=1 li can be generalized as
 LPB constraints m     i=1 li ≥ 1.
                                                                                                      l) =                 l∨˜
                                                                                                                             l, ω |= R(˜
                                                                                                                                       l),               (6)
 3 http://www.maxsat.udl.cat/                                                                                l∈ω, β(l)=0

Juha Tiihonen, Andreas Falkner, and Tomas Axling, Editors                      68
Proceedings of the 17th International Configuration Workshop
September 10-11, 2015, Vienna, Austria
is an implication of ω and also propagates the literal ˜
                                                       l under β.                    Reconfiguration of invalid configurations, as described in [21], is
   In a second learning method that is implemented in Sat4j more                  an important issue in automotive configuration. Several practical rel-
expressive LPB constraints instead of clauses are learned. For this               evant use cases exist, such as the reconfiguration of customer orders,
purpose the principle of propositional resolutions in forms of Hook-              the reconfiguration of constraints for a given fixed order or the com-
ers cutting planes [10] is directly applied to the LBP constraints [5].           putation of a maximal/minimal car w.r.t. to an assigned value of the
                                                                                  options like weights (kg).
                                                                                     Another major task is the prognosis of future part demands in pro-
2.3    Integer Linear Programming                                                 duction planning. However, historical demands cannot easily be ex-
                                                                                  trapolated because planning situations in the automotive industry are
Like linear programming, integer linear programming deals with the                constantly changing. A typical planning state used for making a fore-
optimization of linear objective functions over a set which is limited            cast comprises
by linear equations and inequations. The difference is that while in
linear optimizations any real values can be taken on, in integer opti-            • the product documentation (option A is only available, if option B
mization some or all variables are restricted to whole-number values.               is selected; part x is needed exactly iff the order satisfies the part
                                    P                                               rule ϕx ; etc.),
                     min               i ci xi                                    • estimated customer buying behavior (option C is selected by 30%
               s.t.                                                                 of the customers; etc.),
                            V P                                  (7)
                               j     i aj,i xj,i . bj                             • capacity restrictions (only 5000 units of part X are available; etc.),
                                    xj,i ∈ Z                                      • production plans that fix the total number of planned vehicles.

   Pseudo-Boolean Optimization, see Formula (4), can be easily                    From a mathematical point of view a planning state consists of two
transformed into 0-1 integer linear programming (ILP): Negative lit-              parts:
erals ¬x are replaced by (1 − x) and Boolean variables become de-
cision variables x ∈ {0, 1}. Consequently, commercially available                 1. The Boolean formula POF, whose models describe the technically
state-of-the-art ILP solvers such as CPLEX [1] can be used to solve                  feasible configurations,
PBO. Usually, they are based on the branch and cut strategy.                      2. the statistical frequency of certain atoms of the product formula.

                                                                                  A common approach to evaluate the planning state is to calculate
3     Related Work                                                                an amount of N technically feasible variations that approximates
                                                                                  the statistical guidelines as good as possible. Eventually, for indi-
Sinz et al. suggest a SAT-based procedure to check consistency of the             cating the future unit demand, the calculated variations are analyzed
product documentation of a German car manufacturer [19]. There-                   by means of the BOM.
fore, they consider vehicle configurations as assignments to propo-                  Singh et al. [18] propose a linear optimization model for finding
sitional variables and define a propositional formula, called product             such a set of N technically feasible variations. A solution of their
overview formula (POF), which evaluates to true iff the vehicle con-              model is calculated by column generation: In every iteration a tech-
figuration is technically feasible. Their work also lays the foundation           nically feasible variation is determined which further improves the
for formulating the restrictions of the product documentation as a                solution set. For this, a PBO problem is solved. Its objective function
constraint in mathematical models.                                                is given by the dual variables of the current approximation and its
   Tilak Singh et al. make use of such a product overview formula                 constraints are given by the restrictions of the product overview.
in [18]. They describe a mathematical model to calculate car config-                 In column generation, calculated configurations of previous itera-
urations aimed at providing the production planning with test vari-               tions are partially replaced by new configurations. Thus, solved PBO
ants before actual sales orders are received. Their configurations are            instances do not necessarily result in a configuration also contained
calculated on the basis of PBO problems that are solved by CPLEX.                 in the final solution. Therefore, it is particularly important to ensure
This approach is described in greater detail in Section 4.                        an efficient calculation of the individual PBO instances.
   Walter et al. [21] describe the possible usage of MaxSAT in au-
tomotive configuration by pointing out various use cases. Whenever                                                                                                           150

faced with an over-constrained configuration, MaxSAT can be used
                                                                                                                                                  #non-zero dual variables
                                                                                    distance to the optimum


to reconfigure the invalid configuration by providing an optimal solu-                                                                                                       100
tion, e.g. giving a repair suggestion of the (possibly prioritized) over-
constrained selections of a user by a minimal number of changes.                                              1

                                                                                                              0                                                               0

4     Optimization Problems from Automotive                                                                       0     100         200
                                                                                                                                            300                                    0   100          200

The product overview defines the set of valid product configurations              Figure 1. Typical approximation to the optimum using column generation
and is usually describable as a set of propositional constraints. This
means a configuration is only valid if it satisfies the conjunction of all
constraints, which is also called the product overview formula (POF).
The physical demand of building components for a valid configura-                    The typical approximation to the planning state when using col-
tion is determined by the bill of materials (BOM). The combination                umn generation is shown in Figure 1. As one can see on the left side,
of the product overview and the bill of material is referred to as the            the majority of iterations is used to overcome the last small step to-
product documentation.                                                            wards the optimum. Yet, illustrated by the graph on the right side,

                                                                             69                                         Juha Tiihonen, Andreas Falkner, and Tomas Axling, Editors
                                                                                                                      Proceedings of the 17th International Configuration Workshop
                                                                                                                                           September 10-11, 2015, Vienna, Austria
 approximation is accompanied by increasingly complex target func-
 tions of the PBO instances: the number of non-zero dual variables is                                                                 Type A
 increasing. It must be noted that the maximum number of non-zero
 dual variables is usually proportional to the number of statistical re-
 quirements of the planning state.
    Concerning implementations of column generation described in
                                                                                                                           Cutting Planes
 the literature, integer linear programming is the method of choice                            3,000
 for producing columns. This approach is also taken in [18] us-

                                                                                time in ms
 ing CPLEX. An important objective of this paper is to investigate
 whether DPLL-based methods are suitable alternatives to CPLEX
 for calculating predictive configurations.

 5     Experimental Evaluation
 In this section we present our main contribution by evaluating the dif-
 ferent previously described methods on optimization problems from                                          0              50          100         150           200
 automotive configuration.                                                                                              #variables in the objective function
    As test environment for the experimental evaluations we used
 Windows 7 Professional 64 Bit on an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4800MQ
 CPU with 2.70 GHz and 2 GB main memory.                                                 Figure 2. Learning Cutting Planes vs. Clauses in Sat4j

 5.1     Benchmark Statistics
 We evaluate several test series, each of which is composed of a
                                                                                                                                      Type A
 real-world product overview and of randomly generated linear ob-
 jective functions. We looked at product overviews of two different
     Type           Fixed Attributes                  #Clauses
     A              market, model, body type, en-     1200-5900
                    gine, steering type                                                               150
     B              market, model, body type          19100-137700
                                                                                time in ms

                                                                                                                                               O PEN WBO

                Table 1.   Characteristics of type A and B

 types, see A and B in Table 1. Both types of product overviews dif-                                    0
 fer in the extent to which attributes are fixed. Additionally, Table 1
                                                                                                                0          50          100         150           200
 shows the minimum and maximum number of clauses for the prod-
                                                                                                                        #variables in the objective function
 uct overviews of one type. For generating objective functions, n vari-
 ables were randomly selected (by using Java’s Random class with the                                                                    Type B
 default constructor) and each was assigned to a random integer coef-
 ficient from a range between −10, 000, 000 and 10, 000, 000. That
 way, 10 objective functions were generated for different numbers of
 variables (n = 10, 20, . . . , 200) so that one test series contains a
 total of 200 PBO instances. Corresponding test series were gener-
                                                                                         time in ms

 ated for 13 different product overviews of type A and for 6 different                                                                         CPLEX
 product overviews of type B.                                                                                                                   Sat4j
                                                                                                                                             O PEN WBO
 5.2     Results
 The test series from the previous section were solved by 3 solvers:

 1. O PEN WBO as a core guided MaxSat solver [15].                                                          0
 2. Sat4j as an implementation of the DPLL-based linear search [12].                                                0        50          100         150          200
 3. CPLEX as an ILP solver [1].
                                                                                                                          #variables in the objective function
 For solving the PBO instances a timeout of 60 seconds was set. In or-
 der to set up the linear search correctly, two different learning meth-
                                                                                                        Figure 3. Running times for type A and B
 ods of the underlying PBS solver of Sat4j were tested. Concerning
 the test series of type A, Figure 2 shows the average running time for
 learning of

Juha Tiihonen, Andreas Falkner, and Tomas Axling, Editors                  70
Proceedings of the 17th International Configuration Workshop
September 10-11, 2015, Vienna, Austria
1. clauses                                                                                                                                        Type A
2. cutting planes

depending on the complexity of the objective function. Based on                                                           15
these results, Sat4j was limited to learning clauses when comparing
the 3 solvers.                                                                                                                                                       Sat4j

                                                                                                 average #iterations
                                                                                                                                                                  O PEN WBO
                                       product overview with 133700 clauses

                           3,000                                                                                           5
       time in ms

                                                                                                                               0       50         100         150          200
                                                                         CPLEX                                                      #variables in the objective function
                           1,000                                          Sat4j
                                                                       O PEN WBO
                                                                                             Figure 6. Average number of DPLL-calls for O PEN WBO and Sat4j

                                   0        50         100         150          200
                                         #variables in the objective function
                                                                                           The MaxSAT solver O PEN WBO, however, produces reliable run-
                                                                                           ning times for up to N = 70 variables.
                                                                                           In contrast to the DPLL-based solvers, there was only a slight in-
   Figure 4. Running times for the largest product overview of type B                      crease in the running times for CPLEX with a growing number of
                                                                                           variables in the objective function. Hence, once a certain length of
                                                                                           the target function has been reached, CPLEX leads to better results.
                                                                                              Across all test series of type B, Sat4j performed on average better
                                                                                           than CPLEX (Figure 3, bottom graph). Compared to CPLEX how-
                                                       Type A                              ever, O PEN WBO leads to slower running times for objective func-
                                                                                           tions of only N = 30 variables. This observation is especially il-
                                                                                           lustrated by the most extensive product overview of type B (137700
                               8           Type A
                                           Type B
                                                                                           clauses) as demonstrated in Figure 4, where the time-domain is re-
                                                                                           stricted to 3400 ms.
                                                                                              Timeouts were observed exclusively for the MaxSAT solver
      average #timeouts

                                                                                           O PEN WBO. Complementary to the results of running times, Fig-
                                                                                           ure 5 shows the average number of timeouts when solving 10 in-
                                                                                              For a better understanding of the observed difference in running
                               2                                                           times of both DPLL-based approaches, Figure 6 shows the average
                                                                                           number of DPLL-calls. The graphs refer exclusively to the test se-
                                                                                           ries of type A and represent the numbers of SAT/UNSAT-calls for
                                                                                           O PEN WBO or, in case of Sat4j, the numbers of PBS-calls.
                                   0        50         100          150         200
                                         #variables in the objective function              5.3     Discussion
                                                                                           The test instances described in Section 5.1 differ with respect to the
                          Figure 5. Average number of timeouts for O PEN WBO               following aspects:
                                                                                           • the complexity of the objective function (number of variables
                                                                                             N = 10, 20, . . . , 200)
   In Figure 3 the running times of O PEN WBO, Sat4j and CPLEX                             • the size of the product overview (number of models and number
are compared. The upper graph shows the average running times of                             of clauses; type A and B)
the test series of type A concerning objective functions of differ-                        The findings of the previous section lead us to the following conclu-
ent complexity. Accordingly the bottom graph displays the results                          sions:
of the test series of type B. Time was limited in both subfigures
(200ms, 1400ms). In average, for all test series of type A and B,                          • Using DPLL allows the quick calculation of a model of a formula
the DPLL-based solvers O PEN WBO and Sat4j perform significantly                             - in that way DPLL-based solvers are superior to ILP solvers.
better than CPLEX with regard to objective functions of low com-                           • Yet, when objective functions become more and more complex,
plexity. In test series of type A the solver Sat4j performs better than                      the particular suitability of CPLEX in solving 0-1-optimization
CPLEX concerning objective functions of up to N = 170 variables.                             problems dominates.

                                                                                      71                                 Juha Tiihonen, Andreas Falkner, and Tomas Axling, Editors
                                                                                                                       Proceedings of the 17th International Configuration Workshop
                                                                                                                                            September 10-11, 2015, Vienna, Austria
 The latter point is evident in the strong increase of running times for              [3] Carlos Ansótegui, Maria Luisa Bonet, and Jordi Levy, ‘Solving
 the DPLL-based methods once a certain length of objective functions                      (weighted) partial MaxSAT through satisfiability testing’, in Theory
                                                                                          and Applications of Satisfiability Testing - SAT 2009, ed., Oliver Kull-
 has been reached.                                                                        mann, volume 5584 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 427–440,
    In comparison with O PEN WBO, Sat4j leads to significantly bet-                       Springer Berlin Heidelberg, (2009).
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 examined instances for a linear search (see Figure 6). The number                        tion of pseudo boolean constraints to SAT’, Journal on Satisfiability,
 of iterations for a linear search increases only linearly with the num-                  Boolean Modeling and Computation, 2(1–4), 191–200, (2006).
                                                                                      [5] Donald Chai and Andreas Kuehlmann, ‘A fast pseudo-boolean con-
 bers of variables in the objective function - this is a surprising result.               straint solver’, IEEE Transactions on CAD of Integrated Circuits and
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 by the growing complexity of PBS instances in linear search.                         [6] Stephen A. Cook, ‘The complexity of theorem-proving procedures’, in
    Concerning product overviews of type A, the critical length of the                    Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Com-
                                                                                          puting, STOC ’71, pp. 151–158, New York, NY, USA, (1971). ACM.
 objective function for Sat4j is between N = 160 and N = 200. With                    [7] Niklas Eén and Niklas Sörensson, ‘An extensible SAT-solver’, in The-
 increasing scale of the product overview, this critical value shifts up-                 ory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing—SAT 2003, eds., Enrico
 wards. In some cases of the product overviews of type B, the critical                    Giunchiglia and Armando Tacchella, volume 2919 of Lecture Notes in
 value is greater than N = 200, such as seen in Figure 4.                                 Computer Science, 502–518, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, (2004).
    In order to optimally configure customer orders, an optimal subset                [8] Niklas Eén and Niklas Sörensson, ‘Translating pseudo-boolean con-
                                                                                          straints into SAT’, Journal on Satisfiability, Boolean Modeling and
 of about 20 options has to be determined. For this purpose the linear                    Computation, 2, 1–26, (2006).
 search implemented in Sat4j and the core guided MaxSAT solver                        [9] Zhaohui Fu and Sharad Malik, ‘On solving the partial MAX-SAT prob-
 O PEN WBO are more than sufficient.                                                      lem’, in Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing—SAT 2006,
    For calculating predictive configurations for the product planning                    eds., Armin Biere and Carla P. Gomes, volume 4121 of Lecture Notes
                                                                                          in Computer Science, 252–265, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, (2006).
 (see Figure 1) Sat4j can be far more effective than the other tested                [10] John N. Hooker, ‘Generalized resolution and cutting planes’, Annals of
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Juha Tiihonen, Andreas Falkner, and Tomas Axling, Editors                       72
Proceedings of the 17th International Configuration Workshop
September 10-11, 2015, Vienna, Austria