=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1453/19_ReinfrankNinausPeischlWotawa_AGoal-Question-MetricsModel_Confws-15_p123 |storemode=property |title=A goal-question-metrics model for configuration knowledge bases |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1453/19_ReinfrankNinausPeischlWotawa_AGoal-Question-MetricsModel_Confws-15_p123.pdf |volume=Vol-1453 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/confws/ReinfrankNPW15 }} ==A goal-question-metrics model for configuration knowledge bases== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1453/19_ReinfrankNinausPeischlWotawa_AGoal-Question-MetricsModel_Confws-15_p123.pdf
                  A Goal-Question-Metrics Model for
                   Configuration Knowledge Bases
                 Florian Reinfrank, Gerald Ninaus, Bernhard Peischl, Franz Wotawa
                                  Institute for Software Technology
                                    Graz University of Technology
                               Inffeldgasse 16b/II, 8010 Graz, Austria

Abstract.       Configuration knowledge bases are a well-               knowledge engineers has to develop and maintain the knowl-
established technology for describing configurable products             edge base.
like cars, computers, and financial services. Such knowledge               In this paper we describe how to measure the quality of
bases are characterized by sets of constraints, variables, and          configuration knowledge bases.1 Therefore, we use the goal
domains. Lot of research has been done for testing knowledge            question metric approach (GQM). The first step in the GQM
bases, finding conflicts, and recommending repair actions.              approach is to define possible goals for the knowledge base,
   In contrast, less work has been done in the area of measur-          like understandability, maintainability, and functionality. The
ing the quality of configuration knowledge bases. Such qual-            achievement of the goals will be measured by answers for a set
ity measurements can help knowledge engineers to improve                of questions. These answers will be aggregated and weighted.
the maintainability, understandability, and functionality of            After the aggregation and the weightings of answers, the qual-
knowledge bases. Based on a literature review we first give an          ity of the current version of the configuration knowledge base
overview of the state-of-the-art in knowledge base metrics. We          can be measured in terms of fulfilling the goals. Third, ques-
will extend the current research by using the goal-question-            tions will be answered by sets of metrics. In this paper we
metrics (GQM) approach of the software engineering disci-               define goals, questions, and metrics and show, how we can
pline to find gaps for the characterization of knowledge bases.         measure them. These results will help knowledge engineers in
We will also identify further metrics to complete the model.            focusing on relevant aspects of the configuration knowledge
The results of this paper help knowledge engineers to reduce            base to improve the management of a configuration knowl-
the effort to develop and maintain configuration knowledge              edge base, e.g., the efforts for maintainability, understand-
bases.                                                                  ability, and functionality of a knowledge base.
                                                                           The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Sec-
                                                                        tion 2 introduces a working example for this work, anomalies
1   Introduction                                                        and their definitions. Section 3 gives an overview of the state
    Products like cars, computers, and software product lines           of the art for goals, questions, and metrics for configuration
can be customized according to consumers’ preferences. For              knowledge bases and other research areas. In Section 4 we
supporting users to get valid configurations and to support the         discuss the GQM model and compare it with the results of
manufacturing department in companies to get an overview                other research areas. Finally, Section 5 summarizes this paper
of their production lines, models of their products are neces-          and gives an overview of further research in this area.
sary [29]. Knowledge bases describe a part of the real world
(e.g., the set of valid product configurations for bikes). The
implementation of a knowledge base is typically done coop-              2      Configuration Knowledge Base
eratively between domain experts and knowledge engineers
                                                                            A configuration knowledge base can be defined as a
[5, 42]. Configuration knowledge bases can be represented,
                                                                        triple (V, D, C) with a set of variables V where each vari-
for example, as constraint satisfaction problems (CSP [39]).
                                                                        able v ∈ V has a domain dom(v) ∈ D. For example, a
   Configuration knowledge bases (CKB) represent the com-
                                                                        bike configuration knowledge base could contain the variables
plete set of valid product configurations. Adding, changing,
                                                                        V = {Ref lector, P edal, F ramecolor} where each variable has
and removing constraints of such knowledge bases is neces-
                                                                        a domain D = {dom(Ref lector) = {yes, no}, dom(P edal)
sary, because the set of valid product configurations changes
                                                                        = {Standard, Clip}, dom(F ramecolor) = {Green, Red}}.
over time. Humans in general and knowledge engineers in par-
                                                                        The assignments to a variable (e.g., P edal = Clip) are de-
ticular tend to keep efforts related to knowledge acquisition
                                                                        fined as constraints c ∈ C [39]. While such assignments
and maintenance as low as possible. Due to cognitive limita-
tions [11, 21, 37] anomalies such as inconsistencies, redundan-         1 Please consider, that the approach presented in this paper can
cies, and well-formedness violations are in CKBs. The CKB                   also be used in other models like knowledge-based recommenda-
maintenance task gets even more complicated, if a couple of                 tion [9] and feature models [4].

                                                                  123                 Juha Tiihonen, Andreas Falkner and Tomas Axling, Editors
                                                                                   Proceedings of the 17th International Configuration Workshop
                                                                                                        September 10-11, 2015, Vienna, Austria
 are defined by users, other constraints are defined by do-                flicts, redundancies and forms of well-formedness violations.
 main experts and are restricting the number of valid com-                 For a detailed description of anomalies we refer the reader to
 binations of variable assignments. For example, a constraint              [14, 16, 20, 28].
 ci = ¬(P edal = Standard ∧ F ramecolor = Red) does not                       In our example, we can see that the set of constraints
 allow a consistent configuration with P edal = Standard and               {c0 , c2 , c3 , c5 } is in conflict because there does not exist a valid
 F ramecolor = Red. We call user assignments customer re-                  assignment for these constraints such that all constraints are
 quirements c ∈ CR and constraints which are describing the                fulfilled. We call such scenarios conflicts [23] and they are
 relationship between customer requirements and product vari-              defined in the Definitions 3 and 4.
 ables knowledge constraints c ∈ CKB . The sets CR and CKB                    Definition 3: a conflict is given, iff there exists a set of
 describe C, such that CR ∪ CKB = C [18]. Customers try                    constraints CS which can not result in a valid configuration
 to find a valid configuration for the configuration knowledge             (see Definitions 1 and 2), such that CS ⊆ C is inconsistent.
 base which means, that they assign values to variables {CR }                 Definition 4: a minimal conflict is given, if the constraint
 and the set of assignments is not in conflict with CKB (see               set CS leads to a conflict (see Definition 3), and there does
 Definitions 1 and 2).                                                     not exist a subset of CS with the same property of being a
    Definition1: A consistent configuration is defined as a                conflict, such that, @CS 0 ⊂ CS is inconsistent.
 set of customer constraints CR . This set of constraints is not              The example of this paper contains one minimal conflict:
 in conflict with CKB , such that, there exists one possibility to         CS1 = {c0 , c2 , c3 , c5 } because this constraint set leads to no
 assign a value to each variable, formally defined as CKB ∪ CR             valid configuration of the configuration knowledge base and
 is consistent.                                                            it is not possible to remove a constraint from CS1 without
    Definition2: A configuration is a consistent complete                  loosing the property of beeing a minimal conflict (see Defini-
 configuration, iff the knowledge base is a consistent configu-            tions 3 and 4). A minimal conflict can be calculated with the
 ration (see Definition 1) and each variable has an assignment,            QUICKXPLAIN algorithm [23]. If our model has more than
 such that @vi ∈V vi = ∅.                                                  one conflict and we want to have all minimal conflicts we
    Figure 1 gives an example about a configuration knowledge              need to calculate an acyclic graph (HSDAG) which is defined
 base for a bike domain. The graphic is based on the notation              in [35].
 of feature models [6] where each variable is represented as a                Solutions for such conflicts are called diagnoses [35, 17]. By
 feature and each feature has the same domain (dom(vi ) =                  removing a set of constraints ∆ from the configuration knowl-
 {true, f alse}). The notation of constraints of feature models            edge base, we receive at least one valid assignment for each
 is described in Figure 1.                                                 variable of a configuration knowledge base, formally described
    The following configuration knowledge base (CKB) reflects              in the Definitions 5 and 6.
 a constraint-based (CSP-based [39]) representation of the                    Definition 5: A set of constraints ∆ is called diagnosis,
 configuration model depicted in Figure 1. Each of the                     iff the removal of ∆ from the knowledge base C leads to a
 constraints in Figure 1 is part of the set CKB .                          valid configuration (see Definition 1 and 2), such that C \ ∆
                                                                           is consistent.
    V ={                                                                      Definition 6: A set of constraints ∆ is called minimal di-
      Bike, Ref lector, P edal, F ramecolor, Green, Red                    agnosis, iff it is a diagnoses (see Definition 5) and it is not
      Standard, Clip                                                       possible to remove a constraint from ∆ without loosing the
    }                                                                      property of being a diagnoses, such that C \ ∆0 ⊂ ∆ is con-
    D={                                                                    sistent.
      dom(Bike) = dom(Ref lector) =                                           In our example the constraint sets ∆1 = {c0 }, ∆2 = {c2 },
      dom(P edal) = dom(F ramecolor) =                                     ∆3 = {c3 } and ∆4 = {c5 } are minimal diagnosis because re-
      dom(Green) = dom(Red) = dom(Standard) =                              moving one of these constraint sets would lead to a consistent
      dom(Clip) = {true, f alse}                                           configuration knowledge base.
    }                                                                         While conflicts and diagnosis are well discussed, little at-
    CKB = {                                                                tention has been done to redundancies in configuration knowl-
       c0 : Bike = true;                                                   edge bases. Piette [28] and Felfernig et al. [20] focused on the
       c1 : Bike = true ↔ Ref lector = true;                               problem of redundant constraint sets in knowledge bases and
       c2 : Bike = true ↔ P edal = true;                                   defined the term redundancy (see Definition 7).
       c3 : Bike = true ↔ F ramecolor = true;                                 Definition 7: A set of constraints R is redundant, if the
       c4 : Ref lector = true → P edal = true;                             removal of R leads to the same semantics of C, such that,
       c5 : ¬(P edal = true ∧ F ramecolor = true);                         C \ R |= R.
       c6 : F ramecolor = true ↔ (Green = true∨                               In our example, we have two different sets of redundant
            Red = true);                                                   constraints: R1 = {c2 } and R2 = {c4 }. A redundancy does
       c7 : (Standard = true ↔ (Clip = f alse∧                             not have an impact on the semantics of a knowledge base
            P edal = true)) ∧ (Clip = true ↔ (Standard                     but probably leads to a higher effort for maintenance tasks of
            = f alse ∧ P edal = true));                                    knowledge bases and decreases the performance of the config-
    }                                                                      uration knowledge base. We can calculate such sets with the
                                                                           SEQUENTIAL [28] or CoreDiag [20] algorithm. Both algo-
   In this example there are different types of anomalies.                 rithms use the negation of C (C = ¬c0 ∨ ¬c1 ∨ ... ∨ ¬cn }) for
 Anomalies are patterns in data that do not conform to a well              calculating redundant constraints. For checking the semantics
 defined notion of normal behavior [10]. Anomalies can be con-             of C \ R the algorithms check, if C \ R ∪ C is inconsistent. An

Juha Tiihonen, Andreas Falkner and Tomas Axling, Editors             124
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                                     Figure 1.    Feature Model of the bike configuration example.

inconsistency means, that the set R is redundant. For get-                     Another well-formedness violation is called unnecessary re-
ting all different sets of redundant constraints we can also use            finement. Such an unnecessary refinement consists of two vari-
HSDAG [35].                                                                 ables. If the first variable has an assignment, it is possible to
   The third type of anomalies are well-formedness viola-                   predict the assignment of the other variable. A formal defini-
tions. Such violations do not have an impact on the consis-                 tion is given in Definition 10.
tency of a knowledge base (see Definitions 1 and 2). While                     Definition 10 (Unnecessary refinement): A configura-
well-formedness is well discussed in the research area of fea-              tion knowledge base contains a variable pair vi , vj . For each
ture models (see e.g., [6]), less research has focused on well-             domain element val1 of variable vi , we can say that vari-
formedness violations in configuration knowledge bases. How                 able vj always has the same assignment vj = val2 , s.t.
we use well-formedness violations for calculating metrics for               ∀val1 ∈dom(vi ) ∃val2 ∈dom(vj ) vi = val1 ∧ vj 6= val2 is inconsis-
configuration knowledge bases will be described in the next                 tent.
Section.                                                                       In our example the variable pair Bike and Ref lector
   Anomalies and other aspects of a configuration knowledge                 is unnecessary refined because whenever Bike = true
base have impacts on the maintainability, understandability,                the Ref lector = true, and Bike = f alse respectively
and functionality of the knowledge base. In the following, we               Ref lector = f alse leads to an inconsistency. If such a vio-
give an overview of goals, questions, and metrics for config-               lation occurs, we can recommend the knowledge engineer to
uration knowledge bases which helps knowledge engineers to                  remove the variable Ref lector and rename the variable Bike
get an understanding of the quality of the knowledge base.                  with BikeW ithRef lectors.
   While conflicts, diagnoses, and redundancies focus on con-
straints, well-formedness violations identify anomalies based
on variables and domain elements. We now introduce well-                    3     A GQM model for Configuration
formedness violations in configuration knowledge bases.                           Knowledge Bases
   The first well-formedness violation focuses on dead domain                   For the overview of the metrics for configuration knowl-
elements. A dead domain element is an element which can                     edge bases we use the GQM method. For each goal we use a
never be assigned to its variable in a consistent instance (see             set of questions to define the achievement of each goal. It is
Definition 1). Definition 8 introduces a formal description of              also necessary that the goals, questions, and metrics can be
dead elements.                                                              calculated automatically, and with explanations [2, 36].
   Definition 8:: A domain element val1 ∈ dom(vi ) is dead iff                 In this section we first give an overview of the possible
it is never part of a consistent instance, s.t. CKB ∪{vi = val1 ; }         goals for configuration knowledge bases. Thereafter we give an
is inconsistent.                                                            overview of the questions in (configuration) knowledge bases.
   On the other hand, we can have domain elements which                     Finally we operationalize the questions by listing metrics for
have to be assigned to each consistent instance. We denote                  configuration knowledge bases.
such domain elements full mandatory (see Definition 9).
   Definition 9:: A domain element val1 ∈ dom(vi ) is full
mandatory, iff there is no consistent (complete or incom-                   3.1    Goals for Configuration Knowledge
plete) instance where the variable vi does not have the as-                        Bases
signment val1 , s.t. CKB ∪ {vi 6= val1 } is inconsistent.
   The configuration knowledge base can never be consistent,                   Nabil et al. [27] define five basic goals for knowledge bases.
if Bike = f alse or Ref lector = f alse or P edal = f alse.                 Reusability means, that the knowledge base can be reused in
For that domain elements, we can say that these domain ele-                 another application area. The flexibility defines the possibility
ments are full mandatory and the other domain element f alse                to change the semantics of the configuration knowledge base.
is a dead domain element. Note that all domain elements of a                Understandability defines the possibility that knowledge en-
domain are false optional if one domain element is full manda-              gineers have correct assumptions. Functionality describes the
tory.                                                                       applicability of the knowledge base. For example, if the model
                                                                            does not describe the real product assortment, the knowledge

                                                                      125               Juha Tiihonen, Andreas Falkner and Tomas Axling, Editors
                                                                                     Proceedings of the 17th International Configuration Workshop
                                                                                                          September 10-11, 2015, Vienna, Austria
 base has no functionality. Extendability describes the possibil-           figurations, and generating user recommendations. This per-
 ity to extend the knowledge base. In our example (see Figure               formance mainly influences the functionality of a system (la-
 1) we can extend the model by adding the bike type (V 0 = V ∪              tency) and the reusability.
 {T ype, M ountainBike, CityBike}; D0 = D ∪ {dom(T ype) =                      Q3: Does the configuration knowledge base have an admis-
 dom(M ountainBike) = dom(CityBike) = {true, f alse}};).                    sible performance?
    Lethbridge [25] identifies three goals for knowledge bases.
 First, it is necessary that knowledge engineers can monitor                   If it is necessary to develop and maintain the knowledge
 their work. Therefore it is necessary to offer baselines for               base a high modifiability will help to reduce the effort for the
 its continous improvement. Another aspect is the support for               update operation. The modifiability has a positive impact on
 knowledge engineers when they maintain a knowledge base.                   the reusability and maintainability of a knowledge base. For
 Finally, Lethbridge also focuses on the understandability of               example, when updating redundant constraints in a knowl-
 knowledge bases.                                                           edge base (e.g. constraint c2 in the example in Section 2) it’s
    From the perspective of software product lines there are                probably necessary to update the redundant constraints (c4 )
 three goals: the analyzability focuses on the capability of a sys-         too. This may lead to a low functionality because the knowl-
 tem to be diagnosed for anomalies. Changeability is the pos-               edge base doesn’t have the correct behavior.
 sibility and ease of change in a model when modifications are                Q4: Is the configuration knowledge base modifiable?
 necessary. Understandability also means the likelihood that
 knowledge engineers and designers understand the knowledge                    The development effort describes the effort when updat-
 base [2].                                                                  ing a configuration knowledge base. This effort contains the
    To sum up, we define the following goals for configuration              time for the update operation. This includes the update of
 knowledge bases:                                                           the semantics of the knowledge base and the time, which is
                                                                            required to remove all new errors. This effort has an impact on
 • A configuration knowledge base must be maintainable,
                                                                            the maintainability and reusability of a knowledge base and is
   such that it is easy to change the semantics of the knowl-
                                                                            mainly influenced by the understandability of a configuration
   edge base in a desired manner [2, 27].
                                                                            knowledge base.
 • A configuration knowledge base must be understandable,
                                                                              Q5: Is the configuration knowledge base understandable?
   such that the effort for a maintainability task for a knowl-
   edge engineer can be evaluated [2, 25, 27].
                                                                               Not each goal has a relationship with each question. In
 • A configuration knowledge base must be functional, such
                                                                            Table 1 we give an overview of the relationship between goals
   that it represents a part of the real world (e.g. a bike con-
                                                                            and questions:
   figuration knowledge base) [27].
                                                                                       Question / Goal          MT     US    FT
 3.2     Questions for Configuration Knowledge                                         Q1 (completeness)                     +
                                                                                       Q2 (anomalies)             -     -     -
         Bases                                                                         Q3 (performance)                      +
    After defining the goals for configuration knowledge bases                         Q4 (modifiability)        +
                                                                                       Q5 (understandability)           +
 we describe the questions relating to one or more goals. The
 concordance with the application will be defined by the com-               Table 1. Relations between goals and metrics (MT = maintain-
 pleteness. It suggests the applicability of the current state of           ability, US = usability, FT = functionality)
 the knowledge base for representing the application area. For
 instance, in our example (see Figure 1) a Bike can have a
 green and a red frame color. If it is possible to combine those            3.3    Metrics for Configuration Knowledge
 colors, the coverage is high. If a frame can only have either a                   Bases
 red or a green frame color, the model does not represent the
 application area and the coverage will be low.                                The metrics are based on a literature review focusing on
    Q1: Is the configuration knowledge base complete?                       knowledge engineering [3, 5, 7, 16, 25, 26, 27, 30, 31, 32, 40]
                                                                            as well as on software product line engineering [2, 6, 22, 24].
     Anomalies are a well researched area in the context of con-            The assumptions in this section are based on the literature of
 figuration knowledge bases [30]. The term ’anomalies’ is used              configuration knowledge bases and other research areas like
 synonymously for errors and subsumes the terms inconsis-                   feature models and software product lines, software engineer-
 tencies, redundancies, and well-formedness violations. Errors              ing, and rule-based knowledge bases.
 can have an impact on each of the goals, since it has negative               After having defined the questions for configuration knowl-
 impacts on the reusability, maintainability, and understand-               edge bases, the next task is to quantify the metrics. There-
 ability. It can also have a negative impact on the functionality,          fore, we describe possible metrics for configuration knowledge
 if there exists an inconsistency in the knowledge base.                    bases. Most of the metrics require a consistent CKB. The
    Q2: Does the configuration knowledge base contain anoma-                metrics are based on literature study in configuration, feature
 lies?                                                                      model and software engineering research areas.
                                                                              The next list shows some metrics derived from MOOSE and
                                                                            function point analysis [2, 12, 25, 36]:
     The performance describes the time which is required to
 calculate characteristics of a knowledge base. These charac-               • Number of variables |V |: In the example (see Figure 1)
 teristics are e.g., error checking, calculating consistent con-              |V | = 8.

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                                                     vi ∈V |dom(vi )|
• Average domain size: domsize =                          |V |
                                                                        =2                                                       (
• Number of constraints: |C| = 8                                                                 P          P                        0   C ∪ {vi 6= dj } = ∅
                                                                                                    vi ∈V         dj ∈dom(vi )
                                                                                                                                     1   else
   The number of minimal conflicts |CS| is the first                                     FM =                                                                          (2)
                                                                                                                         |V | × domsize
anomaly metric [23]. In our example (see Section 2), we have
1 minimal conflict, such that |CS| = 1. We can also evaluate                            Since each domain in our example knowledge base has two
the smallest number of constraints in a conflict set. The low-                       values (true, f alse) we can say, that whenever a domain ele-
est number of constraints in a conflict set CS is the minimal                        ment is dead, the other value becomes full mandatory auto-
cardinality of conflict sets M CCS and can be defined as                             matically. When domains have more than two values, it can
@CSj : |CSj | < |CSi |. The example in Section 2 has a mini-                         be the case, that a domain element is dead but there is no
mal cardinality M CCS = 4.                                                           other domain value with the property of being a full manda-
   We can also evaluate diagnoses for knowledge bases. For                           tory domain element.
example, with the FastDiag algorithm [17, 19] we can cal-                               The third well-formedness violation is called unnecessary
culate the number of diagnoses |∆| and the number of                                 refinement (U R). Such a violation occurs when there are
constraints in a minimal cardinality diagnosis M C∆.                                 two variables and the domain element of the first variable in
A minimal cardinality diagnosis ∆i is a minimal diagnosis                            a valid configuration can be suggested by the assignment of a
which has the property of having the smallest number of con-                         second variable. An unnecessary refinement can be described
straints in the diagnosis, such that, @∆j : |∆j | < |∆i |. The                       as dom(vi ) → dom(vj ).
example described in Section 2, contains 4 minimal diagnoses                            In the example in Section 2 we can say that the vari-
(∆1 = {c0 }, ∆2 = {c3 }, ∆3 = {c5 }, ∆4 = {c1 , c2 }, |∆| = 4)                       ables Standard and Clip are an unnecessary refinement,
and a minimal cardinality diagnosis of 1 (M C∆ = 1).                                 because whenever Standard = true Clip = f alse and
   The number of redundant constraints can also be used as                           Standard = f alse Clip = true. In that case, we can recom-
a measure for knowledge bases [20, 28, 30, 31] if the config-                        mend, that the domain of the variable P edal can be replaced
uration knowledge base is consistent.2 The number of sets of                         by Standard, Clip and the variables Standard and Clip can
redundant constraints is denoted as |R| and the maxi-                                be removed from the knowledge base without changing the
mum cardinality of a redundancy set Ri is 1. We cal-                                 semantics of the knowledge base.
culate the maximum cardinality for Ri by checking, if there                             The restriction rate RR compares the number of con-
exists another set Rj which has a bigger cardinality, such                           straints with the number of variables. In the example de-
that Ri has the property of having the maximum cardinality,                          scribed in Section 2 the restriction rate RR = |V   |
                                                                                                                                           = 88 = 1.
iff @Rj |Rj | < |Ri |. The example in Section 2 contains one                         A value greater than 1 means that there is a high restriction
set with redundant constraints (R1 = {c4 }, |R| = 1) and the                         [2, 25].
maximum cardinality of these sets is 1 (M CR = |1|).                                    The metric RR is influenced by the design of the knowledge
   A domain element domi ∈ dom(vj ) is a dead domain                                 base. For example, while one knowledge engineer requires a
element, iff there does not exist a valid configuration, such                        single constraint for subsuming the constraints c0 ∧ c1 ∧ c2 ∧ c3
that, C ∪ {vj = domi ; } 6= ∅ [5, 6]. When assuming that                             another knowledge engineer is using four single constraints. To
C 0 = C ∪ {c8 : Standard = true; } it is not possible, that                          consider these different design approaches in the metric, the
Clip is also true, such that, C 0 ∪ {c9 : P edal = true} = ∅,                        restriction rate RR2 is considering the number of variables
                                                                                                                                                    #vars(ci )
such that, DE = 1. We use the sum of all dead elements as a
                                                                                                                                   #vars(C)  c ∈C                |C|
                                                                                     in a constraint, such that, RR2 =             |V |
metric 0 < DE < 1 by using Equation 1 where a value nearer
0 means that there are no or less dead elements and a value                          #vars(ci ) is the number of variables in ci .
nearer to 1 means that a high number of domain elements                                 Another metric from the domain of software engineering
in the knowledge base can not be selected in a consistent                            is the variable inheritance factor V IF [1]. Adapted for
configuration knowledge base.                                                        configuration knowledge bases, we define V IF as the num-
                                                                                     ber of constraints in which a variable vi appears related
                                        (                                            to the number of constraints, e.g., V IF (F ramecolor) =
           P         P                      0   C ∪ {vi = dj } =
                                                               6 ∅                   P        1
                                                                                                  vf ramecolor ∈ ci
             vi ∈V       dj ∈dom(vi )                                                   ci ∈C 
                                            1   else                                          0  else
   DE =                                                                  (1)                       |C|
                                                                                                                    = 0.375 because the variable
                              |V | × domsize                                         f ramecolor appears in three constraints and |C| = 8.
                                                                                        To receive a CKB metric we calculate the V IFall for all
   A domain element domi ∈ dom(vj ) becomes dead if another
                                                                                     variables. When calculating the arithmetic mean of the V IFall
domain element domk ∈ dom(vl ), vj 6= vl is selected (Condi-
                                                                                     of all variables, we can evaluate the importance distribution of
tionally dead domain elements CD [6]). In the example (see
                                                                                     all variables. A value near to 0 means, that all variables have
Section 2) the constraint c7 does not allow the configuration
                                                                                     the same importance and should be considered in the same
Standard = true ∧ Clip = true.
                                                                                     way. On the other hand, a high value means that there are
   On the other hand, a domain element can be full manda-
                                                                                     some important and less important variables in the knowledge
tory (F M ). Full mandatory means, that there does not exist
                                                                                     base. In such cases, it makes sense to focus on the important
a consistent instance of the knowledge base where this domain
                                                                                     variabless when maintaining the knowledge base. V IFall =
element isn’t selected, formaly described as:                                                                 P
                                                                                                                  vj ∈V V IF (vj )
                                                                                     P         (V IF (vi )−            |V |
2 To receive a consistent configuration knowledge base we remove
                                                                                       vi ∈V                  |V |
 the constraint c5 from the set C.                                                     Finally, we evaluate the metric coverage. The coverage

                                                                               127                Juha Tiihonen, Andreas Falkner and Tomas Axling, Editors
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                                                                                                                    September 10-11, 2015, Vienna, Austria
 measures the number of all consistent complete configura-                  For a detailed description of the calculation of metrics
 tions (see Section 2) compared to the maximum number of                  focusing on anomalies (conflicts, redundancies, and well-
 complete configurations in a knowledge base. In our exam-                formedness violations) and the coverage metric we refer the
 Q|V in   Section 2 the maximum number of configurations is               reader to [33].
    i=0 |dom(vi )| = 256 (8 variables and each variable has a
 domain size 2). This will be compared with the number of
 consistent configurations. In our example we have the follow-            4     Discussion
 ing consistent configurations:
    {                                                                         In this Section we want to discuss relevant aspects of sev-
      Bike = true∧                                                        eral metrics and give an insight in the implementation of the
      Ref lector = true∧                                                  goal-question-metrics in the iCone interface.
      P edal = true∧                                                         Most of the research in the area of configuration knowl-
      F ramecolor = true∧                                                 edge engineering focuses on the area of verifying configura-
      (Standard = f alse ∧ Clip = true ∧ Green = true∧                    tion knowledge bases (functionality goal, see Section 3) and
         Red = f alse)∨                                                   ignores the question how to validate the knowledge base [30]
      (Standard = f alse ∧ Clip = true ∧ Green = f alse∧                  (maintainabilty and understandabilty). Felfernig et al.
         Red = true)∨                                                     [15] present an empirical study about the understandability
      (Standard = f alse ∧ Clip = true ∧ Green = true∧                    of constraints in knowledge bases but there does not exist a
         Red = true)∨                                                     metric for the understandability of constraints and the knowl-
      (Standard = true ∧ Clip = f alse ∧ Green = true∧                    edge base.
         Red = f alse)∨                                                      Briand et al. [8] measured the effects of the structural com-
      (Standard = true ∧ Clip = f alse ∧ Green = f alse∧                  plexity of software and its relationship to the maintainabil-
         Red = true)∨                                                     ity of software. Bagheri and Gasevic [2] transferred this model
      (Standard = true ∧ Clip = f alse ∧ Green = true∧                    into the area of feature models and found out, that the num-
         Red = true)                                                      ber of leaf features, the cyclomatic complexity, the flexibility
 }                                                                        of configuration, and the number of valid configurations in-
    Now we can compare the number of consistent configura-                fluence the maintainability of feature models. While the sim-
 tions (= 6) with the number of all configurations (= 256).               ple metrics are easy to transfer into configuration knowledge
 This leads to a coverage of 6/256 ∗ 100 = 2.34375% which is              bases, the depth of a tree or the number of valid configurations
 very low and the example configuration knowledge base is very            can not be calculated.
 restrictive. For the example knowledge base it is quite easy                The number of redundant constraints is an important
 to evaluate all possible combinations of variables and domain            metric since a low number of redundant constraints can im-
 elements. For knowledge bases with more variables, domain                prove the maintenance task, simplify the understandability,
 elements, and constraints we have millions and more possi-               and reduce the time for calculating valid configurations. An
 ble combinations of variable assignments. For such scenarios             important issue in that case is, that redundant constraints can
 we introduced the simulation technique in the context of                 also improve the understandability of a configuration knowl-
 knowledge based systems to approximate the coverage. For a               edge base. If a redundant constraint is declared as a desired
 detailed description to approximate this metric in large con-            redundant constraint, the metric should not contain such con-
 figuration knowledge bases we refer the reader to [33].                  straints, but should list it as a desired redundancy.
    Finally, we can refer the questions to the metrics. Table 2              In a simple configuration knowledge base like the example
 gives an overview of the relationships between the questions             in Section 2 it is easy to calculate the consistency of each
 and the metrics.                                                         possible configuration for the coverage metric. For example,
                                                                          in a configuration knowledge base with a medium number of
                           Q1     Q2    Q3    Q4    Q5                    variables (e.g. 10) and average domain size (e.g. 5) we have
              |V |         +             -                                approximately 10M possible configurations. Since it is not
              domsize      +             -                                possible to calculate so many possible configurations in real-
              |C|          +             -
                                                                          time, we developed a simulation strategy to approximate the
              |CS|          -      -           -
              |∆|           -      -           -                          number of consistent configurations. For a detailed description
              M CCS                                  +                    of the simulation strategy, we refer the reader to [34].
              M C∆                                   +                       While showing the GQM to knowledge engineers can help
              |R|                  -     -     -                          understand and maintain the configuration knowledge base,
              M CR                                   +                    it is also important to interpret the results. Therefore we im-
              DE                   -     -     -     -
                                                                          plemented a history for each metric in our iCone-interface3 .
              FM                   -     -     -     -
              UR                   -     -     -     -                    When updates in a configuration knowledge base in the iCone-
              RR                               -     -                    system are saved, a new version of the knowledge base will be
              RR2                              -     -                    created and metrics will be actualized. In Figure 2 we can see
              V IFall                          -     -                    the changes of the value of the DEAD elements metric.
              Coverage                         -     -
                                                                          3     iCone is an ’intelligent environment for the devel-
 Table 2. Relations between metrics (rows) and questions
                                                                              opment and maintenance of configuration knowledge
 (columns). A ’-’ means, that the metric has a negative impact on             bases’       (http://ase-projects-studies.ist.tugraz.at:
 the question, ’+’ represents a positive impact.                              8080/iCone/index.jsp).

Juha Tiihonen, Andreas Falkner and Tomas Axling, Editors            128
Proceedings of the 17th International Configuration Workshop
September 10-11, 2015, Vienna, Austria
                                                                             measure the metrics of an existing configuration knowledge
                                                                             base, but we can not identify the causes of bad configuration
                                                                             knowledge base engineering. To give recommendations for op-
                                                                             timizing the knowledge base engineering process, we have to
                                                                             observe the whole process.

                                                                             5   Conclusion
                                                                                 This paper introduces a goal-question-metric approach to
                                                                             evaluate configuration knowledge bases. We gave an overview
                                                                             of configuration knowledge bases and introduced a running ex-
                                                                             ample for this paper and defined goals, questions, and metrics
                                                                             for configuration knowledge bases. Furthermore, we showed
                                                                             how to calculate time-consuming metrics efficiently and pre-
                                                                             sented the iCone-visualization of metrics. It also points out
                                                                             some practical issues when dealing with metrics.
                                                                                Future research should evaluate the relations between goals,
                                                                             questions, and metrics. Our future work will contain empiri-
                                                                             cal evaluations about the correlation between the goals, ques-
Figure 2. Visualization of changes for the metric DEAD. The                  tions, and metrics and their weightings in the aggregation
y-axis shows the number of DEAD variables in each version of the             process from metrics to questions and from questions to goals.
configuration knowledge base (x-axis).                                          Future work should take a look at the knowledge engineer-
                                                                             ing process. When calculating metrics for knowledge engi-
   Felfernig [13] gives an overview of the usage of function                 neers, we can list some possible improvements. Preece gives
point analysis for configuration knowledge bases. Therefore                  an overview about verification and validation techniques for
he analyzed the input of a configuration knowledge base from                 knowledge bases [30]. He aligns different V&V techniques to
customers and the complexity of a configuration knowledge                    different models of a knowledge base, e.g., conceptual and de-
base. They use the customer requirements as external input                   sign models and an implemented system. The metrics listed
(EI), the data, which are required by the user as external                   in Section 3 only focus on the implemented system. A GQM
query (EQ), the consistent domain elements of variables as                   for the conceptual and design model does not exist.
external output (EO), knowledge elements as internal logical                    Another relevant fact is the volatility of requirements [36].
files (ILF), and external information like the product assort-               If the requirements for the configuration knowledge base are
ment from an ERP-system as external interface file (EIF).                    changing frequently, it is also hard to keep the CKB up to
While this approach takes input and output into account, it                  date. For calculating metrics referring to the quality of a CKB
does not evaluate the quality (e.g., the number of dead domain               and its requirements, it is necessary to integrate a require-
elements) of the input and output.                                           ments management system in the CKB maintenance tool or
   We have implemented the GQM and the FPA approach in                       offer an interface for both tools.
our iCone implementation [41]. Table 3 gives an overview of
the performance. Note, that the time contains the calcula-
tion / approximation of the metrics and the calculation of all               Acknowledgements
anomalies. The notebook domain is calculated six times and                   The work presented in this paper has been conducted within
the mobile phone domain is calculated seven times.                           the scope of the research project ICONE (Intelligent Assis-
                                                                             tance for Configuration Knowledge Base Development and
                                       Notebooks     Mobile phones
                                                                             Maintenance) funded by the Austrian Research Promotion
 Product variants                           115.00       13,999.00
 Product variables                           28.00            34.00
                                                                             Agency (827587).
 product variable domain sizes        1.00 - 45.00     2.00 - 47.00
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