=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1453/21_ShafieeHvamKristjansdottir_HowToAnalyzeAndQuantifySimilarities_Confws-15_p139 |storemode=property |title=How to analyze and quantify similarities between configured engineer to order products by comparing the highlighted features utilizing the configuration system abilities |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1453/21_ShafieeHvamKristjansdottir_HowToAnalyzeAndQuantifySimilarities_Confws-15_p139.pdf |volume=Vol-1453 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/confws/ShafieeHK15 }} ==How to analyze and quantify similarities between configured engineer to order products by comparing the highlighted features utilizing the configuration system abilities== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1453/21_ShafieeHvamKristjansdottir_HowToAnalyzeAndQuantifySimilarities_Confws-15_p139.pdf
       How to Analyze and Quantify Similarities between
     Configured Engineer-To-Order Products by Comparing
      the Highlighted Features Utilizing the Configuration
                        System Abilities
                                      Sara Shafiee1, Lars Hvam2, Katrin Kristjansdottir3

Abstract. 1 Engineering-To-Order (ETO) companies making                      reach all the advantages that can be gained from utilizing product
complex and highly engineered products, face the challenge of                  configuration systems, changes in the organization and the
delivering highly customized and engineered products with high                 supporting systems in the order acquisition and fulfillment process
quality and short delivery time. In order to respond to those                  are needed [4]. These issues can be solved by double checking all
challenges ETO companies strive to increase commonality between
                                                                               the outputs generated by the configurator through an automated IT
different projects and to reuse product related information. For that
purpose companies need to be able to retrieve previously designed              solution. “All designs are redesigns” has long been a popular cliché
products and identify which parts of the design can be reused and              in design research [5]. More generally it has been observed that in
which parts to redesign. This allows companies to reduce                       many firms the reuse and generalization of past experiences (often
complexity in the product range, to decrease the engineering hours             called "lessons learned") is becoming a key factor for the
and to improve the accuracy of the product specifications. In this             improvement, in time and in quality, of operational processes [6]. It
article we suggest a framework where product features from the                 is rational to say that all the attributes of the products and all their
company’s configuration system are listed up in order to compare               relations are available in the configuration system; and for every
with previously made products by retrieving information from                   received order from the customer, changes and specifications for
internal ERP/PLM systems. The list of features consists of defining            the product are entered into the configuration system. The idea is to
features with potential sets of values e.g. capacity, dimensions,
                                                                               make a connection between ERP and the configuration system,
quality of material, energy consumptions, etc. When identifying a
specific previously designed product, it allows access to all of the           when generating quotations in the product configuration systems
specifications of the existing product along with the engineering              and compare it with the previous done projects saved in the ERP
hours used, materials used, and hours used in the workshop. The                system from different perspectives. ETO companies producing
aim of this paper is to make a framework for setting up a database             complex highly engineered products have a significant problem
before starting the comparison.                                                when calculating the prices for the presale and sale processes. That
                                                                               is especially the case when domain experts cannot determine
                                                                               accurate price curves or when vendors are not providing sufficient
1         INTRODUCTION AND PROBLEM                                             information to be modeled inside the configurator. Therefore
          STATEMENT                                                            estimates are used or markup factors are added. When
A configurator supports the user in specifying different features of           underestimating costs in projects the company will lose profit and
a product by defining how predefined entities (physical or non-                when overestimating the cost the customer might go elsewhere
physical) and their properties (fixed or variable) can be combined             where he can buy the product at a reasonable price. The accuracy
[1]. Improving the quotation process with the help of configuration            of calculations is affected, as previous projects are not easily
systems is a great opportunity for enhancing the presale and                   accessible and it requires significant work to compare potential
production process efficiency in the companies [2]. There are                  new projects with previous projects manually in order to find the
several benefits that can be gained from utilizing product                     relevant information.
configuration systems, such as a shorter lead-time for generating                  Hvam et al. [1] explains this problem by using an example from
quotation and fewer errors, increased ability to meet customer                 F.L. Smidth, which is an ETO company selling cement plants. In
requirements with regards to functionality and quality of the                  this example, the company strives to reuse information from
products, increased customer satisfaction, etc. [3]. Theoretical               previously made projects to calculate the most accurate price based
elaboration of the empirical evidence suggests that, in order to               on weight and capacity. According to Hvam et al. [1], the price and
                                                                               weight curves are made by inserting the capacity, price and weight
                                                                               based on information from 3-5 previously produced machines. A
  Industrial PhD Student, Management Engineering department, Technical         curve is then drawn through the points as is demonstrated in
   University of Denmark, 2800 Kgs.Lyngby, Denmark, sashaf@dtu.dk
    Professor, Centre for Product Modelling (CPM), Department of                   Figure 4. This allows identification of prices and weights for
   Management Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, 2800               machines that have not previously been produced.
   Kgs.Lyngby, Denmark,lahv@dtu.dk
  PhD Student, Management Engineering department, Technical University
   of Denmark, 2800 Kgs.Lyngby, Denmark, katkr@dtu.dk

                                                                         139               Juha Tiihonen, Andreas Falkner and Tomas Axling, Editors
                                                                                        Proceedings of the 17th International Configuration Workshop
                                                                                                             September 10-11, 2015, Vienna, Austria
                                                                                    Modular architecture is a term that usually refers to the
                                                                                 construction of a building from different instances of standardized
                                                                                 components, and in manufacturing it is used for interchangeable
                                                                                 units that are used to create the product variants [10]. Dahmus et al.
                                                                                 [11] defines a Modularity Matrix to find the similarities between
                                                                                 product platforms across columns for a single function in the
       Figure 1. Price and weight curve for main machines in F.L Smith           matrix. Thereafter, architecting of the product portfolio is
                                                                                 recommended to take advantage of possible commonalities through
  However, with regards to highly complex products, the price                    the reuse of modules across different product families. If an
  curves are not thought to be the most accurate method as there are             existing product has standardized and decoupled interfaces, the
  several dependent features and great numbers of neighbors on the               design of the next product can re-use heavily from the components
  curve. Another important drawback from the price curves is that                of the previous product. Holmqvist [12] identifies existing
  the user is only provided access to some of the previously made                modularization methods and analyses them with regards to their
  projects. Therefore the most similar previous projects might be                ability to deal with different degrees of product complexity. Based
  missed.                                                                        on that he proves that modularization methods are really useful for
     The first benefits of using an automated IT process, where an               a simple product architecture but for higher degrees of product
  integration between the configuration system and the company’s                 complexity, when several functions are allocated to several
  internal ERP in order to get access to previously saved project                physical modules, or large variation of variants, these methods
  information, is to avoid time consuming redesigning activities in              seem inefficient [12]. Zamirowski et al. [13] presents three
  the production phase. This means that it will be possible to produce           additional heuristics to find common modules across products in a
  the same component or product while spending the least possible                product family. By knowing the previously ordered products, there
  time and resources.                                                            will be the opportunity of decoupling of design and production
     Salvador and Forza [7] offer much anecdotal evidence of the                 tasks.
  issues related to product configuration systems. These are listed in              The potential benefits that can be gained from using the
  terms of: excessive errors, too long time between sales and                    comparison capabilities between configuration systems and other
  installation due to inadequate product information supply to the               databases at the companies are summarized in Table 1.
  sales office, an excess of repetitive activities within the technical
                                                                                            Table 1. Benefits from reusing the previous projects
  office, and a high rate of configuration errors in production. Even if
                                                                                 Area                          Benefits
  there are often concerns regarding product configuration projects
                                                                                 Management                    1. Lean management by avoiding all the
  and the possible errors in the early phases of deploying the                                                      presales, production and sales activity
  systems, the confirmation of the configuration system is not the                                                  that have been performed before.
  only benefit from the mentioned solution.                                      Configuration system          2. Reducing errors and increasing
     Salvador and Forza [7] describe product configuration systems               development                        reliability of the configuration system.
  as aid systems for the end users or customers for creating                                                   3. Facilitating the testing process for the
                                                                                                                    configuration systems development.
  communication value. Comparing the new project with previous
                                                                                 Standardization, Product      4. Recommending previously successful
  ones could also turn into a recommendation system in the                                                          projects to the end users.
  companies. Felfernig [8] discusses different recommendation                    planning, Configuration
                                                                                                               5. Basis for product standardization.
  systems that are divided into Collaborative Filtering (CF), Content            system
                                                                                 Product planning,             6. Statistical approach to the information
  Based Filtering (CBF) and Knowledge Based Recommendations                                                         and market requirements of the
  (KBR). The available recommendation technologies in e-                         management
  commerce are potentially useful in helping customers to choose the             Product planning,             7. Improve the quality of the
  optimal products configuration [9]. It seems that the mentioned                Configuration system               configuration system, lead time,
  idea is similar to the values that come from recommendation                                                       manufacturing, sales engineering.
  systems. This means that if a 95% similarity between the current
  project and a previous project is found, the previous project can be           Inakoshi et al. [14] propose a framework for product configuration
  re-used and thereby cost related to making the product                         that integrates a constraint satisfaction problem with a Case-based
  specification significantly reduced. This includes costs in the sales          Reasoning tool (CBR), where the framework is applied to an on-
  phase, engineering and production. Furthermore, this is likely to              line sales system. This framework contains the following steps:
  improve the quality and the accuracy of the cost estimations. It also
  makes it easy to reach an agreement with the customer, and to                        1. Case retrieval: similar cases are retrieved from the case
  recommend to them a consultancy to confirm the success of the                           base in accordance with the similarities between the
  project by small changes in the order.                                                  current query and the cases.
     Furthermore, this approach enables companies to analyze the                       2. Requirement formalization: a well-defined requirement
  products statistically for future product development. Using the                        consists of the current query and the object function, and
  configuration systems and comparing different orders can provide                        it is supplied to a Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP)
  valuable information to managers, as it helps them to keep track of                     solver.
  product features and to get an overview of market demands. This
  helps companies to be more in control over the product assortment                    3. Requirement modification: The well-defined
  and eliminates the complexity related to the diversity of product                       requirement is modified only if there is no configuration
  features offered in the production line.                                                and the CSP solver returns no solution back to the CBR

Juha Tiihonen, Andreas Falkner and Tomas Axling, Editors                   140
Proceedings of the 17th International Configuration Workshop
September 10-11, 2015, Vienna, Austria
     4. Parts database: a parts database that contains the                   configuration system to compare with all the previously generated
        definition of a product family. It defines the types of              quotations, which are documented in a desired database. In Figure
        parts, the constraints on parts connectivity, and other              3 the process needed for the comparison accomplishment is
        kinds of restrictions on the products.                               illustrated.
     5. CSP solver: The CSP solver receives a well-defined user
        requirement and solves the problem.
The physical structure of the configuration system is illustrated in
Figure 2.

                                                                                Figure 3. The process of comparing and find similar products

                                                                             3.1       Set up of the database with previous
                                                                                       projects, comparing the configured
                                                                                       products with the previously designed
       Figure 2. Physical architecture of configuration system [14]                    products
This research work has been used as an inspiration for creating a            Inakoshi et al. [14] introduce a framework for comparing a product
database development framework and then doing a comparison and               configuration that integrates a constraint satisfaction problem with
integrating it with the product configuration system. There is no            a Case-Based Reasoning tool (CBR) for a specific case and with
discussion in detail on how to make a database from the ERP                  specific tool. In this paper the aim is to make a framework in order
system, where all the previous projects are stored.                          to create a database for the comparison, which allows the
                                                                             comparison to be done in a standardized way where the currently
                                                                             available tools and methods can be utilized. Based on literature a
2         RESEARCH METHOD                                                    seven step framework has been developed, the individual steps are
                                                                             illustrated in Figure 4. The process is not a complete waterfall
In accordance with the overall objective, the first phase is focused         process, as it is necessary to iterate some of the steps depending on
on the development of the framework, devoted to selecting a                  the product.
framework for product configuration, which integrates a constraint
satisfaction problem with Case-Based Reasoning tool (CBR) from
previous literature.
The framework development is an ongoing research project to be
developed further and tested by a group of researchers and
practitioners with an applied research background in modelling
products, product architecture, knowledge engineering and product
configuration, software development, combining traditional
domains of mechanical engineering with product configuration and
software development. The framework will be tested in an ETO
company specializing in production of catalysts.

                                                                                           Figure 4. Database set up process in 7 phases
          IDENTIFICATIO AND COMPARISON                                       3.1.1     Identify relevant features according to features
          BETWEEN PRODUCT FEATURES                                                     from configuration model
Previous researchers define different tools and methods to measure           Previous research that describes how to use modules across
the similarities between product features. Using configuration               different products [13] [15] will be used in order to compare
systems and techniques for comparing products, it is possible to             different products. Commonality is best obtained by minimizing
compare different product features that have been ordered with the           the non-value added variations across the products within the same
new coming orders. One of the prerequirements for using the                  product family without limiting the choices for the customers [16].
automatic comparison is to have product configuration system in              According to Ulrich [10], if an existing product has standardized
the sales process. The scenario is to use product features in the            and decoupled interfaces, the design of the next product can

                                                                       141               Juha Tiihonen, Andreas Falkner and Tomas Axling, Editors
                                                                                      Proceedings of the 17th International Configuration Workshop
                                                                                                           September 10-11, 2015, Vienna, Austria
  borrow heavily from the components of the previous product.                         This technique could be used for finding the projects or products
  Thevenot and Simpson [16] discuss a framework where                              with the same specification but for a high level of similarities. This
  commonality indices are used for redesigning the product families                could help us to identify some of the product features and then
  to align with cost reductions in the product development process                 search for their range of values.
  aligned with the standardized and modularized product structure
  incorporated to the configuration system, makes it easier to pick
  the relevant features or add them to the configurator.                           3.1.4     Classifying the products based on features
  E. Lopez-Herrejon et al. [17] introduce Software Product Line                    For identifying and classifying relevant features in order to make a
  Engineering (SPLE) to represent the combinations of features that                database, classification techniques are required. Burbidge describes
  distinguish the system variants using feature models.                            how to classify the needs for the product components and coding
                                                                                   them by introducing the Group Technology (GT) method [24].
                                                                                   Martinez et al. [25] then use the GT technique as a base for
  3.1.2     Retrieve specifications on previous designed
                                                                                   developing a new GT method [25] they provide an example where
            products from ERP / PLM system
                                                                                   the GT technique is used in manufacturing plant where it help in
  The current generation of database systems is designed mainly to                 the processes of minimizing unnecessary variety by making
  support business applications and most of them offer discovery                   designers aware of existing components [24]. The aim of
  features using tree inducers, neural nets, and rule discovery                    classification and coding is to provide an efficient method of
  algorithms [18]. One of the fundamental problems of information                  information retrieval for decision making. To be efficient enough a
  extraction from ERP systems is that the formats of available data                code must be designed for the particular purpose for which it will
  sources are often incompatible, requiring extensive conversion                   be used [24]. Leukel et al. [26] discuss the design and components
  efforts [19]. Knowledge discovery in databases represent the                     of product classification systems in B2B e-commerce and
  process for transformation of available data into strategic                      suggested a data model based on XML. Fairchild [27] discuss the
  information, which is characterized by issues related to the nature              application of classification systems and the requirements on them.
  of data and desired features [20] [21]. Brachman et al. [22] define              Simpson [28] uses GT for adding, removing, or substituting one or
  Knowledge Discovery (KD) process elements to be in three steps:                  more modules to the product platform for product platform design
                                                                                   and customization. Sousa et al. [29] suggest an automated
        1. Task discovery, data discovery, data cleansing, data
                                                                                   classification system for specialization of life cycle assessment.
                                                                                   First of all they manage to have a conceptual framework for
        2. Model      selection,     parameter selection,    model
                                                                                   environmental performance of product concepts. Then, the
           specification, model fitting
                                                                                   hierarchical clustering has been used in several applications to
        3. Model evaluation, model refinement, output evaluation
                                                                                   show useful ways of grouping objects according to their
  KD has a variety of meanings. It includes, at one end the derivation             similarities and product descriptors data. Finally, it is used to
  of useful information from a database like “which products are                   develop an automated classification system based on decision trees
  needed for the specific amount of engineering hours for                          algorithms. Sousa et al. [29] also use Matlab and C4.5 decision tree
  installation?” [23].                                                             algorithm, which seems to be applicable in all classification cases.
                                                                                   C4.5 is an algorithm used to generate a classification in form of a
                                                                                   decision tree that is either a leaf indicating a class or a decision
  3.1.3     Retrieve features from product files and                               node that specifies some test to be carried out on a single attribute
            determining the values                                                 value. This algorithm has a few base cases as below [30]:
  Most companies use the old technique called “British
  classification” when naming different components according to the                     1. All the samples in the list belong to the same class. When
  product variants. However as the products get more complicated                            this happens, it simply creates a leaf node for the decision
  this technique becomes impractical. In this technique, as shown in                        tree saying to choose that class.
  Figure 5, there is a “surname” of five digits it is the general class of              2. None of the features provide any information gain. In this
  an item and the “Christian name” of three digits for an exact                             case, C4.5 creates a decision node higher up the tree
  identity of for the particular item [24].                                                 using the expected value of the class.
                                                                                        3. Instance of previously unseen class encountered. Again,
                                                                                            C4.5 creates a decision node higher up the tree using the
                                                                                            expected value.
                                                                                      Ho [21] introduces OSHAM system generated in hierarchical
                                                                                   graphical browser which is competing with C4.5.
                                                                                      Magali and Geneste [6] propose object oriented modeling
                                                                                   language, Unified Modeling Language (UML) as a standard
                                                                                   modelling of domain knowledge for their research work to
                                                                                   represent field data. The exploitation of the object modeling as an
                                                                                   indexing base is suggested to allow a fast selection of potentially
                   Figure 5. Expansion of a major class [24]                       interesting objects during the similar case search [6].

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Proceedings of the 17th International Configuration Workshop
September 10-11, 2015, Vienna, Austria
   Guillaume et al. [31] developed six heuristics for clustering and         The case study is planned based on a group of researchers from the
weighting the logical, syntactical and semantical relationships              Technical University of Denmark in collaboration with Haldor
between feature names. The other representation introduced as the            Topsoe. The aim is to test and make further developments to the
so-called Product Comparison Matrices (PCMs), can help to make               proposed framework. The case study should aim to find the major
a choice, where the aim is to visualize all the products                     and minor drawbacks in the current framework and refines it based
characteristics through a metrical representation, [32].                     on experiment. The main things that will be tested in the case study
                                                                             are listed below:

3.1.5     Set up database with previous products design                           1. Can we retrieve the products’ features out of the ERP
Ramakrishnan et al. [33] give an overview of database design in                      system?
the following three steps:                                                        2. Can we classify the products?
                                                                                  3. Can we make a data base according to the product
     1. Requirement analysis: Understanding of what data is to                       features?
        be stored in the database, what applications must be built                4. How to do the comparison between the new product and
        on top of it, what operations are most frequent and subject                  the previous designed products?
        to performance requirements.                                              5. How to integrate the data base and configuration
     2. Conceptual database design: The information gathered in                      systems? How to make the user interface in the
        the requirements analysis step is used to develop a high-                    configuration system?
        level description of the data along with the constraints to
        be stored in the database.
     3. Logical database design: Database Management System                  5. CONCLUSION
        (DBMS) has to be chosen to implement the database
        design, and convert the conceptual database design into a
        database schema in the data model of the chosen DBMS.                In this paper we suggest an approach for comparing a new order
                                                                             that is being configured with previous made configurations, which
                                                                             are usually stored in various internal systems at the companies.
3.1.6     Comparing the new order products with the                          This will lead to some advantages such as increased commonality
          previous designed products in the ERP/ PLM                         across different products and reuse of modules across the family of
          system                                                             products. To achieve the goal of comparing different products a
                                                                             database for the necessary features is needed. The proposed
There are extensive research works in the field of IT illustrating           approach includes 7 separate phases. Finally after the database
different methods to do the comparison in an automated way.                  setup, the comparison method based on literature will be
Classical Case-based Reasoning tool (CBR) methodologies [34]                 accomplished and the integration between the configuration system
[35] are based on four tasks, which are: Retrieve, Reuse, Revise             and database will be performed. The paper is just mentioning a
and Retain are highly used for this purpose.                                 problem realized as one of the configuration system drawbacks and
   Navinchandra’s [36] developed CYCLOPS, which was the first                suggests a framework for using comparison method to solve this
system to explore CBR in interactive design. Vareilles et al. [37]           problem. To have a generic framework to retrieve data from ERP/
proposed an approach to use ‘contextual knowledge corresponding              PLM systems and compare them in configuration projects further
to past cases’ and ‘general knowledge corresponding to relations,            research work is required as listed below:
rules or constraints that link design variables’. In this research,              1. Framework testing for a case study and test the available
Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) is used regarding general                       tools for retrieving and comparing the features.
knowledge and CBR operates with conceptual knowledge.                            2. Development of the possible ways to integrate database
                                                                                      with product configuration system.
   Magali and Geneste [6] propose a method to define the
neighborhood of the retrieved case to propagate domain
constraints. In this method they use Fuzzy Search is divided in two          6. REFERENCES
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                                                                       145      Juha Tiihonen, Andreas Falkner and Tomas Axling, Editors
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                                                                                                  September 10-11, 2015, Vienna, Austria