=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1455/paper-14 |storemode=property |title=Preference-Based Meta-Learning using Dyad Ranking: Recommending Algorithms in Cold-Start Situations |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1455/paper-14.pdf |volume=Vol-1455 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/pkdd/SchaferH15a }} ==Preference-Based Meta-Learning using Dyad Ranking: Recommending Algorithms in Cold-Start Situations== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1455/paper-14.pdf
   Preference-Based Meta-Learning using Dyad
     Ranking: Recommending Algorithms in
    Cold-Start Situations (Extended Abstract)

                                                             Dirk Schäfer1 and Eyke Hüllermeier2
                           University of Marburg, Germany
           Department of Computer Science, University of Paderborn, Germany
                   dirk.schaefer@uni-marburg.de, eyke@upb.de

    Preference learning in general and label ranking in particular have been ap-
plied successfully for meta-learning problems in the past [1, 4, 3]. The benefits
of incorporating additional feature descriptions of alternatives in the context
of preference learning have recently been shown for the dyad ranking frame-
work [6]. Additional descriptions in the form of feature vectors are known in
the recommender systems domain, too, where they are typically called side-
information and used for tackling cold-start problems. These problems refer to
situations where preference indicators (e.g., ratings) for new users or new items
are not yet available (see Figure 1). In these situations, side-information helps
by putting existing and new entities into relation. In this work, we make use

                                                               Side-Information: Algorithm Parameters
                   Side-Information: Problem Meta-Features

                                                                   Indicators            ?              New Parameters

                                                                       ?                 ?
                                                                                                        New Parameters
                                                                   New Problems                         & new Problems

Fig. 1. Three kinds of cold-start problems are shown. They are characterized in that
no preference indicators are available for algorithms or problems. Side-information can
help in these situations for inferring preferences and thus recommendations.

of dyad ranking to predict a good ranking of candidate algorithms contextual-
ized by problem instances, assuming that algorithms exhibit a representation
in terms of a feature description. By generalizing over both, attributes of prob-
lems as well as algorithms, it becomes possible to tackle cold-start scenarios in
which predictions are sought for algorithms that never occurred in the train-

ing data. A similar viewpoint towards meta-learning has been taken in [7, 5],
where algorithm recommendation is tackled by means of collaborative filtering
(CF) techniques. However, in contrast to the description of users and items in
standard CF, side-information describing problems in meta-learning is usually
carefully crafted [2]. As testbed, we present experimental results on the task of
genetic algorithm (GA) recommendation in the cold-start situation correspond-
ing to the lower right box in Figure 1. The (preference) meta-learning data set3
for this experiment consists of rankings over 72 different parameterized GAs
applied on the traveling salesman problem. The following leave-one-out cross
validation (LOOCV) procedure over a total number of 246 examples (problems)
and 72 GAs (referred to as labels) is applied: for a label Aj (1 ≤ j ≤ 72) the
bilinear Plackett-Luce model [6] is trained on 245 examples and is then used to
predict the ranking over all 72 labels for the left out example in two variants.
    In the first variant (the “reference” situation), a method is trained on data
where the label Aj is part of the training set, whereas in the second variant
(the “cold start” situation) the same method is trained on data where Aj is
completely omitted. In addition to the Kendall τ value that is used to quantify
the quality of a predicted ranking in relation to a ground truth ranking, the
deviation between the predicted rank of Aj and the true rank is recorded.
    In the reference and the cold start situation, the Kendall τ values are almost
identical. Moreover, the average deviation from the true rank in the reference
case is 5.653 and in the cold-start scenario 5.712. These are first encouraging
results. Future work could comprise experiments on further meta data sets and
address the development of further approaches for cold-start problems.

1. Artur Aiguzhinov, Carlos Soares, and Ana Paula Serra. A Similarity-based Adap-
   tion of Naive Bayes for Label Ranking: Application to Metalearning for Algorithm
   Selection. Planning to Learn Workshop (PlanLearn10) at ECAI, pages 75–78, 2010.
2. Pavel Brazdil, Christophe Giraud-Carrier, Carlos Soares, and Ricardo Vilalta. Met-
   alearning: Applications to Data Mining. Springer Publishing Company, Incorpo-
   rated, 1st edition, 2008.
3. Johannes Fürnkranz and Eyke Hüllermeier. Preference Learning. Springer-Verlag
   New York, Inc., New York, NY, USA, 1st edition, 2010.
4. Jorge Kanda, Carlos Soares, Eduardo Hruschka, and Andre De Carvalho. A Meta-
   Learning Approach to Select Meta-Heuristics for the Traveling Salesman Problem
   Using MLP-Based Label Ranking. 19th International Conference on Neural Infor-
   mation Processing (ICONIP 2012), 7665 LNCS:488–495, 2012.
5. Mustafa Misir and Michèle Sebag. Algorithm Selection as a Collaborative Filtering
   Problem. Research report, INRIA, December 2013.
6. Dirk Schäfer and Eyke Hüllermeier. Dyad Ranking Using a Bilinear Plackett-Luce
   Model. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Prin-
   ciples and Practices of Knowledge Discovery in Databases. Springer-Verlag, 2015.
7. David Stern, Horst Samulowitz, Luca Pulina, and Universita Genova. Collaborative
   Expert Portfolio Management. Artificial Intelligence, 116(3):179–184, 2010.
    Available at https://www.cs.uni-paderborn.de/fachgebiete/intelligente-systeme/