Visualizing the Evolution of Ontologies: A Dynamic Graph Perspective Michael Burch1 and Steffen Lohmann2 1 VISUS, University of Stuttgart, Germany 2 VIS, University of Stuttgart, Germany Abstract. Ontologies can be represented as graphs, since they essen- tially comprise a set of interconnected concepts describing a certain field of knowledge. Consequently, ontologies are often visualized as graphs, using different visual notations and common graph drawing techniques. The visualization of static graphs has been researched a lot, but when it comes to time-varying graphs, researchers face much more challenges in order to design useful, readable, and intuitive visualizations. If we have to deal with dynamic, i.e., evolving and time-dependent ontologies, we have to adapt existing visualization techniques to this challenging prob- lem or develop new ones. In this position paper, we take a look at the visual representation of time-varying ontologies, and provide a discussion from a dynamic graph visualization perspective. Keywords: time-varying ontologies, graph-based ontology visualization 1 Introduction Visualization can be a powerful tool in the exploration and analysis of ontologies. Advanced visual designs are demanded to effectively and efficiently manage, browse, and navigate ontologies, and to finally gain insights and conclusions. The growing number and size of ontologies, on the other hand, require sophisticated visualization techniques that are capable to handle algorithmic, perceptual, and visual scalability problems. Consequently, developers of ontology visualizations need to enhance their visual designs by developing faster and better layouts, by providing more visual features, and by improving existing approaches based on user studies and other evaluation methods. Although various techniques for ontology visualization have flourished over the past years [10,26,28,31], we are still facing the challenging problem of vi- sually handling time-varying ontologies, i.e., ontologies that change over time. Ontologies are often not static but have an inherent dynamic behavior, making them an evolving data structure that is worth researching. Since time-varying ontologies can be regarded as some kind of dynamic graph, we discuss the applicability of existing visualization techniques for dynamic graphs surveyed by Beck et al. [6], while we basically distinguish between time- to-time mappings (animations) and time-to-space mappings (static displays). 69 Visualizing the Evolution of Ontologies: A Dynamic Graph Perspective 2 Related Work Numerous approaches for ontology visualization have been presented in the last couple of years [10,26,28,31]. Most of them represent ontologies as graphs, while the graphs are typically rendered as node-link diagrams in a force-directed, hi- erarchical, or radial layout [31]. Examples for force-directed graph visualizations of ontologies are provided by TGViz [1], NavigOWL [25], and VOWL [31]. Hierarchical graph layouts depicting the inheritance tree of ontologies are used in OWLViz [23] and OntoTrack [29], among others. There are also approaches that represent the inheritance tree with treemaps [35], nested circles [40], or other visualization techniques for hierarchi- cal tree structures, such as hyperbolic trees [11]. Fu et al. [14] conducted a user study where they compared graph visual- izations of ontologies with indented tree representations. They found that the graph visualizations are perceived as “more controllable and intuitive without visual redundancy, especially for ontologies with multiple inheritance”. They are considered “more suitable for overviews” and “held [the] attention” of the study participants better than trees [14]. Some approaches combine different techniques to visualize ontologies, such as node-link diagrams and adjacency matrices [4], or provide various graph layouts that the users can choose from depending on their task [13,22]. Others apply techniques such as hierarchical edge bundling [21] to increase the readability of the graph visualization, while yet others propose 3D graph visualizations for ontologies [7,15]. Furthermore, there are diagrammatic approaches that use UML [5] or simi- lar graph-based notations [12,38] to visualize ontologies. For instance, COE [18] adopts the popular idea of Concept Maps [32] and applies it to the visualiza- tion of OWL ontologies, while a similar attempt has been made with Concept Diagrams [24] that particularly consider the logic of OWL. However, the visualization of time-varying ontologies has not received any attention in all these approaches. Although the evolution of ontologies has been subject to research [20,33,36], we are not aware of any approach that visualizes evolving ontologies over time. There are methods to compute and analyze dif- ferences between two or more versions of an ontology [16,17,34], and tools that display such differences using rudimentary visual properties [17,27,35]. However, we do not know of any sophisticated visualization that supports the detailed analysis of ontologies at different points in time and assists users in the detec- tion of dynamic patterns and trends in time-varying ontologies. 3 Visualization of Time-Varying Ontologies Visualizing time-varying data is challenging due to the fact that users need to obtain an overview of a longer subsequence of individual time steps. This as- pect must also be considered for dynamic, i.e., evolving ontologies. Usually, the 70 Visualizing the Evolution of Ontologies: A Dynamic Graph Perspective users have to solve comparison tasks in order to reliably derive trends and coun- tertrends or to find outliers and anomalies. In general, two paradigms for time- oriented visualizations are distinguished: 1) time-to-time mappings (animated diagrams), and 2) time-to-space mappings (static displays, often enhanced by interaction techniques). In the following, we discuss these two alternatives and address some of their benefits and drawbacks. 3.1 Representation of Vertices and Edges If ontologies are visualized as graphs in the form of node-link diagrams, the ver- tices and edges can have various visual appearances. The vertices usually carry different semantic information as well as additional attributes. If the attributes are of a rather categorical nature, color coding and shape can be used as vi- sual features to support the viewer to efficiently distinguish vertices of different types. Quantities may be visually indicated by varying the sizes of the graphical primitives (circles, triangles, rectangles and the like, see Figure 1a). Using too many visual features at once, however, can make it troublesome to visually analyze the ontology for certain aspects. This can be seen as a conjunc- tion search that does not allow for preattentive processing [19], i.e., elements have to be explicitly searched, which is more time-consuming. Consequently, our suggestion is to use as little visual features as possible—less is more in this case. dateTime Item Concept (external) (external) dateTime tagIcreated (functional) taggingIcre... Thing SubclassIof (functional) SubclassIof automaticI... taggedIres... (functional) tagImeaning Thing taggedIwith hasItag meaningIof Tag hasIaccess Tagging tagIof (functional) previousItag grantIaccess (functional) nextItag creatorIof (functional) hasIcreator SubclassIof tagIlabel (functional) SubclassIof (functional) taggingImod... UserAccount (external) Literal PrivateITagging AutomaticITag dateTime (a) (b) (c) Fig. 1: Different representations for a) vertices and b) directed edges; c) node-link visualization of a small ontology. Edges can be directed, weighted, attributed, and they can occur multiple times between the same pair of vertices, turning the ontology representation into a multigraph. Directions are typically indicated by arrowheads, color gradients, or with tapered representation styles. Weights can be expressed by color coding 71 Visualizing the Evolution of Ontologies: A Dynamic Graph Perspective or by using differently thick link representations, which produce additional visual clutter on the negative side. Figure 1b illustrates several link representations for directed edges (namely, arrows, partial, tapered, animated, orthogonal, colored, curved, and dark-to-light links). Figure 1c shows a node-link representation of the small MUTO ontology [30], using the VOWL notation [31]. Classes are represented by circles and property labels by rectangles. Datatypes are also depicted as rectangles but with a border and in a different color. Dashed and dotted lines indicate special types of classes and properties. The visual graph elements are not weighted in this example. 3.2 Topology, Structure, and Hierarchy The topology of the graph representation is important, since it conveys useful information on the structure of subgraphs, clusters, or cliques. This aspect is also crucial in ontology visualization, as it can provide useful insights into the ontology structure. In graph visualization (which is mainly applying node-link visual metaphors), layout algorithms are typically following aesthetic graph drawing criteria that produce diagrams with reduced visual clutter, which is “the state in which excess items, or their representation or organization, lead to a degradation of perfor- mance at some task” [37]. In the example of Figure 1c, a force-directed algorithm has been used to generate the initial layout, which was then manually optimized. In many graph datasets, a hierarchical organization among the vertices is of special interest. Either it is inherently present in the data or it can be generated, for example, by a hierarchical clustering algorithm. Ontologies often contain concept hierarchies that have to be visualized in order to visually explore the ontology on different levels of hierarchical granularity or to use the hierarchy as a means to interact, filter, aggregate, and navigate in the ontology. In Figure 1c, there are only two relatively flat hierarchies, each consisting of three classes, which can be easily spotted due to the small number of well ar- ranged vertices. For ontologies with large inheritance trees, other graph layouts, or even tree visualizations, might be more appropriate to clearly depict the dif- ferent hierarchy levels. However, since ontologies allow for multiple inheritance, simple tree visualizations can be confusing [14]. Also, most approaches have their limitations when it comes to the visualization of very large ontologies, at least when a node-link representation of the graph is used. 3.3 Visual Encoding of Time The representation of time-varying ontologies demands for sophisticated visu- alization techniques that consider all the aforementioned features in order to sufficiently support the visual exploration of ontologies for dynamic patterns. Consequently, vertices, edges, the topology and structure, as well as any existing hierarchical organization among the vertices are of special interest. One major type of tasks that users typically want to answer when inspecting time-varying data are comparison tasks. Several time steps are visually compared 72 Visualizing the Evolution of Ontologies: A Dynamic Graph Perspective to derive insights by detecting changes or stabilities over time. To answer such tasks, the human visual system has to rely on its short term memory allowing to briefly remember visual patterns which are then compared at different spatial positions. Only by this internal cognitive process we are able to come up with the detection of trends, countertrends, or anomaly patterns over time [8]. If animated diagrams were used for the exploration of dynamic ontologies, we soon reach a point where the cognitive load becomes high. The human viewer may have difficulties to visually analyze the time-varying ontology for dynamic patterns. Advanced and time-complex layout algorithms have to be used to guar- antee a high degree of dynamic stability [9], with the goal to preserve a viewer’s mental map while inspecting the graph [3]. However, in the end, the detection of trends can be challenging anyway, even if the animation is replayed several times. Moreover, interaction techniques cannot be integrated in a traditional way, since the graphical elements are moving around in the worst case, which demands to stop the animation to meaningfully interact with the dynamic ontology. Another option for displaying dynamic ontologies is by means of static di- agrams [2] that map the time dimension to display space, which are known as time-to-space mappings. Such diagrams can, for example, use a vertex-aligned representation that allows to attach a hierarchical organization in a static way. Other than in ontology animation, the users can decide where to look at in the display in order to search for static or dynamic visual patterns. They can perform comparison tasks visually, not mentally as in animated diagrams that demand for higher cognitive efforts and are usually performing worse for time-oriented tasks. To illustrate this second approach, we created different versions of the MUTO ontology [30] that was already shown in Figure 1c. We visualized these ontology versions with VOWL [31] in small display regions next to each other, which is known as a small multiples visualization [39]. If the vertices are roughly aligned and the visual features are not encoded differently over time (apart from chang- ing variables), this approach leads to a good means to derive time-dependent patterns. In Figure 2, we see the VOWL representations of six of the MUTO versions, starting with version 0.1 in the upper left and ending with version 1.0 in the lower right. We can observe how the ontology has changed over time. At first, the key concepts and links are defined, which are gradually extended by further concepts and links. At some point, alignments to existing ontologies are added, followed by the definition of datatype properties describing attributes for the key concepts. Finally, subclasses are introduced providing specializations of the key concepts. 3.4 Interaction Techniques It must be noted that small multiples visualizations usually serve as an overview representation for the time dimension. If users detect a dynamic pattern of in- terest, they can apply interaction techniques to zoom and filter, and finally get details on demand also for individual ontology versions. The individual ontology 73 Visualizing the Evolution of Ontologies: A Dynamic Graph Perspective Item (external) Thing Concept (external) tagUmeaning SubclassUof automaticU... meaningUof taggedUres... (functional) SubclassUof Thing Thing hasUtag taggedUres... hasUaccess taggedUwith Tag Tagging Tagging hasUaccess taggedUwith grantUaccess hasUtag tagUof previousUtag hasUtag Tag tagUof grantUaccess (functional) Tag automaticU... nextUtag Tagging tagUof previousUtag tagUmeaning (functional) Thing previousUtag nextUtag meaningUof (functional) (functional) nextUtag v0.1 v0.2 v0.4 (functional) v0.6 v0.8 v1.0 Concept Concept (external) Item (external) Item (external) Item (external) (external) Concept dateTime (external) dateTime dateTime Subclass of dateTime SubclassU of tagging cre... SubclassUof Subclass of tag created (functional) SubclassU of tag created (functional) (functional) tagging cre... tagged res... taggedUres... Thing (functional) (functional) SubclassUof (functional) Thing hasLaccess tagged with automaticL... hasUaccess taggedUwith has tag has tag Tag tag meaning Thing Tagging tagged res... Tag grant access grantUaccess hasUtag (functional) automatic ... Tagging tag of Tagging tag of tag meaning (functional) meaningL previous tag of tagUof hasLaccess tagged with (functional) previousLtag creator of (functional) (functional) automaticU... Thing (functional) Thing Tag meaning of nextLtag tag label tagUmeaning grant access nextLtag has creator (functional) (functional) Thing (functional) (functional) creatorUof previousUtag meaningUof (functional) creator of UserAccount Subclass of tag label (external) hasUcreator nextUtag (functional) Subclass of has creator tagging mod... Literal (functional) (functional) (functional) tagging mod... Literal UserAccount UserAccount dateTime Automatic Tag (external) (external) Private Tagging dateTime Fig. 2: Different versions of an ontology visualized as small multiples. versions might be represented with existing ontology visualization techniques, as described in Section 2 and applied in Figure 2. However, interacting with visual representations of time-varying data can be challenging, in particular, when the visualization is animated, i.e., when the sin- gle snapshots are changing over time. Users have to stop the animation when they like to interact with the visualization, otherwise a detected pattern might have already been disappeared until the users realize, for example, that they would like to select it for a more detailed exploration. Consequently, time-to- space mappings usually provide better means to visualize time-varying ontolo- gies from the perspective of applying interaction techniques, since the ontology sequence is shown in a static fashion. Different ontology versions can be individ- ually explored and visually connected by linking and brushing, even if this form of graphical representation usually does not scale to very long time sequences. 4 Conclusion and Future Work In this position paper, we discussed the challenge of visualizing time-varying ontologies. We described benefits and drawbacks of common visualization tech- niques for dynamic graphs, since ontologies can be considered as a special type of graphs with additional attributes attached to the vertices and edges. The visualization of ontologies has mainly been researched from the perspec- tive of static graphs so far, which is – at least in our opinion – only half of the truth. Ontologies – as many other data structures – are typically not staying static but evolve over time. Consequently, the visualization of ontology evolution is a topic of its own and worth discussing. For future work, we plan to apply dynamic graph visualization techniques to time-varying ontologies. Typically, we first need an overview representation which shows dynamic patterns in a static view, allowing the user to effectively and efficiently dig deeper and analyze the time-varying ontology. 74 Visualizing the Evolution of Ontologies: A Dynamic Graph Perspective References 1. H. Alani. 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