=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1457/SSWS2015_paper1 |storemode=property |title=The OWL Reasoner Evaluation (ORE) 2015 Competition Report |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1457/SSWS2015_paper1.pdf |volume=Vol-1457 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/semweb/ParsiaMGGS15 }} ==The OWL Reasoner Evaluation (ORE) 2015 Competition Report== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1457/SSWS2015_paper1.pdf
     The OWL Reasoner Evaluation (ORE) 2015
              Competition Report

     Bijan Parsia, Nicolas Matentzoglu, Rafael Gonçalves, Birte Glimm, and
                              Andreas Steigmiller

{bijan.parsia, nicolas.matentzoglu}@manchester.ac.uk, rafael.goncalves@stanford.edu,
                     {birte.glimm, andreas.steigmiller}@uni-ulm.de

        Abstract. The OWL Reasoner Evaluation (ORE) Competition is an
        annual competition (with associated) workshop which pits OWL 2 com-
        pliant reasoners against each other on various standard reasoning tasks
        against corpora. The 2015 competition was the third of its sort and had
        14 reasoners competing in 6 tracks comprising 3 tasks (consistency, clas-
        sification, and realisation) over two profiles (OWL 2 DL and EL). In
        this paper, we discuss the design, execution and results of the 2015 com-
        petition with particular attention to lessons learned for benchmarking,
        comparative experiments, and future competitions.

1     Introduction
The Web Ontology Language (OWL) is in its second iteration (OWL 2) and
has seen significant adoption especially in the Health Care and Life Sciences.
OWL 2 DL can be seen as a variant of the description logic SROIQ with the
various other profiles being either subsets (e.g., OWL 2 EL) or1 extensions (e.g.,
OWL 2 Full). Description logics generally are designed to be computationally
practical so that, even if they do not have tractable worst-case complexity for
key services, they nevertheless admit implementations which seem to work well
in practice [2]. Unlike the early days of description logics or even of the direct
precursors of OWL (DAML+OIL), the reasoner landscape [17, 8] for OWL is rich,
diverse, and highly compliant with the OWL spec. Thus, we have a large number
of high performance, production quality reasoners with similar core capacities
(with respect to language features and standard inference tasks).
    Research on optimising OWL reasoning continues apace, though empirical
work still lags theoretical and engineering work in breath, depth, and sophisti-
cation. There is, in general, a lack of shared understanding of test cases, test
scenarios, infrastructure, or experiment design. A common strategy in research
communities to help address these issues is to hold competitions, that is, experi-
ments designed and hosted by third parties on an independent (often constrained,
but sometimes expanded) infrastructure. Such competitions (in contrast to pub-
lished benchmarks) typically do not directly provide strong empirical evidence
    Some related standardised logics are subsets and extensions (e.g., RDFS) which are
    proper subsets of OWL 2 Full.

about the competing tools. Instead, they serve two key functions: 1) they provide
a clear, motivating event that helps drive tools development (e.g., for correctness
or performance) and 2) components of the competition are useful for subsequent
research. Finally, competitions can be great fun and help foster a strong commu-
nity. They can be especially useful for newcomers by providing a simple way to
gain some prima facie validation of their tools without the burden of designing
and executing complex experiments themselves.
    Toward these ends, we have been running a competition for OWL reasoners
(with an associated workshop): The OWL Reasoner Evaluation (ORE) compe-
tition. ORE has been running, in substantively its current form, for three years
and in this paper we describe the 2015 competition (held in conjunction with
the 28th International Description Logic Workshop (DL2015)2 in June 2015).

2   Competition Design
The ORE competition is inspired by and modelled on the CADE ATP System
Competition (CASC) [14, 22] which has been running for 25 years and been
heavily influential in the automated theorem proving community3 (esp. for first
order logic).
   Key common elements:
 1. A number of distinct tracks/divisions/disciplines characterised by problem
    type (e.g., “effectively propositional” or “OWL 2 EL ontology”).
 2. The test problems are derived from a large, neutral, updated yearly set of
    problems (e.g., for CASC, the TPTP library [21]).
 3. Reasoners compete (primarily) on number of problems solved with a tight
    per problem timeout.
As description logics have a varied set of core inference services supported by
essentially all reasoners, ORE also has track distinctions based on task (e.g.,
classification or realisation). Other CASC inspired elements:
 1. ORE 2015 consisted entirely of a “live” competition run during the DL
 2. There was a secondary competition among DL attendees to predict the re-
    sults for various reasoners.
 3. Competitors and organisers were given custom designed t-shirts.
    We observe that central to such competitions is participation, thus various
incentives to participate are critical especially in the early years of the competi-
tion as it is trying to get established. Hence the importance of “fun” elements,
incentives (e.g., prizes, bragging rights), as well as a reasonable chance of winning
at least something.
  The websites for DL2015 and ORE2015 are archived at http://dl.kr.org/dl2015/
  and https://www.w3.org/community/owled/ore-2015-workshop respectively.
  See the CASC website for details on past competitions: http://www.cs.miami.edu/
  ~tptp/CASC/. Also of interest, though not directly inspirational for ORE, is the SAT
  competition http://www.satcompetition.org//

2.1    Tracks

ORE 2015 had 6 tracks based on three central reasoning services (consistency,
classification, and realisation) and two OWL profiles (OWL 2 DL and EL). Clas-
sification is, almost certainly, the most common and important reasoning service
for ontologies to date. Consistency is, in some sense, the most fundamental ser-
vice. Realisation gets us at least a minimal form of instance reasoning. These
services are not ubiquitously supported, with realisation not handled by some
reasoners. These have standard definitions (though any consequence equivalent
definition would do):

 – An ontology O is consistent if O 6|= > v ⊥ and inconsistent otherwise.
 – The classification of an ontology O (Cl(O)) is {α|α = A v B; A, B ∈ Nc ∪
   {⊥, >}; O |= α} where Nc is the set of class names in O.
 – The realisation of an ontology O (Rl(O)) is {α|α = A(x); x ∈ Ni , A ∈
   Nc ; O |= α} where Nc is the set of class names, Ni is the set of individual
   names in O.

    We split out a track into a tractable profile when we have enough participants
which are specifically tuned for that profile. In prior years we have had an RL
and QL track, but the number of RL and QL specific reasoners is very low.
We believe this is, in part, due to the fact that RL and QL users tend to be
conjunctive query oriented. We hope to introduce a conjunctive query track
in future years, but see the discussion below for some of the challenges there.
All reasoners purporting to handle the entirety of OWL 2 DL are entered in all
tracks. Thus we have specialised EL reasoners competing against complete OWL
DL reasoners.
    For each track, we award prizes to the top three participants for a total of
18 possible winners.

2.2    Corpus

The full competition corpus contains 1,920 ontologies, sampled from three source
corpora: A January 2015 snapshot of Bioportal [12] containing 330 biomedical
ontologies, the Oxford Ontology Library4 with 793 ontologies that were collected
for the purpose of ontology related tool evaluation and MOWLCorp [7], a cor-
pus based on a 2014 snapshot of a Web-Crawl containing around 21K unique
ontologies. Each competition comes with its own random stratified sample of on-
tologies from this base corpus - this means that not all 1,920 ontologies actually
made it into the live competition. Ontology processing was done using the OWL
API (3.5.1) [4].
    As a first step, the ontologies of all three source corpora were collected and
serialised into OWL/XML with their imports closure merged into a single ontol-
ogy. The merging is, from a competition perspective, necessary to mitigate the
bottleneck of loading potentially large imports repeatedly over the network and

because the hosts of frequently imported ontologies sometimes impose restric-
tions on the number of simultaneous accesses.5 After the collection, the entire
pool of ontologies is divided into three groups: (1) Ontologies with less than 50
axioms, (2) OWL 2 DL ontologies, (3) OWL 2 Full ontologies. The first group is
removed from the pool. As reasoner developers may chose to tune their reasoners
towards the ontologies in the three publicly available source corpora, we included
a number of approximations into our pool. The entire set of OWL 2 Full ontolo-
gies was approximated into OWL 2 DL, i.e., we used a (slightly modified) version
of the OWL API Profile checker to drop enough axioms so that the remainder is
in OWL 2 DL. As some degree of OWL Fullness comes from illegal axiom interac-
tion,6 we repeated the “DLification” process twice. The OWL DL group was then
approximated into OWL 2 EL and OWL 2 QL, using the approximation method
employed by TrOWL [15]. As the only syntax that is uniformly supported by
all reasoners participating the competition, we then serialised the current pool
(including the original OWL 2 DL ontologies, the EL/QL-approximated ontolo-
gies and the “DLified” OWL 2 Full ontologies) into Functional Syntax, and
gathered all relevant ontology metrics again. As some ontologies are included in
more than one of the source corpora, we excluded at this point (as a last pre-
processing step) all duplicates from the entire pool of ontologies and removed
ontologies with TBoxes containing less than 50 axioms. This left us with the
full competition dataset of 1,920 unique OWL 2 DL ontologies. The random
stratified sampling for the competition then was done as follows: All ontologies
were binned by size into the following groups: Very small (50-99 axioms), small
(100-999 axioms), medium (1,000-9,999 axioms), large (10,000-100,000 axioms)
and very large (more than 100,000 axioms). From each group, we attempted to
sample 60 original ontologies, and 15 approximated ones for each competition.
For the OWL 2 EL related track, the ontologies had to fall under the OWL 2 EL
profile, for the OWL 2 DL competition the ontologies had to fall under OWL 2
DL but not under any of the three OWL 2 profiles, and for the two realisation
challenges we only considered those ontologies that had at least 100 ABox ax-
ioms. This process resulted in the following six live competition corpora: 109 for
OWL 2 EL realisation, 298 for OWL 2 EL classification and consistency, 264 for
DL realisation and 306 for DL consistency and classification.

   Figures 1 and 2 show the ontology sizes in terms of axiom counts and the
usage of constructs through the corpus.

   The full competition corpus, and the execution order of the competition, can
be obtained from Zenodo [9].

  Which may be exceeded considering that all reasoners in the competition run in
  For example, an added declaration might introduce an illegal punning.

                                       classification                                            consistency                                        instantiation








                                1000                    100000                        1000                     100000                        1000                   100000
                                                                                                 TBox size

                                       classification                                            consistency                                        instantiation







                           10          1000                  100000   10000000   10              1000               100000   10000000   10          1000                 100000   10000000
                                                                                                 ABox size

                       Fig. 1. Ontology size distribution of the full competition corpus.

                       Fig. 2. Ontology size distribution of the full competition corpus.

2.3    Test Framework and Environment
The test framework used in ORE 2015 is a slightly modified version of the one
used for ORE 2014 which is open sourced under the LGPL and available on
    The framework takes a “script wrapper” approach to running reasoners in-
stead of, for example, requiring all reasoners to use (a specific version of) the
OWL API. While this puts some extra burden on established reasoners with good
OWL API bindings this, combined with the requirement only to handle some
OWL 2 standard syntax (with the very easy to parse and serialise Functional
Syntax [11] as a fairly common choice), makes it very easy for new reasoners
to participate even if they are written in hard-to-integrate with the JVM lan-
guages. The OWL API also is a very rich and rather heavyweight framework that
is not tightly integrated with most reasoners. For example, systems using the
OWL API generally consume more memory because they maintain the OWL
API level representation of the ontology and the reasoner internal one. Thus,
avoiding the OWL API can help competition performance. However, there is a
standard script for OWL API based reasoners so it is fairly trivial to prepare an
OWL API wrapped reasoner for competition.
    A detailed description of the framework and how to run it is available there.

    However, this is not necessarily a desirable outcome as encouraging reasoners
to provide good OWL API support (thus supporting access to those reasoners
by the plethora of tools which use the OWL API) is an outcome we want to
    Reasoners report times, results, and any errors through the invocation script.
Times are in wall clock time (CPU time is inappropriate because it will penalise
parallel reasoners) and exclude “standard” parsing and loading of problems (i.e.,
without significant processing of the ontology). The framework enforces (config-
urable) timeouts for each reasoning problem. Results are validated by comparison
between competitors with a majority vote/random tie breaking fallback strategy.
Note, unlike CASC, we do not require reasoners to produce proofs of their re-
sults as this is not a standard feature of description logic reasoners and for many
services (such as classification) it may be impractical. We are however experi-
menting with a more satisfactory justification-based technique for disagreement
resolution [6] for future competitions.
    The framework supports both serial and parallel execution of a competition.
Parallel distributed mode is used for the live competition but serial mode is
sufficient for testing or offline experiments. The framework also logs sufficient
information to allow “replaying” the competition and includes scripts for a com-
plete replay as well as jumping to the final results.
    The competition was run on a cluster of 19 machines: 1 master machine
that dispatched reasoners with problems to the 18 client machine as well as
collecting and serving up results to a live display. Each machine sported an
Intel Xeon 4-Core L5410 running at 2.33GHz with 12GB of RAM, for which
2GB were reserved for the operating system (i.e., 10GB could be used by the
reasoners). The operating system was Ubuntu 14.04.02 LTS and the Java version
was OpenJDK v1.7.0 64-bit. The reasoner execution was limited to 180s for
each ontology in each track, where only 150s were allowed for reasoning and 30s
could additionally be used for parsing and writing results in order to reduce the
penalisation of reasoners with slow parsers. Hence, only if the time reported by
the reasoner exceeded 150s was it interpreted as a timeout.

3   Participants

There were 14 reasoners participating with 11 purporting to cover OWL 2 DL
and 3 being OWL EL specific, see Table 1. There is no specific penalty or test
for being incomplete with respect to a profile and, indeed, one reasoner, TrOWL
is intentionally incomplete for performance reasons.
    The number of participants is fairly stable over the past three years ranging
from 11 to 14. There is a stable core of participants with some fluctuation on the
margin. Some reasoners are not entered by their original developers (e.g., Pellet)
and ORE currently has no policy against that. We anticipate in the future that
more coalition reasoners will be made available, though currently only MORe
and Chainsaw use component reasoners (ELK and HermiT the former, FaCT++
the latter) which are also competing. MORe’s coalition involves partitioning the

ontology into an EL and DL part, dispatching each part to the respective tuned
reasoner, and combining the results [16, 25]. Coalition reasoners that do not
transform the ontology in any relevant way will need special consideration if
they arrive.
   Given the presence of deliberately incomplete (with respect to their pur-
ported profile) reasoners we are considering whether to modify the voting pro-
cedure to discount those reasoners’ votes in certain cases. A full break-down of

                            Table 1. Participant list

                  Reasoner      Profile supported New to ORE?
                  Chainsaw [25]         DL             No
                  ELepHant [18]         EL             No
                  ELK [5]               EL             No
                  FaCT++ [24]           DL             No
                  HermiT8 [1]           DL             No
                  jcel [10]             EL             No
                  Jfact [13]            DL             No
                  Konclude [20]         DL             No
                  MORe [16]             DL             No
                  PAGOdA [26]           DL            Yes
                  Pellet [19]           DL            Yes
                  Racer [3]             DL            Yes
                  TrOWL [23]            DL             No

all tracks and competing reasoners can be seen in Table 2.

                 Table 2. Breakdown of the competition by track.

                 Task            Language Competitors Problems
                 Consistency OWL 2 EL        13         298
                                OWL 2 DL     10         306
                 Realisation OWL 2 EL        12         109
                                OWL 2 DL     10         264
                 Classification OWL 2 EL     13         298
                                OWL 2 DL     10         306

4     Results
Results, error reports and more details on the competition framework are avail-
able at http://dl.kr.org/ore2015. Figure 3 shows the results of all partici-
    HermiT was submitted with OWL API 3 and OWL API 4 bindings

pants in all tracks as displayed during the live competition. During the compe-
tition, these charts are dynamically updated as problems are being solved and

Fig. 3. Results of the competition by track as displayed from the live competition dis-
play. Score indicates the number of problems solved out of total problems for that track.
The number of unsolved problems (whether by timeout, crash, or “wrong” results) are
displayed in the next column. Time indicates the time actually taken to complete solved
problems. Time is used to resolve ties in problems solved.

   Out of the 6 competitions, 4 were won by the new hybrid reasoner Kon-
clude [20], and two (EL-consistency and EL-classification) were won by ELK [5].
Figures 4 and 5 show how well the winning reasoners did in terms of reasoning
time. There are a couple of observations to be made here. First, Konclude, the
winner of all three DL disciplines, is doing consistently better on the majority of
the easier ontologies, but towards the harder end on the right, other reasoners
catch up.

                                  classification   consistency   realisation

   Reasoning time (sec)


                            1.0                                                         hermit−owlapiv4




Fig. 4. Reasoning time of the three winning reasoners in each category: DL profile.
Red line: Timeout. Ordered by speed of winning reasoner.

    This is particularly obvious for the EL-classification competition. Up until a
certain point, Konclude is doing much (sometime up to an order of magntitude)
better than ELK (the winner of the discipline), but towards the harder end, ELK
overtakes Konclude. Some of this may be due to JVM overhead for ELK and
our “fire and forget” execution strategy. If we had a long running server based
approach it might be that the JVM overhead for easy cases would be effectively
amortised. Another interesting observation is the performance of ELepHants [18]
consistency check, which regularly outperforms both ELK and Konclude. We
speculate that this is due to differences in whether parsing time is incorporated
in the reported time (e.g., ELK does this for all tasks and Konclude does this
for consistency checking).

                                  classification   consistency    realisation

   Reasoning time (sec)

                          10.0                                                            elephant




                           0.1                                                            TrOWL


Fig. 5. Reasoning time of the three winning reasoners in each category: EL profile.
Red line: Timeout. Ordered by speed of winning reasoner.

    A full break-down for all reasoners by competition can be seen in Table 3.
    The competition is reasonably challenging: In only two tracks (EL consistency
and EL classification) did any reasoner solve all the problems in competition
conditions. Figure 6 shows a detailed breakdown of how many problems were
solved by how many reasoners (in percent).

                        Reasoner Task Success Timeout Error
                                      DL EL DL EL DL EL
                        Chainsaw CL   122 191 168 94 16 13
                        Chainsaw CON 292 276    3 19 11 3
                        Chainsaw REAL 82 44 166 63 16 2
                        ELepHant CL   NA 293 NA     5 NA 0
                        ELepHant CON NA 296 NA      2 NA 0
                        ELepHant REAL NA 109 NA     0 NA 0
                        ELK      CL   NA 298 NA     0 NA 0
                        ELK      CON NA 298 NA      0 NA 0
                        ELK      REAL NA 109 NA     0 NA 0
                        FaCT++ CL     202 244 87 51 17 3
                        FaCT++ CON 279 270 14 22 13 6
                        FaCT++ REAL 183 79 56 27 25 3
                        HermiT   CL   241 273 63 25    2 0
                        HermiT   CON 296 282    7 16   3 0
                        HermiT   REAL 167 57 92 52     5 0
                        HermiT-4 CL   241 273 63 25    2 0
                        HermiT-4 CON 296 282    6 16   4 0
                        HermiT-4 REAL 165 57 93 52     6 0
                        jcel     CL   NA 134 NA 158 NA 6
                        jcel     CON NA 262 NA 34 NA 2
                        Jfact    CL   143 208 104 88 59 2
                        Jfact    CON 174 229 80 69 52 0
                        Jfact    REAL 128 66 89 43 47 0
                        Konclude CL   298 298   7   0  1 0
                        Konclude REAL 261 109   2   0  1 0
                        Konclude CON 305 298    1   0  0 0
                        MORe     CL   266 296 38    2  2 0
                        MORe     CON 264 295 40     3  2 0
                        Pagoda   REAL 120 96 49 13 95 0
                        Pellet-4 CL   188 261 104 28 14 9
                        Pellet-4 REAL 187 75 53 32 24 2
                        Pellet-4 CON 280 286 26 12     0 0
                        Racer    CL   218 260 86 38    2 0
                        Racer    CON 257 258 48 40     1 0
                        Racer    REAL 186 78 75 31     3 0
                        TrOWL    CL   271 275   0   0 35 23
                        TrOWL    CON 270 273    0   0 36 25
                        TrOWL    REAL 221 87    0   0 43 22

Table 3. Full break-down of solved problems by reasoner and task. Note that “HermiT-
4” refers to the current version of HermiT wrapped in the OWL API version 4.

    It is interesting to observe that the union of all reasoners successfully process
all EL reasoning problems. As one might expect, realisation is still challenging
for reasoners. But in all tracks, for the majority of reasoners, the ORE problems
provide a good target for optimisation. We know, from the results of the com-
petition, that these problems are (almost) all in principle solvable on a modest
machine in around 3 minutes.

5   Discussion

The top slots in all tracks have been dominated by Konclude (and to a lesser
extend by ELK) for two years now. Konclude is an highly optimised, very efficient
reasoner whose developers continuously test it against a vast set of available
ontologies. Even so, there is interesting jockeying around second and third place

                                     classification                                        consistency                                        realisation


             100                                                                                                 73
                                                              51                                                                                 47              53
                              26               27 18 38                                                  26 28                                        26 27 24        33
                       5 11        13 8 17                                                 14                                       13 23 6 11
                                                                               1 0 1 2 2 8                                      1



             150                                                   123

             100                                              67
                                               36                                                                31                                                   41
              50                   15 9 5             14 25                                12 5 6                                        23           18
                       0 1 3                                                   0 0 1 6 9 6                                      0 0 6         3 5           2 6 5
                   0           30            60           90               0         30          60          90             0           30          60         90
                                                                   Reasoning problems by percentage of reasoners who solved it

Fig. 6. Number of reasoning problems by percentage of reasoners solving them. For
example, 5 DL-classification tasks where not solved by any reasoner, and 123 EL-
classification tasks were solved by all reasoners.

for all tracks, and we were impressed with how well older reasoners, which have
not been updated recently (notably Pellet and Racer), fared.
    The robustness experiments in [2] used a much longer timeout (up to 2 hours
per test), though the analysis clustered results by subdivisions of the timeout
period. That suggests that a slightly longer timeout might significantly increase
the total number of solved problems across reasoners. This needs to be balanced
by the increased running time of the competition (which is bounded by the
slowest reasoner). We prefer the bulk of the competition to be executed during a
single day of the DL workshop to facilitate engagement which imposes fairly tight
limits on the timeout and number of problems. (This year, due to technical issues,
we were not able to do that.) Having a separate offline competition remains an
option, but it is unclear that this extra significant effort produces much benefit.
    However, the ORE workshop solicits “challenge” ontologies from ontology
developers partly in the hopes of directing reasoner developer attention to real
user performance needs. Unfortunately, we have not yet managed to do a “user
ontology” track, though we are hoping to do so as a satellite event at OWLED
2015. This will almost certainly have to be offline and, of course, many of the
submitted ontologies are currently unsolved by current reasoners.
    The most important next expansion of tracks is to conjunctive query an-
swering (CQA). Setting up a meaningful CQA competition is significantly more
difficult, because we do not only have to consider ontologies, but also queries
and data. Gathering suitable (meaningful) queries is probably the most difficult
hurdle to overcome. However, we made significant progress toward a reasonable
design this year and hope to incorporate it in next year’s competition.
    Another area of interest is application style benchmarks which would situate
the reasoning task in the context of a pattern of use characteristic of a real or
realistic application. This might include modification of the ontology or data
during the competition run.

6      Conclusion
The ORE 2015 Reasoner Competition continues the success of its predecessors.
Participants, workshop attendees, and interested bystanders all had fun, and the
ORE 2015 corpus, whether used with the ORE framework or in a custom test
harness, is a significant and distinct corpus for reasoner experimentation. Devel-
opers can easily rerun this years competition with new or updated reasoners to
get a sense of their relative progress and we believe that solving all the prob-
lems in that corpus in similar or somewhat relaxed time constraints is a reliable
indicator of a very high quality implementation.

Acknowledgments. The ORE competition has been the work of many people
over the years and we would like to especially acknowledge the contributions of
Ernesto Jiménez-Ruiz for running the very first primitive competition and being
a PC chair for all workshops; Samantha Bail for being a PC chair as well as
implementing the first “live results” screen; Ian Horrocks for helping getting the
project started; and Yevgeny Kasakov for helpful discussions on the competition
design as well as finding a critical bug just before the competition started. We
also would like to acknowledge the generous support of B2i Healthcare9 for
their repeated donations of prize money and the DBOnto project10 for funding
compeition T-Shirts.
    Finally, the competition would not have been possible without the donation
of cluster time by Konstantin Korovin (funded by Royal Society research grant

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