Attention, Test Code is Low-quality! Xinye Tang State Key Laboratory of Computer Science Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences ABSTRACT Therefore, it’s critical to maintain high quality test code. Existing In this paper, we describe the formatting guidelines for ACM SIG work [3] revealed that high quality test code of a software system Proceedings. Software testing is an essential process during could improve the development team’s performance. Moreover, software development and maintenance for improving software they reported that the bad quality of test code demonstrated a quality. Test code, the artefact during software testing, has been significant positive correlation between test code quality and the widely used in many software quality assurance techniques. throughput and productivity of issue handling. In this paper, we conduct a pilot study to examine test code quality from a different Traditionally, software quality assurance techniques, e.g., aspect, specifically, we try to study the potential relation between automatic bug repair, fault localization, test case prioritization, test code quality and some software quality assurance techniques, and mining API usage from test code are based on the hypothesis e.g., automatic bug repair, fault localization, test case of a sound quality of the test code. However, via empirical study prioritization, and mining API usage from test code. on four open source projects, we found that the quality of test code is quite low comparing with corresponding source code, and Traditionally, software quality assurance techniques, e.g., this might hurt the above software quality assurance techniques. automatic bug repair [4, 9, 14], fault localization [11, 15], test case prioritization [6], and mining APIs from test code [8][16] are In this paper, we studied more than 140,000 LOC(lines of code) based on the hypothesis of a sound quality of the test code. test code from four large scale and widely used open source Research studies on automatic fault repair leverage test code to projects and found that it is common for test code to be measure their performance. For fault localization, test code is unregulated and of low-quality in open source projects. First, the required to improve the accuracy and establish the lower and comment clone ratio, unreleased resource ratio and clone code upper bounds. Test case Prioritization techniques aim to rearrange ratio of test code is much higher than that of corresponding source the execution order of test cases, which is based on the sound code; second, bug-fixed coverage is down to 0. We have learned quality of the test code. What’s more, test code is essential to the following lessons: the quality of test code is quite low mine API usage examples, which is helpful for developers to learn comparing with corresponding source code, and the low quality and understand the correct usage of APIs of libraries. test code may misguide existing software quality assurance techniques. In this paper, via empirical study on four large scale and widely used open source projects, we found that the quality of test code is quite low comparing with corresponding source code, and this Categories and Subject Descriptors might have negative impact on the above software quality D.2.5 [Software Engineering]: [Testing and Debugging] assurance techniques. We studied more than 140,000 LOC test code from four large scale and widely used open source projects General Terms and found that it is common for test code to be unregulated and Experimentation, Measurement. low-quality in open source projects. Specifically, first the comment clone ratio, unreleased resource ratio and clone code ratio of test code is much higher than that of corresponding source Keywords code; second, bug-fixed coverage is down to 0. Test code quality, empirical study, testing, software quality assurance. We have learned the following lessons: the quality of test code is quite low comparing with corresponding source code, and the low quality test code may misguide existing software quality assurance 1. INTRODUCTION techniques. The main contributions of this work include: Software testing is an essential process during software development and maintenance. Test code is widely used as the 1. We proposed five criteria for the measurement of test code artefact during software testing for ensuring software quality. quality. 2. Based on proposed criteria, we measured test code quality of four large scale, widely used open source projects. Results show Copyright © 2015 for this paper by its authors. Copying permitted for that the quality of test code is quite low comparing with private and academic purposes corresponding source code. We further discuss the potential 27 Figure 1: An example of duplicate code extracted from in Ant 1.9.4. impact of low quality test code on existing software quality evaluate the effectiveness of these approaches, specifically, given assurance techniques. To the best of our knowledge, this is the a bug, if a generated repair patch could pass all test cases, the first work to report that the test code is low-quality and generated repair patch will be treated as an effective repair for this untrustworthy, which should be taken seriously. bug. In the remainder of this paper, section II presents points on which Fault Localization: is the indispensable process to identify the author would like to get the most advice on; Section III exactly where the bugs are before fixing them. Xuan et al. [15] presents essential background and related work of our study; pointed out that the effectiveness of fault localization depends on Section IV shows our motivation; Section V present the three the quantity of test code and proposed an approach to improve categories for the measurement of the test code quality. Section fault localization with test case purification. Steimann et al. [11] VI explains how we conduct our empirical study; Section VII empirically explored performance of existing fault locators and discusses the threats to this work; Section VIII concludes this their results shown the quality of test code is a key factor for fault paper and discuss our future work. locators. Campos et al. [5] proposed an approach to fault localization by entropy-based test generation. 2. ADVICE WANTED As for the points on which we would like to get the most advice Test Case Prioritization: aims to rearrange the on, we are thinking about the possibilities of proceeding our execution order of test cases to maximize specific objectives. research further. Specifically, we plan to conduct quantitative and Elbaum et al. [6] compare different test case prioritization qualitative studies to explore how exactly the low-quality test techniques in regression testing on the performance in improving code could impact software quality assurance techniques, i.e., the rate of fault detection. automatic bug repair, fault localization, test case prioritization, and mining API usage. We will appreciate it if mentors could give Mining API Usage from Test Code: Understanding insightful suggestions on whether the work is valuable and how it and learning the correct usage of APIs of libraries are significant could be effectively done. Also, any feedback on the structure and but complex activities for developers. Ghafari et al. [8] described content of the paper would be welcome. an approach to code recommendation where examples are obtained by mining and manipulating the unit tests of the API. 3. BACKGROUND AND RELATED WORK Zhu et al. [16] proposed an approach to mining API usage Automatic Bug Repair: is the process of automatically examples from test code, combining the technique of clustering to generating patches for repairing bugs. A lot of studies have been improve the representativeness of extracted examples. Nasehi et al. carried out to address this issue. Weimer et al. [14] present a fully [10] proposed to supplement the standard API documentation automated technique for repairing bugs using one part of a with relevant examples taken from the unit tests. Thus, the quality program as a template to repair another part. Kim et al. [9] of APIs usage in test code is critical to this topic. proposed a patch generation approach learned from human- written patches and identified common fix patterns for automatic Test Code Quality: It is critical to detect the quality of test code, however there are not enough work done in this field. patch generation. Tan et al. [13] propose an approach of Athanasiou et al. [3] revealed that high quality test code of a automated repair of software regression bugs. Test code is used to 28 Table 1. Details of Studied Projects in This Work Clone Clone Unreleased Unreleased Clone LOC# Clone Project Version TC* Com# Com Resources# Resource Codes# Code Ratio# Ratio# Ratio# Test 329 35 0.11 67 0.20 6863 43774 0.16 Ant 1.9.4 Src 832 25 0.03 101 0.12 15918 183692 0.09 Test 175 29 0.17 35 0.2 2816 18581 0.15 Maven 3.2.5 Src 659 18 0.03 27 0.04 5801 77983 0.07 Test 90 26 0.29 29 0.32 2993 13681 0.22 Log4j 1.2.17 Src 272 28 0.10 33 0.12 4757 41991 0.11 Test 570 114 0.2 41 0.07 38986 98626 0.40 Commons 3.5 Math Src 942 242 0.26 19 0.02 29295 95697 0.31 * TC represents Total Classes, which means the number of the test classes.LOC represents lines of code. # Clone Com(Comment) are the number of test classes which clone comment, and Clone Comment Ratio represents the number of clone comment classes out of the total number of test classes. Unreleased Resources are the number of test classes which do not release resources, and Unreleased Resource Ratio represents the number of test classes which do not release resource out of the total number of test classes. Code Clones represent the lines of clone code, and Clone Code Ratio represents the lines of clone code out of the total lines of code. Software system could improve the development team’s performance. 1 public void testPassFile () throws Exception { 2 buildRule . executeTarget (”test3 ”); 4. MOTIVATION As is mentioned above, test code is closely related with software 3 File f = new File ( quality assurance techniques, e.g., automatic bug repair, fault 4 buildRule . getProject (). getBaseDir () , localization, test case prioritization, and mining API usage from test code. These studies are based on the hypothesis of a sound 5 “testpassfile .tmp ”); quality of the test code. Thus, the quality of test code is critical for 6 assertTrue ( . . . ) ; the performance of these techniques. In this study, we try to 7 assertEquals ( . . . ) ; conduct a pilot study to explore the quality of test code according to the five criteria. 8} 5. TEST CODE QUALITY In this study, the unreleased resource ratio is defined as the In this section, we present the three categories for the following: measurement of test code quality. Unreleased Resource Ratio = (#unreleased resource classes)/TC where #unreleased resource classes shows the number of the 5.1 Incorrectness classes which did not release resources, and TC shows the total This category consists of test criteria that focus on measuring the number of the classes. error detection ability of the code. Unreleased resource and code clone are the main criteria for this category. We have developed a tool to automatically examine the code, and checked whether every resource was closed after being opened and used. If the resource was closed, we checked whether the 5.1.1 Unreleased resource close statement is enclosed in finally blocks. We counted both the Unreleased resource is a kind of incorrect use of APIs. Unreleased resources which were not closed and those that were not closed in resource occurs when developers fail to release resource such as finally block for the unreleased resources. File, ResultScanner and so on. When developers finished the input and output operations on a file object, developers should 5.1.2 Code Clones close file and release resources, or there will be a potential Code clones are separate fragments of code that are very similar. memory leak vulnerability. Moreover, developers should close the They are a common phenomenon in the open source systems resource with finally clause to ensure the resource is closed no which have been under development for some time. Clone codes matter what happens in the try block. are often referred to due to the difficulty it makes in changing and The following real test case from Ant 1.9.4, is an example where maintaining the open source systems since developers have to the method did not close the file object it opened. locate and update many fragments frequently. For example, Fowler [7] argues that code duplicates are bad smells of poor 29 designFigure 1 shows an example of clone codes. Clone code methods, which makes the code inconsistent with the code ratio is defined as the following: documentation and hard to understand. Often this occurs when developers miss to change the clone comment. Clone Code Ratio = (#clone code lines)/LOC where #clone code line shows the lines of clone code, and LOC Consider the following real test code from Ant 1.9.4: shows the lines of code. To estimate the clone code, we use PMD’s Copy/Paste Detector 1 /∗∗ Test right use of cache names. ∗/ (CPD) [2] and set the minimum Tile-size at 10, meaning that CPD 2 @Test cannot find clones in methods that are less than 10 statements 3 public void testValidateWrongCache () { long. Figure 1 indicates that the clone analysis tool can find fragments which differ in the names of variables and parameters, 4 ... and in which some statements have been rearranged. 5} 6 /∗∗ Test right use of cache names. ∗/ 5.2 Insufficiency 7 @Test Criteria that fall inside this category focus on measuring the loss detection ability of the code. To identify the loss of code, we 8 public void testValidateWrongAlgorithm() { choose code coverage and bug-fixed coverage as the main criteria. 9 ... 10 } 5.2.1 Code Coverage Code coverage is the most frequently used metric for test code In this study, the clone comment ratio is defined as the following: quality assessment [3]. It is used to describe the degree to which the source code of a project is tested by a particular test suite. Clone Comment Ratio = (#clone comment classes)/TC Usually the project with lower code coverage has been where #clone comment classes shows the number of the classes insufficiently tested and therefore has a higher chance of which clone comment, and TC shows the total number of the containing bugs. There exist many tools for dynamic code classes. coverage estimation (e.g., Clover 5 and Cobertura 6 for Java, Testwell CTC++ 7 for C++, NCover 8 for C#). We used Clover [1] The logic of the two test cases are different, yet the comments are to obtain a code coverage metric. the same, which might cause the developers’ confusion in terms of the understanding of the test logic of these two test cases. We developed a simple tool to detect cloned comments, which could 5.2.2 Bug-fixed Coverage look into the code and locate the functions that share comment, In general, after fixing a bug, new unit test should be created and and collect the clone comments automatically. added to the regression test suite to ensure this bug will not be re- introduced in the following versions of the projects. The bug- fixed coverage is a measure used to describe the degree to which 6. EMPIRICAL STUDY extent the fixed bug is covered by test code. If a fixed bug has not In this section, we present the quality of test code of the four open been covered by test cases, this fixed bug will be under high risk source projects according to the five criterion respectively. of reopening. In this study, the bug-fixed coverage is defined as the following: 6.1 Dataset In this paper, we try to explore the quality of test code of four Bug-fixed Coverage = (#tested bugs)/ (#fixed bugs) large-scale and widely used open source projects, i.e., Ant, Maven, where #tested bugs is the number of fixed bugs which is tested in Log4j, and Commons Math, using the five criteria. For each the current version of the project, and #fixed bugs is the number project, we extracted the test code and source code separately of fixed bugs in the current version of the project. from the latest version. Details of these projects are shown in Table 1. To calculate the bug-fixed coverage, we first collected the fixed bugs for the responding version of the four open source projects from their release notes; second, we found the fixed bugs which 6.2 Result Analysis are not tested in the current version, manually. Specifically, the first author is responsible for the collection of un-tested fixed 6.2.1 Unreleased Resource bugs, after which the second author recollected the data. Then As is shown in Table 1, in the four projects, the unreleased results are merged, and conflicts were get resolved by a joint pair- resource ratio for test code is up to 32% and on average it is 20%, inspection of all three authors. while the average ratio for source code is less than 7%. Overall, all the unreleased resource ratios in test code are much higher than that in the corresponding source code. 5.3 Bad Readability This category consists of test criteria that focus on measuring the Potential Impact on Software Quality Assurance Techniques: detection of the unreadable code. Clone comment ratio is the main The results indicate that the quality of source code is much higher criterion for this category.Comments make the code developer- than test code. As the test code is widely used for mining API readable. They generate code documentation in predefined format. usage examples [10, 16], this can result in bad API usage Clone comments are the same prologue comment of different examples, making API learning quite confusing for developers. 30 Table 2. Details of Quality of Test Code Project Version Code Coverage Tested FBs# FBs# Bug-fixed Coverage# Ant 1.9.4 85% 0 15 0.00 Maven 3.25 78% 1 6 16.67 Log4j 1.2.17 75% 0 5 0.00 Commons Math 3.5 81% 2 8 25.00 # FBs are the number of fixed bugs in the current version, and Tested FBs are the number of fixed bugs which have been tested in the current version. Bug Coverage is the ratio of Test FBs out of FBs. code is less than 10%. Overall, the clone comment ratio in test 6.2.2 Code Clone code is much higher than that in source code of the four projects. As is shown in Table 1, in the open source projects, the clone The results indicate that the quality of source code is much higher code ratio for test code is up to 40% and on average the ratio is than the test code in terms of comment clone. about 23%, while the average ratio for source code is about 17%. Overall, all the clone code ratios in test code are much higher than Potential Impact on Software Quality Assurance Techniques: that in corresponding source code. Program comments are important for developers to understand code. Moreover, comments that are inconsistent with code can Potential Impact on Software Quality Assurance Techniques: easily confuse and misguide developers to introduce bugs in Clone test code is harmful for software quality, which increases subsequent versions [12]. The high clone comment ratio in test test maintenance overhead and propagates any pre-existing errors. code is harmful for developers to understand the test logic. Clone test code always cover similar source code, which reduces the discrimination among test code and might hurt fault 7. THREATS TO VALIDITY localization and test case prioritization. 7.1 Internal Validity 6.2.3 Code Coverage In this paper, we study the quality of test code. we present the five As is shown in Table 2, in the four projects, the code coverage for criteria for the measurement of test code quality. However, other test code varies from 75% to 85%, while the average ratio for criteria that we have overlooked may also can measure the quality code coverage is around 80 %. Overall, the code coverage are of test code. high enough to basically cover the test of the source code. 7.2 External Validity 6.2.4 Bug-fixed Coverage In this work we investigate the quality of test code in terms of five Results are shown in Table 2, Bug-fixed Coverage in our studied proposed criteria on open source projects. However, it is possible versions of Ant and Log4j is 0, which means none of the fixed 20 that our approach may not work well on some closed-source bugs in Ant 1.9.4 and Log4j 1.2.17 has been tested after fixing. In software, or small scale open source software projects. The Maven, and Commons Math, values of Bug-fixed Coverage are purpose of this work is to study the impact of low quality test also quite low, more than 70% fixed bugs are not addressed in test code on several software assurance techniques, however, not all code. Overall, the bug-fixed coverage is so low that the test for the projects maintain valid test code. Our approach is not suitable for fixed bugs are not sufficient. these projects without test code. Potential Impact on Software Quality Assurance Techniques: The low Bug-fixed Coverage values in software projects make it 8. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK This paper found that it is common for test code to be unregulated hard to practice test case prioritization, and also hurt the and of low quality in the open source projects. We studied 1164 effectiveness of automatic bug repair. Since test case prioritization test classes and more than 140,000 LOC test code from the aims to arrange test cases based on the code coverage for current version of four open source projects. Results indicate that accelerating bug detection, the low Bug-fixed Coverage means the quality of test code is much lower than that for the that when un-tested fixed bugs are re-introduced, prioritized test corresponding source code in terms of the proposed criteria, e.g., cases might not reveal these bugs; for automatic bug repair, the unreleased resource, code clone and comment clone, and the the low Bug-fixed Coverage makes the evaluation inefficient. coverage of test code for fixed bug is not sufficient. Automatic bug repair evaluates its repair patch by running all test cases. If all test cases are passed, the generated patch will be We further discussed the potential impact of low quality on the treated as an effective repair patch for a bug. However the low existing software quality assurance techniques. To the best of our Bug-fixed Coverage means many fixed bugs are not tested by the knowledge, this is the first work to report that the test code is low- existing test cases. So when evaluating generated repair patches, quality and untrustworthy, which should be taken seriously. even all test cases are passed, these un-covered fixed bugs might be re-introduced. Future work. Our research is in a final stage. We explored the quality of test code in terms of five proposed criteria and the impact of test code on software quality assurance techniques. 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