=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1469/paper6 |storemode=property |title=A Research Plan to Characterize, Evaluate, and Predict the Impacts of Behavioral Decay in Design Patterns |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1469/paper6.pdf |volume=Vol-1469 }} ==A Research Plan to Characterize, Evaluate, and Predict the Impacts of Behavioral Decay in Design Patterns== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1469/paper6.pdf
A Research Plan to Characterize, Evaluate, and Predict the
     Impacts of Behavioral Decay in Design Patterns
                                                             Derek Reimanis
                                                    Department of Computer Science
                                                       Montana State University
                                                      Bozeman, MT 59717-3880
                                                          1+ (406) 994-4780

ABSTRACT                                                                     Although significant work has been made towards understanding
                                                                             design pattern structural decay, little work has been made towards
We propose a research plan to further the understanding of design            understanding behavioral decay. Behavioral decay refers to the
pattern evolution. Current research into design pattern evolution            deterioration of the runtime design of a system. Behavioral decay
focuses on the structural elements of decay, which is realized as            is complementary to structural decay, yet a large gap and dearth of
structural grime. We plan to expand the current state of research            research is evident. The exploration of behavioral decay in design
by introducing the notion of behavioral grime, or unwanted                   patterns will yield greater insights into the benefits and detriments
artifacts that appear at run-time in a pattern. This form of grime           of utilizing design patterns.
may be transparent to the current analysis models. We seek to
classify types of grime into taxonomy, evaluate each type in terms           This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 discusses related
of impacts on technical debt and quality in the pattern and system           work. Section 3 outlines the current challenges in the field,
as a whole, and predict future occurrences of behavioral grime.              including research gaps and relevant problems. Section 4 outlines
Studies are designed for each of these respective goals. The                 research objectives. Section 5 describes the approach. Section 6
results of this research will further the understanding of design            identifies the threats to the validity of the proposed study, and
patterns, assisting practitioners and researchers alike.                     section 7 provides concluding remarks.

Categories and Subject Descriptors                                           2. BACKGROUND AND RELATED WORK
D.2.4 [Software Engineering]: Software/Program Verification –
Formal Methods; D.2.8 [Software Engineering]: Metrics –                      2.1 Technical Debt
product metrics; D.2.11 [Software Engineering]: Software                     Technical debt (TD) is a metaphor coined by Ward Cunningham
Architectures – Patterns                                                     to describe the gap between the current state of a software system
                                                                             and the ideal state [7]. TD captures the effects of decisions that
                                                                             sacrifice good design principles for on-time delivery. Many times
General Terms                                                                these decisions take the form of shortcuts or workarounds in code
Measurement, Design, Experimentation, Verification.                          that complete the task at hand, but at the expense of decreased
                                                                             quality. Principal and interest are two attributes of TD. Given a
Keywords                                                                     task to implement, principal refers to the cost in effort to complete
Software Behavior, Software Architecture, Design Patterns,                   the task. Interest refers to the gap between maintenance costs
Formalization, Software Decay, Technical Debt                                under ideal conditions versus conditions where maintenance is
                                                                             higher due to accrued debt from tasks where TD is not repaid.
                                                                             Effectively managing TD is multi-faceted problem, where the
1. INTRODUCTION                                                              need to implement new features must be leveraged with the need
Design patterns embody recurring solutions to common object-                 to refactor.
oriented problems in software development. Patterns are design
decisions that are reusable, maintainable, and attempt to minimize           Tom et al. performed a systematic literature review of the current
re-design in the future [12]. However, the evolution of design               state of TD in academic literature [29]. The study reports that
patterns is controversial. The original intent of the pattern may            many of the difficulties of managing TD are a result of poor
become obscured for many reasons, including new developers                   problem definition and representative models. As an outcome of
contributing to a pattern, or the unforeseen changes to elements             this study, Tom et al. propose a fundamental framework of TD;
participating in the pattern. Empirical work has shown that the              this work follows this framework.
structure of a pattern has the potential to decay as the pattern ages        Tom et al.’s framework identifies architectural technical debt
[14] [15] [17] [18] [19]. Furthermore, research has shown that the           (ATD) as a specific type of TD that focuses on items originating
structural decay of patterns results in decreased system quality and         from the design or architecture of a software project. These are
increased technical debt [8].                                                items such as modularity violations [30], architecture dependency
                                                                             issues [26], and design pattern decay [4] [14] [15] [17] [18] [19].
                                                                             Several operational models for estimating TD have recently
Copyright © 2015 for this paper by its authors. Copying permitted for
                                                                             surfaced in the field [6] [13] [23] [24] [25], however no single
private and academic purposes.
                                                                             method has surfaced as a clear better approach, possibly because
                                                                             they fail to capture domain specific information in a system.

2.2 Software Quality                                                           realized in the Unified Modeling Language (UML 2.0)1 and is an
                                                                               abstract language that generalizes each actor in a pattern to a
Software quality has been categorized into a set of characteristics,
                                                                               single common role. Depending on the type of pattern, there will
each of which is composed of related sub-characteristics. The
                                                                               be a number of possible roles. For example, the Observer pattern
ISO-IEC 25010 Software Quality Specification formalizes a set of
                                                                               has a Subject role and an Observer role. Observer pattern
eight characteristics to form an abstract model for measuring
                                                                               instances have classes that fulfill both these roles.
quality [16]. These characteristics, or attributes, are evaluated to
the extent to which a system realizes that characteristic. Several             Dae-Kyoo Kim has shown that RBML alone is not sufficient for
domain-agnostic quality models that realize this specification                 specifying patterns because it lacks constraint templates that limit
have been developed. Two quality models, QMOOD and a robust                    the capabilities of roles [21]. In order to combat this, the Object-
alternative QUAMOCO, have surfaced as operational quality                      Constraint Language (OCL) is used to provide necessary
models [2] [31].                                                               constraints to RBML models.
2.3 Software Behavior
Preliminary research reveals that software behavior can be of two
                                                                               3. CURRENT RESEARCH CHALLENGES
types; internal and external. Internal behavior refers to the interior         3.1 Research Gaps
mechanisms and API calls that occur during system runtime.                     The current knowledge base of design pattern grime features only
Internal behaviors are not necessarily seen except at the point in             structure-based disconformities, or grime that is captured from a
time in which they are executing. In this manner, internal                     static snapshot of a pattern instance. This works seeks to extend
behaviors are more a temporary artifact that exists only for the               the knowledge base of pattern grime by considering behavior-
duration of their execution. External behavior refers to the                   based disconformities, or grime that is captured during the
external and observable result that the system produces. These                 runtime execution of a design pattern. In an effort to achieve this
may be represented as system goals, and are the consequences of                goal, the authors have identified the following research gaps.
internal behaviors. That is, internal behaviors cause external
                                                                                   1.   Characterization of Behavioral Grime: Structural grime
                                                                                        is incapable of capturing whether or not a design pattern is
2.4 Software Decay                                                                      behaving as intended. A pattern instance may have no
Code decay is a term that refers to the case where code is “harder                      structural grime, but the runtime execution of the pattern
to change than it should be” [9]. Similarly, software decay refers                      may not match the expected runtime execution of the
to software that is more difficult to change than it should. Several                    pattern. Cases such as this are not captured by the current
types of software decay have been identified, including code                            knowledge base of pattern grime. This notion forms the
smells, anti-patterns, and design pattern decay [4] [10] [17] [18]                      basis for this research. Given this, the characterization of
[19]. Design pattern decay refers to implementations of design                          behavioral grime is a gap that needs clear definitions.
patterns that gain undesired elements or lose desired elements as                  2.   Behavioral Grime Taxonomy: To the best knowledge of
they evolve. In this sense, the benefits that the pattern offers are                    the authors, no attempt has been made at categorizing the
lost as its design becomes obfuscated. Studies have found that                          types of behavioral grime in the context of design patterns.
design pattern decay negatively impacts testability and                            3.   Impacts on Quality: Previous studies have identified the
understandability of systems [4] [17].                                                  impact of structure-based grime on quality attributes,
Previous work in design pattern decay has focused on the                                showing that testability and maintainability are negatively
structure of patterns [8] [14] [15] [17] [18] [19]. These are                           impacted from structural grime [15] [19]. However, no
realized as unwanted or missing artifacts that do not follow the                        attempt has been made at quantifying the impact of
structural specification of the pattern. When these artifacts                           behavioral grime on these quality attributes and the
obscure the implementation of a pattern while still maintaining                         additional quality attributes featured in the ISO 25010
some of the integrity of the original pattern, they are referred to as                  software quality specification.
design pattern grime. Alternatively, when these artifacts obscure
                                                                                   4.   Impacts on Technical Debt: Dale and Izurieta showed
an implementation of a pattern to such an extent that the integrity
                                                                                        that the injection of modular grime into patterns increases
of the pattern is entirely lost, they are referred to as design pattern
                                                                                        the technical debt of the pattern [8]. No work has sought
rot. Empirical studies have only confirmed the existence of
                                                                                        to capture the impact of behavioral grime on technical
pattern grime.
Further work has classified the types of design pattern grime into
                                                                                   5.   Relationships between Behavioral and Structural
three disjoint categories: class grime, modular grime, and
                                                                                        Grime: Several questions arise that are concerned with the
organizational grime [15] [17] [18] [19]. Of these, Schanz and
                                                                                        relationships between behavioral and structural grime. For
Izurieta expanded the modular grime category, identifying
                                                                                        example: How are structural grime and behavioral grime
strength, scope, and direction as attributes of modular grime [27].
                                                                                        related? Is the appearance of structural grime causal to the
Additionally, Griffith and Izurieta expanded the class grime
                                                                                        existence of behavioral grime? Is the reverse true? Are
category, identifying strength, scope, and direction/context as
                                                                                        there cases where structural grime exists but behavioral
attributes of class grime [15].
                                                                                        grime does not?
2.4.1 Design Pattern Specification
The process of identifying pattern grime consists of recognizing
differences between a pattern instance and a pattern’s
specification. A common language used to specify patterns is the
Role-Based Meta-Modeling Language (RBML) [22]. RBML is                         1

    6.     Tool Support: Currently, there is no known tool support                  research. To what extent should we focus on operationalizing
           to operationalize behavioral concepts. Implementing a tool               behavioral detection and quantification?
           is an important contribution to the community.                           3. Pattern Dataset: The only available dataset of design
    7.     Predicting Pattern Decay: No research has looked into                    pattern instances is the Perceron’s dataset [1]. This dataset
           predicting when a pattern is prone to decaying, or even if               only features instances of 10 unique pattern types, all from
           certain patterns are more prone to decay. Bridges to these               the Java programming language. This means that this
           two research gaps would give valuable insight to                         research has limited generalizability. Is it necessary or worth
           developers regarding the implementation of patterns, and                 the effort to look at more pattern types and/or patterns
           even when to be aware that a pattern might be near                       instances from other languages?
                                                                                4. OBJECTIVES
3.2 Operational Gaps
A pilot study was performed, in the form of a controlled                        4.1 Research Objectives
experiment; in which realizations of observer patterns were                     RG1: Investigate design pattern instances for the purpose of
studied. Our dataset consisted of three instances of the observer               identifying and characterizing internal and external behavioral
pattern that we created ourselves; one instance behaved as                      grime with respect to proper pattern behavior as defined by the
defined, one instance featured Subjects that waited a significant               design pattern specification from the perspective of the software
amount of time before updating their Observers when their state                 system in the context of design patterns in open source and
changed, and the final instance featured Subjects that did NOT                  commercial software.
update their Observers when their state changed. These three                        RQ1.1: Does the behavior of a design pattern instance
instances exemplify cases where, respectively, (1) a pattern                        deviate from the expected behavior of that pattern type?
behaves properly, (2) a pattern behaves properly but a disharmony
exists during its lifetime, and (3) a pattern behaves significantly                 Rationale: This is the basic question of this research. If it is
different from its intended usage. The SonarQube [13] tool, used                    possible to identify design pattern instances where the actual
to estimate Technical Debt, and the inCode tool2, used to identify                  behavior deviates from expected behavior, then the need to
design flaws, were run across the pattern instances. Neither of                     further explore this phenomenon is apparent.
these tools identified a major difference between the three pattern                 RQ1.2: Do common types of behavioral grime exist within
instances, suggesting that state-of-the-art tools used to identify                  multiple instances of a single pattern type?
issues are not capable of detecting problems concerning design
                                                                                    Rationale: If common grime types can be identified within a
pattern behavior. This experiment highlights the need to explore
                                                                                    specific pattern, other instances of that pattern may be
this area further.
                                                                                    circumspect to the same type of grime.
3.3 Proposed Contributions                                                          RQ1.3: Do common types of behavioral grime exist across
To address current gaps, the following contributions are proposed:                  multiple instances of different pattern types?
         1. The formal characterization of behavioral grime in                      Rationale: If common types of behavioral grime exist across
         design patterns                                                            different types of patterns, we will have attained some level
         2. The development of taxonomy to classify behavioral                      of generalizability that applies to a larger set of pattern types.
         grime                                                                  RG2: Express the difference between structural and behavioral
         3. The development of empirical studies to capture the                 grime for the purpose of illustrating the importance of studying
         impacts of grime on TD and quality                                     behavioral grime with respect to design pattern instances from the
                                                                                perspective of design pattern instances in the context of open
         4. The identification of patterns that are prone to                    source and commercial software.
         behavioral grime
                                                                                    RQ2.1: To what extent can patterns have both structural and
         5. The creation of a tool that aids in the detection of                    behavioral grime?
         behavioral grime
                                                                                    Rationale: Consider the grime quadrant in Table 1. Columns
         6. The development of a method that allows predictive                      indicate whether structural grime exists in a pattern, and rows
         capabilities for recognizing grime                                         indicate whether behavioral grime exists in the same pattern.
                                                                                    Current research has identified design patterns with grime,
3.4 IDoESE Feedback Sought                                                          but those patterns are constrained by cases A and B. This
Advice on the following topics is sought:                                           research needs to be expanded to discover patterns that fall in
         1. Overall Scope: Whilst all topics presented in this paper                cases C and D. This will illustrate that this work is novel.
         are interesting and necessary research items, advice on the                RQ2.2: Does the current knowledge base of structural grime
         estimation of work and its feasibility is sought. For the scope            instances include cases of behavioral grime?
         of a doctoral-level degree, is this plan too ambitious? If so,
         what parts should be prioritized?                                          Rationale: There may be behavioral grime in many of the
                                                                                    patterns that exhibit structural grime.
         2. Automation: Currently, there is very little automation
         of these processes. This is a result of exploring a new area of            RQ2.3: What is the relationship between behavioral grime
                                                                                    and structural grime?


                                                                                   patterns tend towards building behavioral grime, then
Table 1 -- Grime quadrant of possible grime types. For a given                     development efforts can be more pro-active in addressing
pattern, rows correspond to at least once instance of behavioral                   pattern evolution.
grime existing in the pattern, and columns correspond to at least one
                                                                                   RQ4.2: Can behavioral grime be predicted?
case of structural grime existing in the pattern.
                                                                                   Rationale: This question focuses on the possibility that
                          Structural grime       Structural grime
                                                                                   underlying mechanisms may exist that allow us to predict
                            does not exist            exists                       when a pattern will accumulate behavioral grime in the
  Behavioral grime             Case A                Case B
   does not exist                                                             4.2 Research Metrics
  Behavioral grime             Case C                Case D                   Following the GQM approach [3], several metrics are identified
       exists                                                                 that will be used to answer the research questions.
                                                                              M1: Structural Grime Count (SGC) – The total amount of grime
     Rationale: Intuitively, it appears a relationship exists                 accumulated in a single pattern realization that is identified from
     between behavioral and structural grime. Discovering the                 structural models. This metric will be used to answer RQs 2-4.
     precise nature of this relationship will help developers                 M2: Behavioral Grime Count (BGC) -- The total amount of grime
     understand pattern decay in the future.                                  accumulated in a single pattern realization that is identified from
RG3: Quantify the impact of grime in internal and external design             behavioral models. This metric will be used to answer RQs 2-4.
pattern behavior for the purpose of capturing the effects on system           M3: Technical Debt Principal (TDP) – A measure of the cost
quality and TD with respect to proper pattern behavior as                     required to complete a task. This metric will be used to answer
defined by the design pattern specification from the perspective of           RQ 3.
the software system in the context of design patterns in open
                                                                              M4: Technical Debt Interest (TDI) – A measure of differences in
source and commercial software.
                                                                              cost required to complete tasks under ideal conditions versus the
     RQ3.1: To what extent does behavioral grime affect the                   current condition of the system. This metric will be used to
     quality attributes of a design pattern?                                  answer RQ 3.
     Rationale: This research question seeks to quantify the                  M5: Pattern Quality (PQ) – An aggregated measure of the eight
     impact behavioral grime has on the quality of the pattern.               quality characteristics featured in the ISO 25010 software quality
     RQ3.2: Is the quality of certain types of behavioral grime               specification [16]. Each quality characteristic is further broken
     worse than other types?                                                  down into a number of (sub)-characteristics. This metric reflects
                                                                              an aggregation of the (sub)-characteristics. This metric will be
     Rationale: This question attempts to identify the forms of               used to answer RQ 3.
     behavioral grime that are worse than others.
                                                                              M6: Probability to Deviate (PD) – The probability that a pattern
     RQ3.3: To what extent does behavioral grime affect the TD                will accumulate grime in the future, given its pattern type, past
     of a software project?                                                   and current SGC, BGC, TDP, TDI, and PQ. This metric will be
     Rationale: In essence, TD captures the financial impact of               used to answer RQ 4.
     behavioral grime. Understanding this impact is crucial for
     developers and project managers alike so decisions regarding             4.3 Working Hypotheses
     release timelines or refactorings can be made.                           H1: There exist instances of behavioral grime that are not
                                                                              captured by current structural grime models.
     RQ3.4: Is the TD of certain types of behavioral grime worse
     than other types?                                                        H2: Common forms of behavioral grime exist within the same
                                                                              pattern type.
     Rationale: This question attempts to identify the forms of
     behavioral grime that are worse than others.                             H3: Common forms of behavioral grime exist across different
                                                                              pattern types.
     RQ3.5: Are the current TD estimation and quality
     measurement tools capable of capturing behavioral grime?                 H4: Including behavioral grime in the current grime models will
                                                                              allow the detection of pattern rot.
     Rationale: Behavioral grime may have an impact on the TD
     estimate and quality of the pattern. If the current tools are not        H5: Quality and TD
     sufficient in capturing these impacts, then the tools need to                 H5.1: Behavioral grime has a negative effect on the quality
     be extended in order to reflect the impact.                                   of the (a) pattern realization, and (b) software system as a
RG4: Investigate the evolution of internal and external behavior                   whole.
in design patterns for the purpose of capturing trends of                          H5.2: Behavioral grime has a negative effect on the TD
behavioral grime over time with respect to proper pattern behavior                 calculation of the (a) pattern realization, and (b) software
from the perspective of the software system in the context of                      system as a whole.
pattern in open source and commercial software.
                                                                              H6: Given the pattern type, and past and current measurements of
     RQ4.1: Can common trends of behavioral grime be captured                 SGC, BGC, TDP, TDI, and PQ, it is possible to predict whether a
     as a pattern evolves?                                                    pattern will accumulate grime in the future, with a degree of
     Rationale: This question identifies if patterns are more prone           uncertainty.
     to certain behavioral grime types. If we can predict which

5. APPROACH                                                                 Variance will be measured over all the analysis tools, for each of
                                                                            non-injected and injected patterns.
5.1 Data Collection                                                         RQ4.1-2 will be evaluated using an observational study. Patterns
Design pattern instances will be collected across a variety of open
                                                                            will be divided by pattern type and assessed for the existence of
source and commercial software systems. The Perceron’s dataset
                                                                            grime across their lifetime in terms of project releases. For each
features 4500 pattern instances from Java open source software
                                                                            release, a record will exist documenting whether that pattern
systems [1]. The patterns featured in this database will be
                                                                            instance has grime or not. Further, an ARIMA analysis will be
downloaded to provide an initial set of design pattern instances.
                                                                            performed. This will give an indication into the tendencies of a
Additionally, design patterns will be manually extracted from a
                                                                            pattern to collect grime as it ages.
commercial software system owned by a local firm with an
established relationship.
                                                                            6. THREATS TO VALIDITY
Models of each design pattern instance will be captured using               There exist several threats to the validity of this study. Internal
UML class diagrams and UML sequence diagrams3. Class                        validity refers to the ability to recognize a causative relationship
diagrams capture the structural elements of the pattern instance,           in the study, and not as a result of confounding variables. Internal
and sequence diagrams capture the behavioral elements of the                validity is threatened because other design defects may exist
pattern instance. Additionally, pattern specifications for each             alongside grime in a pattern; thus design defects are a
pattern type will be captured in UML class and sequence                     confounding variable in this study. To attempt to remove the
diagrams, using RBML and OCL.                                               effect of design defects, we utilize a large number of pattern
The PQ, TDI, and TDP of each pattern instance will be calculated.           instances in the analysis and block across pattern type. This
These metrics will be calculated for both individual pattern                mitigates the chance that a design defect will affect the results of
instances and the entire software system that the pattern originates        the study.
from. This data will be stored in a relational database.                    External validity refers to the ability to generalize from the results
                                                                            of the study. External validity is threatened because of the limited
5.2 Research Approach                                                       datasets of design pattern instances. To combat this threat, we
Once the data collection process is complete, a variety of case
                                                                            have utilized the Perceron’s dataset, which is the only publically
studies and experiments will be used to answer the research
                                                                            available dataset of patterns that features a large number of
questions. Juristo and Moreno’s guide on experimentation in
                                                                            instances (over 4500), and pattern instances from a local
software engineering will be used to initially construct
                                                                            commercial software firm. Patterns from both these datasets are
experiments [20].
                                                                            implemented in Java, and the Perceron’s dataset features only
RQ1.1-3 will be evaluated using a case study, wherein the                   open source patterns. Therefore, the ability to generalize the
taxonomy of design pattern grime will be extended to incorporate            results is limited to the population of patterns in this study.
behavioral grime types. All pattern instances will be categorized
according to their behavioral and structural conformance from the           7. CONCLUSIONS
grime quadrant of Table 1. We will manually sort through each               We have outlined the work that will result in a doctoral
category, identifying design pattern violations. Violations that            dissertation in hopes that we can receive feedback on the merit of
share similarities (OCL or RBML) will be grouped.                           this research. Research gaps are presented and studies are
RQ2.1-3 will be evaluated using a case study. Conformance                   designed that fill them. We intend to contribute novel research
checking algorithms will be implemented that validate the                   that strengthens the current state of empirical software
structural conformance and behavioral conformance according to              engineering.
the work done by [21] [28]. All available pattern instances will be         This research is in its early stages. Currently, preliminary research
categorized into one of the four groups defined in Table 1. A               has been performed, for the purpose of illustrating the research
binomial regression model will be fitted from the sample in order           gaps. This research includes generating pattern instances and
to answer RQ2.3.                                                            manually injecting grime into them, as described in section 3.2.
RQ3.1-5 will be evaluated using a controlled experiment. Patterns           Additionally, two potential forms of behavioral grime have been
will be blocked according to pattern type and then randomly                 identified. Next steps call for the analysis of a larger number of
selected from the available dataset. Patterns will be evaluated for         pattern instances that expand the taxonomy of behavioral grime.
TD and quality using a suite of static and dynamic analysis tools,
as discussed in section 2. After measurements are recorded, forms           8. REFERENCES
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