=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1471/paper3 |storemode=property |title=An Overview on the Quality of Service Development Group (QSDG) Activity, and the Computer Telephony Integration and the Reliability Issues |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1471/paper2.pdf |volume=Vol-1471 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/quatic/Cardoso95 }} ==An Overview on the Quality of Service Development Group (QSDG) Activity, and the Computer Telephony Integration and the Reliability Issues== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1471/paper2.pdf
                                        An overview on the
                     Quality of Service Development Group
                      (QSDG) activity, and the computer
               telephony integration and the reliability issues

                                        LUIS de SOUSA CARDOSO

-                                         QSDG
- .-                                     C.P.RADIO ~COM
                                            Av. Alvaro Pals, 2
                                     1699 LISBON        PORTUGAL


        The past few years witnessed a rapid growth of interest in network reliability. This is because
        telecommunications services are now an integral part of businesses, national security, Md public
        health Md safety. Also, recent technological advances such as fiber optics highcapacity digital
        switches and the increasing concentration of capacity in the telecommunications infrastructure
        have made networks more vulnerable to single failures I$ecause of this capacity concentration
        Md the increasing reliance on telecommunications the potential impact of a single outage bas
        never been greater on business public perception, Md geographic scope Du QSDG work
        attention bas hem paid to the network reliability and network outages In particular, the sud for
        developing a methodology for quantifying the customers' impact of a network outage has been
        recogsised Network reliability is one of the major future items of the QSDG.

        The Quality of Service Development Group ( QSDG ), which is in nature an operational group
        including a field trial group, was created in the Study Group 2 orgauisation in 1984. The
    -   original idea came from Mr. C. McCauley from AT&T who felt that, despite their usefulness,
        the writing of Recommendations as such or drafting a handbook was not enough to improve the
        quality of service Telecommunications people need to come together, communicate Md help
        each other, to achieve the best actions for improvements Md to have a free exchange of views
        Md ideas in a multilateral environment The support was overwhelming Md fTC Study Group 2
        has approved the establishment of this Group mainly because many Administrations Md RDA's
        felt that practical approaches to improving quality of service should he implemented Md this
        could best be done by a Group not burdened by mJ"T (then CCfTT) procedures where
        "formal agreements" must be reached on Recommendation.

        The first meeting of the QSDG was held in Hague The Netherlands in 1984 Md very soon the
        participation increased as cu be seen in the followieg table

   YEAR          LOCATION           CONTRffIU        PARTICI'     COUNTRIE         COMPANIES
                                     TIONS            PANTS
    1984         The Hague             23               32              16               20
    1985          Orlando              23               29              16               18
    1986         Hong-Kong             31               39              21               25
    1987           Manila              31               51              19               26
    1988          Albufeira            41               54              25               31
    1989            Rem                36               50              26               34
    1990           Padova              43               57              25               33
    1991            81085              56               71              26               39
    1992         S. Francisco          60               88              30               42
    1993           Bolero&             65               95              35               45          ,,       , ,"

    1994            Chester            68               98              36               50
    1995         Joio Pessoa           51               114             36               54

From the formal point of view, QSDG is directly associated with Study Group 2 Question 8/2.
Not only is the QSDG an integral part of the Question with which it is Ifnied, bot also in
practice the development of Recommendations under the Qoestion follows directly from the              .
oXfaeriencesshared and contribotioos submitted at meetings of the QSDG.

The primary aim of the QSDG is to improve the qnality of the international telecommunications
services to the motual benefit of both the costomers and the Administrations/Roe's The..QSDG          -
in its Work Program will continoe to study all aspects of Qnality of Service from the point of
view of the cost.mer who oses the telecommunications network The Group is conscious that in
addition to the voice use of the PSTN, there is also a need for it to cover non-voice uses e g fax
ISBN, R-ISBN, packet video and other services The work inclodes general studies on how
costomer service cm be improved, inclnding the interpretation and ose of costomer surveys, how
information cm be eachanged between Administrations/ROA's, the effect of network
digitisatioo, appropriate network measurements and their correlation with customer input and
multilateral benefits of improving qnality of service and network performance

Considerable work has been accomplished, and several achievements bu been reached. An
example is the "MD Completion Rates World-wide" database which is updated yearly and osed
extensively by the participants From this database it bas been concluded that the number of
destinations which coold be considered as offering poor call completion is decreasing
Following the criteria deranedin the Recommendation E.426, the following table provides insight
Lathe ASK ( Answer Semore Ratio ) trends

     ASRTIE                  1991                1992               1993              1994
       > 60%                 9.8%               13.5%              14.6%             18.9%
       > 30o,o              61.4%               63.4%              67.1%             61.6%
       < 60%
       < 30                 288%                27.7%              18.3%             19.5%

Considering the information in this database and taking into accoont that QSDG bas met 6
times in Enrope 3 times in Asia-Pacific Region, twice in USA, and once in Sooth America it was
decided that fotore meetings should be held in regions of the world where QSDG had not met
before It bas been felt that if QSDG meeting took place in these areas, the number of                     -
delegations participating would increase, and more people would be involved in Qnality matters
Conseqoently it is esfaected that the quality and performance arose destinations in these areas
will be improved. This objective has been achieved and the neat meetings of QSDG are planned
to be held in Africa Middle East and in Oceania by the kind invitations of Sooth Africa
Bahrain and Fiji Islands, respectively.

It is anticipated that as long as the participating entities are benefiting from it the QSDG will
continne to exist and will meet around the world regularly. All costs involved are dome by the

                 Admioistrations/- themselves, and this implies that for the ITU-TS there is no significant costs
                 involved, other than the publication of the Report of the Meetings as a White Contribution.

                 Currently the QSDG is Chaired by Mr. Lois Soosa Cardoso from CPRM-MARCONI, Portugal,
                 who was appointed to this position at the Rotorua meeting la 1993. It must he noted that all
                 information Md work presented at the QSDG meetings are la the public domain Md cu be
                 obtained throogh the Chairman.

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---              Things used to be simple There was only one type of light bulb. Gasoline was all leaded
                 Mustard was only yellow. Now incandescent lights are being replaced with fluorescent Md
                 halogens gasoline bas at least three octane rating, Md mustard fills three shelves at the
    . ~          supermarket It's the same with telephone Md computers When they didn't need to talk to each
                 other Mach, a modem was more than sufficient But now, the bosiness advantages of compoter-
                 based call control are forcing its natural bond

                 No one denies that computing and telecommunications are converging, but the vision of the
                 converged world has changed Until recently, it was still possible to imagine that the future
                 would look pretty much like today's telecommunications environment bot with fancier tricks,
    :.           like video built into the familiar telephone, Md maybe even telephone companies selfing
                 combined PC-phases it is now becoming clear, however, that the reality win coasist~of more
                 powerful Md flexible compoters that are capable of tavlag over most or maybe even all, of the
                 traditional telecommunications foactioos Convergence increasingly means a competing tal;e
                 over. This may still be controversial among some of the larger private branch exchange (PBX)
\            ,   vendors Md telecommunications service providers, bot coafldeace in the compuLtingcamp is
                  growing to such an extent that some are eves handing oat diagrams showing the information
    ^            technology business environment of the near future, Md there is no room in the diagrams for a

    -_           Today's CTI (computer telephony integration) systems generally Calfinto one of fame different
                 architectures or configurations based on their approach to making the actual connections Md
                 making calls:
                                          * Phonecentric systems
                                          * Serverceatric systems
                                          * Voice server systems
                                          * PCcentric systems

                 Phone-centric sYama are the easiest to implement; they only require a direct link from the
                 phone to an external adapter that connects to the PC's serial or paralld port They don't
    "            require extensive changes to an existing phone systems Users cu have direct control over calf
                 routing (known as first-part call control). To transfer a call, for example, the nser Josi cHcks oa
                 an icon, Md the PC sends a message to the switch that emulates a command from the phone
     -           reqoestWg the switch to trander the can. Many PBX vendon offer adapten that give that kind
                 of control to the PC. Unfortunately, these adapters don't provide a connection to the phone line
                 Md can't be used to connect data or fax lines to the PC.

     -            Smercenhic sVaems connect your telephone switch to a server oa yoor LAff. Here the phone
                  system becomes another part of the computer network Md you don't need a physical connection
                  between the phone and individual desktop PCs The LAN server, not the switch or the user, is
                  responsible for routing calls Ohos it's termed third-party caH control). To transfer a caH the
                  oser clicks on the transfer icon, which sends a message to the server requesting that it transfer
                  the calf The third part (the server) sends a message telling the switch where to mote the call
                  The server's processing power Jen it screes Md mote incoming calls For example, caller-m
                  informadoa may help mute the call to the proper perms. Third-party call control is particularly
                  helpful w workgroops and call centers nut the server centric modd manages only calf control
                  The switch-tnserver link is for status M d reqoest only. It doesn't carry the voice path and in no

way physically connects a phone line to the server. For a server to send and receive faxes and
data a physical phone line would have to be connected to a fax-modem hoard in the server.
Voice-server sY5tems are a variation on the servicecentric model. Where servercentric systems
deliver callcontrol links but not the calls themselves, voice server systems deliver the call
directly, hut not a separate control-and-status link In a voice server model, phone lines from
the switch connect to a board in the voice server. Depending on the board's capabilities the lines
cm he analogue, ISBN, or proprietary digital The board cm do anything that a phone it
replaces cm do; for example it cm issue a Nash hook to transfer, conference hold, call park
call forward, initiate call pickup from another office, and so forth. Digital phones usually have
other features, such as speaker-phone control and calfer-ID display. With the phone line going
into a voice server, you get the media - that is, the voice path, or data path for faxes and modem
calls - but you don't get all the information and control that's available on the serverceatric         ~
model. For example a phone line can't force the switch to take control of mother call; it cm
only control a call that it has received or placed. It ran'f ten the switch to forward a calf from
the next office to mother phone                                                                         ~
In a servercentric callcenter application, the server receives the railer-ID and tells the switch
where to send the call. In the voice server model, on the other band, the call is sent to the server,
which must then answer it and transfer the call. But this is just too slow for a call center.

PC cmbw" systems have the telephone line and the telephone itself connected directly to an add-
in board in the PC. The telephony board emulates the type of telephone that the switch is
designed to support, whether analogue or proprietary digital When we have isochronous
Ethernet or ATM (asynchronous transfer mode) data pipes going directly into our PC& which
looks to be the long-term prospect, we'll use PCcentric telephony systems For the short term,
however, we'H see fax-modern boards with telephony features that will provide an interim

Just as a crisis hit the mainframe computing world when PCs first burst onto the scene PBXs
are seen as the inevitable victims of smarter PCs that cm understand human speech, play real-           ~
time video and still have enough spare random memory to mu telecommunications functions in
softwarc Equip such a PC with some slot-in cards that can send and receive telephone signals,
and computing bas effectively swallowed telephony.                                                      _

 There will stiH be space for the PBX vendors, just as there is still, even today, a place for
'mainframes in the corporate computing world. fa the office backbone network and in the wide
 area networks that links corporate offices convergence is taling the form of a new                     ,_
 communications protocol that cm handle data voice and video with more or less equal ease
 Called asynchronous transfer mode (ATM), this protocol prowises to be the basis of new kinds
 of networks and way eventually - though this still controversial - extend alf the way from the         ~--- ,
 international networks to the desktop-based local area networks

ATM is stiH fertile ground for the PBX vendors whose detailed underenvironment wakes thew
prime partners for the computing and data networking vendors The larger PBX vendors are
also manufacturers of public telephone exchanges, and they have been among the front-runners
in developing ATM technology .

The requirements of the public networks in the converged world are difficult to foresee
however. A lot will depend on what happens at the individual easterner sites, both in home and
in the omce- Much as the pubHc telecommunications carriers woald Hke to forecast the demand             --
in the next decade or even to shape that demand to suit themselves the chopandcbange nature
of the computing world is hound to make that wish impossible to realise What is hardest to
predict is the extent to which computer power wifl infiltrate the public exchanges sites.
themselves It is already possible to build a pabHc telephone exchange out of standard computer
components Some believe the resulting system cannot possibly be resiHeat enough to provide the
service availabiHty that telecommunications customers expect but the reality is that computing
is becoming increasingly more tenable Indeed, the problem of 100 percent availahHity has
already been solved, time and time again, by computer systems daigned for banks rwance

compuies and the military. It used to he that all telecom systems required hardware and
software more sophisticated that what was on offer for standard business computing solutions
 This is increasingly no longer the case Standard computers are now powerful enough to handle
the human voice and fuH-motion video in real time The operating systems running on today's
servers are sophisticated enough to cope with the logic required of a digital telecommunications

In fact, the insides of the telecommunication boxes which used to look sophisticated compared
with corporate computer systems now look out of date PBXs and telephone switches actually
contain their own computers, operating systems and applications software Typically, the
computers are non-standard, the operating systems are proprietary, and appiications are not

There is no real need for all that computing to be inside the telecommunications boz at all
Transferring the guts of the PBX to a UNIX or Windows NT server suddenly opeus the market
up to price competitive hardware to operating systems that integrate properly with corporate                     Gd
information technology and to software that cu be modified by the customer. In the long term,
the same will probably he true of the public telephone exchange

What this means for the world-wide compatibility of systems and services is an important
question. We are growing accustomed to being able to pick up a telephone in one part of the
world and get through to my other telephone on earth. The more complicated and varied the
systems get - and more they come to resemble computers - the harder it will be to maintain its                   _

In 10 years, convergence will have changed the ink and feel of telecommunications and
computer technology, and also the shape of the information technology industry. Just as the
advent of distributed systems revoiutionised the industry in the 19808, convergence will do the
 same between now and the miHennium- The previous revolution forced some companies to
merge especially the larger system providers, while some once obscure companies rose to                          --
international prominence The convergence revolution is bound to make a few reputation, but it
 may also break a few.
                          4     TL. nCfb     n ml   [Lo    -a7;nA;7;?t;zv   icemf a   .

The use of International Telecommunications services is dependent upon the interconnection of                    -
numerous items and media which are controlled, often independently, by various entities and
agencies This is increasingly true also for national teiecommunications services as deregulation
proliferates WhHstindividual administrations, agencies or network operator may be subject to
desirable Quality of Service measurements and improvement programs, it is the overali (end-to
end) performance which customers perceive as important
When creditcard, longdistance telephone and retail banking services users are asked to rate
(on a scale I to 10) the importance of the different dimensions of the Quality of Service
reRabiiity clearly emerges as the most important dimension, regardless of the service being
studied. A typical example can be seen in the next table

  Service Quality           Credit                    Long-Distance                              Banl_
    Dimension               Card                        Telephone                              Services
                      Average      Most             Average      Most                     Average       Most
                      Rate      important           Rate      important                   Rate      important_
    Tangibles            7.43          0.6                7.14               0.6            8.56          1.1
    Reliability          9.45         48.6                9.67              60.6            9.44         42.1
  Responsiveness         9.37         19.8                9.57              16.0            9.34       18.0
    Assurance            9.25         17.5                ,9.29             12.6            9.18       13.6
    Empathy              9.09         13.6                9.25              10.3            9.30       25.1

     The customer's message to the service provider is clear: Be responsive be reassuring, be
     empathetic, and most of all be reliable Complementary there is another message: Human
-,   performance plays a major role in customers' perception of service quality. Three of five
     dimensions - responsiveness assurance, and empathy - result directly from human performance
     Moreover, reliability often depends largely on damn performance Concerning this particular
     point, it has been felt that QSDG, in their working methodology, is playing a significant

     The reliability performance of a system is its ability to perform a require function under given
     conditions for a given interval. Important factors influencing reliability performance are:

                     The quality of the constituent components
                     Environment factors
                     The network structure
                     Security against secondary failures

     Telecommunications networks are vulnerable to many threats: natural disasters, intentional
     sabotage, accidents, and faulty hardware and software But technical solutions exist and cm be
     deployed to minimise both failures in network elements and the impact of disruptions on
     telecommunications infrastrucWres, thereby meeting the requirements of telecommunications

     Telecommunications services have traditionally bun cbaracterised by high level of service
     dependability. Dependability is a characteristic that includes reliability, availability,
.~   maintainability and survivability. In briefly, dependability means that a service works the way a
     customer wants it to work when the customer wants it Three different considerations are
     making service dependability a topic of great interest in the industry today. First as the use of
     telecommunications services bu become a more integral part of many businesses, customer
     expectations for dependability have increased Second, revolutionary changes are being made or
     proposed in the network While each of these changes brings with it the opportunity to provide
     customers with additional services that nut their muds in a timely fashion, each also provides a
     challenge in assuring the continued dependability of new services Third, some unfortunate
     events in the recent past have disrupted services for a large number of customers for m
--   extended period of tine and have caused concern among customers

     It is recognised that a three pronged attack is needed to meet the challenge at band:
                       * M31 lug the network elements less vulnerable to hardware failures, software
                       errors, and procedural errors, and therefore minimising network elements
--                     outages

                       * Mlling the network less vulnerable to network element outages, for
                       example, through use protection switching, diverse routing for protection, scff-
                       healing rings, dual homing, and other mens of minimising network outages or
                       the impact of the outages

                        o Improving and automating the techniques used to restore service after a
                        network outage
      Beliable network elements, survivable network architectures, and efficient restoration strategies
      will be the keys to assuring dependable telecommunications services in the 1990s

      Networks have traditionally not bun designed to provide 100% service continuity in race of
      catastrophic failures because the cost was thought to be too large However, with the increasing
      dependence of customers on telecommunications for their business survival, customers expect a

high level of service restoration after a catastrophic failore More and more, costomers require
and demand service approaching 100% availability on an end-tocad basis Even if customers
settle for less than 100% availability during a failore, their minimal reqnirements may be 100o/o     _
availability for critical services, with some minimum level of performance for all services to aft
locations Network providers must balance meeting requirements of specific customer and
service with providing a high-reliability network with service assurance to all customers
The ultimate reliability goal is to make all failnres imperceptible to users An interim goal may
be to rednce the impact of a failure so that calls in progress are not cutoff and data sessions are
not prematurely terminated

The past few years witnessed a rapid growth of interest in network reliability. This is because       .       ~

telecommunications services are now an integral part of businesses, national security, and public
health and safety. In addition because telecommunications services have traditionally been so
reliable even through national disasters, public expectations are very high Also, recent
technological advances such as fiber optics highcapacity digital switches and the increasing
concentration of capacity in the telecommunications infrastructure have made networks more
vulnerable to single failores Becaose of this capacity concentration Md the increasing reliance
on telecommonications, the potential impact of a single outage has never been greater on
bnsiness, public perception, Md geographic scope

Therefore, there bas been a concerted effort by endusers, service providers, standards bodies,
and government and regulatory agencies to undertake multiple activities addressing issues
related to network reliability and service Dotages over the past few years                                -

This will lead to a scientific assessment and enhancement of network reliabuity. A major
question is bow to quantify a network outage                                                              -~

For years network reliability planning bas concentrated on establishing the reliability of each
network component The individual component reliability are then aggregated to establish,
through modelling, a target network reliability. This resulting reliability was then examined for         ~

How does a network planner determine what is adequate? The arrest view of quality suggest                 --
the planning start with customers expectations and needs for their services Those service
reliability needs cm then dictate the demands on the network and in turn the individual
network component requirements                                                                            ._
With this current methodology, then, the onderstanding of reliability levels delivered to
customers must also begin with an end-toend network assessment of what quality of reliability is
being delivered to the customer. Thus the process now begins with the customer.

Reliability as defined by AGREE (1957) and ANSUASQC is the probability that an item will
perform without failure a required function under stated conditions for a stated period of time

To define network reliability, QSDG bas accepted to describe the six elements of the reliability
definition for a telecommunication network In network applications the six elements of the                ---
reliability dermition are:

         =>Probabitity - Network reliability is quantified in terms of probability.
         =>Item - The item to be considered here is a telecommunication network
         However, a variety of distina, but interconnected, networks exist These networks could
         be owned and operated by different companies For instance, there are multiple LMal               ~_
         Exchange Carriers (I.ECs) and Interexcbange Carriers (ICs). A single end-toend usage
         of the network may utifise several of these distinct interconnected networks fn network
         reliability studies the network under investigation needs to be precisely defined Md its
         boundaries specified.

             =>Required function - A telecommunication network is required to perform several
             function& From the users' perspective and the network reliabuity point of view, the first
             and the most commoa fuactioa of a aetwork, is the abHity to communicate from a source
             to a target This is the ability to establish a sew connection and/or maintain the
             established connection.
             =>Failure- A network fails to perform the required fuactiou, from a source to a target,
             whee the failure probability exceeds a pre specified failure threshold value (the
             maximum designed value). The failure threshold and/or customer impactiag values Reed
             to be determiaed for differeat aetworks, applicatioas and services

              =>Stated coaditious - A telecommuaicatioa Remark consists of many distiact elements
              Networks are designed to perform the coanectioa establish.eat fuactioa under certain
              coaditions These coaditioas depend on the aetwork, service, and applicatioa. QSDG is
              considering that a failure due to CPR (Customer Premises Equipmeat) should not be
--            coasted as a Remark failure

              =>Stated Period of Time - A time period must be specified in order for a probability
              measure to be meaniagful. It is desirable to know what is the probability a aetwork will
^             perform the connectioa establishment fuactioa duriag the next time interval.

-     It is seen, therefore, that, a statement about network reliability requires an explicit, dearly
      defined and formulated descriptioa of the Remark under sway, the Remark functioa, aetwork
      failure and allowed eavironmeat and couditioas

      Finally, a network outage needs to he clearly denned in terms of customer perceivable and
      measurable quantities The customer's perspective of a Remark outage can he dassified into
      three major components of Inteasity, Duration, and Extent The (IDE)-triple, provides a
      framework for measuring network outage This framework cm be applied to differeat networks
      and services Each Remark and/or service needs its own specific formulae and computatioaal
      procedures Quantitative scales measuriag end-toead customers' impact of an outage may be
      devdoped through appropriate inWgratioa of I D, and E, as well as customers' relaWd
~     parameters

      The Federal Communicatioa Commission (FCC) of the USA issued a report (February 27, 1992)
-     defining "service outage" to coastitute loss of service to more than 50000 customers (later
      reduced to 30000) for a period of 30 or more minute&

-     Many international organisatious fearful of a damagiag loss of customer coafideace refuse
      publicly to admit ever baviag suffered a major aetwork outage and are reticeat even to
      acknowledge the possihuity. New Jersey-based Ascom Timeplex, is oae of the few companies to
      have a successfully commissioaed indepeadent research. Its survey of 100 of the top companies in
      the UK shows that 50% of those iaterviewed predict a loss of busiaess if a communicatioas
      network is down for more than an hour. Almost alee out of tea firms (87%) said a aetwork
      f~ailureof less than 60 minutes would have a measurable impact oa efficieacy and throughput A
      similar survey iadicates that 73% of respondeats experienced IAN failures, 23% of which
      lasted for more than 10 hour&Some companies logged as many as 20 outages a year. Failure was
      particularly high oa aetworks supporting between 100 and 299 users, with router and bridge
      iaterconaectioa technology beiag the most likely to go down. Furthermore a high degree of the
-     recurrence of specific problems was reported. Token riag networks appareatly failed more often
      than Ethernet, but disabled fewer users whee it was out of Reties. Research specific to the US
      oaly shows that a typical LAN there is likely to be disabled twice as oftea for an average of five
      hours These fiadings are bolstered by a European-wide survey of 100 top IT professioaals,
      conducted by the Yankee Group. Dee 6nancial instiW6on is on record n sayieg that it could
      easily lose US$l0000 in direct costs for every minute that its aetwork is down. Indirect costs,
      such as loss of credibuity and market share breach of statutory requiremeats casbflow

problems and collapse of share price make the overall expense of major ootage, literally,

Within QSDG, work on network reliability started on 1993. Network reliabuity is one of the
major future work items of the QSDG. In particnlar, the meedfor developing a methodology for
quantifying the customers' impact of a network outage bas been recognised by regulatory
agencies industry leaden and end-osers A network reliability policy begins with identification
and defioition of quantitative scales to measure an outage and assess its impact on endusers

Contribution QSDG - 12/95-41 - Rdiability of the US Telecommunication Services
              M Daneshmand, C. Savolaine - AT&T

Contribution QSDG - 10/93-18 - A Framework for Measuring Telecommunications Switched
              Network Dotages -- M Danesbmand, C. Savolaine - AT&T

uWbat sort of convergence is corning? < - Bob Whitehouse -foternational Herald Tribune
October             9, 1995.

cStandard issue" - James Burton - CEO of C-T LfN]K,Inc, Boston, Massachussets September
