Vol-1503⫷ Vol-1504 ⫸Vol-1505

UAI 2015 Workshop on Advances in Causal Inference

Proceedings of the UAI 2015 Workshop on Advances in Causal Inference
co-located with the 31st Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence ( UAI 2015 )

Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 16, 2015 .

Edited by

Ricardo Silva *
Ilya Shpitser **
Robin Evans ***
Jonas Peters ****
Tom Claassen *****

* University College London , Department of Statistical Science, London, UK
** Johns Hopkins University , Department of Computer Science, Baltimore, USA
*** University of Oxford , Department of Statistics, Oxford, UK
**** Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems , Empirical Inference Department, Tübingen, Germany
***** Radboud University Nijmegen , Institute for Computing and Information Sciences (iCIS), Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Table of Contents

Full papers


2015-11-06: submitted by Tom Claassen, metadata incl. bibliographic data published under Creative Commons CC0
2015-11-08 : published on CEUR-WS.org | valid HTML5 |