Search Space Reduction for Post-Matching Correspondence Provisioning Thomas Kowark and Hasso Plattner Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam, Germany {firstname.lastname}, If users participate in ontology matching, the goal always is to minimize the amount of necessary interactions while maximizing the gains in alignment quality [2]. Interaction can either happen pre-matching (selection of matching systems or parameter tuning), during the matching process (judging intermedi- ate results or providing sample correspondences), or post-matching (detecting incorrect correspondences and providing missing ones). In this paper, we eval- uate an approach that aims to reduce post matching interactions by exploiting concept proximity within ontologies. An initial analysis of reference alignments available for OAEI revealed that, if a correspondence for one element (class or property) of an ontology exists, the probability that a correspondence also exists for a closely connected element is higher than for unconnected elements. Based on this finding, we extracted the closeness criteria depicted in Figure 1. For evaluation, we applied the criteria on candidate alignments that were created by top-performing systems of OAEI 2014 for the anatomy, library, and conference tracks. For each criterion, we determined which elements it would add to the task set, i.e., the selection of ontology elements a user should provide correspondences for. Based on these task sets (U T ) we calculated the expected number of inter- actions (IE) it would on average take to provide all included correspondences (IC), if elements were presented to the user at random. To assess whether our selection technique is viable, we further compared this value to the amount of in- teractions it would take users on average to provide the same amount of missing correspondences, if tasks were randomly selected from the entirety of elements that are not included in correspondences after initial, automatic matching. 16 1 3 7 4 Domain Super Sibling Domain Datatype Dataype Class Class Class Class Property O 13 := 6 + 7 Pr bje op ct 14 := 7 + 8 er ty 6 17 Object 15 := 5 + 8 2 7 Property 8 Range Object 5 Class Sub Domain [equiv.] 12 Range Class Property [equiv.] Class Class Inverse 9 Class 12 Property Subproperty 10 Superproperty 11 Figure 1. Connections considered for element proximity. Matched elements are de- picted bold, ignored entities in italic. Visual Notation for OWL Ontologies (VOWL)[1] The ratio between the two values is called task set compression. Minimal criteria sets denote the closeness criteria, which yield the corresponding task sets. Since we strive for minimization of user tasks, only the smaller ontology in terms of concept count was considered. As shown in Table 1, an average task set reduction of 60% could be achieved for the conference ontologies of OAEI, while increasing the recall from 0,62 to 0,956. For taxonomy-like ontologies, such as the ones used in the library and anatomy tracks, only marginal compression or even increase in interaction expectancy was achieved. Future work will therefore focus on such cases by finding other, more suitable task selection criteria and adapting existing ones, e.g., by limiting the depth of hierarchy traversal for class relationships. Furthermore, correspondences generated through different matcher settings (high precision vs. high recall) could be explored in addition to criteria based solely on ontology structures in order to yield smaller task sets with an increased potential success ratio for user interactions. ontologies |U T | IC IE Compression Minimal Criteria Sets Rcand Rcomp cmt-conference 12 4 10 0,2 [9, 17] 0,6 0,87 confof-conference 11 3 9 0,19 [13] 0,73 0,93 conference-edas 36 5 31 0,39 [1, 2] 0,65 0,94 ekaw-conference 38 8 35 0,51 [3, 6, 16] 0,6 0,92 conference-iasted 51 7 46 0,57 [1, 2, 5] 0,36 0,86 sigkdd-conference 13 4 11 0,25 [4, 9, 12] 0,6 0,87 confof-cmt 31 9 29 0,48 [2, 4, 6, {7, 8, 14}] 0,38 1 cmt-edas 27 4 22 0,35 [6] 0,69 1 cmt-ekaw 38 5 33 0,49 [5, 9, 17] 0,55 1 cmt-iasted 36 0 36 0,44 [] 1 1 sigkdd-cmt 7 1 4 0,13 [2] 0,92 1 confof-edas 26 8 24 0,43 [1, 3, 5, 9] 0,58 1 confof-ekaw 18 4 15 0,33 [1, 13, 15] 0,8 1 confof-iasted 30 5 26 0,45 [1, 3, 15] 0,44 1 confof-sigkdd 16 4 13 0,25 [4, 17] 0,57 1 ekaw-edas 63 11 59 0,71 [9, 13, 17] 0,52 1 edas-iasted 35 8 32 0,28 [2] 0,53 0,95 sigkdd-edas 20 5 18 0,37 [2, 4] 0,6 0,93 ekaw-iasted 73 3 56 0,76 [2, 15], [2, 13] 0,7 1 sigkdd-ekaw 22 4 18 0,32 [3, 15] 0,64 1 sigkdd-iasted 36 0 36 0,58 [] 0,87 0,87 avg(conference) 30,4 4,8 26,8 0,404 0,635 0,956 mouse-human 683 57 672 1,09 [2, 3, 16] 0,9 0,94 stw-thesoz 3604 169 3584 0,97 [2, 3] 0,78 0,84 fma-nci 1011 216 1007 1,08 [2, 3, 16] 0,85 0,93 fma-snomed 3485 1997 3484 0,99 [2, 3] 0,71 0,95 nci-snomed 10008 2281 10005 0,94 [1, 2, 3, 12] 0,67 0,82 Table 1. Overview about the maximal task reduction that could be achieved using minimal criteria sets. The used criteria are numbered according to Figure 1. Rcand is the recall achieved by the automatic matcher, Rcomp the recall after user interaction. References 1. Lohmann, S., Negru, S., Haag, F., Ertl, T.: VOWL 2: User-Oriented Visualization of Ontologies. In: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. pp. 266–281. EKAW ’14 (2014) 2. Shvaiko, P., Euzenat, J.: Ontology matching: State of the art and future challenges. IEEE Trans. on Knowl. and Data Eng. 25(1), 158–176 (Jan 2013)