Параллельные вычислительные технологии (ПаВТ’2016) || Parallel computational technologies (PCT’2016) agora.guru.ru/pavt Application of CUDA technology for calculation of ground states of few-body nuclei by Feynman’s continual integrals method* M.A. Naumenko, V.V. Samarin Joint Institute for Nuclear Research The possibility of application of modern parallel computing solutions to speed up the calcu- lations of ground states of few-body nuclei by Feynman’s continual integrals method has been investigated. These calculations may sometimes require large computational time, par- ticularly in the case of systems with many degrees of freedom. This paper presents the re- sults of application of general-purpose computing on graphics processing units (GPGPU). The energy and the square modulus of the wave function of the ground states of several few-body nuclei have been calculated using NVIDIA CUDA technology. The results show that the use of GPGPU significantly increases the speed of calculations. Keywords: CUDA, Feynman’s continual integrals method, few-body nuclei. 1. Introduction Low-energy reactions involving few-body nuclei [1] constitute a significant part of the studied nuclear reactions. Investigation of their collisions with other nuclei provides valuable information on the mechanisms of fusion and nucleon transfer reactions (e.g., [2]). Knowledge of the properties and the ground state wave functions of these nuclei is necessary for the theoretical description of reactions with their participation. The few-body problem in nuclear physics has been studied for a long time. For instance, calcula- tions of 3H and 3He nuclei were performed in [3] based on the Faddeev equations. The expansion in hyperspherical functions (K-harmonics) [4] was used for calculations of 3H nucleus in [5] and 4He nu- cleus in [6]. In [7] the wave function of the three-body system was obtained using Gaussian basis and the numerical solution of the Hill-Wheeler integral equations. Feynman’s continual integrals method [8, 9] provides a more simple possibility for calculating the energy and the probability density for the ground state of the few-body system, because it does not require expansion of the wave function in a system of functions. The possibility of application of this method for calculation of energies of ground states of light nuclei up to 4He was declared in [10], but the power of computers available at that time did not allow to obtain reliable results since the statistics was very low. In [11] calculations were performed on the CPU with the statistics 105. In this work an attempt is made to use modern parallel computing solutions to speed up the calcu- lations of ground states of few-body nuclei by Feynman’s continual integrals method. The algorithm allowing to perform calculations directly on GPU was developed and implemented in C++ program- ming language. The energy and the square modulus of the wave function of the ground states of sever- al few-body nuclei have been calculated using NVIDIA CUDA technology [12−14] the results show that the use of GPU is very effective for these calculations. 2. Theory The energy E 0 and the square modulus of the wave function 0 of the ground state of a system 2 of few particles may be calculated using continual (path) integrals introduced by Feynman [8, 9]. Feynman’s integral i   i ˆ  K  q, t; q0 ,0    Dq(t )exp  S q(t )  q exp   Ht  q0 (1)     * The work was supported by grant 15-07-07673-a of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR). 8 Параллельные вычислительные технологии (ПаВТ’2016) || Parallel computational technologies (PCT’2016) agora.guru.ru/pavt is a propagator − the probability amplitude for the particle of mass m to travel from the point q0 to the point q in time t . Here S[q(t )] and Ĥ are the action and the Hamiltonian of the system, respec- tively, Dq(t ) is the integration measure [8, 9]. For the time-independent potential energy the transition to the imaginary (Euclidean) time t  i gives the propagator K E  q, ; q0 ,0   1  K E  q, ; q0 ,0    DE q()exp  S E  q() (2)   with the Euclidean action   m  dq 2  S E  q()   d      V (q)  . (3) 0  2  d    Integration over q with the periodic boundary condition q  q0 allows to find the energy E 0 of the ground state in the limit    [10]    Hˆ     En     E   E K  q , ; q,0  dq  Sp  exp         exp      exp    g ( E )dE ,   0   (4)     n   E0    K  q, ; q,0  dq  exp    E ,    ,  (5)   E   E  K E  q, ; q,0     n (q) exp   n     E (q) exp    g ( E ) dE . 2 2 (6) n   Econt   Here g ( E ) is the density of states with the continuous spectrum E  Econt . For the system with a dis- crete spectrum and finite motion of particles the square modulus of the wave function of the ground state may also be found in the limit    [10] together with the energy E 0  E  K E  q, ; q,0   0 (q) exp   0  ,    . 2 (7)   Outside of the classically allowed region the square modulus of the wave function 0 (q) of the 2 ground state with E  Econt may be significantly less than  E (q) for the states with the continuous 2 spectrum E  Econt . The ground state term in the formula (6) will not dominate despite the much more  E   E  rapid decrease of the exponential factors exp     exp   0  , E  E0 . Therefore, in this case     the formula (7) is in general applicable only for the region not far beyond the classically allowed ground state region. Such situation may occur in the description of bound states of few-particle systems (for example, two protons and a neutron) when the existence of bound states of some of them (e.g., proton plus neu- tron) is possible. The contribution of states with the continuum spectrum may be eliminated by introducing infinite- ly high walls in the potential energy located about the range of the nuclear forces beyond the classical- ly allowed region. Introduction of the boundary condition  0 ( q )  0 at these walls will not have a significant effect on the energy E 0 and 0 (q) far away from the walls. 2 Feynman’s continual integral (2) may be represented as the limit of the multiple integral   1 N  m  qk  qk 1  2   K  q, ; q0 ,0   lim   exp     k 1  2  V  qk    C N dq1dq2 dqN 1 , (8) N  N        9 Параллельные вычислительные технологии (ПаВТ’2016) || Parallel computational technologies (PCT’2016) agora.guru.ru/pavt where 12  m  qk  q(k ), k  k , k  0, N , qN  q, C    . (9)  2   Here  N  1 -fold integral corresponds to averaging over the “path” of the particle as a broken line in the plane  q,   with the vertices  qk , k  , k  1, N  1 . For the approximate calculation of the continu- al integral (8) the continuous axis  is replaced by the grid   k  ka, k  0, N with the step a and the Euclidean propagator of a free particle K E(0)  q, ; q0 ,0  is separated  a N  K E  q, ; q0 ,0   K E(0)  q, ; q0 ,0  exp   V (qk )  , (10)  k 1  0, N  m  12  m  q  q0 2  K (0)  q, ; q0 ,0     exp   . (11)  2   2  E   The denoted by angle brackets averaging over  N  1 -dimensional vectors Q  q1 , , qN 1 with the distribution law W  q0 ; q1 , , qN 1 ; qN   m N  qk  qk 1 2  W  q0 ; q1 , , qN 1 ; qN   C exp    N  (12)  k 1 2a  may be calculated using the Monte Carlo method [15]. The standard algorithm for simulation of the random vector consists in a sequential choice of the values of its components from the conditional dis- tributions W1  q1  , W2  q2 | q1  , W3  q3 | q1 , q2  , …, WN 1  qN 1 | q1 , q2 , , qN 2  . Here Wk  qk | q1 , q2 , , qk 1  is the probability density for the values of the quantity qk given the values of quantities q1 , q2 , , qk 1 . In this case the quantity qk is normally distributed with the mean value Mq , variance Dk and standard deviation  k  Dk [11] Mqk  C1qk 1  C2 qN , (13) Dk  C2 a m , (14) k   C2 a m , 12 (15) where C2   N  k  1 , C1   N  k  C2 . 1 (16) The next trajectory in the simulation is calculated by the formula qk =Mqk   k k , k  1, N  1 , (17) where  k is a normally distributed random variable with zero mean and unity variance. Sample one- dimensional random trajectories for low and large numbers of time steps are shown in Figs. 1a and 1b, respectively. For large values of  random trajectories may reach the region where the probability density for the states with continuum spectrum is substantially larger than the probability density for the ground state, which may lead to a deviation from the asymptotic behavior (7) and the growth of the error. Therefore, the formula (7) is only applicable for the not very large values of  . 10 Параллельные вычислительные технологии (ПаВТ’2016) || Parallel computational technologies (PCT’2016) agora.guru.ru/pavt Fig. 1. Sample one-dimensional random trajectories for low (a) and large (b) numbers of time steps. For convenience of calculations in the scale of nuclear forces the expressions (6), (10) − (15) are represented using dimensionless variables q  q x0 , V  V (q) E0 , m  m m0 ,    t0 , a  a t0 , where x0  1 fm, E0  1 MeV, m0 is the nucleon mass, t0  m0 x02  1.57 1023 sec, b0  t0 E0  0.02412 . Then 12  m   N  K E  q0 , ; q0 ,0   x01   exp  ab0 V (qk )  , (18)  2   k 1  0, N Dk  k2 , qk =Mqk  k k , k  x0 C2 a m , 12 (19)  N  q  qk 1 2  W  q0 ; q1 , , qN 1 ; qN   C N exp   k , (20)  k 1 2a  1 1 ln K E  q, ; q,0   ln  0 (q)  E0 ,    . 2 (21) b0 b0 Formulas (2)−(16) are naturally generalized to a larger number of degrees of freedom and few particles including identical ones. The nucleon identity requires symmetrization of trajectories [9], therefore the configurations symmetric with respect to the positions of two neutrons and/or protons will be considered below. The nuclei 3H, 3He and 4He contain only two identical fermions (protons and/or neutrons with opposite spins) and the calculation of their ground states may be carried out without taking into account the Pauli principle by selecting pairs of identical fermions. It should be noted that the calculation of multiple integrals required to find the multidimensional probability density  0  r1 ,, rn  2 by Feynman’s continual integrals method continues to be a chal- lenging task. However, the analysis of the properties of  0  r1 ,, rn  2 allows to choose analytical approximations of  0  r1 ,, rn  and the application of the formula (7) in a single point in the multi- dimensional space allows to find the approximate value of the energy of the ground state. To reduce the multiplicity of integrals in the formula (10) the calculation should be performed in the center of mass system using the Jacobi coordinates [4, 9]. For a system of two particles (2H nucleus) R  r2  r1 , (22) where r1 and r2 are the radius vectors of a proton and a neutron, respectively. For a system of three particles, two of which are identical (2 neutrons or 2 protons in 3H and 3He nuclei, respectively) 11 Параллельные вычислительные технологии (ПаВТ’2016) || Parallel computational technologies (PCT’2016) agora.guru.ru/pavt 1 R  r2  r1 , r  r3   r1  r2  . (23) 2 In the case of 3H nucleus r3 is the radius vector of a proton, r1 and r2 are the radius vectors of neu- trons. In the case of 3He nucleus r3 is the radius vector of a neutron, r1 and r2 are the radius vectors of protons. For a system of four particles consisting of two pairs of identical particles (2 protons and 2 neu- trons in 4He nucleus) 1 1 R1  r2  r1 , R2  r4  r3 , r   r3  r4    r1  r2  , (24) 2 2 where r1 and r2 are the radius vectors of protons, r3 and r4 are the radius vectors of neutrons. In the calculation of the propagator K  q, ; q0 ,0  for the nuclei 2H, 3H, 3He, 4He neutron-proton Vn  p (r ) , neutron-neutron Vn  n (r ) and proton-proton Vp  p (r ) two-body strong interaction potentials have been used. The dependence of the nucleon-nucleon interaction with a hard core on the distance r was approximated by a combination of Gaussian type exponentials similar to the M3Y potential [16, 17] Vn  n (r )  V p  p (r )   uk exp   r 2 bk2  , 3 (25) k 1 Vn  p (r )  Vn n (r ) . (26) The values of the parameters u1  500 MeV, u2  102 MeV, u3  2 MeV, b1  0.59 fm, b2  1.40 fm, b3  2.94 fm and   1.2 MeV were determined from the condition of the absence of bound states of two identical nucleons as well as the approximate equality of the energy E 0 found from (5) and (7) to the experimental values of the binding energies for the nuclei 2H, 3H, 3He, 4He (e.g., [18]). The plots of the potentials (25) and (26) are shown in Fig. 2. Fig. 2. The neutron-proton (solid line), neutron-neutron (dashed line), and proton-proton (dotted line) interaction potentials. 3. Implementation For numerical calculations the Monte Carlo method was used. The algorithm was developed and implemented in C++ programming language using NVIDIA CUDA technology. The principal scheme of the calculation of the ground state energy for the one-dimensional case is shown in Fig. 3. The calculation of the propagator (18) is performed using L sequential launches of the kernel. Each kernel launch simulates n random trajectories in the space evolving from the Euclidean 12 Параллельные вычислительные технологии (ПаВТ’2016) || Parallel computational technologies (PCT’2016) agora.guru.ru/pavt time   0 to  j  jt0 / a , where j  1, L (see Fig. 1). All trajectories start at the same point q0 in the space and in the moment  j return back to the same point q0 according to the probability distribution described above. The choice of the initial point q0 is arbitrary. In the case of the multidimensional space q0 must be replaced with the set of coordinates in the multidimensional space. All threads in a given kernel launch finish at approximately the same time, which makes the scheme quite effective in spite of the possible delays associated with the kernel launch overhead. Besides, the typical number of kernel launches L required for the calculation of the ground state energy usually does not exceed 100. Fig. 3. The scheme of calculation of the ground state energy for the one-dimensional case. Starting from the certain time lin  Llint0 / a , where 1  Llin  L , the obtained values of the loga- rithm of the propagator b01 ln K E (21) tend to lie on the straight line, the slope of which gives the val- ue of the ground state energy. The time lin is then used in the calculation of the square modulus of the wave function. The principal scheme of the calculation of the square modulus of the wave function for the one- dimensional case is shown in Fig. 4. Similarly, the calculation is performed using M sequential launches of the kernel. Each kernel launch simulates n random trajectories in the space from the Eu- clidean time   0 to the time lin determined in the calculation of the ground state energy. All trajec- tories start at the same point qi in the space and in the moment lin return back to the same point qi according to the probability distribution described above. Here i  1, M , where M is the total number of points in the space in which the square modulus of the wave function must be calculated. In the case of the multidimensional space qi must be replaced with the set of coordinates in the multidimensional space. One of the benefits of the approach is that the calculation may be easily resumed at a later time. 13 Параллельные вычислительные технологии (ПаВТ’2016) || Parallel computational technologies (PCT’2016) agora.guru.ru/pavt For example, initially the square modulus of the wave function may be calculated with a large space step to obtain the general features of the probability distribution, and later new intermediate points are calculated and combined with those calculated previously. This may be very useful because the calcu- lation of the square modulus of the wave function is generally much more time-consuming since it requires calculation in many points in the multidimensional space. An important feature of the algorithm allowing to effectively use graphic processors is low con- sumption of memory during the calculation because it is not necessary to prepare a grid of values and store it in the memory. To obtain normally distributed random numbers the cuRAND random number generator was used. According to the recommendations of the cuRAND developers each experiment was assigned a unique seed. Within the experiment, each thread of computation was assigned a unique sequence number. All threads between kernel launches were given the same seed, and the sequence numbers were assigned in a monotonically increasing way. Fig. 4. The scheme of calculation of the square modulus of the wave function for the one-dimensional case. 4. Results and discussion Calculations were performed on the NVIDIA Tesla K40s accelerator installed within the hetero- geneous cluster [19] of the Laboratory of Information Technologies, Joint Institute for Nuclear Re- search, Dubna. The code was compiled with CUDA version 7.5 for architecture version 3.5. Calcula- tions were performed with single precision. The Euclidean time step a  0.01 was used. Additionally, NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT accelerator was used for debugging and testing purposes. The dependence of logarithm of the propagator b01 ln K E on the Euclidean time  is shown in Fig. 5 for nuclei 2H (a), 3H (b), 3He (c) and 4He (d). Different symbols correspond to different statistics n: empty circles (105), filled circles (106, 5·106, 107). 14 Параллельные вычислительные технологии (ПаВТ’2016) || Parallel computational technologies (PCT’2016) agora.guru.ru/pavt The behavior of the curves may be easily explained if we note that in all these cases only the en- ergy of the ground state is negative and therefore only the first term in (4) increases with the increase of  , whereas the energies of the excited states are positive and hence the other terms in (4) decrease with the increase of  . Fig. 5. The dependence of the logarithm of the propagator b01 ln K E on the Euclidean time  for 2H (a), 3H (b), 3 He (c) and 4He (d). Lines are the results of linear fitting of the data lying on the straight parts of the curves for 2 H (e), 3H (f), 3He (g) and 4He (h). Different symbols correspond to different statistics n: empty circles (105), filled circles (106, 5·106, 107). 15 Параллельные вычислительные технологии (ПаВТ’2016) || Parallel computational technologies (PCT’2016) agora.guru.ru/pavt The results of linear fitting of the straight parts of the curves are shown in Fig. 5eh. According to the formula (21) the angular coefficient of the linear regression equals the binding energy. The ob- tained theoretical binding energies are listed in Tab. 1 together with the experimental values taken from [18]. It is clear that the theoretical values are close enough to the experimental ones, though ob- taining good agreement was not the goal. As can be seen from Fig. 2, the difference between neutron- neutron Vn  n (r ) and proton-proton Vp  p (r ) potentials is very small. Nevertheless, the difference be- tween the calculated binding energies of 3H and 3He is observed in agreement with the experimental values. The comparison of the square modulus of the wave function for 2H calculated on GPU using NVIDIA CUDA technology within Feynman’s continual integrals method and the square modulus of the wave function calculated on CPU within the shell model is shown in Fig. 6a. The same potentials (25), (26) were used. Good agreement between the curves confirms that the code based on Feynman’s continual integrals method using CUDA technology provides correct results. Table 1. Comparison of theoretical and experimental energies of ground states. Atomic nucleus Theoretical value, MeV Experimental value, MeV 2 H 1.17 ± 1 2.225 3 H 9.29 ± 1 8.482 3 He 6.86 ± 1 7.718 4 He 26.95 ± 1 28.296 Fig. 6. (a) The square modulus of the wave function for 2H calculated on GPU using NVIDIA CUDA technolo- gy within Feynman’s continual integrals method (circles) compared with the square modulus of the wave func- tion calculated on CPU within the shell model (line); r is the distance between the proton and the neutron. (b) The theoretical charge distribution for 3He (circles) compared with experimental data taken from [18] (lines). It should be mentioned that the wave function cannot be measured directly, though the charge ra- dii and charge distributions obtained from experiments may provide some information on its behavior. To compare the results of calculations with the experimental charge radii and charge distributions the wave function must be integrated.   2 The probability density distribution 0 R; r for the three-body configurations of 3He (p + p + n) with   0 , 45 , 90 is shown in logarithmic scale in Fig. 7a,b,c, respectively, together with the potential energy surface (linear scale, lines). The vectors in Jacobi coordinates are shown in Fig. 7d. The theoretical charge distribution for 3He obtained by integration of the wave function is com- pared with experimental data taken from [18] in Fig 6b. As can be seen, the agreement is very good. 1/2 The obtained theoretical charge radius Rch2  1.94 fm is also very close to the experimental value 1.9664  0.0023 fm. 16 Параллельные вычислительные технологии (ПаВТ’2016) || Parallel computational technologies (PCT’2016) agora.guru.ru/pavt      R ,0,0;0,0, r ;0, R  R ,0 for the 2 2 The probability density distribution 0 R1 ; r ; R2 0 1x z 2y 1x symmetric tetrahedral configuration of four nucleons in the nucleus 4He R1  r  R2 , R1  R2 , R1   R1x ,0,0  , r   0,0, rz  , R2   0, R2 y  R1x ,0  (27) is shown in logarithmic scale in Fig. 7e together with the potential energy surface (linear scale, lines). The vectors in Jacobi coordinates are shown in Fig. 7f. Note also that the presence of the repulsive core in the nucleon-nucleon interaction reduces the probability of finding nucleons in the center of mass of the system for the considered symmetric con- figurations. This should lead to a smoother increase in the concentration of nucleons and the density of electric charge when approaching the center of the nucleus. Fig. 7. The probability density for the configurations of 3He with   0 (a), 45 (b), 90 (c) and the vectors in Jacobi coordinates (d). The probability density for the configuration of 4He symmetric with respect to the posi- tions of protons and neutrons (e) and the vectors in Jacobi coordinates (f). 17 Параллельные вычислительные технологии (ПаВТ’2016) || Parallel computational technologies (PCT’2016) agora.guru.ru/pavt The analysis of the properties of  0  r1 ,, rn  allows to choose analytical approximations for it, 2 e.g., as the product of the Gaussian type exponentials. The obtained approximations may be used in dynamic calculations. The code implementing Feynman’s continual integrals method was initially written for CPU. The comparison of the calculation time of the ground state energy for 3He using Intel Core i5 3470 and NVIDIA Tesla K40s with different statistics is shown in Tab. 2. Even taking into account that the code for CPU used only 1 thread and a different random number generator, the time difference is impres- sive. This fact allows to increase the statistics and the accuracy of calculations in the case of using CUDA technology. Table 2. Comparison of the calculation time of the ground state energy for 3He nucleus. Statistics, Intel Core i5 3470 Tesla K40s, Performance gain, n (1 thread), sec sec times 105 ~ 1854 ~8 ~ 232 106 ~ 18377 ~ 47 ~ 391 5·10 6 − ~ 221 − 107 − ~ 439 − The comparison of the calculation time of the square modulus of the wave function for the ground state of 3He using Intel Core i5 3470 and NVIDIA Tesla K40s with the statistics 106 and the number of points in the space 60·60·12 is shown in Tab. 3. The value ~ 177 days for CPU is an estimation based on the performance gain in the calculation of the ground state energy. It is evident that beside the per- formance gain the use of CUDA technology may allow to reduce the space step in the calculation of the wave functions, as well as greatly simplify the process of debugging and testing, and in certain cases it may even enable calculations impossible before. Table 3. Comparison of the calculation time of the square modulus of the wave function for the ground state of 3 He nucleus. Statistics, Intel Core i5 3470 Tesla K40s n (1 thread), estimation 106 ~ 177 days ~ 11 hours 5. Conclusion In this work an attempt is made to use modern parallel computing solutions to speed up the calcu- lations of ground states of few-body nuclei by Feynman’s continual integrals method. The algorithm allowing to perform calculations directly on GPU was developed and implemented in C++ program- ming language. The method was applied to the nuclei consisting of nucleons, but it may also be ap- plied to the calculation of cluster nuclei. The energy and the square modulus of the wave function of the ground states of several few-body nuclei have been calculated by Feynman’s continual integrals method using NVIDIA CUDA technology. The comparison with the square modulus of the wave function for 2H calculated on CPU within the shell model was performed to confirm the correctness of the calculations. The obtained values of the theoretical binding energies are close enough to the exper- imental values. The theoretical charge radius and charge distribution for 3He nucleus are also in good agreement with the experimental data. The results show that the use of GPGPU significantly increases the speed of calculations. This allows to increase the statistics and the accuracy of calculations as well as reduce the space step in calculations of wave functions. 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