Meta-Modeling Extension of Horn-SROIQ and Query Answering Zhenzhen Gu Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China Abstract. We investigate reasoning and query answering in expressive domain knowledge bases (KBs) that are in OWL 2 Full and contain large individual data sets. For this, we introduce Hi(Horn-SROIQ) and meta-queries based on HiLog semantics. Hi(Horn-SROIQ) is extended from Horn-SROIQ, the horn fragment of the most expressive description logic (DL) for OWL 2 with well known low data complexity, by allowing classes and roles to be used as individuals. Accordingly, meta-queries are obtained from conjunctive queries by allowing variables to appear in the class and role positions. For reasoning, we first provide a method of reducing satisfiability checking and conjunctive query answering in Hi(Horn-SROIQ) to the corresponding reasoning tasks in Horn-SROIQ soundly and completely, then we show that meta-query answering in Hi(Horn-SROIQ) can be captured by conjunctive query answering. Based on this, we obtain that adding meta-modeling capability to Hi(Horn- SROIQ) has no impact on the complexity of the considered reasoning tasks. These results make Hi(Horn-SROIQ) appealing for practical usage. 1 Introduction With the successful application of the Semantic Web technologies, more and more domain KBs have been developed over the past decades for reusing and sharing. Most of them are in OWL 2 DL so that efficient and mature DL Reason- ers, such as HermiT [8], Pellet [33] and RacerPro [10], can take effect to facilitate reasoning and query answering. However, caused by meta-modeling, there exist certain complex KBs that fall into OWL 2 Full. This can be exemplified by the Foundational Model of Anatomy (FMA) [27], common sense KB OpenCyc [23] and Suggested Upper Merged Ontology (SUMO) [31]. All of these widely used KBs not only contain large-scale individual data but also most classes and roles are also used as individuals at the same time. OWL 2 Full is undecidable. Com- pared with OWL 2 DL, reasoning in OWL 2 Full has largely been unexplored. Up to now, no Reasoner has been especially developed for it. Thus, efficiently reasoning and query answering in such KBs raise new challenges. For meta-modeling, OWL 2 DL provides a technique called punning by syn- tactically allowing names to have multiple uses while semantically treating the different uses of the same name as completely separate [9]. Such way of processing meta-modeling dooms to no new entailments can be obtained. Moreover, in order to reuse the techniques as well as systems for DLs, [3,7,11,13,21,24–26,30] inves- tigate adding meta-modeling capability to decidable DLs by allowing one name to act as multiple roles in various ways. The referred DLs contain SHOIQ [15], SHIQ [16], SROIQ [14], and ALCQ [5]. For these works, excepting high reasoning complexity, query answering which plays an important role in Semantic Web for realizing knowledge sharing and reusing has rarely been discussed, nor the abili- ty of handing scalability. Extension of tractable language DL-LiteR is discussed in [3] and [22]. Although having low reasoning complexity, the expressivity is every restricted. On the other hand, in DL based knowledge representation systems, individual assertions describe the concrete world and usually account for a large proportion of domain KBs, such as, 94.6% in FMA and 78.5% in OpenCyc. As more and more applications require scalability in terms of individual assertions, Horn-DLs [1,4,18–20,29] have been introduced and attract more and more attention, since they promise to make a suitable trade-off between scalability and expressivity. In [28] and [29], Ortiz has shown that data complexities (measured in the size of individual assertions) of satisfiability checking and conjunctive query answering in Horn-SROIQ, the horn fragment of the most expressive DL for OWL 2, are PTime and PTime-complete. Lower data complexity makes Horn DLs a natural and efficient choice for reasoning with large number of individuals. Moreover, [20] has pointed out that many OWL 2 ontologies are Horn. When omitting meta- modeling, many actual OWL 2 Full ontologies, such as OpenCyc, SUMO and Yago, fall into Horn-SROIQ. For reasoning and query answering in OWL 2 Full ontologies containing large number of individuals, attracted by the low data complexity as well as suitable expressivity of Horn-SROIQ, in this paper, we discuss extending Horn-SROIQ with meta-modeling capability. Our contributions can be summarized as follows: (1) We formalize Hi(Horn-SROIQ) and meta-queries based on HiLog semantic- s. Hi(Horn-SROIQ) is defined by unifying the sets of names for classes, roles and individuals. Accordingly, meta-queries are defined by allowing variables to appear in the class and role positions of conjunctive queries. (2) We provide a way of reducing satisfiability checking and conjunctive query answering in a Hi(Horn-SROIQ) KB to the corresponding reasoning tasks in a Horn-SROIQ KB with size no more than the original KB soundly and completely. (3) We show that meta-query answering in Hi(Horn-SROIQ) can be reduced to conjunctive query answering through materializing the variables appearing in the class and role positions soundly and completely. (4) We show that satisfiability checking and meta-query answering in Hi(Horn- SROIQ) still have PTime and PTime-complete data complexities, respectively. From the practical point of view, our work has the following two advantages. Firstly, by allowing all the names to have different uses without any restriction, Hi(Horn-SROIQ) has the flexibility to capture meta-modeling in the actual KBs. And secondly, by reasoning reduction, the systems tailored for DLs or Horn Logic can be used to realize reasoning with Hi(Horn-SROIQ). 2 Hi(Horn-SROIQ) and meta-query In this section, we formalize the syntax and semantics of Hi(Horn-SROIQ) and meta-queries. And we start with defining Hi(Horn-SROIQ) based on Horn- SROIQ [20, 29] r1 R ◦ R vr R B, C and D are inductively defined as follows: r2 Inv(R) vr R r3 ω vr R B ::= A|{a}|∃S.Self r4 ω ◦ R vr R C ::= B|∃R.C|C t C|C u C r5 R ◦ ω vr R 0 D ::= B|¬B|∃R.D| ≥ mS.D| ≤ 1S.D r6 Disj(S, S ) |D u D r7 C vc D r8 B(a), R(a, b), a ≈ b, a 6≈ b Fig. 1. Syntax of Hi(Horn-SROIQ) where R is a role, ω = R1 ◦ · · · ◦ Rn and Ri ≺ R for each 1 ≤ i ≤ n, S and S 0 are simple roles, and A, P, a, b ∈ N Hi(Horn-SROIQ). Let N be a countably infinite set of names such that {>, ⊥} ⊆ N . For each P ∈ N , P and P − are roles, and their respective in- verses are Inv(P ) = P − and Inv(P − ) = P . A role hierarchy Rh is a set of role inclusion axioms which take the form R1 ◦ · · · ◦ Rn vr R where R1 , · · · , Rn and R are roles. Rh is called regular, if there exists an irreflexive and transitive binary relation ≺ on the set N ∪ {P − |P ∈ N } of roles such that S ≺ R iff Inv(S) ≺ R for all roles S and R, and all the role inclusion axioms in Rh have the forms r1 − r5 in figure 1. Given a role hierarchy Rh , the set of roles that are non-simple in Rh is inductively defined as follows: (1) R is non-simple if Rh contains a RIA R1 ◦ · · · ◦ Rn vr R such that n > 1, or n = 1 and R1 is non-simple; (2) an inverse role Inv(R) is non-simple if R is. A role R is simple in Rh if it is not non-simple in Rh . Given Rh , a role disjoint axiom and a class inclusion axiom take the form r6 and form r7 in figure 1, respectively, and an individual assertion has one of the forms in r8 in figure 1. A Hi(Horn-SROIQ) KB K is a tuple (Rh ∪ Rd ∪ C, A) where Rh is a regular role hierarchy, Rd , C and A are finite sets of role disjoint axioms, class inclusion axioms, and individual assertions, respectively. And we use |K|, |Rh ∪ Rd ∪ C|, |A| to denote the size of K, Rh ∪ Rd ∪ C and A, respectively. Hi(Horn-SROIQ) does not separate names for classes, roles and individuals. Thus, symbols vc and vr are used to distinguish between class inclusion axioms and role inclusion axioms. Moreover, for simplification, we use a =l b as an abbreviation of the two axioms a vl b and b vl a, where l ∈ {c, r}. The following example illustrates a simple Hi(Horn-SROIQ) KB which models some knowledge about football described in OpenCyc. Example 1. Let K be a Hi(Horn-SROIQ) KB consisting of the following axioms ((a), (b) and (c)) and individual assertions ((d ), (e), and (f )): SportsTeam vc ¬AllStarTeam (a) Football team vc SportsTeam (b) > vc ≤ 1rewriteOf.>u ∃rewriteOf.Self (c) rewriteOf(FootballTeam, Football team) (d) SportsTeamTypeBySport(Football team) (e) FootballTeam(BarcelonaDragons) (f ) In this Hi(Horn-SROIQ) KB, names FootballTeam and Football team have multiple uses, i.e, as classes and individuals. The semantics of Hi(Horn-SROIQ) is captured by v-interpretation [26] which is based on HiLog [2] and takes a similar way of OWL 2 RDF-Based Semantics [32] to interpret the multiple uses of names in a KB. Syntax Semantics V V P R (P ) P− {(y, x)|(x, y) ∈ RV (P V )} A CV (AV ) {a} {aV } ∃S.Self {x|(x, x) ∈ RV (R)} ¬B ∆V − CV (B) C uD CV (C) ∩ CV (D) C tD CV (C) ∪ CV (D) ∃R.C {x|∃y.(x, y) ∈ RV (R)∧y ∈ CV (C)} ∀R.C {x|∀y.(x, y) ∈ RV (R) → y ∈ CV (C)} ≤ 1S.D {x|#{y|(x, y) ∈ RV (S)∧y ∈ CV (D)} ≤ 1} ≥ mS.D {x|#{y|(x, y) ∈ RV (S)∧y ∈ CV (D)} ≥ m} B vc C CV (B) ⊆ CV (C) ω vr R RV (R1 ) ◦ · · · ◦ RV (Rn ) ⊆ RV (R) Disj(S, R) RV (S) ∩ RV (R) = ∅ B(a) a ∈ CV (B) R(a, b) (aV , bV ) ∈ RV (R) a≈b aV = bV a 6≈ b aV 6= bV Fig. 2. Semantics of Hi(Horn-SROIQ) refers to a v-interpretation V where P , A, a and b are names in N , m ≥ 0 and ω = R1 ◦ · · · ◦ Rn . v-semantics. A v-interpretation V = (∆V , ·V , CV , RV ) is a tuple where ∆V is a non-empty domain set, ·V , CV and RV are functions satisfying: (a) ·V maps each name in N to an element in ∆V ; (b) CV maps each element in ∆V to a subset of ∆V such that CV (>V ) = ∆V and CV (⊥V ) = ∅; (c) RV maps each element in ∆V to a subset of ∆V × ∆V . The interpretation of class and role constructors as well as axioms and assertions are specified in figure 2. We say V is a v-model of a Hi(Horn-SROIQ) KB K if V satisfies each axiom and assertion in K. We say K is v-satisfiable iff it has a v-model. Moreover, the v-entailment (|=v ) is defined as usual. In a v-interpretation, the class and role extensions of names are obtained from the domain elements they mapped into. This indicates that under v-semantics, a Hi(Horn-SROIQ) KB may imply that a non-simple role and a simple role are equivalent. Such equivalences between roles may cause (a) transitive roles (R ◦ R vr R) are used in number restrictions (≤ 1R.D and ≥ mS.D) or (b) role hierarchies contain cyclic dependencies. (a) and (b) are well known factors that lead to undecidability [16, 17]. Consider the following axioms and assertion: P5 ◦ P4 vr P4 , P3 ◦ P4 vr P3 , P3 ◦ P2 vr P2 , P1 ◦ P2 vr P1 (1) P1 ◦ P1 vr P1 , > vc ≥ 5P5 .> (2) P5 ≈ P1 (3) Under v-semantics, the assertion in (3) implies the axiom P1 =r P5 . Such equiva- lence between non-simple role P1 and simple role P5 leads to the fact that tran- sitive role P1 is used in the number restriction in (2) and the roles in (1) contain cyclic dependencies. For decidability, motivated by [26], we assume Hi(Horn- SROIQ) adopts unique non-simple role assumption (UNRA), i.e., for each Hi(Horn-SROIQ) KB K and each two different names a and b in K, if a or b is a non-simple role in K then we assume K contains the assertion a 6≈ b. Meta-queries. Let V be a set of variables such that V ∩ N = ∅. A query atom has the form x(y), x(y, z) or x ≈ y where x, y, z ∈ N ∪ V. A meta-query Q is an expression of the form: α1 ∧ · · · ∧ αn → q(x ) where α1 , · · · , αn are query atoms and x called the head of Q is a tuple of elements in N ∪ V such that each variable in x appears in some αi . Variable x is called a class (role) variable of Q if Q contains an atom x(y) (x(y, z)). Without class and role variables, Q is a conjunctive query. For a tuple x, we use |x| to denote the length of x and use x[i] to denote the i-th element of x for 1 ≤ i ≤ |x|. For another tuple a such that |a| = |x|, we use [x/a] to denote a substitution. And for an object O (a KB, query or tuple), we use O[x/a] to denote the result of replacing each appearance of x[i] in O with a[i] for each 1 ≤ i ≤ |x|. Meta-query answering. For v-interpretation V and meta-query Q, a binding π of Q over V is a function that maps each variable in Q to an element in ∆V and each name a in Q to aV . The satisfaction of query atoms is defined as follows: V, π |=v x(y) if π(y) ∈ CV (π(x)) V, π |=v x(y, z) if (π(y), π(z)) ∈ RV (π(x)) V, π |=v x ≈ y if π(x) = π(y) We write V, π |=v Q if V and π satisfy all the query atoms in Q. We write V |=v Q if there exists a binding π of Q over V such that V, π |=v Q. Let x be the head of Q. For Hi(Horn-SROIQ) KB K, a tuple u of names appearing in K, such that |u| = |x| and if |x| ≥ 1, u[i] = x[i] for each 1 ≤ i ≤ |x| with x[i] ∈ N , is called a certain answer of Q over K if V |=v Q[x/u] for each v-model V of K. We use ansv (Q, K) to denote the set of all the certain answers of Q over K. In a meta-query, the variables that do not appear in the head of this query are treated as existential variables. This is the main difference between meta-queries and SPARQL OWL 2 RDF-Based Semantics Entailment Regime [6] where all the variables in a query are treated as free variables. Such difference indicates that under v-semantics, more certain answers can be obtained. For the reasoning tasks of Hi(Horn-SROIQ), we just consider v-satisfiability checking and meta- query answering, since the other reasoning problems, such as individual checking, can be reduced to v-satisfiability checking. 3 Reasoning with Hi(Horn-SROIQ) In this section, we study reasoning in Hi(Horn-SROIQ). For this, we first present a way of reducing v-satisfiability checking and conjunctive query answering in Hi(Horn-SROIQ) to the corresponding reasoning tasks in Horn-SROIQ soundly and completely, then we show that meta-query answering in Hi(Horn-SROIQ) can be captured by conjunctive query answering. 3.1 v-satisfiability checking and conjunctive query answering For the reasoning reduction, a naive solution is to use OWL 2 DL punning where a Hi(Horn-SROIQ) KB can be considered as a Horn-SROIQ KB by treating the multiple uses of a same name as completely separate. Although simple, com- pleteness can not be guaranteed. Next, we explain the reason and provide a technique to obtain completeness. Before that, we first show a way of trans- lating a Hi(Horn-SROIQ) KB into a Horn-SROIQ KB by renaming the names appearing in the class and role positions in the original KB. role R τr (R) class C τc (C) P vr (P ) A vc (A) P− vr (P )− {a} {a} axiom α τ (α) ∃S.Self ∃τr (S).Self atom α τ (α) C vc D τc (C) v τc (D) ¬B ¬τr (B) A(x) vc (A)(x) ω vr R ω 0 v τr (R) C u D τc (C) u τc (D) P (x, y) vr (P )(x, y) Disj(S, R) Disj(τr (S), τr (R)) C t D τc (C) t τc (D) x≈y x≈y B(a) τc (B)(a) ∃R.C ∃τr (R).τc (C) R(a, b) τr (R)(a, b) ∀R.C ∀τr (R).τc (C) a≈b a≈b ≤ 1S.D ≤ 1τr (S).τc (D) a 6≈ b a 6≈ b ≥ mS.D ≥ mτr (S).τc (D) Fig. 3. Definition of functions τr , τc and τ where P , A, a and b are names in N , m ≥ 0, ω = R1 ◦ · · · ◦ Rn , ω 0 = τr (R1 ) ◦ · · · ◦ τr (Rn ), and x and y are elements in N ∪ V . Let NC and NR be two disjoint sets of names for Horn-SROIQ classes and roles such that NC and NR are disjoint with N and have the same size with N . For simplicity, we specify N to be the set of names for Horn-SROIQ individuals. Let vc and vr be two injective functions that map each name in N to a unique Horn-SROIQ class name and role name, respectively. The translation of Hi(Horn- SROIQ) classes and roles as well as axioms, assertions and query atoms is realized by functions τc , τr and τ defined in figure 3. For a Hi(Horn-SROIQ) KB K, we use τ (K) to denote the KB obtained by replacing each axiom (assertion) α in K with τ (α). And for a conjunctive query q, we use τ (q) to denote the query obtained by replacing each query atom α in q with τ (α). The soundness of punning in terms of KB non-satisfiability and conjunctive query answering is shown in the following proposition. Proposition 1 For Hi(Horn-SROIQ) KB K, we can get that: • if K is v-satisfiable then τ (K) is satisfiable; • ans(τ (q), τ (K)) ⊆ ansv (q, K)1 for each conjunctive query q. Next, we show the incompleteness of punning by an example. Consider the Hi(Horn-SROIQ) KB K in example 1. Obviously, K is v-satisfiable. However, when we add the axiom (g): FootballTeam vc AllStarTeam to it, the resultant KB K0 is not v-satisfiable anymore. Since, under v-semantics, by (d), (c), (b) and (a), we can get that K |=v FootballTeam vc ¬AllStarTeam. This conclusion contradicts with (g). However K0 is still satisfiable in terms of punning. Such incompleteness is caused by the fact that under v-semantics, the behaviors of names used as individuals effect the same names used as classes and roles. For completeness, an intuitive way is to use materialization, i.e, materializing the entailments that can be entailed by v-semantics but not punning to the original Hi(Horn-SROIQ) KBs. The next Lemma, which illustrates a sufficient and necessary condition under which v-semantics and punning coincide in terms of KB satisfiability and conjunctive query answering, indicates a way of doing such materialization soundly and completely. Lemma 1 For a Hi(Horn-SROIQ) KB K, if K contains the axiom a =c b and a =r b for each two different names a and b in N such that τ (K) |= a ≈ b, then: • K is v-satisfiable iff τ (K) is satisfiable; • ansv (q, K) = ans(τ (q), τ (K)) for each conjunctive query q; For a Hi(Horn-SROIQ) KB K, by lemma 1, the materialization can be easily realized by the following two steps. (1) If τ (K) is satisfiable then for each assertion a ≈ b entailed by τ (K), add the axioms a =c b and a =r b to K; (2) Iterate (1) until K does not change anymore. Then by proposition 1 and lemma 1, we can easily obtain that reasoning with the original KB under v-semantics can 1 ans(τ (q), τ (K)) denotes the set of certain answers of τ (q) over τ (K) be captured by reasoning with the resultant KB using punning soundly and completely. However, such naive way of materialization will lead to the size of the original KB increased quadratically. Note that, lemma 1 also indicates that if a Hi(Horn-SROIQ) KB cannot entail any equivalence between different names by punning then v-semantics and punning are also coincident in terms of KB satisfiability and conjunctive query answering. This motivates us that in order not to increase the size of the original Hi(Horn-SROIQ) KB, for each detected name equivalence, we use one name to replace the other name in the original KB rather than add new axioms. For a Hi(Horn-SROIQ) KB K, let a and b be two tuples such that |a| = |b| = 0. Then such materialization procedure can be realized by the following two steps: Step 1: If τ (K) is satisfiable then for each two different names a and b such that τ (K) |= a ≈ b, let K = K[b/a], b = (b, b) and a = (a[b/a], a); Step 2: Iterate step 1, until K does not change anymore. For K, we use K e to denote the KB obtained by step 1 and step 2. And we use εK to denote the corresponding substitution [b/a]. The correctness of this materialization procedure can be guaranteed by the following two lemmas which respectively indicate that after a sires of name replacement, the resultant KB is still a Hi(Horn-SROIQ) KB, and reasoning with the original KB can be captured by the resultant KB soundly and completely. Lemma 2 Let K be a Hi(Horn-SROIQ) KB and a and b be two names in N . If τ (K) is satisfiable and entails a ≈ b then K[b/a] is still a Hi(Horn-SROIQ) KB. Lemma 3 Let K be a Hi(Horn-SROIQ) KB and δ = [b/a] a substitution such that K |=v a[i] ≈ b[i] for each 1 ≤ i ≤ |b|. If Kδ is a Hi(Horn-SROIQ) KB, then: • K is v-satisfiable iff Kδ is v-satisfiable; • u ∈ ansv (q, K) iff uδ ∈ ansv (qδ, Kδ) for each conjunctive query q. Combing the above three lemmas, we can finally obtain the way of reducing v-satisfiability checking and conjunctive query answering in a Hi(Horn-SROIQ) to the corresponding reasoning tasks in a Horn-SROIQ KB with size no more than the original KB soundly and completely, showing in the following theorem. Theorem 1 For Hi(Horn-SROIQ) KB K, the following three conclusions hold: • K e is a Hi(Horn-SROIQ) KB; • K is v-satisfiable iff τ (K) e is satisfiable; • u ∈ ansv (q, K) iff uεK ∈ ans(τ (qεK ), τ (K)) e for each conjunctive query q. Example 2. For the KB K in example 1, by step 1 and step 2, we can obtain a Hi(Horn-SROIQ) KB K e = KεK where εK = [Football team/FootballTeam]. By theorem 1, we can get that v-satisfiability checking and conjunctive query answering in K can be captured by K e soundly and completely. 3.2 Meta-query answering in Hi(Horn-SROIQ) For a Hi(Horn-SROIQ) KB K, analogous to lemma 3, we can get that meta-query answering in K can be captured by meta-query answering in the materialized KB K,e showing in the following lemma. Lemma 4 For a Hi(Horn-SROIQ) KB K and meta-query Q, then we can get that u ∈ ansv (Q, K) iff uεK ∈ ansv (QεK , K). e For a Hi(Horn-SROIQ) KB K and meta-query Q, a CP-binding ξ of Q over K is a function that maps each class variable of Q to > or a name used as class in K and maps each role variable of Q to a name used as role in K. We use Qξ to denote the conjunctive query obtained by replacing each appearance of x in Q with ξ(x) for each class (role) variable x of Q. The following theorem shows that meta-query answering over the materialized KB can be captured by conjunctive query answering through CP-bindings. Theorem 2 Let K be a v-satisfiable Hi(Horn-SROIQ) KB. Then for each meta- query Q, we can get that u ∈ ansv (Q, K) e iff there exists a CP-binding ξ of Q over K e such that u ∈ ansv (Qξ, K). e Example 3. Consider the Hi(Horn-SROIQ) KB K in example 1 again. Suppose we want to know whether there exists a role that relates BarcelonaDragous to FootballTeam. This task can be realized by answering the query Q over K: ?p(BarcelonaDragous, FootballTeam) → q() By theorem 2, lemma 4 and theorem 1, we can get that answering Q over K, can be realized by evaluating the conjunctive query: rewriteOf(BarcelonaDragous, FootballTeam) → q() over K e in terms of punning, since QεK has just one CP-binding over K. e Furthermore, by theorem 2 and 1 as well as the results in [29], we can get that meta-query answering in Hi(Horn-SROIQ) has universal model feature [29]. Theorem 3 Let K be a v-satisfiable Hi(Horn-SROIQ) KB. Then K has v-model V such that u ∈ ansv (Q, K) iff V |=v Q[x/u] for each meta-query Q with head x. 4 Complexity of reasoning with Hi(Horn-SROIQ) In this section, we investigate the complexity of reasoning with Hi(Horn-SROIQ). Before that, we first show the complexity of materializing Hi(Horn-SROIQ) KBs. Theorem 4 For Hi(Horn-SROIQ) KB K = (T , A), the procedure of computing K e terminates. Moreover K e can be obtained in 2ExpTime w.r.t. |K| and PTime w.r.t. |A|. Based on theorem 1 and theorem 4 as well as the results in [28], we can get the complexities of v-satisfiability checking in Hi(Horn-SROIQ). Theorem 5 For Hi(Horn-SROIQ) KB K = (T , A), v-satisfiability checking of K can be done in 2ExpTime w.r.t. |K| and PTime w.r.t. |A|. For a Hi(Horn-SROIQ) KB K = (T , A) and meta-query Q, theorem 2 indi- cates that answering Q over K needs to evaluate as many as |K||Q| conjunctive queries over a Horn-SROIQ KB with size no more than K. Actually, in the ap- pendix of this paper, we show that the number of queries need to be answered can be measured by the size of T . Then based on the results in [29], we can obtain the complexity of answering Q over K. Theorem 6 For Hi(Horn-SROIQ) KB K and meta-query Q, ansv (Q, K) can be computed in 2ExpTime-complete w.r.t. |K| and PTime-complete w.r.t. |A|. The above two theorems indicate that adding meta-modeling capability to Horn-SROIQ has no impact on the complexity of the considered reasoning tasks. 5 Related work Here, we discuss other works on extending decidable DLs with meta-modeling. [26] investigates extending SHOIQ with meta-modeling by unifying the sets of names for classes, roles and individuals. In [26], v-satisfiability checking of 2 a SHOIQ KB can be realized by checking the satisfiability of as many as 2n SHOIQ KBs where n denotes the number of different names in the original K- B. Thus satisfiability checking in the extended SHOIQ under v-semantics has NExpTime combined complexity. Excepting high reasoning complexity, query answering has not been discussed in [26]. On the other hand, [3] addresses ex- tending SHIQ with meta-modeling under a stronger variant of the HiLog-style semantics where extensions are also assigned to complex classes and roles. How- ever, punning is adopted to reason with the extended SHIQ with coNP-complete data complexity of both satisfiability checking and query answering. Compared with these two works, although some class axioms are not allowed in Hi(Horn- SROIQ), such as A t B v C, Hi(Horn-SROIQ) supports richer role axioms, such as role chains ( ◦) and role disjoint axioms, which are useful in medical termi- nologies. Most importantly, Hi(Horn-SROIQ) has much lower data complexities of satisfiability checking and meta-query answering. Extension of tractable lan- guage DL-LiteR is discussed in [3, 22]. Although low complexity can be guaran- teed, the expressivity is every restricted. Moreover, [11, 13, 24, 25, 30] study typed meta-modeling extension or exten- sion based on Henkin semantics [12]. The referred DLs contain SHOIQ, SROIQ, ALCQ and SHIQ. In the typed situation, names are typed with layer or level in- formation (non-negative integer numbers) with the intention to describe levels of classes and roles. However, describing axioms (assertions) referring names with different types is limited or not allowed. Furthermore, the actual OWL 2 Full ontologies do not contain such way of meta-modeling. On the other hand, Henkin semantics, which deals with higher-order structures via a hierarchy of power sets, is stronger than HiLog-style semantics. In this semantics, the class extensions of names are the sets in the domains they mapped into. Thus the claim KB |= a ≈ b iff KB |= a =c b holds. However, for both OWL 2 RDF Based Semantics and HiLog-style semantics, just the “if-then” direction holds. Moreover, under this semantics, some undesired conclusions may be entailed. For example, from the knowledge (RDF triple (a), (b) and (c)) described in Linked Open Data: (geosp : Country, owl : equivalentClass, geo : Pays) (a) (geosp : Country, rdfs : isDefinedBy, geospecies.owl) (b) (geo : Pays, rdfs : isDefinedBy, geo−fr) (c) (geo : Pays, rdfs : isDefinedBy, geospecies.owl) (d) (geosp : Country, rdfs : isDefinedBy, geo−fr) (e) under this semantics, we can obtain the conclusion (d) and (e). However, neither of them are desired. Finally, we mention [7] and [21]. [7] discusses ontology-inherent meta-modeling for classes in OWL 2 DL by adding extra names, axioms and assertions. The limitation of this approach is that just two layers (classes and meta-classes) of meta-modeling can be supported. By combing and unifying some of the above mentioned approaches, [21] investigates a variant of higher-order DLs, contain- ing (a) a fixly interpreted instanceOf role connecting individuals with classes; (b) promiscuous classes may have roles and other classes as individuals; (c) strictly typed classes allowing only a certain type of individuals. 6 Discussion and conclusions In this paper, we discuss the problem of efficiently reasoning and query answering in expressive domain KBs that are in OWL 2 Full and contain large individual datasets. For this, we introduce Hi(Horn-SROIQ) and meta-queries, and provide concrete methods of reasoning with Hi(Horn-SROIQ). For the future research, our work can be extended in the following two aspects. Firstly, theorem 2 indi- cates that evaluating a meta-query Q over a Hi(Horn-SROIQ) KB K may need to answer a lot of conjunctive queries over a Horn-SROIQ KB. 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