=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1577/paper_43 |storemode=property |title=Approaching OBDA Evolution through Mapping Repair |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1577/paper_43.pdf |volume=Vol-1577 |authors=Domenico Lembo,Riccardo Rosati,Valerio Santarelli,Domenico Fabio Savo,Evgenij Thorstensen |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/dlog/LemboRSST16 }} ==Approaching OBDA Evolution through Mapping Repair== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1577/paper_43.pdf
                       Approaching OBDA Evolution
                        through Mapping Repairs?

                 Domenico Lembo1 , Riccardo Rosati1 , Valerio Santarelli1 ,
                     Domenico Fabio Savo1 , Evgenij Thorstensen2
         1                                                2
           Sapienza Università di Roma                     University of Oslo
       lastname@dis.uniroma1.it                         evgenit@ifi.uio.no

     Ontology-based data access (OBDA) is a new paradigm for accessing source
databases through mediation of a conceptual domain view, given in terms of an ontol-
ogy [9]. A major issue in OBDA is the design of an OBDA specification and the man-
agement of its evolution. An OBDA specification is constituted by an ontology, usually
a Description Logic (DL) TBox, a schema of the source databases, and a declarative
mapping specifying the semantic relationship between the data at the sources and the
elements of the ontology. In the following we denote it by J = hT , S, Mi, where T is
the TBox (a set of DL axioms), S the source schema, i.e., a relational signature possibly
with integrity constraints (ICs), and the mapping M is a set of mapping assertions of
the form φ(x) ; ψ(x), where φ(x) and ψ(x) are queries over S and T , respectively,
both with free variables x (such an assertion is called a GLAV mapping assertion if both
φ(x) and ψ(x) are conjunctive queries (CQs), while it is a GAV mapping assertion if it
is GLAV and ψ(x) is an atom without occurrences of non-free variables).
     The design of the specification is normally conducted in an iterative fashion, and
changes are continuously implemented to its various components. Also, the entire spec-
ification is often a lively artifact, continuously modified due to, e.g., changes in the re-
quirements. Due to these characteristics, OBDA design and maintenance must be sup-
ported by adequate tools and methodologies. The mapping is certainly the component
of the specification which has received so far less attention, and thus consolidated tools
supporting its design are currently not available. Mapping design is a time-consuming
and complex operation, which typically (and especially in complex scenarios) has to be
conducted manually [1]. Of course, modifying the mapping due to changes in the other
components of the specification is tedious and time-consuming as well.
     In this paper we study the evolution of OBDA specifications. We start our investi-
gation by observing that many approaches exist for both ontology evolution [12] and
database schema evolution [11]. However, to the best of our knowledge, no previous
study has analyzed evolution in the presence of mappings connecting an ontology to a
database schema. In this sense, a problem that is close to OBDA is ontology matching
and alignment, which is based on the use of a notion of mapping to integrate different
ontologies. Several works have studied the problem of repairing inconsistent mappings
in this context (e.g., [3, 7, 8, 10]). However, the framework of ontology matching, and
in particular the notion of mapping, is very different from OBDA.
     We adopt a mapping-centered notion of OBDA evolution: given an OBDA specifi-
cation J = hT , S, Mi, we want to repair the mapping M given a modification of the
    The present paper is an extended abstract of [6].
TBox T and/or of the source schema S. We think that, at least for a first analysis of
evolution in OBDA, this is a natural assumption: indeed, the mapping is an information
that depends on both the TBox and the source schema, while the TBox and the schema
are (at least in principle) semantically independent entities.
    Following the classical approaches to belief revision, we look for a notion of repair
of a mapping that is based on two general principles: (i) preserving consistency of the
OBDA specification; (ii) expressing minimal change with respect to the initial OBDA
specification. With respect to consistency preservation, we adopt a non-classical notion
of inconsistency for an OBDA specification, called global mapping inconsistency, re-
cently introduced in [4, 5]. According to this notion, a mapping M is inconsistent with
respect to a TBox T and a source schema S if there exists no instance D for S such that
D is consistent with J and M is active on D, i.e., every query over the source schema
appearing in M has a non-empty answer in D.
Definition 1 (Global mapping inconsistency [5]). Let J = hT , S, Mi be an OBDA
specification. We say that M is globally inconsistent for hT , Si if there does not exist a
source instance D satisfying the ICs in S such that (i) M is active on D; and (ii) there
exists an interpretation that agrees with D on the predicates of S and satisfies J .
     Global mapping inconsistency provides a more meaningful notion of inconsistency
than the classical one in the context of OBDA: for instance, in all the cases when the
source schema is a relational database schema with standard integrity constraints, the
OBDA specification is inconsistent according to the classical semantics if and only if
its TBox is inconsistent (which in turn implies that this notion is trivial for many DLs).
     With respect to minimal change, we propose two different notions of repair. The first
one is called deletion-based mapping repair and reflects the simple idea of repairing a
mapping through a (subset-)minimal deletion of assertions from the initial mapping.
Definition 2 (Deletion-based mapping repair). Let J = hT , S, Mi be an OBDA
specification such that M is globally consistent for hT , Si, T 0 a consistent TBox, S 0
a consistent source schema, and M0 a mapping such that M0 ⊆ M. We say that M0
is a deletion-based mapping repair (DMR) for J under update hT 0 , S 0 i if: (i) M0 is
globally consistent for hT 0 , S 0 i, and (ii) there exists no mapping M00 such that M00 is
globally consistent for hT 0 , S 0 i, and M0 ⊂ M00 ⊆ M.
     The second notion of repair, called entailment-based mapping repair, relies on the
notion of mapping entailment set (MES): the mapping entailment set of an OBDA spec-
ification J for a mapping language L is the set of mapping assertions in L that are
logical consequences of J . Then, the repairs are the globally consistent subsets of the
MES that are selected according to a preference criterion (the notion of fewer changes
[2]) that formalizes the intuitive principle of preferring insertions over deletions. In
practice, a mapping M1 has fewer deletions (resp., fewer insertions) than a mapping
M2 with respect to a mapping M if M\M1 ⊂ M\M2 (resp., M1 \M ⊂ M2 \M),
and M1 has fewer changes than M2 with respect to M if either M1 has fewer dele-
tions than M2 with respect to M, or M1 and M2 have the same deletions with respect
to M, and M1 has fewer insertions than M2 with respect to M.
Definition 3 (Entailment-based mapping repair). Let J = hT , S, Mi be an OBDA
specification such that M is globally consistent for hT , Si, T 0 a consistent TBox, S 0 a
consistent source schema, L a mapping language, and M0 an L-mapping. We say that
M0 is an entailment-based L-mapping repair (L-EMR) for J under update hT 0 , S 0 i
if: (i) M0 is globally consistent for hT 0 , S 0 i; and (ii) there exists no L-mapping M00
such that M00 is globally consistent for hT 0 , S 0 i and MES L (hT 0 , S 0 , M00 i) has fewer
changes than MES L (hT 0 , S 0 , M0 i) with respect to MES L (J ).
Example 1. Consider the OBDA specification J = hT , S, Mi where: T = {C v
F,      C v A,      ∃R v B,         A v B}, S = {T1 /2}, M = {T1 (x, y) ;
R(x, y), T1 (x, y) ; C(x)}, and consider the TBox T 0 = T ∪ {A v ¬∃R}. It is
easy to see that M is not globally consistent for hT 0 , Si, since for every database that
activates M the mapping produces two facts of the form R(x, y) and C(x), which vio-
late the TBox assertion C v ¬∃R inferred by T 0 . Then, the DMRs of J under update
hT 0 , Si are M01 = {T1 (x, y) ; R(x, y)} and M02 = {T1 (x, y) ; C(x)}. On the
other hand, one can easily verify that the following are GAV-EMRs of J under update
hT 0 , Si: M001 = {T1 (x, y) ; R(x, y), T1 (x, y) ; F (x)} and M002 = {T1 (x, y) ;
C(x)}. Such repairs are contained in all GAV-EMRs of J under update hT 0 , Si.          t
   Then, we define query entailment under mapping repairs, which corresponds to a
form of skeptical reasoning over all the mapping repairs.
Definition 4 (Query Entailment). Let J = hT , S, Mi be an OBDA specification such
that M is globally consistent for hT , Si, T 0 a consistent TBox, S 0 a consistent source
schema, D a source instance satisfying the ICs in S 0 , and q a Boolean CQ over over
the signature of T 0 . We say that q is entailed under DMR (resp. L-EMR where L is
a mapping language) by J , T 0 , S 0 , and D if (hT 0 , S 0 , M0 i, D) |= q for every DMR
(respectively, for every L-EMR) for J under update hT 0 , S 0 i.
    Let J = hT , S, Mi and T 0 be as in Example 1, and let D = {T1 (a, b)}. Given
the DMRs M01 , M02 and the GAV-EMRs M001 , M002 above described, it follows that the
query B(a) is entailed under DMR by J , T 0 , S 0 , and D; moreover, the query ∃x.F (x)
is not entailed under DMR by J , T 0 , S 0 , and D, while it is entailed under GAV-EMR.
   We finally provide initial results on the complexity of query entailment, focusing on
DL-LiteR TBoxes, simple source schemas (i.e., without ICs), and on GAV and GLAV
mappings. We first establish an exact bound for query entailment under deletion-based
mapping repairs, which holds for both GAV and GLAV mappings.
Theorem 1. Let J = hT , S, Mi be an OBDA specification, with T a DL-LiteR TBox,
S a simple source schema, and M a GLAV mapping. Let T 0 be DL-LiteR TBox, S 0 a
simple source schema, D an instance for S, and q a Boolean CQ over the signature of
T 0 . Deciding whether q is entailed under DMR by J , T 0 , S 0 , and D is Π2p -complete.
   Then, we study the same problem under entailment-based mapping repairs and GAV
mappings, and prove that the Π2p exact bound holds also in this case.
Theorem 2. Let J = hT , S, Mi be an OBDA specification, where T is a DL-LiteR
TBox, S is a simple source schema, and M is a GAV mapping. Let T 0 be DL-LiteR
TBox, S 0 a simple source schema, D an instance for S 0 , and q a Boolean CQ over the
signature of T 0 . Deciding whether q is entailed under GAV-EMR by J , T 0 , S 0 , and D
is Π2p -complete.
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