Bounded Implication for Existential Rules (Extended Abstract) Cristina Civili1 and Riccardo Rosati2 1 School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, UK 2 DIAG, Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy The problem This paper deals with the property of boundedness in rule languages. Boundedness is an important notion that formalizes the fact that a rule set Σ can be unfolded into a finite set Σ 0 of acyclic (i.e., non-recursive) rules such that Σ and Σ 0 are equivalent on every database: it is therefore a crucial property for optimizing the processing of rules. Such a property has been extensively studied, especially for the Datalog rule language [9,4], and, recently, for Answer Set Programming [16]. In Datalog, the (uniform) boundedness of a program P can be defined as the exis- tence of an integer k such that, for every database D, the number of iterated applications (in a forward chaining manner) of P to D that are necessary to compute the minimal model of P and D is bounded by k. This definition of boundedness is equivalent to the existence of a finite, non-recursive program that is equivalent to P . Also, it is well- known that a Datalog query is bounded if and only if it is equivalent to a first-order sentence [1,12]. More recently, rule-based languages have been used in the context of ontology- based data access [15]. In this framework, the main focus is on the problem of answer- ing conjunctive queries over an ontology expressed by a set of rules, and one of the most studied properties is the first-order rewritability of conjunctive queries (CQFO- rewritability) over an ontology, which corresponds to the above mentioned first-order expressibility in Datalog: an ontology O is CQFO-rewritable if every conjunctive query q over the ontology can be equivalently rewritten into a first-order query q 0 , i.e., q 0 is such that, for every database instance D, the evaluation of q over O and D coincides with the evaluation of q 0 over D. Notably, in the case when the ontology is expressed as a set P of Datalog rules, the CQFO-rewritability of P and the boundedness of P are equivalent properties. Existential rules, which extend Datalog rules to the presence of existentially quan- tified variables and multiple atoms in rule heads, have been proposed and studied in the last years as a specification language for ontology-based data access [5,2,14]. An exis- tential rule (or simply rule) σ over a relational schema S is an expression of the form ∀x∀y(Φ(x, y, ā) → ∃zΨ (x, z, b̄)), where Φ(x, y, ā) (the body of σ) and Ψ (x, z, b̄) (the head of σ) are conjunctions of atoms over S. We call x the frontier variables (F(σ)), and z the existential head variables of σ (EH (σ)), while ā, b̄ are the constants occur- ring in σ (Const(σ)). Several recent studies have focused on the first-order rewritability property for existential rules (e.g., [7,2,8]). On the other hand, the notion of bound- edness for existential rules has not been deeply investigated. To our knowledge, one of the most relevant recent approaches to this problem is presented in [2], where the notion of acyclic graph of rule dependencies (aGRD) is defined, which corresponds to a form of boundedness for existential rules. Instead, we start our study from a no- tion of boundedness for existential rules that generalizes the definition of boundedness provided for Datalog to existential rules in a simpler way: we call such a notion strict boundedness. More precisely, we say that a set Σ of existential rules is strictly bounded if it is logically equivalent to a finite and acyclic set of rules. However, it can be immediately verified that, for arbitrary sets of existential rules, the above notion of boundedness is much stronger than the first-order rewritability of conjunctive queries. That is, while strict boundedness of a rule set implies its CQFO- rewritability, there exist rule sets that are CQFO-rewritable but are not strictly bounded. Notice that the same property holds for the above mentioned notion of aGRD. The main goal of this paper is to answer the following question: is it possible to generalize the notion of boundedness for Datalog to existential rules, in such a way that the correspondence with the notion of first-order rewritability of conjunctive queries is preserved? Actually, from the forward chaining perspective, such a generalization has been provided by the bounded derivation depth property of the chase of existential rules [5,10]. However, we would like to characterize this property in terms of equivalent representations of the set of rules, and see how the alternative notion of boundedness as existence of a finite and non-recursive equivalent rule set has to be extended to capture first-order rewritable rule sets. Our contribution Our approach to the study of boundedness for existential rules is inspired by the work in query rewriting for existential rules [2,13,6,11]. In particular, we extend the techniques presented in [2,13] to address the problem of computing an unfolding of a set of existential rules, and the problem of defining an appropriate notion of redundancy between rules. First, we define a notion of boundedness for existential rules that weakens strict boundedness by giving up the acyclicity condition: we call such a notion weak implication-boundedness. It is based on the idea of looking for a finite representation of all the single-head rules (i.e., rules with one atom in the head) that are logically im- plied by the initial rule set, and on a notion of equivalence between rule sets, called R-equivalence, that is different from (and stronger than) the standard logical equiva- lence. R-equivalence is based on a notion of redundancy between two rules. Given two rules σ : Φ(x, y, ā) → ∃z Ψ (x, z, b̄), and σ 0 : Φ0 (x0 , y0 , c̄) → ¯ we say that σ is redundant with respect to σ 0 if there exists a spe- ∃z Ψ (x0 , z0 , d), 0 cialization of σ 0 η(σ 0 ) = σs0 (where η : F(σ 0 ) → F(σ 0 ) ∪ Const(σ)) and a bijective function  : F(σs0 ) → F(σ) such that the following first-order sentences are valid: ∀x∀y body(σ)(x, y, ā) → ∃y0 (body(σs0 ))(x, y0 , ē) ¯ → ∃z − (head(σ))(x0 , z, f¯) ∀x0 ∀z0 head(σs0 )(x0 , z0 , d) ¯ ¯ where ē = c̄ ∪ ā ∪ b̄ and f = d ∪ ā ∪ b̄. Given two sets of rules Σ, Σ 0 , we say that Σ 0 R-entails Σ if, for each non- tautological rule σ ∈ Σ there exists a rule σ 0 ∈ Σ 0 such that σ is redundant w.r.t. σ 0 . Moreover, we say that Σ and Σ 0 are R-equivalent if both Σ 0 R-entails Σ and Σ R-entails Σ 0 . Let Σ be a set of rules over a signature S. We define the SH-closure of Σ as the set Σ ?s = {σ | σ is a single-head rule over S and Const(Σ), and Σ |= σ}. We say that a set Σ of rules is weakly implication-bounded if Σ ?s is R-equivalent to a finite set of rules. It is immediate to verify that strict boundedness always implies weak implication- boundedness, while the converse does not always hold. Furthermore, it turns out that weak implication-boundedness is not equivalent to CQFO-rewritability. More precisely, it is possible to show that weak implication-boundedness does not imply CQFO- rewritability for single-head ternary set of rules (i.e., rules over relations of arity ≤ 3). Similarly, it can be shown that weak implication-boundedness does not imply CQFO- rewritability for binary set of rules (i.e., over relations of arity ≤ 2). On the other hand, we are able to prove the correspondence between weak implication-boundedness and the notion of AFO-rewritability, that is, first-order rewritability of all atomic queries (i.e., conjunctive queries consisting of a single atom). To arrive at a notion of boundedness that corresponds to CQFO-rewritability, we de- fine a second notion of strong implication-boundedness for existential rules. Roughly speaking, such a notion is obtained from weak implication-boundedness by discard- ing the restriction to single-head rules in the deductive closure of the rule set, and by considering projections of such a deductive closure. Let Σ be a set of rules over a signature S. We call closure of Σ the set Σ ? = {σ | σ is a rule over S and Const(Σ), and Σ |= σ}. Moreover, let σ, σ 0 be two rules. We say that σ 0 is head-unifiable w.r.t. σ if there exists a homomorphism µ : F(σ) → F(σ 0 ) ∪ Const(σ 0 ) and an isomorphism  : EH (σ) → EH (σ 0 ) such that head(µ((σ))) = head(σ 0 ). Then, we call projection of a rule set Σ with respect to a rule σ the set Πσ (Σ) = {σ 0 ∈ Σ | σ 0 is head-unifiable with σ}. We say that a set Σ of rules over a schema S is strongly implication-bounded if, for each rule σ over S, Πσ (Σ ? ) is R-equivalent to a finite set of rules. The notion of weak implication-boundedness has the desired correspondence with the CQFO-rewritability. Namely, every set of rules Σ is strongly implication-bounded if and only if Σ is CQFO-rewritable. This in turn implies the correspondence between strong boundedness and the bounded derivation depth property [10]. Moreover, the equivalence between weak and strong implication-boundedness ac- tually extends to two broad classes of existential rules: single-head binary rules, that is, single-head rules over relations of arity not greater than 2, and frontier-guarded [2] rules. We believe that the equivalence between weak and strong implication-boundedness is a very important property for a set of existential rules. 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