Ontology Module Extraction via Datalog Reasoning? Ana Armas Romero, Mark Kaminski, Bernardo Cuenca Grau, and Ian Horrocks Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, UK Abstract. We propose a novel approach in which module extraction is reduced to a reasoning problem in datalog. Our approach generalises existing approaches and can be tailored to preserve only specific kinds of entailments, which allows us to extract significantly smaller modules. An evaluation on widely-used ontologies shows very encouraging results. 1 Introduction Module extraction is the task of computing, given an ontology T and a signature of interest Σ, a (preferably small) subset M of T (a module) that preserves all relevant entailments in T over the set of symbols Σ. Such an M is indistinguish- able from T w.r.t. Σ, and T can be safely replaced with M in applications of T that use only the symbols in Σ. Module extraction has received a lot of attention in recent years [27, 6, 25, 17, 10, 9, 23], and modules have found a wide range of applications, including ontol- ogy reuse [6, 13], matching [12], debugging [29, 19] and classification [1, 30, 4]. Preservation of relevant entailments is formalised via inseparability relations. The strongest notion is model inseparability, which requires that it must be pos- sible to turn any model of M into a model of T by (re-)interpreting only the symbols outside Σ; such an M preserves all second-order entailments of T w.r.t. Σ [15]. A weaker and more flexible notion is deductive inseparability, which re- quires only that T and M entail the same Σ-formulas in a given query language. Unfortunately, the decision problems associated with module extraction are in- variably of high complexity, and often undecidable. For model inseparability, checking whether M is a Σ-module in T is undecidable even if T is restricted to be in the description logic (DL) EL, for which standard reasoning is tractable. For deductive inseparability, the problem is typically decidable for lightweight DLs and “reasonable” query languages, albeit of high worst-case complexity; e.g., the problem is already ExpTime-hard for EL if we consider concept inclu- sions as the query language [20]. Practical algorithms that ensure minimality of the extracted modules are known only for acyclic ELI [15] and DL-Lite [17]. Practical module extraction techniques are typically based on sound approxi- mations: they ensure that the extracted fragment M is a module (i.e., inseparable ? This paper summarises the results of our work published in [2, 3]. from T w.r.t. Σ), but they give no minimality guarantee. The most popular such techniques are based on a family of polynomially checkable conditions called syn- tactic locality [5, 6, 24]; in particular, ⊥-locality and >⊥∗ -locality. Each locality- based module M enjoys a number of desirable properties for applications: (i) it is model inseparable from T ; (ii) it is depleting, i.e., T \ M is inseparable from the empty ontology w.r.t. Σ; (iii) it contains all justifications (a.k.a. explana- tions) in T of every Σ-formula entailed by T ; and (iv) last but not least, it can be computed efficiently, even for very expressive ontology languages. Locality-based techniques are easy to implement, and surprisingly effective in practice. However, the extracted modules can be rather large, which limits their usefulness in some applications [8]. One way to address this is to develop tech- niques that produce smaller modules while still preserving properties (i)–(iii). Efforts in this direction have confirmed that locality-based modules can be far from optimal in practice [10]; however, these techniques only apply to rather restricted languages and utilise algorithms with high worst-case complexity. Another approach to computing smaller modules is to weaken properties (i)–(iii), which are stronger than required for many applications. In particular, model inseparability (property (i)) is a very strong condition, and deductive in- separability would usually suffice, with the query language determining which kinds of consequence are preserved; in modular classification, for example, only atomic concept inclusions need to be preserved. However, practical module ex- traction techniques for expressive ontology languages yield modules that satisfy all three properties, and hence are potentially much larger than they need to be. In this paper, we propose a technique that reduces module extraction to a reasoning problem in datalog. The connection between module extraction and datalog was first observed in [28], where it was shown that locality ⊥-module extraction for EL ontologies could be reduced to propositional datalog reasoning. Our approach takes this connection much farther by generalising both locality- based and reachability-based [23] modules for expressive ontology languages in an elegant way. A key distinguishing feature of our technique is that it can extract deductively inseparable modules, with the query language tailored to the requirements of the application at hand, which allows us to relax Property (i) and extract significantly smaller modules. In all cases our modules preserve the nice features of locality: they are widely applicable (even beyond DLs), they can be efficiently computed, they are depleting (Property (ii)) and they preserve all justifications of relevant entailments (Property (iii)). We have implemented our approach using the RDFox datalog engine [22]. Our evaluation shows that module size consistently decreases as we consider weaker inseparability relations, which could significantly improve the usefulness of modules in applications. 2 Preliminaries Ontologies and Queries We use standard first-order logic and assume fa- miliarity with description logics, ontology languages and theorem proving. A signature Σ is a set of predicates and Sig(F ) denotes the signature of a set of formulas F . To capture a wide range of KR languages, we formaliseWnontology ax- ioms as rules: function-free sentences of the form ∀x.[ϕ(x) → ∃y.[ i=1 ψi (x, y)]], where Wnϕ, ψi are conjunctions of distinct atoms. Formula ϕ is the rule body and ∃y.[ i=1 ψi (x, y)] is the head. Universal quantification is omitted for brevity. Rules are required to be safe (all variables in the head occur in the body). A TBox T is a finite set of rules; TBoxes mentioning equality (≈) are extended with its standard axiomatisation. A fact γ is a function-free ground atom. An ABox A is a finite set of facts. A positive existential query (PEQ) is a formula q(x) = ∃y.ϕ(x, y), where ϕ is built from function-free atoms using only ∧ and ∨. Datalog A rule is datalog if its head has exactly one atom (which could be ⊥, the nullary falsehood predicate) and all variables are universally quantified. A datalog program P is a set of datalog rules. Given P and an ABox A, their materialisation is the set of facts entailed by P ∪A, which can be computedVby means of forward- n chaining. A fact γ is a consequence of a datalog rule r = i=1 γi0 → δ and facts γ1 , . . . , γn if γ = δσ with σ a most-general unifier (MGU) of γi , γi0 for each 1 ≤ i ≤ n. A (forward-chaining) proof of γ in P ∪ A is a pair ρ = (T, λ) where T is a tree, λ is a mapping from nodes in T to facts such that for each node v the following holds: 1. λ(v) = γ if v is the root of T ; 2. if v is a leaf then λ(v) ∈ A or (→ λ(v)) ∈ P; and 3. if v has children w1 , . . . , wn then λ(v) is a consequence of r and λ(w1 ), . . . , λ(wn ). Forward-chaining is sound (if γ has a proof in P ∪ A then it is entailed by P ∪ A) and complete (if γ is entailed by P ∪ A then either γ has a proof in P ∪ A or so does ⊥). Finally, the support of γ is the set of rules occurring in some proof of γ in P ∪ A. Inseparability Relations & Modules We next recapitulate the most common inseparability relations studied in the literature. TBoxes T and T 0 are 0 – Σ-model inseparable (T ≡m Σ T ), if for every model I of T there is a model J of T with the same domain s.t. AI = AJ for each A ∈ Σ, and vice versa. 0 – Σ-query inseparable (T ≡qΣ T 0 ) if for every Boolean PEQ q and Σ-ABox A we have T ∪ A |= q iff T 0 ∪ A |= q. – Σ-fact inseparable (T ≡fΣ T 0 ) if for every fact γ and ABox A over Σ we have T ∪ A |= γ iff T 0 ∪ A |= γ. – Σ-implication inseparable (T ≡iΣ T 0 ) if for each ϕ of the form A(x) → B(x) with A, B ∈ Σ, T |= ϕ iff T 0 |= ϕ. q These relations are naturally ordered from strongest to weakest: ≡mΣ ( ≡Σ ( ≡fΣ ( ≡iΣ for each non-trivial Σ. Given an inseparability relation ≡ for Σ, a subset M ⊆ T is a ≡-module of T if T ≡ M. Furthermore, M is minimal if no M0 ( M is a ≡-module of T . 3 Module Extraction via Datalog Reasoning In this section, we present our approach to module extraction by reduction into a reasoning problem in datalog. Our approach builds on recent techniques that exploit datalog engines for ontology reasoning [16, 26, 31]. In what follows, we fix an arbitrary TBox T and signature Σ ⊆ Sig(T ). Unless otherwise stated, (r1 ) A(x) → ∃y1 .[R(x, y1 ) ∧ B(y1 )] A v ∃R.B (r2 ) A(x) → ∃y2 .[R(x, y2 ) ∧ C(y2 )] A v ∃R.C (r3 ) B(x) ∧ C(x) → D(x) BuCvD (r4 ) D(x) → ∃y3 .[S(x, y3 ) ∧ E(y3 )] D v ∃S.E (r5 ) D(x) ∧ S(x, y) → F(y) D v ∀S.F (r6 ) S(x, y) ∧ E(y) ∧ F(y) → G(x) ∃S.(E u F) v G (r7 ) G(x) ∧ H(x) → ⊥ GuHv⊥ Fig. 1. Example TBox T ex with DL translation our definitions and theorems are parameterised by such T and Σ. We assume w.l.o.g. that rules in T share no existentially quantified variables. For simplicity, we also assume that T contains no constants (all results extend to constants [3]). 3.1 Overview and Main Intuitions Our overall strategy to extract a module M of T for an inseparability relation ≡zΣ , with z ∈ {m, q, f, i}, can be summarised by the following steps: 1. Pick a substitution θ mapping all existentially quantified variables in T to constants, and transform T into a datalog program P by (i) Skolemis- ing all rules in T using θ and (ii) turning disjunctions into conjunctions while splitting them into different rules, Wn thus replacing each function-free disjunctive rule of the form ϕ(x) → i=1 ψi (x) with datalog rules ϕ(x) → ψ1 (x), . . . , ϕ(x) → ψn (x). 2. Pick a Σ-ABox A0 and materialise P ∪ A0 . 3. Pick a set Ar of “relevant facts” in the materialisation and compute the supporting rules in P for each such fact. 4. The module M consists of all rules in T that yield a supporting rule in P. Thus, M is fully determined by the substitution θ and the ABoxes A0 , Ar . The main intuition behind our module extraction approach is that we can pick θ, A0 and Ar (and hence M) such that each proof ρ of a Σ-consequence ϕ of T to be preserved can be embedded in a forward chaining proof ρ0 in P ∪ A0 of a relevant fact in Ar . Such an embedding satisfies the key property that, for each rule r involved in ρ, at least one corresponding datalog rule in P is involved in ρ0 . In this way we ensure that M contains the necessary rules to entail ϕ. This approach, however, does not ensure minimality of M: since P is a strengthening of T there may be proofs of a relevant fact in P ∪ A0 that do not correspond to a Σ-consequence of T , which may lead to unnecessary rules in M. To illustrate how our strategy might work in practice, consider T ex in Fig. 1, Σ = {B, C, D, G}, and that we want a module M that is Σ-implication insepara- ble from T ex . This is a simple case since ϕ = D(x) → G(x) is the only non-trivial Σ-implication entailed by T ex ; thus, for M to be a module we only need M |= ϕ. Note that proving T ex |= ϕ amounts to proving T ex ∪ {D(a)} |= G(a) (with a a fresh constant). Figure 2(a) depicts a hyper-resolution tree ρ showing how G(a) can be derived from the clauses corresponding to r4 –r6 and D(a), with rule r4 G(a) G(a) r6 θ S(a, f (a)) E(f (a)) F(f (a)) S(a, c) E(c) F(c) r40 r400 r5 θ D(a) D(a) S(a, f (a)) D(a) θ D(a) D(a) S(a, c) D(a) r40 θ (a) D(a) (b) D(a) Fig. 2. Proofs of G(a) from D(a) in (a) T ex and (b) the corresponding datalog program transformed into clauses r40 = D(x) → S(x, f (x3 )) and r400 = D(x) → E(f (x3 )). Hence M = {r4 –r6 } is a Σ-implication inseparable module of T ex , and as G(a) cannot be derived from any subset of {r4 –r6 }, M is also minimal. We pick A0 to contain the initial fact D(a), Ar to contain the fact to be proved G(a), and we make θ map variable y3 in r4 to a fresh constant c, in which case rule r4 corresponds to the rules D(x) → S(x, c) and D(x) → E(c) in P. Figure 2(b) depicts a forward chaining proof ρ0 of G(a) in P ∪ {D(a)}. As shown, ρ can be embedded in ρ0 via θ by mapping functional terms over f to the fresh constant c. This way, the rules involved in ρ are mapped to the datalog rules involved in ρ0 via θ. Hence, we will extract the (minimal) module M = {r4 –r6 }. 3.2 The Notion of Module Setting The substitution θ and the ABoxes A0 and Ar , which determine the extracted module, can be chosen in different ways to ensure the preservation of different kinds of Σ-consequences. The following notion of a module setting captures in a declarative way the main elements of our approach. Definition 3.1. A module setting for T and Σ is a tuple χ = hθ, A0 , Ar i with θ a substitution from existentially quantified variables in T to constants, A0 a Σ-ABox, Ar a (Sig(T ) ∪ {⊥})-ABox, and s.t. no constant in χ occurs in T . χ χ The program of Wn is the smallest datalog program P containing, for each r = ϕ(x) → ∃y.[ i=1 ψi (x, y)] in T , the rule ϕ → ⊥ if n = 0 and all rules ϕ → γθ for each 1 ≤ i ≤ n and each atom γ in ψi . The support of χ is the set of rules r ∈ P χ that support a fact from Ar in P χ ∪ A0 . The module Mχ of χ is the set of rules in T that have a corresponding datalog rule in the support of χ. 3.3 Modules for each Inseparability Relation We next consider each inseparability relation ≡zΣ , where z ∈ {m, q, f, i}, and formulate a specific setting χz which provably yields a ≡zΣ -module of T . Implication Inseparability The example in Sect. 3.1 suggests a natural set- ting χi = hθ, A0 , Ar i that guarantees implication inseparability. As in our exam- ple, we pick θ to be as “general” as possible by Skolemising each existentially quantified variable to a fresh constant. For A and B predicates of the same arity n, proving that T entails a Σ-implication ϕ = A(x1 , . . . , xn ) → B(x1 , . . . , xn ), amounts to showing that T ∪{A(a1 , . . . , an )} |= B(a1 , . . . , an ) for fresh constants a1 , . . . , an . Thus, following the ideas of our example, we initialise A0 with a fact A(c1A , . . . , cnA ) for each n-ary predicate A ∈ Σ, and Ar with a fact B(c1A , . . . , cnA ) for each pair of n-ary predicates {B, A} ⊆ Σ with B 6= A. Definition 3.2. For each existentially quantified variable yj in T , let cyj be a fresh constant. Furthermore, for each A ∈ Σ of arity n, let c1A , . . . , cnA be also fresh constants. The setting χi = hθi , Ai0 , Air i is defined as follows: – θi = { yj 7→ cyj | yj existentially quantified in T }, – Ai0 = {A(c1A , . . . , cnA ) | A n-ary predicate in Σ}, and – Air = {B(c1A , . . . , cnA ) | A 6= B n-ary predicates in Σ} ∪ {⊥}. The setting χi is reminiscent of the datalog encodings typically used to check whether a concept A is subsumed by concept B w.r.t. a “lightweight” ontology T [18, 26]. There, variables in rules are Skolemised as fresh constants to produce a datalog program P and it is then checked whether P ∪ {A(a)} |= B(a). Theorem 3.3. Mχi ≡iΣ T . Fact Inseparability The setting χi in Def. 3.2 cannot be used to ensure fact inseparability. Consider again T ex and Σ = {B, C, D, G}, for which Mχi = {r4 , r5 , r6 }. For A = {B(a), C(a)} we have T ex ∪ A |= G(a) but Mχi ∪ A 6|= G(a), and hence Mχi is not fact inseparable from T ex . More generally, Mχi will only preserve Σ-fact entailments T ∪ A |= γ where A is a singleton. However, for a module to be fact inseparable from T it must preserve all Σ-facts when coupled with any Σ-ABox. We achieve this by choosing A0 to be the critical ABox for Σ, which consists of all facts that can be con- structed using Σ and a single fresh constant [21]. Since every Σ-ABox can be homomorphically mapped into the critical Σ-ABox, we can show that all proofs of a Σ-fact in T ∪ A are embeddable into a proof of a relevant fact in P χ ∪ A0 . Definition 3.4. Let constants cyi be as in Def. 3.2, and let ∗ be a fresh constant. The setting χf = hθf , Af0 , Afr i is defined as follows: (i) θf = θi , (ii) Af0 = { A(∗, . . . , ∗) | A ∈ Σ }, and (iii) Afr = Af0 ∪ {⊥}. The datalog programs for χi and χf coincide; hence, the only difference between the two settings is in the definition of their corresponding ABoxes. In our exam- ple, both Af0 and Afr contain facts B(∗), C(∗), D(∗), and G(∗). Clearly, P χf ∪A0 |= G(∗) and the proof additionally involves rule r3 . Thus Mχf = {r3 , r4 , r5 , r6 }. Theorem 3.5. Mχf ≡fΣ T . Query Inseparability Positive existential queries constitute a much richer query language than facts as they allow for existentially quantified variables. Thus, the query inseparability requirement invariably leads to larger modules. For instance, let T = T ex and Σ = {A, B}. Given the Σ-ABox A = {A(a)} and Σ-query q = ∃y.B(y) we have T ex ∪A |= q (due to rule r1 ). The module Mχf is, however, empty. Indeed, the materialisation of P χf ∪{A(∗)} consists of the ad- ditional facts R(∗, cy1 ) and B(cy1 ) and hence contains no relevant fact mentioning only ∗. Thus, Mχf ∪ A 6|= q and Mχf is not query inseparable from T ex . Our example suggests that, although the critical ABox is constrained enough to embed every Σ-ABox, we need to consider additional relevant facts to capture all proofs of a Σ-query. In particular, rule r1 implies that B contains an instance whenever A does: a dependency that is then checked by q. This can be captured by considering fact B(cy1 ) as relevant, in which case r1 would be in the module. More generally, we consider a module setting χ that differs from χf only in that all Σ-facts (and not just those over ∗) are considered as relevant. Definition 3.6. Let constants cyi and ∗ be as in Def. 3.4. The setting χq = hθq , Aq0 , Aqr i is as follows: (i) θq = θf , (ii) Aq0 = Af0 , and (iii) Aqr consists of ⊥ and all Σ-facts A(a1 , . . . , an ) with each aj either a constant cyi or ∗. Theorem 3.7. Mχq ≡qΣ T . Model Inseparability The modules generated by χq may not be model in- separable from T . To see this, let T = T ex and Σ = {A, D, R}, in which case Mχq = {r1 , r2 }. The interpretation I where ∆I = {a, b}, AI = {a}, BI = CI = {b}, DI = ∅ and RI = {(a, b)} is a model of Mχq . However, I cannot be extended to a model of r3 (and hence of T ) without reinterpreting A, R or D. To achieve model inseparability, it suffices to ensure that each model of the module can be extended to a model of T in a uniform way. Thus, M = {r1 , r2 , r3 } is a ≡m Σ -module of T ex since all its models can be extended by interpreting E, F and G as the domain, H as empty, and S as the Cartesian product of the domain. We can capture this idea in our framework by means of the following setting. Definition 3.8. The setting χm = hθm , Am m 0 , Ar i is as follows: θ m maps each existentially quantified yj to the fresh constant ∗, A0 = A0 , and Ar = Am m f m 0 ∪{⊥}. In our example, P χm ∪ Am 0 entails the relevant facts A(∗), R(∗, ∗) and D(∗), and hence Mχm = {r1 , r2 , r3 }. Theorem 3.9. Mχm ≡m Σ T. 3.4 Modules for Ontology Classification Module extraction has been exploited for optimising ontology classification [1, 30, 4]. In this case, it is not only required that modules are implication inseparable from T , but also that they preserve all implications A(x) → B(x) with A ∈ Σ but B ∈ / Σ. This requirement can be captured as given next. Definition 3.10. TBoxes T and T 0 are Σ-classification inseparable (T ≡cΣ T 0 ) if for each ϕ of the form A(x) → ψ where A ∈ Σ and either ψ = ⊥ or ψ = B(x) for B ∈ Sig(T ∪ T 0 ), we have T |= ϕ iff T 0 |= ϕ. Classification inseparability is a stronger requirement than implication insepara- bility. For T = {A(x) → B(x)} and Σ = {A}, M = ∅ is implication inseparable from T , whereas classification inseparability requires that M = T . Modular reasoners such as MORe [1] and Chainsaw [30] rely on locality ⊥- modules, which satisfy this requirement. Each model of a ⊥-module M can be extended to a model of T by interpreting all additional predicates as empty, which is not possible if A ∈ Σ and T entails A(x) → B(x) but M does not. We can cast ⊥-modules in our framework with the following setting, which extends χm in Def. 3.8 by also considering as relevant facts involving predicates not in Σ. Definition 3.11. The setting χb = hθb , Ab0 , Abr i is as follows: θb = θm , Ab0 = Am 0 , and Ar consists of ⊥ and all facts A(∗, . . . , ∗) where A ∈ Sig(T ). The use of ⊥-modules is, however, stricter than is needed for ontology classifi- cation. For instance, if we consider T = T ex and Σ = {A} we have that Mχb contains all rules r1 –r6 , but since A does not have any subsumers in T ex the empty TBox is already classification inseparable from T ex . The following module setting extends χi in Def. 3.2 to ensure classification inseparability. As in the case of χb in Def. 3.11, the only required modification is to also consider as relevant facts involving predicates outside Σ. Definition 3.12. Setting χc = (θc , Ac0 , Acr ) is as follows: θc = θi , Ac0 = Ai0 , and Acr consists of ⊥ and all facts B(c1A , . . . , cnA ) s.t. A 6= B are n-ary predicates, A ∈ Σ and B ∈ Sig(T ). Indeed, given T = T ex and Σ = {A}, the module for χc is empty, as desired. Theorem 3.13. Mχc ≡cΣ T . 3.5 Additional Properties of Modules Although the essential property of a module M is that it captures all relevant Σ-consequences of T , in some applications modules are expected to satisfy addi- tional requirements. For ontology reuse, it is sometimes desirable that a module M does not “leave any relevant information behind” in the sense that T \M does not entail any relevant Σ-consequence—a property known as depletingness [17]. Definition 3.14. Let ≡zΣ be an inseparability relation. A ≡zΣ -module M of T is depleting if T \ M ≡zΣ ∅. Note that not all modules are depleting: for some relevant Σ-entailment ϕ we may have M |= ϕ (as required by the definition of module), but also (T \M) |= ϕ, in which case M is not depleting. The following theorem establishes that all modules defined in Sect. 3.3 are depleting. Theorem 3.15. Mχz is depleting for each z ∈ {m, q, f, i, c}. Another application of modules is to optimise the computation of justifica- tions: minimal subsets of a TBox that suffice to entail a given formula [14, 29]. Definition 3.16. Let T |= ϕ. A justification for ϕ in T is a minimal subset T 0 ⊆ T such that T 0 |= ϕ. Justifications are displayed in ontology development platforms as explanations of why an entailment holds, and tools typically compute all of them. Extracting justifications is a computationally intensive task, and locality-based modules have been used to reduce the size of the problem: if T 0 is a justification of ϕ in T , then T 0 is contained in a locality module of T for Σ = Sig(ϕ). Our modules are also justification-preserving, and we can adjust our modules depending on what kind of first-order sentence ϕ is. Theorem 3.17. Let T 0 be a justification for a first-order sentence ϕ in T and let Sig(ϕ) ⊆ Σ. Then, T 0 ⊆ Mχm . Additionally, the following properties hold: (i) if ϕ is a rule, then T 0 ⊆ Mχq ; (ii) if ϕ is datalog, then T 0 ⊆ Mχf ; and (iii) if ϕ is of the form A(x) → B(x) or A(x) → ⊥, then T 0 ⊆ Mχi ; finally, if ϕ satisfies A ∈ Σ, B ∈ Sig(T ), then T 0 ⊆ Mχc . 3.6 Complexity of Module Extraction We conclude this section by showing that our modules can be efficiently com- puted in most practically relevant cases. Theorem 3.18. Let m be a non-negative integer and L a class of TBoxes s.t. each rule in a TBox from L has at most m distinct universally quantified vari- ables. The following problem is tractable: given z ∈ {q, f, i, c}, T ∈ L, and r ∈ T , decide whether r ∈ Mχz . The problem is tractable for arbitrary L if z = m. We now provide a proof sketch for this result. Checking whether a datalog program P and an ABox A entail a fact is feasible in O(|P| · nv ), with n the number of constants in P ∪ A and v the maximum number of variables in a rule from P [7]. Thus, although datalog reasoning is exponential in the size of v (and hence of P), it is tractable if v is bounded by a constant. Given arbitrary T and Σ, and for z ∈ {m, q, f, i, c}, the datalog program P χz can be computed in linear time in the size of |T |. The number of constants n in χz (and hence in P χz ∪Az0 ) is linearly bounded in |T |, whereas the maximum number of variables v coincides with the maximum number of universally quantified variables in a rule from T . As shown in [31], computing the support of a fact in a datalog program is no harder than fact entailment, and thus module extraction in our approach is feasible in O(|T |·nv ), i.e., tractable for ontology languages where rules have a bounded number of variables (as is the case for most DLs). Finally, for z = m the setting χm involves a single constant ∗ and module extraction boils down to propositional datalog reasoning (a tractable problem regardless of T ). 3.7 Module Containment and Optimality Intuitively, the more expressive the language for which preservation of conse- quences is required the larger modules need to be. The following proposition shows that our modules are consistent with this intuition. Proposition 3.19. Mχi ⊆ Mχf ⊆ Mχq ⊆ Mχm ⊆ Mχb ; Mχi ⊆ Mχc ⊆ Mχb . Finally, we ask ourselves whether each χz with z ∈ {q, f, i, m, c} is optimal for its inseparability relation in the sense that there is no setting producing smaller modules. To make such statements precise we need to consider families of module settings, i.e., functions that assign a module setting to each pair of T and Σ. Definition 3.20. A setting family is a function Ψ that maps a TBox T and signature Σ to a module setting for T and Σ. Family Ψ is uniform if (i) for every Σ and pair T , T 0 with the same number of existentially quantified variables, Ψ (T , Σ) and Ψ (T 0 , Σ) are isomorphic; (ii) for every T and Σ ⊆ Σ 0 , Ψ (T , Σ) is a restriction of Ψ (T , Σ 0 ) to Σ. Let z ∈ {i, f, q, m, c}; then Ψ is z-admissible if, for each T and Σ, MΨ (T ,Σ) is a ≡zΣ -module of T . Finally, Ψ is z-optimal if 0 MΨ (T ,Σ) ⊆ MΨ (T ,Σ) for every T , Σ and every uniform Ψ 0 that is z-admissible. Uniformity ensures that settings do not depend on the specific shape of rules in T , but rather only on Σ and the number of existentially quantified variables in T . In turn, admissibility ensures that each setting yields a module. The (uniform and admissible) family Ψ z for each setting χz in Sects. 3.3 and 3.4 is defined in the obvious way: for each T and Σ, Ψ z (T , Σ) is the setting χz for T and Σ. Theorem 3.21. Ψ z is z-optimal for z ∈ {i, m, c}. In contrast, Ψ q and Ψ f are not optimal. To see this, let T = {A(x) → B(x), B(x) → A(x)} and Σ = {A}. The empty TBox is fact inseparable from T since the only Σ-consequence of T is the tautology A(x) → A(x). However, Mχf = T since fact A(a) is in Afr and its support is included in the module. One can provide a family of settings that distinguishes tautological from non- tautological inferences; however, this family yields settings of exponential size in |T |, which is undesirable in practice. 4 Evaluation We have implemented a prototype system for module extraction, called PrisM, that uses RDFox [22] for datalog materialisation and exploits some code from PAGOdA [31] for computing the support of an entailed fact. We have evaluated PrisM on a set of ontologies identified by Glimm et al. [11] as non-trivial for reasoning. We have normalised all ontologies to make axioms equivalent to rules.1 We compared the size of our modules with the locality-based modules com- puted using the OWL API. We have followed the experimental methodology from [8] where two kinds of signatures are considered: genuine signatures corre- sponding to the signature of individual axioms, and random signatures. Unlike in [8], we extracted random signatures using a randomised graph sampling algo- rithm provided by RDFox. The advantage of this approach is that the resulting 1 The ontologies used in our experiments are available for download at https://krr-nas.cs.ox.ac.uk/2015/jair/PrisM/testOntologies.zip. Galen-no-Fit Fly-anat.-Xp Fma-lite Gazetteer Molecule-role Snomed Nci-12.04e ALEH ALERI + ALEH+ ALE + ALE + SH SH(D) rules 66191 42107 168828 382158 153020 191891 193453 gen rnd gen rnd gen rnd gen rnd gen rnd gen rnd gen rnd ⊥ 14253 27771 22348 23139 47192 49345 214820 215886 143399 143448 433 11766 1140 16820 χc 9799 17879 112 595 12 402 <1 38 6 28 426 11342 390 7974 >⊥∗ 13749 27184 221 982 20 1658 9 1050 2 16 427 11762 1138 16817 χm 13686 27175 217 973 12 1450 8 1049 1 14 426 11651 1138 16817 χq 9448 18315 107 757 12 1450 8 1049 1 14 426 11644 385 8969 χf 5962 18225 80 664 1 74 <1 16 <1 5 426 11342 371 8415 χi 3279 17646 12 333 1 74 <1 16 <1 5 397 11342 120 6228 |Σ| 3 107 3 28 2 154 3 312 3 19 3 202 3 326 Table 1. Results for genuine and random signatures Σ signatures are “semantically connected”, which is likely to be the case in prac- tical applications. For each type of signature and ontology, we took a sample of 400 runs and averaged module sizes. Random signatures were obtained from samples of size 1/1000 the size of the original ontology. We present results for the 7 largest ontologies from [11] in terms of signature (this selection is repre- sentative for the behaviour on the smaller ontologies; see [3]). All experiments were performed on a server with 2 Intel Xeon E5-2670 processors and 90GB of allocated RAM, running RDFox on 16 threads. Table 1 summarises our results. We compared ⊥-modules with the modules for χc (Sect. 3.4) and >⊥∗ -modules with those for χm , χq , χf , and χi (Sect. 3.3). We can see that module size consistently decreases as we consider weaker in- separability relations. In some cases, the modules for χc are over 3 orders of magnitude smaller than ⊥-modules. The difference between >⊥∗ -modules and χi modules can also be considerable, reaching 2 orders of magnitude. In fact, χc , χf , and χi modules are sometimes empty, meaning that no two predicates in Σ are in an implication relationship (which can happen for large ontologies and small Σ). Also note that our modules for model inseparability slightly im- prove on >⊥∗ -modules. Finally, recall that our modules may not be minimal for their inseparability relation. Since techniques for extracting minimal modules are available only for model inseparability, and for restricted languages, we could not assess how close our modules are to minimal ones. Computation times were generally higher for χc than for the other settings due to the larger signature involved in computing modules for χc . For random signatures, average times (over all settings) were 54s for GALEN, 2s for FLY, 5s for FMA, 13s for Gazetteer, 7s for Molecule, 32s for SNOMED, and 44s for NCI, which is considerably higher than for locality-based modules, but still acceptable for some applications. For genuine signatures, the times were accordingly lower. It should be noted that PrisM currently relies on RDFox, which is not opti- mised for module extraction and is used in a black-box fashion. We conjecture that the performance of our approach can be considerably improved by ded- icated systems. Another interesting task would be integrating our techniques in existing modular reasoners as well as in systems for justification extraction. Finally, the issue of optimality of our approach requires further investigation. Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Royal Society, the EPSRC projects MaSI3 , Score!, DBOnto, and ED3, and by the EU FP7 project OPTIQUE. References 1. Armas Romero, A., Cuenca Grau, B., Horrocks, I.: MORe: Modular combination of OWL reasoners for ontology classification. In: ISWC. pp. 1–16 (2012) 2. Armas Romero, A., Kaminski, M., Cuenca Grau, B., Horrocks, I.: Ontology module extraction via datalog reasoning. In: AAAI. pp. 1410–1416 (2015) 3. 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