=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1577/paper_6 |storemode=property |title=Extending DLR with Labelled Tuples, Projections, Functional Dependencies and Objectification |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1577/paper_6.pdf |volume=Vol-1577 |authors=Alessandro Artale,Enrico Franconi |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/dlog/ArtaleF16 }} ==Extending DLR with Labelled Tuples, Projections, Functional Dependencies and Objectification== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1577/paper_6.pdf
     Extending DLR with Labelled Tuples, Projections,
        Functional Dependencies and Objectification

                            Alessandro Artale and Enrico Franconi

                KRDB Research Centre, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy

         Abstract. We introduce an extension of the n-ary description logic DLR to deal
         with attribute-labelled tuples (generalising the positional notation), with arbitrary
         projections of relations (inclusion dependencies), generic functional dependen-
         cies and with global and local objectification (reifying relations or their projec-
         tions). We show how a simple syntactic condition on the appearance of projec-
         tions and functional dependencies in a knowledge base makes the language de-
         cidable without increasing the computational complexity of the basic DLR lan-

1     Introduction
We introduce in this paper the language DLR` which extends the n-ary description
logics DLR [Calvanese et al., 1998; Baader et al., 2003] and DLRifd [Calvanese et
al., 2001] as follows:

    – the semantics is based on attribute-labelled tuples: an element of a tuple is identi-
      fied by an attribute and not by its position in the tuple, e.g., the relation Person
      has attributes firstname, lastname, age, height with instance:
      x firstname: Enrico, lastname: Franconi, age: 53, height:
    – renaming of attributes is possible, e.g., to recover the positional semantics:
      firstname,lastname,age,height í 1,2,3,4;
    – it can express projections of relations, and therefore inclusion dependencies, e.g.,
      Drfirstname,lastnamesStudent Ď Drfirstname,lastnamesPerson;
    – it can express multiple-attribute cardinalities, and therefore functional dependen-
      cies and multiple-attribute keys, e.g., the functional dependency from firstname,
      lastname to age in Person can be written as:
      Drfirstname,lastnamesPerson Ď
            Dď1 rfirstname,lastnamespDrfirstname,lastname,agesPersonq;
    – it can express global and local objectification (also known as reification): a tuple
      may be identified by a unique global identifier, or by an identifier which is unique
      only within the interpretation
                          Ä          of a relation, e.g., to identify the name of a person we
      can write Name Ď        Drfirstname,lastnamesPerson.

   We show how a simple syntactic condition on the appearance of projections in the
knowledge base makes the language decidable without increasing the computational
            J | K | CN | C | C1 [ C2 | C1 \ C2 | Dijq rUi sR |
                                                                      Å         Ä
    C   Ñ                                                                  R |    RN
    R   Ñ   RN | R1 zR2 | R1 [ R2 | R1 \ R2 | σUi :C R | Dijq rU1 , . . . , Uk sR
    ϕ   Ñ   C1 Ď C2 | R1 Ď R2
    ϑ   Ñ   U1 í U2

                                     Fig. 1. Syntax of DLR` .

                         τ pR1 zR2 q “ τ pR1 q                if τ pR1 q “ τ pR2 q
                     τ pR1 [ R2 q “ τ pR1 q                   if τ pR1 q “ τ pR2 q
                     τ pR1 \ R2 q “ τ pR1 q                   if τ pR1 q “ τ pR2 q
                        τ pσUi :C Rq “ τ pRq                  if Ui P τ pRq
             τ pD rU1 , . . . , Uk sRq “ tU1 , . . . , Uk u   if tU1 , . . . , Uk u Ă τ pRq
                                 τ pRq “ H                    otherwise

                            Fig. 2. The signature of DLR` relations.

complexity of the basic DLR language. We call DLR˘ this fragment of DLR` .
DLR˘ is able to correctly express the UML fragment as introduced in [Berardi et
al., 2005; Artale et al., 2007] and the ORM fragment as introduced in [Franconi and
Mosca, 2013].

2   Syntax of the Description Logic DLR`

We first define the syntax of the language DLR` . A signature in DLR` is a triple
L “ pC, R, U, τ q consisting of a finite set C of concept names (denoted by CN ), a finite
set R of relation names (denoted by RN ) disjoint from C, and a finite set U of attributes
(denoted by U ), and a relation signature function τ associating a set of attributes to each
relation name, τ pRN q “ tU1 , . . . , Un u Ď U with n ě 2.
    The syntax of concepts C, relations R, formulas ϕ, and attribute renaming axioms ϑ
is defined in Figure 1, where q is a positive integer and 2 ď k ă ARITYpRq. We extend
the signature function τ to arbitrary relations as specified in Figure 2. We define the
ARITY of a relation R as the number of the attributes in its signature, namely |τ pRq|.
    A DLR` TBox T is a finite set of formulas, i.e., concept inclusion axioms of the
form C1 Ď C2 and relation inclusion axioms of the form R1 Ď R2 .
A renaming schema induces an equivalence relation pí, Uq over the attributes U, pro-
viding a partition of U into equivalence classes each one representing the alternative
ways to name attributes. We write rU s< to denote the equivalence class of the at-
tribute U w.r.t. the equivalence relation pí, Uq. We allow only well founded renaming
schemas, namely schemas such that each equivalence class rU s< in the induced equiv-
alence relation never contains two attributes from the same relation signature. In the
following we use the shortcut U1 . . . Un í U11 . . . Un1 to group many renaming axioms,
with the obvious meaning that Ui í Ui1 , for all i “ 1, . . . , n.
    A DLR` knowledge base KB “ pT ,