=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1596/paper3 |storemode=property |title=Encouraging Metacognition & Self-Regulation in MOOCs through Increased Learner Feedback |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1596/paper3.pdf |volume=Vol-1596 |authors=Dan Davis,Guanliang Chen,Ioana Jivet,Claudia Hauff,Geert-Jan Houben |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/lak/DavisCJHH16 }} ==Encouraging Metacognition & Self-Regulation in MOOCs through Increased Learner Feedback== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1596/paper3.pdf
     Encouraging Metacognition & Self-Regulation in MOOCs
             through Increased Learner Feedback
          Dan Davis∗, Guanliang Chen†, Ioana Jivet, Claudia Hauff and Geert-Jan Houben
                                                   Delft University of Technology
                                                       Delft, the Netherlands
                  {d.j.davis, guanliang.chen, i.jivet, c.hauff, g.j.p.m.houben}@tudelft.nl

Learning analytics for learners has the ability to greatly im-
prove learners’ self-regulation. Current learner dashboards
are mostly providing learners with an isolated view of their
learning behavior, while we believe learners will gain more
from a comparison of their own behavior with that of suc-
cessful peer learners. In this work-in-progress demonstration
we describe our design of a Learning Tracker widget that
provides MOOC learners with timely and goal-oriented (i.e.
towards passing the course) feedback in a manner that en-
courages reflection and self-regulation. We also present some
preliminary findings which show how exposure to feedback                Figure 1: Sample edX dashboard: shows individual
can significantly increase student success and engagement.              students’ weekly & total assessment scores

Learner Feedback, Learning Analytics, Self-Regulated Learn-
ing, Study Planning

   The asynchronous, open nature of MOOCs presents stu-
dents with a profound sense of flexibility and freedom in
their learning experience compared to the traditional class-
room setting. They may study what they want, where they
want, and whenever they want. However, along with these                 Figure 2: Sample Coursera dashboard: shows indi-
ostensibly-positive affordances come major challenges. In               vidual students’ grade for each quiz, whether or not
order to be successful in such a learning environment—with              they passed, and the total number of quizzes passed
no pressure from teachers/parents, no financial obligations,
and no academic credit on the line—students must stay in-
credibly disciplined in both the planning and following of              flow ecosystem. We believe that MOOC learners can sig-
their study habits. Dropout rates of around 95% in the av-              nificantly benefit from a timely and goal-oriented feedback
erage MOOC [8] are a testimony to the challenge learners                of their study habits in MOOCs. Currently, major MOOC
face in this environment.                                               platforms provide rather generic learner feedback as seen in
   The discipline for planning and following a self-imposed             Figure 1 and Figure 2, which – while being timely – does
schedule does not come naturally to many learners; rather               not enable learners to judge their learning behavior in abso-
it is a learned skill. And while merely releasing open edu-             lute terms: are they on track to succeed in (i.e. pass) this
cational resources to the world for consumption is a great              course? Are they nearly on track? Are they missing a key
start, the next step in the Open Learning movement ought                ingredient to being successful?
to equip learners with the cognitive toolset they need to ef-              We believe that instead of providing a general overview of
fectively self-regulate their learning experience.                      learner behavior, learners will be able to self-regulate better
   Currently, universities, instructors, and researchers are            if we provide them with a comparison of their own learning
the chief handlers of educational data generated from MOOCs.            behavior against that of previous successful (in the sense
Learners do not yet form an important part of this data                 that they passed the course) students. We have developed a
  The author’s research is supported by the Leiden-Delft-               first learner widget that reflects this vision, enabling learners
Erasmus Centre for Education and Learning.                              to compare themselves to successful learners and thus em-
†                                                                       powering them to reflect on and adapt their study behavior
  The author’s research is supported by the Extension School
of the Delft University of Technology.                                  in a goal-oriented fashion.


        Copyright © 2016 for the individual papers by the papers' authors. Copying permitted only for private and academic purposes.
        This volume is published and copyrighted by its editors. LAL 2016 workshop at LAK '16, April 26, 2016, Edinburgh, Scotland.
   Not only does this ease the burden of instructors (the               2.3    Increasing Learner Efficiency
learners decide how to react to and interpret the information              Guo and Reinecke [4] studied to what extent students in
shown to them), it also creates a heightened awareness in               MOOCs access the full offering of learning materials. Sam-
learners that they can keep with them beyond just this one              pling from four edX MOOCs, they found that, on average,
course and apply in future professional or academic contexts.           certificate-earning students do not access, or “ignore,” 22%
   The following research question guides our line of inquiry           of course materials [4]. Although instructors and instruc-
into the topic:                                                         tional designers may not be too pleased by this finding, it has
Can a comparison to previously successful learners serve as             the potential to make future students more efficient in their
a helpful form of feedback to increase MOOC learners’ en-               learning. If there is certain content that students repeatedly
gagement and success?                                                   skip without having their grade suffer, future students—
In this paper, we describe our prototype widget, the design             maybe low on time or extrinsically motivated—can refine
decisions behind it, the setup we are currently employing in            their learning plan based on this information.
our experiments, and a preliminary analysis of the results.
   We find that indeed, our implemented feedback has a sig-
                                                                        2.4    Open Learning Analytics
nificant positive effect on the success of the learners (in terms         The Learning Tracker realizes much of the personal-level,
of grading) as well as on two out of six evaluated engagement           student-facing dashboard envisioned in [14]. Along with the
metrics.                                                                three other views (educator, researcher, and institutional),
                                                                        [14] proposes a dashboard in which students can see metrics
                                                                        ranging from progress compared to current peers, previous
2.    RELATED WORK                                                      students who took the course, their own past activities, and
                                                                        instructor-defined benchmarks. Siemens et al. [14] here also
2.1    Search Dashboard                                                 suggest multiple levels of the dashboard, such as options for
  The main inspiration for this research comes from Bate-               “drilling down” into more detailed data visualisations.
man et al. [1] who, in the context of Web search, created                 Siemens [12] calls for Personal Learner Knowledge Graphs
a “Search Dashboard” that provides an interface for search              to boost awareness of a student’s own current knowledge
engine users to see and reflect on their search behavior and,           state in a given topic. This idea then evolved into Per-
furthermore, a comparison of this data against “archetypal              sonal Learning Graphs [13], which stress the “importance of
expert profiles.” Their approach is very similar to ours in             individuals owning their own learning representation” [13].
that they outline searching as something people have come               While the present Learning Tracker widget is not owned
to depend on in every day life, but rarely do people consider           by the learner, it empowers MOOC students to assume a
searching as a skill that may be developed and improved.                more active role in shaping their own learning experience.
The same can be said about learning. Bateman et al. [1]                 To our knowledge, these remain undeveloped and only con-
found that people rarely change their search behavior no                ceptualisations of what dashboards should be.
matter the situation, but, once exposed to the dashboard,
they become more active, aware, and critical of their search-           2.5    Dashboards as Explorable Visual Narra-
ing habits—adapting them to be more in line with those of                      tives
the visualized expert searchers.                                           To see if learner feedback data visualisations can elicit
                                                                        change in student behavior (similar to our research ques-
2.2    Feedback to Encourage Metacognition                              tion), Yousuf and Conlan [17] implemented a dashboard
   The key processes underpinning our Learning Tracker                  (VisEN) that intended to emphasize to the student viewers
widget are that of (i) feedback prompting and (ii) metacog-             a sort of “visual narrative” in the form of data visualiza-
nition, which then results in (iii) more effective self-regulated       tions. There is no text-based narrative provided for the stu-
(or self-directed) [7] learning. Durall and Gros [3] and Ver-           dents; rather, this dashboard, pictured in Figure 3, consists
bert et al. [16] also outline this process of providing stu-            of heavily-annotated data visualizations from which students
dents with “self-knowledge” as being key to developing the              were expected to draw their own narrative arc. Findings
necessary metacognitive skills for self-regulated (or directed)         from their three studies, taking place over three years and in-
learning. And in order to ease the translation from data to             cluding 223 students, yielded a very strong Pearson correla-
actionable knowledge, Heer and Agrawala [5] found informa-              tion coefficient between dashboard views and learner engage-
tion visualization to be an effective sense-making tool due             ment [17]. A fundamental difference between this approach
to its ability to synthesize complex data in a way for viewers          and our Learning Tracker presented here is that VisEN in-
to quickly understand and compare.                                      corporated tactics to directly encourage engagement such as
   An early example of instructions designed to empower                 reminders and “bad or poor engagement notifications”. Our
learners to shape their own learning experience dates back to           Learning Tracker, on the other hand, stops short of any
1965, where Keller [6] introduces and documents the result of           direction-giving or motivation and merely presents the learn-
a “go-at-your-own-pace” course. This resulted in an inverted            ers with a comparative view of their own behavior and that
(U-shaped), polarized (highest concentrations for Grades ’A’            of successful learners. Furthermore, the Learning Tracker
and ’F’) grade distribution at the conclusion of the courses,           dashboard operates at scale in MOOCs.
making clear the difference between students who can and
cannot self-regulate effectively. Increased learner feedback            3.    WIDGET DESIGN
and awareness could be the nudge some of these students
                                                                           Based on prior works [11, 10, 9, 15] that have investigated
need to remain engaged and pass the course.                             the factors impacting learner success in MOOCs and effec-
                                                                        tive feedback strategies (such as the “simple design prin-
                                                                        ciples” outlined in [2]) and some subjective judgement on

                                                                           among the middle 90% of gold standard learners—thus the
                                                                           value of the outer ring increases each week, and the zero
                                                                           point remains constant.
                                                                              We aim to ensure that any actions learners take in re-
                                                                           sponse to the widget are self-conceived. In order to do so, we
                                                                           try to minimize any feelings of external judgment or assess-
                                                                           ment from the visualisations by making them as “modest”
                                                                           as possible—“simply making things visible that would other-
                                                                           wise remain invisible” [2]. There are no red “danger zones”
                                                                           or green “in-the-clear zones” on the chart as are found in
                                                                           other learning dashboards such as VisEN [17] or Coursera
                                                                           (Figure 2). Rather, we present a chart free of not only zones,
                                                                           but also any numbers, similar to the “degraded information”
                                                                           concept in [2]. All students see is their relative position com-
                                                                           pared to the set of successful learners on the same plane. It
                                                                           is left up to the learners how to interpret it, what to learn
                                                                           from it, and how to convert this information into actionable

                                                                           4.   EXPERIMENTAL SETUP
                                                                              We deployed our widget in the TU Delft MOOC Intro-
                                                                           duction to Drinking Water Treatment running in its second
                                                                           edition on the edX platform between January 12 and March
                                                                           29, 2016 (11 course weeks in total). The first iteration of
Figure 3: Selected visualisations from a VisEN stu-
                                                                           the MOOC ran in 2014, with 10,695 registered learners of
dent’s visual narrative
                                                                           whom 281 (2.6%) earned a passing grade.
                                                                              For this year’s edition 10,943 users enrolled before the of-
our behalf, we identified six indicators that are related to               ficial start of the course and, in turn, participated in our
learner success and at the same time readily understandable                experiment. Using A/B testing, we presented the Learn-
to learners:                                                               ing Tracker widget to 49.91% (5,462) of the learners. At
   • Time on the platform in seconds                                       the start of every course week, the learners were shown on
   • Time watching videos in seconds                                       the course page how they compared (up to that point in
                                                                           the course) to our gold standard learners from last year.
   • Fraction of time spent watching videos while on the platform:
     whereas the previous two give total time commitment mea-              Alongside the visualisations (concrete examples of which are
     sures, this provides feedback on how they allocate their time         shown in Figures 4 and 5) we also provided a short explana-
     in the course                                                         tory text that included the following statement:
   • Number of course videos watched
                                                                                These graphs are not meant to be judgements or
   • Number of graded quiz answers submitted                                    assessments of your learning in any way; rather,
   • Timeliness of quiz answer submission: how early students sub-              they are a source of feedback for you, the learner,
     mit answers relative to the deadline, to expose procrastinating            to make you more aware of your study habits and,
     behavior                                                                   hopefully, help you change them for the better!
   In order to enable learners to directly compare their be-
havior to successful learners, we require a set of “gold stan-                This 11-week course consists of one introduction week, five
dard” successful learners. In MOOCs that are reruns (our                   weeks of content delivery, and two design assignments that
target in this work) we can simply consider all learners that              cover the remaining five weeks. The material published in
passed one or more of the MOOC’s previous editions to make                 each content delivery week included an assignment with five
up this set. These successful learners do not exhibit a uni-               quiz questions. The video-lectures were complemented by a
form behavior. However, if we consider the average or me-                  total of 63 practice quiz questions that were not graded.
dian across all these learners for each indicator, we have a               In order to graduate, learners had to earn a final grade
relatively robust indicator. For each indicator, the values                higher than 60. We observe an increase in the percentage of
that fall in the bottom 5% and the top 5% of the data range                certificate-earning learners compared to last year’s edition
are omitted.                                                               of the MOOC: 3.18% (348 out of 10,943 learners).
   Having prototyped several different visualizations of our
indicators (including bar charts, gauges and calendar charts),             5.   RESULTS
we settled on the use of a spider chart as shown in Figure 4.
                                                                              We now provide an overview of our preliminary findings.
Spider charts allow for (i) a concise visualisation of numer-
                                                                           The results are based on all edX log traces up to and in-
ous metrics in a small space, (ii) simple legibility—data are
                                                                           cluding week 9 of the MOOC1 . Due to the low number of
shown as single points along straight lines, and (iii) a visual
                                                                           learners that visited the course material after the course
depiction of one’s coverage and consistency across all met-
                                                                           started (3,787 - 34.6% of enrolled) and the high drop-out
rics. To allow for a consistent representation in the same
graph, all metric values are scaled in a range from 0 to 10,               1
                                                                             The remaining course weeks are not included in the analy-
where 0 indicates no activity and 10 the maximum value                     sis, as the log traces are not yet available.

Figure 4: Three versions of our Learning Tracker widget with data from week 9, one showing a learner who
dropped out early in the course (left), one who dropped out in the middle of the course (middle), and one
graduate who is highly engaged with the course (right).

Figure 5: One learner’s widget for weeks 3 (left), 6 (middle) and 9 (right). These show that this particular
learner was a late starter and began engaging with the course some time between weeks 3 and 6.

rate in the first week of the course (19.26% of enrolled did          In Figure 7 we present the timeliness of the two groups
not return after week one), the data distribution is highly         with respect to the weekly quiz deadlines: the test group is
skewed. We analyzed active learners only, defined by having         better able to self-regulate their behavior, with many learn-
spent at least five minutes in the platform.                        ers submitting their work well before the deadline, in con-
  To explore whether our Learning Tracker widget had                trast to the learners of the control group.
any effect on our learners, we ran a Mann-Whitney U test
(normal distributions not assumed) between the test (wid-
get shown) and control (widget not shown) groups. In all                         600
                                                                                                Graded Quiz Submitters By Week
analyses that follow we set α = 0.05.                                                      Control
  We perform the following analyses on the six dimensions                                  Test
shown in the Learning Tracker. We find significant dif-
ferences between the two groups for the following two di-                        400
mensions (and no sig. differences for the remaining four):
                                                                    # Learners

   • number of graded quiz answers submitted ;                                   300

   • the timeliness of the quiz answer submission.                               200
   In Figure 6 we show the progression of both groups through
the course with respect to the number of learners that sub-                      100
mitted answers to graded quiz questions. Consistently, a
larger number of learners in the test group submit their                           0
                                                                                       1   2         3   4     5      6   7      8   9
work. By week 9, 34.12% (550/1612) of the active users                                                       Week #
in the test group submit graded quiz answers compared to
30.77% (485/1576) of learners in the control group. The dif-
ference between the groups becomes visible in week 3, a week        Figure 6: The total number of learners, by course
after the first Learning Tracker widget was made available          week, whose #quiz answers submitted > 0.
to the test group.

                                           Timeliness                                               0.025
                                                                                                                           Final Grades
                                                                       Control                                                                      Control
          0.0040                                                       Test                                                                         Test
          0.0035                                                                                    0.020


          0.0010                                                                                    0.005
          0.0000                                                                                    0.000
                    0   50          100        150   200     250        300                                 0    20        40         60       80             100
                                 Time Ahead of Deadline (hours)                                                             Final grade

  Figure 7: Kernel Density Estimation (Gaussian ker-                                       Figure 9: Kernel Density Estimation (Gaussian ker-
  nel) plot visualizing how far ahead of the dead-                                         nel) plot visualizing the distribution of final course
  line learners in each group typically submitted their                                    grades between the two groups. Differences are sig-
  weekly quiz answers. The left side of the plot is                                        nificant at the α = 0.05 level.
  indicative of procrastinating behavior, whereas the
  right side indicates proactivity. Differences are sig-
  nificant at the α = 0.05 level.                                                          we developed and deployed a Learning Tracker widget in
                                                                                           an edX MOOC with more than 10,000 learners. In an A/B
                                                                                           test setup, we found our widget to significantly increase
                             Graded Quiz Submissions Overall                               learner success (in terms of final grade) and two of the six
                                                                       Control             specified measures of learner engagement (specifically, more
                                                                       Test                timely assignment submissions and more assignment sub-
                                                                                           missions overall). We conclude that a dashboard like ours
                                                                                           enables learners to better self-regulate their learning behav-
                                                                                           ior based on a concrete anchor point for comparison (the

                                                                                           successful learners of the past).
             0.03                                                                             In future work, we plan to expand our experiments across
                                                                                           a number of MOOCs and a number of different Learn-
             0.02                                                                          ing Tracker designs with different levels of granularity and
                                                                                           study dimensions to answer the following research questions:
                                                                                                    • Can data visualization feedback elicit positive change
             0.00                                                                                     in MOOC learners’ study habits?
                    0        5            10         15           20             25
                                   Graded Quiz Submissions                                          • How literate are learners of this type of feedback? Are
                                                                                                      they able to draw their own insights from simple data
  Figure 8: Kernel Density Estimation (Gaussian ker-                                                  visualizations?
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