=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1596/preface |storemode=property |title=None |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1596/preface.pdf |volume=Vol-1596 }} ==None== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1596/preface.pdf
                                 Learning Analytics for Learners:
 Preface to Proceedings of First LAL Workshop at LAK’16
              Susan BULL                                     Blandine GINON                                   Judy KAY
    University College London, UK                      University of Birmingham, UK                University of Sydney, Australia

            Michael KICKMEIER-RUST                                                 Matthew D. JOHNSON
          Technische Universität Graz, Austria                                    University of Birmingham, UK

                                                                              Simon Buckingham Shum, University of Technology, Syd-
1. MOTIVATION                                                                  ney, Australia
With the arrival of ‘big data’ in education, the potential was                Susan Bull, University College London, UK
recognised for learning analytics to track students’ learning, to             Eva Durall, Aalto University, Finland
reveal patterns in their learning, or to identify at-risk students, in        Albrecht Fortenbacher, HTW Berlin, Germany
addition to guiding reform and supporting educators in improv-                Alyssa Friend Wise, Simon Fraser University, Canada
ing teaching and learning processes [1]. Learning Analytics
                                                                              Dragan Gasevic, University of Edinburgh, UK
dashboards have been used at all levels, including institutional,
                                                                              Blandine Ginon, University of Birmingham, UK
regional and national level [2]. In classroom use, while learning
                                                                              Dai Griffiths, University of Bolton, UK
visualisations are often based on counts of activity data or inter-
action patterns, there is increasing recognition that learning                Sharon Hsiao, Arizona State University, USA.
analytics relate to learning, and should therefore provide peda-              Stéphanie Jean-Daubias, University Claude Bernard of
gogically useful information [3]. While increasing numbers of                  Lyon, France
technology-enhanced learning applications are embracing the                   Matthew Johnson, University of Birmingham, UK
potential of learning analytics at the classroom level, often these           Judy Kay, University of Sydney, Australia
are aimed at teachers. However, learners can also benefit from                Michael Kickmeier-Rust, Technische Universität Graz,
learning analytics data (e.g. [4][5]).                                         Austria
                                                                              Symeon Retalis, University of Piraeus, Greece
Learner models hold data about an individual’s understanding or               Ravi Vatrapu, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
skills, inferred during an interaction, and are at the core of edu-
cational systems that personalise the learning interaction to suit       The workshop sold out quickly at full capacity (40 participants),
the needs of the learner [6]. Open learner models externalise the        highlighting the timeliness of this topic in Learning Analytics.
learner model to the user, and have long been showing learners
information about their own learning, often with the aim of en-          3. WORKSHOP PAPERS
couraging metacognitive behaviours such as reflection, plan-             The main themes that were addressed in the workshop papers
ning, self-assessment and self-directed learning [7]. Benefits of        were visualisation/dashboards, metacognition/awareness, and
showing learning data to learners for such purposes are now also         social learning. Several papers considered more than one of
being investigated in learning analytics (e.g. [8][9]). Neverthe-        these themes. Hatala et al.’s paper compares students’ approach-
less, despite a few exceptions (e.g. [9][10][11][12]), there is          es to learning to learning analytics visualisations, and the quality
limited reference to both open learner models and learning ana-          of messages posted. Al-Shanfari et al.’s paper proposes ways to
lytics in the same publications. One of the aims of the Learning         visualise uncertainty in data in an open learner model context.
Analytics for Learners workshop, therefore, was to raise aware-          Marzouk et al.’s paper investigates facilitating self-monitoring
ness of the overlap, as well as differences, in approaches to, and       and the type of analytics that may meaningfully prompt changes
purposes of visualising and/or using learning data in these two          to learning, including social learning. Venant et al.’s paper also
fields.                                                                  considers metacognition, awareness and deep learning, and so-
                                                                         cial awareness; and Davis et al.’s demonstration paper explores
2. SUBMISSION AND REVIEWING                                              self-regulation, and comparison to previous successful learners.
Submissions were sought on any aspect of learning analytics              Knight and Anderson take a theoretical perspective, arguing for
aimed at learners. Submissions were reviewed by three members            participatory design for learning analytics for learners. Wasson
of the Program Committee, and papers and reviews were also               et al.’s position paper argues for the need to address data litera-
scrutinised by members of the organising team. The papers were           cy, and training learners in the new approaches and learning
then discussed by the organisers, with particular attention given        analytics and/or open learner model tools available to them.
to cases where there was any disagreement amongst the review-            Finally, Martinez-Maldonado et al.’s paper also explores both
ers. Of the ten submissions received, eight were accepted for            learning analytics and open learner models, in their case to sup-
presentation at the workshop.                                            port behavioural change in a health context.
We thank the members of the Learning Analytics for Learners              We thank all the authors for their contributions, as well as the
Program Committee for their substantial efforts in making the            other workshop participants who contributed substantially to the
workshop a success. Program Committee members were:                      discussions throughout the day.
[1] Siemens, G. & Long P. 2011. Penetrating the Fog: Analyt-
    ics in Learning and Education. EDUCAUSE Review 46 (5),
[2] West, D. 2012. Big Data for Education: Data Mining, Data
    Analytics, and Web Dashboards. Governance Studies at
    Brookings. 1-10.
[3] Gašević, D., Dawson, S., & Siemens, G. (2015). Let’s Not
    Forget: Learning Analytics are about Learning. Techtrends,
    59(1), 64-71.
[4] Ferguson, R. and Buckingham Shum, S. (2012). Social
    Learning Analytics: Five Approaches. LAK 2012. 23–33.
[5] Vozniuk, A., Govaerts, S., & Gillet, D. 2013. Towards Portable
    Learning Analytics Dashboards. ICALT 2013, IEEE, 412-416.
[6] Woolf, B.P. (2010). Student Modeling, in R. Nkambou, J.
    Bourdeau & R. Mizoguchi (eds). Advances in Intelligent Tutor-
    ing Systems, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 267-279.
[7] Bull, S. & Kay, J. 2013. Open Learner Models as Drivers
    for Metacognitive Processes. In R. Azevedo & V. Aleven
    (eds), International Handbook of Metacognition and
    Learning Technologies, Springer, New York, 349-365.
[8] Dawson, S., Macfadyen, L., Risko E., Foulsham, T. &
    Kingstone, A. 2012. Using Technology to Encourage Self-
    Directed Learning: The Collaborative Lecture Annotation
    System (CLAS). ASCILITE 2012.
[9] Durall, E. & Gros, B. 2014. Learning Analytics as a Meta-
    cognitive Tool. Proceedings of CSEDU 2014, 380-384.
[10] Bull, S. & Kay, J. (2016). SMILI: A Framework for In-
     terfaces to Learning Data in Open Learner Models (OLMs),
     Learning Analytics and Related Fields, International Jour-
     nal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 26(1), 293-331.
[11] Ferguson, R. (2012). Learning Analytics: Drivers, Devel-
     opments and Challenges. International Journal of Tech-
     nology Enhanced Learning, 4(5/6), 304–317.
[12] Kalz, M. (2014). Lifelong Learning and its Support with
     new Technologies, in N.J. Smelser & P.B. Baltes (eds.), In-
     ternational Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sci-
     ences, Pergamon, Oxford.