=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1598/paper20 |storemode=property |title=An integrated geo-spatial approach of access to public healthcare services and socio-economic analyses |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1598/paper20.pdf |volume=Vol-1598 |authors=Pablo Cabrera-Barona |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/agile/Cabrera-Barona15 }} ==An integrated geo-spatial approach of access to public healthcare services and socio-economic analyses== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1598/paper20.pdf
An integrated geo-spatial approach of access
to public healthcare services and socio-
economic analyses

Pablo Cabrera-Barona

       Interfaculty Department of Geoinformatics - Z_GIS, University of Salzburg


  Access to health services requires a multidimensional analysis inside a holis-
  tic perspective. Such a multidimensional analysis responds to the needs of a
  more pluralist health geography framework and to the “cultural turn” that
  studies of health accessibility are experiencing nowadays (Hawthorne &
  Kwan 2012). This cultural turn needs to be reflected through a clear well-
  being conceptual framework, which should combine deprivation/satisfaction
  indicators with spatial accessibility measures. When considering healthcare
  accessibility as a multidimensional concept, taking into consideration the per-
  ceptions of patients can be a useful approach to understanding healthcare ac-
  cess inequalities (Comber et al., 2011). This PhD research will fill different
  gaps between qualitative and quantitative studies in order to present new
  mixed-method approaches to the scientific community and to support
  healthcare and urban planning. The main objective of this PhD are: (a) de-
  veloping a spatial composite deprivation index related to health issues; (b)
  developing composite indices related to healthcare accessibility and
  healthcare satisfaction, and (c) developing a model of accessibility to
  healthcare services.

  Copyright (c) by the paper's authors. Copying permitted for private and academic purposes. In: A.
  Comber, B. Bucher, S. Ivanovic (eds.): Proceedings of the 3rd AGILE Phd School, Champs sur
  Marne, France, 15-17-September-2015, published at http://ceur-ws.org


    The study area is the capital city of Ecuador, Quito. Quito is located around
    2800 meters above sea level and is home to more than 1.5 million inhabitants.
    A deprivation index was developed using indicators extracted from the 2010
    Ecuadorian Population and Housing Census (Cabrera Barona et al., 2015).
    The criteria used to choose the different indicators follow a rights-based per-
    spective (Ramírez, 2012, Mideros, 2012). Different deprivation scenarios
    were then created by applying the Ordered Weighted Averaging (OWA)
    method with linguistic quantifiers’ integration (Malczewski 2006). The sec-
    ond stage of this research was the creation of two indices: a composite
    healthcare accessibility (CHCA) index and a composite healthcare satisfac-
    tion (CHCS) index. To calculate the CHCA index, three indicators were used:
    healthcare availability, healthcare acceptability, and general healthcare acces-
    sibility (Cavalieri 2013). To calculate the CHCS index, three indicators were
    used: the waiting time after the patient arrives at the healthcare service, the
    quality of the healthcare, and the healthcare service supply. The CHCA and
    CHCS indices were validated using factors of people´s behaviour related to
    healthcare, namely predisposing, enabling, and need factors (Andersen 1995,
    Arcury et. al 2005), by applying three kinds of regressions: Linear Least
    Squares, Ordinal Logistic, and Random Forests regressions. The third stage of
    this research will be the creation of a gravity-based measure of accessibility to
    healthcare services (Crooks and Schuurman, 2012). The results of this meas-
    ure of accessibility will be linked to the different scenarios of deprivation
    through multidimensional analyses.

    Preliminary Results

    Results have indicated medium and high levels of deprivation only in specific
    zones of the study area while most of Quito shows low values of deprivation.
    The OWA deprivation scenarios represent various decision strategies that of-
    fer different options when dealing with socio-economic deprivation. The
    composite indices of healthcare accessibility and healthcare satisfaction iden-
    tified healthcare inequalities in the study area. Regression results showed
    that some social factors influence accessibility and satisfaction related to
    healthcare. The use of perceptions in healthcare accessibility analyses impact-
    ed the calculated measures.

Conclusions and Outlook

The developed indices have the potential to explain socio-economic depriva-
tion and multidimensional healthcare accessibility. This research could also
evaluate the influence of access to healthcare and socio-economic deprivation
on specific health problems or illnesses. I consider important the incorpora-
tion of more detailed information of human transit between the household and
healthcare services to improve the representation of the complex phenomenon
of healthcare accessibility. The healthcare satisfaction index and healthcare
accessibility index use information of health services supply. The health ser-
vice supply was represented by the range of services, giving higher scores to
specific health services such as specialized hospitals. However, the healthcare
supply indicator may be represented by other indicators, such as the number
of physicians in the health service. The next steps in my research will be: i)
Developing an integral analyses of health-related inequalities by using indices
of deprivation and healthcare accessibility and ii) Evaluating the scale effects
of the different measures developed.


   Andersen, R.M. (1995) Revisiting the Behavioral Model and Access to Medical
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   Arcury, T.A., Gesler, W.M., Preisser, J.S., Sherman, J., Spencer , J. & Perin, J.
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   Cavalieri, M. (2013) Geographical variation of unmet medical needs in Italy: a
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   Comber, A.J., Brunsdon, C., Radburn, R. (2011). A spatial analysis of variations in
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       Hawthorne, T.L. & Kwan, M. (2012) Using GIS and perceived distance to under-
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