=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1598/paper3 |storemode=property |title=Image and 3D structure based ontology for object recognition |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1598/paper3.pdf |volume=Vol-1598 |authors=Paulo Dias Almeida,Jorge Gustavo Rocha |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/agile/AlmeidaR15 }} ==Image and 3D structure based ontology for object recognition== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1598/paper3.pdf
Image and 3D structure based ontology for
object recognition

Paulo Dias Almeida and Jorge Gustavo Rocha

Abstract Image data is used constantly to express and convey information. Modern
trends in technology and social media have made pictures a central part of human
communication. However, the lack of semantic knowledge in image data severely
limits its application. In this paper we present our research proposal for an improved
object recognition method that uses semantic data over images that takes into con-
sideration the structural environment of where the picture was taken.

1 Introduction

The concept of smart city is gaining increasing importance in the search for a sus-
tainable society. Modern smart city implementations strive to function as an inte-
grated system, capable of assessing its conditions and needs in real time, for the
entire system [1, 3]. This requirement leads to a heavy reliance on sensors.
   It is based on the data collected by sensors that informed, intelligent decisions
can be made [4]. The sensors that can be used for this goal are of a varied nature,
depending on what one desires to monitor. A particular sensor that is beginning to
gain increasing importance in the smart city environment is the citizen.
   The advances in technology and connectivity have made the general public
knowledgeable, capable, and willing of being integrated in the smart city ecosys-
tem. With the integration of citizens as a source of data, and because of the general
availability of devices equipped with digital cameras, like smartphones and tablets,

Paulo Dias Almeida
Minho University, Braga, Portugal, e-mail: diasalmeida.paulo@gmail.com
Jorge Gustavo Rocha
Minho University, Braga, Portugal, e-mail: jgr@di.uminho.pt
Copyright (c) by the paper’s authors. Copying permitted for private and academic purposes.
   In: A. Comber, B. Bucher, S. Ivanovic (eds.): Proceedings of the 3rd AGILE Phd School,
Champs sur Marne, France, 15-17-September-2015, published at http://ceur-ws.org

2                                            Paulo Dias Almeida and Jorge Gustavo Rocha

the city now has at its disposal thousands of moving camera sensors capable of
providing images as a potential source of data for the smart city.
   The use of cameras is in fact becoming so omnipresent in the modern lifestyle,
that images are beginning to replace text as the mean of communication in several
social media implementations. In fact, nowadays if we do a search in social net-
works for a particular current event we will find large quantities of images of that
event provided by citizens. This data is being provided in real-time and is frequently
complemented with text from which more information could be extracted.
   This means that we have an abundance of image data available and capable of
enhancing the knowledge of the city conditions essential for the smart city. How-
ever, the data present on an unprocessed image comes with almost no metadata or
information on its contents and structure.
   We propose that image data provided by the citizen has the potential to be used as
an important sensor for the smart city environment. Specifically, we want to provide
an algorithm for the classification of objects and structures present in an image.
For this classification we want to take advantage of extracted knowledge of the city
   In the remainder of this extended abstract we present our research proposal, start-
ing with a short presentation of the most relevant related work in section 2, we will
elaborate on our approach and research question in 3, and finally, in 4, we present
the conclusions and future work.

2 Related Work

In order to combine semantic information over image data with structural knowl-
edge of the surrounding geographical area, we first need to have available a recon-
struction of the 3D structure of the city.

2.1 Structure-from-Motion (SFM)

Despite the desire for our method to work with any representation of 3D structure
of a city, we found it beneficial to start by focusing in a specific method for image-
based reconstruction of 3D structure.
   SFM solutions have the goal of generating 3D reconstructions from image se-
quences. The algorithm is capable of solving the camera position and orientation
simultaneous with the geometry of the scene, using a iterative bundle adjustment
procedure based on a database of image features extracted from the sequence of
overlapping images [8].
   An approach of significant interest is presented in [7, 8]. These projects set out
to provide an interactive browsing of large photo collections available online, inte-
grated with the 3D model reconstructed from these photos. The nature of this dataset
Image and 3D structure based ontology for object recognition                         3

of images implies a challenging set of conditions, including the use of different cam-
eras, zoom levels, resolutions, etc. The approach proposed is capable of successfully
solving this problem, however, it can take a couple of weeks for larger collections
of photos.
    With the success of SFM in the reconstruction of 3D structure using increasingly
large and diverse sets of images, attention began to be shifted to its time complexity.
In [9] several steps are taken in order to achieve close to linear time complexity.
This implementation presents great gains in performance, being able to generate an
accurate large-scale reconstruction (32000 images) in approximately 2 hours.

2.2 Ontology-based image processing

The data present on an unprocessed image has almost no metadata and there is no
information on its structure or degree of importance. This fact contrasts with the user
perception, where an image is capable of conveying a large amount of information.
This problem is called the semantic gap [6]. In order to address this concern, several
approaches utilize ontologies in image processing.
   A relevant example of a tool looking to explore the potential gains of the use
of semantic knowledge in image processing is presented in [5]. In this project the
authors present the framework OntoPic, capable of automatically annotating images
with relevant keywords, enabling a content based image retrieval that functions on a
semantic level. The OntoPic framework takes a provided domain ontology and uses
supervised learning techniques in order to train its classification.
   Also of particular interest is the work presented in [2], seeing as it focus on
object recognition in the urban environment. In order to achieve this goal the authors
combine the efforts of experts with machine learning tools in order to build their
ontology. This ontology is then used for object recognition in segmented images
using a similarity measure with interesting results.

3 Approach

With our research, we aim to combine the results of 3D structure information, pro-
vided by reconstructions of the city structure, with semantic knowledge in the do-
main of the urban environment in order to provide an improved image-based object
and structure classification system capable of enabling and enhancing a smart city
   In our proposed approach, an image is first localized geographically and spatially
in the city and only then we proceed to the detection and classification of objects
and structures, enhancing this detection with extracted knowledge of the involving
infrastructure. Figure 1 presents an overview of our proposed approach.
4                                                  Paulo Dias Almeida and Jorge Gustavo Rocha

   With our research we are mainly trying to provide answers for the question: ”To
what extent can we create a semantic representation of spaces/objects of a city,
taking advantage of the images contributed by the citizen?”.

Fig. 1 Overview of the proposed system.

4 Conclusion

Image data is capable of conveying a large amount of information and can be sup-
plied by the citizens across the city, making it a potential sensor for a smart city
environment. The low amount of metadata and structure associated with this source
of information originates the need for semantic knowledge to be added to image
processing. With our proposed approach we will complement the semantic knowl-
edge extracted from the image data with information relating to the 3D structure of
its involving space to provide an improved method for object and structure recogni-


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