7 Remotino: Supporting End-User Developers in Prototyping Embedded Devices Julian Dax Abstract University of Siegen In recent years, platforms such as Arduino have made 57072 Siegen, Germany it easier for makers and hobbyists to create “smart julian.dax@uni-siegen.de objects” and connected devices. However, there are some unique barriers when developing embedded Thomas Ludwig systems that challenge non-professionals. We derive University of Siegen these barriers from existing literature on end-user- 57072 Siegen, Germany development (EUD) in general and in particular EUD for thomas.ludwig@uni-siegen.de embedded devices. In this paper, we present the first prototype of a tool that supports end users to overcome Volkmar Pipek some of these barriers by addressing problems of University of Siegen missing information and lack of understanding as well 57072 Siegen, Germany as providing visibility and help in decomposition. Our volkmar.pipek@uni-siegen.de prototype comprises enhanced functionality for the debugging and prototyping process of hardware by showing the current and past state of the embedded Copyright is held by the author/owner(s). device, and allowing end users to remotely control it, AVI, June 07–10, 2016, Bari, Italy when they want to focus on circuit design. Author Keywords Debugging; Prototyping; End-User-Development; Appropriation; Internet of Things. ACM Classification Keywords D 2.5 Testing and Debugging: Testing tools 8 Introduction Decomposition – one of the core goals of software With the proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT), it has engineering – is the the idea that a problem should be more and more impact on the everyday life of average split up in “mind-sized bites” [6] in order to be citizen. This evolution implies that configuration, solvable. The decomposition problem in embedded understanding and programming of IoT technology is systems development is due to the fact that the getting more and more relevant for a diverse group of “powerful separation of computation (software) from people who are not traditional programmers. However, physicality (platform and environment), which has been the IoT ecosystem is complex and poses new one of the central ideas enabling the science of challenges to individualization of soft- and hardware [3] computing, does not work for embedded systems” [2]. as well as understanding the hardware in relation to its context [5]. The maker community has developed This separation problem is what makes decomposition various hard- and software-systems in recent years hard to archive. When debugging embedded systems, which make working with electronics and programmers oftentimes face the challenge, that they microcontrollers easier for non-professional do not know if the bug they are trying to fix is soft- or programmers than before (e.g. Arduino, hardware related [5]. To answer this question, https://www.arduino.cc/). While IoT and embedded programmers need to decompose the integrated, systems are not synonymous, they are an important embedded system into the hard- and the software piece of the IoT ecosystem. components in their head. They need to make sure that either the soft- or the hardware works correctly. EUD for Embedded Systems End-user development (EUD) is defined by the aim of The second major reason why developing embedded developing “methods, techniques, and tools that allow systems is so challenging is the lack of visibility and users of software systems, acting as non-professional observability. It is a well-known problem in embedded software developers, to create, modify or extend a systems development, that the internal state of the software artifact at some point” [4]. EUD asks how hard and -software system is largely invisible to the end-users can be provided with support to incorporate developer [7]. Booth and Stumpf [1] studied non- and adapt software artifacts to their work practice. With professional Arduino programmers and called this regard to EUD, there is an ongoing discourse focusing problem the “information barrier”. Programmers do not on studying appropriation as well as how to design know which state the program and the electric circuit is support for these kinds of activities. A common insight in at a given time and they have only very limited ways is that it is important for end users to learn how they to find it out (debuggers are not available in the operate their machines [5]. Arduino platform). Observing, how the state of the embedded system changes over time is especially Developing embedded systems comes with its own difficult. Our research question was therefore how to special challenges. In this paper, we focus on problems support end users in understanding and debugging with decomposition and problems with visibility. embedded systems. 9 Research Approach the server using the Firmata protocol To pave the way for answering the research question, (https://github.com/firmata/protocol). To provide a our approach tries to address the challenges of modern, cross platform GUI we chose the Electron archiving decomposition and visibility only in relation to framework, which is based on the Chrome Browser and debugging and prototyping of the electrical circuit. For allows the creation of native applications using web that, we developed a GUI application called Remotino. technologies. Remotino allows end users to remote control the digital and analog pins on the Arduino form a computer User Interface plugged into the Arduino board and to view the inputs In the user interface, we chose to represent each pin of on these pins. This way, users can see how the the Arduino (besides the pins for the serial ports) as a electrical circuit interacts with the Arduino separate row (see figure 2). As some Arduinos have microcontroller by viewing the input and they can test more than 50 pins, users can filter the pins and only out their circuit by sending output. This helps with show pins which are digital only, allow analogue output, decomposition, as the user can focus purely on the allow analog input (analog pins can always also be put electrical circuit first and does not need the ask himself in digital mode) or are enabled. the question, if the problem is hard- or software Figure 1: The test setup we used In order to send a value to a pin or to receive values related. It also helps with visibility and observability in for our Application. It consists of from it, the pin needs to be “enabled” with using a an Arduino Mega, 11 LEDs, a the prototyping phase. checkbox. The pins can then be switched in different potentiometer and 4 push operation modes (digital in, digital out, analogue in, buttons. The LEDs are used to Implementation test digital and analog output. analogue out) depending on their capabilities. Remotino To implement Remotino, we chose the Johnny-Five Analog and digital input can be knows which pins support which modes and which JavaScript library (http://johnny-five.io/) and the tested with the potentiometer microcontroller is attached to it as this information is and the push buttons Electron application framework made available by the Johnny-Five library. For each respectively. (http://electron.atom.io/). The Johnny-Five JavaScript enabled pin, the current value is shown and the values consists of a server, which has to be installed on the of the last 10 seconds are plotted. Arduino and a client library, which sends commands to 10 Figure 2: A screenshot of Remotino showing enabled analog in- and output pins Future Work programming for students that have no high In future versions of our tool, we want to include the programming experience and that mainly focus rather possibility to use pins that are not simple digital or on the design of the hardware artifacts than the analog pins. A first step in this is the support for serial programming itself. Based in this long-term evaluation ports. We are also working on an integrated event plot, we will be able to examine the appropriation of which shows an overview of all enabled pins and embedded systems based on Remotino. visualizes when significant changes on these pins happen. 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