=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1602/paper5 |storemode=property |title=An Authoring Environment for Smart Objects in Museums: the meSch Approach |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1602/paper5.pdf |volume=Vol-1602 |authors=Martin Risseeuw,Dario Cavada,Elena Not,Massimo Zancanaro,Mark T. Marshall,Daniela Petrelli,Thomas Kubitza |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/avi/RisseeuwCNZMPK16a }} ==An Authoring Environment for Smart Objects in Museums: the meSch Approach== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1602/paper5.pdf

                              An Authoring Environment for Smart
                              Objects in Museums: the meSch

Martin Risseeuw                     Mark T. Marshall                        Abstract
WAAG Society                        Daniela Petrelli                        The meSch project addresses the challenges of creating
Amsterdan, Netherlands              Sheffield Hallam University             a personally meaningful, sensorily rich, and socially
martin@waag.org                     Sheffield, UK                           expanded museum visitor experience through tangible
                                    m.marshall@shu.ac.uk                    and embodied interaction with digital content. It is of
Dario Cavada                        d.petrelli@shu.ac.uk                    paramount importance that cultural heritage
eCTRL                                                                       professionals are directly involved in the design of
Trento, Italy                       Thomas Kubitza                          those experiences. The meSch approach is to empower
                                    University of Stuttgart                 cultural heritage professionals with tools that guide
                                    Stuttgard, Germany                      them through a do-it-yourself process of creating or
Elena Not
                                    Thomas.Kubitza@vis.uni-                 adapting digitally augmented experiences for their own
Massimo Zancanaro
                                    stuttgart.de                            museum spaces, therefore reducing the barriers of
FBK – Fondazione Bruno Kessler
                                                                            introducing Internet of Things technology in cultural
Trento, Italy
                                                                            heritage spaces.

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 Introduction                                                           the German defense line along the European west coast
 Within the Material Encounters with Digital Cultural                   erected during World War II to block the allied invasion.
 Heritage (meSch 1) project [3], we are working on                      The exhibition was meant to reflect on how the city of
 technology to support the whole museum visiting                        The Hague and its citizens had been affected. The
 experience by fostering a vision where materiality and                 meSch platform has been used to enrich the display of
 rich sensory interaction add to the cognitive aspects for              historical artefacts with voices from the past, such as
 a personally meaningful experience. There is a wide                    those of the German soldiers, the Dutch civilians and
 recognition that such approach may greatly improve                     the civil servants 3. Visitors could play these narratives
 both the visit and also visitors’ appreciation for the                 by using ‘smart replicas’, reproductions of real museum
 museum’s cultural values [1].                                          objects (e.g. a reproduction of a surrogate tea bag, a
                                                                        3D-printed replica of a Delft blue mug, and so on)
                                                                        enhanced with sensors. By placing their smart replica
                                                                        on hotspots on interactive cases visitors could listen to
                                                                        narratives and see historical photographs and video
                                                                        clips thus enriching the original museum objects on
                                                                        display 4. From April to November 2015, more than
                                                                        14,000 visitors interacted with the meSch smart
                                                                        replicas at the hotposts.

                                                                        The active involvement of cultural heritage
 Figure 1 A visitor interacting with a smart replica in the Atlantic
 Wall exhibition [2];
                                                                        professionals in the preparation of this kind of
                                                                        experiences is of paramount importance, even if they
 The idea behind meSch is taking objects out of their                   often lack technical skills [3]. The meSch approach
 cases (or using replicas like in [2]) to let visitors                  consists in fostering reuse over creation from scratch. A
 experience objects’ shape and weight while learning                    catalogue of reusable narrative and interaction
 about them (figure 1), to engage the visitors at a                     strategies is provided as starting points that can be
 physical level and put information in context without                  adapted and refined.
 the distractions induced by interacting with extraneous
 devices, apps, and touch screens.                                      The ingredients for a digitally augmented
 As an example, the meSch platform has been                             The approach to experience creation and
 demonstrated at the Atlantic Wall exhibition at Museon                 personalization in meSch is based on a clear separation
 in The Hague, The Netherlands 2. The Atlantic Wall was
1 http://mesch-project.eu                                              the-atlantic-wall-war-in-the-city-of-peace/
2 http://www.museon.nl/en/exhibitions/hague-and-atlantic-wall          4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sK3AdQU9kkc

of content from interaction, and aims at facilitating the       to a specific exhibit); (iii) the device: the description of
preparation and the reuse of (i) narrative threads that         the actual hardware required for deploying the system
can be adapted to different visitors and types of               and its technical requirements; (iv) the interaction
experience and (ii) interaction strategies that describe        script: the interaction rules that govern when
how content should be released in context while                 presentations should be started or how the system
experiencing the objects and the space.                         behaviour should be adjusted to personalize the
                                                                experience to visitors’ context (e.g., a set of rules that
                                                                activate the projection of the most appropriate content
                                                                about an exhibit when visitors are in its vicinity).

                                                                This multilayer definition of the experience schema
                                                                concept supports the following properties: (i)
                                                                reusability: an experience schema defines a skeleton of
                                                                experience that can be reused with different content
                                                                and in different physical settings to create many
                                                                experience instances; (ii) modularity: parts of an
                                                                experience schema can be replaced to create a new
                                                                experience schema. For example, the interaction script
                                                                can be changed to introduce different rules for firing
Figure 2. The meSch Magazine: the starting point for browsing
and adapting digitally augmented experiences                    the presentation of the same content in context.
                                                                Another example is the possibility to experiment the
We define a declarative formalism, the experience               same type of experience with an alternative hardware
schema that supports the description of the content             set-up; (iii) compositionality: different experience
items, the available interactions, the semantic                 schemas can be composed together to create more
annotations and the conditional rules that govern the           articulated augmented exhibitions; (iv) reduction of
adaptive composition of the experience that is delivered        complexity: authors can concentrate on the preparation
to visitors at runtime [4]. This is done through a 4-           of the necessary content and on its grouping according
layer data structure including: the narrative, the              to the narrative dimensions exploited in the experience
appliance, the device and the interaction script: (i) the       in a dedicated step. The rules for putting content in
narrative: a set of carefully selected digital content          context are represented separately and can be edited
items, annotated into alternative thematic treads and           by experience designers; (v) declarativity: the
levels of detail that revolve around the objects and            declarations contained in the appliance section of an
places of an exhibition; (ii) the appliance: a declarative      experience schema allow to specify in a formal way the
specification of the capabilities of the technology             type of elementary interactions and behaviour events
embedded in the museum premises (such as, for                   that are available to shape the experience; this allows
example, the possibility to detect the visitors’ proximity      to abstract from the actual hardware details and the

low level sensor logs, thus facilitating the                      Once they find a digitally augmented experience that
experimentation of different technological solutions.             may suit their needs, curators may replicate the
                                                                  “recipe” of the experience (which consists in its
The meSch scenario of authoring a digitally                       experience schema) and iteratively adapt it to their
augmented visit experience                                        specific needs.
A catalogue of reusable narrative and interaction
strategies with step-by-step instructions on how to               The first and the simplest step consists in adjusting the
instantiate them for a specific museum and the type of            names of the semantic dimensions used to annotate
visit personalization that they support is provided to            the content network (e.g. thematic threads, output
assist curators in their task. This catalogue is offered in       languages, types of audience) to the specific domain of
the form of an electronic magazine of digitally                   the new exhibition (Figure 3).
augmented museum experiences already tested in
museums or outdoor cultural heritage sites (see figure
2). Curators may browse the magazine and take
inspiration from what other museums have successfully
adopted for their visitors.

Figure 3. The semantic dimensions of the experience schema
for the Atlantic Wall exhibition: changing the dimensions is an
easy approach to adapt the content structure when porting the     Figure 4 The editing form to define a content item (in this case
experience schema to a new exhibition.                            an mp4 video linked to a specific point of interest, C1-Dunes, a
                                                                  location of the exhibition Atlantic Wall)

 The following step consists in replacing the content              annotate the content and the sensor devices used to
 material: the narrative part of the experience schema.            capture the visitor’s interaction (Figure 5).
 Figure 4 shows how a curator can define new content
 (a narrative item) for a specific theme, point of interest        When the editing is complete, the package of the
 and language. During the phase of content preparation,            content items that build up the narrative and the rules
 curators may use their proprietary content or benefit             that govern the context-dependent play during the visit
 from the contextual search facilities that support the            are transferred to the onsite server that manages their
 search in Europeana (a virtual European library with              application.
 the goal to make Europe's cultural heritage accessible 5)
 of content items that are relevant for the current                Preliminary Evaluation
 experience editing task.                                          The authoring tool was developed through an iterative
                                                                   design-evaluation-redesign process in strict
                                                                   collaboration with cultural heritage professionals. A
                                                                   preliminary evaluation cycle took place over a period of
                                                                   three weeks in the form of a distributed expert
                                                                   evaluation on the first advanced graphical mockup of
                                                                   the system. In particular, 11 members of the meSch
                                                                   consortium participated in the collaborative effort, as
                                                                   well as 4 cultural heritage professionals, who are not
                                                                   part of the meSch consortium. The evaluation consisted
                                                                   in a series of small tasks that each curator had to
                                                                   perform individually to adapt a simple recipe. The
                                                                   curators were asked to reflect aloud on their actions on
                                                                   the interface and to provide impromptu comments. In
 Figure 5. The mapping between the semantic categories that        total, 159 comments were collected. The majority of
 annotate the content and the devices that sense the interaction   the comments and feedbacks gathered concerned
 context (for example an NFC tag attached to the smart replica     ameliorations of the interface, the navigation within the
 is associated to language and theme preferences of the visitor)   application, the clarity and intuitiveness of the design
 The interaction scripts may be adapted as well though             and features regarding the collaborative and open use
 that may require higher technical skills. Yet, a curator          of the platform. Many comments were also gathered on
 can customize an interaction script to the specific needs         the vocabulary and terminology used within the
 of a new exhibition by setting the script parameters: for         interface (e.g. the metaphors of the “magazine”, the
 example, the distance range for recognizing proximity             “recipe”). Many comments were also relevant for the
 and the mapping between the semantic categories that              intuitiveness and ease of reuse of the available scripts,
                                                                   as this part of the authoring environment is maybe the
                                                                   most “technical” one.

This formative evaluation greatly influenced the             Acknowledgement
following stage of partial redesign and actual               This work was done as part of the Material EncounterS
implementation of the authoring interface. The second        with digital Cultural Heritage (meSch) project. The
high-fidelity prototype was then tested for usability by     project (2013-2017) receives funding from the
other three cultural heritage professionals who had to       European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme
perform in autonomy a controlled task of recipe reuse,       ‘ICT for access to cultural resources’ (ICT Call 9: FP7-
resulting in further ameliorations. The third version of     ICT-2011-9) under the Grant Agreement 600851.
the system will now be used in open workshops
(“authoring feasts”) to engage potential users of the        References
system in creating their own smart objects.                  1.   Dudley, S. (2010). Museum materialities: Objects,
                                                                  sense and feeling. In S. Dudley (ed.). Museum
                                                                  Materialities: Objects, Engagements,
                                                                  Interpretations. Routledge.
In this paper, we described a research prototype for
                                                             2.   Marshall, M.T., Dulake N., Ciolfi L., Duranti D.,
authoring tangible and embodied interaction with digital
                                                                  Kockelkorn H., Petrelli D. (2016) Using Tangible
content by cultural heritage professionals. The
                                                                  Smart Replicas as Controls for an Interactive
approach is to empower cultural heritage professionals            Museum Exhibition. In Proceedings of TEI 2016
with tools that guide them through a do-it-yourself
                                                             3.   Petrelli D., Ciolfi L., van Dijk D., Hornecker E., Not
process of creating or adapting digitally augmented               E., Schmidt A. (2013) Integrating material and
experiences for their own museum spaces. We propose               digital: a new way for cultural heritage. ACM
a formalism, the experience schema, that is based on a            interactions magazine 20 (4), 58
clear separation of content from interaction, and aims       4.   Zancanaro, M., Not E., Petrelli D., Marshall M., van
at facilitating the preparation and the reuse of narrative        Dijk T., Risseeuw M., van Dijk D., Venturini A.,
threads that can be adapted to different visitors and             Cavada D., Kubitza T. (2015) Recipes for tangible
types of experience and interaction strategies that               and embodied visit experiences. In Proceedings of
                                                                  MW2015: Museums and the Web 2015.
describe how content should be released in context
while experiencing the objects and the space.