Integrating Shared Cyber Security Information into Information Security Risk Management Clemens Sauerwein Department of Computer Science University of Innsbruck Innsbruck, Austria Email: Supervisor: Ruth Breu Abstract. In the last couples of years, the complexity and intercon- nectedness of Information Systems (IS), and security related incidents increased significantly. In order to guarantee confidentiality, integrity, and availability of these IS an appropriate information security risk man- agement (ISRM) must be in place. Reliable ISRM represents a challenge for organizations, since they take security related decisions based on outdated data, overlook vulnerabilities, threats or common incidents. To overcome these issues the acquisition of shared cyber security informa- tion at the right time supports ISRM to reduce risks, identify attacks, and enhance resilience of an IS. However, the exchange and acquisition of shared cyber security information represents a major challenge in ISRM. In the proposed PhD thesis we focus on this challenge by developing a framework that automatically combines and integrates shared cyber security information into ISRM processes. In doing so, we develop qual- ity criteria, measures, and metrics to evaluate and filter shared cyber security information. Keywords: Information Security Risk Management, Shared Cyber Security In- formation, Information Integration, Information Quality 1 Motivation The increasing complexity and heterogeneity of Information Systems (IS) com- bined with more sophisticated cyber-attacks manifest serious threats harming an IS’s security. Recent prominent information security incidents have shown that attacks can lead to business-critical loss of intellectual property, productivity, money, and reputation [1–3]. In order to counteract these threats, and to guar- antee confidentiality, integrity, and availability, an organisation needs to put an information security risk management (ISRM) in place [4]. ISRM includes pro- cesses to identify, assess, treat, accept, communicate and monitor information security related risks [5]. It employs information derived from a multitude of 2 internal information sources, like monitoring tools, enterprise architecture arti- facts, and stakeholder’s knowledge. Reliable ISRM represents a major challenge for organizations, since they fail to predict risks [6], due to decisions based on outdated data [7], or deficiencies in the timely reaction to occurring threats [8]. To tackle these issues and improve ISRM the acquisition of shared cyber security information and knowledge has been frequently stated as desirable [6]. In the last couples of years a multitude of shared cyber security information sources were created, ranging from pub- lic available information sources (e.g. National Vulnerability Database1 , Exploit Database2 , Vendor-specific Advisories,. . . ) to threat intelligence sharing com- munities that exchange threat intelligence among each other [9]. In recent years, research and practice introduced several technologies, data for- mats, messaging protocols, and frameworks that enable the exchange of cyber security information [10–13]. However, cyber security information sharing in the field of ISRM is hardly present, and depicts one of the core challenges [6]. Thereby, the right selection of information for ISRM plays an important role since inaccurate data could affect the ISRM and can result in undesired ef- fects [14, 15], or uncertainty [16]. In the PhD thesis we want to answer the following overarching research question: How can shared cyber security information be integrated into information security risk management? The main objective of the PhD thesis is the development of a framework to combine and integrate shared cyber security information into ISRM, thereby we want to focus primarily on security information shared between organisations. In this context, the development of criteria (e.g. timeliness, completeness, reliability, provenance of information) and methods to evaluate data quality, and filter relevant information for ISRM plays an important role. Our contribution is threefold: At first we characterize the landscape of relevant and valuable shared cyber security information for ISRM. Secondly, we develop a taxonomy to evaluate the quality of shared cyber security information and provide rules to filter it. Finally, we implement a framework which bases upon the developed taxonomy, provides methods to automatically evaluate the data quality and filter relevant shared cyber security information, and combines and integrates the collected information into ISRM. 2 State of the Art Cyber Security information sharing is a contemporary topic in information se- curity communities. In recent years several standardization efforts have ad- dressed the challenge of representing cyber security information in a standard- ized manner [17]. As a result a number of protocols, data formats and frame- 1 Accessed: March, 2016 2 Accessed: March, 2016 3 works have been introduced, e.g. Common Vulnerability Exposure (CVE), Struc- tured Threat Information Expression (STIXX), Trusted Automated eXchange of Indicator Information (TAXII), Common Configuration Enumeration (CCE), Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification (CAPEC), and the Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language (OVAL), among others [11, 10, 13]. In [12], a taxonomy is introduced to classify cyber security information sharing technologies, identify gaps, and explain the differences between them from a scientific perspective. While there are a number of ad-hoc solutions for cyber security information shar- ing, like email exchange, phone calls, shared databases or data feeds, there is a tendency to establish systems for automated data exchange, and form communi- ties for cyber security information sharing [17]. For example, in the Netherlands the government together with companies has introduced the National Detection Network(NDN) [9]. In this context, there is a need for an effective cyber security information sharing platform, the challenges, requirements and expectations are discussed by [17, 16]. To benefit from information, a persistent theme in research is the assessment of information quality. Therefore, several data quality metrics, measures and frameworks focusing on information quality exist [18–21]. In ISRM only a few researches dealt with the aspect of information quality, e.g. investigations re- garding quality deficiencies in the documentation of business security require- ments [22], or how to improve quality assessment in ISRM processes through stakeholder knowledge [23]. To the best of our knowledge no prior research has been conducted that exam- ines how shared cyber security information with respect to quality criteria can be integrated into ISRM. In doing so, research and practice lacks metrics, measures and methods for quality assessment of shared cyber security information. 3 Research Questions & Expected Contributions In Section 1 we introduced our overarching research questions which we divide in the following three research questions: (a) What are potential shared cyber security information sources for ISRM?, (b) What are quality requirements for shared cyber security information for ISRM?, and (c) How can ISRM processes be supplied with shared cyber security information? In the following we explain these research questions and outline the expected contributions. 3.1 RQ1: What are potential shared cyber security information sources for ISRM? As described in Section 2, several standards for describing and exchanging of shared cyber security information exist. At first we provide a comprehensive overview of the state of the art of standards in the field. Based on these investi- gations we conduct a study with the goal of identifying potential shared cyber security information sources applied in practice. In this context, our primary 4 focus is on security information which is shared between organisation. In ad- dition to them, we analyse information which is available from public security databases. Finally, the contribution of this research step includes a classification of the landscape of valuable shared cyber security information sources, underly- ing standards, and their relevance for practice. 3.2 RQ2: What are quality requirements for shared cyber security information for ISRM? Based on the identified landscape of shared cyber security information for ISRM we develop criteria, metrics and measures to evaluate the data quality. For ex- ample, they take in account criteria, like timeliness, provenance, reliability, or completeness of shared information. For this purpose, we analyze the adoption possibilities of existing quality models from information science [18–20, 24, 25], and other fields of ISRM, e.g. [23]. In doing so, we want to analyse if it is pos- sible to adopt or extend existing approaches to evaluate the quality of shared cyber security information. Our main goal is the development of criteria to assure quality of shared cyber security information and provide criteria to filter informa- tion in order to reduce the information overhead and facilitate the integration of information into ISRM. Finally, our contribution includes a comprehensive tax- onomy containing quality criteria, metrics, and measures to evaluate the quality of shared cyber security information. 3.3 RQ3: How can ISRM processes be supplied with shared cyber security information? As depicted in Figure 1, based on the identified landscape of shared cyber se- curity information and the taxonomy for quality assurance we develop a frame- work that automatically collects, combines, and integrates shared cyber security information to ISRM processes. Thereby, we are following three goals: (a) To integrate a multitude of shared cyber security information into ISRM processes, (b) assure the quality of integrated information, and (c) reduce the implicated overhead of useless information. The developed framework should be capable of being integrated into information security management systems implementing ISRM processes. 4 Research Plan As depicted in Figure 2 our research plan can be divided into the following three steps considering the design science principles [26]: (a) Identifying the landscape of shared cyber security information, (b) development of the taxonomy for infor- mation quality assurance, (c) development and evaluation of the framework. In our research we collaborate with a number of organizations, like the OWASP3 3 (Accessed: March, 2016) 5 Fig. 1. Overview of the framework to integrate shared cyber security information into ISRM processes community, TÜV Austria4 , Security Interest Group Switzerland5 , our research partners in Europe, and industry partners in the DACH region. 4.1 Identifying the landscape of shared cyber security information At first, we conduct empirical studies with the goal of identifying the landscape of shared cyber security information. Therefore, we carry out qualitative expert interviews with experts in the field. The interviewees include security experts from our industry and academic partners. Based on the results of the interviews we carry out a quantitative survey addressing the same issue. In doing so, our main goal is the validation of the results of the expert interviews, and subse- quently provide of a comprehensive picture of relevant shared cyber security information for ISRM in practice. 4.2 Development of the taxonomy for information quality assessment Secondly, we identify and develop quality criteria with corresponding quality metrics to assess the quality for shared cyber security information. Therefore, we conduct a systematic literature study on existing data quality criteria and metrics in different applications areas of information science. Based on quali- tative expert interviews we evaluate the applicability of the identified quality criteria and metrics to shared cyber security information. Thereby, it might be necessary to adopt or add one or another quality metric. The main result of 4 (Accessed: March, 2016) 5 (Accessed: March, 2016) 6 Fig. 2. Research plan depicting the different steps with corresponding research ques- tions the the systematic literature study and the expert interviews is a comprehensive taxonomy to evaluate the quality of shared cyber security information. 4.3 Development and evaluation of the framework Thirdly, we develop a framework to supply shared cyber security information for ISRM processes. As mentioned in Section 3 the framework should be capable of being integrated into information security management systems (ISMS) imple- menting ISRM processes. In order to demonstrate the integration capabilities we integrate it into the tool-supported ISMS framework ADAMANT [27] which is part of one of our ongoing research projects. Finally, we evaluate our framework through confirmatory case studies with our research and industry partners. 5 Conclusion The main goal of our research, and the proposed PhD thesis is the development of a framework that integrates shared cyber security information into ISRM 7 processes. In doing so, the framework combines information originating from different sources, ensures a certain degree of information quality, and filters in- formation in order to counteract useless information overflow. Thereby our re- search contributions are threefold: (a) Identifying the landscape of shared cyber security information, (b) providing a taxonomy to evaluate the quality of shared cyber security information, and (c) developing the described framework. This paper provides an overview of the addressed research questions, expected contri- butions and applied research methodology. 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