=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1605/ensec |storemode=property |title=Results of the 2016 ENtity Summarization Evaluation Campaign (ENSEC 2016) |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1605/ensec.pdf |volume=Vol-1605 |authors=Kalpa Gunaratna,Gong Cheng,Andreas Thalhammer,Qingxia Liu |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/esws/GunaratnaCTL16 }} ==Results of the 2016 ENtity Summarization Evaluation Campaign (ENSEC 2016)== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1605/ensec.pdf
       Results of the 2016 ENtity Summarization
         Evaluation Campaign (ENSEC 2016)

    Kalpa Gunaratna1 , Gong Cheng2 , Andreas Thalhammer3 , and Qingxia Liu2
                      Kno.e.sis Center, Wright State University, USA
    National Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Nanjing University, China
               Institute AIFB, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

        Abstract. Entities and their descriptions are becoming an important
        part of the datasets and knowledge graphs available on the Web. These
        descriptions can be used in concise representation (i.e., summaries) to
        help users understand the Web content (e.g., summaries generated from
        Google Knowledge Graph in Google Search). In the recent past, several
        systems emerged to tackle the problem of automatic summary genera-
        tion for entity descriptions. Even though these proposed systems contin-
        uously push the boundaries, the problem is not yet resolved completely.
        Therefore, there is a need to support and encourage researchers in the
        community to participate in solving this important problem. ENSEC,
        the entity summarization evaluation campaign, is the first step taken
        towards realizing that goal, and we present the results of the systems
        participating in the campaign.

1     Introduction

The volume of entity-centric data is rapidly increasing on the Web, including
RDF-based Linked Data, Schema.org annotations, Facebook’s Open Graph, and
Google’s Knowledge Graph. The interlinked datasets, entity annotations, and
knowledge graphs on the Web describe entities (e.g., actors and films) and rela-
tions between them (e.g., starring). The description of an entity, consisting of a
set of entity-property-value triples, is often too long to present to a user, primar-
ily for (quick) understanding of the entity. As a substitute, a summary generated
from the entity description can be used to efficiently support an end-user task
(e.g., browsing, searching).
    Specifically, an entity summary is a subset of entity-property-value triples
selected from the description of an entity. Entity summarization is the process
of automatically generating a high-quality entity summary, to be used for a
specific task or general purpose. Several systems and approaches have been pro-
posed [1, 2, 4] in the recent past in tackling this problem but we believe it is still
far from being solved. Therefore, this ENtity Summarization Evaluation Cam-
paign (ENSEC) is initiated and organized for the first time to assess strengths
2         K. Gunaratna, G. Cheng, A. Thalhammer, and Q. Liu

and weaknesses of entity summarization systems, compare performance of tech-
niques, and enhance communication among researchers and developers. In the
coming years, we intend to strengthen the gold standards and create benchmarks
as new requirements appear.
    ENSEC 2016 consists of two tracks: the DBpedia-50 track and the LinkedMDB-
30 track, and we invited researchers to try out their new proposals. DBpedia-50
and LinkedMDB-30 tracks consist of 50 and 30 entities, respectively. A system
had the opportunity to participate in both or either of the tracks. Each system
is evaluated against newly created gold-standard summaries by human judges.
    The remainder of this report is organized as follows. In Section 2, we describe
the two tracks. In Section 3, we characterize gold-standard entity summaries
given by human judges. In Section 4, we present evaluation metrics. In Section 5,
we report evaluation results. Finally, in Section 6, we conclude this report.

2      Tracks

ENSEC 2016 consists of two tracks: the DBpedia-50 track and the LinkedMDB-
30 track.

2.1     The DBpedia-50 Track

The DBpedia-50 Track consists of 50 entities in DBpedia (version 2015-04)4 .
Their descriptions are restricted to the following datasets:

    – core data: DBpedia Ontology, Mapping-based Types, Mapping-based Prop-
      erties, Titles,
    – domain-specific data: Images, Geographic Coordinates, Homepages, Person-
    – categories: Article Categories, Categories (Labels), Categories (Skos), and
    – YAGO types: YAGO types, YAGO type hierarchy.

    For diversity purposes, the 50 entities are composed of ten entities randomly
selected from each of the following five classes in DBpedia: Agent, Place, Work,
Species, and MeanOfTransportation.
    The description of each entity consists of at least twenty RDF triples; an
entity can be either the subject or the object of a triple. All the 50 entity
descriptions can be found online5 .
    Each participating system should select a subset of five triples from the de-
scription of each entity, as a summary for general purposes. Considering that
some systems can be configured in different ways (e.g., under different parame-
ter settings), each participating system is allowed to submit the results of two
runs under different configurations.
                                                    Results of ENSEC 2016         3

2.2   The LinkedMDB-30 Track
This track consists of 30 entities in LinkedMDB (version 2012-02-10)6 .
    For diversity purposes, the 30 entities are composed of ten entities randomly
selected from each of the following three classes in LinkedMDB: Film, Actor,
and Director.
    The description of each entity consists of at least twenty RDF triples; an
entity can be either the subject or the object of a triple. All the 30 entity
descriptions can be found online7 .
    Each participating system should select a subset of five triples from the de-
scription of each entity, as a summary for general purposes. Considering that
some systems can be configured in different ways (e.g., under different parame-
ter settings), each participating system is allowed to submit the results of two
runs under different configurations.

3     Gold-standard Entity Summaries
Entity summaries generated by participating systems are compared against the
gold-standard entity summaries created by a group of students at Karlsruhe In-
stitute of Technology, Nanjing University, and Wright State University, as human
judges. In the rest of the report, we refer to these gold-standard summaries as
ideal summaries. We asked 10 independent human evaluators to generate ideal
summaries of length 5 for each entity. That is, each ideal summary consists of
five triples selected from the description of an entity for general purpose (not
task-specific summaries).
    Participating systems in the ENSEC 2016 campaign showed less interest in
the DBpedia-50 track and hence we focused on completing ideal summaries for
the LinkedMDB-30 track8 . For the LinkedMDB-30 track, each entity received at
least 6 different ideal summaries from 6 different independent evaluators. These
ideal summaries and the summaries generated by the participating systems are
available online9 . In the following evaluation and results section, we present
results for only the LinkedMDB-30 track.

4     Evaluation Metrics
We use the evaluation metrics as presented in Equations 1 and 2. When there
are n ideal summaries denoted by SummIi (e) for i = 1, .., n and an automati-
cally generated summary denoted by Summ(e) for entity e, the agreement on
ideal summaries is measured by Equation 1 and the quality of the automatically
generated summary is measured by Equation 2. In other words, the quality of
  We will complete and strengthen the DBpedia-50 track in future. Currently, it con-
  sists of at least two different ideal summaries per entity.
4      K. Gunaratna, G. Cheng, A. Thalhammer, and Q. Liu

an entity summary is its average overlap with the ideal summaries for the entity
in the gold standard.
                                  n    n
                           2     X    X
         Agreement(e) =                    |SummIi (e) ∩ SummIj (e)|          (1)
                        n(n − 1) i=1 j=i+1
             Quality(Summ(e)) =           |Summ(e) ∩ SummIi (e)|              (2)
                                    n i=1
   If we are considering only outgoing triples of an entity as its description, we
simply compare the property-value pairs for agreement and summary quality.
Because we are considering both incoming and outgoing triples for each entity,
we compare the whole triple in computing the values using Equations 1 and 2.

                  System            Average Summary Quality
                  System 1-A                 1.9722
                  System 1-B                 1.9388
                  System CD                  0.6444
                  Average Agreement          1.8199
Table 1: Average summary quality and average agreement (of ideal summaries)
for the LinkedMDB-30 track for summary length of five.

5   Results
Table 1 presents the evaluation results of the systems participating in this cam-
paign for LinkedMDB-30 track. System 1 [3] has two variations that we named
System 1-A and System 1-B, received from the East China University of Science
and Technology. The submission received from Nanjing University is named as
System CD [5]. These system descriptions are included in the SumPre 2016
workshop proceedings. Table 2 presents summary quality results running each
system for each entity in the LinkedMD-30 track.

6   Conclusion and Remarks
ENSEC 2016 consists of two entity samples taken from DBpedia and Linked-
MDB datasets. We created a gold standard for LinkedMDB entity sample and
evaluated the participating systems. We hope to continue this campaign together
with the SumPre workshop series to support the community in creating better
entity summaries that can lead to improvements in real-world practical systems.
Further, we will investigate on new evaluation metrics to measure the quality
of the entity summaries in future, which can complement the existing measures
proposed in the literature.
                                                 Results of ENSEC 2016   5

      Entity Type   Entity ID   System 1-A   System 1-B   System CD
                    84          1.6666       1.6666       0.6666
                    766         1.5          1.5          0.5
                    30242       2.3333       2.3333       0.3333
                    30510       2            2            0.6666
                    33739       2.8333       2.8333       0.6666
                    35586       2.1666       2.1666       1
                    36732       2.3333       2.3333       0.5
                    39131       1.6666       1.6666       0.6666
                    41033       1.3333       1.3333       0.6666
                    43934       2.6666       2.6666       0.8333
                    261         1.6666       1.6666       0.6666
                    8420        1.3333       1.3333       0.6666
                    8532        1.3333       1.3333       0.6666
                    8685        1.6666       1.6666       0.6666
                    9424        1.5          1.5          0.6666
                    9562        2.3333       2.3333       0.5
                    10576       2.3333       2.3333       0.3333
                    11372       1.3333       1.3333       0.3333
                    11556       2.1666       2.1666       0.6666
                    20668       2.1666       2.1666       0.8333
                    1511        1            1            0.1666
                    7751        1.8333       1.8333       0.8333
                    38753       2.3333       1.3333       0.6666
                    40691       2.3333       2.3333       0.1666
                    45556       2.3333       2.3333       0.1666
                    49486       2.3333       2.3333       0.6666
                    55491       1.5          1.5          0.5
                    66221       2.1666       2.1666       1.5
                    68798       2.3333       2.3333       1.1666
                    81553       2.6666       2.6666       1
Table 2: Summary quality results of each system for each entity in the
LinkedMDB-30 track. Entity ID reflects the actual ID in the LinkedMDB
6      K. Gunaratna, G. Cheng, A. Thalhammer, and Q. Liu

Acknowledgments. We thank all the participants in the creation of gold-
standard entity summaries. Gong Cheng and Qingxia Liu were supported in
part by the NSFC under Grant 61572247 and 61223003, and in part by the
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities. Andreas Thalham-
mer was supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
(BMBF) within the Software Campus project “SumOn” (grant no. 01IS12051).
Kalpa Gunaratna received partial support from the National Science Founda-
tion (NSF) award: EAR 1520870: Hazards SEES: Social and Physical Sensing
Enabled Decision Support for Disaster Management and Response.

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2. Gunaratna, K., Thirunarayan, K., Sheth, A.: Diversity-aware Entity Summariza-
   tion Using Incremental Hierarchical Conceptual Clustering. In: 29th AAAI Con-
   ference on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 116–122 (2015)
3. Li, Y., Zhao, L.: A Common Property and Special Property Entity Summarization
   Approach Based on Statistical Distribution. In: 2nd International Workshop on
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4. Thalhammer, A., Toma, I., Roa-Valverde, A.J., Fensel, D.: Leveraging Usage Data
   for Linked Data Movie Entity Summarization. In: 2nd International Workshop on
   Usage Analysis and the Web of Data (2012)
5. Xu, D., Zheng, L., Qu, Y.: CD at ENSEC 2016: Generating Characteristic and
   Diverse Entity Summaries. In: 2nd International Workshop on Summarizing and
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