=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1614/paper_25 |storemode=property |title=The Introduction of the Competence-based Approach in Educational Process of Training of Skippers |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1614/paper_25.pdf |volume=Vol-1614 |authors=Tatyana Zaytseva |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/icteri/Zaytseva16 }} ==The Introduction of the Competence-based Approach in Educational Process of Training of Skippers== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1614/paper_25.pdf
 The Introduction of the Competence-based Approach in
      Educational Process of Training of Skippers

                                      Tatyana Zaytseva

        Kherson State Marine Academy, 20, Ushakova St., 73000, Kherson, Ukraine


       Abstract. The competence-based professional education is the objective phe-
       nomenon in education brought to life by social and economic, political and edu-
       cational and pedagogical factors. One’s competitiveness at the modern job mar-
       ket usually depends on ability to operate new technologies, ability to continuous
       self-education and fast adaptation to various working conditions. Modern job
       market imposes the whole layer of new requirements on an employee which are
       taken into account on inadequate level or aren't taken into account at all in the
       training syllabus for specialist degree in different subject areas and in maritime
       education in particular. The main idea of the competence-based approach is that
       education has to provide not isolated knowledge and skills but to develop stu-
       dents’ ability and readiness for future professional activity in various social and
       working conditions. The competence-based education, which has been intro-
       duced in many countries, is nevertheless a new way of organizing educational
       process in Ukrainian higher educational institutions. Because maritime educa-
       tion is of international nature, the introduction of the competence-based ap-
       proach into cadets training program is of immediate importance nowadays.
       Search for effective forms of the educational process organization, which will
       allow combining the academic, practical and simulator trainings of specialists in
       this area, is an integral part of teacher’s work at higher education institution.

       Keywords. Competency, competence-based approach, competence-based edu-

       Key Terms. Teaching Process, Information Communication Technology

1      The general problem statement and its actuality

The decree of President of Ukraine "On measures for priority development of educa-
tion in Ukraine" dated by 30 September 2010 № 926 determined the number of meas-
ures for introduction the regulations in Ukraine, aimed at coordination the national
system of education quality assurance with the general European system [4].

ICTERI 2016, Kyiv, Ukraine, June 21-24, 2016
Copyright © 2016 by the paper authors
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   Based on modern society requirements, the education quality assurance should be
based on the formation such competencies and skills in future specialists that enable
to use practically knowledge and skills for the benefit of all Europe.
   In the National Standard System of Higher Education the requirements and qualifi-
cations are clearly stated, the list of socially and professionally important knowledge,
skills and competencies is provided, which are required from the graduate of high
institution not only by the national labor market, but also by the European Commu-
   The National System of Qualifications should be the basis for the introduction of
competence-based approach in higher education, including its components – the Na-
tional and Branch qualifications limits. The National qualifications limits is imple-
mented in order to:
─ introduction of European standards and principles of education quality assurance
   with the requirements of the labor market competencies to professionals;
─ ensure harmonization of standards of legislation in the field of education and so-
   cial, labor relations;
─ promote national and international recognition of qualifications acquired in
─ establish the effective cooperation of sphere of educational services and the labor
   market. [3]
   Conformity of the quality of graduates’ training of high school with the require-
ments of branch standard of higher education is determined by social and personal
(SPC), general scientific (GSC), instrumental (IC) and professional competencies.
   The idea of competence-based approach in teaching was originated in the early
80th of the last century, the article by W.de Landshyeer “The concept of "minimum
competency" was published in the journal "Perspectives. Question of Education"[8].
Initially, it was not the approach, it was the professional competence of the person as
the aim and the result of education.
   The competence in a broad sense is understood as "in-depth knowledge of the sub-
ject or mastered skill." In due course, there was expansion of the size and content of
the concept. Since the end of the last century the scientists began to speak about com-
petence-based approach in education (V.A.Kalney, A.M.Novikov, V.V. Serikov,
S.E.Shishov, B.D.Elkonin etc.). [6, 7 10]. Today there are different approaches for
understanding the core competencies. Some authors emphasize the personal proper-
ties, others - on the knowledge and skills that can be transferred to various conditions.
   We will proceed from the fact that competence is the capability and readiness for
the implementation of certain actions or functions and competence-based approach in
education - a target orientation of educational process on the formation of competen-
cies defined by branch standard, either socio-personal or professional.
   The competency-oriented professional education - is an objective phenomenon in
education, inspired by socio-economic, political, educational and pedagogical precon-
ditions. At first, it is the reaction of professional education on the changes in the
socio-economic sphere, the processes that have emerged with market economies. The
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market puts forward the whole layer of demands to the modern specialist that are
insufficiently included or not included in the programs of specialists training.
   These new requirements are not hard connected with some discipline, they are in-
terdisciplinary and universal. Its formation requires not only new subject matter, but
other educational technologies. The competence-based approach allows to:
─ coordinate the purpose of study, which the teacher puts with students’ goals;
─ unload students not by reducing the content, and by improving the part of individ-
  ual self-education;
─ prepare students for conscious and responsible learning, the necessity of constant
─ and most importantly, in our view, provide the labor market by competitive spe-
   The object of the study is to determine the conditions and methods to formation of
information competence for students that will promote assimilation of its professional
   Based on the objectives of the study were identified the ways of its solution.
   The first phase of the study included the following types of work: bring the work
programs in compliance with the STCW Code, IMO model course 7.02 and 7.04 and
establishing the nature of interdisciplinary connections. In the second stage was done
processing teaching methods of disciplines, also reviewed the content requirements
for laboratory work in accordance with the competence approach and to implement
interdisciplinary courses.
   The third stage was dedicated to the order of evaluation procedure results obtained
knowledge of students according to the content learned discipline, executed complex
laboratory work to ensure appropriate skills

2      Solving basic problems

In our opinion, the introduction of competence-based approach in specialists training
system is most important in marine industry, which is international in its essence.
Specialists of maritime industry should comply with International Maritime Organiza-
tion (IMO) irrespective of the country in which they got the education. The list of
these requirements is in the International Standard of Training, Certification and
Watchkeeping of Seafarers (STCW).The competence-based approach to multilevel
training of marine specialists is the base of this document.
   For example, we consider the STCW Code for marine electricians, there are two
levels of training - electrician and electrical engineer. The document provides the
basic functions for each level of specialty (e.g. at operation or support level) and
competences are marked for each function, which should have the specialist. The
higher level of specialist training, the greater the number of competences he should
have. There is an example of part of STCW Code (Table 1).
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           Table 1. Specifications competencies specialty for marine electricians

               Competence                                   ments con-
 №                                       code compe-                                Level
Professional competence

         Specialized and professional competence

       Safe use       of   electrical                                          At support
1.                                       SPC-01              А-ІІІ/6
       equipment                                                                  level

The general science competence

       Basic knowledge of the
       fundamental branches of
       mathematics , to the extent                                             At the level
       necessary to own mathe-                                                 of exploita-
1.                                            GSC-2
       matical tools relevant indus-                                               tion
       try knowledge, ability to use
       mathematical methods in
       their chosen profession.
       Basic knowledge in com-
       puter science and informa-
                                                                               At the level
       tion technologies; use soft-
                                                                               of exploita-
2.     ware skills and skills in             GSC -3
       computer networks , the
       ability to create databases
       and use online resources.

   Today, the labor market dictates to education system what level of specialists’
knowledge it needs. And competence-based approach is an attempt to bring in line the
professional education and the requirements of employers. Competence-based ap-
proach suggests that the significant results of education are recognized outside the
education system.
   From the 2014-2015 school year in the Kherson State Maritime Academy the ex-
perimental research work in the integration of educational process on the basis of
competence-based approach to the state education policy of Ukraine was started. [3]
   All training departments of the academy are actively involved in the project. The
teachers of department of information technologies, computer systems and networks
have developed the new working program of courses in which the disciplines are
considered as the mean of mastering the certain competencies within these disci-
                                         - 691 -

   Competence-based approach fixes and sets up the subordination of knowledge and
skill sets. An important role in this process is computer science as a science and a
subject, as competencies, which are formed during the study of the subject can be
transferred to the study of other objects to create the integrated information space of
cadets' knowledge.
   To show the interdisciplinary connections the teachers of the department ac-
quainted not only with the work programs of other disciplines, but also discussed with
the leadership of faculties and departments the level of information culture should
have the cadet for successful studying the special disciplines. As a result of this work
in the discipline “Information Technologies”, that studied on first year, new themes
were added and the content of course “Computer Science for Skippers” has been re-
vised and has acquired the applied nature.
   The content of the course “Information Technologies” has two components:
1. Theoretical Computer Science, which is currently one of the fundamental areas of
   scientific knowledge, it forms the system-information approach to the analysis of
   the environment.
2. Information Technologies, which represent the methods and means of obtaining,
   transformation, transmission, storage and use of information. This component has
   extremely the important practical importance; it takes the social order of society to
   prepare the future professionals of the field of marine branch in the information
   world society.
   The main purpose of the discipline “Information Technologies” is developing the
information and communication competencies. The information and communication
competence can be seen as a comprehensive ability to search, select the information,
analyze, organize, represent, pass it; simulate and design objects and processes, im-
plement projects, including in the area of individual and group activities. [5]
   Most courses in computer science can be realized by means of competence-base
approach. After analyzing the content of the courses we have identified the following
competencies and described them from the point of view of the subject and with the
aim to expand on other disciplines (Table 2).

                            Table 2. The list of competencies

                 The competence                       Projection common objective
                                                      competencies to curriculum
         Key                Generalized                         subject
                      (common objective)
                       Work with different            Skills of work with the applied
                     media.                        software, multimedia reference
                                                   books, electronic books, Internet
                        Use of information and        The application of information
                     telecommunication tech-       and telecommunication technolo-
                     nologies.                     gies for solving a wide class of
                                      - 692 -

               The competence                      Projection common objective
                                                   competencies to curriculum
      Key               Generalized                          subject
                    (common objective)
                                                 academic and applied problems.
 Information         Job        information         Information search in directo-
 Competence       (search, converting, stor-     ries, search engines;
                  ing,      systematization,        conversion information (with
                  analysis and selection of      graphics in text, with analog-
                  information).                  digital);
                                                    database design; work with dif-
                                                 ferent types of sorting; filtering,
                                                 structuring the file system;
                     The wording of the             Formulation of the goal in the
                  purpose, plan of action,       study of certain subjects subject
                  awareness of the presence      when creating the project, the
                  of certain requirements to     choice of the theme report;
                  the product of its activity.      writing the plan development
                                                 and implementation of the project;
                                                    understanding the software re-
                                                 quirements, framework operation
                                                 of databases;
                                                    the formulation and description
                                                 of its limitations.
                     Possession of stylistic        Create text documents, using
                  techniques                     the rules of presenting information
                                                 in a presentation
                    Dialogue                        Familiarity with the principles
                    the "man-machine"            of constructing different types of
                                                 interface (dialog boxes, menus
Communicative                                    and toolbars)
 competence         Group work                      Work on projects together, and
                                                 in the group, performing different
                                                 roles in a group interact in net-
                    Tolerance                       Work in a network society, the
                                                 use of telecommunication re-
                     The ability to propose         Owning the technology prob-
                  hypotheses, ask questions      lem solving with the help of a
                  to the observed facts and      computer, computer modeling,
  Educational-    phenomena, evaluate the        formalization, numerous methods
cognitive com-    initial data and planned       of problem solving, conducting
   petence        result                         computer experiment
                                        - 693 -

                 The competence                      Projection common objective
                                                     competencies to curriculum
         Key                 Generalized                       subject
                        (common objective)
                        The ability to issue the      Knowledge of ISO require-
                     results of its activities,    ments for registration statements,
                     submit it at the present      build charts and graphs, create
                     level                         presentations
                        Understanding        the      Awareness of the availability of
                     place of science in the       certain software requirements,
 General cultural    system of other sciences      analysis of the advantages and
   competence                                      disadvantages of information
                       The ethics of labor and        License for software, informa-
                     social relations              tion security, legal responsibility
                                                   for violation of legislation.
                        Creation of conditions        The computer as a tool self-
                     for self-realization, self-   reflection (use test simulators),
                     knowledge                     create your own information
                                                   space), publishing, receiving au-
                                                   thority in network society

   The main task of the competence-base approach is to find out and to include in the
educational trajectory that, without what the professional training can be happened,
what is necessary and sufficient to know and be able to do the future professionals in
the maritime industry. For this purpose we adjusted the content of educational mate-
rial of disciplines by means of the implementation the tasks of following types:
─ Tasks containing a large amount of text data and information presented in tables,
  charts, graphs, drawings, diagrams (transforming of information, work with differ-
  ent types of information).
─ Tasks, in which it isn’t clear to which area of knowledge it is necessary address to
  determine the method of action or the information (selection of the necessary soft-
  ware, the use of competencies in practice).
─ Tasks, with a large number of tasks of different topics and different formats that
  require different algorithms for solving, forms of records of the answer.
─ Tasks to optimize solutions.
  Preferably it is necessary to use not formalized, but meaningful statement of the
problem, so that the most difficult but important for getting the experience for solving
problems, stage of formalization will be completed by the cadet.
  For example, at learning the optimization, classic transportation tasks and use the
capabilities of MS Excel for solving the tasks, formulas of specific functions and
constraints are offered. But it is much more effective to give the applied task, for the
solution of which the student should reasonable formulate the objectives, describe the
                                          - 694 -

task and its limits in terms of selected technologies, create the information model of
the task.
   To generate activity algorithm for solving the tasks it is necessary to train cadets of
the implementation of sequence of the following stages:
─ Formation of the needs and intentions of a particular activity;
─ Selection of required software and the way of activity;
─ Planning of activities, description of restrictions;
─ Implementation of actions;
─ Analysis of the results.
   Competence-base approach focuses on the use of knowledge and skills in the so-
called extra-curricular, life situations, including in solving practical professional prob-
lems. The basis for the formation of competencies in students of 1 course is their ex-
perience, gained earlier in life and learning situations. But we must take into account
the different levels of school knowledge in first-year student at updating knowledge in
training lessons.
   Therefore, the offering the individual tasks, tasks of different complexity, participa-
tion of students in project activities is the necessary ways to individualization of the
learning process and encourage them to creative self-dependent scientific and practi-
cal work.
   During the laboratory practical course "Information Technologies" in the first se-
mester, the tasks of different difficulty levels can be presented and cadets can choose
the tasks. This method will allow the cadets objectively determine their level of sub-
ject competence, well-prepared students will be able to realize the high potential, and
students who has the poor basic training, avoid getting psychological trauma and mo-
tivate them to deepen knowledge. At the initial stage of training, the level of confor-
mity cadets with the requirements prescribed for them is presented and it allows the
teacher to adjust the methodical forms of teaching classes and forms of control ac-
cording the results.
   If we analyze the content of the discipline "Computer Science for Skippers" studied
by the cadets of 2nd year of training, during the laboratory work, the subject compe-
tencies are formed that associated with the use of means of data processing presented
in tabular form; using the computing techniques, mathematical and information mod-
eling, business graphics can be purchased and secured in the study of this discipline.
The content of the subject has interdisciplinary connections with many subjects, par-
ticularly with the disciplines: Ship computers and computer networks, Navigation
information systems, Descriptive geometry and engineering graphics; Theory and
construction of vessel, and others.
   The basis for the formation of subject competencies is put at first year during
studying the discipline Information Technologies. The study of functionality of
spreadsheet (for example, Microsoft Excel) is intended, to explore the possibility of
systematic presentation of information in tabular form and performance calculation
works of any complexity, to demonstrate practical importance of informatics and
implementation of interdisciplinary connections.
                                         - 695 -

   Further, the subjects of some laboratory works of the discipline "Computer Science
for Skippers" are given:
   Task 1. Calculation of the latitude variation, the longitude variation and the coordi-
nates of points of departure and arrival of vessel
   Task 2. Calculation of directions as to the geographic meridian and diametric plane
of the vessel.
   Task 3. Calculation of the arc’s parameter of a great circle for mapping using MS
   Task 4. Calculation and construction of static stability diagram using MS Excel
(Figure 1).
   Formulation of the problem. With Excel spreadsheet to perform calculations
static stability shoulder and construct a diagram of static stability and dynamic stabil-
ity diagram, constructed in the same coordinate axes.

                  Fig. 1. Example of solving the cadets with MS Excel

   Task 5. Calculation the course at navigating on LDC (large diameter circle).
   Task 6. Calculation and construction of curve of total inertial error of gyrocompass,
arises in resulting maneuvering.
   Task 7. Calculation of coordinates of the vessel by the direct analytical method (by
two measured heights) with the help of MS Excel.
                                          - 696 -

   Task 8. Calculation the assessment of the accuracy of vessel place by three equilat-
eral bearings using MS Excel.
   Task 9. Work with hydro meteorological data in MS Excel. Calculating the actual
   Task 10. Conducting the navigation calculations at planning of vessel voyage using
MS Excel (Fig. 2).
   Formulation of the problem. Given the coordinates of waypoints, you need to
calculate the exchange rate to move in the next point, the length of each section of the
route. It is also necessary to determine the total length of the route, as well as build a
circuit-moving vessel.

                  Fig. 2. Example of solving the cadets with MS Excel

  As it turned out, the cadets have difficulties in solving meaningful problems, but
solving them, they are acquiring invaluable experience of professional competence.
  It should be changed not only the working programs of disciplines, content and
methods of education, but also it should be realized that personality of the teacher,
who uses competence-base approach, should meet certain requirements [9]:
─ Set the goals and estimate the level of its achievement together with the cadets.
─ Evaluate the achievements of students not only by the mark but by the meaningful
─ Connect the investigating material with professional direction, everyday life and
  cadets’ interests.
─ Plan the lessons with all variety of forms and methods of educational work.
─ Strengthen the knowledge and skills in educational and extracurricular practice.
─ The ability personally to orient in the situation in the labor market.
                                         - 697 -

─ Take into consideration the cadets’ ideas.
─ Successfully solve own problems.

3      Conclusions and directions for further research

Competence-base approach makes the cadet a major participant of the educational
process with his individual goals and objectives. This approach allows directing the
educational activities to involve students in active, conscious activity, the develop-
ment of information, communicative, educational, cognitive competencies and the
development of the personal cadet’s potential, forming self-appraisal, self-control and
teacher’s reflection that allows to achieve the better results in education.
    It is the complex issue to connect the learning results and competencies, to which
it should be paid much attention. The orientation on the results of education is now
the urgent issue for Ukrainian high school, and it requires the integration of academic
and professional education, recognition of the qualifications, getting in the process of
higher education, the development of the education during whole life. Society should
get used to the situation when the description of the results of the education will be
provided in the language of competencies.
    As a result, we note that the essence of the new paradigm of education can be
characterized by the following factors:
1. The displacement of the main emphasis from mastering the large amounts of in-
   formation to master the methods of continuous acquisition of new knowledge and
   the ability to learn independently;
2. The mastering of skills to work with any information, with mixed, contradictory
   data, forming the skills of independent, critical way of thinking;
3. The gradual change of the traditional principle "form of knowledge and skills" to
   the principle "to form professional competence."
    Today there are already the first results of the implementation of competence-base
approach in the educational process. One of the positive issues is the changes that
have occurred in the redistribution of motivational aspects of cognitive and training
activity of cadets.
    During two academic years we observed the changes in the motivational compo-
nent of the educational process, namely, we were interesting how the content of the
course “Computer Science for skippers”, the strengthening of applied direction of the
discipline and the interdisciplinary connections of the courses affect on the interest of
students, increase their motivation level. The following types of motives were se-
─ motives for avoiding troubles (traditionally they had the higher percentage of
─ motives of the content of educational activity;
─ motives of attitude to the learning process.
                                           - 698 -

    Questionnaires of the cadets showed what types of motives are dominant. The mo-
tives of the content of educational activity were put at the first place.
    The data are given in the table (see. Table. 3) and represented in the diagram (Fig.

                          Table 3. Motives of educational activity

                                                                               Motives re-
                         Motives avoid               Motives of educa-
                                                                            lated to learn-
 Study year               trouble                    tional content

    2014-2015          44%                           36%                         20%

    2015-2016          40%                           42%                         18%

               Fig. 3. Diagram of distribution motives of educational activity

   In terms of implementation of competence-based approach into practice the
training of specialists maritime industry, information literacy is the basis of formation
of professional competence of students, promotes the informed use of information
technologies for solving applied problems in finding and making decisions in
predicting and analyzing the results of solving problems.
                                            - 699 -

   At this stage in the KSMA the experiment in the introduction of competence-base
approach in the educational process is conducting.
   Today we have the task to analyze the results of the experiment to further adjust-
ment of educational material and forms of learning.

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