=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1633/ws1-intro |storemode=property |title=None |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1633/ws1-intro.pdf |volume=Vol-1633 }} ==None== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1633/ws1-intro.pdf
   Workshop on Computer-Supported Peer Review in Education
                                                    Co-chaired by …
      Edward F. Gehringer                          Ferry Pramudianto                          Yang Song
   North Carolina State University           North Carolina State University       North Carolina State University
  Department of Computer Science            Department of Computer Science        Department of Computer Science
     Raleigh, NC 27695-8206                    Raleigh, NC 27695-8206                Raleigh, NC 27695-8206
         +1 919-515-2066                           +1 919-513-0815                       ysong8@ncsu.edu
          efg@ncsu.edu                              fferry@ncsu.edu

   Luca de Alfaro, University of California Santa Cruz, USA       Julia Morris, Old Dominion University, USA
   Dmytro Babik, James Madison University, USA                    Joe Moxley, University of South Florida, USA
   Eric Ford, Johns Hopkins University, USA                       Katja Niemann, XING AG, Germany
   Ilya Goldin, 2U.com, USA                                       Melissa Patchan, Georgia State University, USA
   Bill Hart-Davidson, Michigan State University, USA             Lakshmi Ramachandran, Pearson, USA
   Zhewei Hu, North Carolina State University, USA                Arlene Russell, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
   Steve Joordens, University of Toronto, Canada                  Chris Schunn, University of Pittsburgh, USA
   Jennifer Kidd, Old Dominion University, USA                    Marco Temperini, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
   Da Young Lee, North Carolina State University, USA             David Tinapple, Arizona State University, USA
   Jay Loftus, Western University, Canada                         Yanqing Wang, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
   Andrew Luxton-Reilly, University of Auckland, New Zealand      Anita Woods, Western University, Canada
   Pedro José Muñoz Merino, Universidad Carlos III, Spain         Ravi Yadav, North Carolina State University, USA

Computer-supported peer review is becoming a more important component of the IT repertoire accessible to in-
structors around the world. All of the major learning management systems include a peer-assessment module,
and there are dozens or even hundreds of standalone tools for peer assessment, notably Calibrated Peer Re-
view™. Research on peer assessment is growing by leaps and bounds. A Google scholar search for “peer as-
sessment” returns over 300 hits in the last year. However, the academic community behind these tools is spread
across the curriculum. Education, psychology, and computer science have probably the largest representation,
but English and the lab sciences have important contingents, because of their need to teach expository writing
and technical writing to large numbers of students. Systems have also been developed by researchers in domains
as diverse as business and arts and media.
Despite the breadth of interest, academic gatherings devoted to peer assessment of students by students have been
rare. The first that we are aware of is the first CSPRED workshop, co-located with ITS 2010 in Pittsburgh.
Since then, there have been two PRASAE (Peer Review, Peer Assessment, and Self Assessment in Education)
workshops at learning-technologies conferences in Europe, the first associated with ICWL 2014 and the second
with ICSLE 2015. The third workshop in that series will take place at ICWL 2016 in Rome.
Our intent was to bring together researchers from many of these fields. We received twelve submissions, of
which eight (67%) were chosen for presentation at the workshop. The other authors with relevant and useful
work were invited to condense their paper and produce a poster for display at a workshop session. The workshop
also features a keynote by a veteran user of several different peer-assessment systems, and a panel on the timely
issue of peer assessment and student privacy. We think that the workshop comprises a good cross section of
work in this area, and we hope that the papers published here will be helpful to researchers and practitioners
alike. Thank you for your interest in our work, and we hope to hear from you and establish fruitful collabora-