=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1633/ws1-paper7 |storemode=property |title=Impact of Revision Planning on Peer-Reviewed Writing |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1633/ws1-paper7.pdf |volume=Vol-1633 |authors=Alok Baikadi,Christian Schunn,Kevin Ashley |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/edm/BaikadiSA16 }} ==Impact of Revision Planning on Peer-Reviewed Writing== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1633/ws1-paper7.pdf
     Impact of Revision Planning on Peer-Reviewed Writing
               Alok Baikadi                                 Christian Schunn                               Kevin Ashley
         University of Pittsburgh                         University of Pittsburgh                     University of Pittsburgh
             3939 O’Hara St                                   3939 O’Hara St                               3939 O’Hara St
          Pittsburgh, PA 15213                             Pittsburgh, PA 15213                         Pittsburgh, PA 15213
           baikadi@pitt.edu                                 schunn@pitt.edu                              ashley@pitt.edu

ABSTRACT                                                                 with the process than by observing an expert performing the same
Revision is a core writing skill that presents challenges to both        task [19].
novice and expert writers. Within the context of peer review, peer       Yet, once feedback is received, it is not always implemented in
feedback has the potential to provide rich guidance for reviewing,       future drafts [6]. Sometimes students indicate an intention to
especially when making content-level changes. However, authors           implement meaningful changes but do not follow through with the
must review and evaluate each piece of feedback for meaningful           intent [5]. One approach is to use checklists [17] to guide the
critiques that can be applied to further drafts. In this work, we        students in focusing on important aspects of the writing. Another is
analyzed the impact of revision planning and comment feedback on         to allow students to create revision memos, encouraging students
subsequent essay performance. We found that the amount of                to focus on intended revisions that they had identified [1].
feedback implemented, as well as learning gained from review are
predictive of improved performance on future writing.                    While students do not always implement the feedback they receive,
                                                                         it has not been clear whether this was because they had forgotten
Keywords                                                                 about the feedback, or whether they had chosen to ignore it. In this
                                                                         work, we employed a revision planning application designed to
peer review, revision, writing instruction                               scaffold the process of implementing feedback received in the peer-
                                                                         review process in several high school classrooms. We then
1. INTRODUCTION                                                          analyzed the impact of tool usage and implementation of feedback
Revision has long been seen as one of the cornerstones of effective      on future writing. The results show that the degree to which
writing [7]. Practicing revision has been shown to not only improve      students implemented the feedback they received is predictive of
the produced writing, but also help on first drafts of future writings   future writing success. In addition, students with access to the
[9]. One of the discriminators between expert and novice writers is
                                                                         revision planning intervention were able to show gains in both the
how they approach revision. While both groups often make many            amount of feedback addressed, and in quality of a future writing
surface-level edits, such as spelling, grammar, and stylistic            assignment.
revisions [2, 5, 15, 18], expert writers often make a higher
proportion of content-level edits than do novices [4].                   2. SWoRD PEER-REVIEW SYSTEM
There are, however, many factors that may influence how many             Web-based, computer-supported peer review has been shown to be
surface- or content-level changes are made during revision.              an effective tool for improving students’ writing skills. Students
Students’ revision is often of higher quality when given feedback        learn as they read and review each other’s papers based on
[4], especially if the feedback is substantial [9]. However, students    instructor provided-criteria. Students still need support, however,
will make more surface-level edits when given surface-level              in organizing the reviews they receive and planning how to revise
feedback [15]. They are also responsive to the grading rubrics that      their own papers. This paper describes a revision environment that
are presented to them by the teacher, often considering the teacher      helps students to cluster and prioritize reviewers’ suggestions,
to be the final judge of the intended audience [18]. Further, students   develop a plan for revision their papers, and make note of lessons
are more likely to engage in content-level revisions when provided       learned about writing for future use. We report here about students’
with sufficient domain knowledge, and training in reading for            experiences in using the tool in a high school Advanced Placement
meaning [12].                                                            course.

Peer-review has been shown to have beneficial effects for revision.      Scaffolded Writing and Rewriting in the Disciplines (SWoRD) is a
Students were able to employ more strategic revision strategies          web-based reciprocal peer review system developed at the
given peer feedback [11], made fewer surface-level changes [16],         University of Pittsburgh. It was originally developed especially for
and add more details in their writing [13], especially when peers        large undergraduate courses in academic disciplines where class
provide justification for their feedback [8]. Students are also more     size would otherwise discourage instructors from employing many
likely to learn critical revision skills by observing a peer coping      writing assignments. Over the past 12 years, it has been used by
                                                                         over thirty-five thousand students across grade levels and across a
                                                                         variety of academic disciplines. Research shows that students learn
                                                   Figure 1 SWoRD Peer Review Timeline
as much, if not more, from giving good feedback as they do from           submissions that they can incorporate into their own work. Prior
receiving it [14]. Therefore, the SWoRD system is designed to             work [14] has shown connections between changes made in a
support both the acts of giving and receiving feedback.                   document and the documents reviewed. The strongest connections
                                                                          came when the student both recognized it in a peers' work, as well
The peer review process within SWoRD takes place in three                 as received feedback on the same topic from their peer reviewers.
phases: An Authoring phase, a Review phase, and a Back-
Evaluation phase. Figure 1 shows the peer-review process from the         To support this process, the Revision Planning system has two
students’ perspective. In the first phase, students are provided with     components. The first component, Ideas for Revision, is available
writing prompt to which they will respond. The instructor provides        to the student during the reviewing process. It encourages them to
the prompt and set deadlines. Students may either enter text into the     make observations on the papers they are reading, and make note
web interface, or upload a pre-existing document in order to submit       of changes that could be applied to their documents. They are able
their assignments. Once documents have been uploaded, students            to identify the observation as a good idea that they’d like to
can begin requesting documents to review.                                 consider for their own work, or a problem with the peer’s paper that
                                                                          they would like to avoid in their next draft. Figure 2 shows the Ideas
The Review phase takes place once the submission deadline has             for Revision page.
passed. The instructor provides a grading rubric that contains
several rating dimensions and prompts for written comments. The           The second component, the Revision Planner, allows students to
instructor then selects how many documents each student is asked          consider how they would address each comment they receive from
to review, and the system assigns the reviews from the existing pool      their peers. For each comment, they can elect to ignore it or fix it.
of documents. In order to ensure that each submission receives an         If they choose to fix it, they can then assign a priority and make
adequate number of reviews, students may elect to do additional           notes on what the fix will be. If they choose to ignore it, they can
reviewing for extra credit. When reviewing a document, students           select a reason from a drop-down menu, or add more text to explain
are presented with the grading rubric and comment prompts the             why it is being ignored. Both the Revision Planner and the Ideas
instructor has provided along with the submitted document. The            for Revision are visible during revision in their full capability. In
student reads the document and provides written feedback for each         addition, the system can generate checklist that the students can use
evaluative dimension, as well as numerical scores on a seven-point        to focus on the aspects of their document they have decided to
rating scale (1: Disastrous to 7: Excellent). Once students have          improve. Figure 3 shows the Revision Planner page.
submitted their scores, the system calculates a numerical accuracy
score, taking into account consistency of each student’s scores with      3. PEER REVIEW CORPUS
the mean of the other raters for the same documents. This is              10 AP English Language and Composition teachers (n=941
provided to the student as reviewer feedback once all the scores          students) fully participated in the study. 40% of the schools were
have been submitted.                                                      from Title 1 schools, 40% had at least 30% or more students of
                                                                          color, and 50% had a high proportion of economically
In the final phase, students receive the feedback and scores              disadvantaged students.
generated by their peers. They can then evaluate the helpfulness of
the feedback received, and provide extra feedback to the reviewers             All included teachers taught at least two sections of AP
for future reviewing. As with reviewing evaluation dimensions,            English Language and Composition such that sections could be
helpfulness is rated on a seven-point scale. The whole peer-review        randomly assigned to one of two conditions: all tools on vs. all tools
process can then be repeated for multiple drafts of the same paper.       off. All classes implemented an initial peer review essay
                                                                          assignment with a required revision and then a transfer essay
2.1 Revision Planning                                                     assignment. Across teachers, they could offer additional
During the course of peer review, students have the opportunity to        intermediate essay assignments, but they had to keep this constant
learn from both giving and receiving feedback. During the review          across their sections. In the Tools-On condition (n=483 students),
process, students are asked to critically evaluate a peer's submission    students experienced all four tools turned on in all the assignments
on the same criterion with which their own writing will be judged.        prior to the transfer essay: thesis prompt, instant feedback [3,10],
While reviewing, students may notice aspects of their peers'

                                                       Figure 2 Ideas for Revision Page
                                                      Figure 3 Revision Planning interface
ideas to consider, and revision planning. In the Tools-Off condition,
the baseline version of SWoRD was used instead.
The writing assignment consisted of essays writing assignments
drawn from practice AP English Language and Composition
exams, requiring students to analyze the rhetorical strategies
employed in a given text. For the initial essay, students were
required to write two drafts. Both drafts were subject to peer-
review. The grading rubric asked students to evaluate the accuracy
and quality of rhetorical devices identified, evaluate the textual
evidence used in the analysis, and comment on the use of academic
English grammar and style. For the transfer essay, only one draft
was required. Some teachers elected to include peer review and a
second draft of the transfer essay, but it was not required.

3.1 Data Annotation
For each teacher (except for one who had not finished the transfer
essay by the time expert coders completed their tasks), we                 Figure 4 Scatter plot of transfer essay scores as a function of
randomly sampled 15 students from each of the conditions (i.e., 30         percentage of critique comments implemented.
students per teacher), and then collected all the first draft essays
from the initial and transfer assignments (i.e., two essays per            Using the revision planning tool appeared to influence the amount
sampled student). Writing experts (instructors of First Year Writing       of revising that students did, with students being more likely to
at a local university) were recruited and trained in using the same        implement comments in the Tools On condition (p<.005). This
evaluation rubric to grade all of these sampled essays; they were          effect was larger for lower ability authors (i.e., students with a first
blind to condition and whether the essay was the first or transfer         draft score lower than the class mean), as shown in Figure 5. The
essay. Each essay was scored by two experts. A third expert was            condition x writer ability interaction was statistically significant
also used if there was a discrepancy of grades of more than 2 points.      (p<.001).
For analysis, we used the mean score across raters.
From these essays, we further subsampled 10 students per teacher
condition by selecting the highest 5 and lowest 5 quality essays as
judged by the experts (n=200). For this subset of essays,
undergraduate work-study students coded the comments (n=6483)
for whether the comment was implemented in the second draft of
the first essay, or not (Cohen’s Kappa = 0.779).

Considering all students for whom both essays were scored, and
comments were annotated for implementation, there was an effect
from the percentage of implemented critique comments on transfer
essay score (Beta=0.359, p<0.05), controlling for performance on
the initial essay score (i.e., controlling for initial writing ability).
Figure 4 shows the scatter plot.

                                                                           Figure 5 Box plots of the proportion of comments implemented
                                                                           as a function of condition and writer ability.
                                                                           Considering all students for whom essays were scored, there was
                                                                           no overall effect of condition on the transfer essay, in a univariate
analysis on transfer essay overall score [F(2,167)<1], using             intervention, however, allows students to record more general
condition as a fixed factor and essay 1 score as a covariate.            observations that may be transferred to future writing. Extracting
                                                                         these themes from either the feedback received or Ideas for
However, if the analysis is restricted to only the 5 teachers for        Revision observations may enable students to reify long term goals
which there was a higher rate of use of the Ideas for Revision and       for improvement in writing.
Revision Planning tools, then the same analysis was statistically
significant [F(1,147)=2.67, p=.03]; see Figure 6. Note the same          Revision is a core writing skill that presents challenges to both
result held whether or not Essay 1 score was included as a covariate.    novice and expert writers. Within the context of peer review, peer
In addition, another follow-up regression analysis (including all the    feedback has the potential to provide rich guidance for reviewing,
students with scored essays), we predicted transfer essay score          especially when making content-level changes. We have shown
using Essay 1, # of Ideas for Revision, and # of Revision Plans as       that authors who implement more of the feedback received and who
predictors. # of Revision Plans was not a significant predictor          note observations made while reviewing peer work are able to
(Beta=.19, t=1.5, p=.14), but # of Ideas for Revision was                produce higher quality writing in future assignments.
statistically significant (Beta=.25, t=2.0, p=.05). In other words, we
have additional evidence that these tools were useful for improving      6. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
writing, that considering amount of tool use as a useful filter on       We thank participating teachers and students. This work funded by
which teachers to consider, and it appears that amount of insights       the Institute of Education Sciences, under grant R305A120370.
gathered from reviewing in particular was most helpful.
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