=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1633/ws2-paper4 |storemode=property |title=Weighted Log-odds-ratio, Informative Dirichlet Prior Method to Enhance Peer Review Feedback for Low- and High-scoring College Students in a Required First-year Writing Program |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1633/ws2-paper4.pdf |volume=Vol-1633 |authors=Valerie Ross,Mark Liberman,Lan Ngo,Rodger LeGrand |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/edm/RossLNL16 }} ==Weighted Log-odds-ratio, Informative Dirichlet Prior Method to Enhance Peer Review Feedback for Low- and High-scoring College Students in a Required First-year Writing Program== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1633/ws2-paper4.pdf
       Weighted log-odds-ratio, informative Dirichlet prior
      method to compare peer review feedback for top and
      bottom quartile college students in a first-year writing
         Valerie Ross                        Mark Liberman                          Lan Ngo                        Rodger LeGrand
  University of Pennsylvania           University of Pennsylvania          University of Pennsylvania          University of Pennsylvania
     3808 Walnut Street                 Williams Hall, Room 619               3808 Walnut Street                  3808 Walnut Street
   Philadelphia, PA 19104               Philadelphia, PA 19104              Philadelphia, PA 19104              Philadelphia, PA 19104
        215-573-2729                          215-898-0363                       215-573-2729                        215-573-2729
vross@writing.upenn.edu                   myl@cis.upenn.edu                lngo@writing.upenn.edu legrand@writing.upenn.ed

                                                                            of comments students receive correlates with the score they give to
ABSTRACT                                                                    the students’ assignment. Results suggest that students in the lower
                                                                            quartile receive significantly different commentary--more
The purpose of this paper is to use a weighted log-odds-ratio,
                                                                            prescriptive and negative--from that given to students in the upper
informative Dirichlet prior method (“bag of words” approach) to
                                                                            quartile. This has considerable implications, for it suggests that
analyze student comments and scores posed to MyReviewers, a
                                                                            good writers receive the kind of positive reinforcement from peers
web-based tool designed for collecting student writing as well as
                                                                            that many in the field of writing studies consider most effective for
their peers’ comments and scores of their colleagues’ drafts. Our
                                                                            advancing writing skills, while underperforming writers receive the
preliminary findings suggest that students who receive lower scores
                                                                            sort of commentary from peers that are generally regarded as the
may also be receiving significantly different kinds of feedback that
                                                                            sort that hinders development of writing skills.
some in the field of writing studies have suggested may have a
negative impact on student learning and motivation. Findings point          Writing feedback is typically divided into two categories: direct
to the possibility of identifying the the effectiveness of different        and indirect instruction. Direct instruction includes telling,
kinds of feedback on lower and higher performing student writers;           suggesting, explaining, and exemplifying (Mackiewicz &
evaluating the impact of feedback on student revision and grading           Thompson) and is often contrasted with open problem solving or
practices; and identifying and analyzing symmetries and                     discovery learning (see, for example, Kirschner, Sweller, & Clark,
asymmetries in teacher and student feedback commentary and                  2006). In discussing their analysis of discourse between writing
scores.                                                                     center tutors and writing students, Mackiewicz and Thompson
                                                                            (2015) describe directiveness as worrisome but admittedly
1. INTRODUCTION                                                             necessary. Though directiveness provides students with essential
Asking students to give writing feedback to their peers is a common         knowledge, it may curtail opportunities for learners to generate
practice and may be introduced to students as early as kindergarten         solutions on their own and may not foster motivation and curiosity
and continue into graduate school based on the understanding that           (Glogger-Frey, Fleischer, Gruny, Kappich, & Renkl,
evaluating and sharing feedback with peers may accelerate the               2015). However, Mackiewicz and Riley’s (2003) analysis of a
learning of the writer and peer reviewer alike. However, while              technical editor’s role in providing feedback to writers shows that
much attention has been paid to the quality and nature of feedback          indirect strategies are less clear in communicating the hearer’s
given to student writers by teachers and writing tutors, very little        obligation to implement the implied directive, thereby potentially
exploration has been done of the impact of the feedback given by            creating ambiguity. Research on directiveness in various K-12
students to their peers’ work (Kelly 2016, Poe 2016, Bouzidi, L. &          settings has also highlighted the important role of direct instruction
Jaillet A 2009, Stanley 1992).                                              in student learning. Glogger-Frey et al. (2015) studied the effect of
                                                                            an open problem solving approach (i.e. indirect approach) to
This paper represents a preliminary investigation of data gathered          teaching physics to eighth grade students. Contrary to their
as part of a larger, cross-institutional study of peer review of writing    expectation that open problem solving would cultivate knowledge
assignments in undergraduate courses. Employing the web-based               transfer, they found that the students were less prepared for learning
tool MyReviewers we collected collected student writing,                    and transfer in physics than students who had received direct
commentary, and scores from one semester of a first-year writing-           instruction. Their findings echo Kirschner et al.’s observation that
in-the-disciplines program at the University of Pennsylvania. We            there is little research to support the effectiveness of solely using
used a simple “bag of words” approach to explore whether the type           minimal guidance when teaching. As such, Mackiewicz and
                                                                            Thompson (2015) suggest a balance between directness and
                                                                            indirectness in providing writing support to students.
                                                                            In the context of writing center tutoring, Mackiewicz and
                                                                            Thompson (2015) suggest that motivation plays a key role in the
                                                                            amount of time and effort that students devote to writing
                                                                            tasks. They explain the importance of motivational scaffolding
                                                                            strategies in encouraging students through “praise, assurances of
caring, and statements reinforcing student writers’ ownership of       2. DATA SET
their work” (Mackiewicz and Thompson, 2015, p. 5). Drawing on
studies by Harris (1992) and Lunsford (1991), Mackiewicz and           The Critical Writing Program has over the past decade developed
Thompson (2015) particularly emphasize the effectiveness of            and refined a genre-, discourse- and discipline-based shared
helping students to maintain control of their own writing, and their   curriculum for introducing students to what is called "authentic"
research underscores tutors’ use of motivational scaffolding in        writing situations that involve real genres, audiences, motives, and
fostering students’ ability to monitor their own learning. However,    subject knowledge, as well as introduce and provide students with
the effect of motivational scaffolding may depend on various           practice in using a shared vocabulary and concepts about writing,
factors, including a student’s self-efficacy level. For example,       from knowledge domains such as genre and process to more
Boyer, Phillips, and Wallis (2008) examined tutorial dialogue in the   specific aspects of rhetorical analysis and production. The
context of computer science learning and found that direct             curriculum emphasizes peer review and reflection throughout.
encouragement appeared to aid students with low self-efficacy,
                                                                       The data set consists of the work of 1,183 undergraduates, mostly
though it may not have been helpful for high self-efficacy
                                                                       first-year, who completed a writing seminar at the University of
learners. As Boyer et al. (2008) suggest, balancing motivational
                                                                       Pennsylvania in Spring 2016. This data set includes up to five
scaffolding and cognitive scaffolding--which encourages students
                                                                       drafts of a literature review as well as the peer reviews each draft
to reflect on their own thinking and reasoning (Mackiewicz &
                                                                       received. Peer reviews consist of rubric-guided comments and
Thompson, 2015)--remains an issue to be studied.
                                                                       numeric scores. Most drafts are accompanied by the student
Though students may like to receive positive feedback, including       writer’s pre- or post-outline that provides a rhetorical analysis as
praise, research highlights the complexity of feedback in terms of     well as line of reasoning for the draft. All drafts receive from one
circumstance and effect. Straub (1997) surveyed 142 first-year         to six peer reviews (comments and scores) as well as comments and
college writing students to investigate their perceptions about        scores from their instructor. In addition, most students will provide
teacher comments on their writing and found that students preferred    a revision plan that responds to the feedback they have received
praise, even when it was merely in the form of the word “good”         from their peers and instructor.
adjacent to criticism. However, students most preferred praise that
was accompanied by reasons for the positive evaluation (Straub         All undergraduate students at Penn across the four undergraduate
1997). Hattie and Timperley (2007) reviewed research, including        schools--College of Arts & Sciences, Wharton, Engineering, and
meta-analyses, on feedback and consider it to be one of the            Nursing--are required to complete a writing seminar. Penn’s
strongest influences on learning and achievement. According to         writing seminars are administered by the Critical Writing Program;
their review, positive feedback may increase a student’s persistence   most seminars within the program are situated within a specific
and, for high self-efficacy students, positive feedback builds their   discipline, bounded by a particular, discipline-based inquiry, and
ability to cope with future negative feedback (Deci, Koestner, &       taught by a Ph.D. in that discipline who frequently is engaged in
Ryan,1999; Hattie & Timperley, 2007; Swann, Pelham, &                  the line of inquiry focused upon in the seminar. Thus the topics and
Chidester; 1988). On the other hand, students with a low level of      disciplines vary and along these lines while all students are
self-efficacy may react to positive feedback by avoiding tasks to      assigned the genre of the literature review, we recognize that
limit the risk of receiving future negative feedback (Hattie &         literature reviews written in the bench sciences are often
Timperley, 2007). Research on second language learning indicates       substantially different form those written in, say, the
that low-performing students may continue to underperform if they      humanities. Some instructors teach two sections of the same
are consistently given positive feedback rather than information on    topic. In addition to discipline-based seminars, we have two sets
how to move forward (Hiver, 2014).                                     of seminars that share a single topic across disciplines: Craft of
                                                                       Prose (14 sections representing 161 students) and Upper Division
Negative feedback, which is equally as complicated as positive         seminars (8 sections representing 104 students). Students,
feedback, may either hinder or bolster learning, depending on the      sometimes with the help of their advisors, choose the type of
student and context. High self-efficacy learners view their            seminar that best suits their needs, including their self-assessment
performance optimistically, and therefore, may seek negative           of their competence and confidence as writers. Craft of Prose
feedback to outperform on tasks (Hattie & Timperley, 2007). For        seminars are designed for students who may have less preparation
low self-efficacy students, disconfirmation of their performance       in writing or have confidence issues or other concerns about
may adversely impact their motivation and future performance           writing. Upper Division seminars are designed for upperclassmen
(Brockner, Derr, & Laing, 1987; Hattie & Timperley, 2007;              and transfer students who were uncomfortable in seminars designed
Moreland & Sweeney, 1984). Negative feedback from either a             mainly for freshmen. We also have single topic Global English
teacher or peer may hurt a student’s confidence. After surveying       classes for international students who are concerned with learning
200 students of English as a foreign language, Kaivanpanah, Alavi,     how to write for an American academic audience. For more
and Sepehrinia (2015) note that negative feedback from classmates      information on our directed self-placement criteria, visit:
may be confusing and harmful to a student’s confidence. However,       http://writing.upenn.edu/critical/seminars/choosing_the_right_sem
disconfirmation of performance may be welcomed if presented in         inar.php
terms of guidance (Straub, 1997). A study by Muis, Ranellucci,
Trevors, and Duffy (2015) emphasizes the complex nature of             The specific data in this set includes peer review scores and
negative feedback and its impact. In examining the attitudes,          comments produced by 1,183 undergraduates enrolled in 90 writing
emotions, engagement, and learning outcomes of kindergarten            seminars during the spring 2016 semester. The Excel file housing
students who received immediate feedback from a literacy learning      the data is organized into 19 columns and 14,010 rows. The column
app on iPad, the researchers had expected negative evaluative          headings include:
feedback to decrease enjoyment and increase boredom (Pekrun,
2006). Ultimately, results from their study demonstrated that the
impact of negative feedback on the students was mixed.
  Column                         Definition                       Comment on        Peer reviewer's written assessment of student
  Heading                                                         Cognitive and     writer's knowledge of writing and rhetorical
                                                                    Heuristic                        awareness.
 Class Code        Signifies the discipline for the writing        Processes
                 seminar topic and the course title. The data
                    set includes writing seminars in 21            Comment on       Peer reviewer's written assessment of student
                                 disciplines.                       Invention       writer's creativity, novelty, and inventiveness
                                                                                     in what they select to persuade their target
  Section       Unique numerical identifier for each writing                                            audience.
  Number                        seminar.
                                                                   Comment on       Peer reviewer's written assessment of student
  Instructor         Full name of the course instructor.            Reasoning            writer's reasonableness and logical
    Date        Date on which a peer review was completed.
                                                                   Comment on       Peer reviewer's written assessment of student
   Project        The writing assignment and draft number.         Presentation     writer's ability to produce voice, vocabulary,
                Draft 1 of the literature review was a one-on-                      syntax, sentence structure, punctuation, tone,
                one review. Draft 2 was a multiple-reciprocal                         source handling, etc., appropriate to the
                peer review with 1-6 peers. Draft three of the                                    genre and audience.
                  literature review was a multiple reciprocal
                  review. Drafts 4 and 5 were optional. The          General        Peer reviewer's final comments, insights, and
                first draft of the public argument peer review      Comments          observations of student writer's writing.
                  was one-on-one, and the second draft was
                     multiple-reciprocal. The students also         Combined            Compiles the peer reviewer’s written
                completed a multiple-reciprocal peer review                          assessments of Comment on Cognitive and
                         for their final portfolio drafts.                          Heuristic Processes, Comments on Invention,
                                                                                      Comments on Reasoning, Comments on
Student Name    Full name of the student writer (anonymized)                          Presentation, and General Comments into
                                                                                                      one field.
Grader Name        Full name of the student peer reviewer
                                                                 2.1 Rubric
Rubric Score     Represents the total score for across the 4     Students are given a detailed rubric, the same one used by
                scoring categories identified in our rubric of   instructors in our program to assess individual students in their
                Cognitive and Heuristic Processes, Invention,    classes as well as to assess mid-term and final portfolios. The
                 Reasoning, and Presentation (see below).        rubric acts as a guide for formative as well as, at semester’s end,
                                                                 summative assessment.
 Final Grade    The letter grade conversion of the cumulative    Cognition/Metacognition: Knowledge of Writing
                                 rubric score.                      •    Recognizes the purpose of the assignment
                                                                    •    Conceives of a procedure for fulfilling it
   Grade           Peer reviewer's numerical assessment of          •    Perceives the problem(s) to be solved in the assignment
Cognitive and     student writer's knowledge of writing and         •    Follows directions through all stages of the assignment
  Heuristic                  rhetorical awareness.                  •    Able to detect flaws in reasoning in one’s own or other’s
 Processes                                                               reasoning (outlines and peer reviews)
                                                                    •    Able to identify and evaluate (in plan, outlines, peer
    Grade          Peer reviewer's numerical assessment of               reviews, cover letters, other artifacts):
  Invention      student writer's novelty and persuasiveness                       o Rhetorical Strategies
                           for a targeted audience.                                o Audience
                                                                                   o Purpose
   Grade          Peer reviewer's numerical assessment of                          o Genre
 Reasoning       student writer's reasonableness and logical                       o Plan/Arrangement
                                  coherence.                                       o Complex Synthesis
                                                                                   o Presentation
   Grade          Peer reviewer's numerical assessment of
Presentation      student writer's ability to produce voice,
                                                                 Invention: Idea/Audience (test of novelty, creativity,
                   vocabulary, syntax, sentence structure,
                  punctuation, and tone appropriate to the
                                                                     •    Selection of an appropriate and engaging subject within
                            genre and audience.
                                                                          the topic
                                                                     •    Ability to select and work successful within a genre
                                                                     •    Selection of an appropriate proposition and reasons to
                                                                          support it, attuned to the audience and purpose
     •    Selection of the appropriate amount and type of evidence     quartiles, we used the “algorithm from section 3.5.1 of Monroe et
          and materials to support the proposition, attuned to the     al. 2008.
          audience and purpose
                                                                       This method, originally developed for a study of political writing,
     •    Arrangement and style attuned to the audience, purpose,
                                                                       starts with a simple ratio of estimated word frequencies in two
          and genre, including ability to evaluate the strength of
                                                                       collections of text. The problem is that when the overall frequency
          reasons and evidence
                                                                       of a word is low, so is our confidence that the ratio is not a statistical
     •    Identification of shared premises to enable an effective     accident -- and so is the value of that word as a predictive marker
          introduction and conclusion                                  of the distinction under study. Thus in this collection, the word
     •    Ability to grasp feedback or detect problems with            judged occurs five times in the bottom-quartile reviews, and only
          invention and revise accordingly                             once in the top quartile; given the different overall word counts in
     •    Ability to vary voice and style to accommodate different     the two groups, the maximum-likelihood estimate is that judged is
          audiences and genres                                         about 4 times as common in bottom-quartile reviews as in top-
                                                                       quartile reviews. But we can’t be very confident that in the next
Reasoning: Development/Coherence (test of reasonableness)              batch of reviews, this ration might not be quite different, or even
    •   Creation or selection of an appropriately justificatory or     reversed. And in any case, judged doesn’t occur often enough to be
        explanatory proposition                                        a very strong indicator of a reviewer’s sentiment.
    •   Creation or selection of reasons that directly support the     In contrast, the word should occurs 3,780 times in the bottom-
        proposition                                                    quartile comments, and 1,914 times in the top-quartile comments.
    •   Selection of evidence that confirms, illuminates or            Allowing for the groups’ overall word counts, this tells us that the
        otherwise develops the reasons                                 frequency of should is about 1.5 times greater in the bottom-quartile
    •   Ability to test argument through strategies of                 comments than in the top-quartile comments. But in this case, the
        counterargument                                                overall frequency is high enough that we can be fairly confident
    •   Demonstration of logical coherence: all reasons support        that should will also be about 50% more frequent in the low-quartile
        the proposition, all evidence supports the reasons, and to     comments in next semester’s sample -- and should is common
        the extent possible, reasons do not contradict each other      enough to be a useful indicator of overall review sentiment.
    •   Demonstration of semantic coherence: sentences and
        paragraphs stick together                                      In order to deal with these issues, the cited method shrinks the odds
                                                                       ratio for each word based on a factor derived from a simple
                                                                       statistical estimate of the process generating the counts, along with
 Presentation                                                          an estimate of that word’s overall frequency in a relevant more
    •    Ability to produce a voice and style appropriate to the       general source. The result is a number, the “weighted log-odds
         genre and audience                                            ratio”, that we can use to rank words according to their apparent
    •    Control of vocabulary, syntax, sentence structure,            affinity for one text sample or the other.
         punctuation, tone
    •    Ability to integrate rhetorical strategies and sources so     4. PRELIMINARY RESULTS
         that they create a consistency of style appropriate to the
         genre and audience                                            The bottom quartile has more words per (combined) comment than
    •    Demonstrated ability to proofread and polish work for an      the top quartile: 336 vs. 249.
         outside reader
    •    Creation and use of grammar checklist to identify context
         and patterns of error in mechanics and usage, as well as
         to correct them
    • Appropriate formatting, citation, documentation of

We exclude peer reviews where the numerical Rubric Score is
listed as 0, since many of these appear to be cases where the score
is simply missing, although the reviewer evaluated the draft
positively. We also exclude reviews where the score was greater
than 0 but less than 2 out of 4 -- these represent evaluations with
failing grades, and in such cases the reviewers often didn’t bother
to supply detailed comments. Among the remaining examples, the
bottom quartile includes 3046 reviews with scores between 2 and
3.3 out of 4, and the top quartile includes 3054 reviews with scores
above 3.78. The combined comments in the bottom-quartile
reviews comprise 1,022,709 words, and the combined comments in
the top-quartile reviews comprise 759,637 words.
In order to evaluate the degree of association between individual
words* [FN: here “word” simply means a string of alphabetic
letters set off by space, punctuation, or other symbols] and score
   The words most reliably associated with the bottom quartile          and        26778     26183.4     23808      31341.3       -8.526
                                                                         is        20103     19656.6     16680      21957.9        -4.52

 Word          Low      Low Q       High      High Q     Weighted       very        3391      3315.7      5269      6936.21       -14.319
                Q        Freq        Q         Freq        Log
              Count      Per        Count      Per        Odds          well        3474     3396.86      4763      6270.1        -11.643
                        Million               Million     Ratio
                                                                        was         3185     3114.28      3842      5057.68       -8.508

   be         10219     9992.09     5710      7516.75     7.261        good         3222     3150.46      3169      4171.73       -4.742

sentence      9278      9071.98     5092      6703.2      7.221        topic        2738      2677.2      2751      3621.47       -4.619

  more        7664      7493.82     3505      4614.05     10.11        piece        2647     2588.22      2591      3410.84       -4.236

paragraph     7001      6845.54     3443      4532.43     8.445        clear        2206     2157.02      2211      2910.6         -4.13

   not        6424      6281.36     3516      4628.53     6.309          all        1773     1733.63      2083      2682.86       -5.637

   but        5123      5009.25     2742      3609.62     5.949         job         1440     1408.03      1984      2611.77       -7.544

 should       3780      3696.07     1914      2519.62     5.687        great        1149     1123.49      1811      2384.03       -8.504

  some        2984      2917.74     1529      2012.8      4.925        really       1330     1300.47      1682      2214.22       -6.091

however       2701      2641.02     1255      1652.1      5.617      interesting    1447     1414.87      1653      2176.04       -4.985

  than        1938      1894.97      945      1244.02     4.536         easy        676       660.99      1096      1442.79       -6.835

 seems        1719      1680.83      720      947.821     5.626        strong       824      805.703      1091      1436.21       -5.281

  sure        1268      1239.84      549      722.714      4.78         read        906      885.882      1059      1394.09       -4.177

 rather       1052      1028.64      425      559.478     4.708       written       593      579.833       770      1013.64       -4.303

   try         888      868.282      316      415.988     4.962        liked        130      127.113       324      426.52        -5.147

 needs         793      775.392      253      333.054     5.439       enjoyed        99      96.8017       257      338.319        -4.64

 media         731      714.768      208      273.815     5.235       picasso        27      26.4005       112      147.439       -4.294

  pass         300      293.339      35       46.0746     5.514        twins         1       0.97779       111      146.122       -5.658
 chaplin       205      200.448      19       25.0119     4.765
                                                                      identical      5       4.88898       76       100.048        -4.47
  mid          168      164.27        8       10.5313     4.835
                                                                      poincare       0           0         63       82.9343        -4.81
   The words most reliably associated with the top quartile
   include:                                                           There's obviously some mixture of content with commentary
                                                                      here, but overall it makes sense -- most if not all of the content
    Word         Low      Low Q       High      High      Weighted    admixture could be removed by limiting the list to words that
                  Q        Freq        Q         Q        Log Odds    occur at least at a rate of 100 per million in both sets as well as
                Count      Per        Count     Freq        Ratio     removing words that are related to the specific content of a
                          Million               Per                   particular seminar, such as “Picasso.”
                                                                      "But" is the 6th most negative word:
                                                                                       but 5123 (5009.25) 2742 (3609.62) 5.949
        the     71418     69832.2     56903    74908.1      -5.51
                                                                     The evaluations in the top quartile by rubric score are more
                                                                     heavily weighted with evaluative words of all types. The
  evaluations in the lower quartile are more heavily weighted with
  prescriptive terms such as “should,” “try,” “more,” “needs,                fits                             2.419
  “unnecessary.” One symptom: on the negative side, there's just
  one evaluative word that's both reasonably common overall
  (frequency > 15/100k) and more than twice as common in the                strong                            2.400
  lower quartile of evaluations: "unclear". The rest of that end of
  the list of the lower quartile includes:
                                                                            really                            2.292

     WORD                        RATIO Q4/Q1
                                                                            nicely                            2.251

     unclear                          2.004
                                                                         convincing                           2.211

    incorrect                         1.969
                                                                         presentation                         2.155

  unnecessary                         1.825
                                                                          persuasive                          2.122
      needs                           1.729
                                                                           coherent                           2.118
     clearer                          1.688

At the upper end of the quartile, more than 20 positive terms are         engaging                            2.111

                                                                          interesting                         2.071
     WORD                         RATIO Q4/Q1

       easy                            2.939                              consistent                          1.983

      great                            2.857                               supports                           1.949

       very                            2.816                               clearly                            1.932

                                                                            helps                             1.927
       nice                            2.716

      flows                            2.553                             appropriate                          1.925

    logically                          2.547                          This may be because the Q4 (lower-scoring) evaluations are full of
                                                                      specific complaints/suggestions such that even the negative
                                                                      evaluative words are diluted in frequency.
    organized                          2.500
                                                                      4. FUTURE DIRECTIONS
       job                             2.497                          Our next steps will include identifying cases where the commentary
                                                                      and grade are asymmetrical. We will also analyze instructor
                                                                      commentary and scores to see if similar patterns obtain. Of
       well                            2.485                          particular interest will be to explore correlations between the types
                                                                      and length of commentary as well as scores from peers in relation
                                                                      to improvement in drafts and final scores. We anticipate a corpus
    supported                          2.456                          of several thousand papers from our own program as well as from
                                                                      the other institutions participating in a broader NSF-funded study
                                                                      of peer review: USF, MIT, UCNS, and Dartmouth, and will engage
                                                                      in a range of corpus-based approaches to text analysis. We hope to
contribute to research on the effectiveness of different kinds of
feedback, particularly as concerns struggling writers.
5. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS                                                   [10] Kelly, L. Effectivenss of Guided Peer Review of Student
                                                                          Essays in a Large Undergraduate Biology
This research is supported by the National Science Foundation             Course. International Journal of Teaching and Learning
under Award #1544239, “Collaborative Research: The Role of                in Higher Education 2015, Volume 27, Number 1, 56-68
Instructor and Peer Feedback in Improving the Cognitive,                  DOI= http://www.isetl.org/ijtlhe/ ISSN 1812-9129
Interpersonal, and Interpersonal Competencies of Student Writers
in STEM courses. Our thanks for the vital contributions of Joe
                                                                     [11] Kirschner, P. A., Sweller, J., & Clark, R. E. (2006). Why
Moxley, Principal Investigator, Alex Rudniy and the USF team
                                                                          minimal guidance during instruction does not work: an
Rajeev Reddy Rachamalla, Dat Ba Le, Brooke Downey, and
                                                                          analysis of the failure of constructivist, discovery,
Natalie Kass; Norbert Elliot, Professor Emeritus of English at New
                                                                          problem-based experiential, and inquiry-based
Jersey Institute of Technology and our NSF grant consultant;
                                                                          teaching. Educational Psychologist, 41(2), 75–86.
fellow investigators Chris Anson, Suzanne Lane, and Christiane
Donahue; and Brighid Kelly, who solves all problems, big and
                                                                     [12] Lunsford, A. (1991). Collaboration, control and the idea
6. REFERENCES                                                             of a writing center. The Writing Center Journal, 12(1), 3-
                                                                          10. https://www.ebscohost.com/academic/education-source
[1] Boyer, K. E., Phillips, R., Wallis, M., Vouk, M., &
    Lester, J. (2008). Balancing cognitive and motivational          [13] Mackiewicz, J., & Thompson, I. K. (2015). Talk about
    scaffolding in tutorial dialogue. Intelligent Tutoring                 writing: The tutoring strategies of experienced writing
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