|title=Multivariable Approximation by Convolutional Kernel Networks
|authors=Věra Kůrková
==Multivariable Approximation by Convolutional Kernel Networks==
ITAT 2016 Proceedings, CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol. 1649, pp. 118–122 http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1649, Series ISSN 1613-0073, c 2016 V. Kůrková Multivariable Approximation by Convolutional Kernel Networks Věra Kůrková Institute of Computer Science, Academy of Sciences of the Czech, vera@cs.cas.cz, WWW home page: http://www.cs.cas.cz/∼vera Abstract: Computational units induced by convolutional widths parameters) benefit from geometrical properties of kernels together with biologically inspired perceptrons be- reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHS) generated by long to the most widespread types of units used in neu- these kernels. These properties allow an extension of rocomputing. Radial convolutional kernels with vary- the maximal margin classification from finite dimensional ing widths form RBF (radial-basis-function) networks and spaces also to sets of data which are not linearly separable these kernels with fixed widths are used in the SVM (sup- by embedding them into infinite dimensional spaces [2]. port vector machine) algorithm. We investigate suitabil- Moreover, symmetric positive semidefinite kernels gener- ity of various convolutional kernel units for function ap- ate stabilizers in the form of norms on RKHSs suitable for proximation. We show that properties of Fourier trans- modeling generalization in terms of regularization [6] and forms of convolutional kernels determine whether sets of enable characterizations of theoretically optimal solutions input-output functions of networks with kernel units are of learning tasks [3, 19, 11]. large enough to be universal approximators. We com- Arguments proving the universal approximation prop- pare these properties with conditions guaranteeing positive erty of RBF networks using sequences of scaled kernels semidefinitness of convolutional kernels. might suggest that variability of widths is necessary for the universal approximation. However, for the special case of the Gaussian kernel, the universal approximation property 1 Introduction holds even when the width is fixed and merely centers are varying [14, 12]. Computational units induced by radial and convolutional On the other hand, it is easy to find some examples kernels together with perceptrons belong to the most of positive semidefinite kernels such that sets of input- widespread types of units used in neurocomputing. In output functions of shallow networks with units generated contrast to biologically inspired perceptrons [15], local- by these kernels are too small to be universal approxima- ized radial units [1] were introduced merely due to their tors. For example, networks with product kernel units of good mathematical properties. Radial-basis-function units the form K(x, y) = k(x)k(y) generate as input-output func- (RBF) computing spherical waves were followed by ker- tions only scalar multiples ck(x) of the function k. nel units [7]. Kernel units in the most general form include all types of computational units, which are functions of In this paper, we investigate capabilities of networks two vector variables: an input vector and a parameter vec- with one hidden layer of convolutional kernel units to ap- tor. However, often the term kernel unit is reserved merely proximate multivariable functions. We show that a crucial for units computing symmetric positive semidefinite func- property influencing whether sets of input-output func- tions of two variables. Networks with these units have tions of convolutional kernel networks are large enough been widely used for classification with maximal margin to be universal approximators is behavior of the Fourier by the support vector machine algorithm (SVM) [2] as transform of the one variable function generating the con- well as for regression [21]. volutional kernel. We give a necessary and sufficient con- Other important kernel units are units induced by convo- dition for universal approximation of kernel networks in lutional kernels in the form of translations of functions of terms of the Fourier transforms of kernels. We compare one vector variable. Isotropic RBF units can be viewed as this condition with properties of kernels guaranteeing their non symmetric kernel units obtained from convolutional positive definitness. We illustrate our results by exam- radial kernels by adding a width parameter. Variability ples of some common kernels such as Gaussian, Laplace, of widths is a strong property. It allows to apply argu- parabolic, rectangle, and triangle. ments based on classical results on approximation of func- The paper is organized as follows. In section 2, no- tions by sequences of their convolutions with scaled bump tations and basic concepts on one-hidden-layer networks functions to prove universal approximation capabilities of and kernel units are introduced. In section 3, a neces- many types of RBF networks [16, 17]. Moreover, some sary and sufficient condition on a convolutional kernel that estimates of rates of approximation by RBF networks ex- guarantees that networks with units induced by the kernel ploit variability of widths [9, 10, 13]. have the universal approximation property. In section 4 On the other hand, symmetric positive semidefinite ker- this condition is compared with a condition guaranteeing nels (which include some classes of RBFs with fixed that a kernel is positive semidefinite and some examples Multivariable Approximation by Convolutional Kernel Networks 119 of kernels satisfying both or one of these conditions are units induced by the kernel K are contained in Hilbert given. Section 5 is a brief discussion. spaces defined by these kernels. These spaces are called reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHS) and denoted HK (X). They are formed by functions from 2 Preliminaries span GK (X) = span{Kx | x ∈ X}, Radial-basis-function networks as well as kernel models belong to the class of one-hidden-layer networks with one where linear output unit. Such networks compute input-output Kx (.) = K(x, .), functions from sets of the form together with limits of their Cauchy sequences in the norm ( ) n k.kK . The norm k.kK is induced by the inner product span G = ∑ wi gi | wi ∈ R, gi ∈ G, n ∈ N+ , h., .iK , which is defined on i=1 GK (X) = {Kx | x ∈ X} where the set G is called a dictionary [8], and R, N+ de- note the sets of real numbers and positive integers, resp. as Typically, dictionaries are parameterized families of func- hKx , Ky iK = K(x, y). tions modeling computational units, i.e., they are of the So span GK (X) ⊂ HK (X). form GK (X,Y ) = {K(., y) : X → R | y ∈ Y } 3 Universal approximation capability of where K : X × Y → R is a function of two variables, an input vector x ∈ X ⊆ Rd and a parameter y ∈ Y ⊆ Rs . Such convolutional kernel networks functions of two variables are called kernels. This term, derived from the German term “kern”, has been used since In this section, we investigate conditions guaranteeing that 1904 in theory of integral operators [18, p.291]. sets of input-output functions of convolutional kernel net- An important class of kernels are convolutional kernels works are large enough to be universal approximators. which are obtained by translations of one-variable func- The universal approximation property is formally de- tions k : Rd → Rd as fined as density in a normed linear space. A class of one- hidden-layer networks with units from a dictionary G is K(x, y) = k(x − y). said to have the universal approximation property in a normed linear space (X , k.kX ) if it is dense in this space, Radial convolutional kernels are convolutional kernels ob- i.e., clX span G = X , where span G denotes the linear tained as translations of radial functions, i.e., functions of span of G and clX denotes the closure with respect to the the form topology induced by the norm k.kX . More precisely, for k(x) = k1 (kxk), every f ∈ X and every ε > 0 there exist a positive integer where k1 : R+ → R. n, g1 , . . . , gn ∈ G, and w1 , . . . , wn ∈ R such that The convolution is an operation defined as n Z Z k f − ∑ wi gi kX < ε. i=1 f ∗ g(x) = f (y − x)g(y)dy = f (y)g(x − y)dy Rd Rd Function spaces where the universal approximation [20, p.170]. property has been of interest are spaces (C(X), k.ksup ) of Recall, that a kernel K : X × X → R is called positive continuous functions on subsets X of Rd (typically com- semidefinite if for any positive integer m, any x1 , . . . , xm ∈ pact) with the supremum norm X and any a1 , . . . , am ∈ R, k f ksup = sup | f (x)| m m x∈X ∑ ∑ ai a j K(xi , x j ) ≥ 0. i=1 j=1 and Rspaces (L p (Rd ), k.kL p ) of functions on Rd with fi- nite Rd | f (y)| p dy and the norm Similarly, a function of one variable k : Rd → R is called positive semidefinite if for any positive integer m, any Z 1/p x1 , . . . , xm ∈ X and any a1 , . . . , am ∈ R, k f kL p = | f (y)| p dy . Rd m m ∑ ∑ ai a j k(xi − x j ) ≥ 0. Recall that the d-dimensional Fourier transform is an i=1 j=1 isometry on L 2 (Rd ) defined on L 2 (Rd ) ∩ L 1 (Rd ) as Z For symmetric positive semidefinite kernels K, the sets 1 span GK (X) of input-output functions of networks with fˆ(s) = e−ix·s f (x) dx (2π)d/2 Rd 120 V. Kůrková and extended to L 2 (Rd ) [20, p.183]. L 2 (Rd ) \ clL 2 span GK (Rd ), l( f0 ) = 1. By the Riesz Rep- Note that the Fourier transform of an even function is resentation Theorem [5, p.206], l can be expressed as an real and the Fourier transform of a radial function is radial. inner product with some h ∈ L 2 (Rd ). If k ∈ cL1 (Rd ), then k̂ is uniformly continuous and with As k is even, for all y ∈ Rd , increasing frequencies converges to zero, i.e., Z hh, K(., y)i = h(x)k(x − y)dx = lim k̂(s) = 0. Rd ksk→∞ Z The following theorem gives a necessary and sufficient h(x)k1 (y − x)dx = h ∗ k1 (x) = 0. condition on a convolutional kernel that guarantees that the Rd class of input-output functions computable by networks By the Young Inequality for convolutions h ∗ k ∈ L 2 (Rd ) with units induced by the kernel can approximate arbitrar- and so by the Plancherel Theorem [20, p.188], ily well all functions in L 2 (Rd ). The condition is formu- lated in terms of the size of the set of frequencies for which kh[ ∗ k1 kL 2 = 0. the Fourier transform is equal to zero. By λ is denoted the Lebesgue measure. As 1 Theorem 1. Let d be a positive integer, k ∈ L 1 (Rd ) ∩ h[ ∗ k1 = ĥ k̂ (2π)d/2 L 2 (Rd ) be even, K : Rd × Rd → R be defined as K(x, y) = k(x − y), and X ⊆ Rd be Lebesgue measurable. Then [20, p.183], we have kĥ k̂kL 2 = 0 and so span GK (X) is dense in (L 2 (X), k.kL 2 ) if and only if Z λ ({s ∈ Rd | k̂(s) = 0}) = 0. (ĥ(s) k̂(s))2 ds = 0. Rd Proof. First, we prove the necessity. To prove it by As the set contradiction, assume that λ (S) 6= 0. Take any function f ∈ L 2 (Rd ) ∩ L 1 (Rd ) with a positive Fourier transform S = {s ∈ Rd | k̂(s) = 0} (for example, f can be the Gaussian). Let ε > 0 be such has Lebesgue measure zero we have that Z Z Z ε< fˆ(s)2 ds. ĥ(s)2 k̂(s)2 ds = ĥ(s)2 k̂(s)2 ds = 0. Rd Rd Rd \S Assume that there exists n, wi ∈ R, and yi ∈ Rd such that As for all s ∈ Rd \ S, k̂(s)2 > 0, we have kĥk2L 2 ds = 0. So n khkL 2 = 0 and hence by the Cauchy-Schwartz Inequality k f − ∑ wi k(. − yi )kL2 < ε. j=1 we get Z Then by the Plancherel Theorem [20, p.188], 1 = l( f0 ) = f0 (y) h(y)dy ≤ k f0 kL 2 khkL 2 = 0, Rd n n k fˆ − ∑ wi k(. \ − yi )k2L2 = k fˆ − ∑ w̄i k̂k2L2 , which is a contradiction. j=1 j=1 Extending a function f from L 2 (X) to f¯ from L 2 (Rd ) by setting its values equal to zero outside of X and restrict- where w̄i = wi eiyi . Hence ing approximations of f¯ by functions from span GK (Rd ) to n X, we get the statement for any Lebesgue measurable sub- k fˆ − ∑ w̄i k̂k2L2 = set X of Rd . j=1 ✷ Theorem 1 shows that sets of input-output functions of !2 Z n Z convolutional kernel networks are large enough to approx- fˆ(s) − ∑ w̄i k̂(s) ds + fˆ(s)2 ds > ε, imate arbitrarily well all L 2 -functions if and only if the Rd \S j=1 S Fourier transform of the function k is almost everywhere which is a contradiction. non-zero. To prove the sufficiency, we first assume that X = Rd . Theorem 1 implies that when k̂(s) is equal to zero for all We prove it by contradiction, so we suppose that s such that ksk ≥ r for some r > 0 (the Fourier transform is band-limited), then the set span GK (Rd ) is too small to 6 L 2 (Rd ). clL 2 span GK (Rd ) = clL 2 span {K(., y) | y ∈ Rd } = have the universal approximation capability. In the next section we show, that some of such kernels are positive Then by the Hahn-Banach Theorem [20, p. 60] there ex- semidefinite. So they can be used for classification by the ists a bounded linear functional l on L 2 (Rd ) such that SVM algorithm but they are not suitable for function ap- for all f ∈ clL 2 span GK (Rd ), l( f ) = 0 and for some f0 ∈ proximation. Multivariable Approximation by Convolutional Kernel Networks 121 4 Positive semidefinitness and universal and there also are kernels which are not positive defi- approximation property nite but induce networks with the universal approximation property. The first ones are suitable for SVM but not for In this section, we compare a condition on positive regression, while the second ones can be used for regres- semidefinitness of a convolutional kernel with the condi- sion but are not suitable for SVM. In the sequel, we give tion on the universal approximation property derived in the some examples of such kernels. previous section. A paradigmatic example of a convolutional kernel is the As the inverse Fourier transform of a convolutional ker- Gaussian kernel ga : Rd → R defined for a width a > 0 as nel can be expressed as 2 2 ga = e−a k.k . Z For any fixed width a and any dimension d, 1 K(x, y) = k(x − y) = k̂(s)ei(x−y)·s ds √ (2π)d/2 Rd 2 2 gba = ( 2a)−d e−1/a k.k . it is easy to verify that when k̂ is positive or non nega- So the Gaussian kernel is positive definite and the class of tive than K defined as K(x, y = k(x − y) is positive definite, Gaussian kernel networks have the universal approxima- semidefinite, resp. tion property. Indeed, to verify that ∑nj,l=1 a j al K(x j , xl ) ≥ 0 we ex- The rectangle kernel is defined as press K in terms of the inverse Fourier transform. Thus we get rect(x) = 1 for x ∈ (−1/2, 1/2), Z otherwise rect(x) = 0. n n 1 ∑ a j al K(x j , xl ) = ∑ a j al k̂(s)ei(x j −xl )·s ds = Its Fourier transform is the sinc function j,l=1 j,l=1 (2π)d/2 Rd sin(π s) ! ! rd ect(s) = sinc(s) = . Z n n πs 1 (2π)d/2 Rd ∑ a j ei(x j )·s ∑ ak e−i(xl )·s k̂(s)ds = So the Fourier transform of rect is not non negative but its j l zeros form a discrete set of the Lebesgue measure zero. Thus the rectangle kernel is not positive semidefinite but Z 2 1 n induces class of networks with the universal approxima- (2π)d/2 Rd ∑ a j ei(x j )·s k̂(s)ds ≥ 0. tion property. On the other hand, the Fourier transform of j sinc is the rectangle kernel and thus it is positive semidef- The following proposition is well-known (see, e.g., [4]). inite, but does not induce networks with the universal ap- proximation property. Proposition 2. Let k ∈ L 1 (Rd ) ∩ L 2 (Rd ) be an even The Laplace kernel is defined for any a > 0 as function such that k̂(s) ≥ 0 for all s ∈ Rd . Then K(x, y) = k(x − y) is positive semidefinite. l(x) = e−a|x| . A complete characterization of positive semidefinite Its Fourier transforms is positive as bounded continuous kernels follows from the Bochner Theorem. ˆ = 2a l(s) . a2 + (2πs)2 Theorem 3 (Bochner). A bounded continuous function The triangle kernel is defined as k : Rd → C is positive semidefinite iff k is the Fourier trans- form of a nonnegative finite Borel measure µ, i.e., tri(x) = 2x − 1/2 for x ∈ (−1/2, 0), Z tri(x) = −2(x + 1/2) for x ∈ (0, 1/2), 1 k(x) = e−x·s µ(ds). otherwise tri(x) = 0. (2π)d/2 Rd Its Fourier transforms is positive as 2 The Bochner Theorem implies that when the Borel mea- sin(π s) b tri(s) = sinc(s)2 = . sure µ has a distribution function then the condition in πs Proposition 2 is both sufficient and necessary. 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