=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1654/article-01 |storemode=property |title=None |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1654/article-01.pdf |volume=Vol-1654 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/semweb/AsanoTMN16 }} ==None== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1654/article-01.pdf
    Publication of Statistical Linked Open Data in Japan

      Yu Asano1, Yusuke Takeyoshi2, Junichi Matsuda1, and Shoki Nishimura3
                               Hitachi, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan
             {yu.asano.ko, junichi.matsuda.ru}@hitachi.com
                        Oracle Corporation Japan, Tokyo, Japan
                        National Statistics Center, Tokyo, Japan

       Abstract. In 2016, the Japanese Statistics Center published a large-scale
       statistical linked open data (LOD) site consisting of approximately 300 million
       triples. The LOD simplify processing data, such as filtering, aggregation, and
       integration of data. The aim of this action is to promote domestic and
       international utilization of the statistics. In this paper, we introduce publishing
       processes and a use case of statistical LOD. Afterwards, we show our approach
       to speed up the SPARQL search for the vast number of LOD.

       Keywords: Statistics, Linked Open Data, RDF, RDF Data Cube Vocabulary

1      Introduction

The Japanese Statistics Bureau 1 and the Statistics Center 2 publish approximately 500
kinds of governmental statistics by one stop in a portal site 3 of the official statistics of
Japan called e-Stat. Most of the statistics are in Microsoft® Excel®, but the main
statistics are published via a database and API. The target data are being expanded.
However, processing the data, such as by filtering, aggregating, and integrating them,
may prove difficult because the structure and vocabulary of the statistical data are not
unified. The unionization of the structure and vocabulary is time consuming.
   By providing statistical LOD that use a unified structure and vocabulary, we aim to
promote domestic and international utilization of the statistics. To accomplish these
purposes, we generate statistical LOD in consideration of the following.
   (A) Use of a unified structure
   (B) Use of a unified vocabulary
   For (A), we use the RDF Data Cube Vocabulary [1], which is a World Wide Web
(W3C) recommendation standard to express statistical data in a resource description
framework (RDF). The vocabulary is meant to publish multi-dimensional data in such
a way that the data are linked to related data. The concrete application method is in

1 http://www.stat.go.jp/english/
2 http://www.nstac.go.jp/en/
3 http://www.e-stat.go.jp/
section 2.1 (ii)–(iv). For (B), when a standard vocabulary exists, we use it. When
standard vocabulary does not exist, we define a new vocabulary in consideration of
linking with other vocabulary as [2]. If the vocabulary is related to other vocabulary,
we define the relationships between them. Providing the aforementioned statistical
LOD should promote linking data between the Japanese statistical center and each
organization, such as overseas statistics centers, domestic ministries and agencies,
local governments, and private companies, as shown in Fig. 2.1.

             ISTAT             Eurostat                 OECD         ・・・

                          Collaborate with overseas                           SDMX

                                Statistical LOD         Map to standards       IMI

                         Collaboration within country

           Ministry             Local                 Private
           / Agency          government            organization      ・・・

        Fig. 2.1. Image of relationships between e-Stat Statistical LOD and each data
(IMI vocabulary is a vocabulary of infrastructure for multi-layer interoperability vocabulary 4.)

   The statistical LOD site 5 was published on June 30, 2016. The statistical LOD in-
clude seven sources of statistics such as a population census, an economic census, and
a labor force survey. The data consist of approximately 300 million triples which
represent 20 million observations. It is the largest class of statistical LOD around the
world. The site publishes an endpoint for SPARQL.
   In this paper, we mainly describe our experience to publish the statistical LOD. In
the next section, we describe how to create the statistical LOD and how the LOD are
used. In section 3, we describe the processing flow of SPARQL queries submitted
from the endpoint and how to optimize the query performance in this system.

4 http://goikiban.ipa.go.jp/
5 http://data.e-stat.go.jp/
2        Publication and utilization of statistical LOD

We pushed forward a publication of statistical LOD for promoting the utilization of
the statistics both domestically and internationally. For the publication of statistical
LOD, we need to prepare the RDF data and interface to access them. In this section,
we introduce how to create and publish the LOD and how the LOD are used.

2.1      Generating method of statistical LOD
In our effort, we generate statistical LOD by converting original statistical data in a
relational data base (RDB) into RDF based on the process in Fig. 2.2. The RDF data
is represented by using three components (triples), consisting of the subject, predicate,
and object. We use the RDF Data Cube Vocabulary mentioned in section 1 for the
    (i) Data selection: Decide the target statistical data to convert into RDF.
    (ii) Preparation of ontology: List necessary items for expressing the target data as
       LOD. When a standard vocabulary exists, we use it. When any standard vocab-
       ulary does not exist, we define a new vocabulary as an ontology.
    (iii) Definition of dataset and data structure definition (DSD): Define the dataset
       and DSD of the target statistical data.
    (iv) Conversion of observations: Convert each observation in RDB into RDF.

                 Fig. 2.2. Process to convert statistical data in RDB into RDF

      We show the overviews of each process in the following.
(i) Data selection
The e-Stat provides statistical data published by ministries and agencies. The data
include about 500 statistics. We selected seven statistics as the LOD target in consid-
eration of three points: main statistics, high needs, and linking with other vocabular-
ies. For example, the LOD includes a population, a number of households and so on.
The figure also shows the number of tables and the measures of each statistic. Table
2.1 shows a part of a population census of 2010, including the population by national-
ity, area, sex, and age.

                           Table 2.1. Part of Population census of 2010

                                                   Total (Age)       0 year        1 year
Japanese        Hokkaido        Males                  2,593,193          20,101     19,970
(Nationality)   (Area)          Females                2,889,457          19,264     19,060

(ii) Preparation of ontology
First, we list all necessary items (measures, dimensions, attributes, values of dimen-
sions and attributes) as an ontology for expressing the target data as LOD. When a
standard vocabulary exists, we use it. When a standard vocabulary does not exist, we
define new vocabulary as an ontology in consideration of linking with other vocabu-
laries. We use two vocabularies4,6, including the area code, as standard. For each of
the other items, we define new vocabulary. The concrete method is to prepare a URI
as a unique identifier. We give naming rules of the URI in consideration of (1)-(3).
Each item, which appears in multiple domains, is defined as a URI for cross domain
by using “crossDomain”. On the other hand, the item, which appears in a domain, is
defined as a URI for specific domain by using domain name, such as
     (1) Uniqueness: Use of own domain (http://data.e-stat.go.jp/) in URI-
     (2) Manageability: Use of establishment year in URI for changeable items
     (3) Consistency: Use of unified naming rules for all items
    To promote domestic and international utilization of the statistics, we link the de-
fined items to the related existing vocabulary and standard vocabulary. In particular,
the vocabulary for statistical LOD of the Italian National Institute of Statistics (Istat) 7,
[3], the Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange (SDMX), the International Monetary
Fund (IMF) and SDMX (RDF encodings) 8. The vocabulary for SDMX and IMF are
published in the Global Registry 9. For example, a dimension “sex” is linked to three
items: “istat:haSesso” of Istat, “SDMX:CL_SEX(2.0)” of SDMX, and “sdmx-
dimension:sex” of SDMX (RDF encodings). We use a property “dcterms:relation” of
Dublin Core 10 for linking between corresponding properties. The links can be used as
necessary. For example, users can inquiry all of related items based on the links. In

6 http://data.e-stat.go.jp/lodw/data/sac/
7 http://datiopen.istat.it/
8 http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/code#
9 https://registry.sdmx.org/
10 http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-terms/
consideration of linking with external vocabulary, we define codes by using the Sim-
ple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) [4]. For linking between codes, we use
“skos:closeMatch” for indicating that two concepts are sufficiently similar in their
applications. These prefixes are abbreviations of namespaces, listed in Appendix A.
Table 2.2 shows the number of items linked to external vocabulary.

                 Table 2.2. Number of items linked to external vocabulary

                            Measures    Dimensions    Attributes    Values of      Values of
                                                                   dimensions      attributes
 Istat                         3             5            0           22               0
 SDMX                          0             0            0           14              29
 IMF                           0             0            0            9               0
 SDMX (RDF encodings)          0             7            2           11              17

(iii) Definition of dataset and DSD
For each statistical data, we define the dataset and DSD by using the RDF data cube
vocabulary. The dataset is defined by describing the target data’s category of govern-
ment statistics and its frequency of updates, among other things. The DSD is defined
by, for example, describing the target data’s measures and dimensions. The details of
the definitions are beyond the scope of this paper.

(iv) Conversion of observation
We convert each observed value in RDB as an observation into RDF triples using a
method for the RDF data cube vocabulary. Each observation in RDF is described
using related information on each observed value. In our case, the original data are in
the RDF, and we need to deal with a large number of data. As shown in Fig. 2.2, we
convert the original data into RDF by using a mapping rule in R2RML. The mapping
rule between the original RDB and the target LOD is described based on the original
data and definitions of the ontology, dataset, and DSD.
   Fig. 2.3 is a part of converted observed value of the colored cell in Table 2.1. The
value refers to the number of 0-year-old girls in Hokkaido in the population census of
2010. Lines 4-8 describe the dimensions’ data, lines 10-11 describe the attributes’
data, and line 13 describes the observation.
2:   a qb:Observation;
3:   #Dimensions
4:   cd-dimension-2016:age cd-code-2016:age-0;
5:   cd-dimension-2016:nationality cd-code-2016:nationality-japanese;
6:   cd-dimension:standardAreaCode sac:C01000-19700401;
7:   cd-dimension-2016:sex cd-code-2016:sex-female;
8:   cd-dimension:timePeriod "2010";
9:   #Attributes
10: sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:unitOfPerson;
11: cd-attribute:unitMultiplier cd-code:unitMultiplier-0;
12: #Observation
13: pc-measure-2010:population "19264"^^.

          Fig. 2.3. RDF expression of the number of 0–year-old girls in Hokkaido
2.2    Publication and Utilization of statistical LOD
We introduce both the publication and utilization of statistical LOD in this section.

2.2.1 Publication of statistical LOD
The statistical LOD consist of 300 million triples. The following two publishing
methods were used. We can access them via the statistical LOD site5.
    (1) SPARQL endpoint: We publish the SPARQL endpoint and example queries.
   (2) Definitions of components: We publish the definitions of datasets, DSDs, di-
        mensions, measures, attributes, and codes (values of dimensions, values of at-
        tributes). These are necessary for issuing queries. The formats of the defini-
        tions are HTML and Turtle.

2.2.2 Utilization of statistical LOD
Once a number of statistics have been converted into LOD, users can easily process
data, such as by filtering, aggregating, and integrating data. By linking the data to
other data published by other organizations, users can also perform crossover searches
by specifying the dimensions or measures. For example, by utilizing the links to the
LOD published by Istat, users can compare population density or male-to-female ratio
between Italy and Japan. In this section, we show an example query to search over
two statistics in Fig. 2.4. The statistical LOD can be combined with LOD published
by other organizations. In particular, the query refers to the number of households
with elderly people by area in the population census and the number of elderly nurs-
ing facilities by area in the System of Social and Demographic Statistics. Fig. 2.5 is
the visualization of the search results. Tokyo has a lower number of elderly nursing
facilities considering the number of households with elderly people than other prefec-

 SELECT ?area ?numberOfHouseholds ?numberOfFacilities
 WHERE { ?o1 pc-measure-2010:numberOfHouseholds ?numberOfHouseholds;
                    cd-dimension:standardAreaCode ?area_code.
               ?o2 ssds-measure-2016:J230121 ?numberOfFacilities;
                     cd-dimension:standardAreaCode ?area_code.
               ?area_code sacs:administrativeClass sacs:Prefecture;
                      rdfs:label ?area.
               FILTER ( lang(?area)= "en" )
 } ORDER BY ?area_code

                           Fig. 2.4. Example of SPARQL query

2.3    Future issues
The more LOD are accrued, the more effective the system becomes. Therefore, we
need to continue this activity. In particular, the activities are the maintenance of the
LOD including linking the vocabularies to external vocabularies (the collaboration
                Fig. 2.5. Example visualization of results of SPARQL query

with overseas arrow in Fig. 2.1), adding new statistical resources, and updating the
resources already published as required. In addition, this activity will also need to be
expanded to ministries, agencies, local governments, and private organizations. The
local governments have more detailed data than the data that the government has. If
the local government publishes the population and the number of establishments as
LOD, users can use more detailed data. Furthermore, users can contribute to solving
social problems based on the specialization of the users in the area or to creating new
businesses by combining the data, analyzing them, and taking the appropriate meas-
ure. To make this a reality, first, we need to share our experience and knowledge of
publication and utilization of LOD. In addition, we need to check the versatility of our
vocabulary and to push forward the activity to make it common vocabulary.

3      Performance optimization for SPARQL queries

The e-Stat LOD provide a SPARQL endpoint supporting SPARQL 1.1. This section
describes the process flow of SPARQL queries submitted from the endpoint and how
to optimize query performance in this system.

3.1    System architecture and SPARQL processing flow

The system architecture of the e-Stat LOD is shown in Fig. 3.1. This system is com-
posed of Fuseki and Oracle Database (Oracle Exadata Database Machine). While
Fuseki works as a SPARQL endpoint, Oracle Database is configured as a triples store
using Oracle Spatial and Graph option, which has open, scalable, and secure features
for storing RDF ontologies and data.
         Fig. 3.1. The e-Stat LOD system architecture and SPARQL processing flow

   The Fuseki server is included in Oracle Support for Apache Jena and Fuseki (for-
merly called Jena Adapter), a package distributed by Oracle. SPARQL queries passed
to the endpoint are translated into semantically equivalent, single SQL queries in this
layer, then Oracle Database processes the SQL queries and scans the relational tables
storing RDF triple data to return the results to the Fuseki server. We chose this con-
figuration because Oracle Database had demonstrated industry-leading scalability and
performance for loading, inference, and querying a one trillion edges RDF graph on
Exadata Database Machine [5] and Fuseki server provides a complete function of
SPARQL 1.1 query translation to SQL.

3.2    Performance concerns in e-Stat LOD
As described in section 3.1, the e-Stat LOD are based on RDF Data Cube Vocabulary,
which means each cell in the statistical tables individually has dimensions, measure-
ments, and observations as objects. Therefore, the number of triples can easily in-
crease when the original statistical tables have a large number of cells (observations),
dimensions, and measurements.
  The following table represents major statistical tables and their total number of tri-
ples, published as of July 2016 in e-Stat LOD.

             Table 3.1. Major published statistical datasets and number of triples

      Statistical Dataset                             Number of triples
      Population Census                                                   209,492,246
      Economic Census for Business Frame                                   76,766,276
While the total number of statistical tables published in the e-Stat LOD is expected to
grow, an explosive increase in the number of triples could make SPARQL query re-
sponse slower.

3.3    Database design to improve SPARQL query performance
We adopted the following three methods to achieve acceptable SPARQL performance
even when more than billions of triples are stored.
    (i) Storing each statistical dataset triples in different “models”
    (ii) In-database multi-process parallel processing for a single SPARQL query
     (iii) Daily automatic performance tuning for SPARQL queries slower than the cri-
    The details for each method are as follows.
(i) Storing each statistical dataset triples in different “models”
In Oracle Database, triples are stored in two tables, RDF_VALUE$ and
RDF_LINK$ as shown in Fig. 3.2. The RDF_VALUE$ table contains normalized,
canonical text values derived from subjects, predicates, and objects, and unique
VALUE_IDs assigned to each text value. Also, the VALUE_IDs corresponding to
subjects and objects are stored in the RDF_LINK$ table.

                            Value (canonical text)                ID

                MODEL               SUBJECT          PREDICATE     OBJECT

                   (partitioned by MODEL_ID)

             Fig. 3.2. How triple values and IDs are stored in Oracle Database.

   An Oracle-specific concept of “model” exists. When triples are loaded into Oracle
Database, the triples are assigned a model name and model ID. The
RDF_LINK$ table is physically separated by the MODEL_ID, which is implemented
with Oracle Partitioning feature. SPARQL queries do not need to specify models in
the syntax because Oracle Database automatically determines which models should
be accessed for each query. In other words, a set of multiple models can be used as a
single triple store.
   The Graph IRI can also limit the access range in general triple stores, but the graph
IRI is not equivalent to models. Oracle Database can store graph IRIs that are inde-
pendent of the models.
   As previously described, SPARQL queries are translated to SQL queries in Fuseki
server, and Oracle Database scans only models that contain the required triples for
each SPARQL query. Due to this feature, the required scan range is minimized so that
SPARQL response hardly slows even when billions of triples are stored. In addition,
semantic indexes are also configured in each model.
   In the e-Stat LOD, triples derived from different statistical tables, such as a popula-
tion census or labor force survey, and the ontologies are stored in different models.
Due to this model separation design, the access range on the RDF_LINK$ table is not
directly proportional to the total number of triples in the database when a SPARQL
query does not access all of the statistical table data (Fig. 3.3).

                         Fig. 3.3. SPARQL query access diagram

   The semantically separated model design also enables flexible updates of triples.
After a new statistical table or ontology is loaded into the database, a new model can
be added to extend an existing virtual model. Then, SPARQL queries can transparent-
ly access the added triples without restarting the service. A virtual model is composed
of multiple models and inferred entailments, if they exist, and it behaves like relation-
al views in a relational database.

(ii) In-database multi-process parallel processing for a single SPARQL query
Even though the access range can be limited by model separation, the query response
can be slower than the criteria when a single statistical table is large or when a query
accesses a large portion of triples stored in multiple models. To shorten the query
elapsed time for such queries, an in-database multi-process parallel processing feature
called "parallel query" is used in the e-Stat LOD, in addition to indexes that are gen-
erally used to improve the SPARQL query response (Fig. 3.4).
    After Oracle Database receives an SQL query into which Fuseki translates a
SPARQL query, Oracle automatically divides the access range into multiple portions
and the corresponding number of processes simultaneously scans the divided ranges,
and finally merges all result sets. In the e-Stat LOD, the parallel query feature is ena-
bled for any sessions connected through Fuseki server by a logon trigger created in
the database.
                         Fig. 3.4. Parallel query processing diagram

(iii) Daily automatic performance tuning for SPARQL queries slower than the criteria
Because the SPARQL endpoint is publicly available, it has to accept any SPARQL
query. It is convenient for users, but guaranteeing an acceptable response time for any
and all queries is not realistic because predicting all query patterns in advance is im-
    In the e-Stat LOD, we implemented an automatic SQL tuning job to prevent query
performance from being a barrier for endpoint users. This job daily picks up top-N
translated SQL queries, ones not completed in the predefined response time criteria,
and tunes their performance with an embedded stored procedure called
DBMS_SQLTUNE [6] by optimizing the internal access path of the SQL queries,
such as the indexes to use or the orders to join. After this daily tuning job, the targeted
queries and similar queries are expected to complete in a reasonable time. Therefore,
the average performance of SPARQL queries should continuously improve because
of the automatic SQL tuning jobs.

4      Conclusion

This paper introduced publication and utilization of statistical LOD for the Japanese
Statistical Center. We generated statistical LOD in consideration of the use of a uni-
fied structure and vocabulary to promote utilization of statistics both domestically and
internationally. For a unified structure, we generated statistical LOD based on the
RDF Data Cube Vocabulary, which is a world standard for expressing statistical data
in RDF. For the unified vocabulary, we used the standard vocabulary and linked our
vocabulary to existing vocabulary as much as possible. Using the aforementioned
method, we generated 300 million triples as the LOD and published them on the web
site. We will continuously expand them. We showed an example where the LOD
simplify processing data, such as filtering and integration. Furthermore, we intro-
duced our approach to speed up the SPARQL search for a vast number of LOD. In the
future, the publication of LOD needs to be expanded to ministries, agencies, local
governments, private companies, and other organizations. It is necessary for us to
spread the defined vocabulary so that it is used in others.

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           A.      List of prefixes and namespaces

                Prefix                                      Namespace
      skos                  http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#
      Rdfs                  http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#
      dcterms               http://purl.org/dc/terms/
      istat                 http://datiopen.istat.it/odi/ontologia/censimento/
      sdmx-dimension        http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/dimension#
      Qb                    http://purl.org/linked-data/cube#
      pc-dimension-2010     http://data.e-stat.go.jp/lod/ontology/populationCencus/dimension/2010/
      pc-measure-2010       http://data.e-stat.go.jp/lod/ontology/populationCensus/measure/2010/
      pc-code-2010          http://data.e-stat.go.jp/lod/ontology/populationCensus/code/2010/
      cd-dimension-2016     http://data.e-stat.go.jp/lod/ontology/crossDomain/dimension/2016/
      cd-attribute          http://data.e-stat.go.jp/lod/ontology/crossDomain/attribute/
      sacs                  http://data.e-stat.go.jp/lod/terms/sacs#
      ds-measure-2016       http://data.e-stat.go.jp/lod/ontology/systemOfSocialAndDemographic