=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1706/paper4 |storemode=property |title=On Leveraging UML/OCL for Model Synchronization |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1706/paper4.pdf |volume=Vol-1706 |authors=Robert Bill,Martin Gogolla,Manuel Wimmer |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/models/BillGW16 }} ==On Leveraging UML/OCL for Model Synchronization== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1706/paper4.pdf
        On Leveraging UML/OCL for Model Synchronization

                    Robert Bill                        Martin Gogolla                         Manuel Wimmer
         TU Wien, Institute for Software            Universität Bremen,                 TU Wien, Institute for Software
          Technology and Interactive             Department for Mathematics              Technology and Interactive
                   Systems                         and Computer Science                           Systems
             Favoritenstraße 9-11                     PO Box 330440                         Favoritenstraße 9-11
                A-1110 Wien                          D-28334 Bremen                            A-1110 Wien
             bill@big.tuwien.ac.at                     gogolla@tzi.de                   wimmer@big.tuwien.ac.at

ABSTRACT                                                               model synchronization has become an indispensable duty
Modelling complex system often results in different but over-          where inconsistencies between different models need to be
lapping modelling artifacts which evolve independently. Thus,          resolved in an efficient and correct way.
inconsistencies may arise which lead to unintended effects on             There are already several approaches to handle model in-
the modelled system. To mitigate this situation, model syn-            tegration based on synchronization [23]. However, there is a
chronization is seen as a recurring and crucial maintenance            recurring pattern in most of these approaches: a dedicated
task which requires to restore consistency between multiple            language is used to define a mix of synchronization steps
models using the most suitable changes. Currently, differ-             and inter-model consistency relationships. There are two
ent languages and tools are used for inter-model consistency           potential challenges using such approaches: (i) for consis-
management than for intra-model consistency where UM-                  tency relationship formulation, the intermingling of consis-
L/OCL is an accepted solution. Consequently, the result                tency relationships and synchronization might make it diffi-
of synchronizing models solely based on inter-model con-               cult to specify how to realize context-dependent resolutions
straints might result into inappropriately evolved models              of inconsistencies in heavily constrained models, and (ii) the
w.r.t. intra-model constraints.                                        increased mental load for modelers who need to learn a new
   In this paper, we present a synchronization model for-              synchronization language.
malized in UML/OCL which covers explicit consistency and                  In this paper, we propose a new methodology for unifying
change models including costs and which considers both,                inter-model and intra-model constraints for model synchro-
inter-model and intra-model constraints at the same time.              nization using UML/OCL. We employ OCL in the classical
Instances of this synchronization model represent success-             setting for defining intra-model constraints and present a
ful synchronization scenarios. In particular, models can be            method how to define inter-model constraints based on dedi-
synchronized, also taking into account their predecessor ver-          cated UML/OCL models between two models in the spirit of
sions, by finding a constraint violation-free extension of a           bi-directional model transformation languages such as QVT
partial model including those instances which may be op-               Relations [25] or TGGs [30]. In order to define general-
timized for minimal cost. We prototypically implemented                purpose and domain-specific synchronization properties, we
this approach using a model finder to automatically retrieve           introduce a formalized change model that is the basis for ex-
synchronized models and the change operations to compute               plicitly modeling such properties based on our UML/OCL
them by completing the partial model.                                  approach. For instance, the use of different cost functions for
                                                                       changes allows the definition and usage of different synchro-
                                                                       nization strategies such as least-change and beyond. Hav-
Keywords                                                               ing these ingredients, UML/OCL based model finders can
model consistency; model synchronization; model evolution              be employed to compute the model synchronizations taking
                                                                       into account both inter-model and intra-model constraints
                                                                       and the stated properties which should be fulfilled by the
1.   INTRODUCTION                                                      synchronization. We show this by applying a model finder
   Modern systems are inherently much more complex to                  for UML/OCL, which has already proven to be usable for
design, develop, and maintain than classical systems due               transformations models [16].
to different properties such as size, heterogeneity, distribu-            The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. In
tion, and multi-disciplinarity. One way to cope with such              Section 2 we describe the architecture of our synchroniza-
complexity is by resorting on model-driven engineering ap-             tion approach, the types of models we consider, and the
proaches [4,5] and dividing the engineering activities accord-         running example of this paper. In Section 3 we formulate
ing to several areas of concerns or viewpoints, each one focus-        model changes as a UML/OCL model and how to select
ing on a specific aspect of the system and allowing different          the synchronization strategy by associating changes with
stakeholders to observe the system from different perspec-             cost functions. Subsequently, in Section 4 we describe how
tives [26, 27]. There are more and more approaches which               inter-model constraints can be expressed using a consistency
allow to define different views of a system resulting in par-          model based on UML/OCL. In Section 5 we discuss the pro-
tially overlapping models. Unfortunately, this separation of           totypical implementation of our approach to automatically
concerns by using different viewpoints, potentially expressed          find model synchronizations. Finally, in Section 6 we discuss
in different domain-specific modeling languages, comes with            related work and conclude with an outlook in Section 7.
the price of keeping those viewpoints consistent [13]. Thus,

2.        MODEL SYNCHRONIZATION ARCHI-                                                                 for synchronization, but just the declarative consistency mod-
          TECTURE AND RUNNING EXAMPLE                                                                  els. Among others, this has the advantage that this approach
                                                                                                       is, in principle, not limited to synchronize two models, but
  In this section, we introduce our model synchronization
                                                                                                       any number of models, with or without circular consistency
architecture by-example.
                                                                                                       dependencies between them. Since both model states are
                                                                                                       considered at the same time, the typical problem of mak-
2.1          Model Synchronization Architecture                                                        ing model A consistent with model B, thus requiring addi-
  A synchronization problem, as depicted in Figure 1(a)                                                tional changes in model B which themselves require addi-
and (b), occurs when two models, which were potentially                                                tional changes in model A etc. can never occur. Also, we do
consistent in their current state, are subsequently changed                                            not use any model diffing algorithm, but again a fully declar-
independently leading to potential inconsistencies. To syn-                                            ative change model, i.e., the constraints which have to hold
chronize both models, the goal is to find a suitable set of                                            for a model explaining the difference between two model ver-
changes for both models to make them consistent again. As                                              sions. We copy left, right and consistency model two times
there may be a huge amount of different change sets to re-                                             to build former and current model while removing all con-
establish consistency, the question also arises which one is                                           straints, including multiplicity constraints. This is done to
the most appropriate change set for a given situation. Be-                                             ensure that (i) the change model actually describes changes
fore we go into details on this aspect, we discuss the general                                         between model versions and (ii) the model finder can find a
architecture of our approach, in particular, how we repre-                                             consistent model extension defining only the wanted model.
sent the model synchronization problem by utilizing change                                                For completeness reasons please note when integrating left
and consistency models.                                                                                models and right models into global models, name clashes
                                                                                                       may occur. This can be simply avoided by pre- or postfixing
                            Given                                         Wanted
     Former                                  Current                               Reconciled          names of classes and properties. Since this step is trivial but
      MLeftFormer        MChangeFormer       MLeftCurrent          MChange           MLeft             might clutter the overall architecture and descriptions, it is
         MConsFormer                                                                   MCons           not further discussed throughout the paper.
     MRightFormer                            MRightCurrent                           MRight
                                                                                                       2.2    Running Example
                                         (a) general pattern
                                                                                                          As a running example2 , let us consider two viewpoints for
          XLII                                   XLI                                    XLI
                           remove                               no                                     developing and maintaining computer networks as depicted
                           last "I"                             change                                 in Figure 2: (a) the requirements viewpoint and (b) the im-
             sameValue                                                       sameValue
                           no                                   "two" →
                                                                                                       plementation viewpoint. The metamodels realizing these
                           change                               "one"                                  two viewpoints are illustrated in Figure 3. When taking a
      fourty-two                             fourty-two                              fourty-one
                                                                                                       closer look on Figure 2, we see that the left model stores
                                         (b) concrete example                                          the requirements of a computer network. There are named
Figure 1: Model synchronizing using change models and consis-                                          machines which provide a certain amount of communica-
tency models: (a) general pattern and (b) concrete example.
                                                                                                       tion speed and others which consume a certain expected
                                                                                                       amount of data. The right part of Figure 2 contains a
   In the following, we will describe the general architecture                                         model of the implemented system which does not only in-
of our synchronization model as depicted in Figure 1. Our                                              clude servers providing data and computers consuming data,
approach synchronizes models by consistently completing a                                              but also routers and cables needed to transfer the data from
synchronization model containing the history of the models                                             servers to computers. There are two types of cables, namely
(MLeftFormer , MRightFormer , MLeftCurrent and MRightCurrent ), the                                    GlassFiberCables for high-speed connections and Copper-
previous consistency relation MConsFormer , which might not                                            Cables for low-speed connections. There are constraints on
be a valid consistency relation in the current state, the pre-                                         the right model to ensure that (i) each server can serve the
vious change set MChangeFormer , the wanted state of the                                               cables it is connected to, (ii) each computer gets enough
models MLeft and MRight with a consistency relation MCons                                              bandwidth for its needs and (iii) each router does not pro-
and changes MChange leading to a consistent state. In gen-                                             duce any data and thus can fulfill the outgoing bandwidth
eral, model finders like the USE ModelValidator1 search                                                with the incoming bandwidth and its own processing speed.
for instances of a metamodel. A model finder can syn-                                                     For the given example, the models’ consistency relation-
chronize models by consistently completing synchronization                                             ship is defined such that each provider needs a server with
models consisting of former and current models with con-                                               the same name and at least that speed and each consumer
sistent change and wanted models by adding new objects,                                                needs a computer with the same name and the same speed
associations and attributes. Since a model finder may com-                                             and vice versa.
plete the model in many ways, including the application of                                                In Figure 2, also the evolution scenario for our running ex-
delete changes, in the extreme case to delete the complete                                             ample is shown. It is assumes that the models were changed
model, we also foresee to model change costs to guide the                                              independently from each other. In the requirements model,
model finder in the right direction. In the concrete example                                           the provider p1 should be made ready for the future and
shown in Figure 1, the model finder may find and add two                                               gets a higher speed. Thus, its speed attribute was increased
change objects (no change; “two” → “one”) and two consis-                                              from 3 to 4. At the same time in the implementation model
tent state objects (XLI; forty-one).                                                                   changes were performed. It was discovered that the com-
   Summing up, in contrast to many other approaches, we                                                puter w2 was never used and thus it was removed together
do not use explicit consistency restoring transformation rules
                                                                                                          A slightly simplified version of the example can
   https://sourceforge.net/projects/useocl/files/                                                      be downloaded from http://cosimo.big.tuwien.ac.at/
Plugins/ModelValidator/                                                                                findsync/

                                            p1:Provider            p2:Provider                     s1:Server                            s2:Server
                                          speed = 3 → 4           speed = 3                      speed = 3                           speed = 4
                                          name = "s1"             name = "s2"                    name = "s1"                         name = "s2"
                                                                                                source                               source
                                                                                                       outgoing                            outgoing
                                                                                              h1:GlassFiberCable                     h2:GlassFiberCable
                                                                                              bandwidth = 4                           bandwidth = 4
                                                                                                       incoming                              incoming
                                                                                                target                                target
                                                                                                   r1:Router                            r2:Router
                                                                                                speed = 4                             speed = 4
                                                                                                name = "r1"                           name = "r2"
                                                                                               source                       source            source
                                                                                                      outgoing                    X outgoing
                                                                                              l1:CopperCable        X l4:CopperCable      l2:CopperCable
                                                                                              bandwidth = 2          bandwidth = 2             bandwidth = 2
                                                                                                      incoming                  Xincoming               incoming
                                                                                               target                    target                  target
                                c1:Consumer        c2:Consumer         c3:Consumer             w1:Computer            X w2:Computer              w3:Computer
                                speed = 2          speed = 2          speed = 2                 speed = 2              speed = 2                speed = 2
                                name = "pc1"       name = "pc2"       name = "pc3"              name = "pc1"           name = "pc2"             name = "pc3"

                                                (a) Requirements model                                    (b) Implementation model
Figure 2: Example synchronization scenario: a requirements model, its corresponding implementation model, and their uncoordinated

                                                         source outgoing
                                             Device      1             *      Cable                  ated, there is no original object. If an object is preserved,
         speed: integer
         fixed: boolean
                                          name: string   1
                                                                         bandwidth: integer          there are both original and revised objects. In the change
                                          speed: integer target incoming
                                                                                                     model, every original object must specify what happens in
                                                                                                     the future and every revised object must specify what hap-
                                 Server               Computer        CopperCable
  Provider           Consumer                                                                        pened to it in the past. For set-valued features, the set of
                                             Router                        GlassFiberCable
                                                                                                     future values must be equal to the set of past values with the
      (a) Requirements model                    (b) Implementation model                             deleted values removed and the created features added. For
Figure 3: Metamodels of the running example: (a) requirements                                        bag features, the number of occurrences of a future feature
metamodel and (b) implementation metamodel.                                                          must be equal to the occurrence count of this feature in the
                                                                                                     past object plus the sum of all added feature counts minus
                                                                                                     the sum of all deleted feature counts. For ordered features,
with its connected cable l4. Now there are two violations
                                                                                                     the sequence resulting from the deletion of all deleted ele-
w.r.t. the aforementioned consistency relationship: The
                                                                                                     ments from the past object feature must be the same as the
speed of server s1 is not sufficient and the consumer c2 has
                                                                                                     sequence resulting from deleting all created elements from
no correspondence on the right side. Of course, one now
                                                                                                     the future object feature which is expressed by inserting val-
may come up with some reconciliation actions for this small
                                                                                                     ues at specific list indexes, sorted from bottom to top, to the
example. One obvious model synchronization would be to
                                                                                                     common base sequence.
delete consumer c2 in the requirements model and to set
                                                                                                        A composite change builds higher level changes from lower
the speed variable to 4 for server s1. For larger examples,
                                                                                                     level changes [21]. For example, type changes cannot be di-
of course automation support is needed in order to reason
                                                                                                     rectly represented with atomic changes. A general cast com-
about appropriate synchronizations. How this is realized by
                                                                                                     bines an atomic delete change and an atomic create change
our approach following the previously described architecture
                                                                                                     to express that semantically, the object has not been deleted
is the content of the following sections.
                                                                                                     and another created, but the object is still the same. Sim-
                                                                                                     ilarly, a general move combines an atomic feature delete
3.      CHANGE MODEL                                                                                 change and an atomic feature create change for the same
   Our change model approach consists of an abstract part                                            feature and the same value to specify that the feature has
which is the same for all modeling languages and a language-                                         moved and was not deleted and re-added. A feature change
specific part which is generated for each used metamodel in-                                         is a composite change defined by an OCL operation which
dividually. In general, we follow the ideas presented in [9]                                         takes several parameters and has a postcondition defining
to generate language specific change models to represent                                             which changes are done to the object. The last change
changes between two models. However, we also go beyond                                               type resembles composite changes as proposed in literature
the ideas presented in [9], by providing also the conditions
for finding a valid change model. Thus, we do not only ex-
plicitly model the abstract syntax of change models but also
explicate their semantics in terms of OCL constraints.
                                                                                                                                 FeatureChange           MoveChange          ChangeModel
3.1       Abstract Change Types                                                                                          featureChanges *               * moves
                                                                                                                                                                  1 moveTo
  Figure 4 shows the abstract structure of our change model.                                                      original futureChange       moveFrom 1
                                                                                                        OriginalObject 0..1       1          AtomicChange           * atomicChanges
There are two types of changes, namely atomic changes and                                                                            type: {Create,Delete,Preserve}            castFrom 0..1   * casts
                                                                                                                                                                    1 changeFrom               GeneralCast
composite changes [21]. An atomic change connects the                                                                    0..1
                                                                                                                                    1 pastChange              1
                                                                                                                                                                changeTo         castTo 0..1
                                                                                                        RevisedObject revised
original object to the revised object. If an object has been
deleted, there is no revised object. If an object has been cre-                                                              Figure 4: Abstract change classes.

(e.g., [19]) while the others could also be semantically re-           DelEl and Same are created in the Change class as shown
garded as atomic changes, but are regarded as composite                in List. 2. The feature *Same contains a base feature value
changes from an implementation point of view. In principle,            which is extended by inserting the values in *AddEl to get
such explained changes could be derived (semi-)automatically           the revised feature value and extended by inserting the val-
for various postconditions [24]. If such technologies are used,        ues in *DelEl to get the original feature value. The feature
only the cost remains to be specified.                                 *Same has the same type as the original feature, but *AddEl
   Currently, these are the only composite changes supported,          and *DelEl are sequences of pairs of (Integer,T). List. 2
but others might be added in the future. Also, it is currently         shows the connection between all features.
not possible to let a feature change explain features of mul-
                                                                         List. 2: Additional change calculation for ordered features.
tiple objects.
                                                                       context ChangeX:
3.2   Language-specific Change Language                                  attrAddEl: Sequence(Tuple{i: Integer, v: \myvar
   Beside the change model itself, the metamodel is dupli-               attrDelEl: Sequence(Tuple{i: Integer, v: \myvar
cated twice as well where class and feature names are changed                {T}})
to avoid name clashes. In particular, all model classes and              attrSame: Sequence(T)
associations of the previous version might be suffixed with              attrMoved: Bag(T) derived = attrAddEl.v -
Prev while the metamodel to store current objects and fea-                   attrAdd
ture values is suffixed with Ori and names do not change for             attrMovedExpl: Bag(T) derived = featureChanges.
the synchronized model.                                                      attrMovedExpl)
   Two parallel class hierarchies resembling the class hierar-
chy of the original metamodel are created. In the Change-                inv orderedSequence: Set{attrAddEl,attrAddEl}->
hierarchy, all classes are replicated with a Change prefixed                 forAll(s | s->isUnique(i) and s->sortedBy(i
name inheriting from AtomicChange. For every structural                      ) = s)
feature in the original class X , two structural features of             inv addToRevised: (revised = null) or (revised.
                                                                             attr = attrAdd->iterate(t, full =
the same type T named as the original structural feature                     <@attrSame | full->insertAt(t.i, t.v)))
attr plus a suffix of Add and Del are created in the Change-             inv delFromOriginal: (original = null) or (
class as shown in List. 1. They denote which values have                     original.attr = attrDel->iterate(t, full =
been added or deleted by the change operation. The Add                       <@attrSame | full->insertAt(t.i, t.v)))
attribute is derived as values which exist in the revised                 The sequence *Same is an auxiliary sequence that repre-
model, but not the original model and the Del attribute                sents a common sequence between both ordered features.
is derived as values which exist in the original model, but            The feature attrAddEl contains not only elements which
not the revised model. Unique features generate a Set type,            have been added to the revised feature from the original
non-unique features generate a Bag type. The derived at-               feature, but also elements which are not in the common se-
tributes attrAddCostly and attrDelCostly contain unex-                 quence because they have changed their position. Elements
plained addition and deletion changes. Associations are de-            which are moved are those which are not in the common se-
rived in a similar fashion. To ensure that added and deleted           quence but whose value has not been added to the common
classes can be derived via set difference, the change ob-              bag as well. The constraints guarantee a certain order of
jects have to be used instead of the original objects, i.e.            insert applications and ensure that the original and revised
revised.attr.futureChange/original.attr.pastChange                     feature value actually can be built as previously described.
is used instead of revised.attr /original.attr .                       Unlike the change object above, these feature values are not
                                                                       necessarily directly determined by original and revised ob-
      List. 1: Change calculation for unordered features.              jects. In fact, the sequence in the attrSame feature might
context ChangeX:                                                       be too short; then too many moves are determined. How-
 attrAdd: [Set|Bag](T) derived = if revised =                          ever, a larger number of moves yields higher costs and thus
     null then [Set|Bag]{} else revised.attr->                         a solution with less superfluous moves will be preferred.
     asBag() endif - if original = null then [Set
     |Bag]{} else original.attr->asBag() endif                            Each Change object also has a original and revised as-
 attrDel: [Set|Bag](T) derived = if original =                         sociation of the corresponding classes in the original and the
     null then [Set|Bag]{} else original.attr->                        revised model which redefines the original and revised as-
     asBag() endif - if revised = null then [Set|                      sociation in AtomicChange to ensure the correct type.
     Bag]{} else revised.attr->asBag() endif                              Consider Figure 5 as example for an excerpt of the change
 attrAddExpl: [Set|Bag](T) derived =                                   model for atomic changes of our running example. Since
     castChanges.attrExpl)->union(movedFrom.                           Device contains a name attribute, ChangeDevice contains
     attrExpl)                                                         two attributes to define which names have been added and
 attrDelExpl: [Set|Bag](T) derived =                                   deleted. Also, the incoming and outgoing associations are
     featureChanges.attrDelExpl->union(                                used to connect to added and deleted cables. The class
     castChanges.attrExpl)->union(movedTo.                             ChangeRouter adds two attributes for the maxSpeed. It does
     attrExpl)                                                         not replicate the name attribute changes since they are avail-
 attrAddCostly: [Set|Bag](T) derived = attrAdd -
     attrAddExpl                                                       able in the superclass.
 attrDelCostly: [Set|Bag](T) derived = attrDel -                          Let us now consider another excerpt of an instance of the
     attrDelExpl                                                       change model as depicted in Figure 6. There are two orig-
                                                                       inal objects, the original cable oc1 and the original router
  For every ordered structural feature, three additional fea-          or1. The cable has been deleted, so the speed attribute
tures named as the original structural feature plus AddEl,             is deleted as well as the incoming connection. The router

                                                        original                       futureChange AtomicChange pastChange                                   revised
                                     Original                                                                                                                               Revised
                                                        0..1                                      1              1                                                  1        Object
                                                           incomingDel           ChangeDevice_incomingDel      ChangeDevice_incomingAdd             incomingAdd
                                    «redefines»                                                                                                                             «redefines»
                                                          CableOri   *                           *    ChangeDevice      *                           *    Cable
                                    DeviceOri                                                      nameAdd: Set(string)                                                     Device
                                                                                                   nameDel: Set(string)
                                                                        *                        *                      *                           *
                                                             outgoingDel         ChangeDevice_outgoingDel      ChangeDevice_outgoingAdd             outgoingAdd
                                      «redefines»                                                                                                                          «redefines»
                                                       original                   futureChange maxSpeedAdd: Set(integer) pastChange                           revised
                                     RouterOri                                                                                                                               Router
                                                       0..1                                  1 maxSpeedDel: Set(integer) 1                                          1

                                                                   Figure 5: Change model excerpt 1 of the running example.

                                                  cc1:ChangeCable                                                       oc1:CopperCableOri                                                   nc1:GlassFiberCable
oc1:CopperCableOri original       futureChange type = Delete                                                            speed = {4}                                                          speed = {4}
speed = {4}                                       speedAdd = {}        incomingDel                                                                        rc1:CastCable
                                                  speedDel = {4}                                                          original                                                               revised
incoming                                                                                                                                                 speedExpl = {4}
                                                                        ChangeDevice_incomingDel                                     futureChange                                                          pastChange
                                                                                                                      cc1:ChangeCopperCable          castFrom           castTo            cc2:ChangeGlassFiberCable
  or1:RouterOri                                  cr1:ChangeRouter                               rr1:Router
                              futureChange                               pastChange               revised
 name = {"router"}                           type = Preserve                               name = "routerOld"          type = Delete                                                      type = Create
 maxSpeed = {4}
                   original                  nameAdd = {"routerOld"}               revised maxSpeed = 4                speedAdd = {}                                                      speedAdd = {4}
                                             nameDel = {"router"}                                                      speedDel = {4}            changeFrom                changeTo       speedDel = {}
                                             maxSpeedAdd = {}                                                          speedAddExpl = {4}                                                 speedAddExpl = {4}
                                             maxSpeedDel = {}
                                                                                                                       speedDelExpl = {4}                                                 speedDelExpl = {4}
                                                                                                                       speedAddCostly = {}                                                speedAddCostly = {}
   Figure 6: Change model excerpt 2 of the running example.                                                            speedDelCostly = {}                                                speedDelCostly = {}

                                                                                                                         Figure 7: Cast change excerpt for the running example.
just has been taken out of usage, so its name was changed
to routerOld from router. In terms of attribute changes,
this equals the addition of routerOld to the name and the                                                                                 List. 4: Change calculation for moves
deletion of router. The speed has not been changed, so no                                                            context MoveX:
additions or deletions are defined there. The fact that all                                                           attrExpl: [Set|Bag](T) derived = moveFrom.
constraints, including multiplicity constraints, are removed                                                              attrDel->intersection(moveTo.attrAdd)
from all but the target model is indicated by the set-valued
name and speed attributes for the original objects.                                                                     In the example depicted in Figure 8, an incoming edge
                                                                                                                     was moved from the Router or1 to or2. The two router
Composite changes.                                                                                                   change objects show that the edge was deleted (cr1) and
   In the Cast class hierarchy similarities between cast ob-                                                         added (cr2). The move object m1 connects both changes.
jects are stored. For every structural feature in the original                                                       The intersection of incomingAdd for cr2 and incomingDel
class, a structural feature of the same type named as the                                                            of cr1 is cc1, so this is the attribute change explained by
original structural feature plus a suffix of Expl is created                                                         the move object. Thus, it is also explained in both cr1 and
in the Cast class. It denotes which values are the same in                                                           cr2 and no change of incoming is a costly change.
both objects and is defined by the intersection of values be-                                                           For every operation O in a class X , a corresponding Fea-
tween original and revised object and thus explains those                                                            tureX_O class is created which inherits from FeatureX . This
ostensible changes. List. 3 demonstrates the structure of                                                            class contains an attribute for each operation parameter and
Cast objects. An invariant ensures that the cast object is                                                           it has a bidirectional association to the change class of the
connected to a single object which is deleted and an object                                                          class the operation is defined in. The postcondition of the
which is added.                                                                                                      operation X is converted into an invariant of the generated
                                                                                                                     class by changing the self context of each @pre expression
                        List. 3: Change calculation for casts                                                        to the original object of the associated change while other
context CastX:                                                                                                       self contexts are transferred to the revised object of the
 attrExpl: [Set|Bag](T) derived = castFrom.                                                                          associated change. For features changed in the referenced
     attrDel->intersection(castTo.attrAdd)                                                                           object, this class contains a T[Add|Del]Expl attribute for
 inv changeTypes: changeFrom.type = ChangeType.                                                                      each attribute in the original class. Postconditions which
     Delete and changeTo.type = ChangeType.Create
                                                                                                                     have the pattern feature = feature@pre->including([expr])
   Consider Figure 7 for an example of such a cast change                                                            or feature = feature@pre->excluding([expr]) are con-
for our running example. The model has only changed by                                                               verted into the invariant T[Add|Del]Expl = Set{[expr]}.
retyping oo1 from CopperCable to GlassFiberCable. This
is expressed as two changes, namely deleting the Copper-                                                                 incomingAddExpl, incomingAdd
Cable and creating a GlassFiberCable with the same values.                                                                                               cc1:ChangeCopperCable
                                                                                                                                            original      type = Preserve
                                                                                                                                                                                              revised nc1:CopperCable
Since the speed has not changed, the same value was deleted                                                                   incoming
for the CopperCable that was added to the GlassFiberCa-                                                                                                      incomingDelExpl

ble. Thus, the cast explains this value change and it is not                                                                or1:RouterOri
                                                                                                                                             original       cr1:ChangeRouter         revised nr1:Router
                                                                                                                                               futureChange type = Preserve  pastChange
considered for costs.
                                                                                                                                                  moveFrom          movedTo
   Similarly, a Move change for a certain aggregation at-                                                                                                                         m1:MoveRouter
                                                                                                                                                                                 type = Update
tribute connects two change objects where an association                                                                                              moveTo
to a certain object X was deleted in one object, but created                                                              or2:RouterOri
                                                                                                                                            original         cr2:ChangeRouter                      revised nr2:Router
in another object. However, there is no requirement that                                                                                        futureChange type = Preserve  pastChange

any object must be deleted or created.                                                                                   Figure 8: Move change excerpt for the running example.

Additionally, invariants are generated to ensure all features           a higher value instead of 1 to Delete or Create changes.
not occurring in any such postcondition are empty. An in-               Positive costs ensure hippocraticness [32], i.e., that the syn-
variant is generated to let the cost attribute of the class be          chronization does nothing for consistent models, because ev-
equal the operation result.                                             ery change would have positive cost while consistent models
                                                                        would require no change which has no and thus less cost.
      List. 5: Simple change operation defined in UML/OCL.
context Router::disconnectServer(c: Cable)                                            List. 7: Least change cost calculation.
  post disconnectedIncoming: incoming = (                               class ChangeObject
      incoming@pre)->excluding(c)                                       attributes
  post disconnectedOutgoing: outgoing = (                                 costObject: Integer derived = if type =
      outgoing@pre)->excluding(c)                                             ChangeType.Create or type = ChangeType.
                                                                              Delete then if castTo != null then 0 else 1
  This example shows a simple operation which just discon-                     endif else 0 endif
nects a single cable from a router. The postconditions state            end
that after this operation has been called, the disconnected
                                                                        class ChangeCable
cable is not connected to the server any more.                          attributes
                                                                          costCable: Integer derived = speedAddCostly->
List. 6: Translation of the change operation of List. 5 into the              size() + speedDelCostly->size() +
synchronization model                                                         sourceAddCostly->size() + sourceDelCostly->
class FeatureRouter                                                           size() + targetAddCostly->size() +
attributes                                                                    targetDelCostly->size()
  ...                                                                   end
                                                                        class CostSummer
class FeatureRouter_disconnectServer <                                  attributes
    FeatureRouter                                                         cost = ChangeObject.allInstances().costObject->
                                                                              sum() + ChangeCable.allInstances().
constraints                                                                   costObject->sum() + ...
 inv disconnectedIncoming: incomingDelExpl = Set                        end
 inv disconnectedOutgoing: outgoingDelExpl = Set                           List. 7 shows an excerpt of the implementation of the
     {c}                                                                least cost strategy for the running example. The cost of
 inv noChange: incomingAddExpl = Set{} and ...                          deleting or adding objects is defined as attribute of the
                                                                        ChangeObject class. If an object is casted to another object,
association                                                             the cost is not accounted. The ChangeCable class calculates
    assoc_FeatureRouter_disconnectServer_c                              the cost by summing up the costs of its direct attributes.
    between                                                             The CostSummer calculates the total costs by summing over
  FeatureRouter_disconnectServer[*] role                                all cost attributes.
  ChangeCable[1] role c
end                                                                     Real costs.
                                                                          Models might be representations of the real world where
   This example is translated as shown in List. 6. For each             changes induce real costs, e.g., working time for switching
postcondition with the specified pattern, an invariant is gen-          cables or the costs of a new server. Then, it is natural to
erated which explains the according changes. The third in-              use a cost function resembling real costs. These costs will
variant guarantees that all other attributes are not changed            typically occur as operation costs.
due to this operation call. The operation parameter is trans-
lated as association. Like for atomic changes, a parameter                         List. 8: Domain-specific cost calculation.
of type Cable is translated to a ChangeCable.                           context Router::disconnectServer(c: Cable)
                                                                          body: if c.isKindOf(CopperCable) then 5 else 10
3.3     Change Costs                                                           endif
  While the change model describes what has changed, for                ==>
                                                                        class FeatureRouter_disconnectServer
synchronization purposes, the severity of changes should be             attributes
known. To describe this aspect as well, a cost function is                cost: Integer derived = if (c.revised.isKindOf(
added to each Change-class. The specification of the ex-                      CopperCable)) then 5 else 10 endif ...
act cost function depends on the synchronization strategy.
In we following, we discuss how different synchronization                 List. 8 shows a simple example of operation costs. It
strategies can be implemented with our approach.                        might be more difficult to disconnect glass fiber cables than
                                                                        to disconnect copper cables, so the costs could be twice as
Least change.                                                           high. Such costs are transformed into an invariant as ex-
   The least change [22] strategy cost function sums up the             plained in the previous section.
size of all unexplained add and deletion collections in the
Change objects and adds 1 if the change type is Delete or               Organizational asymmetry.
Create. If objects have been casted, one change should not                If model A is considered more important than another
be counted. This function can be easily changed to sup-                 model B, changes in model A should be avoided. By assign-
port a least creation or least deletion strategy by adding              ing much higher costs to changes in the model A, changes in

model A are avoided but enforced in model B. For instance,              inv avoidRedo: if original.pastChange.type =
this strategy may be also of relevance for the running exam-                ChangeType.Create then type <> ChangeType.
ple of this paper.                                                          Delete and if original.pastChange.type =
                                                                            ChangeType.Delete then type <> ChangeType.
                                                                            Create endif
Avoiding undos.                                                       end
  Usually, a model was modified for a good reason. Thus,
the synchronization step should not return to the previous
model version. To achieve that, additional costs can be in-
troduced if some attributes in the target re-appear: (i) if           4.     CONSISTENCY MODEL
they were deleted before or vice versa using the sum of sym-             In this section, we will show how inter-model consistency
metric difference sizes of attrAdd and attrDelete of future           concerns are modeled with UML/OCL. In general, we fol-
and past change objects in the current model, (ii) if objects         low the main idea of triple graph grammars (TGGs) [30] and
are deleted when they were created before by counting cre-            triple patterns [10] to build an explicitly modeled structure
ate/delete pairs, and (iii) if objects are created when they          between two models. If the models are defined with UM-
were deleted by counting created objects in the target model          L/OCL we end up with an unified representation for intra-
which are similar to deleted objects in the former model.             and inter-model concerns.
  List. 9 shows a simple example for avoiding undos. Each                As we now show in this section, by using UML/OCL it is
attribute which is reassigned to the same value as before will        possible to describe the interconnection between models by
induce a cost of 10 because both the old value is added which         additional associations, constraints and possibly even addi-
should not be the case and the newly set value is deleted. If         tional other elements such as classes and attributes.
an attribute whose value was changed has its value changed               Since we aim for a non-intrusive addition of synchroniza-
again the cost would only be 5. If an object is deleted which         tion logic, we assume open models or some form of mod-
was created before, the cost increases by 100. Likewise, if           ule import, at least for defining new associations. In the
an object is recreated which has the same name as an object           following, @override denotes the extension of the speci-
which was deleted, the cost is increased by 200.                      fied class with attributes and associations contained by the
                                                                      consistency model. We now show several examples how to
              List. 9: Costs for avoiding undos.                      employ UML/OCL to define consistency models in terms of
class ChangeRouter
  avoidRedoCosts: Integer derived = if original.                      One-to-one correspondences.
      pastChange.type = ChangeType.Create then 5*                       One-to-one correspondences are easily defined in UML/OCL
      original.pastChange.speedDel->intersection(                     by adding an association between the corresponding classes
                                                                      having as lower and upper bounds 1 on both ends. Figure 9
      +...                                                            shows an example where classes correspond based on name
  else if type = ChangeType.Delete then 100 else                      equality. Such constraints can either be added to a class (as
      0 endif endif + if type = ChangeType.Create                     shown in graphical syntax) or added to the association (as
       and ChangeRouterOri.allInstances()->select                     shown in textual syntax) as preferred.
      (c | c.type = ChangeType.Delete).original->
      select(r | r.name = revised.name) then 200                                     1                1                association LRCon between
      else 0 endif                                                      @override    leftcon   rightcon    @override     Consumer[1] role leftcon
                                                                        Consumer                           Computer      Computer[1] role rightcon
end                                                                                                                    constraints
                                                                                                                         inv: leftcon.name = rightcon.name
                                                                           name = rightcon.name

Retaining existing traces.                                            Figure 9: One-to-one correspondence between consumer and com-
                                                                      puter in graphical and textual syntax.
   A consistency model might be just descriptive or prescrip-
tive. In the former case, changes in the consistency model            One-to-many correspondences.
should have no cost, while in the latter case, consistency               One-to-many correspondences can also be expressed by
model changes, especially deletions, might have high costs if         associations. Figure 10 shows an example where a server in
the associated objects were not deleted.                              the requirements model might correspond to a whole cluster
   Please note that there are design decisions to take which          in the implementation model. In particular, the constraint
synchronization properties to define as constraints and which         inv1 specifies that a single cluster provider corresponds to
via costs. For example, undos could not only be avoided us-           many nodes if all servers have exactly one router and nothing
ing costs as described in List. 9, but also by just using a           else as target of their outgoing cables. Then, all servers con-
constraint like in List. 10. However, then no synchroniza-            nected to this router constitute the cluster, else a provider
tion would be possible at all if conflicting model changes            corresponds to a single cluster.
would have been performed which could only be resolved by
undoing a change. This also holds in the case of asymmetric            @override     1                     @override        association LRSrv between
changes. If a model should never change, this model can just           Provider      cluster      node      Server            Provider[1] role cluster
                                                                                                                              Server[1..*] role node
be used as target models with additional constraints that all                                                               constraints
attributes and associations should remain equal.                                                                              inv: 
                                                                       let router = cluster.node.outgoing.target in         end
                                                                        if router->one(true) and router->one(r |
                                                                         r.oclIsTypeOf(Router)) then
           List. 10: Constraints for avoiding undos.                     cluster.node = router.incoming.source else
                                                                         cluster.node->one(true) endif           inv1
class ChangeRouter                                                    Figure 10: One-to-many correspondences between provider and
constraints                                                           server in graphical and textual syntax.

Many-to-many correspondences.                                                   Solver         Time (FS)       Costs (FS)      Time (OS)
   Many-to-many can also be expressed either by using n-
                                                                                lingeling3     4 min 52 sec               21         38 min
ary associations of UML or by introducing additional classes
                                                                                plingeling3    6 min 26 sec               17         77 min
which connect more than one class on both sides by asso-
ciations. Figure 11 shows a more complex correspondence                         MiniSat4       8 min 49 sec               46          OOM
between provider and server. Servers may be either part                         Sat4J5              65 min                 3         85 min
of a typical cluster where a service is provided by multi-                     Table 1: Execution times and costs for the running example (FS:
                                                                               first solution, OS: optimal solution, the cost for producing the
ple servers or part of a virtual cluster, where services may
                                                                               optimal solution is 2, OOM: out of memory).
be assigned to many servers and each server might handle
multiple services.
                                                                                  Table 1 shows the average runtime of three runs to find any
  @override 1..*         1 ClusterAssoc 1               1..* @override
                                                                               solution and a cost-minimal solution with different solvers.
  Provider service cluster              cluster               Server
                                                                               The runtimes vary greatly with each run, but still some
                                                      * backupprovision        trends can be observed. The runtimes also indicate that
                   TypicalCluster    VirtualCluster
 service->one(true) inv1                              1 backup
                                                                               with the current state of the USE model validator, the ap-
                                                                               proach cannot be directly used to find a good synchronized
                              backup != self and backup.service->
                                                                               instances within a reasonable time frame for large models.
Figure 11: Many-to-many correspondences between provider and                   Still, we see a huge difference between solvers. While lin-
server in graphical syntax.                                                    geling and plingeling are quite fast finding the first solution
                                                                               which already provide a good quality, Sat4J requires a longer
Correspondence dependencies.                                                   time to find any solution, but this first solution is nearly
  A full consistency model may also contain dependencies                       the optimal one. MiniSat had quite some problems for the
between correspondences modeled as associations. Figure 11                     studied scenario. It produced did not produce appropriate
shows that each virtual cluster requires a second virtual clus-                solutions and went out of memory without finding the best
ter as backup which must provide the all services.                             solution.
                                                                                  In addition to computing synchronizations, we see also an
5.       TOOL SUPPORT BASED ON THE USE                                         alternative usage scenario for the presented approach. It can
                                                                               be also used to validate whether an existing synchronization
         MODEL VALIDATOR                                                       found by another tool is a valid synchronization by using
   The presented synchronization approach has been proto-                      the validation capabilities of OCL. Here, the full approach
typically implemented as an USE plugin and can be down-                        can be used since USE is able to check all constraints used
loaded from http://cosimo.big.tuwien.ac.at/findsync.                           in the approach.
While the consistency model has to be hand-crafted, the
USE plugin merges the different involved models automat-                       5.2    Threats to Validity
ically, generates the change model, and finds the minimum                         In the evaluation, we have only shown the general fea-
cost synchronized models. To give an idea about the com-                       sibility of the approach, but not that it is fast enough for
plexity of the automatically produced models, consider the                     larger instances. We assume that faster, maybe heuristic
running example of this paper for which the generated model                    model finding approaches may significantly improve the per-
contains 79 classes, 124 associations, and 379 invariants.                     formance but we do not have any concrete evidence for this
   The costs are currently fixed to a constant for each primi-                 yet. Thus, we can not claim that the performance can be
tive change operation. Due to limitations in the USE model                     actually improved in order that the approach scales to the
validator, some constraints and structures had to be refor-                    synchronization of larger real-world models in the matter of
mulated and only set-typed features are supported. The                         minutes.
optimization process is run by iteratively finding a model
completion with less cost than the previously found solution.
If the model finder is not able to find any better solution,                   6.    RELATED WORK
the cost-optimal solution has been found. Bounds have to                          While transformation models using UML/OCL have been
be given for the number of instances of each class, thus cost-                 already introduced back in 2006 [3], to the best to our knowl-
optimality is only guaranteed with regards to these bounds.                    edge, the model synchronization aspect has not been consid-
                                                                               ered in such type of models. However, since model synchro-
5.1      Evaluation                                                            nization is an important topic in model-driven engineering,
   We ran our performance evaluation using a simplified syn-                   there is already a great variety of approaches to support
chronization scenario of the one shown in Figure 2 on a Intel                  different synchronization scenarios. For example, there is
i5-6500 3.2 GHz machine with 64 GB RAM, running Ubuntu                         specific work on model synchronization by specifying how
Linux 16.04. For simplicity reasons, all costs were assumed                    to deal with inconsistencies [2, 11, 14] and by using bidirec-
to be one.                                                                     tional transformation languages. For instance, triple graph
   3                                                                           grammars [20, 30] are often employed for model synchro-
     Version ’15, available at:   http://fmv.jku.at/
                                                                               nization scenarios such as reported in [1,15,17]. In a similar
   4                                                                           fashion, QVT Relational [33] allows synchronization, also
     Version 2.2.0, available at: http://minisat.se/
downloads/minisat-2.2.0.tar.gz                                                 in conjunction with unidirectional transformation languages
    Version 2.3.1, integrated in the ModelValidator jar,                       such as ATL [22]. Furthermore, there are other, mostly
available at: http://forge.ow2.org/project/download.                           rule-based, approaches available (cf. [18] for a survey). One
php?group_id=228&file_id=17186                                                 benefit of our approach when comparing it to existing work

is that we make use of an explicit change model which allows          ness. Including optimization strategies in the USE model
to adjust the synchronization strategy in a domain-specific           validator for this problem, which has been done in the past
way.                                                                  for similar problems, may increase the performance by or-
   There are also some existing approaches using constraint           ders of magnitude and make this approach usable in practice.
solving for model synchronization such as the Janus Trans-            Also, we need to evaluate in which cases, if any, a suitable
formation Language (JTL) [8], also with compressed state              cost definition could let our approach find least surprising
space [12], and the CARE approach [29]. JTL [8] is using              changes [7].
answer set programming (ASP) to find a synchronized re-
sult. In contrast to JTL, we do not map a relation-based
language into ASP, but we aim to describe everything with
                                                                      8.   ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
UML/OCL. In addition, we also provide a method to pre-                Acknowledgment: This work has been funded by the Vi-
fer certain change results over others by having cost models          enna Business Agency (Austria) within the COSIMO project
attached to change models. In previous work, we have pre-             (grant number 967327) and by the Christian Doppler Forsch-
sented CARE [29], an approach using a constraint solver               ungsgesellschaft, the Federal Ministry of Economy, Family
(ASP) to re-synchronize models with their evolving meta-              and Youth and the National Foundation for Research, Tech-
models. However, CARE is a specific approach for the                  nology and Development, Austria.
metamodel/model co-evolution problem. The approach pre-
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