=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1710/paper9 |storemode=property |title=The Corpus of Syntactic Co-occurences: the First Glance |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1710/paper9.pdf |volume=Vol-1710 |authors=Edward Klyshinsky,Petr Ermakov,Natalia Lukashevich,Olesya Karpik |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/aist/KlyshinskyELK16 }} ==The Corpus of Syntactic Co-occurences: the First Glance== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1710/paper9.pdf
The Corpus of Syntactic Co-occurences: the First

    Edward S. Klyshinsky1,2 , Petr D. Ermakov1 , Natalia Yu. Lukashevich3 , and
                                Olesya V. Karpik2
                     NRU Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia,
                             Keldysh IAM, Moscow, Russia,
                        Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia,

        Abstract. Modern corpora provide suitable access to the stored data.
        However, they are convenient rather for researchers than for students
        learning a foreign language and not familiar with the corpus linguistics.
        Therefore, we set the task of creating a corpus, which contains informa-
        tion on words co-occurrence, their syntactical relations and their govern-
        ment for the Russian language.

        Keywords: words co-occurences, web-site, educational corpus.

1     Introduction
Modern corpora offer various opportunities both for research and education.
However, as they differ in size, functionality and methods used, some of them
are more suited for solving particular tasks than others. If we consider an edu-
cational corpus, learners of a language need such a corpus that will help them
check whether a word combination is correct or not, whether there are any
mistakes in the government, whether the constructed word combination can be
used in the given context, etc. Though many corpora (e.g. Sketch Engine [1],
Russian National Corpus [2], [3], and some others) offer examples of correctly
written text containing given words, they are only able to search for contact
groups or co-occurrences but not syntactically related words. Several treebanks
like Pen Treebank [4], Tiger [5], and SynTagRus [6] can provide such informa-
tion, but their size is enough just for searching the most frequent phenomena.
These corpora are big enough to train a parser, but they do not contain infor-
mation about a big part of the vocabulary for the target language, which is a
crucial requirement for an educational corpus. It should contain examples that
illustrate at least the most frequent word combinations. Moreover, learners need
a specialized interface to these corpora to be created.
    Unlike a corpus for researchers, an educational corpus can have less recall
but higher precision rate. Such a corpus should be tagged using the information
from a vocabulary sampled by linguists but not automatically generated from
texts using forecasting technique. Types and initial forms should not be pre-
dicted stochastically because this procedure has a relatively higher error rate in
comparison with manual tagging. The corpus interface should provide convenient
access to lists of words syntactically connected with the selected one, as well as
statistical information on co-occurrences’ frequencies. It should preferably allow
switching between co-occurrences and word forms, change the focus from the
head word to the dependent one and vice versa.
    Even the most developed tool, the Sketch Engine, does not provide all this
functionality. Such operations as ordering by frequency of occurrence need ex-
tra calculations, and in a big corpus they take a long time. The list of depen-
dent words is previously shortened and cannot be ordered by frequency. Pre-
dicted words can be crucial in a research project, but they may mislead even an
intermediate-level learner. Because of these features the Sketch Engine should
rather be classified as a corpus for researchers than one for a student learning a
foreign language and not familiar with the corpus linguistics.
    The quality of modern parsers is enough for machine translation, however it
is not enough to gather a database of word co-occurrences that can be used as a
learner’s corpus. Some postprocessing brings us to results demonstrated by RNC
Sketches that can be found at http://ling.go.mail.ru/synt/. This site provides
information on words co-occurrences, syntactical roles of words, frequencies of
their co-occurrences. However, the size of analyzed corpora does not allow to find
all possible combinations, and this project inherits all properties of Sketch Engine
(i.e. like Sketch Engine, RNC Sketches is rather a corpus for researchers than
a corpus for students learning Russian). Therefore, we set the task of creating
a corpus, which contains information on words co-occurrence, their syntactical
relations and their government for Russian. Having access to such a corpus, a
student could consult if the constructed phrase is correct or not according to the
mutual words’ occurence.
    We analyzed several corpora using shallow parsing technique. As result, we
sampled a database for the most part of Russian vocabulary. Thus, we believe
that our corpus of syntactically connected words is not complete but big enough
for educational purposes.

2   Co-occurence extraction

As it was claimed in [7], a regular automaton allows extracting the subcate-
gorization frame of English verbs for such phrases, which have clear syntactical
structure. However, direct implementation of this method for Russian texts leads
us to a high rate of mistakes because of homonymy. It should be noted here that
Russian homonymy is very different from the homonymy in English, as it was
shown in previous studies in [8]. Unlike English, Russian words are more often
ambiguous due to confusion of forms within one part of speech than to confu-
sion of different parts of speech, In fact, Russian texts contain about 80% of
POS-unambiguous words. Thus, if we gather phrases that contain unambiguous
words only, it reduces the number of considered co-occurrences but also reduces
the percentage of mistakes.
    We used the method introduced in [9]. The constructed regular automaton
gathers such phrases like a noun or a prepositional phrase following the only verb
in the sentence, a sole noun or a prepositional phrase followed by a verb, and
some other special cases of Russian sentences. We gathered information about
such combinations as verb+noun(+preposition), verb+adverb, noun+adjective,
adjective+adverb. (In our experiments, we considered participles and gerundial
adverbs as a form of the corresponding verb.)
    The main difficulty here was to develop a new language to describe regular
expressions used over untagged text to extract syntactically related words. This
type of regular expression should allow to find subordinated or governed words.
Such language should also allow to study not only the initial form of the word
or its type but a set of types obtained by tagging.
    In our experiments we used the following untagged Russian corpora: fiction
taken from LibRusEc.ru (ca 15 bln word tokens), news wire downloaded from
different web sites (about 1 bln word tokens), popular science news wires (about
150 mln word tokens), and scientific texts (PhD thesis and its summaries, confer-
ence proceedings, scientific journals in different domains –about 100 mln word
tokens in total). Thus, the size of our corpora is comparable with the size of
Sketch Engine RuTenTen corpus, which is 14.5 bln of tokens, but not so good
    On the first step, we applied selected regular expressions to these corpora.
We applied such phrases with clear syntactical structure as the following: an only
noun phrase in the beginning of the sentence and followed by a sole verb. In this
case the noun is obviously connected to the verb, all adjectives are connected
to the noun, and the adverb on the first position can be connected to the first
adjective. The complete set of applied rules is described in [9].
    The collected results were as big as ca 79 mln verb+prep+noun, ca 134 mln
verb+noun, ca 35 mln adj+noun co-occurrences and some other combinations.
We failed to gather information for a variety of connections, e.g., on noun+noun
because of a very high rate of mistakes in the output (in about 50% of extracted
combinations both nouns are connected to the same verb). On the second step,
we filtered obtained results in order to reduce the error rate (e.g. filter out
all combinations that are not included in verbal subcategorization frame [9]).
Finally, we calculated the frequency of occurrence for obtained combinations
reduced to initial forms.
    The constructed corpus contains 7.5 mln of verb+noun(+preposition) unique
combinations and 2.3 mln of noun+adjective. Finally, we gathered information
on combinations of 23000 verbs and 57000 nouns, and combinations of 39000
nouns and 31000 adjectives. We have calculated the frequency of occurrence for
every word combination: every co-occurrence is connected with a set of examples
selected from the text.
    Some of the recent tools, such as Sketch Engine [1] and CoCoCo
(http://cococo.cs.helsinki.fi/), are fetching co-occurences in on-line mode; a user
sends his request, and the server calculates set the co-occurences according to
this request. This approach economises hard disk space, however processing of a
user’s request can take a long time. Following such corpora as RNC [2], we are
precalculating any possible output; as result a user is able to navigate through
the list of words and receive their connection in a short time. Among other, we
do not use word prediction during the analysis of our corpora. Thus, the list of
words is shorter than in Sketch Engine or RNC, however our databse has less
rate of mistakes.
    For example, if a student is looking for information on adjectives combined
with the word “администрация (administration)” this student will get combi-
nations as it shown in Table. 1. Selecting a word, user will get a set of examples.

   Table 1. Words co-occured with word ADMINISTRATION an their frequencies

                      Frequency Word (Translation)
                            1726 местный (local)
                            1666 городской (city)
                            1278 американский (american)
                             967 новый (new)
                              ... ...

    Our corpus contains connections between word forms and their initial forms,
thus, a user is able to see a word form and its connections.
    Note that our corpus contains rather usage than syntactically correct occur-
rences. Sometimes both incorrect usage and academic norm are equally frequent.
This situation reflects the fact that this phenomenon should be investigated and
learned “in vivo” but not “in vitro”. Our corpus contains rare syntactically but
not semantically correct combinations. In this case, a student can consult fre-
quencies of combinations and make a proper choice.
    The gathered corpus of syntactic co-occurrences is available through web
site www.cosyco.ru. A student can select a type of syntactic connection between
    Unlike in such corpora as Sketch Engine, we organized the structure of the
corpus as a tree. A user enters a word he or she is interested in, and the site
demonstrates the list of words connected with this one by the selected type of
connection. In the case of a noun, it could be a list of governed adjectives or
governing verbs (and prepositions) depending on the user choice; in the case of
an adjective, it could be a list of governing nouns or connected adverbs. When
selecting a combination, the user receives a list of sentences containing this co-
occurrence. The source of the selected sentence can be found using Yandex search
engine by clicking the proper link. In case of noun+adjective combinations, the
user is also provided by forms of adjectives (see Fig. 1).
    Both nouns and adjectives can be filtered out by their frequency. We did not
provide any other measures such as MI, log-likelihood and some others because
of they are usefull for a comparison of different words combinations - but this is
not the case. The main point here is the head word and all its dependent words,
thus the dependent words can be arranged using its frequencies only.

    Fig. 1. Example: combinations of word ADMINISTRATION with adjectives

    Using a new kind of regular automaton, we gathered a big corpus of syntac-
tically connected word combinations for Russian. The corpus contains 7.5 mln of
verb+noun(+preposition) and 2.3 mln of noun+adjective unique combinations
extracted from news wire and fiction texts. We have made a first step to create
an interface suitable for a student learning Russian.
    In our future work, we are going to provide the filtering by subcorpora in
addition to the information on the subcorpora genres. We plan to increase the
size of the used corpora and attach some new regular expressions. This will
allow us to broaden the amount of gathered information. Another problem is
the purity of corpus. We have found that LibRusEc corpus contains texts in
Ukranian, Belorussian, Bulgarian and Serbian languages. Both news wire and
fiction subcorpora are containing text duplicates, thus multiple versions of the
same sentence should be eliminated. Such corpora as GICR [10] are processing
this information but in case of an educational corpus it hinders the student’s
perception. Finally, we used the simplest tokenizer and parser in our experiments;
thus, we have to completely remaster our corpus and extract new database of
co-occurences. The current version can be used as a learner’s corpus just after
all these changes; however, it can be used as a researcher corpus in the current
Acknowledgement. This project is supported by RFH grant 15-02-12019.

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