=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1723/keynote1 |storemode=property |title=None |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1723/keynote1.pdf |volume=Vol-1723 }} ==None== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1723/keynote1.pdf
                                   Keynote 1
   CBSE and MDE: Fitting the Pieces Together

                                   Kung-Kiu Lau

                              University of Manchester

    MDE and CBSE have not developed in tandem, at least in my opinion.
However, it is clear that they can work together to their mutual benefit. In this
talk I will give my take on their potential symbiosis and synergy, and illustrate
it with my own views and experience.

Kung-Kiu Lau holds a PhD degree from the University of Leeds, UK. After a tempo-
rary appointment at Leeds, he moved to the University of Manchester, UK, where he
is a senior lecturer. He is the series editor of a book series on Component-based Soft-
ware Development and an area editor of the Journal of Applied Logic. He has served
on numerous programme committees (e.g. the International Automated Software Engi-
neering Conference, the International Symposium on Component-based Software Engi-
neering, the International Symposium on Software Composition, and the International
Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering). Similarly, he
has delivered invited talks and tutorials at many international meetings (e.g. Twen-
tieth IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering 2005
and the Twenty-eighth International Conference on Software Engineering 2006). His
main research areas are Component-based Software Development and Formal Program
Development in Computational Logic.