=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1724/paper5 |storemode=property |title=A Distributed Event Calculus for Event Recognition |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1724/paper5.pdf |volume=Vol-1724 |authors=Alexandros Mavrommatis,Alexander Artikis,Anastasios Skarlatidis,Georgios Paliouras |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ecai/MavrommatisASP16 }} ==A Distributed Event Calculus for Event Recognition== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1724/paper5.pdf
        A Distributed Event Calculus for Event Recognition
        Alexandros Mavrommatis1 2, Alexander Artikis3 2 , Anastasios Skarlatidis2 and Georgios Paliouras2

Abstract. Events provide a fundamental abstraction for represent-           Prolog systems is not always straightforward, requiring workarounds
ing time-evolving information. Complex event recognition focuses            that hinder performance.
on tracking and analysing streams of events, in order to detect pat-           To deal with the increasing velocity and volume demands of to-
terns of special significance. The event streams may originate from         day’s applications, we developed ‘dRTEC’, a distributed implemen-
various types of sensor, such as cameras and GPS sensors. Further-          tation of RTEC. dRTEC employs Spark Streaming4 , an extension of
more, the stream velocity and volume pose significant challenges            the Apache Spark API that enables scalable, high-throughput and
to event processing systems. We propose dRTEC, an event recog-              fault-tolerant stream processing. Reasoning in Spark Streaming may
nition system that employs the Event Calculus formalism and oper-           be performed exclusively in memory, where the input SDE stream is
ates in multiple processing threads. We evaluate dRTEC using two            aggregated into a series of batch computations on small time inter-
real-world applications and show that it is capable of real-time and        vals. dRTEC uses Spark Streaming’s inherent support for distributed
scalable event recognition.                                                 processing to take advantage of modern multi-core hardware for scal-
                                                                            able event recognition.
                                                                               The use of Spark Streaming additionally facilitates the integration
1 Introduction                                                              of dRTEC, as an event recognition module, into existing (large-scale)
                                                                            stream processing systems. dRTEC has been evaluated in the con-
Today’s organisations need to act upon Big Data streams in or-              text of two such systems. First, in the context of the SYNAISTHISI
der to support their resource management, capitalise on opportu-            project5 , dRTEC is the human activity recognition module detecting
nities and detect threats. Towards this, event recognition systems          ‘long-term activities’, such as fighting and leaving unattended ob-
have been particularly helpful, as they support the detection of com-       jects, given ‘short-term’ activities detected on video frames by the
plex events (CE)s of special significance, given streams of ‘simple,        underlying visual information processing components. In this appli-
derived events’ (SDE)s arriving from various types of sensor [9].           cation, we evaluated dRTEC using a benchmark activity recognition
A CE is a collection of events (SDEs and/or CEs) that satisfy a             dataset. Second, in the datACRON project6 , dRTEC recognises sus-
(spatio-)temporal pattern. In the maritime domain, for example,             picious and illegal vessel activities given a compressed vessel posi-
event recognition systems have been used to make sense of position          tion stream produced by a trajectory processing module. To evaluate
streams emitted from thousands of vessels, in order to detect, in real-     dRTEC on the maritime domain, we used a real position stream from
time, suspicious and illegal activity that may have dire effects in the     over 6,000 vessels sailing through the Greek seas in the summer of
maritime ecosystem and passenger safety [2].                                2009. The empirical analysis showed that dRTEC scales better than
   In previous work, we developed the ‘Event Calculus for Run-              RTEC, both to increasing velocity SDE streams and larger numbers
Time reasoning’ (RTEC), a formal computational framework for                of CEs.
event recognition [3]. RTEC is an Event Calculus dialect [18] that             The remainder of the paper is organised as follows. In the follow-
includes optimisation techniques supporting efficient event recogni-        ing section we briefly review RTEC. Then, we introduce they key
tion. A form of caching stores the results of sub-computations in the       components of dRTEC. Section 4 presents our empirical analysis,
computer memory to avoid unnecessary re-computations. A simple              while in Section 5 we summarise our approach, discuss related work
indexing mechanism makes RTEC robust to events that are irrelevant          and outline directions for further research.
to the computations we want to perform. A set of interval manipu-
lation constructs simplify event patterns and improve reasoning effi-
ciency. Furthermore, a ‘windowing’ mechanism makes event recog-             2    Event Calculus for Run-Time Reasoning
nition history-independent.
   RTEC is a logic programming implementation of the Event Cal-             dRTEC is a distributed implementation of RTEC7 , the ‘Event Cal-
culus. This way, event patterns have a formal, declarative semantics        culus for Run-Time reasoning’ [3]. The time model of RTEC is lin-
[3]. On the other hand, RTEC does not have built-in support for dis-        ear including integer time-points. Where F is a fluent—a property
tributed processing. This is a significant limitation, as Big Data appli-   that is allowed to have different values at different points in time—
cations, such as maritime monitoring, require the processing of high        the term F = V denotes that fluent F has value V . Table 1 presents
velocity SDE streams. Moreover, the integration of RTEC into non-           the main RTEC predicates. Variables start with an upper-case letter,
                                                                            while predicates and constants start with a lower-case letter. The hap-
1 School of Electronic & Computer Engineering, Technical University of      pensAt predicate defines the event instances, the initiatedAt and termi-
 Crete, Greece
                                                                            4 http://spark.apache.org/streaming/
2 Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications, NCSR “Demokritos”,
                                                                            5 http://iot.synaisthisi.iit.demokritos.gr/
3 Department of Maritime Studies, University of Piraeus, Greece             6 http://www.datacron-project.eu/

    {blackeye,a.artikis,anskarl,paliourg}@iit.demokritos.gr                 7 https://github.com/aartikis/RTEC

natedAt predicates express the effects of events, while the holdsAt and           threshold of pixel positions. person(P ) is a simple fluent indicating
holdsFor predicates express the values of the fluents. holdsAt and                whether there is sufficient information that entity P is a person as
holdsFor    are defined in such a way that, for any fluent F ,                    opposed to an object. According to rule (1), ‘leaving object’ is ini-
holdsAt(F = V, T ) if and only if T belongs to one of the maximal                 tiated when an inactive entity starts being tracked close to a person.
intervals of I for which holdsFor(F = V, I).                                      Rule (2) dictates that ‘leaving object’ stops being recognised when
   We represent instantaneous SDEs and CEs by means of happensAt,                 the entity is no longer tracked. The maximal intervals during which
while durative SDEs and CEs are represented as fluents. The ma-                   leaving object(P , Obj ) = true holds continuously are computed us-
jority of CEs are durative and thus, in CE recognition the task is to             ing the built-in RTEC predicate holdsFor from rules (1) and (2).
compute the maximal intervals for which a fluent representing a CE                   In addition to the domain-independent definition of holdsFor,
has a particular value continuously.                                              RTEC supports application-dependent holdsFor rules, used to define
                                                                                  the values of a fluent F in terms of the values of other fluents.
                          Table 1.   RTEC Predicates.                             Such a fluent F is called statically determined. holdsFor rules of this
                                                                                  type make use of interval manipulation constructs—see the last three
              Predicate                              Meaning                      items of Table 1. Consider the following example:
 happensAt(E, T )                     Event E occurs at time T                                holdsFor(greeting(P1 , P2 ) = true, I ) ←
 initiatedAt(F = V, T )               At time T a period of time                                   holdsFor(close(P1 , P2 ) = true, I1 ),
                                      for which F = V is initiated
                                                                                                   holdsFor(active(P1 ) = true, I2 ),
 terminatedAt(F = V, T )              At time T a period of time
                                      for which F = V is terminated                                holdsFor(inactive(P1 ) = true, I3 ),
 holdsAt(F = V, T )                   The value of fluent F is V at time T                         holdsFor(person(P1 ) = true, I4 ),
 holdsFor(F = V, I)                   I is the list of the maximal intervals                       intersect all([I3 , I4 ], I5 ),
                                      for which F = V holds continuously                                                                               (3)
                                                                                                   union all([I2 , I5 ], I6 ),
 union all(L, I )                     I is the list of maximal intervals                           holdsFor(person(P2 ) = true, I7 ),
                                      produced by the union of the lists of
                                      maximal intervals of list L                                  holdsFor(running(P2 ) = true, I8 ),
 intersect all(L, I )                 I is the list of maximal intervals                           holdsFor(abrupt(P2 ) = true, I9 ),
                                      produced by the intersection of                              relative complement all(I7 , [I8 , I9 ], I10 ),
                                      the lists of maximal intervals of list L
                                                                                                   intersect all([I1 , I6 , I10 ], I )
 relative complement all(I 0 , L, I ) I is the list of maximal intervals
                                      produced by the relative complement         In activity recognition, we are interested in detecting whether two
                                      of the list of maximal intervals I 0
                                      with respect to every list                  people are greeting each other. A greeting distinguishes meetings
                                      of maximal intervals of list L              from other, related types of interaction. Similar to inactive, active
                                                                                  (mild body movement without changing location), running and
                                                                                  abrupt are durative SDEs produced by the vision algorithms. Ac-
   Fluents in RTEC are of two kinds: simple and statically deter-
                                                                                  cording to rule (3), two tracked entities P1 and P2 are said to be
mined. For a simple fluent F , F = V holds at a particular time-
                                                                                  greeting, if they are close to each other, P1 is active or an inac-
point T if F = V has been initiated by an event that has occurred
                                                                                  tive person, and P2 is a person that is neither running nor moving
at some time-point earlier than T , and has not been terminated
in the meantime. This is an implementation of the law of inertia.
                                                                                     RTEC restricts attention to hierarchical formalisations, those
To compute the intervals I for which F = V holds continuously,
                                                                                  where it is possible to define a function level that maps all fluents
i.e. holdsFor(F = V, I), we compute all time-points Ts at which
                                                                                  and all events to the non-negative integers as follows. Events and
F = V is initiated, and then, for each Ts , we find the first time-point
                                                                                  statically determined fluents of level 0 are those whose happensAt and
Tf after Ts at which F = V is terminated. Consider the following
                                                                                  holdsFor definitions do not depend on any other events or fluents. In
example from activity recognition:
                                                                                  CE recognition, they represent the input SDEs. There are no simple
           initiatedAt(leaving object(P , Obj ) = true, T ) ←                     fluents in level 0. Events and simple fluents of level n (n>0) are
                happensAt(appear (Obj ), T ),                                     defined in terms of at least one event or fluent of level n−1 and a
                holdsAt(inactive(Obj ) = true, T ),                         (1)   possibly empty set of events and fluents from levels lower than n−1.
                holdsAt(close(P , Obj ) = true, T ),                              Statically determined fluents of level n are defined in terms of at least
                holdsAt(person(P ) = true, T )                                    one fluent of level n−1 and a possibly empty set of fluents from lev-
                                                                                  els lower than n−1.
           terminatedAt(leaving object(P , Obj ) = true, T ) ←
                                                                            (2)      RTEC performs CE recognition by means of continuous query
                happensAt(disappear (Obj ), T )
                                                                                  processing, and concerns the computation of the maximal intervals
The above rules are intended to capture the activity of leaving an                of fluents. At each query time Qi , the input entities that fall within
object unattended. appear and disappear are instantaneous SDEs                    a specified sliding window ω are taken into consideration. All input
produced by the underlying computer vision algorithms. An entity                  entities that took place before or at Qi −ω are discarded/‘forgotten’.
‘appears’ when it is first tracked. Similarly, an entity ‘disappears’             This constraint ensures that the cost of CE recognition depends only
when it stops being tracked. An object carried by a person is not                 on the size of ω and not on the complete SDE history. The size of ω,
tracked—only the person that carries it is tracked. The object will               and the temporal distance between two consecutive query times—the
be tracked, that is, it will ‘appear’, if and only if the person leaves it        ‘step’ Qi −Qi−1 —are tuning parameters that can be chosen by the
somewhere. inactive is a durative SDE. Objects (as opposed to per-                user.
sons) can exhibit only inactive activity. close(P , Obj ) is a statically            When ω is longer than the step Qi −Qi−1 , it is possible that an
determined fluent indicating whether the distance between two enti-               SDE occurs in the interval (Qi −ω, Qi−1 ] but arrives at RTEC only
ties P and Obj, tracked in the surveillance videos, is less than some             after Qi−1 ; its effects are taken into account at query time Qi . This

                          Window ω                                       3.1    Dynamic Grounding & Indexing
                                                                         At each recognition time Qi , RTEC grounds the CE patterns using
          Q136         Q137          Q138        Q139                    a set of constants for the variables appearing in the patterns, except
                                                                         the variables related to time. Moreover, RTEC operates under the as-
                   Figure 1. Windowing in RTEC.                          sumption that the set of constants is ‘static’, in the sense that it does
                                                                         not change over time, and known in advance. For instance, in the
                                                                         maritime surveillance domain, RTEC operates under the assumption
is illustrated in Figure 1. The figure displays the occurrences of in-   that all vessel ids are known beforehand. Similarly, in activity recog-
stantaneous SDEs as dots and durative ones as line segments. For         nition all ids of the tracked entities are assumed to be known. For
CE recognition at Q138 , only the SDEs marked in black are con-          many application domains, this assumption is unrealistic. More im-
sidered, whereas the greyed out ones are neglected. Assume that all      portantly, there are (many) query times in which RTEC attempts to
SDEs marked in bold arrived only after Q137 . Then, we observe that      recognise CEs for (many) constants, for which no information exists
two SDEs were delayed i.e. they occurred before Q137 , but arrived       in the current window.
only after Q137 . In this example, the window is larger than the step.      To address this issue, dRTEC supports ‘dynamic’ grounding. At
Hence, these SDEs are not lost but considered as part of CE recogni-     each query time Qi , dRTEC scans the SDEs of the current window
tion at Q138 .                                                           ω to construct the list of entities for which CE recognition should
   After ‘forgetting’ SDEs, RTEC computes and stores the intervals       be performed. Then, it appends to this list all entities that have CE
of CEs. At Qi , the CE intervals computed by RTEC are those that         intervals overlapping Qi −ω. Such intervals may be extended or (par-
can be derived from SDEs that occurred in the interval (Qi −ω, Qi ],     tially) retracted, given the information that is available in the current
as recorded at time Qi . RTEC adopts a caching technique where flu-      window. In this manner, dRTEC avoids unnecessary calculations by
ents are processed in a bottom-up manner; this way, the intervals of     restricting attention to entities for which a CE may be recognised at
the fluents that are required for the processing of a fluent of level    the current query time.
n will simply be fetched from the cache without the need for re-            Indexing is used to convert the input SDEs into a key-value pair
computation. More details about the reasoning engine of RTEC (in-        format for data partitioning. The partitions are distributed among the
cluding a complexity analysis), as well as its expressivity, may be      available cores (processing threads) of the underlying hardware for
found at [3].                                                            parallel processing. Each SDE is indexed according to its entity. In
                                                                         activity recognition, for example, the index concerns the ids of the
                                                                         tracked entities (see ‘Dynamic Grounding & Indexing’ in Figure 2).
3 Distributed Event Calculus                                             For each window, the SDEs concerning the same entity are grouped
                                                                         together and subsequently sent to the same processing thread.

dRTEC is a distributed implementation of RTEC in Spark Stream-           3.2    Non-Relational Processing
ing using the Scala programming language. Like RTEC, dRTEC per-
forms CE recognition by means of continuous temporal projection,         Indexing is followed by non-relational fluent processing performed at
i.e. at each query time dRTEC computes the maximal intervals of          each thread in parallel (see the ‘Non-Relational Processing’ boxes of
fluents given an incoming SDE stream. Other tasks offered by other       Figure 2). Non-relational processing refers to the computation of the
Event Calculus implementations, such as abduction, are not sup-          maximal intervals of fluents involving a single entity. (In the absence
ported. In addition to the optimisation techniques of RTEC, such as      of such fluents, dRTEC proceeds directly to ‘pairing’.) In activity
windowing, dRTEC supports CE recognition using a structured set of       recognition, for example, we want to determine whether a tracked
operations for distributed reasoning. dRTEC follows a syntax-based,      entity is a human or an object (see the rules presented in Section 2).
application-independent approach to translate query processing into      An entity is said to be a person if it has exhibited one of the ‘running’,
distributed reasoning. Figure 2 illustrates the basic components of      ‘active’, ‘walking’ or ‘abrupt movement’ short-term behaviours since
the engine using the activity recognition application. dRTEC accepts     it started being tracked. In other words, the classification of an en-
SDE streams through MQTT8 , a lightweight publish-subscribe mes-         tity as a person or an object depends only the short-term activities
saging transport. Spark Streaming separates the incoming stream into     of that entity. The distinction between non-relational and relational
individual sets, called ‘micro-batches’. The window in dRTEC may         processing allows us to trivially parallelise a significant part of the
contain one or more micro-batches. Each micro-batch may contain          CE recognition process (non-relational CE patterns). The processing
events, expressed by happensAt, and fluents, expressed by holdsFor.      threads are independent from one another, avoiding data transfers
For example, according to the SDEs in the first micro-batch shown        among them that are very costly.
in Figure 2, the entity id0 started being tracked—‘appeared’—at             Non-relational, as well as relational processing, concerns both
time/video frame 80. Moreover, the entity id1 was running contin-        statically determined and simple fluent processing, and windowing.
uously in the interval [90,100).                                         These tasks are discussed in Section 3.4.
   dRTEC performs various tasks on the incoming SDE streams.
These are presented in the sections that follow. (We focus on the        3.3    Pairing & Relational Processing
novel components of dRTEC, discussing only briefly the implemen-
tation of the RTEC reasoning techniques in Spark Streaming.) The         Relational processing concerns CE patterns that involve two or more
CEs that are recognised using the incoming SDEs are streamed out         entities. In activity recognition, we want to recognise whether two
through MQTT (see ‘Output Stream’ in Figure 2).                          people are moving together or fighting. Prior to relational CE recog-
                                                                         nition, dRTEC produces all possible relations that may arise from
                                                                         the list of entities computed by the dynamic grounding process—
8 http://mqtt.org/
                                                                         see ‘Pairing’ in Figure 2. Then, these relations are distributed to all

                                 Input Stream
                                                                   Non-Relational Processing                                                                            Pairing
                                   Micro-Batch M
                                                                                       Processing Thread 1
                        happensAt, appear, id0, 80                                                                                    Key                                    Values
                                                                       Key                       Values
                        holdsFor, running, id1, true, 90;100                                                                                                   happensAt, appear        [80-81)

                                                                                  happensAt, appear        [80-81)                                             holdsFor, inactive, true [100-110)


                                  Micro-Batch M+1                                 holdsFor, inactive, true [100-110)
                                                                                                                                                                holdsFor, running, true [90-100)
                        holdsFor, abrupt, id1, true, 100;145

                                                                                                                                                                holdsFor, abrupt, true [100-145)

                        holdsFor, inactive, id0, true, 100;110
                                                                                                                                                                holdsFor, person, true [90-145)
                                                                   Non-Relational Processing                                                                    holdsFor, running, true [90-100)
                                                                                       Processing Thread N                                                      holdsFor, abrupt, true [100-145)

                                                                                                                                                                holdsFor, person, true [90-145)
                                                                       Key                       Values
                         Dynamic Grounding &
                                                                                  holdsFor, running, true [90-100)                                              happensAt, appear        [80-81)


                                                                                  holdsFor, abrupt, true [100-145)                                              holdsFor, inactive, true [100-110)
                       Key                 Values
                              happensAt, appear        [80-81)

                              holdsFor, inactive, true [100-110)
                                                                                Relational Processing                                                         Relational Processing
                              holdsFor, running, true [90-100)                         Processing Thread 1                                                            Processing Thread N

                              holdsFor, abrupt, true [100-145)
                                                                   Key                           Values                                           Key                             Values
                                                                                      happensAt, appear        [80-81)                                               holdsFor, running, true [90-100)

                                                                                      holdsFor, inactive, true [100-110)                                             holdsFor, abrupt, true [100-145)

                                                                                                                                                                     holdsFor, person, true [90-145)
                                                                                      holdsFor, running, true [90-100)
                                                                                                                                                                     happensAt, appear        [80-81)

                                                                                      holdsFor, abrupt, true [100-145)
                                                                                                                                                                     holdsFor, inactive, true [100-110)
                                                                                      holdsFor, person, true [90-145)

                                                                                                                     Output Stream
                                                                                                   Micro-Batch M                                                     Micro-Batch M+1

                                                                                      holdsFor, moving, id1;id0, true, 90;100         holdsFor, fighting, id1;id0, true, 100;145

                                                                               Figure 2. dRTEC processing.

available processing threads for parallel CE recognition. Note that,                                      Definition 1 Initiation of leaving object in dRTEC.
in contrast to non-relational processing, the information available to                                         I1 ← G I(occurrences, Obj , Fluent(happensAt, appear ))
each processing thread is not disjoint. Assume, for example, that the                                          I2 ← G I(occurrences, Obj , Fluent(holdsFor , inactive, true))
pair (id0, id1) is processed by processing thread 1, while the pair (id1,                                      I3 ← G I(occurrences, (P , Obj ), Fluent(holdsFor , close, true))
id2) is processed by thread 2. Then both threads will have the output                                          I4 ← G I(occurrences, P , Fluent(holdsFor , person, true))
                                                                                                               I ← I1.INTERSECT ALL(I2).INTERSECT ALL(I3).INTERSECT ALL(I4)
of non-relational processing concerning id1 (e.g. the list of maximal
intervals during which id1 is said to be a person). However, there is no
                                                                                                          ‘collection occurrences’, i.e. a map pointing to the list of maximal
replication of computation, as the output of non-relational process-
                                                                                                          intervals of a fluent, (b) the list of entities/arguments of the fluent,
ing is cached, and the sets of relations of the processing threads are
                                                                                                          and (c) the fluent object. dRTEC uses exclusively intervals in its pat-
disjoint. Furthermore, similar to non-relational processing, each pro-
                                                                                                          terns. The occurrence of an event (e.g. ‘appear’) is represented by
cessing thread has all the necessary information, thus avoiding costly
                                                                                                          an instantaneous interval. This way, in addition to statically deter-
data transfers.
                                                                                                          mined fluents, the interval manipulation constructs can be used for
                                                                                                          specifying simple fluents. In dRTEC these constructs are supported
3.4    Fluent Processing                                                                                  by ‘interval instances’ (see e.g. the last line of Definition 1).

As mentioned earlier, both relational and non-relational processing                                       Definition 2 Termination of leaving object in dRTEC.
concern the computation of the list of maximal intervals of fluents.                                           I ← G I(occurrences, Obj , Fluent(happensAt, disappear ))
For both types of fluent, simple and statically determined, dRTEC
follows the reasoning algorithms of RTEC. For example, in the case
                                                                                                            Statically determined fluents in dRTEC are specified in a similar
of a simple fluent CEs , dRTEC checks, at each query time Qi , if
                                                                                                          manner. Definition 3, for example, shows the specification of ‘greet-
there is a maximal interval of CEs that overlaps Qi −ω. If there is
                                                                                                          ing’ (see rule (3) for the RTEC representation).
such an interval then it will be discarded, while its initiating point
will be kept. Then, dRTEC computes the initiating points of CEs in
(Qi −ω, Qi ], and appends them to initiating point (if any) prior to                                      Definition 3 Statically determined fluent greeting in dRTEC.
Qi −ω. If the list of initiating points is empty then the empty list of                                        I1 ← G I(occurrences, (P1 , P2 ), Fluent(holdsFor , close, true))
                                                                                                               I2 ← G I(occurrences, P1 , Fluent(holdsFor , active, true))
intervals is returned. Otherwise, dRTEC computes the terminating                                               I3 ← G I(occurrences, P1 , Fluent(holdsFor , inactive, true))
points of CEs in (Qi −ω, Qi ], and pairs adjacent initiating and ter-                                          I4 ← G I(occurrences, P1 , Fluent(holdsFor , person, true))
minating points, as discussed in Section 2, to produce the maximal                                             I5 ← I3.INTERSECT ALL(I4)
intervals.                                                                                                     I6 ← I2.UNION ALL(I5)
                                                                                                               I7 ← G I(occurrences, P2 , Fluent(holdsFor , person, true))
   Definitions 1 and 2 show, respectively, the initiating and termi-                                           I8 ← G I(occurrences, P2 , Fluent(holdsFor , running, true))
nating conditions of the ‘leaving object’ CE that were presented in                                            I9 ← G I(occurrences, P2 , Fluent(holdsFor , abrupt, true))
Section 2 in the language of RTEC. Recall that ‘leaving object’ is a                                           I10 ← I7.RELATIVE COMPLEMENT ALL(I8.UNION ALL(I9))
                                                                                                               I ← I1.INTERSECT ALL(I6).INTERSECT ALL(I10)
simple fluent. The G I function (GET I NTERVAL, in full) retrieves the
list of maximal intervals of a fluent. G I has three parameters: (a) the

                                                                                                                                                             dRTEC 24 threads                                                                  15

                                                                                                                          Avg. recognition time (sec)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Avg. recognition time (sec)
                                 400                                                300                                                                 4
                                                                                                                                                             RTEC 24 threads                                                                                                                  dRTEC
     Avg # of SDEs (thousands)

                                        Avg # of SDEs
                                        Avg # of CEs                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          RTEC
                                                                                                                                                             RTEC 1 thread
                                 300                                                                                                                    3

                                                                                                Avg # of CEs

                                 200                                                                                                                    2
                                 100                                                                                                                    1

                                                                                                                                                        0                                                                                       0
                                  0                                                  0                                                                   0       20      40     60        80   100    120                                        0         5         10        15        20       25
                                   0        20      40     60        80      100   120                                                                                    Window size (sec)                                                                    # of processing threads
                                                     Window size (sec)

                                            (a) Number of SDEs and CEs.                                                                                               (b) dRTEC vs RTEC.                                                             (c) dRTEC vs RTEC: 110 sec window.

                             1000                                                                                                                                                                                                         60

                                                                                                                     Avg. recognition time (sec)

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Avg. recognition time (sec)
Avg # of SDEs (thousands)

                                        Avg # of SDEs                                                                                              8                                                                                                                                          dRTEC
                                                                                          Avg # of CEs (thousands)
                                        Avg # of CEs                                1                                                                        RTEC                                                                                                                             RTEC
                                                                                    0.8                                                            6                                                                                      40
                                                                                    0.6                                                            4
                                                                                    0.4                                                                                                                                                   20
                                 200                                                0.2

                                   0                                                 0                                                             0                                                                                           0
                                    0        20         40     60       80   100   120                                                              0           20      40     60        80    100    120                                       0         5          10        15        20       25
                                                         Window size (sec)                                                                                               Window size (sec)                                                                     # of processing threads

                                           (d) Number of SDEs and CEs.                                                                                   (e) dRTEC vs RTEC: 24 processing threads.                                                   (f) dRTEC vs RTEC: 110 sec window.

                                                        Figure 3. Activity recognition. Figures (a)–(c) (respectively (d)–(f)) concern the dataset with 10 (20) tracked entities.

4 Empirical Analysis                                                                                                                                                                larger dataset. Instead of reporting SDEs every 40 ms, the enlarged
                                                                                                                                                                                    dataset provides data in every ms. The SDEs of video frame/time k
dRTEC has been evaluated in the context of two stream processing                                                                                                                    of the original dataset are copied 39 times for each subsequent ms
systems. In the system of the SYNAISTHISI project, dRTEC is the                                                                                                                     after time k. The resulting dataset has on average of 3,474 SDEs per
long-term activity recognition module operating on short-term ac-                                                                                                                   sec. Figures 3(a)–3(c) show the experimental results on this dataset.
tivities detected on video frames. In the datACRON project, dRTEC                                                                                                                   We varied the window size from 10 sec to 110 sec. The slide step
recognises suspicious and illegal vessel activities given a compressed                                                                                                              Qi −Qi−1 was set to be equal to the size of the window. Figure 3(a)
vessel position stream produced by a trajectory processing module.                                                                                                                  shows the average number of SDEs per window size. The 10 sec
The empirical analysis presented below was performed on a com-                                                                                                                      window corresponds to approximately 36K SDEs while the 110 sec
puter with dual Intel Xeon E5-2630 processors, amounting to 24                                                                                                                      one corresponds to 365K SDEs. Figure 3(a) also shows the number
processing threads, and 256GB RAM, running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS                                                                                                                         of recognised CEs; these range from 80 to 230.
64-Bit with Linux kernel 3.13 and Java OpenJDK 1.8. dRTEC is                                                                                                                           The average CE recognition times per window (in CPU seconds)
implemented in Apache Spark Streaming 1.5.2 using Scala 2.11.7.                                                                                                                     for both dRTEC and RTEC are shown in Figure 3(b). dRTEC made
The source code, including the CE patterns for both applications, is                                                                                                                use of all 24 processing threads. With the exception of the smallest
publicly available9 . dRTEC’s warm up period is excluded from the                                                                                                                   window size, dRTEC outperforms RTEC. To allow for a fairer com-
presented results. In all cases, dRTEC recognises the same CEs as                                                                                                                   parison, we invoked 24 instances of RTEC, each using in parallel one
RTEC.                                                                                                                                                                               processing thread of the underlying hardware. Every RTEC instance
                                                                                                                                                                                    was set to perform CE recognition for at most 4 entity pairs, and was
4.1                                     Activity Recognition                                                                                                                        provided only with the SDEs concerning the entities of these pairs
                                                                                                                                                                                    (no load balancing was performed). In this setting, dRTEC outper-
The SYNAISTHISI project aims at developing customisable, dis-
                                                                                                                                                                                    forms RTEC for most window sizes, but only slightly.
tributed, low-cost security and surveillance solutions. To evaluate
                                                                                                                                                                                       Figure 3(c) shows the effect of increasing the number of avail-
dRTEC, we used the CAVIAR benchmark dataset10 which consists
                                                                                                                                                                                    able processing threads on the performance of dRTEC and RTEC.
of 28 surveillance videos of a public space. The CAVIAR videos
                                                                                                                                                                                    We varied the number of available threads from 2 to 24; the win-
show actors which are instructed to carry out several scenarios. Each
                                                                                                                                                                                    dow size was set to 110 sec. RTEC achieves its best performance
video has been manually annotated by the CAVIAR team to pro-
                                                                                                                                                                                    early—the increase of processing threads affects it only slightly. In
vide the ground truth for activities which take place on individual
                                                                                                                                                                                    contrast, dRTEC requires all 24 processing threads to match (slightly
video frames. These short-term activities are: entering and exiting the
                                                                                                                                                                                    outperform) RTEC. The cost of data partitioning through dynamic
surveillance area, walking, running, moving abruptly, being active
                                                                                                                                                                                    grounding and indexing in dRTEC pays off only in the case of 24
and being inactive. We view these activities as SDEs. The CAVIAR
team has also annotated the videos with long-term activities: a per-
                                                                                                                                                                                       To stress test further dRTEC, we constructed an even larger dataset
son leaving an object unattended, people having a meeting, moving
                                                                                                                                                                                    by adding a copy of the previous dataset with new identifiers for
together, and fighting. These are the CEs that we want to recognise.
                                                                                                                                                                                    the tracked entities. Thus, the resulting dataset contains a total of 20
   The CAVIAR dataset includes 10 tracked entities, i.e. 90 entity
                                                                                                                                                                                    tracked entities and 380 entity pairs, while approximately 7K SDEs
pairs (most CEs in this application concern a pair of entities), while
                                                                                                                                                                                    take place per sec. Figures 3(d)–3(e) show the experimental results.
the frame rate is 40 milliseconds (ms). On average, 179 SDEs are
                                                                                                                                                                                    We varied again the window size from 10 sec to 110 sec. In this case,
detected per second (sec). To stress test dRTEC, we constructed a
                                                                                                                                                                                    however, the SDEs range from 72K to 730K (see Figure 3(d)). The
9 https://github.com/blackeye42/dRTEC                                                                                                                                               number of recognised CEs is also much higher; it ranges from 390 to
10 http://groups.inf.ed.ac.uk/vision/CAVIAR/CAVIARDATA1


                                                                                                                                                                                                  Avg. recognition time (sec)
                                                                                                               Avg. recognition time (sec)
                            400                                               100                                                                  dRTEC                                                                                                                      dRTEC
Avg # of SDEs (thousands)

                                  Avg # of SDEs

                                                                                    Avg # of CEs (thousands)
                                  Avg # of CEs                                                                                               10    RTEC                                                                                                                       RTEC


                            200                                               50

                             0                                                0                                                               0                                                                                  0
                              0         5            10         15      20   25                                                                0           5      10         15      20      25                                   0        5         10        15        20       25
                                                  Window size (hours)                                                                                          Window size (hours)                                                             # of processing threads

                                      (a) Number of SDEs and CEs.                                                                             (b) dRTEC vs RTEC: 24 processing threads.                                               (c) dRTEC vs RTEC: 24 hour window.

                                                                                                   Figure 4. Event recognition for maritime surveillance.

   Figure 3(e) shows the average CE recognition times per window                                                                                                          the effect of increasing the processing threads. Unlike the activity
when all 24 processing threads were available both to dRTEC and                                                                                                           recognition application, dRTEC outperforms RTEC even when just
RTEC. Each RTEC instance was set to perform CE recognition for at                                                                                                         a few processing threads are available. Similar to the activity recog-
most 16 entity pairs, having available only the SDEs concerning the                                                                                                       nition domain, dRTEC makes better use of the increasing number of
entities of these pairs. Both dRTEC and RTEC remain real-time, even                                                                                                       threads.
in the presence of 730K SDE windows. In this set of experiments,
dRTEC outperforms RTEC in all window sizes, and the difference
is more significant. This is an indication that dRTEC scales better to                                                                                                    5     Discussion
larger datasets. Figure 3(f) shows the effect of increasing the number
                                                                                                                                                                          Several techniques have been proposed in the literature for complex
of processing threads. We observe a similar pattern to that of the
                                                                                                                                                                          event processing in Big Data applications, including pattern rewrit-
previous experiments (see Figure 3(c)).
                                                                                                                                                                          ing [26], rule distribution [25], data distribution [13, 4] and parallel
                                                                                                                                                                          publish-subscribe content matching [21]. See [15, 16] for two recent
4.2                               Maritime Surveillance                                                                                                                   surveys. Moreover, Spark Streaming has been recently used for com-
                                                                                                                                                                          plex event processing13 . The key difference between our work and
The datACRON project aims to develop novel methods for detecting
                                                                                                                                                                          these approaches is the use of the Event Calculus. dRTEC inherits
threats and abnormal activity in very large numbers of moving enti-
                                                                                                                                                                          from RTEC the ability to represent complex temporal phenomena,
ties operating in large geographic areas. In the stream processing sys-
                                                                                                                                                                          explicitly represent CE intervals and thus avoid the related logical
tem of datACRON, dRTEC serves as the component recognising var-
                                                                                                                                                                          problems [23], and perform reasoning over background knowledge.
ious types of suspicious and illegal vessel activity. We conducted ex-
                                                                                                                                                                          This is in contrast to other complex event recognition systems, such
periments against a real position stream from the Automated Identi-
                                                                                                                                                                          as [8, 19], the well-known SASE engine14 [27], and the Chronicle
fication System11 , spanning from 1 June 2009 to 31 August 2009, for
                                                                                                                                                                          Recognition System [12].
6,425 vessels sailing through the Aegean, the Ionian, and part of the
                                                                                                                                                                             Concerning the Event Calculus literature, dRTEC includes a win-
Mediterranean Sea12 . The trajectory detection module of datACRON
                                                                                                                                                                          dowing technique. On the contrary, no Event Calculus system ‘for-
compresses the vessel position stream to a stream of critical move-
                                                                                                                                                                          gets’ or represents concisely the SDE history. Moreover, dRTEC em-
ment events of the following types: ‘low speed’, ‘speed change’,
                                                                                                                                                                          ploys a data partitioning technique using dynamic grounding and
‘gap’, indicating communication gaps, ‘turn’, and ‘stopped’, indicat-
                                                                                                                                                                          indexing. This way, dRTEC can take advantage of modern multi-
ing that a vessel has stopped in the open sea. Each such event includes
                                                                                                                                                                          core hardware. This is in contrast to Event Calculus approaches
the coordinates, speed and heading of the vessel at the time of crit-
                                                                                                                                                                          [7, 5, 24, 6, 22], where the implementations have no built-in sup-
ical event detection. This way, the SDE stream includes 15,884,253
                                                                                                                                                                          port for distributed processing. For instance, our empirical evaluation
events. Given this SDE stream, we recognise the following CEs: il-
                                                                                                                                                                          verified that dRTEC scales better than RTEC, both to SDE streams
legal shipping, suspicious vessel delay and vessel pursuit.
                                                                                                                                                                          of increasing velocity and larger numbers of CEs. Note that RTEC
   We varied the window size from 1 hour, including approximately
                                                                                                                                                                          has proven efficient enough for a variety of real-world applications
26K SDEs, to 24 hours, including 285K SDEs (see Figure 4(a)). The
                                                                                                                                                                          [3, 2], and already outperforms the well-known Esper engine15 in a
slide step Qi −Qi−1 is always equal to the window size. The number
                                                                                                                                                                          wide range of complex event recognition tasks [1].
of recognised CEs ranges from 5K to 86K. In other words, the recog-
                                                                                                                                                                             Several event processing systems, such as [14, 11, 8, 10, 20], op-
nised CEs are almost two orders of magnitude more than the CEs in
                                                                                                                                                                          erate only under the assumption that SDEs are temporally sorted. On
the activity recognition application.
                                                                                                                                                                          the contrary, dRTEC supports out-of-order SDE streams and may dy-
   Figure 4(b) shows the average CE recognition times per window
                                                                                                                                                                          namically update the intervals of recognised CEs, or recognise new
when all processing threads were used by both implementations.
                                                                                                                                                                          CEs, as a result of delayed SDE arrival.
Similar to the previous experiments, each RTEC instance was given
                                                                                                                                                                             The use of Spark Streaming in dRTEC facilitates the integration
only the SDEs of the vessels for which it performs CE recognition.
                                                                                                                                                                          with other modules not implemented in Prolog, such as the computer
Although RTEC matches the performance of dRTEC for small win-
                                                                                                                                                                          vision modules of the SYNAISTHISI project and the trajectory com-
dow sizes (1 hour and 2 hour windows), dRTEC scales much better to
                                                                                                                                                                          pression module of datACRON. The integration of RTEC with such
larger window sizes. In other words, dRTEC seems to perform much
                                                                                                                                                                          modules was often problematic, due to issues of the libraries integrat-
better in the presence of a large number of CEs. Figure 4(c) shows
                                                                                                                                                                          ing Prolog with other programming languages. Moreover, dRTEC
11 http://www.imo.org/OurWork/Safety/Navigation/Pages/AIS.aspx
                                                                                                                                                                          13 https://github.com/Stratio/Decision
12                            This anonymised dataset (for privacy, each vessel id has
                                                                                                                                                                          14 http://sase.cs.umass.edu/
                            been replaced by a sequence number) is publicly available at
                            http://chorochronos.datastories.org/?q=content/imis-3months                                                                                   15 http://www.espertech.com/esper/

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