Formation of Life Quality Indicators System through Search Algorithm of Association Rules Lyudmila P. Bilgaeva, Dashidondok Sh. Shirapov, and Grigoriy V. Badmaev East Siberia State University of Technology and Management, Russia Abstract. The paper is devoted to the search of association rules for the formation of the indicators system that affects the quality of life. The search of association rules is carried out in the transactional database based on the method of AprioriTid algorithm to calculate such metrics as support, confidence and lift. It results in the extraction of useful as- sociation rules showing the relationship of life quality indicators, which can be used later to solve the problems of analysis and forecasting. Keywords: extraction algorithm of frequent sets of database, the prop- erty of monotony, the associative search of life quality indicators, trun- cation of candidates 1 Introduction At present, issues of life quality are relevant, as the current economic crisis has primarily affected the population. In general, the standard of living depends on a competent social policy pursued by the state. Solving social problems requires the adoption of management decisions based on real information. This requires research aimed at identifying the main factors affecting the life quality. In this paper we propose to use methods of searching association rules to identify the most important indicators of life quality that will enable the au- thorities to plan and implement certain measures to improve the population living standards. To search association rules is one of the tasks of Data Mining, the modern technology of intellectual data analysis, which includes finding regularities be- tween some related events, the identification of related objects and their location in the space of states. To find associations such a database is typically used in which all objects are connected to each other, provided that the database is consistent and integrative. 2 Basic theoretical principles of association rules search There are many techniques, which allow solving the problem of finding associ- ation rules. They have the same mathematical approach, but the ways of the method implementation are different. Let us consider the basic theoretical prin- ciples of these methods. The association rule of context K is an expression of the form A → B, where A, B ⊆ M . The context K is a tuple (G, M, I), where G is a set of objects, M is a set of features, but I ⊆ G × M . When association rules are searched, special metrics are used: Support, Confidence, Lift. Association rule A → B Support is a quantity defined by the formula: |(A ∪ B)0 | Support(A → B) = (1) |G| The Support value indicates which part of the G objects contains A ∪ B. The Confidence of the association rules is defined by the formula: |(A ∪ B)0 | Confidence(A → B) = (2) |A0 | The Confidence value shows, which part of the objects that contain A, also contains A ∪ B. The following quantity is called the association rule utility (Lift): |(A ∪ B)0 | Lift(A → B) = (3) |A0 | · |B 0 | In other words, the utility is the ratio of Confidence(A → B) to the Support(B). The Lift value indicates the usefulness of the rule. If the found utility value is more than 1, then the rule is considered to be useful. The task of mining Association rules is to find all Association rules of the context for which the values support and confidence exceed certain set values min_support and min_confidence, respectively. Searching the frequent sets of data is limited to the minimum support value (min_support), which is set by the user [1–3]. Search of association rules is made within the frequent sets of data and is limited to the minimum confidence (min_confidence) and utility value. The minimum confidence is generally set by the user. AprioriTid method, as well as the Apriori method, is based on the anti- monotony property, the key property when finding multielement frequent sets of data [4, 11]. It is formulated as follows: ∀A, B ⊆ M, A ⊆ B ⇒ Support(B) ≤ Support(A) (4) It means that: – with an increase of the set size its support either decreases or does not change; – for any set of characteristics support does not exceed the minimum support of any of its subsets; – the set of n size characteristics will be frequent only if all its n − 1-element subsets are frequent. 3 Valid method choice To select a search method of the association rules the authors developed definite criteria and comparatively analyzed the certain amount of methods. The results are given in Table 1. Table 1. Comparative analysis of methods of association rules search Criteria No. Methods Implementation Small Application Possibility of simplicity number of Speed of ID candidates’ candidates transactions truncation 1 AIS + − − − − 2 SETM + − − + − 3 Apriori − + + − + 4 AprioriTID + + + + + 5 AprioriSome − + + − + 6 FPG − + + − + The most appropriate method to solve the task of the associative search of in- dicators affecting the population life quality, is the AprioriTid method proposed by the group of authors [2]. Simplicity of implementation is associated with such a data structure as a table for storing intermediate results. Other methods, e. g. Apriori or FPG, use trees as data structures. These data structures are more complicated to implement [6, 7, 9]. There are methods of searching for association rules based on the Boolean matrix [5, 8]. It is convenient to extract data from a database applying database records identifiers, i. e. TID. TID also enables you to identify whether the generated rules belong to a particular database record. The possibility to truncate candidates allows cutting useless and unreliable rules at their generation stage in order to optimize the memory used. 4 Software module of associative search of population life quality indicators It is convenient to extract data from a database applying database records identifiers, i.e. TID. TID also enables you to identify whether the generated rules belong to a particular database record. The possibility To solve the problem to truncate of thecandidates formation allows of acutting systemuseless and unreliable of indicators thatrules at their affect life generation stage in order to optimize the memory used. quality of the population, we developed a system the architecture of which is 4 Software module of associative search of population life quality indicators presented in the To solve Figure 1. of the formation of a system of indicators that affect life quality of the problem population, we developed a system the architecture of which is presented in Figure 1. Web application Initial data input Association rules API bitrix Database search Visualization of results Fig.1. Architecture for Association rules mining system Fig. 1. Architecture for Association rules mining system The system consists of a web application and a database interacting with each other through the API bitrix component. The database was created in a DBMS MySQL. As a web server a freely distributable program OpenServer is used. It is a portable server platform, which is a medium for webThe system The development. consists of a web isapplication Web application composed of and a database five pages: the maininteracting with page, parameters setup, other each transactions and attributes through the API management, generation of rules, bitrix component. The and visualization database was ofcreated results. in a The system starts with setting up the parameters, such as the minimum support (minsup), the DBMS MySQL. As a web server a freely distributable program OpenServer is minimum confidence (minconf) and a serial number of the experiment. The transaction content, i.e. used. It each record is in a portable a database server table, is platform, whichattributes a set of possible is a medium which areforcoded webindicators development. of life The Web quality. Forapplication example, in a is composed database of five entry {1, 5, 7},pages: 1 is anthe mainofpage, indicator parameters "Actually setup, available income of the population, transactions and%",attributes 5 - "Life expectancy management, at birthgeneration in years", 7 -of"The Giniand rules, coefficient (income visualization concentration of results. factor)." Minimum support and minimum confidence are specified by the user. The While system starts conducting with setting experiments one canupconsider the parameters, such as various transaction andthe minimum attributes sets, support (minsup), therefore such a parametertheasminimum confidence a “serial number (minconf) of the experiment” and a serial number of is used. the experiment. The function The transaction of rules generation is content, based oni.the e. each record AprioriTid in a database method, the block table, diagramisofa which set of ispossible shown inattributes Figure 2. which are coded indicators of life quality. For example, It starts with generating single-element data sets that are candidates for rules. Support, i.e, the in a database entry {1, 5, 7}, 1 is an indicator of “Actually available income number of repetitions in all database transactions involved in the experiment, is counted for each of of the them. population, %”, 5 – “Life expectancy at birth in years”, 7 – “The Gini coefficient (income concentration Then two-element sets, ..., i-element sets, where 2 ≤ i ≤ k, are generated in sets, three-elementfactor)”. the iteration. Minimum support and minimum confidence are specified by the user. The same sets that are redundant are removed from the resulted sets. While conducting experiments one can consider various transaction and at- After that support is calculated for each of the remain database sets, then the current set tributes sets, support value jsup therefore is compared suchwithathe parameter as a minsup, minimal support “serial set number of the experiment” by the user. is used.If the condition jsup ≥ minsup is met, then the association rule formation begins, otherwise the current set is removed. The function of rules generation is based on the AprioriTid method, the block diagram Confidence of which and utility is shown(lift) are Figure 2.for the generated rule. in calculated If the confidence value is greater than or equal to the minimum confidence value and the lift valueItisstarts greaterwith thangenerating or equal to 1,single-element data sets then the rule is considered that to be are candidates credible for rules. and useful, otherwise it Support, is deleted. i. e, the number of repetitions in all database transactions involved in the experiment, is counted for each of them. 3 Then two-element sets, three-element sets, . . . , i-element sets, where 2 ≤ i ≤ k, are generated in the iteration. … Generating single-element data sets and calculating their support i = 2, k Generating i-element data sets … Removing redundant sets j = 1, count Calculating j-set support false jsup ≥ minsup true Forming a rule and counting Deleting of set its utility Fig. 2. BlockFig. diagram of association 2. Block diagram rules generation rules generation of association Visualization of the results allows us displaying the initial transactions, frequent sets of data and their support, the generated association rules and the values of the confidence and utility parameters for each of them. 5 The results of the experiments We made many The same sets experiments that with the are redundant AprioriTID areofremoved method associationfrom rulethe resulted to search for asets. After system of indicators that that affect lifesupport is calculated quality. The subsystem offorthe each of the proposed indicators remain database sets, then the by the authors in [10] was takencurrent as input set value jsup This subsystem is compared provides eight mainwith the minimal indicators support minsup, of the population life quality and theset by the factors thatuser. influence on each of them. Database transactions were formed from the original data, which contained a various If the condition jsup ≤ minsup is met, then the association rule formation number of attributes representing the coded life quality indicators and factors distinguished begins, otherwise the current set is removed. according to the experts’ opinion. Overall, there were formed 25 transactions with the various Confidence number of attributes from and utility five to seventeen. (Lift) When arethe using calculated transactionsforwith thefive generated attributesrule. and more, fourteen ones Ifincluded, the Confidence value is greater than or equal to the minimumofconfidence there were no results of the experiments. The generation value and the lift value is greater 4 than or equal to 1, then the rule is considered to be credible and useful, otherwise it is deleted. Visualization of the results allows us displaying the initial transactions, fre- quent sets of data and their support, the generated association rules and the values of the confidence and utility parameters for each of them. 5 The results of the experiments We made many experiments with the AprioriTID method of association rule to search for a system of indicators that affect life quality. The subsystem of the indicators proposed by the authors in [10] was taken as input data. This subsystem provides eight main indicators of the population life quality and the factors that influence on each of them. Database transactions were formed from the original data, which contained a various number of attributes representing the coded life quality indicators and factors distinguished according to the experts’ opinion. Overall, there were formed 25 transactions with the various number of attributes from five to seven- teen. When using the transactions with five attributes and more, fourteen ones included, there were no results of the experiments. The generation of association rules begins with using 15 attributes in a transaction. Figure 3 shows a fragment of the original database transaction with five and seven attributes. Fig. 3. Original transactions with five and seven attributes In Figure 4 you can see a fragment of frequent item sets containing six or seven attributes, the support value of which is equal to three. Four valid useful rules presented in Table 2 were generated based on the frequent item sets above. Fig. 4. Fragment of the frequent item sets with six or seven attributes with their support values Table 2. Valid useful rules Rules Confidence Lift 248 → 249 0.857142857143 1 251 → 252 1 1 257 → 259 1 1 234, 243 → 244 1 1 The experiment resulted in the generation of fourteen valid and useful as- sociation rules. Since any association rule is an operation of implication, it is possible to combine them through a conjunction operation provided that the conjunction is true. After converting a logical expression five association rules were obtained. They are represented in Table 3. Table 3. Results of the experiments Number of database No. Association rules transactions 1 15 251 → 252 2 16 (248 → 249) ∧ (251 → 252) 3 18 (248 → 249) ∧ (251 → 252) ∧ (257 → 259) 4 20 (257 → 259) ∧ (234 ∧ 243 → 244) ∧ (248 → 249) 5 23 (248 → 249) ∧ (257 → 259) ∧ (234 ∧ 243 → 244)∧ (230 ∧ 235 → 238 ∧ 239 ∧ 241) Here it is seen that to generate the association rule 251 → 252 15 database transactions were used. This rule means that the “Mortality” indicator (252) is affected by the “Birth rate” indicator (251). Or, for example, Rule 230 ∧ 235 → 238 ∧ 239 ∧ 241 means that “Life quality index” (230) and “Purchasing power” (235) indicators are influenced on with such indicators as “Paid services volume per capita” (238), “Growth rate of the minimum subsistence level” (239) and “Employment rate of the population” (241). During the experiments the graphs were plotted. Figure 5 shows the graph of relation between the number of rules and the number of transactions, a trend line was made. Fig. 5. Graph of relation between the number of rules and the number of transactions Figure 5 demonstrates that the number of rules depends on the number of database transactions. The greater the number of transactions is, the more association rules are generated, as evidenced by the trend line. In another chart shown in Figure 6, you can see the dependence of the number of rules on the number of features in the transaction and the trend line. It should be noted that the more elements in the transaction are, the more association rules are generated. For example, if you have 12 features in the transaction the maximum number of rules generated is equal to 4. You can see that the value 4 corresponds to 23 transactions, each one including 12 features, as shown in Figure 6. Therefore, we can conclude that the number of rules depends on the number of database transactions and the number of features in these transactions. 6 Conclusion Computational experiments with the developed software were carried out. They enabled us to obtain valid and useful association rules for the population life quality indicators, the number of which depends on the input data. The experiments outcome shows that the indicators and factors in each asso- ciation rule are interrelated. In addition, the results obtained demonstrate that it is possible to generate valid and useful association rules based on a transactional database. Having performed logical transformations over them, one can create a system of life quality indicators, which then can be used to solve problems of analyzing and forecasting the population life quality. Fig. 6. Dependence of the number of rules on the number of features in the transaction This approach will enable the state authorities to correct and reasonably develop strategic social and economic programs to improve the population life quality. References 1. Agrawal, R., Imielinski, T., Swami, A.: Mining association rules between sets of items in large databases. In: Proceedings of the ACM SICMOD conference on management of data. pp. 207–216. Washington, D.C. (1993) 2. Agrawal, R., Mannila, H., Stricant, R., Toivonen, H., Verkamo, A.I.: Advances in knowledge discovery and data mining, chap. Fast Discovery of Association Rules, pp. 307–328. American Association for Artificial Intelligence Menlo Park, CA, USA (1996) 3. 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