=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1727/ssn16-final13 |storemode=property |title=RAUflow: Building Virtual Private Networks with MPLS and OpenFlow |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1727/ssn16-final13.pdf |volume=Vol-1727 |authors=Santiago Vidal,Jorge Rodrigo Amaro,Emiliano Viotti,Martín Giachino,Eduardo Grampín |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ssn/VidalAVGG16 }} ==RAUflow: Building Virtual Private Networks with MPLS and OpenFlow== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1727/ssn16-final13.pdf
      RAUflow: Building Virtual Private Networks with
                  MPLS and OpenFlow

                      Santiago Vidal Jorge Rodrigo Amaro Emiliano Viotti
                                Martı́n Giachino Eduardo Grampı́n
                {santiago.vidal, jorge.amaro, eviotti, giachino, grampin}@fing.edu.uy
                                       Instituto de Computación (INCO)
                                      Universidad de la República (UdelaR)
                                              Montevideo, Uruguay

                                                            by ANTEL, the public telecommunications operator,
                                                            which also provides inter-domain connectivity with the
                      Abstract                              commercial Internet; RAU is part of RedCLARA1 , re-
                                                            sponsible for the implementation and management of
    Control and Data Plane separation is a well             the network infrastructure that interconnects the Na-
    established networking paradigm, fuelled by             tional Research and Education Networks (NRENs) of
    the raising of Software Defined Networking              Latin America, and provides connectivity with global
    (SDN), which foresee the implementation of              academic networks such as GÉANT in Europe and In-
    complex, valuable network behaviour over                ternet2 in USA. RAU is a multi-tenant infrastructure,
    commodity hardware. The Academic Net-                   shared by universities, research centres and govern-
    work of Uruguay (in spanish Red Académica              ment institutions. Therefore, traffic isolation is a ma-
    Uruguaya - RAU ) comprises several univer-              jor requirement, which leads to the implementation of
    sities, research centres and government insti-          Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and/or slicing.
    tutions; RAU is planning a major upgrade,                  The rest of the paper is organized as follows: in next
    and SDN is a candidate technology to tackle             section 2 we review some related work, while provid-
    present and future requirements. To test                ing some insights about the RAUflow application in
    the feasibility of this approach, we built a            section 3. Scalability is analyzed in section 4, closing
    RAU2 network prototype composed of NetF-                with a discussion and some directions for future work.
    PGA based routers over 10G optical links.
    Over this infrastructure we developed RAU-
                                                            2       Related work
    flow, a network control application on top
    of the Ryu SDN controller, which combines               MPLS is the basic building block for Layer 2 and Layer
    OpenFlow and MPLS to implement network                  3 VPNs; while MPLS data plane is quite simple, and
    services conforming to RAU evolution require-           open source implementations have been around for
    ments. In this paper we analyze the deploy-             more than 15 years2 , the control plane has become in-
    ment and scalability of VPN services over               creasingly complex, and therefore costly. The typical
    RAU2 prototype.                                         Label Switch Router (LSR), implements both forward-
                                                            ing and control plane in the box, which comprises dis-
1   Introduction                                            tributed routing protocols such as OSPF or IS-IS for
                                                            routing information gathering and dissemination, dis-
RAU is planning a major upgrade, seeking for a boost        tributed signaling and label distribution mechanisms
on coverage and capacity, focused on flexibility for the    such as RSVP-TE and LDP, and also MP-BGP (Multi
deployment of new, evolved network services. RAU is         Protocol BGP) for actual VPN routing implementa-
built over typical leased line infrastructure provided      tion, as defined by well established IETF standards.
Copyright c by the paper’s authors. Copying permitted for       1
                                                                Online: http://www.redclara.net/
private and academic purposes.                                  2
                                                                Online:   http://sourceforge.net/projects/mpls-
Spring School on Networks, Santiago, Chile, 21-11-2016,     linux/, updated by https://github.com/i-maravic/
published at http://ceur-ws.org                             MPLS-Linux
                                  Table 1: Comparison of RAUflow vs. legacy MPLS
                          Legacy                   RAUflow                                  Comment
 Traffic Classification   Per-node FEC             Global edge classification: Open Flow    No header processing in core routers
                                                   matching fields                          (avoid CPU intensive process and
                                                                                            added delay).     Compatibility be-
                                                                                            tween Open Flow and legacy net-
 Path Computation         Distributed Algorithm    Distributed topology database acquisi-   Centralized ad-hoc Traffic Engi-
                          (with TE extensions)     tion, centralized SPF algorithm          neering algorithms, possible delay
 Label distribution       Distributed signalling   Centralized, per LSP assignment          No need to implement signalling
 and LSP signalling       (LDP/RSVP-TE)                                                     in network nodes (avoid CPU and
                                                                                            memory intensive process)
 Maintenance routine      Dynamic trigger / dy-    Dynamic trigger / centralized computa-   Centralized re-optimization, possi-
                          namic computation and    tion and label assignment                ble delay penalty

   OpenFlow, proposed by McKeown et al. [1] as an
standardized interface to add and remove flow entries
in a generic Ethernet switch with an internal flow-
table, established a foundation for the implementation
of the SDN idea: a vendor-independent protocol which
defines syntax and semantics for the programmability
of the switch by an external/third party controller.
In our previous work [2] we reviewed early efforts to
implement MPLS forwarding, which has been incorpo-
rated as part of OpenFlow specification since version
   Regarding VPN implementation, the model pro-                          Figure 1: Architecture of the RAUswitch
posed by Suzuki et al. [3] follows the IETF L3 VPN
specification, implementing the route dissemination in           and built our own open-source switch-router, named
a per-customer, centralized BGP instance running in              RAUswitch (Figure 1), made using a standard x86
the SDN controller using the Quagga routing suite; in            motherboard with PCIe bus and NetFPGA4 10G net-
this proposal, the VPN tunnels are implemented us-               working cards, running the Quagga routing suite over
ing VLAN tags, but the authors foresee to migrate to             Linux OS, therefore supporting legacy routing pro-
MPLS.                                                            tocols such as OSPF, which provides dynamic topol-
   The Community Connection (CoCo) project3 pro-                 ogy discovery and routing information dissemination,
poses an on-demand SDN-based Layer 3 VPN imple-                  which is gathered by the SDN controller to deploy L2
mentation [4], which follows the same approach: MP-              and L3 VPNs5 , as described in [2].
BGP information is exchanged among external “Co-                    RAUflow is a network control application which
Co Agents”, while the forwarding is also implemented             permits to define basic services based on MPLS, for in-
using VLAN tags. The deployment is targeted for                  stance Layer 2 Virtual Private Wire Service (VPWS),
sharing resources among the research community, and              and Layer 3 VPN services. Besides MPLS forward-
therefore is particularly interesting for our use case;          ing (label PUSH, POP and SWAP operations), the
the authors include some scalability evaluation which            implementation of VPN services requires other fun-
partially inspired our work.                                     damental functionalities, such as i) traffic classifica-
   The OPEN proposal [5] centralizes all control plane           tion, ii) a path computation mechanism, iii) MPLS
functionality in the SDN controller, and claims to elim-         label distribution and Label Switched Path (LSP) sig-
inate the need of distributed protocols to implement             nalling mechanisms, and iv) a maintenance routine
MPLS-based services. Our approach is similar, but we             in response to network dynamics. In addition, MAC
maintain the IGP (OSPF) as a basic building block for            ethertype transparency must be supported in L2 ser-
our solution.                                                    vices, while IP addressing overlapping and transparent
                                                                 per-customer routing instances must be supported for
                                                                 L3 VPN services.
3       RAUflow design and implementation                           Table 1 is a summary of the differences between
In light of RAU requirements, and considering our                RAUflow and legacy MPLS. Note that RAUflow VPN
previous experience and related work, we designed
                                                                     Online: http://netfpga.org/
    3                                                               5
    Online:      https://blog.surf.nl/en/coco-an-                    Updated code and documentation is freely available at:
exploration-of-software-defined-networking/                      https://github.com/ProyectoRRAP
         Table 2: Layer 2 VPN setup time in ms.                     Table 3: Layer 3 VPN setup time in ms.
            Path Lenght   Basic   Small   Medium                                                     Path Lenght          Basic     Small   Medium
                 1        58.3     65.0     83.1                                                          1                6.3       6.8     19.3
                 2        N/C     100.8    124.0                                                          2               N/C        7.8     21.5
                 4        N/C     105.2    124.1                                                          4               N/C        9.4     22.3
                 6        N/C     107.8    131.4                                                          6               N/C        15.1    23.8
                 8        N/C     109.6    128.6                                                          8               N/C        12.0    23.7
                10        N/C     N/C      139.8                                                         10               N/C       N/C      26.4
                12        N/C     N/C      133.4                                                         12               N/C       N/C      27.5

implementation does not use MP-BGP, which is an ex-
tra advantage for three reasons: i) complex BGP con-                                                       4
figuration is avoided, ii) CPU and memory usage are

                                                                                    Memory (in KB)
reduced, and iii) BGP messaging churn is completely                                                        3

4       Proof of concept and scalability anal-                                                             1

                                                                                                                  0     3,000 6,000 9,000 12,000 15,000
We successfully built and performed functional test-                                                                           # of VPNs
ing of RAUflow over the RAU2 physical testbed, com-
posed by four RAUswitches connected by a full-mesh            Figure 2:                                Memory consumption per cummulative
of 10Gbps optical links, also verifying the maintenance       VPNs
procedure (i.e. re-routing after link failure). The test-
ing scenarios included i) multi-site L3 VPN (one cus-                                        1,000                    Layer 2 VPN
tomer), ii) multi-site L3 VPN (two customers with                                                                     Layer 3 VPN
                                                                     Setup Time (in ms)

overlapping IP addresses), and iii) point to point L2
Pseudo Wire with VLAN support.                                                                       600
   The physical testbed size prevents to run scalability
tests, and therefore we ported the complete environ-                                                 400
ment6 over the well-known Mininet emulator [6].
   In the emulated environment, we deployed three
representative topologies: i) a basic 4-node full mesh                                                 0
topology, emulating the physical testbed, ii) a small                                                            0     3,000 6,000 9,000 12,000 15,000
11-node topology and iii) a medium 45-node topology,                                                                           # of VPNs
both taken from “The Internet Topology Zoo”7 . Over
these topologies, we first re-run the relevant functional         Figure 3: Setup time per cummulative VPNs
tests, and then we explored the setup time for a new
VPN. The results are shown in Tables 2 and 3. In a
second series of tests, we configure new VPN services         5   Conclusion and Future Work
cummulatively, measuring both the RAM consumed                We built a testbed using commodity hardware which
and the setup time. The results are shown in Figures          suports MPLS-based network services using a central-
2 and 3.                                                      ized, SDN-based control plane. We completely ported
   Presumably, the main factors which explain these           the testbed to an emulated environment, which per-
results are the time consumed by the controller to com-       mits to test scalability and facilitates the development
pute the shortest paths, and the time taken by the con-       of new features. Our preliminar scalability assessment
figuration of every node in the chosen paths; further         reveals an acceptable behaviour, supporting tens of
and finer grain experiments are needed to confirm such        thousands of services whit linear growth of setup time
intuition, for instance measuring the breakdown of the        and consumption of controller resources.
controller time across the above mentioned phases.               A fair quantitative comparison against legacy
                                                              MPLS is difficult to execute, since open source MPLS
     Updated code and documentation is freely available at:
                                                              implementations, which can be emulated under the
https://github.com/santiagovidal/P2015_44                     same environment as RAUflow, are far less efficient
     Online: http://www.topology-zoo.org/                     than industrial ones. Meanwhile, further scalability
testing is being acomplished, while we explore new
services and features, emphasizing that SDN adoption
would definitively be hybrid and progressive, calling
for the emergence of new technical and business mod-
els to facilitate the transition, as stated by Vissicchio
et al. [7].

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