=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1728/paper15 |storemode=property |title=None |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1728/paper15.pdf |volume=Vol-1728 }} ==None== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1728/paper15.pdf
 Modeling of Complex Systems Through in SysML in
                Italian Navy (ITN)

                                                 Osvaldo Brogi and Nicola Cariello
                                                        Italian Navy, Italy

                                                       Copyright © held by the author.

                            ABSTRACT                                     based on model-based design concepts. The model adopted by
    In the last two years 2014 - 2015 the General Staff of the           the Italian Navy use the “constructs” made available by the
Italian Navy has been engaged in the definition of a                     SysML, which outputs are the “explanatory views” that take
modernization of the fleet, which led to the acquisition process         into account the analysis of the context (e.g. identification of
of the following new ITN Ships:                                          stakeholders , the user's need , the application of operational
                                                                         concepts, ...) and the functional analysis (use case diagrams,
         1 type LSS units (Logistic Support Ship);                      sequence diagrams, architectural diagrams). An example of
                                                                         what has been done will be shown in a “case study” that has
         1 type LHD units (Landing Helicopter Deck);                    been realized with the aim of explaining a preliminary design
         7 type PPA units (Patttugliatori Polivalenti Altura).          of a particular and innovative subsystem of C/S of the new
                                                                         Naval Ships: the Sensor Management System (SMS). The SMS
    During the design development phases, that has led to the            is a subsystem which main purpose is to become the
definition of the ship/system architecture and user requirements         "Command and Control" system of the radar sensor’s suite of
system acquisition, the “traditional” design methodology                 the new Naval Ships of the Italian Navy. This subsystem,
(based, as usual, on a paper-based approach), has been                   thanks to the functional integration of new sensors of ITN
efficiently supported by a more innovative methodology, based            Ships, gives the possibility to increase the functionality of each
on “model-based” concepts, derived by Systems’ Engineering               sensor and to conduct a cooperative search and tracking action,
culture. The model adopted, that has been borrowed from the              against some particular targets (such as asymmetric threat) that
NAF (Nato Architectural Framework) and derived by the                    are very difficult to detect using “traditional” searching
MDAF (Italian Ministry of Defence Architectural Framework),              method.
is a standardized process that allows to efficiently develop and
manage complex systems of systems (SoS) during the entire                    The use case will demonstrate that the methodology is
life cycle (i.e. starting through the user needs elicitation up to       absolutely essential if you want to accomplish complex
the systems dismissal). The main aim of the NAF’s method is              successful systems of systems. In fact, the use of modeling
to represent a SoS as a model in which is possible to highlight          tools in the development of a project has given the possibility
every different aspect of the System through different point of          of extrapolating, starting from generic user needs, the real
view. Adopting the “model” is then the better way to develop a           requirements of the system to a very deep level, that could also
system that is the best compromise between performance, time             be used in order to directly drive the production process of the
and costs highlighting risks and gaps. The NAF’s method                  system itself. The modelling tool and the method adopted is
allows, at the beginning of the development of every new                 considered essential both in the design, in the development
project, to support the Systems Engineer in the definition of the        phase and in the rest of the entire system’s life cycle phases.
system requirements inside the model starting from the real              However, it should also be stressed the fact that what has been
understanding of the user needs through the realization of the           analyzed and applied to a real case is just the use of a method
so called “use cases”. A “use case” is the way in which the              and a tool to carry out project activities of systems engineering
system satisfies one or more user needs in a practical way (i.e.         in a coherent manner. In fact, the tool and its use, without an
operative context) understandable from the final user. The               internal structured process from both the user/customer side
Italian Navy has adopted the previous method and model in                and the supplier/producer side is bound to be ineffective. The
particular in the definition of the System requirements of the           recommendation is that every complex project of SoS should
Combat System (C/S) of the new military ships in which, in               be developed by every organization by adopting the method
comparison with the past, many technological innovations and             and the suitable model tools in order to finally get successful
new developments have been introduced (e.g. fixed radar                  products to be delivered to final users. It should be stressed out
sensors, infrared search and track S/S, … ).                             that the product must also be competitive in an international
                                                                         environment where, especially in the big international
    As anticipated, the operational and technological                    organization, these kind of method and tools are being used
innovation foreseen in the acquisition process of new military           since many years. A successful project means a successful
ships has required, in particular for some specific areas of the         organization. And the sum of the successful organizations
Combat System, the use of a more innovative design approach,             represents the success of every nation.
                      AUTHOR BIOGRAPHY                                with the next European one; (ii) cyber defence matter: i.e. the
    Osvaldo Brogi, Vice Admiral was born on 13 February               definition by engineering methods of an innovative single
1955 in Vinci (Florence), Italy. He attended the Naval                secure net, where the cyber community accesses management
Academy in Livorno from 1974 to 1978, achieving a master’s            and the net efficiency monitoring is guaranteed by an effective
degree in Electronic Engineering in April 1981 at Pisa                governmental “Computer Emergency Response Team –
University. Since October 2010 and until June 2012, he was            CERT”; (iii) design activities about the ship new buildings: i.e.
appointed Director of Military Shipyard of Augusta. Navy              engineering feasibility studies for the technical operational
Arsenal in Augusta (Sicily, Italy) is one (out of three) of the       requirements and for the preliminary architectures of the naval
main Italian Navy Arsenals, in charge of the whole lifecycle          operating systems by the “Ministry of Defence Architectural
maintenance of the Navy Units assigned in Sicily area. The            Framework – MDAF”. Since December the 30th 2013, Vice
Arsenal is an autonomous Command, roughly budget 20M€,                Admiral Brogi is the Head of the Naval Weapons Corps which
equipped with several civil infrastructures like dockyards and        main task is the governance of the resources employed for the
500 personnel assigned (both civilian and military). The              design of the Naval Operating Systems/Combat Systems and
Arsenal has been supporting UNIFIED PROTECTOR sea                     their logistics support.
operations for 5 months. It was a great experience where                 Nicola Cariello was born in Bitonto (BA) on the 14th of
leadership and initiative sense were prevailing. He also the          December 1975. He was normal course cadets at the Naval
Chairman of Bluemassmed Tech Group (2008÷2012), an                    Academy (years 1995-1999) and then promoted to Ensign in
European Project to develop Common Information Sharing                1999. He graduated from the University of Pisa in
Environment/Maritime Situational Awareness (CISE/MSA)                 Telecommunication Engineering in 2002. He was head of
amongst EU States. He managed more than 500 experts                   Technical Operations component and Weapons Technician one
belonging to 37 administrations of 6 Member States and played         on board ITS DDG "Durand de la Penne" (August 2002 -
the important role in promoting multinational cooperation             December 2005) and promoted Lieutenant in 2003. He got •
through a concrete exchanging of the Mediterranean MSA                   master's degree in Systems Engineering from the “Tor
using new C3 systems developed in Service Oriented                    Vergata” University - Roma. Currently he is in service with
Architecture (SOA). Promoted Vice Admiral has been                    the Navy General Staff - General Office for the design of
appointed Advisor to the Italian Navy Admiral and from                operating systems (UGEPROGESO) in Rome as a clerk at the
February 2014 is the Head of General Office for Naval                 Office - Planning; within the current job he managed the
Operating System’s Design. Among those modern and                     development of the technical specifications for the contract
effective solutions to counter pirate attacks, identify alternative   New Naval Units relatively new command and control and the
combustibles like green diesel (biodiesel) or even natural gas,       cockpit naval. He has also started to develop the functional
find the best employment of the satellite capabilities have been      design of PPA C/S architectural baseline using MDAF
evaluated and applied. In particular, it deserves to be               (Ministero della Difesa Architectural Framework) through the
highlighted the insights made on: (i) space matter: i.e. the          use of Artisan Atego tool.
development of an updated national space strategy, relevant