=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1728/paper23 |storemode=property |title=Heterogeneous Simulation and Interoperability of Tools Applied to the Design, Integration and Development of Safety Critical Systems |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1728/paper23.pdf |volume=Vol-1728 |authors=Eugenio Brusa |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ciise/Brusa16 }} ==Heterogeneous Simulation and Interoperability of Tools Applied to the Design, Integration and Development of Safety Critical Systems== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1728/paper23.pdf
      Heterogeneous simulation and interoperability of
         tools applied to the design, integration and
           development of safety critical systems
                                               Eugenio Brusa and Davide Ferretto
                           Politecnico di Torino – Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
                                          C.so Duca degli Abruzzi 24 – 10129 Torino, Italy
                                          Via Ponte P. Bucci 41C, Rende (CS), 87036 Italy
                                             {eugenio.brusa, davide.ferretto}@polito.it

                                                      Copyright © held by the author.

                           ABSTRACT                                     operation, behavior, interaction with other systems and
    A key issue of the assessment of the Model Based Systems            stakeholders, and even a preliminary definition of well assessed
Engineering (MBSE) is the integration between the                       requirements to motivate a consequent set of proposed layouts,
requirement, functional and physical analyses. It turns out into        based on some selected technology.
a full capability of correlation and data exchange among the                As a matter of facts, a current need of industry to develop
tools currently available to manage those three activities and, in      complex and safety critical systems is the availability of a tool
particular, into a tight cooperation between the functional             chain, composed by different tools allowing to perform the
modeling and the physical one, being based on several methods           whole modeling activity previously described, by resorting to a
of engineering, widely applied since longtime (mathematical,            common platform, to be shared among partners and operators,
analytical, numerical and experimental). A successful                   interconnected in a such a way that a complete interoperability
accomplishment of this task within the frame of the                     could be assured, i.e. each tool can exchange in input and
development of the MBSE represents a milestone for both the             output the data to perform the required analysis, without any
methodology and the tools of the Systems Engineering.                   lack of information and by overcoming all the technical
    The application of models and simulations to support the            obstacles of connection. If a common environment is built up
engineering activities has spread over different domains and is         to model and simulate the system behavior in both terms of
strictly related to the decision making process applied to              qualitative functionality and quantitative response, under a
finalize an effective system design. Many kind of models are            defined configuration of its properties and of operating
often performed to develop the systems currently populating             conditions, the goal of providing a suitable tool for the so–
the wide scenario of complex and smart products. When the               called “heterogeneous simulation” could be completely
product is a result of a material processing, some geometrical          achieved.
models allow describing shape and properties of the                         Practically speaking, the MBSE allows to predict the
manufactured product, whose behavior is then predicted by               system behavior in several operating conditions, potentially
resorting to some numerical discretization funded on a set of           enabling the creation of a consistent view over its evolution
equations to be solved. Those models mainly describe the real           during the whole lifecycle phases. This process assures a high
nature of system, not only as is designed but even as is                capability of replication and a significant reusability of models,
manufactured, thus allowing the required verification and               since they are built up through the implementation of a
validation activities. Due to this motivation those models              structured framework. However, tools currently used are many,
belong the so–called physical modeling, whose key targets are           exploiting several technologies and providing a number of
both a mathematical modeling and a quantitative evaluation of           analysis and features. Very often they were conceived to be
performance.                                                            used separately to investigate specific issues of analysis. To
    According to the MBSE the above described activity is               reach the target of a simplified and harmonized heterogeneous
never sufficient to completely define the details of the system         simulation, this approach might currently lead to a definition of
under design and development. Moreover, to face the inherent            too many models, thus collecting a large number of
complexity of new systems, being characterized by a number              inhomogeneous results, being analyzed separately. A better
of functions, components and interfaces, a clear traceability           way to face this problem is enforcing the tools integration, by
from requirement to numbered part is needed. A bright                   overcoming some problems related to connection among
allocation of each requirement to the system functions first, and       different software products, being sold by different vendors.
to its logical blocks then, is definitely a key issue of the            Pursuing the instantiation of an heterogeneous simulation, i.e. a
proposed approach. Those two main goals require a                       simulation based on interoperability standards, being capable
preliminary functional modeling activity, never characterized           of enabling the communication among tools, is currently a key
by numbers, while is dominant a prediction of system                    focus of the research activity as well as of the commercial
                                                                        development of the MBSE tools.
          In this contribution a preliminary overview on the                         (CIISE 2014), Rome, Italy, November 24-25, 2014, pp.38–47, CEUR
main focus of how the MBSE approach could be straightly                              Workshop Proceedings, ISSN–1613–0073.
implemented within the system design and development is                         [3] Brusa E., Calà A., “Identifying the Smartness of a Mechatronic Coiler
                                                                                     through the 'Systems Engineering'”, Proc. INCOSE Conf. on Systems
provided. Some examples are proposed to discuss several                              Engineering (CIISE 2014), Rome, Italy, November 24-25, 2014,
issues of the integration of functional and numerical modeling                       pp.116–125, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, ISSN–1613–0073.
activities, as they were developed by the speakers in dealing                   [4] Mitschke A., Chamai W.S., Greenberg L., Bachelor G., Rooks S.,
with some dedicated projects, concerning the aerospace,                              Ferretto D., Brusa E., Calà A., Pessa C., “Modeling and Simulation of
automotive,      steelmaking    and     maritime   engineering                       Cyber–Physical Systems”, Proc. 8th INCOSE-IL Int. Conf. Systems
applications.                                                                        Eng. of the Israeli Society for Systems Engineering, Herzlia (Israel),
                                                                                     March 17-19 2015.
    A preliminary analysis of the current implementation of the                 [5] Brusa E., Calà A., “Requirement analysis related to the mechatronic
MBSE applied to those fields is proposed to define the context                       system smartness through the Systems Engineering”, Proc.15th Int. Conf.
of industrial application. It might be remarked that a main                          EUSPEN (European Society for Precision Engineering and
                                                                                     Nanotechnology), 1-5 June, 2015, Leuven, Belgium, ISBN 14: 978-0-
framework includes a clear investigation of needs at the very                        9566790-7-9,pp.229–230.
beginning of activity. It is then followed by a recursive                       [6] Mitschke A., Brusa E., Calà A., Ferretto D., Pessa C., Bachelor G.,
assessment of requirements, through a functional, operational                        “Heterogeneous simulation based on standards: deepening
and architectural analysis, tightly interoperated with a physical                    interoperability in trade-off analysis approach for aeronautical
analysis, which is correlated to the design synthesis and the                        application”, Proc. 23rd Conf. Italian Ass. of Aeronautics and
safety and reliability assessment. Aside this main driveline,                        Astronautics, AIDAA 2015, 17-19 November 2015, Torino.
industry indentifies in the functional product breakdown,                       [7] Brusa E., Ferretto D., “Progettazione di sistemi complessi tramite il
                                                                                     ‘Systems Engineering’ e interoperabilità tra modelli funzionali e
product breakdown and product definition three main steps of                         numerici”, Atti del 44° Convegno Nazionale AIAS, 2–5 Settembre 2015,
documentation and modeling for the whole system lifecycle                            Messina.
development. Engineering methods widely used to perform the                     [8] Brusa E., Ferretto D., Calà A., “Integration of heterogeneous functional-
above described activity are the preliminary trade–off of the                        vs-physical simulation within the industrial system design activity”,
system architecture and the verification and validation.                             IEEE Int. Symposium on Systems Engineering, Rome, September 29–
                                                                                     30, 2015, ISBN: 978-1-4799-1919-2, pp.303-310.
         To detect some current challenging issues of the                       [9] Brusa E., Meccatronica strutturale: Sistemi e Tecnologie, Casa Editrice
development of the MBSE in terms of interoperability, some                           Torinese, CET, Torino, Giugno 2016, ISBN:978–88–96470–11–4.
examples are developed and shown to describe how the tools                      [10] Brusa E., Calà A., Ferretto D., Mitschke A., Pessa C., Bachelor G.,
currently available on market could be integrated to realize the                     “Sviluppo di tecniche di simulazione eterogenea funzionale e numerica
heterogeneous simulation. Needs of the tool chain are first                          applicate all’ingegneria di sistemi aeronautici”, Atti del 45° Conv. Naz.
                                                                                     AIAS, Trieste, 7–10 Settembre 2016.
explored. Functions and logical elements are then described.
Examples of the platform are finally presented. Interoperability                [11] E Brusa E., Ferretto D., “Impact of the Model Based Systems
                                                                                     Engineering on the design of a mechatronic flywheel–based energy
is investigated even from the point of view of connection                            storage system”, Proc. IEEE ISSE 2016 Int. Symposium on Systems
among tools and solution oriented implementation. Some key                           Engineering, Edinburgh, October 4–5, 2016 pp.171–178, IEEE Catalog
results are shown, by resorting to the development of an                             Number: CFP16SYM-ART; ISBN: 978-1-5090-0793-6
aeronautical, physical and on board unit, like a de–icing                       [12] Pessa C., Cifaldi M., Brusa E., Ferretto D., Malgieri K., Viola N.,
system, to be integrated on a civil aircraft, for regional                           “Integration of different MBSE approaches within the design of a
transportation. Integration between an avionic monitoring                            control maintenance system applied to the aircraft fuel system”, Proc.
                                                                                     IEEE ISSE 2016 Int. Symposium on Systems Engineering, Edinburgh,
control unit and a physical one like the fuel system is then                         October 4–5, 2016, pp.120–127, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP16SYM-
analyzed to show some peculiarities of the coupling between                          ART; ISBN: 978-1-5090-0793-6.
avionic and mechanical systems, respectively.                                   [13] Brusa E., Ferretto D., Pessa C., Stigliani C., “A model based approach to
                                                                                     design for reliability and safety of critical aeronautic systems”, Proc.
    Some additional remarks are finally introduced to describe                       INCOSE Conf. on Systems Engineering (CIISE 2016), Turin, Italy,
the interoperability between safety and reliability analyses and                     November 14-15, 2016.
product development. Moreover, a preliminary discussion of
heterogeneous simulation to be performed in case of some                                                 AUTHOR BIOGRAPHY
mechatronic autonomous systems, like a steelmaking plant or a                       Eugenio Brusa is full professor of Machine Design at the
controlled ship gun, is even included, within the constraints of                Politecnico di Torino, Italy, where he graduated in
non-disclosure, covering some specific details of those                         Aeronautical Eng. (1993) and received the Ph.D. in Mechanical
applications.                                                                   and Machine Design (1997). Since 2002 to 2008 he was
                                                                                associate professor at the University of Udine (Italy) and
                              REFERENCES                                        technical director of the Master on Project Management and
                                                                                Systems Engineering (2005-2007). At the Politecnico di Torino
[1]   Brusa E., Calà A., Chiesa S., De Vita F., Ferretto D., Pessa C.,          he was instructor of Fundamentals of Strength of Materials
      “Applying interoperability to the validation of embedded systems design   (B.Sc.), while nowadays he teaches Fundamentals of Machine
      in aeronautics”, Proc. 3rd European Conference on Interoperability for    Design and Drawing (B.Sc.), Machine Design (M.Sc.) and
      Embedded Systems Development Environments – ARTEMIS –                     Tools and Applications of Systems Engineering (Ph.D.). He is
      CRYSTAL, Paris, October 9th 2014.
                                                                                currently Coordinator of the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in
[2]   Brusa E., Calà A., Chiesa S., De Vita F., Ferretto D., “Towards an
      effective interoperability of models within the 'Systems Engineering'     Mechanical Engineering at the Politecnico di Torino. He is
      applied to aeronautics”, Proc. INCOSE Conf. on Systems Engineering        active within the Structural mechatronics (rotors, vehicles,
MEMS); Design of Industrial Equipment and Machine                      Davide Ferretto received the B.Sc. (2012) and M.Sc.
(aerospace, manufacturing, steelmaking) and leads a group          (2014) degrees in Aerospace Engineering from the Politecnico
focused on the ‘Model-Based Industrial Systems Engineering’.       di Torino, Italy. Since 2014 to 2016 was Research Assistant at
He taught ‘Structural Mechatronics and Micromechatronics’ as       the Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of the
an invited lecturer at TU Delft (2000), TU Helsinki (2002),        Politecnico di Torino. His research activities concern the
Univ. “Blaise Pascal”, Clermont Ferrand (2005), CNRS, Paris        design of aeronautical and aerospace systems, aircrafts and
(2007), Ecole EPF, Sceaux (2007, 2010), TU Munich (2009),          spacecrafts as well as methods and tools of the Systems
Institut Marie Curie, Paris (2010), University of Toronto          Engineering. He was involved in the research activity
(2016), being also instructor at the Int. School of “Microsystem   performed within the frame of the ARTEMIS JU – Project
Mechanical Design”, CISM, Italy (2004) and “1st Eur. School        “CRYSTAL – CRitical sYStems engineering AcceLeration”
on Mechatronics and Microsystems”, TU Braunschweig                 (2013–2016) for the assessment and standardization of the
(2006). He was deputy chair first (2010-2014) then chair           MBSE approach and related tools. Currently he is performing
(2014-2015) of the Italy Section of the American Society of        the Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering, dealing with innovative
Mechanical Engineers (ASME). He is author of about 180             configurations of hypersonic transportation systems, designed
publications and some patents.                                     through the MBSE.