=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1728/paper5 |storemode=property |title=A BPMN Extension to Enable the Explicit Modeling of Task Resources |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1728/paper5.pdf |volume=Vol-1728 |authors=Paolo Bocciarelli,Andrea D'Ambrogio,Andrea Giglio,Emiliano Paglia |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ciise/BocciarelliDGP16 }} ==A BPMN Extension to Enable the Explicit Modeling of Task Resources== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1728/paper5.pdf
            A BPMN Extension to Enable the Explicit
                 Modeling of Task Resources
                      Paolo Bocciarelli, Andrea D’Ambrogio, Andrea Giglio and Emiliano Paglia
                               Dept. of Enterprise Engineering, University of Rome “TorVergata”
                                          Viale del Politecnico 1, 00133 Rome, Italy

                                                       Copyright © held by the authors.
   Abstract—Business Process Management (BPM) is an holistic          meaning of the term resource could be similar among different
approach for describing, analyzing, managing, improving and           domains [22], as it emerges from many studies in different
executing large enterprise business processes, which can be seen      research areas, obtaining a unified approach for modeling
as a number of related tasks that have to be executed in order
to reach well-defined objectives.                                     such a pervasive entity is a non-trivial issue. This is due
   This paper introduces an approach to the specification and         to the fact that the nature of the various researches and the
management of the resources that are associated to each BP            inherent complexity of the different domains often lead to
task and that are required to support the execution of processes      the identification of different characteristics and constraints
and related complex systems. This work provides a notation            governing the resources behaviour [22].
to define, at design time, the real entities which will perform
the activities at different levels of abstraction, also specifying       As aforementioned, BPs can be very complex as they
their non-functional properties. This approach makes use of           may involve different systems and may require a large
composition patterns in order to model complex resources into         amount of operational resources. Modern BP management
tree structures allowing to represent part-whole hierarchies in       approaches strongly recommend the adoption of techniques
a flexible and scalable manner. To accomplish these modeling          to concretely support the analysis of BP behaviour (e.g,
objectives, the Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) has
been extended. BPMN is the de-facto standard for the high-            to verify the conformity of the BP functional or non-
level description of business processes, but does not support the     functional characteristics to initial requirements, in order to
characterization of the business process or related resources in      assess whether or not objectives are met and plan appropriate
terms of non-functional properties.                                   recovery actions when needed). In this context, simulation-
   The proposed extension Performability-enabled BPMN                 based techniques have proven to be effective for analyzing and
(PyBPMN) is based on an approach that exploits principles
and standards introduced by the Model Driven Architecture             validating the performance of a BP since the early lifecycle
(MDA), thus obtaining considerable advantages in terms of easy        phases, when the BP is commonly specified in Business
customization and improved automation. PyBPMN has been                Process Model & Notation (BPMN) [20].
introduced in our previous contributions for performance and             In previous works we have introduced approaches and
reliability analysis, and has been extended in this work for          tools to improve and to make easier the simulation-based BP
addressing also complex resource modeling and management.
   The paper also presents some examples of the proposed
                                                                      performance analysis. In this respect, we have presented: i)
extension usage to show how it enables the description of complex     Performability-enabled BPMN (PyBPMN), a BPMN extension
resources and their non-functional properties.                        that is used to annotate performability-oriented properties
   Index Terms—BPMN, business process management, MDA,                (i.e., properties that address both performance and reliability)
resources management, process modeling.                               onto BPMN models [7], ii) eBPMN, a Java-based platform
                                                                      to execute BP simulations [9], [10], and iii) a model-driven
                      I. I NTRODUCTION                                framework to generate eBPMN code from PyBPMN models
   Modern society is increasingly dependent on complex                by use of automated model transformations [5], [6], [8].
collaborations involving multiple and independent systems,               The main objective of this paper is to broaden the
ranging from large organizations or bureaucracies to in-              scope of the aforementioned contributions by introducing
dividuals, including software or hardware systems and                 a further BPMN extension which specifically addresses
involving manual or automated tasks eventually executed by            resource management. Such an extension is developed as an
heterogeneous resources. Thus, modeling Business Processes            enhancement of the PyBPMN metamodel, allowing to deal
(BPs) that enable the analysis of such complex collaborations         with the modeling and specification of resources in the generic
is a challenging issue for large organizations or governmental        context of heterogeneous systems and processes.
institutions, both to improve systems functioning and also               More specifically, the work we describe in this paper
to provide a valuable way to better understand the role of            addresses the performance- and reliability-oriented BP char-
individual components of such systems.                                acterization by focusing on a more precise understanding and
   To this extent, the overall structure of such complex              characterization of the resource entities.
systems has to be considered, making clear how the role                  Furthermore, the contribution in this paper goes beyond the
played by resources is crucial. However, although the general         previous efforts and proposes an holistic approach to resource
specification and management by introducing facilities to              In [15], an extension of BPMN to enable the specification
enable the dynamic allocation of resources to process tasks         of performance properties is presented. In such contribution,
(e.g, in case of resource failures and repairs). This dynamic       the authors explain that BPMN does not allow to specify non-
and flexible association of resources (or sets of resources)        functional requirements and thus they introduce a metamodel
to BP tasks offers a significant degree of customizability          for evaluating non-functional aspects of BPs, as well as the
since it allows the use of different policies (e.g, to specify      related extension.
the behaviour of backup resources) and the specification of            The aforementioned contributions are limited to the
complex (i.e., composite) systems of resources.                     introduction of BPMN extensions, in order to enhance its
   Moreover, the proposed extension is implemented according        expressive capabilities. This contribution instead, proposes the
to a profiling-based mechanism, which allows to obtain              adoption of a BPMN extension as part of a model-driven
significant levels of flexibility and customizability, both in      approach that seamlessly enables the use of automated model
case of BP analysis carried out by use of both analytical and       transformations.
simulation approaches.                                                 In [29], the authors analyze BPMN and its ability to
   Finally, the paper presents some application examples that       represent the resources utilization and to support business
show how the proposed approach can be effectively used.             process simulation. Such contribution states that BPMN needs
   The reminder of the paper is structured as follows: Section      an extension in order to provide the ability to specify resources
2 reviews related work, Section 3 gives an overview of              and eventually support BP simulation enactment. As a solution
the previous efforts regarding PyBPMN, Section 4 describes          to this issue, the authors proposed the use of BPSim [31],
the new metaclasses constituting the proposed resource              which is a standard that provides a framework for structural
management extension, Section 5 gives an overall description        and capacity analysis of BP models specified by use of BPMN
of the improved PyBPMN metamodel, while Section 6                   or XPDL (XML Process Definition Language) [30].
discusses a set of usage examples. Finally, Section 7 gives            In this respect, this paper approach is quite different, since
concluding remarks.                                                 differently from BPSim, the proposed PyBPMN extension has
                                                                    been implemented as a BPMN metamodel extension, in order
                     II. R ELATED W ORK                             to be suitable for various operational contexts.

   Multiple aspects of resource management have been                          III. P ERFORMABILITY- ENABLED BPMN
investigated from different perspectives and various fields of         In order to provide a clear understanding of the proposed
research. The aim of this section is to provide a concise outline   approach, the following subsection motivates and outlines the
of that work.                                                       previous contributions upon which this work places its basis.
   In the workflow and process languages research areas                More specifically, this section provides a description of the
various approaches for resource specification are presented,        Performability-enabled Business Process Modeling Notation
such as [28], [16]. Among the workflow and process languages        (PyBPMN) metamodel. Such metamodel is an extension of
that deal with resource management, APPL/A [26], Process            the standard BPMN metamodel [20] and has been designed
Weaver [11], BPEL4WS [16], APEL [12], and MVP-L [24]                and implemented exploiting standards, principles and methods
are the most representative.                                        suggested by MDA [17], i.e., metamodeling techniques
   Despite their significance, the aforementioned languages         allowing formal abstract definition of models as well as
present a limited resource specification effectiveness. More-       transformations between such models.
over, they provide restricted support for critical issues as           To this purpose, MOF [18] constitutes the OMG standard
describing resource relationship, resource allocation or request    enabling the specification, construction, management of
specification. More specifically, BPEL4WS only deals with           technology neutral metamodels, taking advantage of its
resources defined as web services, and BPEL4People [14]             abstract language and its framework.
focuses on human participation in web services [22].                   As specified in the MOF abstraction architecture [18], a
   A significant approach is presented in [25], where the           level M1 model is an instance of a MOF metamodel which
authors introduce the idea of workflow resource patterns.           is specified at level M2. The latter, is in turn an instance of
However, they use a restrictive concept of resource, in which       the comprehensive MOF meta-metamodel at layer 3 which
a step can have only a single resource, without the capability      is specified in [18]. Using the XMI specification [19], models
of specifying any additional resources. Unlike our approach,        defined at level M1 as well as metamodels defined at level M2,
they did not address the potential dynamic nature of complex        can be seamlessly serialized into XML documents and XML
and composite resources.                                            schemas, respectively. In this context, the PyBPMN extension
   Furthermore, differently from the aforementioned ap-             process exploits MOF and XMI, implementing a metamodel
proaches, our work aims at providing a lightweight extension        at M2-level which extends the BPMN metamodel at M2-level
realized in full compliance with the BPMN metamodel. The            and specifying a mapping between such metamodels in terms
PyBPMN extension in fact, being engineered following MDA            of their elements.
[17] principles and standards, enables model transformations           The model-to-model transformation enables the automatic
from annotated BPMN models to executable languages.                 generation of a PyBPMN model at level M1, from the
BPMN model at level M1. The starting BPMN model is                       A fault is said to be active only if it determines an error.
annotated with TextAnnotation elements according to a specific        Furthermore, an error can be observed only if it generates a
syntax. Such annotation allows the automatic generation of the        failure. In the case of a business process execution, a resource
PyBPMN model applying the model-to-model transformation.              failure prevents the process to perform its activities.
The aforementioned syntax is described in section VI.                    Given the discussion above, it is worth noting that the
                                                                      concepts of faults, errors and failures as well as the relationship
                                                                      among them, imply the following notions:
                                                                         • a business process is a set of collaborating elements. An
                                                                            element can involve a single resource or more resources
                                                                            to perform its job;
                                                                         • an execution platform is defined by a finite set
                                                                            of resources. The execution platform represents the
                                                                            infrastructure that allows the actual business process
                                                                         • if the execution platform is capable of providing all the
                                                                            resources required by a process element, such element is
                                                                            said to be in a correct state; differently, if at least one
                 Fig. 1. PyBPMN extension process.                          of the required resources is not available, the element is
                                                                            said to be in an incorrect state;
   Figure 1 depicts the PyBPMN extension process. PyBPMN                 • a business process is said to be in a correct state if and
(Performability-enabled BPMN) is a lightweight BPMN                         only if all its elements are in a correct state.
extension that deals with the specification of performance               The revised PyBPMN metamodel deals with four main areas
and reliability properties of business processes. The work for        of non-functional properties:
this paper places its basis on previous contributions [7], [9],
                                                                         • workload definition: responsible for modeling the
[10]. With the aim of enriching BPMN models with non-
functional properties, the Modeling and Analysis of Real-                   workload related to the whole business process or to
Time Embedded systems (MARTE) [21] UML profile has been                     the tasks associated to the process (i.e., the execution
originally taken into account.                                              of single activities). The key metaclasses for workload
   Moreover, the method in [1], [3] for MARTE UML profile                   specification are the GaWorkloadEvent metaclass and the
usage has been analyzed, in order to extract PyBPMN                         ArrivalPattern metaclass;
                                                                         • performance properties definition: responsible for
metaclasses and syntax for the annotation of BPMN elements.
   As suggested in [1], the concepts of fault, error and failure            specifying the performance properties associated to both
constitute the basis of the PyBPMN extension. In the following              the process and the single task. The most common perfor-
a brief recall of such concepts is given.                                   mance properties are the service demand (service time),
   In order to be in a correct state, a business process execution          the time spent to accomplish the demand (response time),
has to be fully compliant to its requirements and specifications.           and the throughput. The key metaclasses for specifying
Differently, if the business process execution differs from the             performance properties are of type PaQualification, such
correct state, it means that a failure occurs and consequently              as PaResponse and PaService;
the process reaches an incorrect state. Thus, in an incorrect            • reliability properties definition: responsible for mod-

state, the service which is delivered is not the expected one.              eling the reliability related properties of the resources
   A process execution can be seen as a sequence of observable              involved in a process or associated with a task. The most
states, i.e., external states [1]. In this scheme, a failure occurs         common reliability properties are the occurrence rate of
when at least an external state deviates from its correct state.            the failure, the occurrence distribution of the failure, the
Such a deviation is called an error. The cause of an error is               mean time to failure (MTTF) and the mean time to repair
called a fault.                                                             (MTTR). In order to specify such properties, a metaclass
   Faults can be of different nature, and can be categorized as             of type DaQualification is used, such as DaFault and
follows:                                                                    DaFailure;
   • human-made faults, effects of human action, typically               • resource management: responsible for specifying the

      omissions or malicious actions;                                       actual resource which is used to execute an activity. Con-
   • natural faults, not related to human actions, but due to               stituting the main contribution of this paper, the purpose
      natural phenomena;                                                    of the resource management section of the PyBPMN
   • interaction faults, related to different component inter-              metamodel is threefold, since it allows to define non
      faces misalignment or incompatibilities;                              functional properties for atomic resources (PyPerformer),
   • physical faults, related to hardware failures;                         as long as groups of resources (PySubsystem), and also
   • development faults, typically programming inaccuracies,                alternative resources (PyBroker).
      introduced in the development phase.                            The aforementioned sets of PyBPMN metaclasses are not
exhaustive. In fact, the proposed BPMN extension can be fully        a web service, an autonomous system, or any other entity
automated and the collection of new metaclasses enriching            which can be modeled as an element able to perform a
the original BPMN metamodel can be customized in order to            service request. In this perspective, a PyBPMN resource can
address specific needs, with a negligible effort.                    be modeled at different levels of abstraction during the design
   As for workload, performance, and reliability perspectives,       phase. The corresponding level of abstraction depends on both
the PyBPMN metamodel has been already described in our               the amount of information available to model the resource and
previous contributions. The reader who is interested in a more       the analysts point of view. In fact, the aim of the proposed
precise discussion is sent to [7], [8].                              extension is to provide a unifying way of modeling resources,
   From the resource perspective, the next section explains          in a general context, rather than for specific domains.
in more detail the PyBPMN metamodel enhancement for                     The following is a brief description of the metaclasses
resources modeling and characterization, which constitutes the       introduced by PyBPMN to describe the resources used by the
main innovative contribution presented in this paper. For the        process to perform its activities, as depicted in Figure 2:
sake of simplicity, only the metaclasses and attributes related         • PyBaseResource: this is an abstract metaclass represent-
to that perspective are shown. Attributes which have already              ing a theoretical resource. It can be specialized as follows:
been described will be omitted.                                         • PyPerformer: this metaclass represents a real work
   Next, in Section V, an overall description of the                      performer that accomplishes the service requests. It has
revised PyBPMN metamodel will be given to sum up the                      one attribute:
different perspectives (i.e., preexisting metaclasses and latest            – units: represents the number of concurrent working
enhancements related to resource modeling).                                    units which constitute the performer.
            IV. R ESOURCE C HARACTERIZATION                             • PyBroker: this metaclass represents a resource manager
                                                                          which enables the selection of a resource from a set
   As for the workload, performance and reliability extensions,           of candidate resources. The chosen resource becomes
new metaclasses have been introduced with the aim of                      responsible for the execution of the service request.
specifying non functional properties of process elements.                 More specifically, the PyBroker acts as dispatcher which
Differently, the resource extension introduces new key notions            forwards the service request to only one resource at a
to the process execution.                                                 time (i.e., the selected resource). The resource selection
   More specifically, the standard BPMN resource definition is            is also dynamic, in case of resource failure or resource
augmented with the resource definition of PyBPMN.                         repair. On the first hand, when the current resource is not
   The standard BPMN resource definition is abstract, because             available anymore (e.g. due to a failure), and on the other
it only defines the resource notion without specifying its                hand, when a more suitable resource is available (i.e., a
details (i.e., the real resource which is executing the activity).        better resource has been repaired yet). In both cases the
Differently, the PyBPMN extension enables to define, at design            selection process is repeated and a different resource can
time, the actual entities which will execute the activities also          be selected as the currently used resource. The PyBroker
specifying their non-functional properties.                               metaclass has the following attributes:
                                                                            – alternatives: represents the collection of resources
                                                                               which can be chosen to accomplish the service
                                                                            – policy: represents the strategy used for selecting the
                                                                               current resource. A number of selection strategies
                                                                               can be adopted. Strategies differ as regards the
                                                                               implementation of the selectResource() method. In
                                                                               this respect, the PyBPMN metamodel provides the
                                                                               following concrete metaclasses, which inherit from
                                                                               the abstract metaclass BrokerPolicy:
                                                                               ∗ RoundRobin: in this strategy the next resource is
                                                                                  selected with the aim of ensuring a fair use of all
                                                                                  the available resources;
                                                                               ∗ PerformanceFirst: in this strategy the next re-
                                                                                  source is selected in order to maximize perfor-
        Fig. 2. PyBPMN classes for resources characterization.                 ∗ ReliabilityFirst: in this strategy the next resource
                                                                                  is selected in order to maximize reliability;
  The idea is that a PyBPMN resource is capable of modeling                 – standby: defines the management strategy used for
a wide range of different entities, such as an employee, an                    the unselected resource, i.e., the nature of the standby
hardware equipment, a functional division of an organization,                  redundancy, as better illustrated later on.
  •   PySubsystem: this metaclass represents a collection of                     ensuring an higher degree of reliability;
      resources in the case they are all required to satisfy the              – warm standby: this policy implements an hybrid
      service request. In this case, the PySubsystem sequentially                mechanism and can thus be seen as a particular
      dispatch the request to all the resources composing                        case of the hot standby approach. In this case the
      the subsystem. This is a different behaviour compared                      unselected resources are all powered on but they
      to the PyBroker approach, where the request is sent                        show a lower failure probability. This is due to the
      only to the currently selected resource. In fact, the                      fact that they have no load, since the service requests
      PySubsystem can be understood as a complex resource                        are forwarded only to the selected resource.
      whose non functional properties are defined in terms of              As aforementioned, the alternatives attribute is of type
      its constituting components. The PySubsystem metaclass               PyBaseResource, thus implying that each candidate
      has the following attribute:                                         resource can be a PyPerformer, a PySubsystem or
        – components: the set of resources that compose the                even another PyBroker. Since a PyBroker has its own
           subsystem.                                                      alternative resources, it can manage alternative resources
   As for the implementation perspective, the PyBPMN                       in terms of a hierarchical tree structure. Moreover, a
resource extension has been modeled conforming to the well-                PyBroker fails only when all its alternative resources are
known Composite design pattern defined by [13].                            failed.
                                                                         • PySubsystem provides a way for defining a collection of
   The strength of this approach is the capability to compose
complex elements into tree structures allowing to represent                resources which all together constitute a more complex
part-whole hierarchies. In fact, the proposed PyBPMN                       resource. This approach enables to describe a subsystem,
extension enables the specification of a resource in two                   from both the performance and the reliability perspec-
different ways. On the first hand, a single and simple definition          tive, specifying such properties for each elementary
(PyPerformer) can be adopted for the resource, which can be                component constituting it. Moreover, the component
actually used to accomplish a service request. On the other                attribute is of type PyBaseResource, and subsequently
hand, more complex structures (PyBroker and PySubsystem)                   each constituting resource can be a PyPerformer, a
can be used, thus reaching a higher level of detail. With the              PyBroker or even another PySubsystem which in turn has
latter approach, it is feasible to specify complex patterns of             its own sub components. As a consequence, similarly
resource usage:                                                            to the broker approach, a PySubsystem can regulate a
                                                                           hierarchical tree structure of basic components and other
  •   PyBroker defines a set of resources that are all capable of          complex subsystems. As a difference from the PyBroker,
      performing the required activity (i.e., the service request).        it is worth noting how a PySubsystem fails when at least
      According to a selection policy the actual resource is               one the its components is failed.
      chosen, and the remaining resources are kept in one of
      the standby states, as defined in the system reliability
      literature [2], [4], [27], [23]:
         – hot standby: in this case there is the choice of
            preference for performance rather than reliability.
            More specifically, in the hot standby redundancy
            policy the unselected resources (i.e., redundant or
            backup units) are all up and running as the selected
            one. This implies that also the unselected resources
            are aging during the process execution, even if
            they are not involved. As a result, the switching
            mechanism is efficient, but the redundant resources
            can fail even in reserve state, since they are all ready
            to go;
                                                                       Fig. 3. A very complex resource definition allowed by the composite design
         – cold standby: in this case, reliability is preferred        pattern.
            instead of performance. In more detail, in this policy
            the redundant resources are not active while the           Taking advantage on the aforementioned composite design
            selected resource is in service. This implies that the     pattern, one can define very complex resource structures, as
            failure rate in reserve state is assumed to be zero,       illustrated in Figure 3. One can easily understand that every
            since the redundant resources do not age while they        leaf of the tree structure must be a PyPerfomer which actually
            are not operating. It is clear how in this case the        accomplishes the service request (i.e., executes the activity).
            switching mechanism is less efficient than the hot
            standby, since the newly selected resource needs to             V. R EVISED P Y BPMN METAMODEL DESCRIPTION
            be started up. The strength of this approach is that         In the previous section the fundamental elements and
            the redundant resources can not fail in reserve state,     the resource characterization enrichment of the PyBPMN
metamodel have been described. In this section, a description        •   PyConfiguration: a set of non functional parameters
of such revised metamodel is given, focusing on how it can               related to a configuration. Such parameters can be
be exploited for the specification of both the non-functional            originated in different ways: required in the design
properties of BPMN process elements and the non-functional               phase, estimated through simulation or measured during
properties of the resources used by the process to execute               business process execution. In the case of values obtained
its activities. The revised PyBPMN metamodel, as shown in                from design or simulation, each configuration can be
                                                                         assumed as a candidate execution platform for process
                                                                         execution. Differently, in case of values obtained from
                                                                         a real process execution, they are acquired from a
                                                                         process instance. The PyConfiguration metaclass owns
                                                                         the following attributes:
                                                                           – refersTo: this attribute is responsible for creating
                                                                             relations among different configurations (i.e., to
                                                                             relate the actual measured values to those predicted
                                                                             in the design phase);
                                                                           – elements: a set of PyConfiguration elements, used
                                                                             to specify the business process non functional
                                                                     •   PyElement: this metaclass is responsible for the work-
                                                                         load, performance and reliability characterization of
                                                                         the business process, since it contains the related
                                                                         non-functional properties. PyElement is defined as an
                                                                         abstract metaclass, and therefore can be specialized in
                                                                         PyDescriptor and PyBaseResource, the latter described
                                                                         in section V. The following attributes are owned by the
                                                                         PyElement metaclass and therefore by the aforementioned
                                                                         derived metaclasses:
                                                                           – workloadParams: responsible for specifying the
                                                                             workload characterization exploiting the GaWork-
                                                                             loadEvent introduced in [7], [8];
                                                                           – performanceParams: responsible for specifying the
                                                                             performance characterization as introduced in [8],
           Fig. 4. Overall description of PyBPMN metamodel.
                                                                             [7]. It exploits a metaclass derived from the abstract
                                                                             metaclass PaQualification (i.e., the PaService meta-
Figure 4, is based on the following fundamental metaclasses:                 class or the PaResponse metaclass);
  •   PyData: this metaclass acts as a top-level container for all         – reliabilityParams: responsible for specifying the
      elements that can be defined for the process. With the aim             reliability characterization as introduced in [7], [8]. It
      of separating the standard elements from the extended                  exploits a metaclass derived from the abstract meta-
      elements, this approach enables to arrange PyBPMN                      class DaQualification (i.e., the DaFailure metaclass
      extension elements under a single node within the BPMN                 or the DaFault metaclass.
      model. To this purpose, the PyData metaclass derives               With the purpose of providing a better understanding of
      from the standard Artifacts metaclass, and occurs as               a PyElement data, the PyBPMN metamodel exploits the
      an element into the artifacts attribute of the process.            source attribute defined for basic data type in compliance
      Furthermore, in order to augment a model with a                    with the UML MARTE profile [21].
      complete set of data over the business process, the PyData         As illustrated in [5], the source attribute can take different
      element enables to gather both the simulation data and             values, each one having a different meaning: req (i.e.,
      the execution data in the same model. This approach                required), est (i.e., estimated), calc (i.e., calculated) and
      enables business analysts to master the business process,          meas (i.e., measured). A required parameter is utilized to
      evaluating both collected data and business process                specify a value which has to be satisfied by the system,
      behavior, and eventually taking appropriate actions in             as in the case of a constraint or a requirement. An
      the redesign phase. A single attribute characterizes the           estimated parameter is utilized to specify a prediction
      PyData root element:                                               for a parameter value, as typically happens in the case
       – configurations: a set of PyConfiguration elements.              of the output produced by a simulation. A calculated
         Each of these elements defines a particular configu-            parameter is utilized to specify a value which is a result
         ration of the execution platform;                               of a combination of other parameter values. Finally, a
    measured parameter is utilized to specify the value of         elements compliant with a specific syntax, according to the
    data obtained during the execution of a business process.      proposed extension meta-model.
  • PyDescriptor: this metaclass is responsible for putting           Figure 5 gives a graphic representation of the annotation
    in relation non functional properties, which are defined       step, as seen through a BPMN visual editor. A TextAnnotation
    exploiting the aforementioned PyBPMN extension meta-
    classes, with standard BPMN elements of type FlowNode.
    This metaclass owns the following attributes:
      – resources: this attribute represents the collection of
         resources of the execution platform exploited by the
         BPMN element;
                                                                           Fig. 5. PyBPMN extension by use of text annotations.
      – targetRef : this attribute represents the unique
         identifier of the BPMN FlowNode element. The
                                                                   including some PyBPMN specification is called a PyAnno-
         referred element will be augmented with resources
                                                                   tation. Such annotations conform to the following general
         and non functional properties.
    A PyDescriptor and a BPMN element can be associated
    in two ways:                                                   <> attribute name =
                                                                       {tag1=’value1’, tag2=’value2’, ...}
      – in the first case, the non functional properties for the
         BPMN element are owned by the related PyDescrip-             In order to clarify the specification of PyBPMN elements,
         tor element, which is of kind PyElement. In this way      the rest of this section gives a short application example.
         the BPMN element can be characterized at a high              Let us consider a business process for managing the
         level of abstraction with workload, performance and       delivery of a commercial proposal, which includes a task
         reliability properties, leaving the details related to    (SendHardCopy that sends hard copy contracts to the legal
         the execution platform in background. This approach       office for internal review. In this respect, the task requires
         could be suitable for a coarse analysis;                  a resource, named PrinterA, to both scan the contract and
      – differently, adopting the second approach, one can         send the resulting file. Moreover, for reliability purposes, a
         explicitly define the execution platform through the      backup solution consisting of a scanner (e.g., ScannerB) and
         resources metaclasses, such as PyPerformer, PyBro-        a file server (FileServerB) is adopted as a backup resource
         ker or PySubsystem. After defining the execution          for the SendHardCopy task. In order to represent such
         platform, the PyDescriptor is allowed to realize the      a scenario, several PyBPMN text annotations are required.
         association between one or more resources to the          First of all, the following three resources are defined (for
         BPMN element. In this case several benefits are           the sake of conciseness, the serviceTime, MTTF and MTTR
         obtained:                                                 attributes have been omitted from the specification of resources
         ∗ since the execution platform is clearly defined, the    ScannerB and FileServerB):
            business process behavior can be more precisely        <> {
            analyzed;                                                  name=PrinterA,
         ∗ since the PyDescriptor can reference different              serviceTime=(value=12, unit=s),
            resources, a sequential usage of a set of resource         MTTF=(value=3, unit=year),
                                                                       MTTR=(value=6, unit=hour)}
            can be easily modeled;                                 <> {
         ∗ several PyDescriptor elements can refer the same            name=ScannerB, ...}
            resource. The case in which the same resource          <> {
            can be used by more than one BPMN elements                 name=FileServerB, ...}
            can thus be modeled. In such a scenario, a failure
                                                                     In addition, the subsystem composed of resources ScannerB
            of such resource will have an impact on all the
                                                                   and FileServerB is specified as follows:
            associated BPMN elements.
                                                                   <> {
                  VI. E XTENSION U SAGE                                name=SubSystem-B,
                                                                       components=(ScannerB, FileServerB)}
   This Section briefly outlines the typical usage of PyBPMN
and the proposed extension for resource management                    The broker that manages the access to the different resources
presented in Section IV. As introduced in Section II, the          is then introduced. Let us suppose that the cold standby policy
PyBPMN model can be automatically obtained applying a              is adopted in order to maximize the overall reliability. Then
model-to-model transformation to a standard BPMN model.            the broker is specified as follows:
   While the elements used to define the flow of tasks
                                                                   <> {
and activities are natively part of the BPMN meta-model,               name=SendHardCopy,
the non-functional aspects along with resource management              standby=Cold,
and characterization attributes are included as TextAnnotation         alternatives=(PrinterA, SubSystem-B)}
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