=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1730/p01 |storemode=property |title=Adaptation of User Interface Based on Contextual Feedback |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1730/p01.pdf |volume=Vol-1730 |authors=Robertas Damaševičius,Paulius Paškevičius |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/system/DamaseviciusP16 }} ==Adaptation of User Interface Based on Contextual Feedback== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1730/p01.pdf
                                  Adaptation of User Interface
                                 Based on Contextual Feedback
                                            Robertas Damaševičius, Paulius Paškevičius
                                                  Department of Software Engineering
                                                   Kaunas University of Technology
                                                           Kaunas, Lithuania

    Abstract—The spread of social networks and other online               The users are no longer the consumers of media content, but
collaboration-related practices changes the target of software            also want to act as producers of content or even co-designers of
products from a single user to virtual communities. Such                  content delivery platforms [4] to have impact on the face of the
communities view user interfaces of social websites as                    virtual community.
communication partners (facilitators) rather than mere
communication medium. Effective communication requires                        The strength of relationships that bind a member to a
proper feedback from community-driven systems that create the             community can be influenced by the impact a member can
illusion of active participation and control. Furthermore,                make as well as a feedback that a member can receive from a
feedback combined with community effort and evaluation                    community. The success of a virtual community relies on the
mechanisms such as crowdvoting can be used as a vehicle for               voluntary contribution of valuable intellectual property of
adaptation of interfaces to the requests of community. The                individuals to a community without explicit compensation [5].
implementation of community-driven interfaces requires the                Even if an individual does not receive any explicit reward for
extension of existing user interface development architectures            his/her contribution, he/she often wants his/her contribution to
and design patterns. In this paper we analyse known user                  make impact or at least be seen. Capturing and understanding
interaction and user interface models and present the contextual          feedback received from users also is critical in business
feedback based adaptation (CFBA) meta-model, the four-tiered              information systems and customer relationship management [6]
user interface (4TUI) architecture, and the Model-Control-View-
                                                                          as well as in intelligent systems and intelligent user interfaces
Adapter (MCVA) pattern. A case study in the community-driven
                                                                          [7]. This practice has been recognized for long now and
interface adaptation is presented.
                                                                          content sharing sites such as Flickr or Youtube have been
   Keywords—user interface design, feedback              modelling,       successful very much due to this practice. However, the need to
adaptable interface, interface evolution, crowdvoting.                    say or show something to a community is paired with a need to
                                                                          obtain answers or feedback from it.
                            INTRODUCTION1                                     In this paper we analyse feedback models and methods that
    The spectacular rise of social networks and other                     are aimed to increase the role of feedback in community
collaboration-based practices such as crowdsourcing [1]                   building and support efforts. To introduce the contextual
underlined the importance of effective communication in                   conditions into user interface evolution process, the contextual
virtual communities. The term “virtual community” refers to a             model is required that maps contextual requirements from a
large group of individuals that regularly share and exchange              community of users received through feedback mechanisms to
information through computer-mediated mechanisms such as e-               the adaptations of user interfaces. Building user interfaces that
mail, weblogs, or forums [2]. Many research studies                       dynamically adapt to the context is not new [8-12]. Similar
investigated what motivates people to participate in virtual              approaches include mediation strategies for integrating the
communities (e.g. see [3]). Out of many contributing factors,             input of multiple crowd workers in real-time [13], the
the most important ones are common interests (e.g.,                       extension of the model-view user interface architecture with an
professional networks such as LinkedIn), status seeking and               intelligent layer that handles interface events as commands and
reputation (e.g., question-and-answer websites such as                    allows a user to evolve an interface in a way that is entirely
StackOverflow), and affiliation (e.g., friend networks such as            independent of applications [14], and the website plug-in that
Facebook). All these factors depend upon supporting effective             makes use of crowdsourcing to collect context-aware activity
communication between a member of the virtual community                   data based on which suitable user interface adaptations for
and the community represented by its other members and the                different target devices are inferred [15].
user interface of the social platform. In virtual communities                 Our novelty is the interpretation of the feedback from the
this communication is mostly computer-mediated, i.e., the user            community of users of a system as the context of the system’s
interface of the platform that supports virtual community acts            user interface. This interpretation does not contradict the
as the „face” of the community or as a partner of conversation.           definition of context provided in [16]: “context is any
                                                                          information that can be used to characterize the situation of an
    Copyright © 2016 held by the authors
                                                                          entity“. Feedback conveys context information (e.g., the

interests, preferences, opinion of user) that has influence over           people can participate and contribute their solutions [32]. This
the presentation and functionality of user interface.                      shift represents a transition from a world in which a small
                                                                           number of experts define rules, create static products, and make
    We propose the crowdvoting-based contextual feedback
                                                                           decisions for many consumers toward a world in which
meta-model, the four-tier community driven architecture and                everyone has interests and opportunities to actively participate
the extension of the MVC pattern for implementing the
                                                                           in the development of dynamically evolving products [33].
community-driven adaptation of user interfaces at the use stage
rather than at the design stage (as, e.g., in [17]). We describe its            The essential role of feedback in natural communication
application in the community-driven website user interface                 makes it a crucial issue in the development of human-computer
project aimed to engage community members in the controlled                user interfaces [34] where users communicate proactively
evolution of website interface.                                            rather than passively or reactively. An example of the proactive
                                                                           role of the user is so called Split Interfaces, where frequently
   I. ROLE OF FEEDBACK IN USER COMPUTER INTERACTION                        used functionality is automatically copied to a specially
                                                                           designated adaptive part of the interface [35, 36]. Altered
     The term ‘feedback’ originates from the area of cybernetics           Prominence is another approach to interface adaptation that
and refers to the information that a system receives from its              highlights recently used elements of an interface [37]. Without
environment about the effects or consequences of its actions               feedback, a human-computer dialog quickly breaks down while
[18]. In communication, feedback is used for a broad range of              proper feedback can create the illusion of a dialog partner
responses at various levels of communication. Commonly,                    listening [38].
feedback is understood as any information about reaction to a
product or a person that can be used as a basis for improvement                 According to [19, 28, 29], in order to be effective, feedback
[19]. Allwood et al. [20] claim that feedback is a central                 must be 1) persuasive (i.e. influencing future state of
functional subsystem of human communication. It consists of                community and behaviour of community members), 2)
methods that allow providing, without interrupting the dialog,             contextual (i.e. include context information by default), and 3)
information about quality of communication such as ability and             informative (i.e. convey useful information), 4) contributive
willingness to have contact, ability to understand                         (i.e. contribute towards benefit of a community as a whole), 5)
communicated information as well as the emotions and                       continual (i.e. to support conversation as narrative of
attitudes triggered by the information in the recipient.                   community), 6) expressive (i.e. demonstrate polarity using
According to Kotzé [21], feedback has three main elements: 1)              affective means such as emotions), and 7) effortless (easy to
response, which serves to confirm that the recipient has                   use). In any case, feedback comes as a response to a previous
received information, 2) modification of behaviour, which                  communicative act [30], i.e., in reaction to the status or
reassures the user that his input is relevant and has power to             opinions of a community members or an entire community in
change, and 3) intelligence (see, e.g., social creativity [22],            order to achieve consensus or alignment [31].
collective intelligence [23] and “wisdom of crowds” [24]) that                 Techniques for collecting user feedback in software
the opinion or understanding of the community can lead to                  systems cover a wide spectrum, ranging from error reporting
improved quality of communication and usability of a product.              facilities to the content-related feedback mechanisms of social
    The main aim of feedback is to induce the change of a                  networks [28]. Examples of such feedback mechanisms are the
software product while the direction of the change itself                  Facebook “Like” button or the YouTube’s thumbs-up/thumbs-
depends upon the polarity of feedback: positive feedback                   down, which allow evaluating content, linking members while
(agreement) reinforces the change in the same direction;                   require only a minimum amount of effort on the users’ side.
negative feedback (disagreement) causes a change in the                    However, the amount of “likes” and “don’t likes” do not have a
opposite direction, while homeostatic feedback maintains                   direct influence how information is presented, i.e., the platform
equilibrium [25]. In the long term, such change leads to the               of a virtual community has full control over the presentation
evolution of a product or its interface and user feedback acts a           while the function of the user is reduced to evaluating other
main driver of such evolution. Software evolution has been                 users’ content rather than making influence over its
recognized as a key issue in software development and use a                presentation. However, if properly implemented feedback
long time ago: as software application is released for use, the            could increase affiliation, loyalty and immersion of the
world in which it is situated changes, and therefore new                   community members beyond simple collection of “likes”.
demands constantly arise [26]. Traditionally, software                     Examples of such “socially advanced” user interfaces are a
evolution has been dealt with offline using the version-based              crowdsourcing interface that collects user-generated mappings
approach as follows: a version is released, user response is               between pairs of web pages [39], an adaptive user interface that
collected, a new (updated, corrected) version is released, and             is constructed using consensus methods [40], and socially-
the cycle is repeated again. However, in a modern world of                 adaptable interfaces, interfaces that crowdsource the creation of
software development, software evolution has an                            task-specific interface customizations and instantly share them
unprecedented speed [27], and feedback can be seen as a                    with all users of the application [41]. The development of such
means to accommodate and drive the change at the use time.                 socially advanced interfaces requires adequate models of
                                                                           interaction, which we discuss in Section 3.
    The understanding of increased importance of feedback
mechanisms signifies a shift from consumer cultures
(specialized in producing finished artefacts to be consumed
passively) to the participation-based cultures in which all

    Computers and internet are the media of social interaction
in virtual communities. Therefore, the social interaction in
virtual communities is mainly guided by the principles of
human-computer interaction. When humans interact with
computer, they first formulate their goals and then develop a                     Fig. 2. Seeheim model emphasizing the three different levels of visual
series of steps required to achieve that goal. Such mental model                  feedback
of action is known as Norman’s Interaction Cycle (see Fig. 1)
[42], which has been used to evaluate the efficiency of a user                        The Seeheim model (see Fig. 2) [47] reveals the linguistic
interface. The model includes both cognitive and physical                         nature of the visual feedback identifying three main software
activities, and includes feedback, which is called “Evaluation”                   modules (or layers): 1) Dialogue Control module handles the
in the model. The Norman’s model does not distinguish                             syntactic aspects of the interaction and is responsible for the
between the content of the message delivered, its presentation                    dynamic behaviour of the system; 2) Application Interface
form and its affect (i.e., emotions associated with the message).                 module provides a semantic interpretation of the information
Therefore, it should be considered only as the simplest                           received for the dialogue component; 3) Presentation Module
approximation of human-computer interaction. Furthermore,                         handles the lexical aspects of the interaction such in input as
the interface in the Norman’s model can be interpreted as a                       well in output and is only aware of the presentation technology.
metaphor of dialogue between interface designer and its users.                    Visual feedback can be formulated at three different levels:
                                                                                  lexical (Presentation), syntactical (Dialogue Control) and
                                                                                  semantic (Application Interface Model).
                                                                                      The Bezold’s model [48] (see Fig. 3) deals with interface
                                                                                  adaptation, i.e., the ability of the interface to improve itself for
                                                                                  an individual user based on an observation of the user's
                                                                                  behaviour. Adaptation to user behaviour comprises two steps:
                                                                                  1) reasoning on the user-system interaction, and 2) adapting the
                                                                                  user interface accordingly. The user-system interaction is
                                                                                  considered as a linear sequence of basic events, which are
                                                                                  emitted by the interactive system. User modelling algorithms
Fig. 1. Interpretation of the Norman’s Interaction Cycle [42] as a dialogue
between designer and user
                                                                                  extract new knowledge from the user-system interaction and
                                                                                  trigger interface adaptations. A semantic layer is introduced as
    The extension of the Norman’s mental model is the Isatine                     an abstraction of the interactive system that allows
model [43] that is also based the Dieterich’s taxonomy of user                    implementing reasoning on the user-system interaction. The
interface adaptation [44]. The model states that three entities                   system-independent logic is defined on the top of the semantic
are involved in the adaptation of user interface: the user, the                   layer. The adaptation layer decides which adaptations can be
interactive system, or any third party. The adaptation is                         applied to an interactive system. The advantage of the model is
performed as follows: 1. Goals for user interface adaptation are                  a multi-layered architecture that allows separation of semantic,
formulated; 2. The user or third party initiates request for                      interaction and adaptation aspects of user interface.
adaptation; 3. The adaptation is specified as a sequence of
commands issued to the interactive system for execution; 4.
The adaptation is applied using the adaptation support
mechanisms (e.g., through user interface options,
personalization); 5. Transition between the interface before and
after adaptation is performed; 6. Information about adaptation
is issued to the interested parties; and 7. Adaptation is
evaluated. The advantage of the Isatine model is a detailed
guideline for performing adaptation of user interfaces.
    The Taylor’s Layered Protocols (LP) model and its
elaboration in [45, 46] are based upon the cognitive principle
that humans use superimposed layers of abstraction in
perception. From this principle the LP model arrives at the                       Fig. 3. Bezold’s model of interative system adaptation [48]
architecture for structuring user-system interaction. The model
distinguishes between the system’s interpretation of their                            The Baxley's model of user interface [49] applies the
messages (I-feedback), and information the system expects to                      separation of concerns and decomposes user interface into
receive from the user (E-feedback). The advantage of the                          three tiers as follows: Structure (conceptual model, task flow,
model is the classification of feedback types (user’s feedback                    and organizational model), Behaviour (viewing and navigation,
and system’s feedback).                                                           editing and manipulation, user assistance) and Presentation
                                                                                  (layout, graphic design style, text). Here, the conceptual model
                                                                                  supplies the ‘metaphor’ that helps users to interact with an
                                                                                  application, and the organizational model provides

classification schemes to group and associate application                   All analysed models of interface interaction and adaptation
information and interface objects. The model’s advantage is a          emphasize the role of feedback in the interface adaptation
clear separation of the different aspects of user interface.           process. For interface customization, a separate dedicated
                                                                       interface (or interface layer) is required. We call this interface,
    The RUX (Rich User eXperience) model [50] is used for              the meta-interface, since it is overlaid on top of the software
the systematic adaptation of user interfaces over the existing
                                                                       product’s interface and allows making configuration choices on
web applications. The user interface specification is divided          the product’s interface. One example of such meta-interface is
into four levels: 1) Concepts and Tasks, 2) Abstract Interface,
                                                                       the Facebook’s Like button (see Fig. 5, a), which allows the
3) Concrete Interface and 4) Final Interface. Concepts and             Facebook users to express their opinion on the content of a
Tasks are taken from the underlying web model. Abstract
                                                                       website. The button provides a one-click shortcut to express
Interface provides a common representation to all devices and          and externalize the affective reactions of a user. Another
interface development platforms without any kind of spatial
                                                                       example of meta-interface is provided by Usabilla
arrangement or behaviour. Concrete Interface optimizes the             (www.usabilla.com), which is a service for real-time visual
presentation of user interface for a specific device or group of
                                                                       user feedback tracking. The users of the website click the
devices, and has three Presentation levels: Spatial Presentation       feedback button and can select any part of the page to evaluate
allows the spatial arrangement and interface style of to be
                                                                       it (see Fig. 5, b). Google provides a similar mechanism, where
specified; Temporal Presentation allows the specification of           users can highlight any areas of web interface, black out
behaviours which require a temporal synchronization; and
                                                                       personal information, comment on relevant issues and send it
Interaction Presentation allows modelling the user’s behaviour.        to Google (see Fig. 5, c).
Final Interface provides code generation of the modelled
application. The advantage of the RUX model is a hierarchy of
interface entities from most abstract to specific ones, which
could be easily mapped to the hierarchy of models according to
the model-driven architecture (computation-independent,
platform-independent, and platform specific models).
    Currently commonly used software interface patterns (such          Fig. 5. Feedback in (left to right): Facebook, Usabilla and Google.
as MVC or PAC) are derived from the Seeheim model. The
Presentation–Abstraction–Control (PAC) pattern [51] separates              Summarizing, two possible implementations of feedback
an interactive system into three types of components                   are usually considered [53]: 1) Emoticons-based feedback:
responsible for specific aspects of the application's                  aiming at expressing the emotionally affected satisfaction
functionality. The abstraction component retrieves and                 degrees among the end-users via picking an emoticon (virtual
processes the data, the presentation component formats the             facial expression) for judging his user experience [6]; 2)
visual and audio presentation of data, and the control                 Recommendation frames: a simple interaction illustrated
component handles things such as the flow of control and               differently (e.g. pop-up window, sliding area), which is mainly
communication between the other two components. In the                 used in e-commerce to provide client recommendations. The
Model–View–Controller (MVC) pattern (Fig. 4), the Model                implementation of such meta-interface together with the need
consists of application data and business rules, the Controller        for handling community requests and implementation of
acts as mediator like the Dialogue component in the Seeheim            conflict resolution and opinion aggregation mechanisms for
architecture, and a View can be any output representation of           crowdvoting, requires the extension of existing user interface
data [52]. Model–View–Presenter (MVP) is a derivative of               development architectures and design patterns.
MVC, where the presenter assumes the role of the Controller,
retrieves and formats data for the View, the View is                    III. FRAMEWORK OF COMMUNITY-DRIVEN USER INTERFACE
responsible for handling the user interface events, which is the                                    DEVELOPMENT
controller's role in MVC, and the Model is strictly a domain
model. In Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM), the ViewModel                       The proposed framework of community-driven user
is responsible for providing access to data objects and backend        interface development consists of 1) the contextual feedback
logic from the Model. View is all elements displayed by the            based adaptation (CFBA) metamodel, 2) the four-tiered user
user interface. Model is either a domain model which                   interface (4TUI) architecture, and 3) the Model-Control-View-
represents the real state content, or the data access layer that       Adapter (MCVA) pattern.
represents that content.                                                   The CFBA metamodel (see Fig. 6) describes the
                                                                       relationship between different entities and models in the
                                                                       modelling and implementation of adaptable and evolvable user
                                                                       interfaces. The metamodel is based on the Norman’s Model
                                                                       [42], Taylors Layered Protocols [45], Seeheim model [47] and
                                                                       its implementations as user interface design patterns (PAC,
                                                                       MVC and their variants), Bezold’s model [48], Baxley’s model
                                                                       [49] and RUX model [50]. The CFBA metamodel actually
                                                                       features two interaction cycles: 1) a traditional cycle, where a
Fig. 4. The MVC pattern
                                                                       user and a system exchange with messages and feedbacks
                                                                       during the system’s use, and 2) a community-driven cycle,

where a crowdvoting entity collects feedback from a                         judgments of the community of user interface, the crowdvoting
community of users and changes the presentation of the                      [23] mechanism is used. The implementation of the user
interface according to the needs of the majority of users.                  interface is described by the adaptation of the Seeheim model.
   The community (crowd) is treated as a part of context that
depends on the Context Model. To collect the opinion and

Fig. 6. Contextual feedback based user interface adaptation metamodel

    However, where is a difference, the Presentation entity is                  The MVCA pattern (see Fig. 8) is an extension of the MVC
variable and different variants of interface presentation can be            family of patterns with an additional class for managing the
selected according to the requests of the community aiming to               community-driven requests for user interface modification.
guarantee usability while achieving adaptation to the changing              Since the community may include users with conflicting
needs of the community of users. The relationship of interface              interests, a mechanism for solving these conflicts is required.
to other models is given by the adaptation of the Baxley’s
                                                                                             Community Layer
model: Structure depends upon Task Model, Behaviour
depends upon Dialog and Navigation Model, and Presentation
depends upon interface Metaphor.
    Modelling of user interface at different levels of abstraction
is represented by the adaptation of the RUX model, where a
hierarchy of interfaces is used to represent interface
independence and specificity with respect to different platforms
and / or user groups, while allowing to implement automatic
generation of interfaces [54]. We adopt the elements of
crowdsourcing, i.e. crowdvoting, as a model [55] for solving a
problem of interface adaptability and evolvability at use time.
    The 4TUI architecture (see Fig. 7) describes the structural
organization of the community-driven user interface system.
The proposed architecture is an extension of the classic three-             Fig. 7. Proposed four layered architecture of community-driven business
tiered architectures and models (such as MVC pattern), which                applications
include Persistence layer for data storage and handling,
Business layer for business logic; and Presentation layer for
content delivery. The additional fourth layer (tier) is proposed                 TABLE I.       FUNCTIONS OF LAYERS IN FOUR LAYERED SYSTEM
for managing community requests for interface representation                 Layer             Function
and community-driven reasoning based on crowdvoting. This
                                                                             Persistence       Stores data and handles requests for data
layer performs the functions of the semantic layer in the
Bezold’s model [48]. The functions of layers in the four                     Business          Specifies business objects and business logic
layered system are summarized in Table 1.                                                      rules, and handles interfacing between presented

                    information and stored data                                 The proposed solution is finding sub-communities or
 Presentation       Delivers content to browser                             groups of users with similar interests based on their profiles
                                                                            and interface preferences, and providing customized variants of
 Community          Manages community requests for interface
                                                                            interfaces to these particular groups. The mechanism for
                    change and provides representation conflict
                                                                            conflict solving is based on the consensus-based user profile
                                                                            determination method [40].

                                            Adapt Interface
                             Adapter        Updateinterface


Fig. 8. Handling interface adaptation requests using the MVCA pattern

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interface adaptation combines elements of the following                     harnesses “wisdom of crowds” and retargets interface for a
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