|title=Towards Semantic Integration of Plant Behavior Models with AutomationML’s Intermediate Modeling Layer
==Towards Semantic Integration of Plant Behavior Models with AutomationML’s Intermediate Modeling Layer==
Towards Semantic Integration of Plant Behavior Models with AutomationML’s Intermediate Modeling Layer Tanja Mayerhofer1 , Manuel Wimmer1,2 , Luca Berardinelli2 , Emanuel Maetzler2 , and Nicole Schmidt3 1 Business Informatics Group TU Wien, Vienna, Austria mayerhofer@big.tuwien.ac.at 2 Institute of Software Technology & Interactive Systems, CDL Flex TU Wien, Vienna, Austria {firstname.lastname}@tuwien.ac.at 3 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Otto-v.-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany {firstname.lastname}@ovgu.de Abstract. AutomationML is an emerging IEC standard for storing and exchang- ing engineering data among the heterogeneous software tools involved in the en- gineering of production systems. One important subset of such engineering data is the plant behavior. To make this data exchangeable, AutomationML uses the ex- isting industry data format PLCopen XML. However, at the development stages of production systems, the plant behavior is usually defined using other repre- sentation means, such as Gantt charts, impulse diagrams, and sequential function charts. To make such plant behavior models exchangeable, AutomationML in- troduces the so-called Intermediate Modeling Layer (IML) with corresponding transformation rules to decouple the employed modeling languages from the tar- get format PLCopen XML. However, IML itself as well as the transformations from and to IML are only semi-formally described. This not only hinders the adoption of IML as a common language for representing plant behavior, but also renders impossible the composition of heterogeneous plant behavior models for carrying out integrated analyses of the global plant behavior. In this work, we aim at clarifying syntactical and semantical aspects of IML by proposing a metamodel and operational semantics for IML. This constitutes the first step towards formal- izing and validating transformations between behavioral modeling languages cur- rently employed in the production domain (e.g., Gantt charts), IML, and PLCopen XML. Having this foundation, we aim at utilizing IML as the semantic domain for the composition of heterogeneous plant behavior models. Keywords: AutomationML, Production Systems Engineering, Executable Mod- eling Languages, Operational Semantics, Model Transformations 1 Introduction AutomationML is a neutral, open, and XML-based data format intended to enable the exchange of data within the heterogeneous software tool landscape of production sys- tems engineering [9]. The engineering of production systems is on the one hand a col- laborative work of many different engineering disciplines, which usually use software tools specialized for their specific purpose (e.g., plant layout planning, 3D construc- tion). On the other hand it has different development stages: In the beginning of the engineering process, only a rough overall description of the production system exists, which gets more and more detailed until the production system is fully specified and ready to be built-up and used. It seems reasonable to expect that these software tools are able to exchange data. However, until now much data is exchanged as PDF or print- out because of the proprietary and incompatible interfaces of the employed engineering tools. This forces engineers to transfer data between their tools manually, which is time consuming and error-prone. The aim of AutomationML is to avoid or at least reduce this redundant work [2]. To achieve this goal, AutomationML combines three exist- ing industry data formats for the storage and exchange of engineering data: (i) CAEX as the main format for representing structural information about production systems, (ii) COLLADA for representing geometry and kinematics of production systems, and (iii) PLCopen XML for representing behavioral information about production systems. In this paper we focus on PLCopen XML, which is utilized by AutomationML as an exchange format for plant behavior models [10]. PLCopen XML itself intends to enable an XML-based exchange of PLC code [17] used for programming industrial electrome- chanical processes. However, at earlier development stages, usually other behavior de- scriptions with different intentions are used. In particular, AutomationML provides a selection of five behavioral modeling languages typically employed in automation en- gineering [2]: Gantt charts, PERT charts, impulse diagrams, state charts, and sequential function charts. To make plant behavior models defined with those languages express- ible in PLCopen XML, AutomationML introduces the intermediate format Intermediate Modeling Layer (IML) [2] as shown at the bottom of Fig. 1. This way, the target format PLCopen XML is decoupled from the various formats used for defining plant behavior models. In particular, complex transformation rules from and to PLCopen XML have to be defined only once for IML. For each employed plant behavior modeling language only transformation rules to the simpler intermediate layer IML need to be defined. This facilitates the extensibility of AutomationML with new plant behavior modeling languages. Furthermore, IML also enables the automated transformation of plant be- havior models from one representation into another. This facilitates the refinement of plant behavior models in the consecutive development stages of production systems that usually use different representations. However, IML itself as well as the mappings between IML and the various behav- ioral modeling languages supported by AutomationML, and between IML and PLCopen XML are only semi-formally described. As a consequence, the mappings from and to IML are largely unvalidated. In particular, it is unclear whether the mappings preserve the semantics of plant behavior models. This hinders the adoption of IML as a common language for representing plant behavior and impedes the composition of heterogeneous plant behavior models as needed for analyzing the global plant behavior. In this paper, we aim at clarifying syntactical and semantical aspects of IML by proposing a metamodel and operational semantics for IML. This constitutes the first step towards formalizing and validating transformations from and to IML. Furthermore, Model Consistency Refinement … Simulation Analysis Analysis Model Execution Tool A IML Gantt Chart PERT Chart Tool B Impulse Diagram … Tool C Proprietary Intermediate PLCOpen XML data formats Modeling Layer (IML) (IEC 61131-3) Fig. 1: Plant behavior modeling using IML: An overview. we advocate the utilization of IML as a semantic integration layer for plant behav- ior models as depicted at the top of Fig. 1. In particular, we propose to use IML as the semantic domain for the plant behavior modeling languages supported by Automa- tionML. In a first step, this enables the execution of plant behavior models and the performance of dynamic validation and verification (V&V) activities for such models, such as model simulations and animation, trace analyses, etc. Going one step further, utilizing IML as the semantic domain for plant behavior models enables the composi- tion of heterogeneous plant behavior models in IML and, consequently, the performance of analyses of the global plant behavior defined in the composed models. Such analyses comprise, for instance, the integrated simulation and animation of plant behavior mod- els, the analyses of consistency among a set of plant behavior models, and the validation of refinement relationships between plant behavior models. The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: In Section 2, we discuss state- of-the-art approaches in production systems engineering. Thereafter, in Section 3, we detail the contribution of this work, namely a formalization of IML. Finally, Section 4 concludes the paper with an outlook on future work. 2 State-of-the-Art Modeling languages are essential in planning, designing, realizing, and maintaining production systems especially in the light of Industrie 4.0 [18]. The interest in adopt- ing modeling languages is increasing in industrial automation, and consequently, a huge amount of discipline-specific languages exists [20]. When it comes to cross-disciplinary work, the integration of different modeling tools is becoming an issue and potential ben- efits of combining tools in tool chains may be achieved [4]. In this context, standard- ized modeling languages are available for the exchange and integration of behavioral aspects. IML is used for this purpose [1, 13, 14], but there exist of course alternatives. In the following, we discuss prominent alternative approaches with respect to the con- tribution of this paper. The System Modeling Language (SysML) [16] provides sublanguages for captur- ing behavior in terms of activity diagrams, state machines, sequence diagrams, and parametrics diagrams. Transformations may be applied to translate other languages to SysML to facilitate model exchange as well as to form an integrated system model. SysML is a modeling standard heavily influenced by software modeling languages, but it is also used in the automation domain (cf., e.g., [3,11,12,19]). The commonalities and differences of SysML and AutomationML have been discussed in previous work [5]. While there is definitely an overlap between SysML and AutomationML, there are also several features in AutomationML, which are tailored to the industrial automation do- main, such as dedicated support for prototype-based system modeling [6]. Concerning the exchange and integration of continuous behavior models, the Func- tional Mockup Interface (FMI) [7] enables engineering tools to import/export models through the concept of Functional Mockup Unit (FMU) and to (co-)simulate them. It avoids the existence of transformations between different languages. However, for ex- changing and integrating models in the very early engineering phases, FMUs may al- ready be focusing too specifically on (co)-simulation. For instance, for transferring the general formulas needed for describing the system’s behavior, additional artifacts are needed [15]. Furthermore, in industrial automation, a mix of continuous and discrete models is needed. This is especially of major importance on the general systems view- point. Therefore, the integration of AutomationML and FMUs has been already consid- ered in previous work [15] by providing a dedicated data connector for AutomationML. For modeling and exchanging discrete-event systems and sequential control pro- cesses in the context of industrial automation, GRAFCET [8] was proposed in the past. GRAFCET is a modeling language, which takes inspiration from Petri nets and forms also the basis for sequential function charts (SFCs). As IML is considered a subset of SFCs, GRAFCET also clearly influences IML. This is reflected in the operational semantics of IML proposed in this paper. 3 Formalization of IML As described above, IML is defined by AutomationML as an intermediate representa- tion format for plant behavior [2]. Thereby, IML does not constitute a new language, but is instead based on the sequential function charts (SFC) language defined by the IEC 61131-3 standard [17]. Therewith, IML essentially allows the definition of plant behaviors as discrete state-based operation sequences. However, IML applies restric- tions on SFCs to simplify mappings from and to IML, and also extends SFCs to make plant behavior models defined with different languages expressible with IML. In this section, we describe our formalization of IML comprising a metamodel defining IML’s abstract syntax and an operational semantics defining IML’s execution semantics. Thereafter, we discuss an exemplary transformation towards IML. 3.1 IML Metamodel Figure 2 shows the metamodel that we defined for IML according to the semi-formal definitions given in [2]. The Header class is the container of all elements. The main el- onnectionPoint, State.init and State.terminal, OCL contraints have to be introduced. s, Jumps, Activity.initial, Activity.terminal, Time.start, Time.end have been left out. d Header inherit from IdentifyableElement (would mean that a Header can contain another Header). wed Connections: IML Abstract Syntax Div > State Header members Element comment Comment on > Transition name : String * 0..1 content : String sition > SimDiv e > SimCon IdentifiableElement IdentifiableElement Connection SelectionDivergence sition > State id : String IdentifiableElement e > Transition Time SelectionConvergence 1 target 1 source IdentifiableElement start : Real [2] /source 0..1 ConnectionPoint SimultaneousDivergence end : Real [2] delay : Real /target 0..1 IdentifiableElement duration : Real SimultaneousConvergence time 0..1 Activity State StateTransition Variable activities booleanGuard name : String name : String name : String name : String * init : boolean type : String 0..1 terminal : boolean content : String SIUnit : String initialValue : String address : String Fig. 2: IML metamodel (excerpt). ements are State, StateTransition, Activity and Variable. The class State is used to repre- sent the states of a system characterized by, for instance, running operations and values of process variables. Every IML model has to have exactly one initial state and may have a terminal state, which are indicated by the boolean flags init and terminal, respectively. A state may comprise a set of operations represented by the class Activity, which are executed by the system within the state. Thereby, an activity may define its earliest and latest start and end time, time delay, and duration represented by the class Time. Transi- tions between states are represented by the class StateTransition. They may define vari- ables represented by the class Variable as guards. IML also allows the definition of alter- native and parallel state transitions. In particular, the classes SelectionDivergence and SelectionConvergence can be used to represent alternative and exclusive disjoint state transitions, while the classes SimultaneousDivergence and SimultaneousConvergence can be used to represent simultaneous state transitions. Example. Figure 3 shows an exemplary IML model defining the behavior of a gripping robot. After the initial state InitialStep, the robot transitions through the state transi- tion ST1 and the simultaneous divergence SD into the simultaneous states S_Initialise- Robot1 and S_LiftSkid. These states comprise two activities each, namely the activity DA_InitialiseRobot1 with a start time of 0, the activity TA_InitialiseRobot1 with a du- ration of 6, the activity DA_LiftSkid with a start time of 7, and the activity TA_LiftSkid with a duration of 9. Through the state transitions ST2 and ST3 the robot reaches the synchronization states Sys_ExecuteManufacturingRobot1_1 and Sys_ExecuteManufac- InitialStep ST1 SD DA_InitialiseRobot1 DA_LiftSkid (start = 0) (start = 7) S_InitialiseRobot1 S_LiftSkid TA_InitialiseRobot1 TA_LiftSkid (duration = 6) (duration = 9) ST2 ST3 Sys_ExecuteManufacturing Sys_ExecuteManufacturing Robot1_1 Robot1_2 SC ST4 DA_ExecuteManufacturingRobot1 S_ExecuteManufacturing (start = 0) Robot1 TA_ExecuteManufacturingRobot1 ST5 (duration = 9) TerminalStep Fig. 3: Example of an IML model (taken from [2]). (1) Head.execute() effect: InitialStep.current = true (2) ST1.fire() turingRobot1_2, and subsequently Lift Skid transitions into the state S_ExecuteManufacturing- (3) SD.fire() effect: S_InitialiseRobot1.current = true, S_LiftSkid.current=tr Robot1 via the simultaneous Initialise Robot 1 convergence SC and the state transition ST4. This state consists of the activity DA_ExecuteManufacturingRobot1 with a start time of 0 and (4) ST2.fire() Execute Manufacturing Robot 1 effect: S_InitialiseRobot1.current = true, S_LiftSkid.current=tr the activity TA_ExecuteManufacturingRobot1 with a duration of 9. Finally, through the 0 state transition ST5, the robot reaches the6terminal 7 9 18 state TerminalStep. 3.2 IML Operational Semantics Figure 4 gives an overview of the operational semantics that we defined for IML. To capture the execution state of an IML model, we introduced the properties current and value into the classes State and Variable, respectively. The property current indicates the current state(s) of an IML model, while the property value captures the current value of a variable. The steps of computation involved in the execution of IML models are defined by means of an endogenous in-place transformation. In Fig. 4, the rules of this transformation are depicted as operations contained by those classes that are matched by the rules. The rule execute of the class Header is the entry point of the transformation and defines the main control loop for executing an IML model. In particular, as shown in Algorithm 1, it first activates the initial state of the IML model by calling the rule activate on the initial state. Thereafter, enabled successor elements of the previously set current state (e.g., a state transition) are fired by calling the rule fire of the class ConnectionPoint. The rule fire of the class StateTransition is shown in Algorithm 2. It first deactivates the current state by calling the rule deactivate. In case the target element is a state, this state is activated. Otherwise, the successor element (e.g., a simultaneous convergence) is fired if it is enabled. The rule activate of the class State (not shown) first sets the state as being the current state and then executes the activities of this state by calling the rule executeActivities. The main control loop of the rule execute continues to fire enabled elements as long as the terminal state is reached. Example. Figure 5 shows an excerpt of the execution of the example IML model shown in Fig. 3. For starting the execution, the rule execute is called for the single Header ele- ment. This rule first activates the initial state InitialStep. Then, it fires the state transition IML Operational Semantics Header State if c.target.is IML Abstract Syntax execute() /currentStates current : boolean * activate() deactivate() «merge» executeActivities() ConnectionPoint Variable Activity isEnabled() : boolean value : String execute() fire() Header::execute() { of IML operational semantics. Fig. 4: Overview initial {m Є members | m.isTypeOf(State) and m.init} initial.activate() Algorithm 1: execute(Header) foreach s Є currentStates do 1 begin 2 foreach initial c Є | {c ← {m ∈ members Є members m.isTypeO | c.isTypeOf(Connection) and m.source = s} f (State) ∧ m.init} 3 4 if c.target.isEnabled() then initial.activate() terminate ← f alse 5 c.fire() while ¬terminate do 6} foreach s ∈ currentStates do 7 foreach c ∈ {m ∈ members | m.isTypeO f (Connection) ∧ m.source = s} do if c.target.isEnabled() then StateTransition::fire() { 8 9 c.target. f ire() if source.isTypeOf(State do 10 target.deactivate() if ts ∈ {cs ∈ currentStates | cs.terminal} then 11 terminate ← true if target.isTypeOf(State) do target.activate() target.isEnabled() then else 2:iffire(StateTransition) Algorithm 1 begin target.fire() 2 } if source.isTypeO f (State) ∧ source.current then 3 source.deactivate() 4 State::activate() if target.isTypeOf(State) then { 5 current = true target.activate() 6 else if target.isEnabled() then 7 target. f ire() ST1, which in turn fires the simultaneous divergence SD. This results in the deactiva- tion of the initial state InitialStep, and the activation of the states S_InitialiseRobot1 and S_LiftSkid, which execute their contained activities by calling the rule executeActivities. H : Header InitialStep : ST1 : SD : S_Initialise S_LiftSkid : State StateTransition Simultaneous Robot1 : State State Divergence execute() activate() execute Activities() isEnabled() fire() deactivate() isEnabled() fire() par activate() execute Activities() activate() execute Activities() Fig. 5: Example of an IML model execution. Implementation. We have implemented the operational semantics for IML using the language and modeling workbench GEMOC studio4 . The complete implementation may be found in our project repository5 . 3.3 Exemplary Transformation Towards IML The presented formalization enables the execution of plant behavior models defined with IML, as well as the performance of dynamic V&V activities for such models. GEMOC studio provides, for instance, model debugging, model animation, and trace exploration tools that can be utilized for IML models directly based on the defined op- erational semantics. However, to utilize IML as a semantic domain for other commonly used plant behavior modeling languages, also the transformations from and to IML have to be formalized. We are currently in the process of developing such formalizations. In the following, we discuss as an example the transformation of Gantt charts. Gantt charts are commonly used in the early phases of plant engineering processes to represent timing aspects of manufacturing processes. They offer two main types of modeling concepts: activities represented as bars, and predecessor-successor relation- ships between activities represented as connections between bars. For activities, a start time, end time, and duration relative to a global clock may be defined in addition. Figure 6 shows the Gantt chart corresponding to the IML model depicted in Fig. 3. For each of the bars defined in a Gantt chart, one state is created in the IML model 4 http://gemoc.org/studio 5 https://github.com/moliz/moliz.gemoc Robot1_1 Robot1_2 SC ST4 DA_ExecuteManufacturingRobot1 S_ExecuteManufacturing (start = 0) Robot1 TA_ExecuteManufacturingRobot1 ST5 (duration = 9) TerminalStep (1) Head.execute() effect: InitialStep.current = true (2) ST1.fire() Lift Skid (3) SD.fire() effect: S_InitialiseRobot1.current = true, S_LiftSk Initialise Robot 1 (4) ST2.fire() Execute Manufacturing Robot 1 effect: S_InitialiseRobot1.current = true, S_LiftSk 0 6 7 9 18 Fig. 6: Example Gantt chart (taken from [2]). (S_InitialiseRobot1, S_LiftSkid, S_ExecuteManufacturingRobot1). Two activities are added to each created state: The first activity represents the start time of the bar (e.g., DA_InitialiseRobot1) and the second activity represents the duration of the bar ensur- ing the correct deactivation of the state (e.g., TA_InitialiseRobot1). The start time and duration of bars have to be converted from a global clock used in Gantt charts to a local clock used in IML. If a Gantt bar has multiple successors, a simultaneous diver- gence is created in the IML model (SD). Similarly, a simultaneous convergence (SC) is created for bars that have multiple predecessors. In addition to the simultaneous con- vergence, synchronization states are created for each predecessor state (Sys_Execute- ManufacturingRobot1_1 and Sys_ExecuteManufacturingRobot1_2). Furthermore, one initial state InitialStep and one terminal state TerminalStep are created. The created elements are connected with state transitions (ST1-ST5). 4 Conclusions and Future Work In this paper, we have introduced a formalization of the Intermediate Modeling Layer (IML) of AutomationML comprising a metamodel and an operational semantics. Fur- thermore, we have proposed the utilization of IML as a semantic domain for heteroge- neous plant behavior models. Currently, we are working on the refinement of the operational semantics of IML, such as the introduction of timing aspects. Furthermore, we are in the process of for- malizing and validating transformations between IML and the various plant behavior modeling languages supported by AutomationML based on the semi-formal descrip- tions given in [2]. Based on these foundations, our next step will be the investigation of model composition possibilities provided by AutomationML. In particular, we will investigate how heterogeneous plant behavior models can be syntactically integrated by means of the linking mechanisms provided by the CAEX format of AutomationML (cf. Chap. 6 of [2]) and semantically integrated by means of the developed transformations to IML. The ultimate goal of these efforts is to enable the performance of analyses of the global plant behavior defined by a set of heterogeneous plant behavior models. Acknowledgment This work has been supported by the Christian Doppler Forschungsgesellschaft, the BMWFW (Austria) and the COST Action MPM4CPS (IC1404). References 1. Alvarez, M.L., Sarachaga, I., Burgos, A., Estévez, E., Marcos, M.: A Methodological Ap- proach to Model-Driven Design and Development of Automation Systems. IEEE Transac- tions on Automation Science and Engineering PP(99), 1–13 (2016) 2. AutomationML Consortium: Whitepaper AutomationML Part 4 (2010) 3. 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