=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1734/fmt-proceedings-2016-paper11 |storemode=property |title=HETZI – Jump and Run: Development and Evaluation of a Gesture Controlled Game |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1734/fmt-proceedings-2016-paper11.pdf |volume=Vol-1734 |authors=Maximilian Schmidt,Cornelius Pöpel |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/fmt/SchmidtP16 }} ==HETZI – Jump and Run: Development and Evaluation of a Gesture Controlled Game== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1734/fmt-proceedings-2016-paper11.pdf
      HETZI - Jump and Run: Development and Evaluation of a Gesture
                           Controlled Game

                   Maximilian Schmidt                                                        Cornelius Pöpel
         University of Applied Sciences Ansbach                                  University of Applied Sciences Ansbach
                     Ansbach, 91522                                                          Ansbach, 91522
          maximilian.schmidt@hs-ansbach.de                                          cornelius.poepel@hs-ansbach.de

                            Abstract                                      guaranteeing that all other features of the application
                                                                          kept working.
      In this paper an interactive game is described,                        The game was tested and evaluated against four
      that has been developed for a company using                         hypotheses in order to be able to figure out weaknesses
      new technologies for raising awareness at job                       and strengths of the game and to be able to improve it
      fairs. An already existing framework of a                           with respect to the use at job fairs. The hypotheses were
      game terminal for job fairs is used. The                            defined in a way allowing to figure out whether the
      corporate identity, the content of the                              game will contribute to the company’s overall
      advertised job, but also the attraction of a                        appearance at fairs. Subsequently final adjustments to
      young and technologically interested audience                       further improve the game were made.
      is combined in a game in order to develop an                           Especially in the context of a job fair it is important
      interactive experience that is easy to grasp,                       for a company to be remembered by the visitors. Past
      raises awareness for the company and is fun to                      experience shows that usually exhibitors do not rely on
      play. Within the gesture controlled Jump and                        Jump and Run games for marketing purposes.
      Run game, the audience accompanies the                              Therefore it should serve the purpose of becoming a
      character “Hetzi” through the guts of a                             more recognizable brand and helps to make the
      colocation centre, avoiding hazards and                             appearance more memorable. Thus hypothesis one
      animating the player to move in order to win,                       focuses the question whether the player will associate
      the company’s vision of a modern                                    the game with the company in case the game occurs
      communication strategy became true. After                           within the company’s working environment and the
      describing the idea and implementation an                           player becomes aware of that.
      evaluation of the game is presented. Due to the                        Hypothesis two: If the sound matches the events on
      results and implemented improvements the                            the screen, the sound might contribute to the overall
      company is convinced and the game will be                           gaming experience and enjoyment.
      used in future job fairs.                                              Hypothesis three: If the controls of the game are
                                                                          simple and intuitive or at least easy to describe and
 1 Introduction                                                           comprehend, the player is able to play the game
                                                                          instantly and without time consuming explanations.
    At job fairs companies generally try to catch the                     This would contribute to making a fast impression on
 attention of the visitor and want to be remembered by                    visitors, who usually only spend little time at each
 potential future apprentices. In order to achieve this                   single stand of an exhibition.
 goal for a company providing hosting solutions and                          Hypothesis four: If the complexity of the game is
 being an experienced data centre operator a gesture                      increasing in correlation with the amount of time the
 controlled Jump and Run game was developed. It was                       player is investing, it equally suits both new and more
 implemented on an already existing terminal designed                     experienced players.
 by Fliehr [Fli15], which consists of a Windows
 Computer running Max 7, a Full HD display in portrait
 orientation and some additional hardware. The Jump
                                                                          2 Related Work
 and Run game replaced a version of Tetris in the                         Fliehr describes how the single components of the
 original terminal application and had to be integrated                   underlying terminal are arranged and function.
 seamlessly into an existing Max 7 environment,                           Moreover, he suggests improving the integrated camera
Copyright © by the paper’s authors. Copying permitted only for private    based tracking system and a further enhancement of the
and academic purposes.                                                    brick-based game [Fli15]. Since the version of Tetris
In: W. Aigner, G. Schmiedl, K. Blumenstein, M. Zeppelzauer (eds.):        and the camera based system were removed, there was
Proceedings of the 9th Forum Media Technology 2016, St. Pölten,           no need to consider these improvements.
Austria, 24-11-2016, published at http://ceur-ws.org

HETZI – Jump ’n Run: Development and Evaluation of a Gesture Controlled Game

    Lubitz and Krause [Lub12] proved that even if input         Followed by an initial instruction of how to play the
 methods for controlling a Jump and Run game                 game by the supervisor the participants were asked to
 character are considered easy by a very small group of      play and explore the game by themselves for a period
 persons, a large group of players may consider the          of at most ten minutes. If a user had any questions,
 controls too demanding. This emphasizes the                 during gameplay, they were answered and used to start
 importance of usability testing and the necessity of a      a short conversation in order to gain further
 very simple interaction.                                    information.
    Trepte et al. [Tre11] examined the relation of player       Once the participants finished playing, they
 performance, game-related self-efficacy experience and      anonymously filled in the questionnaire.
 the enjoyment of the gaming within an equation. Their
 study reveals that player performance has a significant     5 Development
 influence on game enjoyment. This relation has to be
 balanced accordingly in order to create an enjoyable        The following specifications were outlined at the
 experience for both beginners and advanced players.         beginning of the development process:
                                                                 - The game consists of one endless level,
 3 Method                                                            dynamically and randomly put together.
                                                                 - The speed of the game and of the character
    The Jump and Run game was developed in close                     increases continuously throughout the game to
 collaboration with the company. Each step of the                    increase the challenge (which is important to
 development process was shown to the company in                     maintain motivation [Har10]).
 order to guarantee the game is tailored according to the        - Different kinds of obstacles appear randomly.
 company’s vision. After the game requirements had               - The game ends as soon as the character
 been specified, the game design, sound and controls                 collides with an obstacle and can be restarted
 were developed. Finally the game was implemented on                 multiple times.
 the actual terminal and evaluated.                              - The character is controllable via a simple hand
    The evaluation practice consisted of a two step                  gesture recognized by a Leap Motion
 process. During and after the usability test, the                   controller.
 participant took part in a narrative interview.                 - An 8-bit style melody is playing when the
 Afterwards a questionnaire was filled in by the                     game has started.
 participant, ensuring the systematic survey of the              - The game is running in an existing Max 7
 overall impression of the game. .                                   environment of the terminal.
    The questionnaire was comprised of 19 questions,
 by which the participants were asked to either rate on a    The storyline of the game follows an employee who has
 scale from one to five, fill in text or tick a checkbox.    to fix a broken server at the other end of a colocation
    Further insights were gained by the live feedback of     centre. On his way through the colocation centre he
 the participants while playing the game and the             needs to avoid colliding with obstacles in his path.
 statements they made without prior request.
    Ten persons participated in the survey. Most of them
 were employees of the company the game was designed         5.1 Design
 for. All other participants were been given a short
 outline of the company.                                        The overall design is kept very basic in a “flat”
                                                             design in order to match with the existing design of the
                                                             other terminal application and to create a modern,
 4 Implementation                                            suitable and “clean” look. The game is kept two-
    The usability test was performed with each               dimensional, which lowers the barrier for people who
 participant individually, during which the participants     only play occasionally as it creates a feeling of control.
 were standing roughly one meter in distance from a          [Gan16]
 screen in front of a Leap Motion controller installed at
 hip height. After a short introduction to the terminal
 and how the test had to be performed, the start-screen
 of the game was presented to the participant.

HETZI – Jump ’n Run: Development and Evaluation of a Gesture Controlled Game

    After designing all the single visual components of
 the game, a sprite sheet was generated 1. This helped to
 further reduce the needed resources, improve
 performances and allowed for quick and small
 adjustments of the design.

 5.1.1 Game character
     The game character (“Hetzi”) shows a somewhat
 stereotypical employee of the company. “Hetzi” is
                                                                                    Figure 2: Obstacles
 wearing “nerdy” glasses, has an inconspicuous haircut,
 is wearing a black shirt with the company’s logo, which             The first types are servers that are modelled in two
 is represented by the red “H” and carries a toolbox with         different sizes. Both servers have the same width but
 the utensils he needs in order to repair a broken server.        differ in height. The servers are standing on the floor
 “Hetzi’s” appearance wilfully plays with the                     and the character has to avoid a collision with them by
 widespread notion of the portrayal of an IT-technician           jumping.
 (although     many might         disagree    with    this           The second types of obstacles are cables, which (in
 representation).                                                 spite of the usual safety regulations) are hanging from
                                                                  the ceiling and creating a danger for “Hetzi”, if he
                                                                  jumps into them.
                                                                     The third type represents a hacker attack pictured
                                                                  symbolically as a virus. The virus obstacle spawns
                                                                  randomly at one of three predefined heights making it
                                                                  more difficult to avoid a collision with them and creates
                                                                  more diversion.

                                                                  5.1.3 Setting

                Figure 1: Game character - Hetzi                     The scene of the game shows a colocation centre
                                                                  which is similar to one of the company’s (most
    To make him look a little more innovative and                 probably without the hazardous surrounding). One of
 futuristic he is surfing on a hoverboard instead of just         the special features set in the background is a diagonal
                                                                  ceiling supporting an energy efficient air circulation
 running through the colocation centre.
                                                                  which is why this feature is represented in the design of
                                                                  the setting. Furthermore there are servers, not too
 5.1.2 Obstacles                                                  similar to the obstacles, standing in the background in
 There are three different kinds of obstacles inspired by         addition with the company’s logo on the wall.
 real objects, which can be found in a data centre

                                                                                       Figure 3: Setting
      Sprite sheet: An image containing all images used in the

HETZI – Jump ’n Run: Development and Evaluation of a Gesture Controlled Game

    Obstacles are either standing on the grey floor           with either the right or left hand of the player within the
 (servers), hanging from the ceiling (cables) or flying       interaction area of the Leap Motion controller.
 somewhere in between (viruses).                                 If the Leap Motion recognizes a swipe-up the y-axis
    The character has a fixed x-Position (horizontal) and     variable increases. If a certain threshold is reached the
 a controllable y-Position (vertical) to allow him to         jump starts. The threshold guarantees that the jump
 jump. If the character is not jumping he is hovering in a    isn’t triggered by accident, allowing the player to
 sinusoidal movement above the floor.                         slightly move their hand without affecting the game.
                                                              Since the learning curve appears to be very gentle, the
                                                              game offers entertainment for all possible user groups.

                                                              5.4 Software development
                                                                 The software development process started with the
                                                              analysis and the adjustment of the pre-existing terminal
                                                              application. The new game logic was then implemented
     Figure 4: Character and obstacles in the setting         in JavaScript and integrated in the Max 7 environment,
                                                              followed by the integration of the Leap Motion
 5.1.4 Score                                                  Controller into Max 7.
 The current score and the high score are displayed
 close to the top-right corner of the game’s canvas. The      5.4.1 Initial situation
 high score is indicated by “HI” and the current score
 updates in real-time while playing.                          The initial application consisted of:
                                                                   - The start screen,
                                                                   - A menu to choose one of two games,
                                                                   - The Tetris-clone,
                                                                   - Numberquiz (a game where you have to
                                                                       convert decimal into binary numbers and plug
                                                                       the number with network-cables in a switch
                                                                       with the upper row representing ones and the
               Figure 5: Score and high score
                                                                       lower row zeros as fast as possible),
                                                                   - A photograph of the player, taken by an
 5.2 Sound                                                             attached webcam and printed together with the
    Three events result in a sound aiming to create a                  time from the Numberquiz
 more interactive gaming experience:                             The navigation of the application was achieved by
      - The start of a jump of the character.                 holding physical Tetris-bricks with a fiducial mark into
      - Reaching a multiple of 100 points.                    the field of view of the installed camera. The camera
      - A collision of the character and an obstacle.         then tracked the fiducial mark and translated the
    Moreover a background soundtrack starts every time        information into the desired output.
 the game begins. The soundtrack is an 8-bit sound file,
 which is supposed to be reminiscent of the sound             5.4.2 Programming Environment Max 7
 design of older 8-bit-platform games such as Super
 Mario Bros. ®.                                               The Jump and Run game was added to the pre-existing
                                                              software whilst all other features had to remain
 5.3 Controls                                                 working. The navigation links were adjusted
   In order to keep the control as easy as possible only          To navigate through the application the Leap Motion
 one action can be triggered by the player: The jump.         was introduced. As there is a maximum of two
 This jump of the character is triggered by a swipe-up        navigational options on each screen one option is
                                                              triggered by clenching a fist with the left hand for a

HETZI – Jump ’n Run: Development and Evaluation of a Gesture Controlled Game

 short amount of time while the other option is triggered         receives a new x-position which is the second
 by holding a fist with the right hand.                           background’s x-position plus its width.
    The layout of all the screens has been adjusted to               The current score is constantly increasing. If the
 take advantage of the full resolution of the terminal’s          current score modulo 100 is zero the achievement
 screen (1080*1920px).                                            sound is played. If the game state is set to game over
                                                                  and the current score is higher than the high score, the
 5.4.3 JavaScript in Max 7                                        high score gets updated.
                                                                     If the game state is set to game over, the game
     For a Jump and Run game the “JSUI-object” fits
                                                                  frames and the update cycles stop. If the game is then
 best which is the equivalent within the Max framework
                                                                  restarted everything besides the high score is set to the
 to the Canvas-element in HTML (Cyc16). The
                                                                  initial values and the game begins again.
 JavaScript code updates the position of the background,
                                                                     If you are using “this.” in JavaScript as you usually
 the character and the obstacles every frame. Then all
                                                                  would, problems can occur as Max sometimes falsely
 the elements on the canvas are cleared and redrawn
                                                                  seems to relate “this.” to the JSUI-object in your patch.
 with their new positions.
                                                                  This can lead to errors in the code, shown by the
     The character has a fixed x-Position creating the
                                                                  console or to unexpected behaviours of the game.
 illusion of a forward movement by decreasing the x-
                                                                  Therefore you should avoid using “this.” or you would
 Position of all other elements. The hovering of the
                                                                  have to double-check each occurrence of “this.” to
 character is created by updating its y-Position. It
                                                                  make sure it is working the way you need it to.
 increases until it reaches an upper threshold and then
 decreases until it reaches the lower threshold. When a
                                                                  5.4.4 Leap Motion integration in Max 7
 jump is triggered the y-Position is updated in regard to
 the existing thresholds.                                            Using the “leapmotion-object” by Jules Francoise
     Initially six random obstacles are created. If an            [Fran14] the integration of the Leap Motion Controller
 obstacle’s x-Position is lower than zero minus the               is straightforward. The object extracts all the tracking
 obstacle’s width, it is removed and a new obstacle is            data from the Leap Motion and utilizes it in the relevant
 created. The x-Position becomes then the x-Position of           Max-Patch.
 the prior obstacle plus its width and an additional                 To navigate through the application the grab strength
 random gap. The virus obstacle can only be created if            of both hands is evaluated. If it is found to be higher
 the speed, which increases throughout the game, has              than a threshold, a variable is increased; if it is lower
 exceeded a certain limit, since it is the most difficult         the value of the variable is set to zero. The navigational
 obstacle to avoid a collision with.                              option is triggered if the variable reaches a threshold.
     The collision detection validates if:                        Additionally, the confidence (a probability value of the
       - the character’s x-position is smaller than the           placement of an object) of each hand must be
             obstacle’s x-position plus its width                 evaluated, since the “leapmotion-object” keeps the last
             and                                                  known value of the grab strength stored and does not
       - the character’s x-position plus its width is             reset it when the tracked object is moved out of the
             greater than the obstacle’s x-position               interaction area. While the user moves his hand to the
             and                                                  edges of the interaction area, the confidence decreases
       - the character’s y-position is smaller than the           allowing the program to detect the possible leave of the
             obstacle’s y-position plus its height                users hand and therefore is able to set the value of the
             and                                                  relevant variable to zero.
       - the character’s y-position plus its height is               To provide a visual feedback to the user a loading
             greater than the obstacle’s y-position               bar beneath the navigational option continues to fill
     If all conditions are met, it returns a collision and the    while the user is holding a fist. By that way the user is
 game state is set to game over.                                  able to experience how long to hold the fist and when
     The background consists of two parts. If the first           to open the hand again.
 part’s x-position is smaller than zero minus its width, it

HETZI – Jump ’n Run: Development and Evaluation of a Gesture Controlled Game

 6 Evaluation                                                                     Table 1: Design
    The results of the evaluation were split into four            5
      - Design.
      - Gameplay.                                                 3
      - Overall.                                                  2
      - Improvements.                                             1
    The participants surveyed helped in identifying
 major bugs as well as receiving an overall first



 impression from the users. The study was not designed

 with the goal to generate statistically exact
 measurement results on an overall user experience but
 to see tendencies in the user experience with respect to
 the hypotheses and the aims of the development. Thus
 the graphs in the following represent the results               The overall design was rated 4.1 out of 5 points.
 according to the answers of the participants and are            Some of the participants were not sure if the servers
 used here as a means of users tendencies in the              in the background of the game were obstacles. At first
 perception of the game.                                      they had trouble distinguishing the obstacle servers
    Eight out of the ten participants were male. The          from the background servers. However, after a short
 average age throughout the group was 24.4 years. Two         period of playing the game this problem disappeared.
 of them had prior experience with a Leap Motion              Nevertheless, the background was adjusted in order to
 controller. Only one person had never played a Jump          address this problem.
 and Run game before. At the time of the survey, eight
 of the ten participants were working at the company the      6.2 Gameplay
 game was designed for.
                                                              6.2.1 Sound
 6.1 Design
                                                                 The sound was perceived as either supporting or
    Being asked what the character represented, 90%           disturbing. The participants, who perceived the sound
 recognized the character as a stereotypical employee of      as disturbing, agreed on the fact, that the game should
 the company. 60% identified his means of                     contain sound, but they were displeased with the
 transportation as a hoverboard. Even though 40% did
                                                              chosen song.
 not, only one participant wondered why the character
 was hovering over the floor and thought it to be a              All participants agreed that the sounds for jumping
 “carpet-like thing” out of Aladdin’s tales. All              and a collision were fitting and enhanced the quality of
 participants identified the background as a colocation       feedback.
 centre. With all above mentioned characteristics the
 participants were asked to fill in the blank text. Rating    6.2.2 Controls
 on a scale from 0 (not at all) to 5 (fully agreed) the
                                                                 On a scale where 3 represented “just right” the swipe
 participants agreed that the character as well as the
                                                              up was considered neither as very simple nor as
 setting suited the company’s conception and image.
                                                              complicated. Most participants said it was rather
                                                              intuitive and fast to learn.

HETZI – Jump ’n Run: Development and Evaluation of a Gesture Controlled Game

                       Table 2: Controls                                         Table 3: Obstacles

   5                                                               5
   4                                                               4
   3                                                               3
   2                                                               2
   1                                                               1
   0                                                               0

                                                                               Too few /

                                                                                           Too small

                                                                                                        Too easy
                                                                               too much



                                 intuitive /

                                                                                            / too big

                                                                                                         / too
                     simple /

                                                                  We found that it is rewarding to conduct small
    At first the results were quite surprising, because a      adjustments to the individual proportions of the visual
 swipe up did not seem to be challenging at all. The           elements. The ratio between the character’s height, the
 problem most participants experienced resulted from           possible jump height, the obstacle’s width and height as
 the narrow tolerance range of the Leap Motion                 well as the period of appearance of the obstacles and
 controller, which often failed to recognize the               the speed of the game have to be treated carefully.
 movement as a swipe up. Several reasons could be
 identified. In case the movement was carried out too          6.3 Overall
 slow, the participants were able to quickly adapt the
 movement. However, in case the participants hand had          The participants of the study expressed that the game
                                                               suited the company very well. Despite some
 left the interaction area, the participants were not able
                                                               weaknesses they rated the overall game 4.2 out of 5
 to realise this and therefore could not adjust their          points.
 motions accordingly. For that reason further
 adjustments had to be made to the game (6.4                                       Table 4: Overall
    Despite the difficulties, the participants rated the           5
 gameplay 3.8 out of 5 points. This result was used to
 slightly adjust the game-controls in order to strengthen
 the gameplay.                                                     3
 6.2.3 Obstacles                                                   1

 Regarding the obstacles, the results of the survey                0
                                                                                                  the game

 showed, that the participants were content with the
                                                                                   suits the

                                                                                                  rating of

 amount of obstacles in the game and the positioning of
 these obstacles as well as the level of challenge for
 beginners and experienced players. They were asked to
 rate on a scale from 0 (too few / small / easy) to 3 (just
 right) to 5 (too many / big / difficult).                        Considering the difficulties some of the users
                                                               experienced, this appeared to be a surprisingly high
                                                               rating, which indicates a possible potential of the game.

HETZI – Jump ’n Run: Development and Evaluation of a Gesture Controlled Game

 6.4 Improvements                                             8 Prospect
 After the evaluation, the following improvements were           As mentioned in section 6.4. a retest within the
 made. The difference between foreground and                  framework of an exhibition or ideally a job fair
 background was emphasized by slightly desaturating           including a bigger number of participants of the target
 and blurring the background.                                 group is a future project to be undertaken.
    The threshold for triggering a jump was lowered.             According to our experience the most important part
 Therefore a jump is triggered faster and easier.             of making a gesture-controlled Jump and Run game
    A small green box was included to indicate if the         enjoyable is to give the user constant feedback about
 left, right or both hands are within the interaction area    the precision of the applied gesture. This should be
 of the Leap Motion controller. This should serve as a        done through the interface the user sees on the screen
 permanent feedback for the user and makes it easier to       rather than a person who constantly has to correct the
 avoid mistakes.                                              player’s movement.
    Not yet implemented but possible improvements:               Especially building a physical boundary to indicate
       - Building a physical boundary for the                 the interaction area of the Leap Motion controller
           interaction area of the Leap Motion.               would be a great benefit for any gesture controlled
       - Replacing the 8-bit song with a more popular
                                                                 As the Jump and Run game is mostly written in
                                                              JavaScript it could be adapted to be used on the
    For further adjustments the game would need to be         company’s website or implemented as a smartphone
 retested by a broader audience at an exhibition where        app – which three participants of the usability test also
 the terminal shall be displayed.                             suggested.
                                                                 Developing a lightweight casual game with easy
                                                              controls can be a great benefit for a company. It
 7 Conclusion                                                 increases the attractiveness of an exhibition stand and
                                                              can be used as a giveaway in the form of a smartphone
 Hypothesis one: The participants did associate the           app enhancing a company’s impact on future applicants
 game with the company and responded that it was a            and raising memorability.
 “very good” suit for the company. We believe that this       A possible future improvement on the overall
 is mostly the result of the design of the character, the     experience would be the implementation of a persistent
 obstacles and the environment the game plays in.             high score list.
    Hypothesis two: For the participants of the study            Furthermore it would be interesting to implement
 sound played an important role in making the game            different input methods for the jump like a Wii balance
 enjoyable. Even if the sound does not match with the         board or a Kinect camera recognising a jumping user or
 player’s idea of a suitable music, participants indicated    just a simple enter key.
 that it contributes to the overall gaming experience and
    Hypothesis three: If the controls of the game are         References
 simple and intuitive, participants were able to instantly    [Cyc16] Cycling '74. Cycling '74 Forum. 2016. 28. 07 2016.
 play the game. Two of the participants came back after                .
 conclude that once an intuitive gesture is performed a
                                                              [Fli15] Fliehr, Andreas; Müller, Anna; Ehrenfeld, Franziska;
 few times, it will not be forgotten quickly and the game              Pöpel, Cornelius. „Haptische Interaktion beim
 can be enjoyed more easily.                                           Messeauftritt: Ein audiovisuelles Gameterminal zur
    Hypothesis four: As the game becomes more                          spielebasierten    Attraktivitätssteigerung   einer
 difficult the longer it runs, newbies as well as more                 Firmenpräsentation.“     Editor      G.   Schmiedl.
 experienced participants enjoyed the game. The only                   Glückstadt: Verlag Hülsbusch, 2015.
 difference seemed to be that more experienced
                                                              [Fran14] Francoise, Jules. Leap Motion skeletal tracking in
 participants made faster progress in the game and
                                                                       Max. November 2014. Leap Motion skeletal
 reached a higher speed in fewer attempts.
                                                                       tracking      in     Max.      28.    07     2016.

HETZI – Jump ’n Run: Development and Evaluation of a Gesture Controlled Game

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 [Lub12] Lubitz, Kolja und Markus Krause. „Exploring User
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 [Tre11] Trepte, Sabine; Reinecke, Leonard. „The Pleasures
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